The document discusses the Nachiyar Thirumozhi, a collection of 143 verses composed by the Hindu saint Andal. It provides details about Andal's eagerness to unite with the god Vishnu through various methods described in the verses. The document also mentions other works that are part of the 4,000 hymns of the Divya Prabandham, such as the Tiruppavai and references how to access the works.
The document discusses the Nachiyar Thirumozhi, a collection of 143 verses composed by the Hindu saint Andal. It provides details about Andal's eagerness to unite with the god Vishnu through various methods described in the verses. The document also mentions other works that are part of the 4,000 hymns of the Divya Prabandham, such as the Tiruppavai and references how to access the works.
The document discusses the Nachiyar Thirumozhi, a collection of 143 verses composed by the Hindu saint Andal. It provides details about Andal's eagerness to unite with the god Vishnu through various methods described in the verses. The document also mentions other works that are part of the 4,000 hymns of the Divya Prabandham, such as the Tiruppavai and references how to access the works.
The document discusses the Nachiyar Thirumozhi, a collection of 143 verses composed by the Hindu saint Andal. It provides details about Andal's eagerness to unite with the god Vishnu through various methods described in the verses. The document also mentions other works that are part of the 4,000 hymns of the Divya Prabandham, such as the Tiruppavai and references how to access the works.
Tip:In case the server asks for a password to show a document just cancel it. You will be able to view all the files with out any password.If you have problem email me at [email protected]. The Divya Prabandham is the Divine collection of 4000 hymns sung by Azhvars who lived in the southern part of India before 8th century A.D.The term azhvar means the one who is "immersed in" and they were immersed in Bhagavath anubavam all the time. It was the scholar-saint Nathamuni who, in the 10th century, retrieved and compiled this divine collection and numerous commentries have been written by various poorvacharyas for this divya prabandham and it is a life time exercise to read and the understand the inner meanings of the bakthi laden pasurams. What is presented here a collection of the entire 4000 verses in roman,tamil and devanagari script. You will require Adobe Acrobat Reader to read these files.This software is a freeware and you can download it easily from their web page at The version presented here was typed (as text files) in by a small group of volunteers from USA in 1994,and modified by a group of srivaishnavas in bahrain in Feb 2000. Basically all the typos are fixed,compound tamil words are re pharsed and more importanatly we have added pause marks(*) for ease of recitation by listening to the audio recitation of Sri.Sevelimedu swamy.We have then converted the text files to a tamil document.Our sincere thanks to all the bhagavathas who has originally typed the text version and Bahrain devotees who has improved the original version as mentioned above.Hope you will enjoy our collection and do send your comments to Sri.R.Venkat. SaRRumuRai kramam Tamil Document: Sarrumurai1, Sarrumurai2, in bahrain Other related Poems The following poems are NOT part of the naalaayira divya prabandham, but they are related to them. Swamy Vedanta Desika's prabandha saram provides the pasuram details, their count and details of the azhvars composed it.The azhvars birth month, thirunakshatram and birth place are beautifully codified by Swamy Desikan.The other prabandham "Thiruvaymozhi noorandhadhi" is composed by Sri Manavala maamuni in praise of Swamy namaazhvaar's Thiruvaymozhi. SrI Peria vAchchaan pillai's Pasurappadi ramayanam is an brilliant attempt to bring the entire epic of Ramayana from the pasurams of Divya prabandham. He has brilliantly assembled the lines from various divya prabandhams from memory and the poem is so fluent and easy to understand the Ramayana. Sri Vedanta Desika's prabandha saaram Sri ManavaaLa Maamuni's thiruvaaymozhi nURRanthaathi SrI Peria vachchan Pillai's Pasurappadi Ramayanam Tamil Doc A humble attempt to serve Srivaishnava community, by dasan R.Venkat. śrīmate rāmānujāya namaḥ śrīmate nigamāntamahādeśikāya namaḥ ꞉ ³ ³ ꞉ | : || sarva-dharmān parityajya mām ekaṁ śharaṇaṁ vrajaahaṁ tvā sarva-pāpebhyo mokṣhayiṣhyāmi mā śhuchaḥ | : || ⁴ ʼ ʼ | ʼ ⁴ : || | : || | : || | : || uses cookies to personalize content, tailor ads and improve the user experience. By using our site, you agree to our collection of information through the use of cookies. To learn more, view our Privacy Policy. Something went wrong. Wait a moment and try again. Tamil Nachiyar Thirumozhi Read the complete Nachiyar Thirumozhi by Sri Andal with this App In addition to Nachiyar Thirumozhi, the App also carries pasurangal from Tirupavai (Andal), Perumal Thirumozhi (Kulasekara Perumal), Thiruchanda Virutham(Thondaradi Periyazhvar), Thirumaalai(Thondaradi Periyazhvar), Thirupalliyezhuchi (Thirupanazhvar) and Kanni Nunchiruthambu (Madurakaviyazhvar). These verses are part of the 4000 hymns of Nalayira Divya Prabandham Nachiar Tirumozhi is a set of 143 verses. In Her eagerness to join with Lord Kannan, Sri Andal attempts various methods by which She can attain union with the God which forms the major part of Nachiyar Thirumozhi Among the Thirumozhis, Vaaranamaiyiram is very well known and has a special significance. It details Andal's Narration of Her dream of Her experiences with Her thozhis(friends) on Her way to achieve Her purpose of birth (getting married to Shri Kannapiran) Easy to read format compatible with all mobile devices Get this App and read the classic ancient Tamil literary masterpiece on your mobile śrīmate rāmānujāya namaḥ śrīmate nigamāntamahādeśikāya namaḥ ꞉ ³ ³ ꞉ | : || sarva-dharmān parityajya mām ekaṁ śharaṇaṁ vrajaahaṁ tvā sarva-pāpebhyo mokṣhayiṣhyāmi mā śhuchaḥ | : || ⁴ ʼ ʼ | ʼ ⁴ : || | : || | : || | : || Want more? Advanced embedding details, examples, and help! Sri Matam Publications Books Divya Prabhandam (1st 1000) Divya Prabhandam (2nd 1000) Peria Thirumozhi Thirukurundhandakam Thirunedundhandakam Divya Prabhandam (3rd 1000) Divya Prabhandam (4th 1000) All 4000 in zip format This is no longer available. Pl download individual files. 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