Biological Science 6th Edition Freeman Solutions Manual Download
Biological Science 6th Edition Freeman Solutions Manual Download
Biological Science 6th Edition Freeman Solutions Manual Download
Notes to Instructors
Chapter 26 Bacteria and Archaea
Relatively recent studies indicate that prokaryotes are incredibly diverse—so diverse that
they have been split into two domains: the Archaea and the Eubacteria. It is likely that
early life-forms were more like the Archaea. In other words, life on the early Earth was
very different from what we see today.
1. Based on DNA sequence analysis, three major domains of life have been proposed.
What are the three major domains of life? What sets of characteristics place
organisms into one domain versus another?
Fill in the chart to indicate how these characteristics are used to describe the
nutritional type or nutritional classification of organisms. (Refer also to Table 26.2
on page 529 in Biological Science, 6th edition.)
5. Bacteria first appear in the fossil record about 3.5 billion years ago. Humans
appeared in the fossil record only a few million years ago. Given this information,
which group would you say is more highly evolved?
a. What kinds of arguments or evidence would you use to support the idea that
bacteria are more highly evolved?
If we consider organisms that are closely fit (in their metabolism, for example)
to their environment as more highly evolved, then many of the species of bacteria
are more highly evolved than humans.
b. How would you support the idea that humans are more highly evolved?
If we use the term evolved to indicate major changes in morphology that allow
organisms to survive in a number of different habitats, then humans are more
highly evolved.
6. Given what you know about the origin of life on Earth, you want to look for life on
other planets.
a. What characteristics of the planet’s environment would you look for? Explain
your reasoning.
Although we know that life can exist in the absence of oxygen, to the best of our
knowledge it cannot exist in the absence of water. Therefore, one of the first tests
would be for the presence of free water.
b. What kind(s) of life would you look for? Explain your reasoning.
To the best of our knowledge, free oxygen is not present on other planets.
Therefore, it would be best to look for life-forms that have characteristics similar
to those of anaerobic archaeal species.
c. What tests or probes would you use to find the kind of life you proposed in part a?
Explain your reasoning.
To answer this question, you need to make the assumption that life on other
planets may have evolved similar to life on Earth. This assumption is supported
by Miller’s experiments, which indicated that key organic compounds present
on Earth can be produced under reducing atmospheric conditions. Given that
assumption, we could look for some of the compounds we know are common
to life (we could analyze soil or other samples for the presence of polymers of
carbon, e.g., carbohydrates, proteins, lipids or nucleic acids).
Based on the assumption that the life-forms have DNA or RNA as their genetic
material, you could use radioactive DNA or RNA probes. Making these similar
to highly conserved genes in archaea and other organisms would give you a
better chance of finding possible homology.
It is often said that bacteria tend to be more diverse biochemically and eukaryotes
tend to be more diverse morphologically.
Answer questions 1–7. Then write a summary argument (question 8) to support the
statement above. In other words, write an argument describing how small size has limited
morphological diversity but promoted biochemical (metabolic) diversity among the
Linear dimension 1 mm 2 mm 4 mm
Surface area (SA) 6(1 mm2) = 6 mm2 6(2 mm2) = 24 mm2 6(4 mm2) = 96 mm2
Volume (V) (1 mm)3 (2 mm)3 = 8 mm3 (4 mm)3 = 64 mm3
SA/V ratio 6 mm2/1 mm3 24 mm2/8 mm3 96 mm2/64 mm3
= 3 mm2/1 mm3 = 1.5 mm2/1 mm3
b. In general, how does surface area change as linear dimensions increase twofold?
Surface area increases as a function of the square of the increase in linear
dimension. For example, the surface area of a 1-mm square is 6 mm2. The
surface area of a 2-mm square is 24 mm2.
Two millimeters in linear dimension is two times 1 mm. The increase in surface
area should then be 22 (the number of times bigger 2 mm is compared with
1 mm). In fact, 24 mm2 is four times greater than 6 mm2. Similarly, the 4-mm
The volume of the 1-mm cube is 1 mm3, the volume of the 2-mm cube is 8 mm3,
and the volume of the 4-mm cube is 64 mm3. Each doubling in linear dimensions
produces an eightfold (23) increase in volume. If you quadruple the linear
dimensions from 1 mm to 4 mm, the volume increases by 43, or 64 times.
a. If modeled as a cube, what would its SA, V, and SA/V ratio be?
b. If modeled as a sphere, what would its SA, V, and SA/V ratio be?
c. What are the SA and V values and the SA/V ratios for a cube-shaped eukaryotic
cell that is 100 μm in linear dimension?
a. How much oxygen must cross each μm2 of surface area per second in the 10-μm
bacterium versus the 100-μm eukaryote to keep each alive?
b. What effects might this difference have on metabolic rates in these organisms?
4. Given what you know about cell membranes, is there likely to be a maximum upper
limit on the number of molecules of a substance that can cross a given area of
membrane per unit time? If so, what factors would be involved in determining the
maximum upper limit?
Because oxygen can diffuse through the phospholipid bilayer, its movement into the
cell would be limited only by its rate of diffusion and the total surface area available.
If we assume a finite maximum rate of diffusion, then aerobic cells would be limited
in their maximum size by this maximum rate.
If a substance requires a transport protein to facilitate its movement across the
membrane, then its maximum rate of movement into (or out of cells) would also be
limited by the total number of available transport proteins in the membrane.
As you answer questions 5, 6, and 7, fill in the chart on the next page.
5. (a) On average, how large is a prokaryotic genome? (b) On average, how many
times larger is a eukaryotic genome? (c) Are these genomes haploid or diploid?
(Hint: See Section 20.4 on pages 405–407 in Biological Science, 6th edition.)
(a) Prokaryotic genomes can contain from 500 to several thousand genes.
(c) Many eukaryotic genomes are diploid. Prokaryotic genomes are haploid.
6. Under ideal conditions, many bacterial cells can reproduce or duplicate themselves
within an hour. Some species (for example, E. coli) can reproduce every 20 minutes
under ideal conditions. If you inoculate 1 liter of culture medium with one bacterium
per milliliter (of medium) at time t = 0, how many bacteria will be present in
1 milliliter of the culture medium after 10 hours?
In the first 20 minutes, the one bacterium will become two. The number will double
every 20 minutes over the next 9 hours and 40 minutes, or it will double during each
of the next 29 twenty-minute intervals. As a result, at the end of 10 hours, there will
be 229 bacteria in the flask (229 is approximately equal to 108).
(Note: This calculation assumes no limitations are placed on the ability of the
bacteria to grow and replicate as the number of bacteria increases over time.)
7. Assume the mutation rate of bacterial cells in culture is 10–6 to 10–8. This means
that in every 1 million to 100 million cells produced from a single original cell,
you would expect to find at least one mutation. How many mutations would you be
likely to find in 1 liter of the 10-hour culture of the cells you grew in question 6?
Prokaryote Eukaryote
Genome size 500–5000 genes ~30,000 genes
Haploid versus diploid Haploid Diploid
Maximum reproduction rate Every 20 minutes One hour to many hours
Mutation rate per hour If 10 bacteria contain one The mutation rate for
mutation, then 1000 ml of eukaryotic cells would
culture containing 108 be three to many times
bacteria per milliliter less.
would yield about 103 or
1000 mutations every
10 hours, or 100 per hour
on average.
Note: The metabolic rate depends a great deal on whether the prokaryote is aerobic
or anaerobic and on its other characteristics.
Arguments should also consider how the absolute mass or volume of an organism
can limit its morphology. A single cell 1 μm in diameter can assume only a
limited number of different shapes. Multicellular organisms, in contrast, are much
less limited in their morphology. Of course, they have many more cells and a
considerably greater volume per cell to work with.
This activity provides students with an overview of the early evolution of eukaryotic,
single-celled organisms. The first eukaryotes appear in the fossil record around
2.1 billion years ago. Current evidence indicates that eukaryotic cells arose as a result
of endosymbiosis (sometimes multiple endosymbioses) among ancestral prokaryotes.
The early eukaryotic cells that resulted underwent great diversification to become the
seven major groups of eukaryotes (see Figure 27.6 on page 545 in Biological Science,
6th edition).
1. The protists have been called a “catch-all group.” What does this mean? Explain.
This is a paraphyletic group including all eukaryotes except those assigned to the
fungi, animal, or plant kingdoms. The protists range in size from microscopic
to macroscopic. Some of the large brown algae can be 60 m long. Many protists
have a characteristic overall form, organelles with distinctive features, or
both. All eukaryotes alive today, including all living protists, have a nucleus
and endomembrane system, mitochondria or genes that are normally found in
mitochondria, and a cytoskeleton.
2. There are more than 100,000 recognized species of protists. Even though the
organisms in this group are so diverse, we can recognize some common themes
in their evolution, including the evolution of complex cell structure, novel genetic
recombination strategies, and complex life cycles. In addition, this group as a whole
has great ecological importance. Provide at least two examples of protists from
Chapter 27 in Biological Science, 6th edition, that illustrate each theme.
Note: Any number of different examples can be used to answer the following questions.
Theme Examples
3. In the late 1960s (and since), Lynn Margulis provided considerable evidence for the
endosymbiotic theory of the origin of various organelles in eukaryotic cells.
(Continued )
4. The chloroplasts of the Discicristata, Chromalveolates, and Rhizaria are all thought
to have arisen as a result of secondary endosymbiosis.
5. Structurally, Giardia lamblia lacks complete mitochondria and was once thought to
be an example of what the earliest living eukaryotes may have looked like.
a. If Giardia is similar in structure to the earliest living eukaryotes, what does this
imply about the order of evolution of the various eukaryotic organelles (that is,
nucleus, cytoskeleton, mitochondria, chloroplasts)?
Giardia has several flagella and a double nucleus. However, it contains no
plastids and no functional mitochondria. Giardia’s structure indicates that the
double nucleus in eukaryotes evolved prior to the endosymbiosis of mitochondria
or chloroplasts.
b. We have since discovered that the diplomonads (e.g., Giardia) and the
parabasalids (the other group of excavates) have modified mitochondria.
• What types of mitochondria do they have?
Excavates contain nuclear genomes containing genes that are normally
found in mitochondria or unusual organelles that appear to be vestigial
• What does this evidence indicate about the evolution of the various
eukaryotic organelles?
These observations support the hypothesis that the ancestors of excavates
had mitochondria, but that these organelles were lost or reduced over time.