PFP7 Manual
PFP7 Manual
PFP7 Manual
Instruction Manual
500 795/REV E/03-17
Safety Information
Please read this information carefully prior to installing or using this equipment.
1. The unit described in this manual is designed be operated only by trained personnel. Any
adjustments, maintenance and repair must be carried out as defined in this manual, by a person
qualified to be aware of the hazards involved.
2. It is essential that both operating and service personnel employ a safe system of work, in addition to
the detailed instructions specified in this manual.
3. Other than for those items defined in the maintenance procedures herein there are no user
serviceable items in this instrument. Removal of covers and attempted adjustment or service by
unqualified personnel will invalidate the warranty and may incur additional charges for repair.
4. References should always be made to the Health and Safety data supplied with any chemicals used.
Generally accepted laboratory procedures for safe handling of chemicals should be employed.
5. If it is suspected that safety of the unit has been impaired in any way, the unit must be made
inoperative and secured against any intended operation. The fault condition should immediately be
reported to the appropriate servicing authority.
NOTE: Failure to use this equipment in accordance with the manufacture’s manual may compromise
your basic safety protection afforded by the equipment and may invalidate the warranty. The warranty
does not cover damage caused by faulty installation or misuse of the equipment.
Ensure the mains power supply conforms to the rating found on the
serial plate located on the back of this product.
Do not look down the flame chimney when igniting or operating the
Do not handle the flame chimney whilst in operation.
Warning: Over adjustment of the fuel valve will cause excess flame.
This hazard symbol is present on the flame chimney outer casing and
indicates that the surface may be hot to touch.
1. L'appareil décrit dans ce manuel est conçu pour n'être utilisé que par un du personnel qualifié. Tous
les réglages et toutes les interventions d'entretien ou de réparation doivent être effectués tel que
décrits dans ce manuel, par une personne habilitée et ayant été informée des risques encourus.
2. Il est essentiel que les utilisateurs et les techniciens d'entretien mettent en œuvre des méthodes de
travail sûres, en complément des instructions détaillées fournies dans ce manuel.
3. Aucun élément autre que ceux définis dans les procédures d'entretien indiquées dans le présent
manuel n'est réparable directement par l'utilisateur. Le retrait des capots et les tentatives de réglage
ou d'entretien du fait d'un membre du personnel non qualifié conduiront à l'annulation de la
garantie et sont susceptibles d'entraîner des frais supplémentaires en cas de réparation.
4. Lors de l'utilisation de produits chimiques, une attention particulière doit impérativement être
portée aux fiches de données de sécurité qui les accompagnent. Les procédures de laboratoire
classiquement reconnues pour la manipulation des produits chimiques doivent être mises en œuvre.
5. En cas de suspicion d'altération de la sécurité de l'appareil de quelque manière que ce soit, celui-ci
doit être mis hors service et son utilisation doit être rendue impossible. L'anomalie ou panne doit
être immédiatement signalée à l’autorité responsable de l'entretien.
1. L'apparecchiatura descritta nel presente manuale è stata progettata per essere utilizzata
esclusivamente da personale qualificato. Qualsiasi intervento a scopo di regolazione, manutenzione
e riparazione deve essere eseguito secondo la modalità descritta nel presente manuale da personale
qualificato e a conoscenza dei rischi connessi.
2. Il personale addetto all'utilizzo e alla manutenzione dell'apparecchiatura deve implementare un
sistema di lavoro sicuro e seguire le istruzioni dettagliate presenti in questo manuale.
3. Ad esclusione delle parti indicate nelle procedure di manutenzione contenute in questo manuale,
l'apparecchiatura non contiene componenti che possano essere riparati dall'utente. La rimozione di
coperture ed eventuali tentativi di regolazione o riparazione da parte di personale non qualificato
renderanno nulla la garanzia e potranno generare dei costi aggiuntivi per la riparazione.
4. Fare sempre riferimento ai dati sulla salute e la sicurezza forniti insieme ai prodotti chimici utilizzati.
Implementare le procedure di laboratorio comunemente accettate per la manipolazione sicura dei
prodotti chimici.
5. Se si sospetta che la sicurezza dell'unità sia stata compromessa, disattivare e rendere inutilizzabile
l'unità. La condizione di guasto deve essere immediatamente comunicata al responsabile della
manutenzione appropriato.
NOTA: Il mancato rispetto delle istruzioni sull'utilizzo fornite dal fabbricante può compromettere la
sicurezza di base offerta dall'apparecchiatura e rendere nulla la garanzia. La garanzia non copre i danni
causati da un'installazione scorretta o da un uso improprio dell'apparecchiatura.
Sostituire i fusibili solo con quelli del tipo indicato nella sezione
1. La unidad descrita en este manual está diseñada para ser manejada solamente por personal
cualificado. Cualquier ajuste, mantenimiento y reparación debe realizarse tal y como se define en
este manual, por una persona cualificada y que sea consciente de los riesgos que implica.
2. Es esencial que, tanto el personal operativo como el de mantenimiento, usen un sistema de trabajo
seguro, además de las instrucciones detalladas especificadas en este manual.
3. Además de los elementos definidos en los procedimientos de mantenimiento en el presente manual,
en este instrumento no hay elementos que requieran mantenimiento o reparación por parte del
usuario. La retirada de las cubiertas y el intento de ajuste o mantenimiento por personal no
cualificado invalidará la garantía y puede incurrir en cargos adicionales para su reparación.
4. Es necesario remitirse siempre a los datos de Salud y Seguridad suministrados con cualquier
producto químico usado. Deben emplearse procedimientos de laboratorio generalmente aceptados
para la manipulación segura de los productos químicos.
5. Si se sospecha que la seguridad de la unidad ha sido alterada de alguna forma, la unidad debe
inutilizarse y deben tomarse medidas para impedir el funcionamiento pretendido. El estado de
avería debe ser notificado inmediatamente a la autoridad de mantenimiento competente.
NOTA: La no utilización de este equipo de acuerdo con el manual del fabricante puede comprometer su
protección de seguridad básica ofrecida por el equipo y puede invalidar la garantía. La garantía no cubre
el daño causado por una instalación defectuosa o un uso indebido del equipo.
1. Das in diesem Handbuch beschriebene Gerät darf nur von geschultem Personal bedient werden.
Einstellungen, Wartungs- und Reparaturarbeiten sind gemäß den Anweisungen in diesem Handbuch
von einer qualifizierten Fachkraft durchzuführen, die über potenzielle Gefahren unterrichtet ist.
2. Es ist wichtig, dass sowohl das Betriebs- als auch das Wartungspersonal zusätzlich zu den
detaillierten Anweisungen in diesem Handbuch ein sicheres Arbeitssystem anwenden.
3. Außer der in den Wartungsverfahren in diesem Handbuch angegebenen Teile gibt es in diesem Gerät
keine Teile, die vom Benutzer zu warten sind. Die Entfernung von Abdeckungen sowie der Versuch
der Einstellung oder Wartung durch unqualifiziertes Personal führt dazu, dass die Garantie ungültig
wird und kann zusätzliche Reparaturkosten nach sich ziehen.
4. Die Angaben zum Gesundheitsschutz und zur Arbeitssicherheit, die mit verwendeten Chemikalien
mitgeliefert werden, sind jederzeit zu berücksichtigen. Es sind allgemein anerkannte Laborverfahren
für die sichere Handhabung von Chemikalien einzusetzen.
5. Falls vermutet wird, dass die Sicherheit des Geräts auf irgendeine Weise beeinträchtigt wurde, ist
das Gerät außer Betrieb zu setzen und gegen den Betrieb zu sichern. Die Störung ist der
entsprechenden Wartungsstelle umgehend zu melden.
HINWEIS: Wird das Gerät nicht gemäß den Anweisungen des Herstellerhandbuchs verwendet, kann dies
dazu führen, dass Ihr grundlegender Sicherheitsschutz durch das Gerät beeinträchtigt und die Garantie
ungültig wird. Die Garantie deckt keine Schäden durch fehlerhafte Installation oder falsche Verwendung
des Geräts ab.
Sehen Sie bei der Entzündung bzw. beim Betrieb des Geräts nicht in
den Flammenschornstein.
Fassen Sie den Flammenschornstein während des Betriebs nicht an.
Lehnen bzw. beugen Sie sich während des Betriebs nicht über das
Decken Sie den Schornstein während des Betriebs nicht ab.
Blockieren oder versperren Sie keine Lüftungsschlitze / Luftkanäle.
SECTION 1 ..............................................................................................................................͘͘...1ϵ
SECTION 2 ...............................................................................................................................͘͘... 2ϯ
Installation ..........................................................................................................................................͘.͘͘. 2ϯ
2.1 Services required............................................................................................................................... 2ϯ
2.2 Unpacking ......................................................................................................................................... 2ϰ
2.3 Assembly ........................................................................................................................................... 2ϱ
2.4 Installation ........................................................................................................................................ 2ϳ
2.5 Accessories ........................................................................................................................................ 2ϴ
SECTION 3 ..............................................................................................................................͘....2ϵ
SECTION 4 .................................................................................................................................. 32
Operation .............................................................................................................................................. 32
4.1 Front and rear panel controls ............................................................................................................ 32
4.2 Operation – Flame Ignition and Optimisation ................................................................................... 34
4.3 Calibration: PFP7 ................................................................................................................................ 36
4.4 Calibration: PFP7/C ............................................................................................................................ 38
4.5 Shutdown ........................................................................................................................................... 38
4.6 Operating precautions ....................................................................................................................... 39
SECTION 5 .................................................................................................................................. 40
Accessories ............................................................................................................................................ 40
5.1 Water separator ................................................................................................................................. 40
5.2 Compressor ........................................................................................................................................ 40
SECTION ϲ ..............................................................................................................................͘.... 4Ϯ
Maintenance ......................................................................................................................................... 42
6.1 General ............................................................................................................................................... 42
6.2 Weekly maintenance ......................................................................................................................... 42
6.3 Monthly maintenance ........................................................................................................................ 42
6.4 Six-monthly maintenance .................................................................................................................. 43
SECTION 8 .................................................................................................................................. 46
Spares ................................................................................................................................................... 46
8.1 Minor Spares Kit (PFP7/MINKIT) ........................................................................................................ 46
SECTION ϵ ................................................................................................................................͘͘.. 4ϳ
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1.1 Instrument description
The PFP7 and PFP7/C are low temperature, single channel emission flame photometers designed
for the routine determination of sodium (Na), potassium (K) and lithium (Li). Additional filters for
the determination of calcium (Ca) and barium (Ba) are supplied with the PFP7. Both versions are
fitted with an automatic flame failure detection for user safety, making them ideal for use in clinical,
industrial or educational applications. Model PFP7/C is specifically designed for use in clinical
applications. The in-built lineariser circuitry enables readings of both Na and K, at normal clinical
serum concentrations to be displayed directly in mmol/l. Serum samples must be diluted 200:1 or
100:1 prior to presentation to the flame photometer.
1.2 Specification
Ranges 120-160 mmol/L Na (linearized)
0 to 199.9ppm
0-10.0 mmol/L K
Limits of Na 0.2ppm Na 0.2ppm
Detection K 0.2ppm K 0.2ppm
Li 0.25ppm Li 0.25ppm
Ca 15ppm -
Ba 30ppm -
Reproducibility 1% Coefficient of variation (C.V.) for 20 consecutive samples using
10ppm Na set to read at 50.0 (PFP7) or 140 (PFP7/C).
Linearity Better than 2% when concentration of 3ppm Na and K and 5ppm Li
are set to read 100.
Specificity Interference from Na, K and Li when equal in concentration to the
test element will be less than 0.5%
Stability Better than 2% over 5 minutes when continuously aspirating 10ppm,
sample set to read 50.0. Zero drift better than 2% per hour after
Sample Between 2 and 6 ml/minute
*Note: Calcium is measured by using the calcium hydroxide band emission at 622nm as the Calcium main
atomic emission occurs at 423nm.
Over certain ranges of concentration the intensity of the emission is directly proportional to the number of
atoms returning to the ground state. This is in turn proportional to the absolute quantity of the species
volatized in the flame, i.e. light emitted is proportional to sample concentration.
It can be seen that if the light emitted by the element at the characteristic wavelength is isolated by an
optical filter and the intensity of that light measured by a photo-detector, then an electrical signal can be
obtained proportional to sample concentration. Such an electrical signal can be processed and the readout
obtained in a digital form.
a) The burner: a flame that can be maintained in a constant form and at a constant temperature.
b) Nebuliser and mixing chamber: a means of transporting a homogeneous solution into the flame at a
steady rate.
c) Simple colour filters (interference type): a means of isolating light of the wavelength to be measured
from that of extraneous emissions.
d) Photo-detector: a means of measuring the intensity of radiation emitted by the flame.
Gas inlet
Mixing chamber
Air inlet
“U” tube
Figure 1.3.1: Schematic diagram showing the component parts of a flame photometer.
The analysis of alkali and alkaline earth metals by flame photometry has two major advantages:
i. Their atoms reach the excited state at a temperature lower than that at which most other
elements are excited.
ii. Their characteristic wavelengths are easily isolated from those of most other elements due to wide
spectral separation.
The analysis of Na, K, Li, Ba and Ca are typically determined at low temperatures, i.e. 1500-2000°C, therefore
suitable fuel mixtures are propane/air, butane/air and natural gas/air.
2. It is recommended that blank and standard solutions should have a wetting agent (e.g. Triton X-1001
or Decon 90) added to promote good stability and self-cleaning. Any such wetting agent should be
non-ionic and used at a concentration of less than 3ppm. It should be added to the blank, standards
and samples at the same concentration.
3. Take care when preparing standards. The performance of the instrument depends upon the
accuracy and purity of the calibration standards.
4. If standard solutions are required to be stored for any length of time or at an elevated temperature,
a suitable mould inhibitor e.g. azide should be added. However if this contains the element to be
measured (e.g. sodium) it is important that the samples also contain an equivalent amount.
5. Always sample from the top half of the sample container. The bottom half may contain sediment or
particulate matter which could easily block the fine tubing used in the nebuliser.
6. Always use recommended spares. Even where an alternative part may be obviously suitable there
may be good reasons for not using it.
Triton X-100 is a registered trademark of Union Carbide Chemicals and Plastics Co. Inc.
2.1 Services required
The fuel and air supplies to the instrument must be clean and dry and supply pressures regulated within the
limits specified. Any contamination, moisture or variation in supply pressure will directly affect the
performance of the instrument.
NOTE: The instrument will only operate with the correct type of air compressor and gas regulator.
2.1.1 Voltage
This unit is designed to operate at 90 - 250V and at 50 or 60Hz.
2.1.2 Fuel
· Propane or butane regulated to 10-15 inches water gauge (0.36-0.54psi or 0.025-0.038kg/cm2).
· Natural gas at mains pressure between 3 and 10 inches water gauge (0.11-0.36psi or 0.0076-
· L.P.G. regulated to 10-15 inches water gauge (0.36-0.54psi or 0.025-0.038kg/cm2).
· Suitable regulators are available from Jenway; refer to Section 2.5.
2.1.3 Air
A supply of dry, clean and pulse-free air at a pressure at 15 - 30psi (approx. 1 - 2 kg/cm2) at 6 litres/minute is
required. A suitable compressor and water separator are available from Jenway; refer to Section 2.5.
2.1.4 Drain
The instrument will need to be sited near a drain or sink to enable disposal of waste liquid. A suitable
receptacle can be utilised if provision is made for easy disposal of its contents. WARNING: The waste liquid
will still contain any hazardous materials that were in the original samples and should be handled and
disposed of with the same care. Waste liquid should always be considered to be of a pathogenic nature
where the instrument is used in a clinical environment.
Any shortages or damage should be reported immediately to the manufacturer or local distributor.
1. Take the mixing chamber assembly and ensure that the fluted burner (1) is in place (remove the
retaining tape). Place the mixing chamber and burner assembly inside of the flame photometer and
line up the burner with the bottom of the chimney. Look down the chimney and ensure that the
burner locates centrally in the inner chimney. Screw the locking ring (2) onto the threaded boss
provided and tighten until finger tight, ensuring that the mixing chamber is at right angles to the side
of the instrument.
2. Fit the nebuliser (3) into the end cap (8) and connect the air tubing to the nebuliser inlet (4).
3. If natural gas is to be used, remove the restrictor screw (5) fitted into the end of the fuel inlet (6) on
the mixing chamber. The restrictor screw should remain in place if butane, propane or L.P.G. is to be
used as fuel. Keep the restrictor screw in case of any future change in gas supply. Push the fuel
tubing onto the fuel inlet connector (6) – this tube can be secured with a metal hose clip.
4. Take the drain trap clip (9) and, with the screw provided, fix to the hole situated at the chimney end
of the rear panel. Fix a length of silicon rubber tubing (10) onto the side port on the drain trap such
that it is long enough to reach either the sink or the waste receptacle to be used. Fit the drain trap
into the clip on the rear panel and run the short piece of tubing (11) from the bottom of the drain
trap to the mixing chamber waste outlet (7) on the bottom of the mixing chamber. This tube can be
pushed on and does not need securing.
1) Fluted burner
2) Locking ring
3) Nebuliser
4) Nebuliser inlet
5) Restrictor screw
6) Fuel to mixing chamber inlet
7) Mixing chamber to drain outlet
8) End cap
9) Drain trap clip
10) Drain trap to waste containter tubing
11) Mixing chamber to drain trap tubing
12) Compressed air to nebuliser tubing
13) Compressed air input connector
14) Fuel gas input connector
15) Adjustable voltage fuse
16) POWER OUT sockets
17) POWER IN socket
WARNING The exhaust gases from the chimney are very hot. No
obstruction should be placed above the instrument and the
instrument should be located in a position that makes accidental
contact with the chimney or its exhaust unlikely.
Fit the air and fuel inlet connectors to the ports provided on the rear of the instrument.
1. Fit the appropriate lengths of 8mm and 6mm tubing to the connectors 13 and 14 (figure 2.3.2). Run
the tubing to the air and fuel supplies to be used.
NOTE: The maximum inlet pressure and regulation requirements are defined in
Section 2.1.
Turn on the fuel supply at the cylinder or source and check all fuel joints for leaks by using soap
solution or suitable gas detector.
2. Plug the power cable into the POWER IN socket 17 (figure 2.3.2). If necessary connect a suitable plug
to the 3-pin AC supply lead. The colours of the wires conform to the internationally recognised
standard such that:
The green/yellow wire in the AC supply must be connected to a properly grounded terminal.
If a compressor is to be run directly from the instrument then it should be connected to the plugs
provided and connected to the POWER OUT sockets 16a and 16b (figure 2.3.2).
Press the power switch on the front panel. The digital display should be illuminated.
3. Fill the centre tube of the drain trap and the connecting silicon rubber tubing to the mixing chamber
with deionised water. Check that no air bubbles are trapped in this tube and that it flows and runs to
waste freely. Ensure that the drain trap is pushed completely down on its clip.
When the mixing chamber and drain trap are fully connected your flame photometer should look
similar to the illustration below:
2.5 Accessories
Always use recommended spares and accessories. Even if an alternative part may appear obviously suitable
there may be some minor variations in specification that could degrade the performance of the instrument.
Analysis Preparation
3.1 Calibration standards
A comprehensive range of aqueous calibration standards is available from Jenway. These must be diluted to
a suitable concentration for aspiration into the flame (see Sections 3.3 and 4.3)
1. Standards must always contain the constituents that are present in the samples in the same
concentration ratios; i.e. if samples are prepared in 0.05M HCl then the standards should also
contain 0.05M HCl.
2. Always ensure that the standards encompass the expected range of the sample concentrations.
3. Standards should be prepared so as to ensure that the region in which measurements are made
coincide with the concentrations that produce the optimum performance from the flame
photometer, i.e…
NOTE: The blank used should contain all the constituents of the standard solutions except the element being
Since a flame photometer measures the concentration of the element itself in solution, standard solutions
prepared from the salts of sodium, potassium, lithium, calcium and barium must be made up to contain the
concentrations required in terms of the quantity of the elements.
Below are two examples of how to prepare standards of 1mg Na/100ml (10ppm Na) and 1mg K/100ml
(10ppm K).
3.1.2 Potassium
Accurately weigh 0.477g of dry “Analar” quality KCl, dissolve in pure deionised water and wash into a 500ml
volumetric flask. Fill to the mark with pure deionised water. To prepare the standard solution for use with
the flame photometer, this stock solution should be diluted 1 in 50.
3.1.3 Storage
Store solutions away from direct sunlight in a cool place, ideally at temperatures below 25oC. Glass
containers should not be used for storage as they can affect the sodium concentration levels. Standards
should be stored in sealed, plastic vessels and in high concentrations, (e.g. as a stock 1000ppm solution) and
dilutions prepared as required. The long-term storage of low concentration standards is not recommended
due to degradation of ionic species.
1. Avoid handling samples with fingers. This leads to serious contamination, e.g. if a finger isimmersed in
20ml of deionised water the resulting Na concentration will exceed that of a 10ppm standard.
2. All analyses involve the use of a diluent, which is almost always deionised water. This should be of the
highest quality for accurate flame analysis. Sodium, potassium and calcium are present in high
concentrations in tap water and thus efficient deionisation is essential.
3. Species that cause interference should be removed from samples or the equivalent concentration of the
interfering ion should be present in the standards so as to avoid erroneous results, e.g. if a sample
of approximately 10ppm Na contains approximately 1000ppm Ca, then Na analysis can only be
achieved by removing the Ca with oxalate/oxalic acid or ensuring all standards contain 1000ppm Ca.
4. Always try to follow a well-documented analytical procedure, which should contain information
pertaining to interference removal when applicable.
5. Standards and samples should not be exposed to the atmosphere for long periods due to
contamination from airborne particles and the evaporation of the solvent that could lead to elevated
6. If you require any technical or application assistance please contact the team at
[email protected] for advice.
A number of methods for extracting sodium, potassium, lithium, calcium and barium from a wide variety of
raw materials may be obtained by contacting the technical support helpline
at [email protected] or by visiting
The sample must be in the form of an aqueous solution, with no solid matter present, to be suitable for
direct introduction into the flame photometer. This is achieved by:
· Extracting the salts from solid samples using deionised water or suitable extractants e.g. saturated
CaSO4 for sodium in soil. Extraction is more successful using a blender, macerator or shaking
· If the sample is organic then the organic material should be removed by ashing. The remaining
oxides are then dissolved using strong acids.
· Filtration/centrifugation is used to remove solid debris.
When aqueous, the sample can then be diluted to a known, accurately measured volume using deionised
water. If it is a concentrated sample then the dilution ratio should be increased. If the sample concentration
is low then a small volume of diluent and initial extractant should be used. Whichever method of extraction
is used, the resultant solution must always be free of any particulate matter that may cause blockages in the
nebuliser capillary tube.
3.3 Dilution
In order to obtain samples and standards of the right concentration for aspiration into the flame, various
levels of dilution will often be necessary. Good quality deionised water should normally be used for carrying
out these dilutions and it is recommended that the same batch of water should be used for diluting the
samples and standards. More information on typical dilution ratios is given in Section 4.3.
4.1 Front and rear panel controls
1. Power A two-position rocker switch which controls the AC supply of the instrument.
Any accessories connected to the auxiliary POWER OUT sockets on the rear
panel are also controlled by the front panel power switch.
2. Ignition A spring loaded switch which, when depressed, will cause an electrical discharge
between the ignition electrode and the burner unit, thereby causing fuel
3. D.P. This dial controls the position of the decimal point on the digital readout.
4. Fuel A fine needle valve that controls the flow of fuel and enables optimum flame
conditions to be set.
5. Blank This dial control sets the zero point when a blank standard is aspirated.
7. Filter Select A five position control which will select the appropriate optical filter for the
element being determined.
1. VOLTAGE A two-position switch marked 230 and 115. These positions allow
SELECTION operation from the voltage supplies 190-250 volts and 90-125 volts
respectively at either 50 or 60Hz.
WARNING: when adjusting the operating voltage it may be
necessary to change the top fuse as indicated on the rear panel.
Please note that the unit is set to the required voltage in the factory
depending on the part code ordered.
4. POWER OUT Two three pin sockets for flame photometer accessories such as a
compressor. The power from these sockets is controlled by the
instrument power switch on the front panel.
2. Close the fuel valve by turning fully clockwise. To avoid damaging the valve, it should not
be forced.
3. Turn the fuel valve the required number of turns anti-clockwise depending on the fuel
being used.
5. Switch on electrical power by depressing the power switch. If the air compressor is
powered separately, switch on the air compressor. Ensure that air is present by
listening for the hissing created as it passes through the nebuliser.
8. Aspirate deionised water and set the readout to zero by adjusting the blank control.
10. Adjust the fuel valve in a clockwise direction until a peak reading is obtained.
NOTE: There is a time delay between adjusting the flow of fuel and seeing the
effect of the adjustment. A pause of a few seconds is therefore necessary
between making every fine adjustment.
11. For optimum performance the instrument should be allowed 15 minutes to warm-up.
During this warm-up period a blank deionised water sample should be aspirated. It
should be noted that results, adequate for most purposes, can be obtained from switch
on, although standardisation settings will need frequent checking during the warm-up
The graph below shows that the direct relationship between the flame emission and concentration is only
true at relatively low concentrations. Above these low levels the flame begins to saturate and the flame
emission ceases to increase in a linear relationship to concentration.
2 4 6 8 10 12
If the samples being analysed lie on the linear part of the curve then the user can take direct concentration
readings from the digital display. If, however, the concentration of samples are above the levels shown on
the graph then the user has to dilute the samples so that they lie on the linear part of the curve.
The user can manually construct a calibration curve using standard solutions containing known
concentrations of the elements to be determined and if necessary, other materials to ensure that the
standard and sample backgrounds match. The concentration range covered by the calibration curve will
depend upon the expected concentration of the samples so that the sample readings fall somewhere in the
middle of the calibration curve.
Once the calibration curve has been plotted, the readings for the sample solutions are compared with the
curve to allow the sample concentrations to be established.
It is important to realise that each element has its own characteristic curve and separate calibration curves
must be constructed.
Instrument re-calibration is easily achieved by setting the blank solution to read zero and remeasuring the
top standard. The graph in Figure 4.3.2 shows a typical curve obtained when measuring in parts per million
approx. 16.5ppm
Calibration points
5 at 5,10,15,20 and
5 10 15 20 25
Customers working in medical environments are quite likely to be using the S.I. unit of mmol/l to report their
results. The relationship between mmol/l and ppm is defined below:
This relationship means that Na and K samples in the normal clinical range of 136-145mmol/l Na and 3.5-
5.0mmol/l K should be pre-diluted 1 in 100 or 1 in 200 to get optimum results from the flame photometer.
Aspirate a blank solution and set the readout to 000 using the blank control.
Aspirate the highest standard solution and set the readout to an appropriate reading using the
fine and coarse sensitivity controls. Re-check the blank setting and adjust if necessary.
Aspirate the remaining standard solutions (if used) to construct the calibration curve and note the
When the blank and standards are set, unknown samples can be aspirated and the results
noted directly from the instrument readout.
Calibration needs to be checked periodically by aspirating the blank and standard solutions.
Initially this check should be carried out after every 10 samples. Experience and increased
confidence in the PFP7 will enable you to best judge the frequency of this check.
The decimal point (d.p.) switch can be set to illuminate the decimal point in any significant
position. This should be chosen to give sufficient resolution for the test required.
Installation and set-up procedures should be carried out as for the standard Model PFP7.
To calibrate the unit for clinical use the following steps should be carried out:
2. Select the appropriate element (Na or K) on the filter select control and the position of
the decimal point using the d.p. switch.
3. Aspirate the required standard, e.g. 140mmol/l Na, 5.0mmol/l K which has been pre-
diluted at least 1 in 100 and set the display reading accordingly using the fine and
coarse sensitivity controls.
4. Adjust the fuel valve in a clockwise direction until a peak reading is obtained. Re-set the
display reading accordingly for the standard being aspirated.
NOTE: There is a time delay between adjusting the flow of fuel and seeing the
effect of the adjustment. A pause of a few seconds is therefore necessary
between making every fine adjustment.
4.5 Shutdown
1. Aspirate deionised water for at least ten minutes.
2. If the shutdown is short term i.e. the instrument is to be used again the same day/shift, it is
adequate to remove electrical power from the unit by depressing the power switch. This
will safely extinguish the flame.
2. It is possible that a small quantity of fuel will escape from the instrument during the ignition
sequence. The amount of fuel is harmless although may smell slightly. If the smell of fuel gas persists
the instrument should be immediately shut down and the source of the leakage determined by using
a soap solution on the hose joints.
3. Do not leave the instrument running unattended while the flame is alight.
4. The top of the instrument chimney unit becomes very hot when running and can cause severe burns
if touched.
5. The exhaust gases from the flame are very hot and the area approximately 1 metre above the
chimney must be avoided. Never attempt to look down the chimney whilst the flame is running.
Always use the inspection window.
6. The instrument uses potentially hazardous electrical supplies. Never remove covers from the
instrument without first ensuring that it has been isolated completely from the AC mains supply.
7. If the instrument is used in a pathology laboratory, all samples should be handled with the caution
normally accorded to those known to contain pathogenic organisms. Care should also be taken
when undertaking maintenance on instruments that have been used in these environments. A
bactericidal agent should be used when cleaning parts during routine maintenance.
For detailed safety precautions please refer to the beginning of the manual, page 1 onwards.
5.1 Water separator
To avoid unstable readings it is essential that the air supply to the mixing chamber is clean and dry. Jenway
recommends that a water separator be used with all flame photometers as when air is compressed,
condensation occurs. The amount of condensation will depend on the humidity in the air, so in high humidity
areas, water separators are essential. The water separator fits on the air-line between the compressor and
the flame photometer. This is where condensation forms. Any water collecting in the tube will cause
unstable readings and if it enters the instrument, will lead to the eventual corrosion of internal components
in the air-line.
5.1.1 Features
1. Available in two sizes: large (normally recommended) (part code 500 177) or small (for areas of low
humidity) (part code 500 176).
2. Complete with all parts to connect to the flame photometer.
3. Provides optimum performance in minimum space.
4. Provides effective liquid and solid separation.
5. No maintenance required.
6. Finger operated plungers for easy draining.
5.1.2 Specifications
Model Large Small
Part code 500 177 500 176
Port size: ¼”, !” "”, ¼”
Maximum operating pressure: 100psi 100psi
Working temperature range: -5 to 80°C (with no freezing) -5 to 80°C (with no freezing)
Nominal filtration rating: 5mm 5mm
Bowl material: Polycarbonate Polycarbonate
Bowl guard: Yes No
Drain capacity (ml): 25 8
Weight (kg): 0.22 0.18
5.2 Compressor
The compressor is a reliable, quiet air compressor of oil-less design requiring minimal maintenance. The
compressor is constructed from a lightweight but rigid aluminium extrusion and is housed in a protective
case to ensure maximum user safety and convenience. Load bearings are permanently lubricated and sealed
for the life of the compressor. A PTFE composition cup offers excellent sealing and wear properties. The
integral motor has its own cooling fan and is thermally protected against overload.
5.2.1 Specification
The compressor gives a supply of dry, clean and pulse free air at a pressure between 15 and 30 psi
(approximately 1-2 kg/cm2) at 6 litres/minute. There are two models available depending on the required
2. Connect the air tubing (supplied with the flame photometer) to the compressor outlet nozzle and
secure with a hose clip.
3. Connect the other end of the air tubing to the air inlet located.
4. Plug the compressor mains lead into either auxiliary power socket located on the rear of the panel of
the flame photometer or directly into the mains power supply.
6.1 General
The design of the Model PFP7 & PFP7/C is such that maintenance requirements are minimal. To maintain
good performance and prolong the life of the instrument it is important that the procedures defined in the
manual are carried out regularly. The performance of the instrument depends upon an adequate supply of
compressed air. Recommended compressor maintenance procedures should be carried out to ensure that
compressor performance does not deteriorate.
1. Switch on the air supply to the flame photometer but do not light the flame.
2. Fill the measuring cylinder with deionised water and present to the nebuliser inlet tube for one
3. The consumption rate should be between 2 and 6ml/min. If correct, no further action is required.
4. If the consumption rate is too low, this is likely to be caused by a blockage in the fine capillary tubes
and can usually be cleared by passing the cleaning wire through the nebuliser. If, after taking this
action and re-checking the consumption rate it is still too low, then the inlet tube should be
discarded and the test repeated using fresh tubing.
5. If the nebuliser operation is still unsatisfactory, remove the nebuliser from the mixing chamber,
disconnect from the air line, remove the inlet tubing and soak the nebuliser in hot deionised water.
2. If the instrument has been running with the flame alight, allow 30 minutes for the burner system to
cool down.
3. Disconnect the mixing chamber from the chimney unit by unscrewing the knurled locking ring and
dropping the chamber clear of the chimney.
4. Remove the fluted burner from the top of the burner tube.
5. Rinse the burner in deionised water and remove any deposits or encrustations by brushing with a
small stiff brush. If deposits are persistent, heating or boiling the deionised water will help.
6. Dry and replace the burner, pointed end downwards and re-assemble the mixing chamber onto the
Trouble shooting
7.1 General
This section is a step-by step guide that should allow an operator to take appropriate actions to clear simple
faults. Any action not defined in this trouble shooting guide should only be undertaken by qualified
Condensation in the air supply. Drain the tubing. If the problem persists a moisture-free air supply
should be arranged by using a water separator.
Nebuliser blocked. Check the nebuliser performance as defined in Section 6.2, Weekly
Flame temperature not correctly set. Ensure that the fuel valve is correctly set for the element being
determined; refer to Section 4.2, Operation.
Fuel cylinder nearly empty. Replace cylinder with a fully charged one.
Instrument not draining correctly. Ensure the “U” tube is clear of blockages and that the drain trap is
at the correct level i.e. pushed down fully so the rim at the top is
resting on the clip.
Flame temperature not correctly set. Ensure the fuel valve is correctly set for the
element being determined, refer to Section 4.2.
Flame temperature not correctly set. Ensure the fuel valve is correctly set for the
element being determined, refer to Section 4.2.
Instrument not draining adequately. Ensure the “U” tube is clear of blockages and that
the drain trap is at the correct level.
Inadequate air supply. Check air connection to the rear panel and the operation
of the compressor.
Propane/butane fuel restrictor Carefully “blow out” the restrictor. Do not use wire to
blocked. clear the blockage as this will result in damage to the
AC supply not fully engaged. Check the power lead is correctly inserted.
Burner encrusted with salt. Clean the burner as defined in Section 6.4, Six
monthly maintenance.
Ensure that the cleaning procedure is carried out
more frequently.
Section 8
EU Declaration of Conformity
Product Laboratory Equipment File Number P225
This declaration of conformity is issued under the sole responsibility of the manufacturer
The object of the declaration described above is in conformity with the relevant Union Harmonisation Legislation:
Low Voltage Directive 2006/95/EC
EMC Directive 2004/108/EC
RoHS Directive 2011/65/EC
References to the relevant harmonised standards used or referen
to which conformity is declared:
For pricing or for further information, please contact us at our UK Office, using the details
UK Office
Keison Products,
P.O. Box 2124, Chelmsford, Essex, CM1 3UP, England.
Tel: +44 (0)330 088 0560
Fax: +44 (0)1245 808399
Email: [email protected]
Please note - Product designs and specifications are subject to change without notice. The user is responsible for determining the
suitability of this product.