The Future of Landscape Conservation
The Future of Landscape Conservation
The Future of Landscape Conservation
T he future of biodiversity
conservation depends on efforts
applied across large landscapes, the
created through an order by the then
secretary of the interior Ken Salazar
(Order no. 3289), which also invested
The field of systematic conservation
planning has matured to the point
at which it can be applied effectively
scale at which many key ecological in the US Geological Survey climate at continental scales. Influenced by a
and evolutionary processes take place. science centers (CSCs). The LCCs variety of fields from computer science
a nationwide network serviced by a less obvious. But as a recent review and ecosystems, ecological processes,
network coordinator and small staff. of the LCC program by the National human influences and benefits, and
Academy of Sciences noted, “Given prioritization of actions in time and
Success of the landscape the youth of this program … it is too space, they produced plans that, if
conservation cooperatives soon to expect ‘measureable improve- implemented, could provide for the
How does one measure the success ments in the health of fish, wildlife, conservation of the nation’s biological
of a scientific organization dedicated and their habitats’” (NAS 2016). We diversity (cf. figure 2).
to landscape-scale conservation? know that when applied in the real
Typical measures of science success, world, landscape-scale conservation Landscape conservation
as in publications and grants, can be planning works. For example, one of cooperatives at risk
applied to conservation organiza- the first large landscape conservation However, the future of the LCCs is
tions, but how science is put into initiatives, Yellowstone to Yukon, used uncertain. In May 2017, Department
practice also needs to be recognized. systematic conservation planning to of the Interior (DOI) Secretary Zinke
Since their inception, the LCCs have achieve numerous conservation goals received a letter from the House
organized themselves internally; (Y2Y 2014). Committee on Natural Resources that
sponsored hundreds of research and Multistate and NGO initiatives for challenged the existence of the CSCs
planning projects; engaged in public wildlife conservation existed prior to and LCCs, stating that these initiatives
outreach; and disseminated reports, the LCCs. However, these are chal- had little to show for the $149 million
data, and new methodologies (NAS lenging to maintain because no fed- they had received. In fact, even before
2016). Over 40 peer-reviewed papers erally managed cooperative exists to the 2019 budget goes to Congress,
have been published, and more are in fund and collate the spatially explicit the DOI has targeted the Science
the publication pipeline. Actual on- data needed to help prioritize regional Applications initiative that houses the
the-ground applications resulting in conservation spending. When LCCs LCCs for elimination. In May, LCC
real conservation progress are, so far, focused on whole landscapes, species staff received a letter from the acting
assistant director for science applica- challenges that cross jurisdictional change on land, water, fish, wildlife,
tions indicating that federal funding boundaries. The potential for achiev- and cultural resources (Salazar 2010),
would end for the LCCs, with some ing more given additional time is the mission of the LCCs now needs to
hope that “through other programs, great. And its $26 million annual price focus specifically on landscape-scale
the Service will continue to work with tag is a tiny fraction of the administra- conservation planning rather than
external stakeholders to support con- tion’s $79 billion budget request for on ad hoc projects. Myriad region-
servation efforts, share information, science (Science News Staff 2017). ally focused “science needs” were ini-
and help natural communities thrive.” tially proposed as projects when a
However, there is no indication that Improving the landscape landscape-level biodiversity mission
this would involve anything other than conservation cooperatives had yet to emerge. In retrospect, LCCs
traditional site-specific projects that Certainly, the work of the LCCs that focused on landscape-scale plan-
stand little chance of promoting eco- could improve, as it was hampered ning (e.g., Pickens et al. 2017) have
logical resilience. in its early years by organizational made the biggest impact. Those that
If the goal of conservation in the and methodological inefficiencies. funneled resources into supporting
face of climate change has merit, then Changes in three particular areas regional planning, such as develop-
the LCC program must continue. No would help overcome the concerns ing measures of ecological integrity
other initiative has the scope or poten- raised by Secretary Zinke and the (e.g., Theobald 2013), also moved the
tial to bring together the diverse set of House Natural Resources Committee. science forward. Furthermore, the
participants required to succeed. So LCCs should articulate more clearly
far, it has accomplished its preliminary Focus the mission. Although the enabling how they provide information that
goal of creating a framework to allow mission of the LCCs was broadly will help avoid land-use conflicts that
multiple levels of governance to coop- directed toward coordinating an effec- arise from biodiversity conservation,
erate in addressing landscape-level tive response to the impacts of climate energy, food, and timber.
Aim for consistency and applicability. Too Wildlife and flora underpin Leonard PB, Baldwin RF, Hanks D. 2017.
much effort has been expended within national identity and have enormous Landscape-scale conservation design across
biotic realms: Sequential integration of
each region developing new planning economic value. Planning to con- aquatic and terrestrial landscapes. Scientific
methodologies. Instead, methodolo- serve these resources at multiple spa- Reports 7 (art. 14556). doi:10.1038/
gies should be chosen from among tial scales should not be left solely s41598-017-15304-w
those already peer reviewed and tested to the states, NGOs, and the pri- Margules CR, Pressey RL 2000. Systematic con-
and applied uniformly across all LCC vate sector. The challenge transcends servation planning. Nature 405: 243–253.
[NAS] National Academies of Sciences,
regions to allow for their eventual state boundaries and must be taken Engineering, and Medicine. 2016. A
integration. Funding for basic research up by the federal government. As Review of the Landscape Conservation
that develops new analytics should be Secretary Zinke has said, “We’ve got Cooperatives. National Academies Press.
avoided; instead, research should be to start looking at our lands in terms Pickens BA, Mordecai RS, Ashton Drew C,
directed toward filling critical data of complete watersheds and ecosys- Alexander-Vaughn LB, Keister AS, Morris
HLC, Collazo JA 2017. Indicator-driven
gaps and supplement existing meth- tems, rather than isolated assets. We conservation planning across terrestrial,