Heroes of Nature and Lore
Heroes of Nature and Lore
Heroes of Nature and Lore
Character T hemes
Your character’s theme is a career, calling, or iden-
tity that describes who he or she is in the world.
Just as race and class create basic definitions about
who your character is, theme adds a third character
component to help refine your story and identity. For
example, you might be a human wizard who chooses
the alchemist theme, but “human alchemist” might
mean many different things. You might live in a vil-
lage and sell useful items to the locals for use in their
Heroes of Nature
world. Or perhaps you roam the forest or swamp, pro-
tecting its creatures from external threats with your
items because you consider the natural balance of the
area to be sacred. Each theme can encompass several
and Lore
unique stories within the same concept.
A theme can embrace characters of different
classes. For example, many alchemist characters
are wizards, but a rogue with a particular interest
in providing his or her own means of disappearing
By Richard Baker
quickly might pick up a few formulas and learn how
Illustrations by RC Torres and Craig J. Spearing
TM & © 2011 Wizards of the Coast LLC. All rights reserved. M a y 2 011 | D r ag o n 3 9 9
Character Themes: Heroes of Nature and Lore
to make them. A wizard’s apprentice might work Using Themes you’re an alchemist. If you’re supporting the goals
with the arcane arts, but he or she doesn’t have to of a specific order, you might be an order adept. In
be a wizard—a druid with this theme might have
to Create Characters other words, your class is the set of talents you bring
started out learning from a wizard and instead Themes offer a wide array of character creation tools. to your theme, and your theme is the story behind
decided to follow a different path. A few themes are You might choose a class that is identified strongly your class.
narrow enough to be limited to certain classes or with the theme already so that you can reinforce your
races—for example, a theme intended for characters character’s role with the powers that are available.
For example, the wizard’s apprentice offers theme
Themes in the Party
who use the arcane power source, or a theme for Think about how your character’s theme might
dwarf characters—but most themes are open to any powers that work well for controller characters, so
interact with the themes that the other players chose.
character. if you’re playing a wizard, the wizard’s apprentice
Discuss this with them and the DM in the same way
theme lets you put a new spin on your role.
that you might talk about what class or role each
Choosing a Theme You can also use a theme to take your character
in a new direction, adopting a story role your class
person is playing in the party. The following ideas
A character can have only one theme, which you can might help to create a story of how your characters
otherwise wouldn’t provide. For example, a fighter
choose when you create your character. The theme come to know one another.
who chooses the animal master theme can gain some
you select grants the benefits described below. You Similar Circles: Some themes can make
useful striker powers. This sort of combination is a
don’t have to select a character theme if you don’t characters into natural allies—or at least
natural tool for building the story of your character:
want to. Also, you can hold off on selecting a theme, acquaintances—when the campaign starts. For
Why would an animal master be a fighter? Is he or
but most themes represent your unique background example, the wizard’s apprentice and order adept
she a follower of a deity that defends nature and so
or origin as an adventurer, and they work well for 1st- themes can both be used for members of an arcane
he or she chooses to have an animal help achieve
level adventurers. guild, and such characters might well have known
specific goals? A warrior who loves to distract his or
Starting Feature: Each theme includes a feature one another before they started adventuring.
her opponents in combat by using a creature? Taking
that you gain when you select the theme during Similar Causes: Many character themes can have
a theme that isn’t an obvious fit can offer all sorts
character creation. similar goals—at least at first. The alchemist might
of interesting story-building possibilities for your
Additional Features: Most themes offer addi- decide with the animal master that they need to seek
tional features at levels 5 and 10. You gain an out a rare plant. Though characters with those themes
Perhaps the best way to think of your charac-
additional feature automatically when you reach the might not know each other before they started adven-
ter’s theme is this: What were you immediately
appropriate level—it doesn’t replace any of your class turing, they often have a similar outlook.
before you became an adventurer? How would
features. Different Desires: Characters who choose
you describe yourself to someone else in the game
Optional Powers: Most of these themes include themes with different goals can find common
world? Even a class name isn’t necessarily an obvi-
a number of powers that you add to the ones from purpose despite their divergent outlooks. These char-
ous part of a character’s identity; after all, if you see
which you can choose from your class when you acters can create a bond based on a bargain or an
a highly skilled sword-wielder in leather armor,
reach the appropriate level. For example, if you’re a oath to aid one another in their separate quests.
that person might be a fighter, a rogue, a ranger,
6th-level fighter, you can choose a 6th-level fighter All for One: If more than one player likes the
or a paladin. A theme, on the other hand, can be
utility power or a 6th-level utility power from your same theme, having multiple characters choose it can
something that is obvious to the character and to
theme. be a great deal of fun. Such characters might be old
everyone else, too. If you create alchemical items,
friends, beloved family members, or rivals who have
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Character Themes: Heroes of Nature and Lore
been thrown together against their will or knowledge. Making Fun Choices
The characters might have worked together as a team
As you roleplay your character’s theme, avoid making
before meeting up at the start of the campaign.
choices that you think might annoy other players or
If you choose this approach, feel free to adjust the
make them uncomfortable. For example, your char-
details of a theme’s backstory. For example, it likely
acter might be a wizard’s apprentice who, because
makes sense for two characters of the order adept
of a sheltered upbringing in a small village, believes
theme to come from different orders.
tieflings to be a wholly evil race. However, if you use
that mindset as an excuse to attack your friend’s tief-
Changing Themes ling character, it’s not likely to make for a good play
Your character might discover a different calling at session. If everyone else in the group seems okay with
some point in his or her career and wish to change a tiefling in their midst, your character is probably
themes. For example, your character might begin a perplexed by what it means. Even if your character
career as a wizard ’s apprentice, but after a few levels, encountered your friend’s tiefling character alone,
your group succeeds in overthrowing the evil leader choosing to watch and follow that tiefling seems a
of a group of wizards and warlocks. After your group wiser decision than attacking on sight. Then, after
has dealt with the threat, your character is invited to you and your friend’s character get to know one
join an arcane order. You could keep your wizard’s another, it will make sense that they become allies (if
apprentice theme, reflecting the start of your adven- not friends).
turing career, or you might choose to take order Regardless of what makes sense for roleplaying,
adept as your new theme as you start learning more sometimes it should take a back seat to what would
about your chosen subject. be fun for everyone. When you’re confronted with a
If you have no powers or feats that use your situation in which you think your character should
theme as a prerequisite, you can retrain your theme do something that you know the other characters will
choice when you gain a level. If you have a feat or a not like, think about how those characters’ players
power that requires your existing theme, you must might react. Sometimes the mischievous, improper,
first retrain those to choices that don’t have your or stupid thing you think your character should do
theme as a prerequisite. Then you can change your adds to the fun of everyone at the table. Sometimes
theme by retraining at the next opportunity. such an action only makes you the center of attention
at the expense of making the game less fun for every-
one else. Make sure you know the difference.
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Character Themes: Heroes of Nature and Lore
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Character Themes: Heroes of Nature and Lore
To make use of the optional powers of this theme, Alchemist’s Fire Level 1+ Common Optional Powers
you must have an alchemy case. When shattered, this flask fills an area with alchemical flame.
As you adventure, your repertoire of recipes grows,
Lvl 1 20 gp Lvl 16 1,800 gp and you learn better ways to use your formulas. Your
Starting Feature Lvl 6 75 gp Lvl 21 9,000 gp
travels through the world and your interactions with
Lvl 11 350 gp Lvl 26 45,000 gp
The Alchemist feat allows you to create alchemical Alchemical Item alchemists and hedge wizards give you access to new
items such as alchemist’s fire, antivenom, smokes- Power (Consumable F Fire): Standard Action. Make an attack: reagents, which prove handy when trying to survive
ticks, and thunderstones (all detailed in Adventurer’s Area burst 1 within 10; +4 vs. Reflex; on a hit, deal 1d6 fire
encounters with deadly monsters.
damage; on a miss, deal half damage.
Vault) if you know the necessary formula for the item
Level 6: +9 vs. Reflex, 2d6 fire damage.
in question. Having the alchemist theme enables Level 11: +14 vs. Reflex, 3d6 fire damage. Level 2 Utility Power
you to create a single use of an alchemical item from Level 16: +19 vs. Reflex, 3d6 fire damage.
Aqua regia is the famous “royal water” of alchemy, a
materials you currently have on hand. Normally, Level 21: +24 vs. Reflex, 4d6 fire damage.
Level 26: +29 vs. Reflex, 4d6 fire damage. potent acid that can dissolve even gold and platinum.
creating an alchemical item requires costly material You can create a few ounces from your personal sup-
components, but you can produce a single item at a
time at no cost.
Additional Features plies to apply to a metal object such as a lock, a door
hinge, or an iron bar.
Benefit: You gain the Alchemist feat as a bonus
feat. You know the formula for a particular 1st-level
Level 5 Feature
Aqua Regia Alchemist Utility 2
alchemical item (such as alchemist’s fire). You can Puttering around the workshop and experimenting
You apply powerful acid to a metal object.
use this formula without needing training in any skill with interesting reagents has paid off with hard-won
associated with it. knowledge of another alchemical formula. Minor Action Melee 1
At the end of a short rest, you can create one Benefit: You learn one alchemical formula of your Requirement: You must have an alchemy case on your person.
level or lower. Target: One metal object
alchemical item of your level or lower at no cost. You Effect: The next creature that attempts a Thievery or Strength
must know the formula for the item you create. You check to open, break, bend, or destroy the target before
can have only one such item prepared at a time. Level 10 Feature the end of your next turn gains a +5 power bonus to that
Through experience, you have perfected your check.
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Character Themes: Heroes of Nature and Lore
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Character Themes: Heroes of Nature and Lore
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Character Themes: Heroes of Nature and Lore
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Character Themes: Heroes of Nature and Lore
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Character Themes: Heroes of Nature and Lore
others are small fellowships in which no one member Starting Feature Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus to Arcana checks.
is considered superior to his or her fellows. If you have a spellbook, add one 2nd-level wizard
Each arcane brotherhood or wizardly order has its
An arcane order might operate openly or exist as utility power to it. If you don’t have a spellbook,
own signature battle tactic. In the case of your order,
a hidden society. Members of openly active orders you can choose wizard utility powers of a particu-
it’s a spell that blisters an area with fiery pellets.
typically proclaim their allegiance with a highly rec- lar level or lower when you gain or retrain utility
Benefit: You gain the argent rain power.
ognizable garment or symbol; for example, wizards of powers of that level.
the Golden Flame wear a richly embroidered yellow Argent Rain Order Adept Attack
cloak, and members of the Ruathar Eldoni often wear You bring forth a shower of blue-white molten metal droplets, Level 10 Feature
a silver star-shaped brooch or clasp. Other orders searing your foes and threatening any creature that ventures You are elevated to your order’s trusted inner circle
favor such identifiers as tattoos, unique hairstyles into the area. of wise, experienced masters. As a master, you can
or grooming, or implements of a particular design. Encounter F Arcane, Fire, Implement, Zone speak for your order; your order backs you to the
Standard Action Area burst 1 within 10
Members of secret orders avoid any outwardly distin- greatest extent possible. You are expected to be care-
guishing signs, of course, but often have secret signs Target: Each creature in the burst ful about taking stands or making promises that are
they can use to prove their identity to others of their Attack: Highest ability modifier vs. Reflex difficult for your order to support, but your order
group—for instance, a pendant worn under one’s shirt, Hit: 1d10 + highest ability modifier fire damage.
trusts you to know when difficult tasks are necessary.
Effect: The burst creates a zone that lasts until the start of your
a ring that isn’t very obvious to a casual viewer, or a next turn. Any creature that enters the zone or ends its turn Many arcane orders are arranged as hierarchies,
brand hidden beneath robes. there takes 5 fire damage. A creature can take this damage with adepts of greater seniority and status holding
only once per turn. important offices in the organization. High-ranking
Creating an Order Adept Level 11: 10 fire damage.
Level 21: 15 fire damage.
masters often have the authority to assign missions
Most order adepts are, of course, wizards or warlocks. to lesser members and review their activities. Hold-
Members of both classes rarely appear in the same Additional Features ing an office gives you significant power to influence
your order’s actions, but requires your time and
order, but both have traditions of gathering in secret
societies that share a common vision. In addition, commitment. Many masters choose to avoid these
Level 5 Feature
many orders include individuals who supplement responsibilities and prefer to busy themselves with
No longer a novice, you are fully initiated into your their own affairs. Whether you agree to take a posi-
their studies in arcane magic with other talents. Cler-
order’s membership. You learn the core arcane teach- tion in your order’s leadership or remain a free agent
ics devoted to gods of magic or battle mages who find
ings of your order. is up to you.
that the swords and armor of the fighter are the tools
Initiated members are entitled to wear the dis- In addition to improving your influence and
that suit them best can be members in good stand-
tinctive emblems, clothing, or marks of the order; responsibility within your organization, you develop
ing of an arcane order. Sometimes members of other
for example, robes of a particular color, a large and greater mastery of the arcane arts as well. Your
classes begin their careers as aspiring wizards before
visible tattoo, or a unique hairstyle or beard. Your knowledge of and experience with wielding magic in
abandoning their studies. For the rest of their lives
emblem or identifying mark, whatever it might be, is battle provides you with a formidable edge in duels
they carry the memories (and perhaps disappoint-
widely known in many lands. Allies and adversaries of magic; you can blunt enemy spells that attack your
ments) of their youthful studies, and still find uses
form first impressions of you based on their knowl- mind, avoiding or minimizing their effects.
for the little bit of arcane magic they did learn before
edge of the order you serve. Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus to Will. Your bonus
they left or were dismissed.
to Arcana checks from this theme increases to +4.
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Character Themes: Heroes of Nature and Lore
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Character Themes: Heroes of Nature and Lore
share secrets of power with someone you’ve caused often arrange tutors for their children, providing the
to hate you. basics of an arcane education even if the youngsters
Adventuring wizards’ apprentices are usu- turn to other pursuits when they become adults.
ally young adults whose training is more or less Almost anyone might have studied magic before he or
complete. They no longer live in their masters’ she became an adventurer.
households, and they aren’t obligated to wash f loors
or scrub pots between lessons. Assuming such an Starting Feature
individual parted from his or her master on good You have mastered a useful attack spell that many
terms, the apprentice has at least one knowledge- wizards’ apprentices learn early in their studies. In
able patron willing to offer advice and assistance some wizards’ towers, color orb is the preferred spell
in important matters. Many wizards’ apprentices for a very rough game of apprentice tag.
retain their loyalty to their masters throughout their
lifetimes, even if they surpass their masters’ achieve- Color Orb Wizard’s Apprentice Attack
ments. Apprentices who were taught by particularly You throw a brightly shining orb of swirling colors at your foe,
powerful or famous masters can serve as agents and momentarily dazing it.
allies of those mentors, and they see themselves Encounter F Arcane, Implement, Radiant
Standard Action Ranged 5
as the appointed guardians of a long and honored
Target: One creature
tradition. Just as noble families have ancestral lines Attack: Highest ability modifier vs. Will
going back centuries, many famous spellcasters Hit: 1d8 + highest ability modifier radiant damage, and the
likewise come from lines of apprentice–master target is dazed until the end of your next turn.
Level 11: 2d8 + highest ability modifier radiant damage.
relationships tracing back to famous wizards or sor- Level 21: 3d8 + highest ability modifier radiant damage.
cerers of old.
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Character Themes: Heroes of Nature and Lore
Level 10 Feature Level 2 Utility Power Minor Polymorph Wizard’s Apprentice Utility 10
After lengthy adventures and much experience, you You know a very useful spell of minor invisibility. It You turn yourself into a small, harmless animal. This form is
not terribly useful in a fight, but it might help you avoid one.
discover that you now understand arcane theories doesn’t last long, but it can give you the opportunity
and cryptic notes you had copied down in the past. to duck around a corner or through a doorway before Daily F Arcane, Polymorph
Standard Action Personal
Concepts you couldn’t grasp before are now clear; the your foes realize where you’ve gone. It’s also a fine Effect: You assume the form of a Tiny natural beast until the
meaning of riddles and problems that used to seem way to steal up on an enemy and catch it off guard. end of your next turn. While in this form, you cannot
nonsensical are finally revealed. attack, but you have the senses of your chosen form and
Disappear Wizard’s Apprentice Utility 2 gain its movement modes. If your chosen form has the
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus to Arcana checks,
aquatic keyword, you also gain it while in this form. You
and you learn one new language (other than You fade from sight for a moment.
can return to your normal form as a minor action. If you are
Supernal). Daily F Arcane, Illusion flying when you return to your normal form, you descend
Minor Action Personal to the ground without taking falling damage. Observers can
Effect: You become invisible until the end of this turn. tell that you’re a supernatural version of your animal form
Optional Powers by making a successful Insight check against a DC equal to
The workbooks and notes you accumulated as a Level 6 Utility Power 15 + one-half your level.
Sustain Minor: Your animal form persists until the end of your
young apprentice hold the sketchy outlines of several With a whispered word and a single graceful leap, next turn.
potentially useful spells. Perhaps your master was you can soar into the air. You can’t stay airborne for
experimenting with these spells during your time
under his or her tutelage, or these might be inspira-
long, but there’s nothing handier for ascending to a About the Author
rooftop or getting away from threatening enemies. Richard Baker is an award-winning game designer who has
tions of your own with which you began to tinker. written numerous adventures and supplements, including
Your master might not have thought much of spells Winged Step Wizard’s Apprentice Utility 6 Manual of the Planes TM , the Dark Sun® Campaign Guide, and
the Gamma World® Roleplaying Game. He’s a New York Times
that provided a wizard’s apprentice with opportuni- You create semisolid wings around your ankles, which bear
bestselling author of Forgotten Realms® novels such as
ties to shirk work or avoid punishment, but you set you up into the air for a single swift leap.
Condemnation, the Last Mythal trilogy, and the Blades of the
them aside for the day when you could choose your Encounter F Arcane Moonsea series. Rich is currently the Design Manager for the
own studies. Move Action Personal Dungeons & Dragons® game at Wizards of the Coast.
Effect: You fly up to 6 squares and land. This movement does-
not provoke opportunity attacks.
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