This document contains a list of error codes, messages, and items associated with various machine errors. There are over 30 errors listed ranging from issues with safety circuits, peripheral devices, thermal overloads, sensors, and more. The errors provide details about what component or signal is abnormal and possible causes like communication loss or clogged filters.
This document contains a list of error codes, messages, and items associated with various machine errors. There are over 30 errors listed ranging from issues with safety circuits, peripheral devices, thermal overloads, sensors, and more. The errors provide details about what component or signal is abnormal and possible causes like communication loss or clogged filters.
This document contains a list of error codes, messages, and items associated with various machine errors. There are over 30 errors listed ranging from issues with safety circuits, peripheral devices, thermal overloads, sensors, and more. The errors provide details about what component or signal is abnormal and possible causes like communication loss or clogged filters.
This document contains a list of error codes, messages, and items associated with various machine errors. There are over 30 errors listed ranging from issues with safety circuits, peripheral devices, thermal overloads, sensors, and more. The errors provide details about what component or signal is abnormal and possible causes like communication loss or clogged filters.
EX2027 Interlock key switch was turned to release side
NC OPERATING ON PER2027 during automatic cycle or feed hold. EX2028 PLEASE PRESS SINGLE A cycle start has been activated at single block PER2028 BLOCK SWITCH OFF status. EX2029 CYCLE START Single block has been turned off or front door PERMISSION PER2029 has been opened during automatic cycle. IMPERFECT EX2033 DOOR SENSOR Door sensor detects obstacles after specifying PER2033 DETECTS OBSTACLES auto door close command. EX2057 A parts catcher out command has been given SHUT TRAY COVER PER2057 while the tray cover for parts catcher is not FOR PARTS CATCHER closed. EX2058 Any one of the following input signals is SAFETY CIRCUIT INPUT abnormal ; one of two emergency stop signals, MER2058 SIGNAL ERROR one of two door close signals, or one of two door interlock release signals. EX2059 Any one of the following input signals is SAFETY CIRCUIT INPUT abnormal ; one of two emergency stop signals, MER2059 SIGNAL ERROR one of two door close signals, or one of two door interlock release signals. (EXTERMA PLC) EX2060 Any one of the following signal input/output SAFETY CIRCUIT I/O to/from each sequence is abnormal ; motor MER2060 SIGNAL ERROR emergency stop signal, motor power shut-off signal, or motor stop signal. EX2061 Any one of the following signal input/output SAFETY CIRCUIT I/O to/from each sequence is abnormal ; motor MER2061 SIGNAL ERROR emergency stop signal, motor power shut-off signal, or motor stop signal. (EXTERNAL PLC) EX2062 SEQUENCE WATCH MER2062 Sequence was abnormally activated. DOG ALARM EX2063 SEQUENCE WATCH Sequence was abnormally activated. MER2063 DOG ALARM (EXTERNAL PLC) EX2064 SOFT-MONITOR DATA The data for the software monitor was not MER2064 TRANSFER ERROR transferred correctly. EX2065 SOFT-MONITOR DATA The data for the software monitor was not MER2065 TRANSFER ERROR transferred correctly.(EXTERNAL PLC) EX2067 SPEED DETECTION Speed detection signal from external MER2067 SIGNAL ABNORMAL sequenceris abnormal. EX2068 ROTATION SPEED Spindle speed or rotary tool spindle speed (only MER2068 DETECTION ERROR MC type) is abnormal. EX2069 ROTATION SPEED MER2069 Spindle speed or rotary tool spindle speed (only
EX2070 Comunication error is happened between NC NOT CONNECT MER2070 MAPPS and NC. Cause is cutting off communication cable. EX2071 PERIPHERAL DEVICE Peripheral device is abnormal state. Please MER2071 ERROR 1 make peripheral device normal state. EX2072 PERIPHERAL DEVICE Peripheral device is abnormal state. Please MER2072 ERROR 2 make peripheral device normal state. EX2405 SPINDLE OR ROTARY Ceiling shutter open command has been given PER2405 TOOL SPINDLE ON during spindle or rotary tool spindle rotation. EX2419 Synchronous command has been given during CHUCK IS CLAMPED #2 PER2419 headstock 2 chuck unclamped. EX2423 Work pusher out command has been given CHUCK IS CLAMPED PER2423 during chuck is clamped. EX2428 Chuck clamp/unclamp command has been given SPINDLE ON PER2428 during work pusher is out. EX2429 Chuck clamp/unclamp command has been given WORK PUSHER IS OUT PER2429 during work pusher is out. EX2550 The thermal relay of the following auxiliary unit THERMAL OVERLOAD motor has tripped.(hydraulic unit pump motor, MER2550 TRIP 1 chip coolant pump motor, shower coolant pump motor, lubricant oil pump motor) EX2551 THERMAL OVERLOAD The thermal relay of the following auxiliary unit MER2551 TRIP 2 motor has tripped.(coolant pump motor) EX2555 AIR CHUCK The open/close of the front/rear air chuck is not OPEN/CLOSE MER0255 completed. At this time, the chuck clamp lamp is ABNORMAL blinking. EX2561 SERVO BATTERY Please change the battery for absolute value PER2561 ABNORMAL detector. EX2562 NC BATTERY PER2562 Please change the battery for memory backup. ABNORMAL EX2566 HIGH-PRESS. COOLANT SYSTEM MER2566 Abnormality in high-pressure coolant system. ERROR EX2568 HYDRAULIC UNIT MER2568 An alarm occurred at the hydraulic unit. ALARM EX2595 COOLANT UNIT FILTER MER2595 Filter of coolant has been clogged. ALARM EX2909 When the power is turned on by weekly timer, DOOR IS OPENING PER2909 the front door is not closed. EX2918 SENSOR BEING M87 or M88 command has been given while PER2918 TOUCHED sensor is being touched. EX2919 CHECK OFFSET DATA PER2919 During tool presetter mode, detachable tool presetter (D.T.P) was installed or removed.
removing D.T.P during tool presetter mode. Check the offset data. EX2920 Parts catcher command has not been accepted by incorrect axis position. AXIS POSITION PER2920 ・Please move X axis to zero return point. IMPERFECT
・Please move B axis out of parts catcher
interference position. EX2940 Alarm in special design. Refer to the OPTION ALARM 41 PER2940 accompanying documents for the special design. EX2941 Alarm in special design. Refer to the OPTION ALARM 42 PER2941 accompanying documents for the special design. EX2945 STEADY REST CLAMP A T-command has been given while the ateady PER2945 SIGNAL IS OFF rest is not clamped. EX2946 A steady rest open/close command has been SPINDLE OR ROTARY PER2946 given during spindle or rotary tool spindle TOOL SPINDLE ON rotation. EX2947 A parts catcher out command or auto tool Z-AXIS POSITION PER2947 presetter out command has been given in the ERROR #2 interference position with Z-axis #2. EX2948 X-AXIS POSITION A parts catcher out command has been given in PER2948 ERROR #1 the interference position with X-axis #1. EX2949 SPINDLE NOT AT When CCD arm down command has been given, PER2949 ORIENTATION POS. spindle is not at orientation position. EX3402 SPINDLE COOLER PER3402 Spindle cooler oil flow-rate is not normal. FLOW SWITCH IS OFF EX3403 NO STEADY REST Steady rest open and close detect signals are PER3403 OPEN/CLOSE DETECT both off when main spindle or tool spindle EX4002 OPEN THE DOOR THEN After turning on the power, open the door once, PER4002 CLOSE and close again. EX4004 PLEASE CLOSE THE MER4004 Door lock is specified while door is opened. DOOR EX4006 DOOR INTERLOCK A cycle start has been activated with the door PER4006 RELEASED interlock key switch is released. EX4007 After the door interlock function released state is DOOR INTERLOCK NOT MER4007 cancelled, door interlock function is released RELEASED again before monitor circuit becomes normal. EX4008 C-AXIS OVERLOAD MER4008 C-axis is overloaded. EX4014 A cycle start has been activated during spindle SPINDLE OFF MODE PER4014 off mode(program check mode). EX4018 A spindle forward/reverse rotation, rotary tool CEILING SHUTTER IS PER4018 spindle forward/reverse rotation command has OPEN been given, when the ceiling shutter is open. EX4024 CHUCK IS NOT PER4024 A turret select change command has been given, file:///D:/DOCUMENT/DURA HELP/Lang00/EXHLP004.htm 3/4 1/4/22, 11:47 AM VERSION I98191A08
CLAMPED when rotary tool spindle is rotated.
EX4025 The spindle 2 rotation or orientation, or the chuck PARTS CATHER CYCLE PER4025 2 clamp/unclamp command has been given ON during parts catcher cycle. EX4030 Spindle forward/reverse or, spindle orientation Y-AXIS NEED ZERO PER4030 command has been given without at Y-axis zero RETURN point. EX4039 PRESS MILLING SWITCH AGAIN The C-axis is connected with spindle rotation by PER4039 (CAUTION: SPINDLE pressing the milling switch again. WILL ROTATE) EX4040 MODE CANNOT BE The operation mode cannot be changed during PER4040 CHANGED turret index command. EX4041 SEQUENCE PROGRAM Abnormality in sequence program. Contact Mori PER4041 ABNORMAL Seiki. (EXTERNAL PLC) EX4042 TURRET NEED ZERO A cycle start has been activated without turret PER4042 RETURN index finished. EX4043 A auto presetter arm down command, or parts B-AXIS NEED ZERO catcher out command, or tool presetter mode PER4043 RETURN command has been given while B-axis is not at the zero point. EX4044 X-AXIS NEED ZERO An auto presetter arm down command has been PER4044 RETURN #2 given while X-axis (#2) is not at the zero point. EX4047 Program is not called once after changing to PROGRAM NOT FOUND PER4047 MEM(DRT) from DIRECT(MEM) call O-No. again. EX4403 Rigid tap mode has been commanded during SPINDLE ON PER4403 syncronous mode. EX4406 The rotary tool spindle clutch OUT command in CLUTCH IS NOT IN PER4406 the Z-axis direction is executed in the position ALLOWABLE RANGE without the X-axis position allowable range. EX4407 R.T.SP. JOINT IS NOT M319,M329 command has been given while PER4407 COMPLETED R.T.SP. Joint is not completed. EX4408 CUTTING DIRECTION The T code which cutting direction is different is PER4408 NOT CHANGED specified during spindle rotation. EX4411 The C-axis synchronous command is specified CONNECT C-AXIS PER4411 though C-axis are not connected in both spindles. EX4412 The C-axis synchronous command or the C-axis C-AXIS BEING INDEXED PER4412 synchronous release command is specified during C-axis indexing. EX4413 C-AXIS IN The M245 command is specified during C-axis PER4413 SYNCHRONOUS MODE synchronous mode.