Course Syllabus - CNST 1361 Construction Management 1

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Course Syllabus – CNST 1361

Construction Management 1
Course Description:
This course offers a sampler of the entire CM program. It provides the first introduction to the
principles of management, construction industry roles and responsibilities and an overview of
common project management tools.

Course Prerequisites:

Construction Project Management, by Gould and Joyce, Pearson 4th edition (ISBN-13: 978-
0132877244). There are eBook options available. Some test/exam questions will be taken from
the textbook. Textbook Required

Course Learning Outcomes:

After completion of the course the student will:
1. Understand the various types of construction worldwide
2. Understand terminology common to the construction industry
3. Understand different methods of project delivery and the roles and responsibilities of all the
participants involved in the design and construction process (SLO#12).
4. Be familiar with selected project control tools and computer applications in CM (SLO# 14 and
5. Understand the basic principles of sustainable construction (SLO#18).
6. Be aware of Ethics, Safety issues common to construction activities (SLO#6)

Student Learning Outcomes:

1. Create written communications appropriate to the construction discipline
6. Analyze professional decisions based on ethical principles
12. Understand different methods of project delivery and the roles and responsibilities of all
constituencies involved in the design and construction process
14. Understand construction accounting and cost control
16. Understand construction project control processes
18. Understand the basic principles of sustainable construction

Course and Student Learning Outcome Mapping:

Student Learning Outcome Course Learning Outcomes
6 6
12 1,2,3
14 4
16 4
18 5

Student Learning Assessments and Assessment Target:

Assessment SLO#6 SLO#12 SLO#14 SLO#16 SLO#18 Assessment Target

1 Fall 2020
Support (S) At least 70% of students
receive a grade of 70 or better
At least 70% of students
Assess(A) X
receive a grade of 70 or better

Class Grading:
• 10% for LASSI Assignment 100 points
• 7% for chapter reviews 70 points
• 5% for Journals 50 points
• 28% for quizzes (4) 280 points
• 10% for semester assignment 100 points
• 30% for final exam 300 points
• 10% for class participation 100 points
TOTAL 1000 points

Grading Scale :
Letter Grade Score
A 900 – 1000 points
B 800 – 900 points
C 700 – 800 points
D 600 – 700 points
F Below 600 points

Class Schedule:
(Subject to change look for latest published revision)
1 Opening Session at Main Campus
• via Microsoft Teams
Syllabus Review 1
The Construction Industry
Chapter 1 Review due by class time
LASSI Assessment – this is a required assessment for all CNST1361
students. The Assessment is in Blackboard under “Assignments”. A
screenshot of your completed page needs to be uploaded into
Blackboard for credit for this Assignment.
4 Project Participants 2
• Chapter 2 Review due by class time
Organizing and Leading the Construction Project
• Chapter 3 Review due by class time
6 Project Delivery Methods 4
• Chapter 4 Review due by class time
Quiz #1 (chap 1-4) ONLINE IN BLACKBOARD due Wednesday Sept.

2 Fall 2020
7 Project Phases/Bidding & Procurement 5&6
• Chapter 5 & 6 Review due by class time
8 Construction Services/ Construction/ Closeout 7&8
• Chapter 7 & 8 Review due by class time
Quiz #2 (chap 5-8) ONLINE IN BLACKBOARD due Wednesday Oct.
9 Guest Lecturer – Fluor Erin Tang
AWP Module 1
10 Construction Estimating 9
• Chapter 9 Review due by class time
11 Guest Lecturer - Tellepsen
Sustainable Construction
Quiz #3 (Sustainable Construction) ONLINE IN BLACKBOARD due
Wednesday Nov 4th
12 Project Planning and Scheduling 10
• Chapter 10 Review due by class time
13 Project Controls/ Site Management/Project Administration 11 & 12
• Chapter 11 & 12 Review due by class time
Quiz #4 (chap 9-12) ONLINE IN BLACKBOARD due Wednesday Nov.
14 Construction Law / Health Safety & Environment 13 & 14
• Chapter 13 & 14 Review due by class time
Final Review
15 Final Examination ONLINE IN BLACKBOARD 5pm to midnight
Journal Review via Teams
16 Semester Assignment due May 4th in Blackboard

The instructor reserves the right to change the order of the schedule as the semester progresses.
Sometimes guest speakers or field trips need to be rescheduled for various reasons.

Class Rules:
• No electronic devices (cell phones, iPods, cameras, or recorders) are allowed in class. You will
be asked to leave if you insist on using any electronic devices during class time.
• Be prompt to class. We will start promptly at 5:30PM. A 10-minute break will be given when
• No make-up tests will be allowed for the tests or the final exam without a university approved
• The final assignment will be due on the date listed. A reduction in grade will be assessed for a
late assignment.
• One field trip is planned. Attendance is mandatory, and your participation grade will be
deducted by 50% if you miss this field trip.

• One three ring binder for Journal. More information to follow.

In Class:

3 Fall 2020
• Each class will begin with an HSE topic to be given by different students each week. Instructor
will assign the topics to volunteers the second week of class. A current weather report should
also be given.
o Extra Credit (10 points) will be given for those who volunteer to present a topic.
o Presentations should NOT be read from your notes – hit the high points.
• Lecture

You are responsible to attend and for the information presented in class and meeting all due dates
regardless of absences. This class requires good note taking since the PowerPoint presentations
are only an outline of the lecture. DO NOT come into class when a student is giving their HSE
presentation. Wait until they are finished before finding your seat. Participation in the lecture is
• Attendance to class is a requirement. If you cannot make it to class, it is your responsibility to
email the instructor to let him know.
• Lecture presentations will be posted on Blackboard after each class.

Chapter Reviews:
A review of each chapter will be taken through Blackboard before the beginning of each new
lecture session. For instance, Chapters 1 is to be read and review completed in blackboard during
week 2 in preparation for the Chapter 1 lecture on session 2 (Aug. 31, 2020). Chapter 2 review is
to be completed before the beginning of session 4. Chapter Reviews will be done in Blackboard
with 2 chances for completion for each chapter (the highest score will be recorded in the grade

Each student is to maintain a journal using a three-ring binder. At each class meeting the student
is to enter the following information onto the daily report for each session (required templates are
available in blackboard:
• Date
• Weather
• HSE Topic discussed
• Class notes
• Journals will include the daily reports, notes, and assignments. They will be checked during
after the final exam by the instructor. You will be graded on the neatness of your book
including printing and note taking abilities (blank pages or missing notes will be a deduct).
You will be able to use your journal during the quizzes and final exam.

Four Multiple Choice/True-False/Matching quizzes will be given during the semester in class. The
student will be given 30 minutes to take the quizzes. No make-ups are allowed without a university
approved excuse.

LASSI Assessment:

4 Fall 2020
A Learning Assessment will be given through a Blackboard link. This online test LASSI, or
Learning and Study Strategies Inventory, is a commonly used tool for college students, letting
them know their strengths and weaknesses when learning college material. Once the student
completes the inventory, they will receive a personal assessment. This is a required assignment
for students and a screenshot of the completed page will need to be uploaded into blackboard for
credit. The screenshot should NOT be the personal assessment but a screenshot of the completion
page of the inventory.

Semester Assignment:
An assignment will be given through Blackboard towards the end of the semester and will be done
outside of the classroom and will be turned in through Blackboard by the due date.

Final Exam:
The final exam will be comprehensive Multiple Choice/True-False exam and will be administered
through Blackboard. Questions will be from lectures and the textbook. You will be allowed to use
your journals as aids for taking the final. No make-ups are allowed without an university approved

Each student should review the syllabus and email the instructor any questions that need to be
clarified. It is important that each student understand the class structure and requirements.
Adjustments to the class may be made during the semester.

Academic Honesty:
Each student is responsible for maintaining high standards of academic honesty and ethical
behavior. Students are expected to take their exams, tests, and reports on their own, based on their
individual effort. Students who violate University rules on scholastic dishonesty are subject to
disciplinary penalties, including the possibility of failure in the course and dismissal from the
University (See Student Handbook for a detailed description of the UH Academic Honesty Policy).

Students with Disabilities:

University of Houston provides, upon request, appropriate academic adjustments for qualified
students with disabilities. Any student with a documented disability (physical or cognitive) who
requires academic accommodations should contact the Center for Students with Disabilities (713-
743-5400) for more assistance.

University Counseling and Psychological Services:

Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) can help students who are having difficulties
managing stress, adjusting to college, or feeling sad and hopeless. You can reach CAPS (UH main
campus, or UH Sugar Land campus
by calling 713-743-5454 during and after business hours for routine appointments or if you or
someone you know is in crisis. No appointment is necessary for the “Let's Talk” program, a drop-
in consultation service at convenient locations and hours around campus.
UH main campus:
UH Sugar Land campus:

5 Fall 2020
Exam Policy:
Exams and tests will include material covered in the class discussions, textbook material, and
homework assignments. Exam make-up’s will be given only in the event of a verified university
excuse. The student is responsible for all reading assignments and class handouts whether or not
covered in class or listed on the syllabus.

Course/Instructor Evaluation:
A Start-Stop-Continue survey and a course/instructor evaluation will be conducted at the middle
and the end of the semester. Any suggestions you have on improving the course, however, are
welcome through the semester.

For detailed information Academic Honesty Policy, UH Academic Calendar, students with
disabilities, and other information, please visit the following website:

6 Fall 2020

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