LEADSReports 2022 19april2023
LEADSReports 2022 19april2023
LEADSReports 2022 19april2023
LEADS 2022
Logistics Ease Across Different States
Efficient logistics is the bed rock for a fast-growing the logistics ecosystem in the country in
economy like India. Movement of goods across the partnership with States/UT. LEADS is an
country and beyond its borders has created indigenous data driven index which practically
opportunities for millions of Indians. At the measures performance of States/UTs on Logistics.
macroeconomic level, logistics is regarded as one It focuses on providing a common platform for a
of the main factors influencing competitiveness, consultative and collaborative framework for
policy effectiveness, infrastructure development Central and State Governments to work in a
and other investments. Improvement in logistics coordinated manner in logistic sector.
ecosystem has become a cornerstone for
EY is pleased to have supported Logistics Division,
achieving Government’s vision of a $5 trillion
Ministry of Commerce and Industry (MOCI),
economy including push towards achieving
Government of India with preparation of the
Atmanirbhar Bharat and becoming a
LEADS 2022 report. I would like to thank Shri
manufacturing hub for the world.
Anurag Jain - Secretary, DPIIT; Shri
Government of India has prioritised development Amrit Lal Meena - IAS, Special Secretary -
of a robust, cost-efficient, and high-quality Logistics Division, Ministry of Commerce and
logistics ecosystem with is a judicious blend of Industry; Dr. Surendra Ahirwar - IRTS, Logistics
technology, regulation, standardisation, and Division, Ministry of Commerce and Industry; and
highly skilled human resource. A comprehensive Shri Shlok Bhardwaj - IES, Deputy Director General
exercise of mapping all existing/planned - Logistics Division, Ministry of Commerce and
infrastructure initiatives of various Ministries and Industry; for their continuous support throughout
State Governments has been initiated under the LEADS exercise and guidance.
pioneering initiative of PM GatiShakti National
Finally, I would like to acknowledge the support
Master Plan (PMGS-NMP). The National Logistics
provided by all the States / UTs and various
Policy (NLP) provides an overarching cross
stakeholders of the logistics industry who
functional, cross jurisdictional and
participated in the LEADS 2022 survey. Their
interdisciplinary framework for improving logistics
inputs accompanied by the willingness to improve
ecosystem in the country.
the logistics ecosystem in the country has been a
LEADS survey is one of the many initiatives taken source of constant encouragement and
by Government of India to collaboratively improve motivation.
Mihir G. Shah
Ernst & Young LLP
India envisions a US$2 trillion export figure by an annual “Logistics Ease Across Different States
2030. As a result the Government has been taking (LEADS)” survey in all States/ UTs to assess
a number of initiatives to spur export trade, logistics ecosystem in the country at State/UT
support domestic consumption and bring in level. It’s a combination of perception and
logistics efficiencies. Make in India, Production objective data to arrive at a grading system for
Linked Incentive Schemes (PLI), increased States/UTs using a statistical model. It further,
Government spending on capex, flagship assesses viewpoints of various users and
programs such as PM GatiShakti and launch of stakeholders in the value chain (through
National Logistics Policy are few a reforms tools perception survey) to identify bottlenecks, and
to mould the vision. Given the high Logistics cost suggest appropriate measures to rectify the same.
in India competition in Global markets becomes LEADS acts a feedback mechanism for the
extremely challenging and thus more scientific administrative ecosystem to take a coordinated
approach has been adopted by the Government of approach to develop cost effective and efficient
India (GOI) to create a Cost Effective, Data Driven logistics system.
and Technically Robust Logistics Ecosystem
LEADS 2022 survey garnered meticulous insights
across the country.
through a much wider reach and deeper
PM GatiShakti and recently launched National penetration into key markets across State/UTs. A
Logistics Policy in particular along with many total of 6,583 responses were received from
other initiatives such as Unified Logistics Interface 2,140 respondents through 600+ meetings
Platform (ULIP), E-LogS – Dashboard for Ease of facilitated through 20+ National and 75+ regional
Logistics Services, Standards for Warehousing and associations. LEADS 2022 continues to focus on
physical assets and Training Courses on IGoT indicators introduced across 3 established pillars –
Platform are aimed at holistically developing Infrastructure, Services and Operating &
Logistics Ecosystem. Given the federal system of Regulatory Environment. These pillars are further
our country, States & UTs are the most important divided into 19 indicators. Corroborative evidence
Partners and have a critical role as enablers and collected through stakeholder discussion along
work in tandem alongside the Central Government with inputs from the States and UTs through an
for implementation of these initiatives. evidence-based objective survey to map their
initiatives forms core of the study. LEADS 2022
Monitoring / audit of various sectors, identifying
also considers the facilitation provided by
impediments and recommending course
State/UTs in logistics sector through various
correction to streamline processes is thus a
policy initiatives, interventions and actions taken
reliable mechanism to bring in efficiencies.,
by the states on the suggestions made under
Thereby since 2018, the Logistics Division, DPIIT,
LEADS 2021.
Ministry of Commerce & Industry, has undertaken
Business Reforms Action Plan (dpiit.gov.in) accessed at Business Reforms Action Plan (dpiit.gov.in)
Changing landscape of
3% 3% 3%
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
India is now among the world’s five largest Integrated Digital Logistics Systems,
economies, doing even better when GDP is Standardization of Physical Assets &
measured on PPP basis. In order to improve benchmarking service quality standards in
faster, International Trade will have to be given a warehousing sector, Logistics Human Resources
strong leg up, with Indian manufacturing Development and Capacity Building, State
becoming efficient producers of comparatively Engagement, EXIM Logistics, Service
advantaged exports. This competitiveness of Improvement framework, and Sectoral Plan for
Indian goods is a crucial enabler for bolstering Efficient Logistics. These key pillars are
India’s economy and for achieving the target of $2 envisioned to boost EXIM as well as domestic
trillion exports by 2030. Sustaining domestic trade and help reduce logistics cost.
consumption and enabling integration with global
While NLP will strengthen Logistics Services and
value chain is critical for India’s economic growth
Systems, Government of India’s pioneering
and logistics holds the key to both. A
initiative of the PM GatiShakti National Master
strengthened logistics ecosystem is going to form
Plan (PMGS-NMP) will focus on creation and
the backbone of India’s $5 trillion economy vision.
improvement of multimodal logistics
Government of India’s vision to ease the supply
infrastructure in coordination with States/UTs and
chain bottlenecks and expedite the development
their agencies under one common platform
of an integrated logistics ecosystem is reflected in
unifying all decision-making levels, by removing
the scale of decisions and initiatives which have
silos. PMGS-NMP is a transformative approach
been undertaken in the recent past. The
towards integration and synchronization of
Government of India is now adopting specific
efforts, prioritization of projects and optimization
strategies to improve the global competitiveness
of cost and time so that the lack of coordination in
of Indian goods by targeting to position itself
infrastructure projects does not result in time and
among the top 25 countries in the Logistics
cost overruns.
Performance Index, reducing logistics cost
comparable to global benchmarks and creating a The Department of Expenditure, Government of
technology enabled and data-driven logistics India (GOI) has issued guidelines on "Scheme for
ecosystem in coming years. Special Assistance to States for Capital
Investment" to provide financial assistance to the
Envisaging the need of a network-wide
State Governments of Rs 1 lakh crore in the form
collaboration on a marble-cake federalism theme,
of 50-year interest free loan for capital
Government of India has launched the National
investment. Part-II of this Scheme is aimed at
Logistics Policy (NLP) on 17th September 2022,
facilitating PM GatiShakti-related expenditure in
which will guide States/UTs in formulating and
the States for which a total amount of Rs. 5,000
implementing their respective Logistics Policies.
crores have been earmarked. Additional amount
The Policy will be implemented through a
may further be reallocated to Part II of the
Comprehensive Logistics Action Plan (CLAP) that
Scheme based on the response of the States and
proposes interventions in key action areas of
utilisation of funds.
The Government of India (GOI) has prioritised to work in a coordinated manner in the logistic
development of a robust, cost-efficient and high- sector. The objective of LEADS is to channelize
quality logistics ecosystem through blend of focus on bringing out the existing challenges and
technology, digitalisation, regulation, and issues, the States/UTs are facing with regard to
standardisation coupled with highly skilled human their logistics ecosystems and acts as a feedback
resource. Envisaging the need of a network-wide mechanism to address the inefficiencies via policy
collaboration on a marble-cake federalism theme, or physical interventions, as may be required. The
the Government of India has launched the study provides an opportunity to identify the
National Logistics Policy (NLP) on 17th interplay among various stakeholders engaged in
September 2022, which will guide States/UTs in the fragmented logistics sector. It is also a
formulating and implementing their respective reflection of ground reality, as the subjective
State Logistics Policies. While NLP will strengthen perceptions of users and service providers,
Logistics Services, Government of India’s obtained through a carefully designed sampling
pioneering initiative of the PM GatiShakti National technique which are comprehensive enough to
Master Plan (PMGS-NMP) will focus on creation provide a clear picture of State’s/UT’s logistics
and improvement of multimodal logistics ecosystem.
infrastructure in coordination with States/UTs and
This perception is further blended with Objective
their agencies under one common platform by
data and the concerned State’s/UT’s feedback to
unifying all decision-making processes and
arrive at an Index-based grouping. LEADS is
removing silos.
therefore a combination of both objective data
in continuation of the spirit of Centre-State and perception of relevant stakeholders in
cooperation, the NLP sets a standard of Logistics logistics, based on identified indicators, which
excellence for States/UTs to be adopted suitably constitute an Index. LEADS also provides
in their own special environment. Yet, basic indicator-level assessments of performance and
principles of logistics ease and efficiency are logistics ecosystem on specific dimensions.
universal, and when they are converted to a set of Ministry of Commerce & Industry (MoCI)
Indicators which together form an Index, the undertook LEADS study to gauge the experience
LEADS comparisons among States/UTs assume of industry players and stakeholders involved in
significance. The Logistics Division of DPIIT, key value chains. While the gains from this
Ministry of Commerce & Industry, undertakes an exercise are important, in that they help analyse,
annual “Logistics Ease Across Different States monitor and plan logistics efficiency and its
(LEADS)” survey; based both on User/Service improvement, it still does not account for the
Provider perception and Objective data provided varying operating circumstances, resource
by States/UT; in all States/UTs to assess the availability, geographical factors, among other
logistics ecosystem and uses a robust statistical things, across all States/UTs. But this study
model to grade them on performance. certainly acts as an informed perceptive guide to
further deliberations, identification of potential
The LEADS study focuses on providing a common
focus areas, and setting priorities for strategic
platform for a consultative and collaborative
framework for the Central and State Governments
“LEADS 2018” focused on international trade 3. Operating & Regulatory Environment - covers
(EXIM) and provided a useful starting point in 4 indicators related to extent of facilitation
assessing the efficiency of logistics ecosystem in offered by the State/ UT, ease of obtaining all
each State and UT. In the second edition of the approvals, inter-state border movement and
study – “LEADS 2019”, the Ministry expanded clearance and last, efficiency of regulatory
coverage to include both international and services.
domestic trades. The two LEADS exercises have
The LEADS 2022 survey assesses viewpoints of
served the purpose of initiating a dialogue
various users and stakeholders across the value
amongst all stakeholders, including Central and
chain viz Shippers, Terminal Infrastructure Service
State Governments, as also the private sector, to
Providers, Logistics Service Providers,
improve the efficiency of the States’/UTs’ logistics
Transporters and Government agencies, to
understand the ‘enabler’ and ‘impediment’
The LEADS initiative had already introduced elements to the logistics ecosystem in the
constructive competition and excitement amongst country. Anecdotal evidence, gathered on the
States. This is now to be taken to the next level basis of industry interactions, also forms a key
though greater engagement with the States / UTs. part of the framework. These would be a guide to
In this regard, the Logistics Division of MoCI key issues and challenges in the industry.
initiated the third edition of the study – “LEADS
The annual survey processes data received from
2021”. Like “LEADS 2019”, the 2021 edition
stakeholders and States/ UTs. It grades logistics
focuses on both international and domestic trade.
ecosystem of each State/ UT based on perception
However, while LEADS 2018 and 2019 editions
inputs from stakeholders and objective data for
were perception-based, “LEADS 2021” introduced
respective States / UTs using a statistical model.
objective parameters in the index formulation by
The LEADS Study considers inputs from the States
engaging with all the States/UTs for the first time.
and UTs through an evidence-based objective
LEADS 2022 framework: survey to map their initiatives and improvements
in all three categories.
LEADS 2022 continues to focus on indicators
introduced across three established pillars as It has been considered prudent to utilize the same
statistical methodology as in the last round,
1. Infrastructure - covers 4 indicators related to LEADS 2021. The Structured Equation Modelling
quality of available Logistics Infrastructure (SEM) methodology for undertaking a
2. Services - covers 7 indicators related to Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) has been
quality of service, price reasonableness found useful for preparation of LEADS 2022
(freight rates & terminal services), timeliness index.
(transportation & terminal services), safety
C. Learnings from 2021 LEADS exercise and resultant modifications made to LEADS 2022:
i. LEADS 2021: LEADS 2021 successfully issues further. LEADS 2021 was conducted
established a robust mechanism to capture predominantly on a virtual platform owing to
key issues and challenges of the stakeholders the Covid-19 pandemic related travel
through its comprehensive set of 17 restrictions. LEADS 2021 exercise garnered a
perception-based indicators (covering total of 3,771 responses out of which 3,363
infrastructure, services, and the regulatory responses were considered after data
framework) dovetailed with State/UT specific cleaning.
objective (data based) indicators. Anecdotal
ii. LEADS 2021 key findings: In LEADS 2021,
evidence (gathered on the basis of industry
Gujarat, Haryana and Punjab emerged as the
interactions) is embedded in the study as a
top three performers. Western India led by
key part of the framework to understand
► Perception survey: 15 ► Physical visits v/s virtual ► More than 40% higher ► Data analytics to derive
questions v/s 21, Part rollout in 2021 due to v/s LEADS 2021 deeper insights from
B removed Covid restrictions survey findings
► Sample collection:
► Objective survey: 3 ► 2,140+ respondents
additional question ► 6,583+ responses
D. Perception Indicators
Three Pillars of LEADS study, i.e., Infrastructure, LEADS 2022 not only assesses perception of
Services and Regulatory environment define the private stakeholders but also the facilitation
basic structure of Logistics ecosystem. These provided by State/UTs in logistics sector through
pillars have independent identities but, play a various policy initiatives and interventions.
conjoined role in deciding overall Logistics cost Another important aspect of State Engagement
and user experience. Therefore, it is imperative to that has been captured through this survey is
extensively study all three pillars. To achieve the action taken by States/UTs in respect of the
vision of LEADS study, these three pillars are recommendations made in LEADS 2021 report
further broken into various sub indicators. and State feedback on observations indicated by
stakeholders in existing survey.
Exhibit 4: LEADS 2022 (Perception Survey) – Indicators and Comparison with LEADS 2021
Reasonableness of Reasonableness of
transportation prices terminal prices Reasonableness of prices of logistics services
Safety/ security of cargo Safety/ security of cargo Safety/ security of cargo within State/UT
during transportation at terminals
Quality of Rail Infrastructure Sufficiency of Rail tracks, congestion on rail networks etc.
ICDs, CFSs, AFSs, PFTs, MMLP, port terminals, airport terminals,
Quality of Terminal
logistics parks, inland waterway terminals, dry ports, Land Custom
Stations, Road-based terminals, transport nagar, LCS/LCP etc.
Quality of Warehousing Warehouses including silos/bulk storage, consolidation centres, cold
Infrastructure storages, packhouses, ripening chambers, reefer vans etc.
Haulage/transportation by different modes, terminal operations
Quality of Modal Logistics including handling and storage of cargo, customs broking, and value-
Services added services like consolidation, repackaging, labelling, last-mile
connectivity, etc.
Competency of transport providers, truck drivers, freight forwarders,
Quality of Services at terminals
custom house agents, MTOs etc.
Reasonableness of prices of Road Freight Rates, Terminal Charges, Charges by Service providers
logistics services such as Shipping Lines, Transporters and Freight Forwarders etc.
management and operation of clearances, logistics/ labour, ease of availing land and ancillary facilities,
logistics infrastructure and maintenance of law and order, and provision and implementation of tax
encouraging efficient logistics breaks/subsidies/access to credit etc.
Satisfaction with logistics issues
Provision of effective system to ensure grievance redressal and dispute
related grievance redressal
resolution etc.
Ease of obtaining all approvals
Approvals related to Warehouses including silos/bulk storage,
for setting up warehouse
consolidation centres, Cold storages, packhouses etc.
Ease of entry in the selected
Presence of Check posts, easy RTO and Police regulations and
State/UT from a neighbouring
implementation of Smart enforcement system
E. Objective Indicators:
The Objective indicators diagnose the logistics States and UTs. The framework for binary
ecosystem in the State/UT through enabling questions is presented in the Annexure-3
initiatives undertaken by respective State/UT and
Part II – Secondary data sets: A set of 20
use of available secondary data points.
questions related to availability of logistics
Part I – Part I of the survey comprises 13 binary infrastructure, services and facilities in the States
Questions, which collectively are considered as a were included in the objective survey to map
single indicator for Statistical analysis. Questions available logistics at State/UT level. To ensure
under this indicator are used to assess various authenticity and reduce variation, all responses
initiatives undertaken by States such as policy from States/UTs were reconfirmed with respective
formation, institutional set up, regulatory States/UTs before using the data in Statistical
improvements, and other related initiatives for analysis. Received data variables were also
promoting and facilitating efficient logistics compared with the data sourced from the
infrastructure and services. As a part of data repository of different Central Line Ministries and
authenticity process, States/UTs had to also Government organizations. A detailed matrix of
provide documentary evidence against the binary secondary data used in statistical modelling,
questions where the response was mentioned as normalizing parameter and for state analysis is
“Yes”. This survey was administered to all 36 represented in Exhibit 6 below:
Exhibit 6: Details of Secondary data
In line with the idea of introducing objectivity to been undertaken in LEADS 2022. A detailed
the index, proxy variables were utilised in case the comparison of LEADS 2021 and LEADS 2022
direct, quantifiable measures were not available Objective Questionnaire is attached in Annexure-3
for all the objective parameters. For instance, for
As a result of the above exercise, four indicators
road infrastructure (State Highway / District /
were arrived at for objective data set using the
Urban / Rural / Village), the available data was
following methodology:
outdated and not available for every State. Hence
total CAPEX on roads and bridges done by ► Indicator I – consolidation of part I of the
States/UTs has been considered as a proxy Objective questionnaire (binary questions).
measure of infrastructure creation. On the
► Indicator II – Out of these 20 questions in Part
terminal infrastructure availability front, number
II of the Objective questionnaire, 11 data
of CFS/ICD/PFT/Railway goods sheds have been
variables on availability of logistics
used to assess the extent of logistics network that
infrastructure, services and facilities have
has been developed at the State / UT level
been clubbed together as a single indicator.
Critical support infrastructure in terms of capacity Annexure-3 illustrates the usage of
of cold storage, general warehouse and available parameters and its normalisation factor. The
capacity has been used as provided by States and usage of data in statistical model including
available with Warehouse Development and normalisation factors were finalised with the
Regulatory Authority. Ease of Doing Business expert committee. After normalisation, a total
(EoDB) rankings and Trade Infrastructure for score was generated, which was categorised
Export Scheme (TIES) – a subsidy provided by using a class interval of 1-5. This objective
Centre to the States/UTs for development of score was considered a measure of the quality
export infrastructure - have been retained as a of infrastructure data to be included in the
parameter. Gross State Value Added (GSVA) and Infrastructure construct and was named
geographical areas have been used as normalising “Assessment of variables of logistics ease”.
factors. ► Indicator III – Range Scaled EoDB Ranks: EoDB
Survey instrument (Objective): is considered as an index to rank the States on
the regulatory policies and ecosystem which
Comparison and revisions undertaken to the directly affects businesses in the State. The
survey instrument: EoDB Index for individual State was included in
the overall model. The rankings of the States
LEADS 2022 Objective-based questions also deep-
were categorised into separate class intervals
dive into the aspects of logistics policy framework,
before including them in the model. This
institutional mechanism, first/last mile
objective variable was named “Range Scaled
connectivity, bottlenecks/choke-points and PM-
EoDB Ranks” and was included in the
GatiShakti-led initiatives and reforms. Few
Operating and Regulatory Environment.
changes in Objective Survey Questionnaire have
F. Overall indicator set for LEADS 22 index including perception and objective data:
Overall, combining 15 perception indicators and 4 been used for Statistical analysis which is
objective indicators, a total of 19 indicators have represented in the Exhibit 7 below.
Exhibit 7: LEADS 2022 Index – Combination of Perception and Objective Data based Indicators
i. Sampling: The table below enlists industry ► Logistics Service Providers - freight
stakeholders which were covered for the forwarders, express carriers, customs
perception-based survey under four broad brokers, multimodal transport operators,
categories: and air cargo agents, etc.
► Traders and Shippers (TS) With ease in travel restrictions, the LEADS
(Exporters/Importers) 2022 Survey was initiated in April 2022.
Physical meetings were held with more
► Transport Service providers (TSP)- Road
than 20 National Associations of Logistics
hauliers, Rail operators, Container train
sector and more than 75 Regional
operators, Airlines, and Shipping lines
Associations across the country operating
► Terminal Infrastructure Service Providers in the sector. Their active participation
(TISP) - Surface transport based terminal resulted in more than 6,000 responses
operators (CFS/ICD/PFT/AFS), Warehouse being collated. The States/ UTs extended
operators, Cold storages, Port terminal their support by providing necessary data
operators, Air cargo Terminal operators, pertaining to the objective survey (in
etc. addition to 8 Central Line Ministries). The
list below shows a comparison of LEADS
2021 and LEADS 2022 data collection:
The LEADS 2022 survey also involves a critical aspects of successful capture of
component of PM-Gati Shakti initiative (PMGS), as respondents' perceptions accurately. The
PMGS is playing a crucial role in developing a designed survey instruments went through
robust logistics visualisation platform in close multiple iterations to make them accurate,
coordination with BISAG-N. As on date, more than pinpointed, and comprehensive so as to elicit a
900 essential data layers have been integrated by proper response from the stakeholders. The
the States/UTs on the PMGS National Master Plan survey instruments were then subjected to pilot
platform. The States of Gujarat, Karnataka, Tamil testing sessions with actual stakeholders from the
Nadu and Uttar Pradesh have been leading in the logistics sector to understand their perspectives.
process of integration of essential data layers After multiple rounds of iterations and
modifications, the survey instrument was
Survey Instrument finalization: finalized.
Discussions were held with experts to design the Perception survey questionnaire is enclosed as
perception and objective survey instruments. The Annexure-1 to this report. Objective survey is
design of the survey instrument is one of the enclosed as Annexure-3 to this report.
Database of respondents
Exhibit 8: Stakeholder categories for LEADS survey
Transport Service
Provider 1 2 Trader/Shipper
4 3
Logistics Services
Service Provider
Cochran’s formula for sample size determination is an accepted practice in the domain of statistics for small or large population sizes (Cochran, W. G,
“Sampling Techniques”, John Wiley and Sons, 3rd Edition, 1991)
1 2 3 4
A total of 6.583 responses from 2,104 four categories of respondents identified earlier.
respondents were collected as part of the LEADS Distribution of responses is presented in the
2022 exercise. Data was collected from all the Exhibit 10 below:
Trader / Shipper
41% Transport Service Provider
Katsikatsou, M, Moutaki, I and Jamil, H, “Pairwise Likelihood estimation for confirmatory factor analysis models with ordinal
variables and data that are missing at random”, British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology, November 2018,
“The Pairwise Likelihood Method for Structural Equation Modelling with ordinal variables and data with missing values using the R
package lavaan”, https://users.ugent.be/~yrosseel/lavaan/pml/PL_Tutorial.pdf
Bihar Chhattisgarh Haryana Himachal Pradesh
Jharkhand Madhya Pradesh Punjab Rajasthan
Telangana Uttar Pradesh Uttarakhand
Andhra Pradesh Goa Gujarat Karnataka
Kerala Maharashtra Odisha Tamil Nadu
West Bengal
North-East Region (NER)
Arunachal Pradesh Assam Manipur Meghalaya
Mizoram Nagaland Sikkim Tripura
Union Territories (UT)
Daman & Diu /
Andaman & Nicobar Chandigarh Delhi
Dadra & Nagar Haveli
Jammu & Kashmir Ladakh Lakshadweep Puducherry
Shift from ranking to grading in LEADS 2022: LEADS 2022 categorizes States based on their
geographic demographics into 4 categories of
Previously, States/UTs were ranked based on their
Landlocked, coastal, north-eastern regions and
logistics ecosystem. However, it was felt that the
Union Territories. For grading each of these
phenomenal work which has been done in the last
categories in into three categories. The
one year by States towards logistics ecosystem
“Achievers” are States which have shown
improvement are not adequately appreciated in
exemplary logistics ecosystems with exceptional
either the perception or objective survey.
infrastructure and transparent regulatory
Further, the scores and resultant ranks of
processes. The “Fast Movers” are States who are
States/UTs have in all previous occasions been
moving towards becoming Achievers by notifying
arrived at using different sample sizes and intra-
progressive policy and legislatives initiatives along
category compositions, varying weights applied to
with new infrastructure projects. Finally, we have
the broader Indicator categories (Infrastructure,
the “Aspirers” – States which have initiated their
Services and Regulation) as also to stakeholder
journey towards logistics ease and excellence by
groups. All these issues, mostly uncontrollable
adopting national best practices to further
because of a constantly shifting stakeholder
improve their contribution towards India’s
profile and a very strong ‘recency bias’, make
emerging position as a global manufacturing and
differentiation in perceptions of logistics
logistics hub. Accordingly, three percentage-based
competence among States/UTs very unclear and
grades are as follows:
► Achievers: Above 90% of the highest scoring
Adapting the evaluation framework of the recently state (at 100%)
released Business Reforms Action Plan 5, in
LEADS 2022 there is a shift from one uniform ► Fast Movers: 80% to 90% of the highest
ranking. All the States / UTs in their respective scoring state (at 100%)
clusters (based on geographical profile), are ► Aspirers: Below 80% of the highest scoring
grouped into three grades based on the state (at 100%)
percentage score ranges. A percentage score
indicates how well a State or UT has performed in Based on the above approach, results of cluster-
comparison to the Top State/UT within the based grading are illustrated below. The States
specific cluster. The States/UTs with similar and UTs are listed in each group in alphabetical
percentage score range have been graded in a order.
common group.
Business Reforms Action Plan (dpiit.gov.in) accessed at Business Reforms Action Plan (dpiit.gov.in)
Achiever Fast Mover Aspirer
90% - 100% 80%-90% <80%
Himachal Pradesh
Madhya Pradesh
Andhra Pradesh
Uttar Pradesh
Rail infrastructure
Modal logistics
Quality of services
at terminals
Reasonableness of
prices of logistics
Timeliness -
Timeliness -
terminal services
Safety/security of
Ease of obtaining
all approvals
Ease of entry
Issues related
Tamil Nadu
West Bengal
Arunachal Pradesh
Page 43
Cluster: Landlocked States
► Bihar
► Chhattisgarh
► Haryana
► Himachal Pradesh
► Jharkhand
► Madhya Pradesh
► Punjab
► Rajasthan
► Telangana
► Uttar Pradesh
► Uttarakhand
Achiever Fast Mover Aspirer
90% - 100% 80%-90% <80%
► Andhra Pradesh
► Goa
► Gujarat
► Karnataka
► Kerala
► Maharashtra
► Odisha
► Tamil Nadu
► West Bengal
Achiever Fast Mover Aspirer
90% - 100% 80%-90% <80%
► Arunachal Pradesh
► Assam
► Manipur
► Meghalaya
► Mizoram
► Nagaland
► Sikkim
► Tripura
Achiever Fast Mover Aspirer
90% - 100% 80%-90% <80%
Achiever Fast Mover Aspirer
90% - 100% 80%-90% <80%
3.80 Telangana
Madhya Pradesh
3.70 Punjab
Himachal Pradesh
3.60 Uttar Pradesh
3.10 Bihar
3.00 Chhattisgarh
2.90 Jharkhand
0.50 Aspirers
1.00 1.50 Fast2.00
movers 2.50 Achievers
3.00 3.50
As shown in the exhibit below, all States barring further improving roads infrastructure which will
three fall in Achievers category, indicating that help advance its overall logistics ecosystem.
the respondents perceive that infrastructure is
good in the cluster. Telangana, Madhya Pradesh, Quality of overall logistics services:
Punjab, Haryana, lead the cluster. A deep dive into Telangana, Punjab, Haryana, Madhya Pradesh
sub indicators of road, rail, terminals, and score high in “Overall Services indicator”.
warehouse indicates that the achievers maintain
Telangana in particular features in Achievers
their leadership across all the indicators.
segment in most of the sub-indicators like “Quality
Especially in roads, all the achievers retain their
of modal services, Quality of services at terminals,
position. Further highlighting majority of the
Timeliness of transportation services, Timeliness
cargo is shipped via road mode and thus having
of terminal services”. Primary interactions
good road infrastructure augurs well for States
indicate that well developed road connectivity in
logistics ecosystem.
Telangana (with ring roads to bypass city traffic)
In terms of “Quality of rail infrastructure”, Punjab, especially in consuming hub of Hyderabad has
Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, Telangana are the made supply chains efficient, timely and reliable.
leaders. Madhya Pradesh which has the largest In terms of “Reasonableness of prices of logistics
warehousing capacity in the country features in services” also, the State features in Achiever’s
Fast Movers’ category for “Quality of warehousing category. Bihar is the only State to feature in Fast
infrastructure”. Movers segment mainly on account of scoring high
in “Reasonableness of logistics prices” indicator
Bihar is the only State to feature in the Fast and progressive steps being undertaken by the
Movers segment, mainly as the respondents have State towards improving logistics ecosystem.
indicated high confidence in “Overall rail
infrastructure” which puts it in the Achievers Jharkhand and Chhattisgarh have scored low on
category for the said indicator. Respondents’ all sub-indicators of “Quality of logistics service
feedback indicate that the State’s in Aspirers indicator”, particularly on “Timeliness and Safety
segment need to improve logistics infrastructure and Security of cargo” aspects. States may look
i.e. road, rail, terminal and warehousing into immediate interventions to improve quality of
infrastructure. Bihar may specifically focus on logistics services and further improve logistics
3.70 Haryana
Madhya Pradesh Himachal Pradesh
Uttarakhand Uttar Pradesh
2.90 Chhattisgarh
0.50 Aspirers
1.00 1.50 Fast2.00
movers 2.50 Achievers
3.00 3.50
Overall operating and regulatory Madhya Pradesh is the only State to feature in
environment Fast movers segment as it is one of the high
scorers in each of the sub indicators, a reflection
Telangana continues to maintain its leadership of its progressive policies. States in Aspirers
position even in the “Overall Operating and segment have been perceived to have poor
regulatory environment” indicator, followed by operating and regulatory environment. Thus, the
Himachal Pradesh and Haryana. States featuring States may look at immediate interventions to
in the Achievers segment are the ones who have resolve relevant issues. Over the long term,
formulated their Logistics Policy barring formulation of logistics policy and providing a
Uttarakhand, Punjab and Rajasthan, whose policy favourable business environment will help States
is in final stage of being notified. to improve regulatory perception.
Madhya Pradesh
0.50 Aspirers
1.00 1.50 Fast2.00
movers 2.50 Achievers
3.00 3.50
Tamil Nadu
3.80 Karnataka
Andhra Pradesh
3.60 Kerala
West Bengal
3.00 Goa
0.5 Aspirers
1 1.5 Fast movers
2 2.5 Achievers
3 3.5
3.60 Kerala
3.30 Goa
West Bengal
0.5 Aspirers
1 1.5 Fast movers
2 2.5 Achievers
3 3.5
West Bengal
2.70 Goa
0.5 Aspirers
1 1.5 Fast movers
2 2.5 Achievers
3 3.5
1.70 Mizoram
0.5 Aspirers
1 1.5 Fast movers
2 2.5 Achievers
3 3.5
Quality of overall logistics services Arunachal Pradesh and Manipur feature in the
Aspirers segment mainly on account of low ratings
Nagaland and Assam lead the category of “Overall in “Reasonableness of prices and timeliness”
logistics services” in Achievers segment. Nagaland indicators.
has been rated high in every sub-category
indicator of quality of logistics services.
3.20 Nagaland
2.60 Mizoram
0.5 Aspirers
1 1.5 Fast movers
2 2.5 Achievers
3 3.5
Exhibit 22: North - Eastern Region - overall operating and regulatory environment
2.10 Nagaland
Tripura Arunachal Pradesh
1.70 Meghalaya
0.5 Aspirers
1 1.5 Fast movers
2 2.5 Achievers
3 3.5
3.90 Chandigarh
3.70 Delhi
Jammu & Kashmir
2.70 Ladakh
0.5 Aspirers
1 1.5 Fast movers
2 2.5 Achievers
3 3.5
Quality of overall logistics services Timeliness at terminal services, Track and Trace
and Safety and security of cargo”. Ladakh leads in
Chandigarh, Puducherry and Delhi lead in the sub indicator of reasonableness of prices of
category. Chandigarh scores maximum in sub logistics services.
indicators of “Quality of services at terminals,
3.90 Chandigarh
3.70 Puducherry
Jammu & Kashmir
3.30 Daman & Diu/ Dadra &
Nagar Haveli Andaman & Nicobar
0.5 Aspirers
1 1.5 Fast movers
2 2.5 Achievers
3 3.5
3.00 Lakshadweep
0.5 Aspirers
1 1.5 Fast movers
2 2.5 Achievers
3 3.5
Andhra Pradesh
Category Coastal
Quality of Infrastructure
Quality of Road Infrastructure
Quality of Warehousing
Quality of Rail Infrastructure
Quality of Terminal
Andhra Pradesh Max Average
Extent of Facilitation
Grievance Redressal
Ease of Obtaining all Approvals
Ease of Entry
Assessment of Variables of
Logistics Ease
Andhra Pradesh Max Average
Skill Development
► APSRTC, is establishing driving training schools in all the major cities of the state.
► Government of India has also sanctioned development of Institute of Driving Training and Research
(IDTRs) at Darsi, Prakasham District and Dhone, Kurnool District.
Category Coastal
NH=299 / NH - MoRTH/NHAI
Road Length km 2020-21
SH= 143 SH – State Govt.
Quality of Infrastructure
Quality of Road Infrastructure
Quality of Warehousing
Quality of Rail Infrastructure
Quality of Terminal
Goa Max Average
Ability to Track and Trace Cargo Movement Reasonableness of Prices of Logistics Services
Extent of Facilitation
Ease of Entry
Assessment of Variables of
Logistics Ease
Goa Max Average
Goa has been graded as an Aspirer within the ► Connectivity to Pune and Bangalore regions
Coastal cluster. from the state needs to be improved.
► Goa to Ramnagar (Karnataka) repairs are
The State has scored below average across all the
ongoing on 15 kms stretch since a long time
indicators related to Quality of Infrastructure. As
on NH748 leading to take an alternate route
per primary interactions Warehousing and
which is 150 kms more. Similar is the case
Terminal Infrastructure needs improvement.
with Panaji to Belgaum highway.
The State has been rated below average on all ► Transport hub is required at Pilen or Mapsa.
other indicators related to Reliability of Logistics
► A bus stop (for state and other commercial
buses) is required at Concor Balli terminal to
Similarly, the State has also scored below average ease out the travelling of workers to / from
with regards to all the Operating and Environment the terminal.
indicators. ► Dredging is required at IWT channels of
Mandovi and Zuari rivers. Immediate attention
Industry feedback is required to deepen draft at Cortalim area,
Infrastructure where barges crossing from Cortalim through
Cumbarjua channel are often stuck /
► First mile connectivity to Industrial areas in grounded.
Sankhwal, Pilerne, Cuncolim and Madgaon
► Cranes at Mormugoa port need to be
need widening.
upgraded for a faster handling.
► There are two bottleneck points while
accessing Madgaon, Cuncolim industrial area, Services
at Baithem and Salem which leads to high
► Power supply to Industrial area is marred with
fluctuations, spikes, and frequent cuts.
► Road connecting Navelim to Balli terminal
(Concor) needs widening to handle trailer Operating and Regulatory Environment
traffic. ► Unregulated land zoning in the state poses a
► Last mile connectivity from AFCONS jetty in challenge in land acquisition.
Kothambi to main highway needs to be ► Grievance redressal mechanism at State level
provided. The Jetty is 2 kms from the SH is required.
which is 1further 10 kms from NH i.e., Usgao
► A comprehensive policy is required for the
mining road connecting Mollem on one side
state to develop the infrastructure in a
and Amona on the other side.
planned manner.
Category Coastal
NH=7,744/ NH - MoRTH/NHAI
Road Length Km 2020-21
SH=16,386 SH – State Govt.
Quality of Infrastructure
Quality of Road Infrastructure
Quality of Warehousing
Quality of Rail Infrastructure
Quality of Terminal
Gujarat Max Average
Extent of Facilitation
Grievance Redressal
Ease of Obtaining all Approvals
Ease of Entry
Assessment of Variables of
Logistics Ease
Gujarat Max Average
Gujarat has been graded as an Achiever within the ► Check points at State borders often lead to
Coastal cluster. truck stoppages, leading to informal payments
and other complexities to truck transporters.
The State has scored high across indicators
related to Quality of Infrastructure except for ► No clear mechanism is available to track
Warehousing infrastructure. The State has scored interstate grievances for logistics service
high on Quality of Road Infrastructure, and providers.
primary interactions have particularly highlighted ► Clarity on warehouse categorization for
about presence of Quality Terminal Infrastructure environment clearances and compliance is
in the State. The State continues to undertake required and process for renewal is to be
multiple measures to improve quality of simplified.
► Delays in obtaining approvals from State
Like other Coastal States, Reasonableness of Pollution Control Board.
prices of logistics services has been identified as
an area where the State could improve. The State State Feedback
has been rated high on all other indicators related
to Reliability of Logistics Services.
► Roads: Length of surface road in Amreli
State has scored above average with regards to all
district is 3,908 Kms. Out of this length
indicators related to Operating and Regulatory
around 5% length is damaged due to heavy
rain. Road repairing is in progress and by the
Industry Feedback end of September 2022 repairing work will be
► Truck parking: Enough Truck Parking Spaces
► Completion of road repair works at NH -8A and zones with amenities for drivers are
road from Kandla to Surajbhari to be provided inside Mundra Port.
► Warehousing: Mapping of existing warehouses
► Road infrastructure in Amreli district, needs and their state of infrastructure has been
improvements. initiated as part of PM GatiShakti Gujarat.
► Dedicated truck parking zones with driver lay- ► Storage at Mundra port: The multipurpose
bys (providing basic amenities) are required terminal in Mundra has multiple covered
along the connecting road corridors outside godowns and open yards for storage of large
Kandla and Mundra ports. volumes of cargo. The covered godown can
store over 630,000 MT of cargo. Open yards
► Port warehouses (at Mundra, Kandla, etc.),
have been earmarked for minerals, timber,
should have mechanized handling.
steel, and project cargo. Port along with allied
► Several Gujarat Maritime Board (GMB) jetties warehousing facilities are already developed
are under-utilized or non-operational. A plan and being operated by private entities
to improve their utilization can help reduce
► Non-operational GMB jetties: Jetties would be
cargo handling / transit time and thus the
refurbished and made operational based on
logistics cost.
the clear demand forecast as to avoid burden
Services in case of uncertainty in the future traffic.
Category Coastal
Inland Container Depot (ICD) nos. 4 2021-22 CBIC and State Govt.
Private Freight Terminal (PFT) nos. 2 2020-21 MoR and State Govt.
Quality of Infrastructure
Quality of Road Infrastructure
Quality of Warehousing
Quality of Rail Infrastructure
Quality of Terminal
Karnataka Max Average
Extent of Facilitation
Grievance Redressal
Ease of Obtaining all Approvals
Ease of Entry
Assessment of Variables of
Logistics Ease
Karnataka Max Average
Karnataka has been graded as an Achiever within ► ICD Whitefield is inaccessible due to traffic and
the Coastal cluster. inadequate road infrastructure in the region.
Either alternate road connectivity or
The State has scored high across indicators
enhancement of existing connectivity needs to
related to Quality of Infrastructure except for Rail
be undertaken.
and Terminal infrastructure. The State is rated
high in Quality of Warehousing Infrastructure. The ► Connectivity to various existing industrial
State has taken multiple measures to improve zones of Karnataka, especially in Bengaluru
quality of infrastructure. and Hubbali regions is inadequate.
Like other Coastal states, Reasonableness of ► Bengaluru Satellite Town Ring Road project
prices of logistics services has been identified as needs to be expedited.
an area where the state could improve. Logistics ► First and Last mile connections are sub
stakeholders have highlighted that the sector optimal especially in Tier 3 cities.
suffers from unlawful profiteering of
► Multimodal/Logistics parks required in places
transporter/trucker’s unions who do not allow
other than Bengaluru and Mysuru.
trucks from other State to enter the States’
border without charging extra money. ► Lack of Truck terminals, especially at Hubbali,
Raichur and other cities at city periphery.
The State has been rated above average on all
other indicators related to Reliability of Logistics ► Additional Customs facilities/CFS/ICDs are
Services required in the northern and eastern parts of
Bengaluru as there is a high demand for cargo
State has scored high with regards to all indicators movement.
related to Operating and Regulatory Environment.
► District level cold storage facilities are
Industry feedback required of agricultural cargo.
Infrastructure Services
► There is unwanted stoppage of cargo vehicles with Karnataka State Industrial Area
by RTO/Police authorities. Development Board and undertake necessary
► Diesel pilferage happens consistently,
especially in the regions of Peenya and ► Specific actions to address challenges to first /
Bommanahalli. last mile connectivity, access to industrial
zones, ICD Whitefield, establishing MMLP (and
► Restricted movement of cargo vehicles in
allied infrastructure), district level cold
cities and district headquarters.
storage facility, truck parking terminals,
State feedback skilling in logistics sector, streamlining
clearances, etc. are envisaged in ‘The
► While most of the observations related to road Karnataka State Logistic Plan-2022’.
and port connectivity fall under the purview of
central agencies like NHAI, the state has ► 280.8 km Bangalore Satellite Town Ring Road
included these gaps and envisaged changes as construction by NHAI is underway.
per the “Karnataka State Logistics Plan- ► The issue of non-availability of unloading
2022”. labourers during night-time at terminals (bulk
► The state will discuss issue of sub optimal road movements at Mangalore) will be taken up
connectivity to Baikampady Industrial Area with NMPA to make adequate arrangements.
Category Coastal
NH=1,782 / NH - MoRTH/NHAI
Road Length km 2020-21
SH= 4,128 SH – State Govt.
Quality of Infrastructure
Quality of Road Infrastructure
Quality of Warehousing
Quality of Rail Infrastructure
Quality of Terminal
Kerala Max Average
Extent of Facilitation
Grievance Redressal
Ease of Obtaining all Approvals
Ease of Entry
Assessment of Variables of
Logistics Ease
Kerala Max Average
Kerala has been graded as Fast Mover within the ► Streetlights on Bolgatty to Kalamaseri to be
Coastal cluster. provided, as it is an accident-prone route.
The State has scored below average across ► Non availability of Warehouses, especially in
indicators related to Quality of Infrastructure Northern Kerala.
except for Terminal Infrastructure. Primary ► MMLPs are required in Kochi and Kannur.
interactions have highlighted about insufficient
storage infrastructure at Cochin Port and ► Temperature controlled warehousing facility is
regarding high congestion on the connecting not available in Cochin area.
roads. Besides, the strong clout of labour unions ► The draft in Azhikkal is only 2.4 and in
drives labour cost higher. This has also been Beypore 3.2m which limits the type of vessel
reflected in the low scores on the indicators of that can be handled at port.
Reasonableness of Road Freight Rates and Prices
of Terminal Services. Services
The State has been rated above average on all ► Availability of skilled labour is scarce for cargo
other indicators related to Reliability of Logistics handling services at warehouses.
Services except for Modal Logistics Services.
Operating and Regulatory Environment
The State has been rated average in all indicators
► High road tax in the state causing high
in regard to Operating and Regulatory
transportation cost.
Environment. Extent of Facilitation and Ease of
Obtaining Approvals have been identified as areas ► There are multiple stoppages during interstate
where the state could improve. cargo movement by RTO and police officials to
collect informal charges.
Industry feedback
► Parking yards for empty trailers are under-
Infrastructure utilised (infrastructure is available but trucks
are being parked on roads).
► First and Last mile connectivity to key
Industrial clusters needs to be provided. ► There is no grievance cell and official
mechanism to have a direct dialogue with the
► Roads widening work from
Thiruvananthapuram to Kasaragod to be
Category Coastal
Quality of Infrastructure
Quality of Road Infrastructure
Quality of Warehousing
Quality of Rail Infrastructure
Quality of Terminal
Maharashtra Max Average
Extent of Facilitation
Grievance Redressal
Ease of Obtaining all Approvals
Ease of Entry
Assessment of Variables of
Logistics Ease
Maharashtra Max Average
Note: It is important to check the confidence interval (CI) of a States’ indicator scores before making any judgement on its performance.
Maharashtra has been graded as an Achiever needs to be improved in Nashik, Nagpur and
within the Coastal cluster. Konkan, region.
► Internal MIDC roads and first / last mile roads ► State Government collects Stamp Duty at 0.1%
connecting various industrial areas in Pune, on delivery order value of imported goods as
Nagpur and Nashik need improvement. tax. This results in increasing the total logistic
cost to the trade.
► Road infrastructure between Pune to Chakan
needs improvement. ► Renewal permissions, related to Maharashtra
Pollution Control Board (MPCB) are delayed.
► Parking facility for trucks plying in between
JNPT and CFS is required. ► ” Facilitation Fee” is collected from truck
owners at inter states borders of Madhya
► Truck terminal/Transport nagars are required Pradesh, Gujarat and Goa.
at Ambad, Shirpur, Satpura, Ambik,
Nayagaon, Pimplegaon and Ozar areas of ► Locals (project affected people) collect INR
Nashik. 1,000 – 1,500 / truck as “facilitation fee”
(known as Varai charges) at JNPT associated
► Hazardous cargo insinuation facility near CFSs, this directly adds to the cost of logistics
JNPT needs to be setup. to the customer.
► Cold warehousing infrastructure for ► Unwarranted and frequent stoppages by RTO
agriculture and horticulture commodities officials in the state lead to delays.
Category Coastal
Quality of Infrastructure
Quality of Road Infrastructure
Quality of Warehousing
Quality of Rail Infrastructure
Quality of Terminal
Odisha Max Average
Extent of Facilitation
Grievance Redressal
Ease of Obtaining all Approvals
Ease of Entry
Assessment of Variables of
Logistics Ease
Odisha Max Average
Odisha has been graded as an Achiever within the State needs to take pro-active measures for
Coastal cluster. addressing and improving the perception of trade.
The state has scored above average on all other ► NH 520 and SHs in Keonjhar and Sundargarh
indicators related to Reliability of Logistics districts are in good condition, but do not have
Services except for Safety/ security of cargo, shoulders. In addition, first mile connectivity
which has been identified as an area where the to NH/SH needs to be improved.
state could improve. ► Sub optimal condition of the roads serving
Dhamra port need attention as it leads to low
As per primary interactions, Reasonableness of
port utilization, which results in traffic
prices of logistics services and Track and Trace of
diversion and congestion at Paradeep port.
Cargo are rated high.
Within the Operating and Regulatory Environment
indicators, Extent of facilitation and Ease of ► Most of the road transportation is highly
obtaining approvals have been rated high. cartelized which increases the transportation
State has scored below average on all indicators
related to Ease of Entry and Grievance Redressal ► At Paradeep port, evacuation and turnaround
Mechanism. This aspect has been perceived as a of vehicles takes a lot of time which results in
major concern by the logistics stakeholders and snarled-up traffic outside the port gate.
Tamil Nadu
Category Coastal
Quality of Infrastructure
Quality of Road Infrastructure
Quality of Warehousing
Quality of Rail Infrastructure
Quality of Terminal
Tamil Nadu Max Average
Extent of Facilitation
Grievance Redressal
Ease of Obtaining all Approvals
Ease of Entry
Assessment of Variables of
Logistics Ease
Tamil Nadu Max Average
Tamil Nadu has been graded as an Achiever within storage at government owned/operated
the Coastal cluster. warehouses.
The State has scored above average across ► Inadequate storage infrastructure, lack of
indicators related to Quality of Infrastructure skilled manpower and higher freight tariffs at
except for Rail infrastructure. The State has taken ICD Irugur.
multiple measures to improve quality of ► Infrastructure augmentation is required at
infrastructure. non-major ports, to handle coastal and captive
Like other Coastal states, Reasonableness of cargo (especially at Cuddalore and
Prices of Logistics Services has been identified as Rayapatnam ports).
an area where the state could improve. The state ► Logistics parks are required in Chennai,
has been rated above average on all other Coimbatore, Madurai and Tuticorin to serve as
indicators related to Reliability of Logistics aggregation points for handling domestic
Services. cargo movement.
State has scored high with regards to all indicators ► Air Cargo complex at Tuticorin airport needs
related to Operating and Regulatory Environment. to be developed.
This is corroborative with various initiatives being ► State needs to create farm produce
taken by the State Government for improvement aggregation points with multi modal
of the logistics ecosystem in the state. connectivity in peri-urban areas. Absence of
infrastructure like ripening chambers,
Industry feedback dehumidifier and reefer trucks in rural
collection centres is leading to huge post
harvesting losses.
► Absence of dedicated road connectivity to ► Cold Storage/Temp controlled storage needs
ease movement from seaport/airport. to be developed at Chennai Airport.
► Lane capacity of roads to be increased near
key industrial clusters in Kanchipuram,
Tiruvallur, Chengalpettu, Coimbatore, ► Service providers do not work on weekends
Tiruppur and Dindigul. hence shipments reaching during weekend
► Sub optimal condition of Vallanadu bridge accrues additional terminal charges.
connecting Tuticorin, and Tirunelveli is ► Inadequate skilled manpower at the freight
hindering traffic movements. handling facilities.
► Madurai to Tuticorin road needs to be Operating and Regulatory Environment
► Toll charges are increasing every year. Many
► Tuticorin ring road needs to be developed.
of toll plazas continue to charge tolls even
► Tirunelveli to Tuticorin, Palayamkottai bypass after completion of their concession period. It
work needs to be expedited. needs to be regulated.
► Absence of earmarked truck parking / laybys ► State should have 24/7 control room service
infra facilities inside Ports/ICDs, SIPCOT & single window system to assist exporters,
/TIDCO /SIDCO Industrial estates. importers, and all logistics stakeholders.
► Truck parking facilities along the ► Absence of regulatory and institutional
state/national highways need to be developed framework to facilitate the on-time clearance
at every 100 km distance. of CRZ, land acquisition and others for the
infrastructure projects. There are multiple
► Land to be earmarked inside the industrial
local bodies for land acquisition and
estates/parks/zones to carry out the logistics
clearances in different zones of the state.
related activities. This land should be
disbursed to logistics operators at the same ► Approval towards ODC movements on the
cost of industrial land. highways needs to be digitalized and a single
window approval system needs to be
► Unavailability of advanced /modern freight
introduced. Currently multiple agencies are
handing equipment to facilitate vertical
involved, and unnecessary halts are being PPP model under the draft Logistics Plan and
made enroute. Policy.
► In TN, unlike AP and Kerala, yearly Warehouse ► The State has already discussed the issue in
license renewal is required. the 1st NPG and EGOS meeting. The Central
agency (CONCOR) responded that necessary
► Integrated system of e-waybill, fast-tag,
action will be taken up towards improvement
VAAHAN needs to implement in the state.
of the services.
► Multiple physical checks of goods carrying
► The State has already initiated the
vehicles by commercial tax officers despite
upgradation and expansion works for
the existence of E-waybill needs to be
Cuddalore Minor Port which shall enhance the
port capacity.
State feedback ► The State jointly with central agencies
► The state has awarded works (Package 1 for (NHLML/NHAI) is taking multiple initiatives
Chennai peripheral ring road) to ease towards development of logistics park at
movement. Moreover, NHAI is constructing a strategic locations. Development of Chennai
two-tier elevated corridor to Chennai Port. MMLP is under bid evaluation and DPR and
site identification for Coimbatore MMLP is
► NHAI is constructing Chennai-Bangalore underway.
Industrial Corridor and NH connecting
Tambaram to Chengalpattu. In addition, the ► The development of air cargo complex is
state is also increasing first/last mile under the purview of Airport Authority of
connectivity of industrial clusters under CRIDP India. The State shall facilitate necessary
& IEF. support towards the requirement for
development of Air Cargo Complex.
► Vallandu bridge, Madurai-Tuticorin Road and
Tuticorin ring road project are being ► The State is taking necessary step towards
developed by NHAI. development of primary processing centres at
strategic location under the Tamil Nadu supply
► The State initiated the development of road chain management project. additional 20
stretch (Palayamkottai) under the Chennai locations have been identified for
Kanyakumari Industrial Corridor Program (SH establishment of PPC's under NABARD Rural
40). Further, The State is discussing with Infrastructure Development Fund.
relevant state departments to expedite the
project. ► The State is promoting development of Farm
Produce Organization (FPO) under Tamil Nadu
► The State is already in process of developing Irrigated Agriculture Modernization Project
truck parking facilities at Industrial clusters of (TNIAMP) and jointly under Central
SIPCOT/TIDCO. The truck parking facility at Government schemes.
Nilakkottai and 13 other industrial locations is
operational from 2021. ► The cargo terminals in Tamil Nadu are
operating and offering services 24*7. There
► The State is taking necessary measures are no restrictions on number of working
towards development of truck lay-bys along days. The operation cycles are planned as per
major State Highways under various road the shipment and end user requirement.
sector programs like: TNRDC, TNRSP
implemented by State Highways Department. ► The State has launched its flagship scheme
Tamil Nadu Naan Mudhalvan Scheme on
► The State has already addressed the initiative March 2022 which covers upskilling training
towards earmarking of land inside industrial courses related to Logistics sector.
parks to carry out logistics activities under the
draft Logistics Plan & Policy. ► The State is already promoting various skill
development programs for logistics sector
► The State has already addressed the initiative through TN APEX Skill Development Centre
of augmenting the existing state government (Logistics). In addition, CII Institute of
warehousing assets by adopting Logistics and TVS Supply Chain Solutions are
modernization and mechanization through also conducting various certified logistics skill
courses in the state.
West Bengal
Category Coastal
NH=3,665 / NH - MoRTH/NHAI
Road Length km 2020-21
SH=4,505 SH – State Govt.
Quality of Infrastructure
Quality of Road Infrastructure
Quality of Warehousing
Quality of Rail Infrastructure
Quality of Terminal
West Bengal Max Average
Extent of Facilitation
Grievance Redressal
Ease of Obtaining all Approvals
Ease of Entry
Assessment of Variables of
Logistics Ease
West Bengal Max Average
4.2 Landlocked
NH=5,421 / NH - MoRTH/NHAI
Road Length km 2020-21
SH=3,714 SH – State Govt.
Quality of Infrastructure
Quality of Road Infrastructure
Quality of Warehousing
Quality of Rail Infrastructure
Quality of Terminal
Bihar Max Average
Extent of Facilitation
Grievance Redressal
Ease of Obtaining all Approvals
Ease of Entry
Assessment of Variables of
Logistics Ease
Bihar Max Average
Bihar has been graded as an Aspirers within the chokepoints resulting in lower carrying
Landlocked cluster. capacity, etc.
Bihar has scored below average on all the ► First / last mile connectivity to industrial
indicators across Quality of Infrastructure (Road, hubs and warehousing zones needs
Rail, Warehouse and Terminal). improvement.
Category Hinterland
NH=3,620 / NH - MoRTH/NHAI
Road Length km 2020-21
SH= 4,098 SH – State Govt.
Quality of Infrastructure
Quality of Road Infrastructure
Quality of Warehousing
Quality of Rail Infrastructure
Quality of Terminal
Chhattisgarh Max Average
Extent of Facilitation
Grievance Redressal
Ease of Obtaining all Approvals
Ease of Entry
Assessment of Variables of
Logistics Ease
Chhattisgarh Max Average
Quality of Road and Terminal and Warehousing ► First/Last mile connectivity to industrial and
Infrastructure have been rated low and are key agri clusters need improvements.
areas for improvement. ► State lacks storage/warehousing
Timeliness of Cargo delivery in transportation and infrastructure.
Safety and Security of Cargo have been rated low ► Parking areas along with lay-bys facilities on
and identified as key challenge amongst Reliability highways need to be developed.
of Logistics service indicators.
Thefts/pilferage across key freight routes,
unwarranted vehicle stoppages at interstate ► Surveillance on forest freight routes is needed
border/check posts has resulted in Ease of Entry
► Safety and security of cargo in transit is a
indicator being rated lowest amongst the
concern. Key freight routes are prone to
Landlocked Cluster.
thefts and pilferage.
State has scored below average on all indicators
► Non-availability of skilled workers in logistics
related to Operating and Regulatory Environment.
This aspect has been perceived as a major concern
by the logistics stakeholders and State needs to Operating and Regulatory Environment
take pro-active measures for addressing and
improving the perception of trade. ► Unwarranted stoppage by police and RTO
officials at check points results in delays.
► There is no effective grievance redressal
system in the state for logistics industry.
► Delay in securing approvals from the State
government on transport and terminal
logistics infrastructure.
► The logistics sector in the state is facilitated by Chhattisgarh Park Policy 2018-2023.
Skill Development
► Commercial Drivers in the state are trained in Institute of Driver Training and Research (IDTR) through
various simulators, workshops, and tracks.
► Robust institutional mechanism (EGoS, NPG & TSU) setup to streamline logistics in the state.
► To counter unauthorized stoppage of trucks on the road, the state is implementing AIS-140 GPS based
► The state has started to facilitate regular interactions between the industry, transporter’s unions and terminal
operators to jointly address areas of concern pertaining to logistics.
Quality of Infrastructure
Quality of Road Infrastructure
Quality of Warehousing
Quality of Rail Infrastructure
Quality of Terminal
Haryana Max Average
Extent of Facilitation
Grievance Redressal
Ease of Obtaining all Approvals
Ease of Entry
Assessment of Variables of
Logistics Ease
Haryana Max Average
Haryana has been graded as an Achiever within ► First/last mile connectivity from National
the Landlocked cluster. Highway to Yamuna Nagar industrial cluster
needs development.
State has secured maximum score on Quality of
Warehousing Infrastructure, and other indicators ► Truck parking terminals and resting places
within Quality of Infrastructure have also been (truck lay-bys) for drivers are required to be
rated high. developed along key freight routes.
State has been rated high on indicators related to ► First/last mile connectivity to Industrial zones
Reliability of Logistics Services. Safety and and warehouses need improvements.
security of cargo has been identified as an area of ► There is no rail link at ICD-Rewari. Containers
improvement. are sent to ICD-Pali after clearance from
Rewari, resulting in increase in cost and
Operating and Regulatory Environment is
turnaround time.
perceived to be good in Haryana and has been
rated high. ► Development of bypass near ICD Rewari needs
to be expediated.
Industry Feedback
► Untrained manpower is resulting in damage of
► Development of expressway being constructed cargo during transit and handling. Training of
alongside the ICD Piyala (parallel to NH-8) logistics professionals is needed.
needs to be expedited.
Regulatory and Operating Environment
► Entry/exit road connectivity to ICD-Piyala is
inadequate and needs improvement. ► Thefts during transit within the state need to
be curbed through surveillance.
No. of Individuals trained in logistics nos. 1,215 2020-21 MoSDE and State Govt.
Quality of Warehousing
Quality of Rail Infrastructure
Quality of Terminal
Himachal Pradesh Max Average
Extent of Facilitation
Grievance Redressal
Ease of Obtaining all Approvals
Ease of Entry
Assessment of Variables of
Logistics Ease
Himachal Pradesh Max Average
Himanchal Pradesh has been graded as an ► Road capacity enhancement is needed for
Achiever within the Landlocked cluster. Baddi-Baroti-Nalagarh (BBN) area.
State has secured above average scores on all the ► Truck Parking space is required near ICD
indicators across Quality of Infrastructure, Baddi.
Reliability of Logistics Services and Operating and
Operating and Regulatory Environment
Regulatory Environment indicators.
► Logistics cost to reach Baddi is nominal but
Quality of Road and Warehousing Infrastructure from Baddi transportation cost is very high
have been rated high, Quality of Rail due to union rates.
Infrastructure and Terminal Infrastructure are
identified as areas of improvement. ► Transport unions cause hindrances in day-to-
day transport operations.
Reasonableness of prices of logistics services and
► Entry tax for non-Himachal goods vehicle
Timeliness of terminal services were identified as
makes the transport in State costly.
areas where the state could improve its
performance. The State has been rated above State feedback
average on all other indicators related to
Reliability of Logistics Services. ► Baddi-Nalagarh highway widening is under
progress and tender for commencement of
Grievance redressal mechanism has been rated work on has already been floated.
high while all other indicators under operating and
regulatory environment have been rated as above ► Stretches of Baddi-Siwasan and Nalagarh-
average. Ropar roads which pass through territories of
Haryana and Punjab, the State has already
Industry feedback written to both states to consider widening in
their regions.
► Funds under TIES Scheme for Export
► Baddi-Nalagarh highway is a major bottleneck
Infrastructure development would be used for
due to sub optimal road conditions.
the construction of parking lots in ICD Baddi.
► Single lane Baddi-Siwasan road often leads to
► The state shall initiate the dissolving process
traffic congestion.
of transport unions is under progress as per
► Nalagarh-Ropar Road and Nalagarh- the directives of the Hon’ble Himachal
Bharatgarh roads need widening for efficient Pradesh High Court.
traffic movement.
NH=3,367 / NH - MoRTH/NHAI
Road Length km 2020-21
SH= 1,232 SH – State Govt.
Quality of Infrastructure
Quality of Road Infrastructure
Quality of Warehousing
Quality of Rail Infrastructure
Quality of Terminal
Jharkhand Max Average
Extent of Facilitation
Grievance Redressal
Ease of Obtaining all Approvals
Ease of Entry
Assessment of Variables of
Logistics Ease
Jharkhand Max Average
Private Freight Terminal (PFT) nos. 2 2020-21 MoR and State Govt.
Logistics Training Centres nos. 188 2020-21 MoSDE and State Govt.
Quality of Infrastructure
Quality of Road Infrastructure
Quality of Warehousing
Quality of Rail Infrastructure
Quality of Terminal
Madhya Pradesh Max Average
Extent of Facilitation
Grievance Redressal
Ease of Obtaining all Approvals
Ease of Entry
Assessment of Variables of
Logistics Ease
Madhya Pradesh Max Average
NH= 4,099/
Road Length km 2020-21 MoRTH/NHAI
SH= 1,503
Private Freight Terminal (PFT) nos. 6 2020-21 MoR and State data
Quality of Infrastructure
Quality of Road Infrastructure
Quality of Warehousing
Quality of Rail Infrastructure
Quality of Terminal
Punjab Max Average
Extent of Facilitation
Grievance Redressal
Ease of Obtaining all Approvals
Ease of Entry
Assessment of Variables of
Logistics Ease
Punjab Max Average
Punjab has been graded as an Achiever within the ► Transport/Trucking has not been given an
Landlocked cluster. Industry status and hence loans for trucks etc.
are very costly.
Punjab is rated high on indicators related to
quality of infrastructure (Rail, Road, Warehouse ► The process of applying and fees payment for
and Terminal). obtaining National Permit is online. However,
the permits are not generated online, and
Reasonableness of prices of logistics services and transporters have to visit the Transport
timeliness of cargo delivery were identified as Department.
areas where state could improve its performance.
► Heavy goods vehicles are often overloaded.
Modal logistics services and Safety and security of
► Online challans are being levied if speed
cargo have been rated high.
money is not paid by truck drivers. Once the
Truck stoppages by RTO/Police authorities has challan is issued it needs to be settled in the
been indicated as a major regulatory concern. court. Hence the trucker has only two options,
one is to give speed money right away or
Operating and Regulatory Environment is defend an online challan based on fictitious
perceived to be good in Punjab and has been rated issues later in the court.
► Truckers are being challaned for not carrying
Industry feedback physical documents.
► Trade through ICP Attari has already declined are regularly taken up in consultative
from a total movement of cargo of 21,61,311 meetings.
mt in 2012-23 to 1,22,919 mt in 2020-21
► The state has included skill development as an
with the nos. being only 16,185 mt for 2021-
initiative in the state logistics policy.
22 (up to Sep '21). ICD at Attari may not be
feasible at present. ► The State has already envisaged Logistics
Sector as a thrust sector and it has been
► Mohali Air cargo Complex is stated to be
identified as an eligible service enterprise (for
operationalised within a month's time. The
MSME and Large categories) for Fiscal and
ACC is sufficient to cater to the current
Non-Fiscal Incentives under the Industrial and
Business Development Policy (IBDP), 2017.
► State has a minimal role in setting up Animal & The definition and scope of Transport/
Plant Quarantine and AQ/PQ labs, as these Trucking has been covered under the logistics
issues are taken up by NCTF secretariat. They sector.
have taken corrective action against it and
► The processes for “Smart Enforcement and
established labs wherever there are bill
Safety" under the Logistics Action Plan have
already been covered under clause 7.2.1 of
► Trade facilitation has already been taken up the logistics policy and under "Technology
by State Logistics Committee (SLC) as issues Interventions “.
brought up by private industry stakeholders
► The State already has a grievance redressal
mechanism under PBGRAM.
NH=10,350 / NH - MoRTH/NHAI
Road Length km 2020-21
SH= 15,545 SH – State Govt.
Quality of Infrastructure
Quality of Road Infrastructure
Quality of Warehousing
Quality of Rail Infrastructure
Quality of Terminal
Rajasthan Max Average
Extent of Facilitation
Grievance Redressal
Ease of Obtaining all Approvals
Ease of Entry
Assessment of Variables of
Logistics Ease
Rajasthan Max Average
Reliability of Logistics Services, Timeliness of ► Truck parking terminals and truck lay-bys are
cargo delivery-terminal and Track and Trace of required at regular intervals along key freight
cargo movement were identified as areas where routes.
state could improve its performance.
The State is rated above average on all indicators ► Only 4 ICDs (Kathuwas, Kota, Jodhpur and
under Operating and Regulatory Environment. Kanakpura) are used for EXIM operations
These are the areas where State could take while other 5 ICDs are used for domestic
remedial actions and improve its performance. transportation due to unavailability of
Promoting, Incentivising and State Facilitation and customs clearance facility.
Ease of Obtaining Approvals has been rated below Regulatory and Operating Environment
average and are perceived as areas of concern.
State needs to take pro-active measures. ► Frequent checks and stoppages by RTO hinder
cargo movement.
► Logistics is not assigned ‘Industry status’ in
the state and therefore no incentives are
provided to logistics activities.
► There are regular cases of theft and pilferage
at all major ICDs.
Skill Development
► State Logistics, Warehousing and Logistics Park Policy 2022 includes creation of center of
excellence which will include skill development and training for logistics personnel.
Quality of Infrastructure
Quality of Road Infrastructure
Quality of Warehousing
Quality of Rail Infrastructure
Quality of Terminal
Telangana Average Max
Extent of Facilitation
Grievance Redressal
Ease of Obtaining all Approvals
Ease of Entry
Assessment of Variables of
Logistics Ease
Telangana Max Average
Telangana has been graded as an Achiever within hold which leads to huge losses to
the Landlocked cluster. transporters.
State leads in overall Quality of Infrastructure, ► Entry restrictions for movement of freight in
particularly in Road, Terminal, and Warehouse city limits is a major hindrance.
State feedback
Quality of Rail Infrastructure is identified as an
► Govt of Telangana has notified the 'Telangana
area requiring improvement. State may work with
State Logistics Guidelines' 2021-26. The State
Ministry of Railways to assess and improve the
government endeavours to implement the
quality of rail infrastructure.
policy in full and to monitor its effective
Quality of Modal Services, Quality of Services at implementation. A special committee chaired
Terminal and Timeliness are rated high, by Principal Secretary (Industries and
particularly Telangana is the only State to feature Commerce) will be set up as per the provisions
in Achiever segment with regards to Timeliness in of the policy. With respect to improving
transportation services. connectivity infrastructure the policy provides
for complimentary trunk infrastructure such
Reasonableness of Prices of Logistics Services as rail and road connectivity as an incentive
was identified as an area where the state could for the development of ICDs/Dry Ports and
improve its performance. integrated logistics parks.
The State has been rated high on all other ► The feasibility of providing MMLPs/Dry ports
parameters related to Reliability of Logistics in various regions will be studied in
Services and operating and regulatory consultation with industry partners.
► The state logistics policy provides incentives
Industry feedback for development of cold chain infrastructure
including cold storages (both capital and
Infrastructure interest subsidy) and reefer vehicles (100%
► Road infrastructure in the state faces issues reimbursement of vehicle registration and
such as potholes, congestion, or multiple national permit fees).
chokepoints due to lower carrying capacity, ► Improving the availability of skilled manpower
etc. for the logistics sector is one of the major
► First / last mile connectivity to industrial objectives of the State Logistics Policy. As per
zones needs improvement. its provisions, Government will initiate
measures to establish a Centre of Excellence
► By-pass roads need to be developed for all
(CoE) for training and upskilling of people. It
towns on the Hyderabad - JNPT route to
also provides for reimbursement of cost
ensure 24 x 7 movement of heavy vehicles.
involved in skill upgradation.
► The Nizamabad region needs MMLP/Dry Port.
► The State logistics policy already provides for
► Lack of Packhouse/Processing facilities for financial incentives for the development of
perishables including irradiation facilities. logistics on par with other industrial sectors as
per the procedure laid out in the State
Services Industrial Policy.
► There is a shortage of skilled manpower for ► The State logistics policy provides financial
logistics related activities. assistance for installing tracking devices in
Operating and Regulatory Environment transport vehicles as well as for installation of
logistics management software. Stakeholders
► Process of ‘change in land use’ to be made will be encouraged to integrate track and
easier. trace mechanism.
► Trucks and Trailers are seized during ► State Government will consider easing out
accidents along with Cargo and are put on cargo vehicle movement within city limit in
consultation with concerned departments.
Quality of Infrastructure
Quality of Road Infrastructure
Quality of Warehousing
Quality of Rail Infrastructure
Quality of Terminal
Uttar Pradesh Max Average
Extent of Facilitation
Grievance Redressal
Ease of Obtaining all Approvals
Ease of Entry
Assessment of Variables of
Logistics Ease
Uttar Pradesh Max Average
Uttar Pradesh has been graded as an Achiever ► Development of PQ/FSSAI Labs at Kanpur is
within the Landlocked cluster. needed.
The State has been rated high across Quality of ► Theft and pilferage during transit near Agra is
Road and Rail Infrastructure indicators. Quality of a concern.
Terminal and Warehousing infrastructure have
Operating and Regulatory Environment
been identified as an area of improvement for the
State. ► Inspection of overloaded trucks and
commercial vehicles is needed.
The State has been rated above average on all
other indicators related to Reliability of Logistics ► An efficient mechanism to track grievances
Services. Timeliness of Cargo delivery in Services raised by logistics service providers is needed.
and Safety and Security of Cargo have been ► Simplified online process for approval and
identified as key challenges amongst Reliability of disbursement of State freight subsidy is
Logistics service indicators. needed.
Ease of Entry and Grievance Redressal Mechanism State Feedback
related indicators have been perceived as areas of
concern. State needs to take pro-active measures ► The state government is planning various
for addressing and improving the perception of infrastructure projects in the region to ease
trade friendliness. traffic and reduce dependence on ICD-Dadri.
► At present, 688 Motor Driving Training ► The state government has undertaken
Schools under private ownership are providing installation of Fixed Cameras/PTZ, Automatic
training to heavy vehicle (Bus/Truck) drivers. Number Plate Recognition system, CCTV, Red
Light Violation Detection, Inceptor Vehicles,
► State Lab at Etawah will cater to the needs of
Barriers, Racer Mobile/ Signal Systems etc.
exporting hubs nearby such as Kanpur, Meerut
However, theft and pilferage issues of Agra
& Hapur. The State Government has sent a
will be resolved through surveillance system &
proposal to DPIIT for upgradation of this lab to
frequent patrolling.
AQCS/ PQ lab.
► The State Government already provides an
► Advanced Traffic Management Systems
Online Single Window Clearance System. The
(ATMS), Way in Motion sensor systems with
State Govt is also working on the development
cameras has been implemented in all lanes of
of online incentive management system.
Toll Plazas, and Static Weigh Bridge at each
Toll Plaza of main carriageway.
Private Freight Terminal (PFT) nos. 1 2020-21 MoR and State Govt.
Quality of Infrastructure
Quality of Road Infrastructure
Quality of Warehousing
Quality of Rail Infrastructure
Quality of Terminal
Uttarakhand Max Average
Extent of Facilitation
Grievance Redressal
Ease of Obtaining all Approvals
Ease of Entry
Assessment of Variables of
Logistics Ease
Uttarakhand Max Average
Skill Development
► The Transport department has empaneled various skill development institutes to provide capacity
building programs to the truck drivers / other personnel etc.
Arunachal Pradesh
NH= 2,537/
Road Length km 2020-21 NH - MoRTH/NHAI
SH= 4,043
Quality of Infrastructure
Quality of Road Infrastructure
Quality of Warehousing
Quality of Rail Infrastructure
Quality of Terminal
Arunachal Pradesh Max Average
Extent of Facilitation
Grievance Redressal
Ease of Obtaining all Approvals
Ease of Entry
Assessment of Variables of
Logistics Ease
Arunachal Pradesh Max Average
Arunachal Pradesh has been graded as an Aspirer Timeliness of Cargo delivery at Terminals, Track
in the North-Eastern Region (NER) cluster. and trace cargo movement and Safety and
Security of Cargo have been rated low and
Within the NER Cluster, Arunachal Pradesh
identified as key challenge amongst Reliability of
secured below average scores on all the indicators
Logistics service indicators.
across Quality of Infrastructure, Reliability of
Logistics Services and Operating and Regulatory State has been rated low on Extent of Facilitation,
Environment indicators. Ease of obtaining approvals, Grievance redressal
mechanism indicators amongst the NER cluster
Quality of Rail and Terminal and Warehousing
and State needs to take pro-active measures for
Infrastructure have been rated low and are
addressing and improving the perception of the
perceived to be key areas for improvement.
NH=3,936 / NH - MoRTH/NHAI
Road Length km 2020-21
SH= 2,322 SH – State Govt.
Quality of Infrastructure
Quality of Road Infrastructure
Quality of Warehousing
Quality of Rail Infrastructure
Quality of Terminal
Assam Max Average
Extent of Facilitation
Grievance Redressal
Ease of Obtaining all Approvals
Ease of Entry
Assessment of Variables of
Logistics Ease
Assam Max Average
Assam has been graded as an Achiever within the the destination. This is due to inadequate road
NER cluster. connectivity with neighbouring countries.
Within the NER cluster, Assam has been rated ► National highway-8 connecting Assam to
highest on all the indicators across Quality of Tripura and road stretch between Jiribam,
Infrastructure, Reliability of Logistics Services and Imphal and Assam - Manipur border requires
Operating and Regulatory Environment indicators. repair and recarpeting.
The State has come up with a comprehensive ► 110 km long highway between Silchar to
logistics policy with an intention to make Assam a Imphal is not motorable and needs
regional logistics hub and augment the State’s augmentation.
economic development. Services
Infrastructure development initiatives such as ► Empty repositioning charges of containers for
MMLP at Jogighopa and development of Inland both export and import movement are
Waterway terminals in the State are further expensive.
envisaged to give impetus to logistics in the State.
► Haulage rates along with other charges are
Industry Feedback high at ICD Guwahati.
Quality of Warehousing
Quality of Rail Infrastructure
Quality of Terminal
Manipur Max Average
Extent of Facilitation
Grievance Redressal
Ease of Obtaining all Approvals
Ease of Entry
Assessment of Variables of
Logistics Ease
Manipur Max Average
Manipur has been graded as an Aspirer within the Reasonableness of prices of logistics services and
NER cluster. Timeliness of Cargo at terminal services have
been identified as barriers to the growth of
Similar to other North-eastern States, Quality of
logistics ecosystem.
Infrastructure continues to be a challenge,
specifically in case of Manipur, road infrastructure The Ease of Obtaining Approvals and Efficiency of
is perceived as a significant challenge. Regulatory Services are perceived to be
challenging as compared to other North-eastern
Quality of Rail and Terminal and Warehousing
Infrastructure have been rated low and are key
areas for improvement. Reasonableness of Road State has been rated low on Extent of Facilitation,
Freight Rates and Terminal Prices are considered Ease of obtaining approvals, Grievance redressal
as limitations compared to other North-eastern mechanism indicators and State needs to take pro-
States. active measures for addressing and improving the
perception of the trade.
NH=1,156 /
Road Length km 2020-21 MoRTH/NHAI
SH= 752
Quality of Infrastructure
Quality of Road Infrastructure
Quality of Warehousing
Quality of Rail Infrastructure
Quality of Terminal
Meghalaya Max Average
Extent of Facilitation
Grievance Redressal
Ease of Obtaining all Approvals
Ease of Entry
Assessment of Variables of
Logistics Ease
Meghalaya Max Average
The State of Meghalaya has been graded as an been rated low and identified as key challenge
Aspirer within the NER cluster. amongst Reliability of Logistics service indicators.
Within the NER Cluster, the State has been rated State has been rated low on Extent of Facilitation,
low on all the indicators across Quality of Ease of Entry, Grievance redressal mechanism
Infrastructure, Reliability of Logistics Services and indicators.
Operating and Regulatory Environment indicators.
Perception regarding Operating and Regulatory
Quality of Rail and Terminal and Warehousing Environment in Meghalaya continues to be the
Infrastructure have been rated low and are key poorest amongst all other North-eastern States,
areas for improvement. and State needs to take pro-active measures for
addressing and improving the perception of the
Reasonableness of prices of logistics services and trade.
Timeliness of Cargo at terminal services have
NH=1,423 /
Road Length km 2020-21 MoRTH/NHAI
SH= 170
Quality of Warehousing
Quality of Rail Infrastructure
Quality of Terminal
Mizoram Max Average
Extent of Facilitation
Grievance Redressal
Ease of Obtaining all Approvals
Ease of Entry
Assessment of Variables of
Logistics Ease
Mizoram Max Average
Mizoram has been graded as an Aspirer within the Modal Logistics Services, Timeliness of Cargo in
NER cluster. Transportation and at Terminal, Track and Trace
of Cargo have been rated low and identified as key
Within the NER Cluster, Mizoram secured below
challenge amongst Reliability of Logistics service
average scores on all the indicators across Quality
of Infrastructure, Reliability of Logistics Services
and Operating and Regulatory Environment State has been rated low on Extent of Facilitation,
indicators. Ease of obtaining approvals, Grievance redressal
mechanism indicators and State needs to take pro-
Indicators within Quality Infrastructure have been
active measures for addressing and improving the
rated low and are identified as an area where state
perception of the trade.
could improve its performance.
NH=1,548 / NH - MoRTH/NHAI
Road Length km 2020-21
SH= 650 SH – State Govt.
Quality of Infrastructure
Quality of Road Infrastructure
Quality of Warehousing
Quality of Rail Infrastructure
Quality of Terminal
Nagaland Max Average
Extent of Facilitation
Grievance Redressal
Ease of Obtaining all Approvals
Ease of Entry
Assessment of Variables of
Logistics Ease
Nagaland Max Average
Nagaland has been graded as an Aspirer within the Similarly, Quality of Logistics Services and
NER cluster. Capability of Logistics Service Providers are
perceived to be key challenges in the growth of
Quality and Availability of Logistics Infrastructure
this North-eastern States.
is perceived to be significantly inferior as
compared to other North-eastern States. Quality Reasonableness of Road freight Rates and Prices
of Infrastructure indicators have been rated low of Terminal Services continues to be a challenge in
and are identified as areas requiring improvement. Nagaland like all other North-eastern States.
Road Length km 2020-21
SH= 701
Quality of Infrastructure
Quality of Road Infrastructure
Quality of Warehousing
Quality of Rail Infrastructure
Quality of Terminal
Sikkim Max Average
Extent of Facilitation
Grievance Redressal
Ease of Obtaining all Approvals
Ease of Entry
Assessment of Variables of
Logistics Ease
Sikkim Max Average
Sikkim has been graded as Fast Mover in the NER State approvals, facilitation and grievance
cluster. redressal indicators have been rated above
average within the NER Cluster and are required
Within the NER Cluster, Sikkim has been rated low
to be addressed proactively by the State.
on all the indicators across quality of
infrastructure (Road, Rail, Warehouse and Availability and Reliability of Logistics Services is
Terminal). Quality of Infrastructure continues to perceived to be better in Sikkim compared to
be a challenge according to industry stakeholders. other North-eastern States. Similarly, Operating
and Regulatory Environment is perceived to be
Reasonableness of prices of logistics services and
better in Sikkim compared to other Northern
Timeliness of cargo at Transportation and
Eastern States.
Terminal Services has been rated low under
Reliability of Logistics service. Rates and Prices of
Terminal Services is perceived to be a challenge,
as is seen across the country.
NH=854 / NH - MoRTH/NHAI
Road Length km 2020-21
SH= 1,057 SH – State Govt.
Quality of Infrastructure
Quality of Road Infrastructure
Quality of Warehousing
Quality of Rail Infrastructure
Quality of Terminal
Tripura Max Average
Extent of Facilitation
Grievance Redressal
Ease of Obtaining all Approvals
Ease of Entry
Assessment of Variables of
Logistics Ease
Tripura Max Average
Tripura has been graded as a Fast Mover in the Modal logistics Services, Reasonableness of prices
NER cluster. of logistics services, Timeliness of Cargo in
Transportation and at Terminal, Track and Trace
Within the NER Cluster, Tripura has been rated
of Cargo and Safety/ security of cargo have been
low on all the indicators across Quality of
rated low and is perceived to be a challenge
Infrastructure, Reliability of Logistics Services and
amongst Reliability of Logistics service indicators.
Operating and Regulatory Environment indicators.
State has been rated low on Extent of Facilitation,
Indicators within Quality Infrastructure have been
Ease of obtaining approvals, Grievance redressal
rated low and are identified as areas where State
mechanism indicators and State needs to take pro-
could improve its performance.
active measures for addressing and improving the
perception of the trade.
Quality of Infrastructure
Quality of Road Infrastructure
Quality of Warehousing
Quality of Rail Infrastructure
Quality of Terminal
Andaman & Nicobar Max Average
Extent of Facilitation
Grievance Redressal
Ease of Obtaining all Approvals
Ease of Entry
Assessment of Variables of
Logistics Ease
Andaman & Nicobar Max Average
Reliability of Logistics Services indicators were ► Single Pilot and Tug is available at the port of
identified as areas where UT could improve its Port Blair is not sufficient to expeditiously
performance. handle the cargo.
Road Length km 2020-21
SH=9 SH – State Govt.
Quality of Infrastructure
Quality of Road Infrastructure
Quality of Warehousing
Quality of Rail Infrastructure
Quality of Terminal
Chandigarh Max Average
Extent of Facilitation
Grievance Redressal
Ease of Obtaining all Approvals
Ease of Entry
Assessment of Variables of
Logistics Ease
Chandigarh Max Average
Quality of Infrastructure
Quality of Road Infrastructure
Quality of Warehousing
Quality of Rail Infrastructure
Quality of Terminal
Daman & Diu/ Dadra & Nagar Haveli Max Average
Extent of Facilitation
Grievance Redressal
Ease of Obtaining all Approvals
Ease of Entry
Assessment of Variables of
Logistics Ease
Daman & Diu/ Dadra & Nagar Haveli Max Average
Daman & Diu and Dadra & Nagar Haveli has been The UT need to improve its performance across all
graded as an Aspirer within the UT cluster. indicators under Reliability of Logistics Services,
as it has been rated average by the logistics
Quality of Road Infrastructure is identified as a
key challenge for efficient movement of freight
within the UT. While the UT has performed above average in its
cluster in Ease of Entry and Issues related to
Quality of Rail Infrastructure, Warehouse
Grievance Redressal indicators, a special focus is
Infrastructure and Terminal Infrastructure have
required to improve its performance in State
been perceived to be good.
Facilitation and Ease of Obtaining all Approvals.
Quality of Infrastructure
Quality of Road Infrastructure
Quality of Warehousing
Quality of Rail Infrastructure
Quality of Terminal
Delhi Max Average
Extent of Facilitation
Grievance Redressal
Ease of Obtaining all Approvals
Ease of Entry
Assessment of Variables of
Logistics Ease
Delhi Max Average
Delhi has been rated high on all indicators related ► Due to restricted entry timings for heavy
to Operating and Regulatory Environment, except commercial vehicles and lack of truck parking
for Ease of Entry indicator owing to Green Tax for zones, smaller commercial vehicles are used
entry of Commercials vehicles in the premises of to transport cargo within the city, thereby
Delhi. increasing the cost of logistics manifold.
Owing to unfavourable entry timings for ► Green tax and Entry tax levied on trucks
commercial vehicles and high turnaround time at makes the trucking cost very high. (INR 2500
Tughlakabad ICD, stakeholders perceive Operating on loaded container and INR 1300 on empty
and Regulatory Environment to be a key container).
Skill Development
► Delhi Skill and Entrepreneurship University offers a 3-year course in Bachelor of Management
Studies (land transportation). The course comprises of classroom training interspersed with
industry visits, guest lectures and paid apprenticeships covering topics such as road and rail
logistics, vehicle telematics, terminal management, and transportation marketing.
NH=2,423 / NH - MoRTH/NHAI
Road Length km 2020-21
SH= 23,999 SH – State Govt.
Quality of Infrastructure
Quality of Road Infrastructure
Quality of Warehousing
Quality of Rail Infrastructure
Quality of Terminal
Jammu & Kashmir Max Average
Extent of Facilitation
Grievance Redressal
Ease of Obtaining all Approvals
Ease of Entry
Assessment of Variables of
Logistics Ease
Jammu & Kashmir Max Average
The UT has scored above average across all ► Currently there are no driver training schools
indicators related to Reliability of Logistics to train the drivers for hilly terrains.
Services. Reasonableness of Road freight rates
► Walnut kernels and Saffron strands are sent to
and Prices of terminal services is perceived to be a
Delhi from Srinagar by air for Exports, thereby
challenge as is seen across the cluster.
increasing the cost of logistics.
J&K has been rated below average on all
► Theft/ pilferage of commodities (eg. Walnut
indicators related to Operating and Regulatory
kernels) is a matter of concern.
Operating and Regulatory Environment
Industry feedback
► Due to truck unions at Kathua, transportation
rates at are high.
► Cold storage and ripening chamber facilities
► Entry tax is levied on non-J&K goods vehicle,
are not established in J&K, the agri-produce
which increases the transportation cost.
straight goes to Punjab which results in
damages during transportation.
Quality of Infrastructure
Quality of Road Infrastructure
Quality of Warehousing
Quality of Rail Infrastructure
Quality of Terminal
Ladakh Max Average
Extent of Facilitation
Grievance Redressal
Ease of Obtaining all Approvals
Ease of Entry
Assessment of Variables of
Logistics Ease
Ladakh Max Average
Ladakh has been graded as an Aspirer within the ► Skilled local labour is required for handmade
Union Territory (UT) cluster. pashmina products as outside labour is not
available due to extreme weather conditions.
The UT has scored below average across all
indicators related to Quality of Infrastructure. Operating and Regulatory Environment
The state has been rated below average on all ► Subsidy to transport raw material should be
other indicators related to Reliability of Logistics provided.
► Ladakh Industrial policy and Logistics policy
State has scored low with regards to Ease of Entry should be formulated to incentivize local
and Grievance Redressal Mechanism related industries.
indicators. Extent of facilitation and Ease of
obtaining approvals have been identified as areas State feedback
where the state could improve. ► Sub Foreign Post Office (SFPO) for custom
clearance has been set up at Leh Airport.
Industry feedback
► UT is framing a Policy to provide incentive on
Controlled atmosphere centres in the Central
► Srinagar is the main hub for exports in the Development Scheme and State Industrial
vicinity, but currently there is no direct Policy.
connection to Srinagar for freight except road.
► There are two Cold Storages establish by the
► In order to export horticulture and agricultural Government.
products from Leh, cold supply chain is
► Currently Handicraft & Handloom training
required (reefer vehicles, controlled
centres are established in the UT.
atmosphere centres etc.).
► The UT is formulating an Industrial policy
which will provide incentives based on:
► Customs facility at upcoming truck terminal at
► Project and production level.
Kargil is needed to the custom related
activities when exporting from Srinagar. ► Transportation of goods and export-
oriented units.
Quality of Infrastructure
Quality of Road Infrastructure
Quality of Warehousing
Quality of Rail Infrastructure
Quality of Terminal
Lakshadweep Max Average
Extent of Facilitation
Grievance Redressal
Ease of Obtaining all Approvals
Ease of Entry
Assessment of Variables of
Logistics Ease
Lakshadweep Max Average
Lakshadweep has been graded as an Aspirer quality of modal logistics services, which is the
within the UT cluster. only indicator being rated high.
The UT needs to focus on improving the Lakshadweep has scored below average with
Infrastructure Quality as the UT has been rated regards to all indicators under Operating and
below average across the indicators under Quality Regulatory Environment.
of Infrastructure.
The UT needs to focus on improving the overall
The UT is rated below average for all indicators logistics ecosystem in the UT in proactive manner.
related to Reliability of Logistics Services except
Quality of Infrastructure
Quality of Road Infrastructure
Quality of Warehousing
Quality of Rail Infrastructure
Quality of Terminal
Puducherry Max Average
Extent of Facilitation
Grievance Redressal
Ease of Obtaining all Approvals
Ease of Entry
Assessment of Variables of
Logistics Ease
Puducherry Max Average
Puducherry has been graded as Fast Mover within The UT has scored high with regards to all
the UT cluster. indicators related to Reliability of Logistics
The UT has scored above average across
indicators related to Quality of Infrastructure UT has scored high with regards to all indicators
except for Rail infrastructure, which has been related to Operating and Regulatory Environment
identified as area where UT could improve its except for State facilitation, which is an area
performance. requiring improvement at UT’s level.
(Disclaimer- Identity of all respondents will not be published anywhere, and all responses will be kept
Pin code:
8. Please indicate the predominant nature of
4. Nature of market you primarily deal with: your involvement in the logistics chain:
EXIM Trader/Shipper
Domestic Transport Service Provider (including Road
Haulier, Rail Operator, Shipping Line, Airline,
Inland Waterways)
Terminal Infrastructure Service Provider
5. Your position in your company / firm: (including ICD, CFS, PFT, AFS, Air Cargo
Senior Management Terminal, Port Terminal, Warehouse, Cold
Store, etc.)
Middle Management (Manager and above)
Logistics Service Provider (including Freight
forwarder, Customs broker, Carriage and
Operations Executive Freight Agents, Air Cargo Agents, 3rd Party
Other Logistics Service Provider, NVOCC,
6. Transport mode you typically deal with:
Waterway (Sea, Inland)
Please select top three (3) States/UTs where you perform logistics operations and/or are familiar with
ground realities of logistics
State/UT 1
State/UT 2
State/UT 3
(This is a summary question and refers to overall modal, terminal, connectivity and warehousing
Very Poor Poor Average Good Very Good
State/ UT 1
State/ UT 2
State/ UT 3
Section 2: Comprises two aspects: a.) Quality of Logistics Services provided in respect of
cost, timeliness, cargo tracking and safety/security of cargo and b.) Quality (availability and
efficiency/ competence) of Logistics Service Providers.
6. Rate the quality of modal logistics services in your chosen States/UTs
(Modal logistics services here refers to- haulage/transportation by different modes of transport)
Very Poor Poor Average Good Very Good
State/ UT 1
State/ UT 2
State/ UT 3
(Terminal Services refers to handling and storage of cargo, customs examination, freight forwarding
and value-added services like consolidation, repackaging, labelling, last-mile connectivity, etc. at
Terminals as defined in Q.No.3 above)
Very Poor Poor Average Good Very Good
State/ UT 1
State/ UT 2
State/ UT 3
(Logistics services here refer to haulage/transportation by different modes, and all terminal services
defined in Question 6 above)
Very cheap Cheap Reasonable Expensive Very expensive
State/ UT 1
State/ UT 2
State/ UT 3
(Timeliness here refers to delivery within schedule/ or within reasonably expected time within a State/
Very cheap Cheap Reasonable Expensive Very expensive
State/ UT 1
State/ UT 2
State/ UT 3
5. Rate the timeliness of cargo delivery in relation to terminal services provided in your chosen
(Timeliness here refers to reasonableness of time taken for terminal operations viz., time taken in
stuffing/ destuffing of cargo, loading/ unloading of cargo and container, customs-examination, etc.)
6. Rate the ability to track and trace cargo movement on the freight routes in your chosen States/UTs
(This refers to mobile/internet connectivity along with an institutional mechanism to track and
trace cargo movement, as also the condition of cargo and/or container)
(Safety/ Security refers to consistency in delivery without damage/ deterioration/ pilferage/ loss of
cargo due to logistics inefficiencies or accidents or thefts during transportation of goods)
B. Rate the overall efficiency and reliability of logistics services in your chosen States/UTs
(This is a summary question and refers to overall logistics services and logistics service providers in
the selected State/UT)
Very Poor Poor Average Good Very Good
State/ UT 1
State/ UT 2
State/ UT 3
12. Rate the State government/UT administration’s role in promoting, incentivising, facilitating and
even directly investing in creation, management and operation of logistics infrastructure and
encouraging efficient logistics services in your chosen States/UTs
(State Government/UT’s role here refers to ease of obtaining regulatory approvals and
efficiency/effectiveness of policies related to single window clearances, labour laws, ease of land use
and related ancillary facilities, maintenance of law and order, and provision of tax
breaks/subsidies/access to credit, grievance redressal and dispute resolution, etc.)
13. Rate the ease of obtaining all approvals from the States/UTs for setting up warehouse
infrastructure in your chosen States/UTs
(Warehousing Infrastructure includes silos/bulk storage, consolidation centres, cold storages,
packhouses, etc. ease of obtaining relevant approvals from competent authority in terms of time
and cost)
14. Rate the State/UT based on the ease of entry in the selected State/UT from a neighbouring State/UT.
15. Rate the State/UT based on your satisfaction with the logistics issues related grievance redressal
mechanism of the selected State/UT.
16. Select the top five (5) issues/challenges being faced in the logistics sector in each chosen States/UTs
17. Name the top three (03) States States/UTs based on your experience with the logistics sector of
the State/UT (Rank-01 indicates best and rank -03 indicates worst)?
Name of State/UT
Rank 1
Rank 2
Rank 3
This survey comprises 2 sections related to the logistics sector in States/UTs. All the questions are
If the answer to any of the above question is 'Yes', please provide the Government notification(s)/
Supporting documentary evidence(s)/Minutes of the Meeting(s), wherever applicable for the same.
Financial Year
# Parameters Unit 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
Surfaced (Km)
1 Total length of State Highways
Unsurfaced (Km)
Surfaced (Km)
2 Total length of District Roads
Unsurfaced (Km)
Surfaced (Km)
3 Total length of Urban Roads
Unsurfaced (Km)
Surfaced (Km)
4 Total length of Rural Roads
Unsurfaced (Km)
Surfaced (Km)
5 Total length of Village Roads
Unsurfaced (Km)
Total number of registered Goods
6 (in number)
Commercial Vehicles (GCVs)
Number of road accidents during the year of
7 (in number)
Goods Commercial Vehicles
Total number of registered drivers for
8 (in number)
Goods Commercial Vehicles (GCVs)
9 Container Freight Stations (in number)
10 Inland Container Depots (in number)
11 Private Freight Terminal (in number)
12 Railway goods shed (in number)
13 Port Terminals (in number)
14 Air Cargo Terminals/Air Freight Stations (in number)
Cold Storages (including state owned,
15 Capacity (MT)
central owned, private owned)
Warehouses (including state owned, central
16 Capacity (MT)
owned, private owned)
Number of training centres for skilling of
logistics sector professionals (in number)
Number of individuals, trained in logistics
18 (in number)
training centres during the year
Investment (as percentage of total budgetary allocation) made by the State/UT (Public+Private investment)
a. Road connectivity (in %)
b. Rail Connectivity (in %)
c. Transport and logistics infrastructure (in %)
d. Transport and logistics sector skilling (in %)
Please State the actions taken by the State on the recommendations of the LEADS 2021 Index? (LEADS
2021 Recommendations for the Specific State/UT are enclosed as Annexure-A)
S No. Variables Year Source factor Year Source
Used for statistical analysis
Total Length of
State Highways
Replaced with
Total Length of
2 proxy variable -
District Roads States/ UTs
State wise Capital
2018-19, budget data & FRI
Total Length of Outlay on Roads Geographical
3 2019-20, LEADS 2022 2020-21 Dehradun
Urban Roads and Bridges ---- Area
2020-21 Objective website
Average of (2018-
Total Length of Questionnaire
4 19, 2019-20,
Rural Roads
Total Length of
Village Roads
Total no. of registered Goods MoRTH
6 2020-21 GSVA goods 2019-20 MoSPI
Commercial Vehicles (GCVs) (VAAHAN data)
7 No. of CFSs 2020-21 2022 Objective GSVA goods 2019-20 MOSPI
8 No. of ICDs 2021-2022 IMC List GSVA goods 2019-20 MOSPI
9 No. of PFTs 2020-2021 FOIS GSVA goods 2019-20 MOSPI
10 No. of Railway Good sheds 2020-2021 FOIS GSVA goods 2019-20 MOSPI
Capacity of Air cargo terminals / AFSs
11 2019-20 MoCA GSVA goods 2019-20 MOSPI
12 Capacity of cold storages (MT) 2019-20 MoCAF&PD GSVA goods 2019-20 MOSPI
13 Capacity of warehouses (MT) 2022 Objective GSVA goods 2019-20 MOSPI
Total number of training centres for
14 2020-21 MoSDE GSVA goods 2019-20 MOSPI
Number of individuals, trained in
15 2020-21 MoSDE GSVA goods 2019-20 MOSPI
logistics training
Replaced with
proxy variable -
Subsidy data from
Amount of TIES, State wise
16 subsidy disbursed average of MoCI GSVA goods 2019-20 MOSPI
during the year Average of (2017-
18, 2018-19,
2019-20, 2020-
Note: Data is not available for Assam, Manipur, Mizoram, Nagaland, Note: Data is not available for Andhra Pradesh, Madhya
Telangana, Chandigarh, Ladakh and Puducherry Pradesh, Telangana, and Lakshadweep
Source: States’ Budget, 2021 Source: Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, 2021
Exhibit 96: Registered commercial vehicles' drivers ('000 Exhibit 97: Road accidents due to commercial vehicles
Nos.) ('000 Nos.)
Note: Data is not available for Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Note: The nos. of road accidents occurred in Ladakh are
Telangana, and Lakshadweep available together with the nos. of J&K
Source: Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, 2019 Source: Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, 2019
Exhibit 100: Total no. of individuals trained in logistics Exhibit 101: Total training centres for logistics
training centres (Nos.) (Nos.)
Note: Data is not available for Chandigarh, Goa, and Lakshadweep Note: Data is not available for DNH and DD, Ladakh and
Source: Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship, 2021 Lakshadweep
Source: Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship,
Source: WRDA (2019-20) and LEADS 2022 Objective Source: Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public
Questionnaire Distribution, 2020
Ernst & Young LLP is one of the Indian client serving member firms of EYGM
Limited. For more information about our organization, please visit
Ernst & Young LLP is a Limited Liability Partnership, registered under the
Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008 in India, having its registered office at
22 Camac Street, 3rd Floor, Block C, Kolkata – 700016
Er. S. Bhardwaj
Dy. Director - General
Logistics Division
Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT)
Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Govt. of India, New Delhi 110011