PY - THE - F.Rodrigues - 2013 - Investigation Into The Thermal Upgrading of Nickeliferous Laterite Ore
PY - THE - F.Rodrigues - 2013 - Investigation Into The Thermal Upgrading of Nickeliferous Laterite Ore
PY - THE - F.Rodrigues - 2013 - Investigation Into The Thermal Upgrading of Nickeliferous Laterite Ore
Queen’s University
(December, 2013)
Nickeliferous laterite ores are currently processed using complex energy intensive
flowsheets. Limited mineral upgrading can be achieved by low-cost mineral processing as the
nickel is not found as a separable mineral phase but finely disseminated throughout the host
goethite mineral. Whole ore extraction processes are required which result in intrinsically higher
capital and operating costs. Market pressure has provided incentives to develop alternative
upgrading techniques that can produce a nickel concentrate and reduce the material input to
produce a ferronickel concentrate has been studied extensively and has shown promising
potential. In this research, a two stage selective reduction of nickeliferous laterite ore was
investigated at 600oC and 1000 – 1100oC with varying coal and sulphur additions.
Experiments showed that the limonite ore could be selectively reduced using a coal
diagnostic leach tests confirmed the presence of metallic nickel and iron in the calcine. Higher
degrees of metallization corresponded with higher sulphur additions and growth zone
temperatures. Sulphur was added to improve particle growth through the establishment of a Fe-O-
S liquid phase, which was found to improve Ni recovery from 13.8% to 75.8% over the range of
0 – 4 wt% S.
Ferronickel particles ranging in size from 20 – 60 microns were shown to be present but
highly dispersed throughout the upgraded ore. Particle growth improved with higher growth zone
temperatures and longer retention times. Magnetic separation of the calcine showed maximum
upgrading of grades to 3 – 4 wt% nickel with recoveries ranging from 83.7 – 93.2%. Partial
oxidation of wustite particles to magnetite caused the particles to be magnetic and resulted in
recovery of unwanted iron oxides. The presence of iron oxide fines was believed to allow for
rapid oxidation of wustite phase and also produce slimes that hindered physical separation of the
upgraded ore.
I would like to thank my supervisor Dr. John Peacey for his mentorship, support and patience
throughout my graduate studies. Under his guidance I have matured both professionally and
I would like to thank in particular Martitza Bailey for her guidance and assistance in and out of
the laboratory. Thank you to Dr. Chris Harris for his insightful comments and suggestions. The
individuals at KPM are thanked for the time and resources they provided. To me fellow graduate
Finally, I would like to thank my family and friends for their continuous support and
encouragement. You continue to be my inspiration and driving force behind any endeavor I
choose to face.
Table of Contents
Abstract ...................................................................................................................................... ii
Acknowledgements .................................................................................................................... iv
List of Figures........................................................................................................................... vii
List of Tables ............................................................................................................................. ix
Chapter 1 : Introduction .............................................................................................................. 1
1.1 General Overview ............................................................................................................. 1
1.2 Nickel from Laterites ......................................................................................................... 1
1.3 Current Processing Options ............................................................................................... 4
1.4 INCO Patent for the Thermal Upgrading of Lateritic Ores ................................................. 5
Chapter 2 : Literature Review ..................................................................................................... 8
2.1 Nickel Laterite Deposits .................................................................................................... 8
2.2 Beneficiation Difficulties with Laterite Ores ...................................................................... 9
2.3 Current Processing Methods of Nickel Laterites .............................................................. 10
2.3.1 Pyrometallurgical Processes ...................................................................................... 11 RKEF Process .................................................................................................... 11 Nippon Yakin Oheyama Process ........................................................................ 12 Nickel Pig Iron................................................................................................... 13
2.3.2 Hydrometallurgical Processes ................................................................................... 13 Caron Process .................................................................................................... 14 HPAL Process ................................................................................................... 14 Atmospheric Leaching (AL) and Heap Leaching (HL) ....................................... 15
2.4 Examples of Innovative Upgrading Techniques ............................................................... 17
2.4.1 Thermal Upgrading................................................................................................... 17
2.4.2 Selective Sulphidation .............................................................................................. 20
2.4.3 Segregation Process .................................................................................................. 21
2.5 Reduction of Nickel Laterites .......................................................................................... 23
2.5.1 Solid State Reduction Mechanism ............................................................................. 23
2.5.2 Reducibility of Nickeliferous Laterite Ores ............................................................... 25
2.6 Ferronickel Particle Growth ............................................................................................. 32
2.6.1 Effect of Temperature ............................................................................................... 33
2.6.2 Effect of Sulphur ...................................................................................................... 34
Chapter 3 : Methods and Materials ............................................................................................ 36
3.1 Introduction..................................................................................................................... 36
3.2 Ore Characterization........................................................................................................ 36
3.3 Ore Preparation and Pellet Formation .............................................................................. 38
3.4 Stationary Bed Furnace Experiments ............................................................................... 40
3.5 Rotary Kiln Experiments ................................................................................................. 41
3.6 Magnetic Separation Tests ............................................................................................... 43
3.7 Analytical Techniques ..................................................................................................... 45
Chapter 4 : Results and Discussion ............................................................................................ 48
4.1 Preliminary Analysis of Thermal Upgrading Requirements .............................................. 48
4.2 Degree of Reduction ........................................................................................................ 48
4.3 Bench-Scale Testing of the Thermal Upgrading Process .................................................. 53
4.3.1 Thermal Upgrading Process Test Work using Stationary Bed Furnace....................... 54
4.3.2 Thermal Upgrading Process Test Work using Rotary Kiln ........................................ 64
4.4 Thermogravimetric and Differential Thermal Analysis .................................................... 66
4.5 Ferronickel Particle Growth ............................................................................................. 75
Chapter 5 : Conclusions and Future Work ................................................................................. 91
5.1 Conclusions ..................................................................................................................... 91
5.2 Future Work .................................................................................................................... 94
Bibliography ............................................................................................................................. 96
Appendix A - US Patent 5,178,666 ......................................................................................... 102
Appendix B - Examples of Stoichiometric Reduction Calculations .......................................... 108
Appendix C – Raw Data Tables .............................................................................................. 110
Appendix D - TGA/DTA Curves for Coal and Sulphur Additives ............................................ 119
List of Figures
Figure 1: World's land based nickel resources and primary nickel production (Dalvi, Bacon, &
Osborne, 2004) ........................................................................................................................... 2
Figure 2: World nickel laterite resources (Dalvi, Bacon, & Osborne, 2004) ................................. 2
Figure 3: Fraction of nickel production by ore type (Mudd, 2010) ............................................... 3
Figure 4: Flowsheet diagram of U.S. Pat. No. 5,178,666 pilot plant process (Diaz, et al., 1993) ... 6
Figure 5: Range of laterite profiles (Dalvi, Bacon, & Osborne, 2004) .......................................... 9
Figure 6: Simplified process flow diagrams for current commercial production methods for the
extraction of nickel from laterite ores ........................................................................................ 11
Figure 7: Fe-Ni-O stability diagram for goethite containing 1.2% Ni, reduction isopleths labelled
with percent values join points of constant degree of Ni metallization (Hallet, 1997) ................. 27
Figure 8: Phase Equilibria for the reduction of nickel and iron oxides with carbon (Canterford,
1975) ........................................................................................................................................ 28
Figure 9: Diagram of metal agglomeration process via suspension model (Watanabe, Ono, Arai,
& Matsumori, 1987).................................................................................................................. 33
Figure 10: SEM images of Fe-Ni and Fe-S phases: (2) and (A) Fe-S, (1) and (B) Fe-Ni (Zhu, et
al., 2012) and (Li, Shi, Rao, Jiang, & Zhang, 2012) ................................................................... 35
Figure 11: X-ray spectrum of limonite ore ................................................................................. 37
Figure 12: Pressed 3g limonite pellet ......................................................................................... 40
Figure 13: Experimental tube furnace setup diagram ................................................................. 41
Figure 14: Schematic diagram of rotary kiln setup ..................................................................... 42
Figure 15: Quartz capsule containing 300g of pelletized feed at 6% coal, 4% S for rotary kiln
experiment ................................................................................................................................ 43
Figure 16: Magnetic separators used in experiments: (left) HIWMS and (right) Davis tube ........ 44
Figure 17: XRD pattern of upgraded ore.................................................................................... 49
Figure 18: XRD pattern of upgraded ore using Co tube ............................................................. 50
Figure 19: Effect of magnetic field strength of HIWMS on the mass fraction of magnetics
extracted ................................................................................................................................... 57
Figure 20: Effect of coal addition on recovery and grade of nickel in magnetic concentrate, 10 g
samples with 4% sulphur........................................................................................................... 62
Figure 21: Effect of sulphur addition on recovery and grade of nickel in magnetic concentrate, 10
g samples with 6% coal ............................................................................................................. 64
Figure 22: TGA/DTA curves of limonite ore up to 1200oC under N2 atmosphere ....................... 67
Figure 23: Comparison of mass loss curves for blends of limonite ore with reagents, roasted up to
1000oC at 20oC/min under N2 atmosphere, blends of ore - coal - sulphur at 2:1:1 weight ratio
respectively............................................................................................................................... 68
Figure 24: TGA/DTA curves for blend of 2:1:1 weight ratio of ore - coal - sulphur, roasted up to
1000oC under N2 atmosphere..................................................................................................... 69
Figure 25: TGA/DTA curves for upgrading limonite ore with coal and sulphur using simulated
U.S. Pat. No. 5,178,666 temperature profile .............................................................................. 71
Figure 26: TGA mass loss curves comparing growth zone temperatures for 3g limonite pellet with
6% coal, 4% sulphur ................................................................................................................. 73
Figure 27 TGA mass loss curves comparing growth zone retention times for 3g limonite pellet
with 6% coal, 4% sulphur ......................................................................................................... 74
Figure 28: Backscattered image of ferronickel particle produced in stationary tube furnace ....... 76
Figure 29: EDS scans of FeNi particle and surrounding oxide gangue shown in Figure 28 ......... 77
Figure 30: Backscattered image of pellet surface upgraded at 1000 oC growth zone temperature. 78
Figure 31: Backscattered image of ferronickel pellet upgraded in rotary kiln with corresponding
EDS scan, particle displays signs of liquid phase sintering ........................................................ 80
Figure 32: SEM images of pellets upgraded at growth zone temperatures of 1000, 1100, 1200 and
1300oC...................................................................................................................................... 82
Figure 33: Backscattered electron image of sectioned pellet upgraded at 1300 oC growth zone
temperature, large continuous FeNi particles are present throughout the sample ........................ 84
Figure 34: SEM images at 500x magnification of thermally upgraded pellets with various hold
times at 1000oC with 6% coal, 4% S.......................................................................................... 86
Figure 35: SEM image of FeNi particles at 5000x magnification, produced at various hold times
at 1000oC with 6% coal, 4% S ................................................................................................... 87
Figure 36: SEM image of pellet upgraded at growth temperature of 1200 oC; (A) FeNi particle,
(B) iron silicate, (C) iron oxide matrix ....................................................................................... 89
Figure 37: EDS scans of Figure 36 phases; (A) FeNi particle, (B) iron silicate, (C) iron oxide
matrix ....................................................................................................................................... 90
List of Tables
Chapter 1: Introduction
throughout the host mineral goethite (FeOOH), a hydrated ferric iron oxide. Due to the solid
substitution of nickel within the goethite matrix, traditional beneficiation processes are unable to
upgrade laterite ores. The whole limonite ore must therefore be treated by expensive
hydrometallurgical methods to extract the nickel and produce a saleable nickel product, either as
Ni hydroxide, sulphide or metallic Ni. Since the discovery of sulphide Ni deposits are becoming
more difficult, attention is shifting to processing the more abundant but difficult-to-process
lateritic Ni ores. Increasing supply of nickel from laterite deposits has provided motivation to
develop an alternative upgrading technique. The following sections will overview the demand for
nickel from laterite projects, current processing methods and an alternative process proposed by
are contained within laterite deposits with the remaining 30% present in sulphide deposits (Figure
1). Two thirds of the laterite fraction are composed of the nickeliferous laterite formations
laterites (saprolite, garnierite). The breakdown of reported laterite resources throughout the world
is shown in Figure 2. As of 2004 world nickel laterite resources were 1.26 Mt averaging at a
1.28% Ni grade and containing 161 Mt of nickel (Dalvi, Bacon, & Osborne, 2004).
Figure 1: World's land based nickel resources and primary nickel production (Dalvi, Bacon, &
Osborne, 2004)
Figure 2: World nickel laterite resources (Dalvi, Bacon, & Osborne, 2004)
Due to the relative simplicity of upgrading sulphide ores by flotation to produce a nickel
sulphide concentrate that can be processed using established metallurgical methods, the majority
of nickel production has been derived from sulphide ores. Many sulphide mines are reaching the
end of production life as grades are falling, reserves are dwindling and rising operating costs are
limiting mine activity (Kuck P. H., 2012). The replenishment rate of sulphide reserves has lagged
behind the depletion rate with new discoveries being found in non-traditional mining districts that
are more remote, technically complex and thus harder to finance (Dalvi, Bacon, & Osborne,
2004; Kuck P. H., 2013). Demand for nickel is increasing at 4% per year mainly due to
expansion in the stainless steel capacity of China (Dalvi, Bacon, & Osborne, 2004). The new
demand is expected to be supplied from new laterite production. Figure 3 shows the fraction of
global nickel production from laterite ores has been increasing since 1950 and as of 2007 nickel
production from laterite ores (856.5 kt) surpassed nickel production from sulphide ores (817.2 kt)
(Mudd, 2010). New Greenfield laterite projects will be required to meet the increase in demand.
Greenfield laterite projects are difficult to finance as typical capital costs range from 10 –
15 $/lb Ni for smelters and 12 – 16 $/lb Ni for High Pressure Acid Leach (HPAL) (Dalvi, Bacon,
& Osborne, 2004). These projects must be associated with massive deposits to reach economies
of scale in order to be developed. To reduce capital and operating costs of Greenfield projects,
26% Ni) while only limited upgrading (by factor < 2) can be applied to laterite ores. Limited
upgrading results in larger tonnages of feed material to be processed and produces larger volumes
of waste slag or tailings material (Dalvi, Bacon, & Osborne, 2004). Three commercial processing
These processes along with other niche flowsheets are described in further details within
this thesis. Nickel production from laterites is more energy intensive and associated with higher
levels of greenhouse gas emissions when compared to sulphide ores (Mudd, 2009). Laterite
projects are further complicated by higher capital costs for infrastructure and equipment
associated with the remoteness of the ore bodies and complexity of the extractions methods. As
the nickel industry trends towards higher production volumes from laterite ores, a need for new
associated with laterite processing, in order to ensure the viability of the industry (Mudd, 2010).
For new laterite technologies to be successful they need to focus on reducing the capital costs of
the project and produce an intermediate product similar to a sulphide concentrate that can be
easily transported to and treated by existing smelter/refinery facilities (Neudorf & Huggins,
2004). The present work investigated low temperature thermal upgrading of laterite ores, an
U.S. patent 5,178,666 filed by INCO outlined a novel process for the thermal upgrading
refining via smelting or leaching techniques. The design calls for the selective reduction of
nickel, cobalt and some iron, up to a maximum temperature of 1050oC, to form a ferro-nickel
alloy while the bulk of the iron content is reduced to the non-magnetic wustite phase. Magnetic
separation can then separate the ferro-nickel alloy from the wustite gangue. The patent outlined
the process through a series of bench scale experiments that determined the optimal operating
parameters which were then implemented in a 500kg/d pilot plant. The process flow sheet for the
pilot plant can be seen in Figure 4. To the author’s knowledge this patent was never developed at
the commercial scale. Compared to other thermal upgrading patents, which focus solely on
higher grade saprolite, this patent focuses on upgrading low grade limonite ores with minimal
reagent additions, lower processing temperatures and shorter resident times. The process,
according to the results given in the patent, was successful in producing high nickel recoveries to
Figure 4: Flowsheet diagram of U.S. Pat. No. 5,178,666 pilot plant process (Diaz, et al., 1993)
The pilot plant process begins with mixing of the feed ore with 4 – 6% bituminous coal
and 2 – 4% elemental sulphur. The mixed feed is then pelletized to improve solid-solid reduction
reactions and reduce losses through dust formation. The pellets are charged to a counter-
currently fired rotary kiln held under neutral or silently reducing conditions. The pellets undergo
drying, dehydroxylation and selective reduction of nickel and cobalt values to the metallic states
while the bulk of the iron content is reduced to the wustite phase. The pellets are then held in a
metallic growth zone set at 1050oC for one hour to allow for the liquid phase migration of
metallics which agglomerate into ferronickel particles. The temperature throughout the kiln is
maintained below the point at which the laterite ore becomes “sticky” and forms sintered
accretions on the furnace walls. A reducing atmosphere is maintained within the growth zone
through the partial combustion of natural gas at 62 – 63% aeration. The discharge from the kiln is
rapidly cooled in an oxygen deficient environment to prevent the oxidation of the wustite phase to
maintained to improve kinetics of the reaction. Wustite is a non-magnetic iron oxide phase. The
cooled pellets are ground and magnetically separated to form a ferronickel concentrate and
tailings made up of wustite and magnesium silicates. Recoveries and grades of nickel achieved
The scope of this work focused on the thermal upgrading via selective reduction of a
limonite ore using the experimental bench scale test work performed in the patent as a starting
point. A copy of the patent can be found in Appendix A of this thesis. The bench scale results in
terms of recovery, grade and gangue rejection indicate that the patent was a viable upgrading
technique for limonite ores. Therefore the goal of this thesis was:
To study the role of temperature, retention time and sulphur addition on the
Chapter 2: Literature Review
deposits and the current processing difficulties that arise due to the nature of the ore. Physical
upgrading and current whole ore treatments processes were reviewed to illustrate the challenges
facing nickel laterites processing and the need for new techniques. Examples of innovative
suphidation and the segregation process were illustrated through a review of published journal
articles and patents. Studies on the selective reduction of nickel laterites in terms of mechanism,
reducibility and ferronickel particle growth were also reviewed. The information gathered from
the literature review was used a basis for the experimental work performed in this study.
(olivine and pyroxene) occurred. The process of weathering or laterization produces profiles with
great variability in thickness, grades, chemistry and ore mineralogy (Dalvi, Bacon, & Osborne,
2004). The range of layered laterite formations along with average metal assays for each layer can
be seen in Figure 5. Boldt (1967) and Alcock (1988) describe the laterization process that
produces the characteristic zoned profile of a laterite deposit. The host peridodtite rock is
dissolved by CO2 enriched groundwater and organic acids from decomposing vegetation which
solubilizes the contained magnesium, iron, nickel and silica. While still near the surface, the
dissolved iron rapidly oxidizes and precipitates out as goethite and hematite. The remaining
dissolved material continues to percolate down the profile until the acidic conditions are
neutralized by the host rock precipitating out the nickel, silica and some of the magnesium as
hydrated silicates forming the saprolite layer. Varying weathering conditions may result in
substantial quantities of nickel remaining in the upper region forming the limonite layer, enriched
with iron and depleted of magnesium and silica. Limonite layers also contain economic values of
cobalt and chromium. As a product of weathering, the laterite ore resembles a soft clay material
found 10 - 40m below the surface and can therefore be mined using earth moving techniques,
such as power shovels and draglines (Betteridge, 1977; Moskalyk & Alfantazi, 2002).
but is finely disseminated throughout the host material. The nickel and cobalt values are
substituted in for iron in the goethite matrix of limonite ores. Low grades and the variable
distribution of Ni throughout the ore body limit the effectiveness of physical beneficiation
processes (De-quing, Yu, Hapugoda, Vining, & Jian, 2012). Onodera et al (1987) conducted a
comprehensive study to determine the effectiveness of upgrading laterite ores using standard
mineral beneficiation techniques. The ores were subjected to a range of upgrading techniques
including sink-and-float, magnetic, electrostatic separation and froth flotation test. The test work
found that laterite ores were not amenable to any of the upgrading techniques. Current
fragments which contain less nickel, rejecting a small fraction of the gangue material (Habashi,
1997). Current metallurgical processing options must treat whole ore feed resulting in elevated
energy, reagent, and transportations costs while also producing significant quantities of waste
(2004), Habashi (1997), Crundwell et al (2011), Canterford (1975) and Simons (1988).
treatments. The development of laterite projects implementing these processes are affected by
low grades with limited upgrading ability, complex processing technology, geographically remote
and large infrastructure requirements such as; power plants, ports, roads and tailings/slag
containment facilities. As a result laterite projects must be “mega projects” to achieve economies
of scale (Neudorf & Huggins, 2004; Moskalyk & Alfantazi, 2002; King, 2005). Figure 6 below
illustrates simplified flow sheets for the currently practiced commercial processes. Further
description of the processes and associated drawbacks are provided in the sections to follow.
Figure 6: Simplified process flow diagrams for current commercial production methods for the
extraction of nickel from laterite ores
such as serpentine and garnierite are treated using pyrometallurgical methods. Limonite ore is
considered an overburden and is rejected as feed material due to lower nickel grades and
Moisture and chemically bound water ranging from 30 – 45% by weight contained within
the ore must first be removed. Direct fired rotary kilns, typically running at 250 oC, reduce the
contained water content to 15 – 20%. Counter-currently fired rotary kilns running at 800 – 900 oC
then dehydroxylate and calcine/reduce or sulphidize the ore, pre-conditioning the material before
smelting in an electric arc furnace up to 1600oC. Smelting produces either ferronickel through
selective reduction of oxide phase or nickel matte via sulphidizing conditions. Of the laterite
smelting operations, 90% produce ferronickel while 10% produce nickel matte (Crundwell,
ferronickel/matte produces marketable nickel products and the overall recovery of nickel and
cobalt in the RKEF process is 90 – 95% and 50% respectively. Though recoveries are high,
energy requirements for the RKEF process are extensive since both hydrocarbons and electrical
energy are used. The high throughput volume because of the treatment of whole ore adds to
Watanabe et al. (1987) describes the Nippon Yakin Oheyama Process for the direct
reduction of garnierite ore for the production of FeNi in a rotary kiln. Silicate ore (2.3- 2.6 %
Ni, 12 – 15% Fe) along with anthracite, coke breeze and limestone are ground and briquetted
together. The briquettes are fed to a coal fired countercurrent rotary kiln with a temperature
gradient of 700 – 1300 oC. Through the kiln, the charge is dried, dehydrated, reduced and
smelted in a semi-fused state to form coalesced particles of spongy ferro-nickel called luppen.
The discharge is quenched in water and the luppen particles, ranging in size from 2 – 3 mm and
with a grade of 22% Ni, 0.45% Co, are separated from the slag through a grinding, screening,
jigging and magnetic separation circuit. Initial nickel recovery was only 80% due to the high
content of gangue material in the feed that is difficult to process using only a rotary kiln. Nickel
recovery was increased to 95% with improvements to flue dust recycling, pretreatment
technology and segregation of luppen product. The Nippon Yakin Oheyama Process flowhsheet
exhibits similar properties to the purposed thermal upgrading patent for limonite ores studied in
this work. The two processes may be compared to assess the feasibility of the proposed patent.
Nickel Pig Iron (NPI) production from laterite ores in China began in 2006/2007 due to
extremely elevated LME nickel prices (Cartman, 2012). Modified iron blast furnaces and electric
arc furnaces are used to produce a low grade (10 – 15% Ni) ferro-nickel product, which is used as
an alternative to LME nickel for stainless steel production. NPI production follows traditional
iron ore blast furnace practices, which require minimal investment in modifications, and thus is
cheaper than bringing Greenfield laterite projects online. Limonite/transitional laterites are used
as feed for NPI production as saprolite ore feed produces large slag volumes. China is the largest
importer of nickel for stainless steel production and as of 2010 NPI accounts for 30% of China’s
primary nickel consumption (Cartman, 2012). NPI is considered “dirty nickel” as production
results in large volumes of slag, high energy consumption, pollutes the environment and produces
low quality products (Youping, Yusheng, & Zhaoyi, 2008). Thus NPI production only becomes
economical during times of elevated nickel prices. Improvement to existing operations, and a
planned increase of 600kt of new NPI production capacity means that China’s NPI industry will
layer of laterite deposits. The entrapment of nickel within the magnesium silicate matrix present
in the saprolite layer, along with the presence of acid consuming minerals, limits the ability of
hydrometallurgical process to treat saprolite ore. Hydrometallurgical treatments focuses on the
The Caron Process is a combined pyro/hydro flowsheet developed to treat limonite and
limonite/saprolite blended feeds. Feed ore, dried to 5% moisture content, is selectively reduced at
750oC to convert nickel and cobalt oxides to the metallic state while leaving the iron content in
the magnetite phase. The ore is cooled under non-oxidizing conditions and leached using an
ammoniacal ammonium carbonate lixiviant, which selectively recovers the metallic components.
The pregnant solution is stripped of ammonia by boiling and the Ni/Co values are precipitated as
produce nickel oxide sinter (90% Ni 10% O). Typically, the recovery of nickel is low (75%) and
decreases with increasing saprolite content due to Ni/Co values contained within the silicate
matrix which are difficult to reduce at the designed temperature. The energy intensive front end
and the extensive reagents required for the hydrometallurgical stages limits the cost effectiveness
An extensive review by Whittington and Muir (2000) outlines the pressure acid leach
process describing how the operations at Moa Bay and the three Western Australian HPAL
conditions, residue properties and scaling. The HPAL Process was developed as an alternative to
the Caron process, eliminating the energy intensive drying and reduction roast steps (50% of
energy consumption) required to remove the high moisture content contained within the limonite
ore (Habashi, 1997). The feed ore is restricted to limonite with low magnesia and alumina
content to limit the acid consumption by these minerals. The process begins with mixing the ore
with water, then pressure leaching the slurry with sulphuric acid at a temperature and pressure of
250oC and 40 MPa, respectively. Ambient leach conditions cannot be used as total dissolution of
the ore occurs. Pressure acid leach, at temperatures greater than 250oC selectively dissolve Ni/Co
oxides as stable sulphates, while iron sulphates destabilize and precipitate out as hematite. After
the leaching stage, solid/liquid separation recovers the pregnant solution, which then undergoes
further refinement, such as solvent extraction, to separate out the nickel and cobalt. Downstream
unit operations vary between the different HPAL operations, producing a variety of marketable
The established HPAL Process achieves > 90% nickel recoveries, supplying 100 000 tonnes
commissioning difficulties and restrictions on feed material have limited the effectiveness of the
HPAL flowsheet.
Leaching under ambient pressures provides advantages over the commercially practiced
HPAL Process in terms of lower capital and operating costs. McDonald and Whittington (2008)
reviewed the atmospheric leaching of laterite ores and provide an extensive comparison between
AL and HPAL processes. Atmospheric leaching avoids the need for expensive capital associated
with installing autoclaves and reduces operating cost due to lowered energy consumption and
maintenance costs. Most atmospheric leach processes operate at temperatures near the boiling
point of the lixiviant, which is typically sulphuric acid. Investigations into utilizing alternative
leaching liquors including, hydrochloric acid, organic acids and bio-technologies, have been
conducted but have not been implemented on the pilot plant level (McDonald & Whittington,
2008). Canterford (1978) and Agatzini-Leonardou and Zafiratos, (2004) found that atmospheric
leaching was non-selective as similar leaching behavior was exhibited by Ni, Co, Mg and Fe.
The AL process produced highly contaminated pregnant liquor and resulted in high acid
consumption. For AL to become economical a cheap source of sulphuric acid must be present
and improved downstream extraction methods need to be developed for the removal of nickel
Heap leaching (HL) processes have been successfully applied commercially for the
treatment of gold and copper ores. Heap leaching offers the most cost effective extraction
method for the recovery of nickel from laterite ores (McDonald & Whittington, 2008).
Successful heap leach operations require adequate irrigation, good permeability and extensive
leaching times. High acid consumption, potential breakdown of the aggregated mineral structure
and poor selectivity of nickel are the drawbacks that limit the commercial application of heap
leaching. Currently the Yunnan Ting Group, CVRD Inco and Mirabela Nickel are examining
heap leaching processes and European Nickel PLC conducted a trial operation at the Caldag
project which produced 20,400 tpa of nickel and 1200 tpa of nickel and cobalt respectively as a
2.4 Examples of Innovative Upgrading Techniques
more amenable to physical beneficiation processes and was the focus of this study. Thermal
upgrading refers to the reduction of the contained nickel and cobalt values to the metallic state,
which can then be removed from the non-metallic gangue material. Varying operating
conditions, such as temperature, retention time, reducing atmosphere and reagent additions aim to
enhance the growth of metallic particles to sizes which are susceptible to physical upgrading such
as magnetic separation or flotation. Numerous patents have been filed that describe thermal
upgrading processes, as shown in Table 2 below. These patents claim to achieve effective nickel
recoveries and grade, but one process outlined in patent No. 5,178,666 seems promising as it uses
limited reagents additions, lower temperatures, shorter resident times and a cheaper reductant in
the form of bituminous coal. To the authors knowledge none of these patents have been used at
Table 2: Thermal upgrading patents
Head Residence Ni
Temperature Reactor Ni Grade
Patent # Ore type Grade Reductant Additives Time Recovery Reference
(oC) Type (wt%)
(wt%) (min) (%)
Ni 1.7
Thumm and
Transitional Fe 34.3 13% Fuel Oil/ 4%
3,388,870 8% NaSO4 950 - 1150 120 Rotary Kiln 80 – 90 8 – 15 Heitmann
Saprolite SiO2 16.9 Lignite/ 1:1 CO:CO2
MgO 10.4
Ni 0.77
Fe 40.2
3 – 7% Tube Crama and
4,490,174 Limonite Si 7.5 70: 30 CO:CO2 950 – 1050 30-300 92 -94 4– 5
FeS/NaSO4 Furnace Baas 1984
Mg 0.4
Al 4.5
3,656,935 N/A Ni 0.5% 3 – 11% Fuel oil 2 – 4% NaCl 950 30-60 23 – 70 % 15 – 26 Iwasaki 1972
Ni 2.71 Beggs,
Transitional Fe 19.65 Rotary Bunge and
3,503,735 3% Coal None 980, 1400 5 - 10 90% 15 - 35
Saprolite SiO2 38.56 Hearth Vedensky
MgO 11.52 1970
Ni 1.63
1% S
Transitional Fe 33.8 Rotary Bell and
4,049,444 6% Fuel Oil 1300 20 80 – 92 9 – 15
Saprolite SiO2 16.4 Hearth Sridhar 1977
2% CaCO3
MgO 12.0
Ni 0.70 1.5 – 7.5%
Fe2 O3 32.0 NaCl Electric Nestoridies
4,002,463 Transitional 2 – 5% Coke 1050 60 – 90 78 12
SiO2 47.1 0.1 - 0.5% Furnace 1977
MgO 4.9 gypsum
Ni 0.70
Limonite Fe2 O3 32.0 Diaz, et al.
5,178,666 4 - 6% Coal 2 - 4% Sulfur 600, 1000 - 1100 30 - 60 Rotary Kiln 80 - 94 8.5 - 9.5
Saprolite SiO2 47.1 1993
MgO 4.9
The experiments performed in the Inco patent on limonite ore mixed with 4 – 6%
bituminous coal and 2 – 4% sulphur, produced a ferronickel concentrate with acceptable nickel
grades and recoveries as shown in Table 3 below. The low weight fraction of magnetic
concentrate produced illustrated that the process was efficient at rendering the contained nickel
into a separable phase. The gangue, comprised mostly of iron oxides, was reduced to wustite and
separated from the ferronickel. Reduction of iron oxides proceeds along the following pathway:
Careful control of the reduction potential during the experiments enabled the production
of a wustite phase and limited the formation of metallic iron. The low levels of metallic iron in
the concentrate were illustrated by the low iron to nickel ratio. Metallic iron dilutes the FeNi
concentrate, reducing the nickel grade and increasing the mass of concentrate produced.
Magnetite can also dilute the concentrate and is produced by either the under reduction of the iron
Wustite is a metastable phase that becomes unstable in a neutral atmosphere below 570 oC
𝟒𝑭𝒆𝑶 = 𝑭𝒆𝟑 𝑶𝟒 + 𝑭𝒆 1
This disproportionation reaction has been found to occur at temperatures ranging from
300 – 570oC using Mossbauer spectrometry (Broussard, 1969; Mori, 1999; Pattek-Janczyk &
Miczko, 1990) . Although thermodynamically possible, the kinetics of this reaction are slow and
Table 3: Example 1 bench test results from U.S. Pat. No. 5,178,666 (Diaz, et al., 1993)
Magnetic Fractions
% % Ni Grade Ni Recovery Fe/NI wt%
Ore Type S Coal wt % % % Ratio
A 4 6 13.1% 9.8% 88.0% 5.2
A 4 6 12.2% 11.4% 92.0% 4.8
A 4 6 11.2% 11.0% 87.0% 4.4
A 4 6 12.7% 11.3% 95.0% N/A
A 2 6 15.6% 9.1% 91.0 % 4.6
A 2 6 14.3% 10.1% 94.0% 4.6
A 2 5 14.4% 10.7% 87.0% 3.2
A 2 5 14.0% 10.6% 88.0% 3.0
B 4 4 14.0% 9.2% 88.0% 3.8
ores and were able to demonstrate that the nickel oxide within the ore could be selectively
flotation, producing an intermediate product at lower energy consumption levels and a relatively
simpler flowsheet compared to existing processes. Nickel sulphides form at lower sulphur
potentials than iron sulphides, and it is believed that NiO could then be selectively sulphidized to
mono and disulphides. Sulphidation was attempted at temperatures between 450 – 1100 oC, with
sulphur additions ranging from 25 – 1000 kg S/tonne ore. Selectivity was strongly dependent on
temperature and sulphur additions. The highest degree of nickel sulphidation was achieved with
100 kg S/tonne ore at temperatures greater than 500 oC but the Fe-Ni-S phase formed was
submicron in size. When temperatures were elevated to 1050 – 1100 oC, the sulphide particles
grew via a liquid phase sintering mechanism in an oxygen rich matte to a d80 of 14 μm. The
sulphide growth temperature was similar to the metallic growth zone temperature established in
the INCO patent. Flotation studies of the nickel-iron sulphide produced a concentrate grading
4–5% nickel, with 50% recovery on a sulphide basis, 35-45% overall nickel recovery. Low
recovery was attributed to the fine sulphide particles produced and entrainment of magnetite
fines. Proof of concept was shown for the selective sulphidation of nickel in limonite ores, but
gaseous chlorides. The metallic component can then be separated from the gangue material by
magnetic, flotation or leaching techniques. Various studies have been conducted on the
mechanism and process of segregation roasting of laterite ore shown in the work by Iwasaki et al.
(1966), Liu et al. (2010), Kwatara et al. (2011) and Reznik et al. (2003). Experimental work has
predominantly been conducted on upgrading saprolite ore. The process involves mixing laterite
ores with a chloridizing agent (CaCl2, NaCl, or MgCl2) and a solid reducing agent (coke or coal)
then roasting the mixture between temperatures of 900 – 1000oC. The process mechanism
Step 2: HCl reacts with nickel oxide to produce nickel chloride gas
Step 3: Hydrogen reduction of nickel chloride to metallic nickel on the surface of the
carbonaceous reductant
𝑵𝒊𝑪𝒍𝟐 (𝒈) + 𝑯𝟐 (𝒈) = 𝑵𝒊(𝒔) + 𝟐𝑯𝑪𝒍(𝒈) 4
Cobalt and iron undergo similar reactions during the process though selectivity is
achieved as NiCl2 is preferentially reduced over FeCl2. The range of recoveries and grades of Ni
Segregation roasting test work illustrates an attractive process for the recovery of nickel from
laterite ores that utilizes lower reaction temperatures and a relatively simpler flowsheet. The
- Material selection and reactor design are limited when using chloride based reagents
- Salts reagents are required in larger volumes which are difficult to store and transport
technology for nickel extraction and limited pilot plant studies have been conducted. The
MINPRO-PAMCO nickel segregation process was piloted from 1981 – 1983. The 1 tonne/hr
plant treated saprolite ore mixed with CaCl2 and coke at 950oC. The facility operated for 200
days and produced a 55-60% Ni concentrate via magnetic separation at a recovery of 90%
studied by various authors (Zevgolis, Zografidis, & Halikia, 2010; Wang, Yang, Tian, Li, & Sun,
1997; Antola, Holappa, & Paschen, 1995). Solid state reduction at the contact sites between
carbon and limonite ore is believed to be the origin of the reduction process. The reduction
process is continued via gaseous intermediates produced through the solid state reduction
mechanism and the Boudourd reaction. Zevgolis et al (2010) summarized the solid state reduction
of the laterite ore using a coal reductant into three simplified categories; iron oxide reduction,
nickel oxide reduction and carbon gasification. The solid state reduction mechanism of the iron
oxide component of the laterite ore is expected to follow a three stage reaction mechanism.
𝑵𝒊𝑶 + 𝑪𝑶 → 𝑵𝒊 + 𝑪𝑶𝟐 8
Carbon gasification occurs via the Boudouard reaction.
𝑪 + 𝑪𝑶𝟐 → 𝟐𝑪𝑶 9
intermediates produced by the Boudouard reaction that maintain the reducing atmosphere. The
initial CO present in the early stages of the reaction is produced through the direct contact of the
𝟑𝑭𝟐 𝑶𝟑 + 𝑪 → 𝟐𝑭𝟑 𝑶𝟒 + 𝑪𝑶 10
𝑵𝒊𝑶 + 𝑪 → 𝑵𝒊 + 𝑪𝑶 11
In concurrence with the formation of CO, volatile matter is produced from heating coal
which contains hydrocarbons. Above 700oC Wang et al (1997) stated that the hydrocarbons
began to crack into H2 and C. The CO, H2 and C produced can act as reductants. Therefore true
solid state direct reduction via gaseous intermediates using a coal reductant occurs according to
Antola et al (1995) assumed that upon dehydroxylation of goethite, the oxide mineral
phase forms trevorite, NiO·Fe2O3, which undergoes the following reduction reactions:
Therefore selective reduction of nickel over iron could be achieved if the reduction
process could conclude after Equation 15, thus minimizing further reduction of iron oxide to the
metallic phase.
Nickel substitution into serpentine minerals may be present in the limonite formation and
therefore the reduction mechanism of these phases should be considered. Decomposition of the
silicate mineral will occur between 500 – 800oC according to the following reaction:
(𝐍𝐢, 𝐅𝐞, 𝐌𝐠)𝟑 𝐒𝐢𝟐 𝐎𝟓(𝐎𝐇)𝟓 → 𝟑(𝐍𝐢, 𝐅𝐞, 𝐌𝐠)𝟐 𝐒𝐢𝐎𝟒 + 𝟒𝐇𝟐 𝐎 + 𝐒𝐢𝐎𝟐 19
The decomposed material forms an amorphous solid where NiO is present and relatively
easy to reduce. At temperatures > 800oC the amorphous material recrystallizes out as olivine (as
forsterite - Mg2SiO4 or fayalite - Fe2SiO4), entrapping the NiO in a phase that is difficult to reduce
(Li & Coley, 2000). Fayalite also forms through the reduction of magnetite and free silica
Reduction of the recrystallized fayalite can occur, but requires higher temperatures and stronger
reducing conditions (Harris, Peacey, & Pickles, 2009). The reduction mechanism for fayalite is
shown below:
laterite ores using gaseous and solid reductants. Hallett (1997) preformed a thermodynamic
analysis of the solid-state reduction of nickel from goethite, producing various predominance area
diagrams that outlined the limits of stability for the various mineral phases as a function of
temperature and reducing conditions. Limonite, composed primarily of goethite, FeOOH, was
dehydroxylated when exposed to heat and could be reduced under mild conditions to magnetite,
Fe3O4, and nickel bearing trevorite, NiO·Fe2O3. Magnetite and trevorite from a spinal type solid
solution with the formula (Fe,Ni)O· Fe2O3. Varying the temperature and gas composition of the
reducing environment can alter the mixed oxide phase according to the stability diagram
presented in Figure 7. Examinations of these predominance area diagrams illustrate that iron has a
greater affinity for oxygen than nickel, and thus selective reduction of nickel oxide to the metallic
These findings agreed with Canterford (1975) review of the metallurgical treatments of
nickeliferous laterites which found that the process of selective reduction of nickel and cobalt
without the reduction of iron as a critical aspect in the study of extractive metallurgy of
nickeliferous laterites. Thermodynamic data for the reduction potential of iron and nickel oxides
shown in Figure 8 indicates the potential to selectively reduce NiO to the metallic state while
economically acceptable reaction rates, therefore careful control of atmosphere conditions and
temperature are required to establish a suitable environment. Practical application of the selective
reduction process has been restricted as the optimal temperatures, retention time and composition
of the reductant vary significantly over the range of ores treated. Selective reduction is ore
specific, limiting the application of the process to a wide variety of mined laterite ores.
(Fe,Ni)O +
(Fe,Ni) 5O%
+ (Fe,Ni) 1O%
Figure 7: Fe-Ni-O stability diagram for goethite containing 1.2% Ni, reduction isopleths labelled with
percent values join points of constant degree of Ni metallization (Hallet, 1997)
Figure 8: Phase Equilibria for the reduction of nickel and iron oxides with carbon (Canterford, 1975)
Even though, thermodynamically NiO can be reduced at a lower potential compared to
iron oxides, Zhu et al. (2008) and Wantanbe et al. (1987) found that nickel and iron oxides in
laterite ores are reduced with coal simultaneously despite the differences in the free energy of
formations between these oxides. An array of published work has illustrated various degrees of
success to selectively reduce and upgrade limonite ore at the experimental bench scale level. De
Graaf (1979) showed that selective reduction of limonite to the magnetite/wustite phase boundary
was possible using a CO/CO2 and H2/H2O reducing atmosphere. The presence of water vapour in
the reducing atmosphere was found to have a deleterious effect on the extraction of nickel.
Using a gaseous reductant in a tube furnace and fluidized bed apparatus, Antola et al
(1995) were able to produce a high grade (70% - 80% Ni) FeNi product by selective reduction in
the solid state. Pure metallic nickel could not be produced from selective reduction as nickel was
always found in a nickel-iron alloy phase. Low partial pressure of reducing gas with relatively
short experiment times provided the best results. Changes within the temperature range of 700-
1000 oC were found to have little effect on the reduction selectivity although reduction proceeded
faster at higher temperatures. Reduction occurred 5-7 times faster in the fluidized bed compared
to the tube furnace. Although selective reduction of nickel was achieved, the formed ferronickel
phase could not be separated from the iron oxide phase by magnetic separation.
Zevgolis et al (2010) concluded that the reduction degrees of iron and nickel oxides
reduced between 700 – 900oC could not exceed 33% and 76% respectively in Greek laterites even
though adequate amounts of carbon remained in the calcine. The reduction mechanism finished
after 20 – 40 minutes and was prevented from reaching completion due to the formation of iron
silicates such as fayalite (2FeO·SiO2) and forsterite (Mg2SiO4), which coated the oxide grains,
Valix and Cheung (2002) studied phase transformations of laterite ores under reducing
conditions and temperatures up to 800oC. When limonite ores were reduced, the mineral phases
formed were magnetite, taenite and fayalite. Taenite is a nickel rich iron-nickel alloy mineral.
XRD patterns showed the presence of taenite becomes more dominant with a temperature
increase from 650oC to 750oC, but further heating resulted in the disappearance of taenite. Upon
cooling the reduced limonite from 800 oC to 25oC in air, no evident changes occurred in the
phases suggesting the stability of the reduced phases formed at higher temperatures. Valix and
Cheung (2002) also conducted leach tests using an ammoniacal leach and achieved an optimum
recovery of nickel of 80% when the limonite ore was reduced at 600oC.
Kawahara et al (1988) investigated the reducibility of laterite ores using hydrogen gas
reductant over a temperature range of 400 to 1000 oC. Reducibility was based on the degree of
reduction of iron, nickel and cobalt to metallic form determined using a bromine-methanol
for limonite samples varied from 19% to 70% and all reduction concluded after 40 minutes.
Reducibility of nickel increased with increasing temperature and iron content within the ore.
Olivine formation due to the magnesia and silica content resulted in ion substitution of Ni 2+ with
Mg2+ into the silicate matrix. The activity of nickel contained within the silicate solid solution is
The effect of pre-calcination of the limonite ore before reduction roasting in a CO/CO 2
atmosphere was studied by O`Connor et al (2006) . The function of pre-calcination was to drive
the dehydroxylation reaction of goethite, which is the removal of the structural OH- group or loss
of crystalline bound water. Calcination opened the goethite mineral structure, increasing the
porosity and surface area of the ore, exposing the reduced nickel phase to recovery via an
ammoniacal leach solution. Under reducing conditions, goethite was dehydroxylated to hematite,
and then reduced to magnetite at 500oC. The formation of an iron nickel alloy taenite (Ni3Fe) and
hematite, which was less susceptible to reduction and thus resulted in reduced ferro-nickel
formation. Utigard and Bergman (1992) found the pretreatment of saprolite ore in air or nitrogen
before reduction in an H2/CO2 atmosphere had no effect on the formation of metallics. Under the
same conditions, limonite ore was easier to reduce to the metallic state compared to saprolite
Chueng and Valix (2008) found that a prolonged reduction period resulted in “over
reduction” of limonite resulting in decreased nickel recovery. Lower reduction potential (1:2.5
versus 1:1 CO:CO2) prevented the recrystallization of the dehydroxlated serpentine mineral to
olivine and pyroxene. Recrystallization of the silicate phase can incorporate the nickel oxide,
preventing reduction and consequently the degree of nickel separation from the gangue material.
Reoxidation of the reduced wustite phase to the higher oxidized iron oxides impedes the
effectiveness of magnetic separation to remove the gangue material. Chander and Sharma (1981)
found that cooling in an inert atmosphere prevented re-oxidation and retained the highest portions
of wustite within the reduced limonite ore. Reoxidation was limited to the surface layers of the
sample. Quenching the samples caused extensive re-oxidation of the hot sample by either the
2.6 Ferronickel Particle Growth
The size of ferro-nickel particles produced during the thermal upgrading process must be
adequate in size in order to be susceptible to magnetic separation. A goal of the INCO patent was
to provide a metallic growth zone where controlling the reduction atmosphere, temperature,
retention time and sulphur addition provided the ideal conditions for metallic particle growth. A
review of published work on the factors and mechanisms surrounding growth of ferro-nickel
state via a suspension system model as shown in Figure 9 below. The model suggests that
metal particles and the slag phase. Additions to the charge feed such as sulphur, lime and alumina
along with iron oxide present in the slag help to reduce surface tension and viscosity of the slag
phase allowing for the movement and coalescing of metal particles. Excessive residual carbon
remaining after the reduction stage was found to increase viscosity and thus reduce agglomeration
of ferro-nickel particles.
Figure 9: Diagram of metal agglomeration process via suspension model (Watanabe, Ono, Arai, &
Matsumori, 1987)
composite pellet, was greatly influenced by the roasting temperature. Scanning Electron
Microscope (SEM) images found ferronickel particles ranging in size of 5 – 10 μm when reduced
similar to luppen formed in the Nippon Yakin Oheyama process, which contributed to the
increased carburization rate causing the starting melting temperature to decrease. Images also
detected networks of voids formed from the gasification of solid carbon. Theses voids provided
locations for the diffusion and agglomeration of the reduced ferronickel particles.
2.6.2 Effect of Sulphur
Diaz et al. (1993) claimed that metallic nickel, cobalt and iron congregate into ferro-
nickel particles through a Fe-S-O liquid phase. Sulphur additions are required to establish this
phase and promote the growth of ferro-nickel particles. Numerous studies (Li et al. 2012; Zhu et
al. 2012; Valix and Cheung, 2002; Jiang et al. 2013) found that the addition of sulphur promoted
the growth of FeNi particles during the selective reduction of saprolite ores. Limited published
work was found that investigated the effect of sulphur on the promotion of particle growth during
Encapsulated sulphur released S2 gas when heated within the briquettes which reacts with
reduced iron to form troilite FeS. Troilite forms a Fe-FeS low melting point eutectic (985oC)
which facilitated the agglomeration of the FeNi particles while also enriching the nickel phase by
reducing the iron content within the ferro-nickel alloy (Kukura, Stevens, & Auck, 1981). The
release of gaseous sulphur opens the mineral structure, allowing for water to be removed during
dehydroxylation and increases the surface area for reduction between the ore and reducing gases.
The fissures/voids left behind after sulphur volatilization provides nucleation zones for FeNi
particle growth. Sulphur also reduced the surface tension of the FeNi particles, causing the metal
particles to agglomerate. SEM images, below in Figure 10, show ferronickel particles enwrapped
in FeS and it is believed the FeNi phase precipitated out of the FeS phase. The addition of sulphur
Figure 10: SEM images of Fe-Ni and Fe-S phases: (2) and (A) Fe-S, (1) and (B) Fe-Ni (Zhu, et al.,
2012) and (Li, Shi, Rao, Jiang, & Zhang, 2012)
Compared to the INCO patent which uses sulphur additions of 2 – 4 wt%, Bell and
Sridhar (1977) found that additions of 1wt% sulphur promoted the concentration of nickel into
the ferronickel particles. Sulphur contents higher than 1 wt% were found to adversely affect the
recovery of ferronickel particles by magnetic separation. Jiang et al. (2013) found that sulphur
additions over 2 wt% in a reduction roast process of saprolite ore reduced the recovery of nickel
Lu at al. (2013) found that the addition of Na2SO4 induced the formation of a Fe-S solid
solution and improved mass transfer and gaseous diffusion throughout the laterite ore. The low
melting point Fe – S solid solution enwrapped and then facilitated the aggregation of the
ferronickel particles. The addition of Na2SO4 provides a source of sulphur while also liberating
nickel and iron from silicate formations. Growth of ferronickel particles with the addition of
Na2SO4 reached an average size of 20 μm with the maximum particle sizes being 40 μm.
Chapter 3: Methods and Materials
3.1 Introduction
Experimental test work was conducted to investigate the thermal upgrading of nickel
containing limonite ore. The goal of the experimental work was to thermally upgrade limonite in
a two stage reduction roast at relatively low temperatures and with minimal reagent additions.
The experiments conducted used the conditions, procedure and results established in Example 1
Bench scale experiments were conducted using a stationary bed furnace and rotary kiln
setups, where the effects of temperature, retention time and sulphur addition on the thermal
upgrading of limonite ore were examined. Magnetic separation tests were utilized to assess the
Samples obtained were exposed to X-ray diffraction, SEM microscopy and thermogravimetric
conducted in this study. The head grade on the limonite ore used in this study along with
limonitic ore utilized in the INCO patent experiments are shown and compared in Table 5.
Table 5: Head grade analysis of limonite ore samples and INCO patent samples
The content of both ores were similar and should allow for favorable comparisons when
attempting to treat the Xstrata ore using the experimental conditions outlined in the INCO patent.
Both ores exhibited high values of iron (>45 %) with low concentrations of SiO2 and MgO which
is typical of limonite formations. X-ray analysis was conducted, shown in Figure 11, identifying
G G—Goethite
Using the Mineralogy Iterations feature in HSC Chemistry, the head grade analysis of the
limonite ore was used to estimate the mineral composition of the ore shown in Table 6. X-ray
analysis identified goethite as the dominant mineral phase, therefore all iron was assumed to be
present as goethite. Contained nickel was assumed to present as nickel oxide, NiO. The
estimated mineral composition was used in theoretical reduction calculations of the limonite ore.
Component Wt %
NiO 2.06
FeOOH 85.48
Mg3Si2O5(OH)4 0.98
SiO2 4.98
Al2O3 6.49
Other <0.01
Total 100.00
moisture content of the ore. A steel rolling pin was used to crush 2kg of the ore to a size that
could be adequately segregated into representative samples via an open bin riffler splitter. Riffle
splitting produced 8 representative samples of approximately 180 g each. The particle size of the
ore in each individual sample was reduced using a ring pulverizer. The ore was pulverized for
fifteen seconds then mechanically screened at 100 mesh. Oversized material was re-pulverized
for an additional five seconds then re-screened until 100% of the sample was – 100 mesh. To
prevent absorption of water into the ore and to maintain a uniform composition, the screened
samples were stored in a 65oC oven until being used in the experiments.
In the test work, limonite ore was mixed with requisite amounts of a solid carbon
reductant and sulphur bearing agent. A coal reductant, similar to the bituminous coal used in the
patent, was used in all the experiments. A comparison of chemical analysis of the coal additive
used in this study with the bituminous coal used in the patent is shown in Table 7.
Reagent grade elemental sulphur was used in all the experimental work. To reduce dust
formation, improve solid-solid reactions and promote diffusion of volatiles through the ore, the
reagents and ore feed were briquetted for all experiments. Limonite, coal and sulphur additions
weighting a total of 3g were thoroughly mixed until the sample was homogenous, then briquetted
into 1.3 cm diameter cylindrical pellets at a pressure of 8000 psi. The resulting pellet height was
Figure 12: Pressed 3g limonite pellet
for the two stage thermal upgrading of the pellets. The schematic diagram of the furnace setup
used in all bench scale experimental work is shown in Figure 13. The experimental method used
was aimed at reproducing the method performed in Example 1 of U.S. Pat. No. 5,178,666. The
pellets were placed in a quartz sample carrier lined with magnesium oxide powder to prevent
sintering of the pellet with the carrier at elevated temperatures (≥1000oC). The furnace was then
sealed and purged with high purity nitrogen gas at a flow rate of 300 mL/min. The gas flow rate
was maintained throughout the entire experiment. The sample carrier maintained the pellet
within the cool zone of the furnace while the atmosphere was purged and the hot zone ramped up
to the reduction temperature of 600oC. The sample was then introduced to the hot zone and
allowed to react for 60 min. The pellet was held with the hot zone undergoing non-isothermal
heating at 40oC/min to raise the temperature to 1000 – 1100oC to promote metallic growth.
Temperature control overshoot at 1000 – 1100oC was limited to ± 2oC. The pellets were held at
the growth zone temperature for 60 min then retracted to the cool zone and cooled for 40 min.
The cooled pellets ranged in temperature from 60 – 80oC. Separation and analytical testing was
performed immediately after removing the reduced pellets from the furnace to minimize re-
of rotational forces on the growth of ferronickel particles. Particle size, recovery and grade of
ferronickel produced, while using the rotary kiln setup, were compared to experiments conducted
in the stationary tube furnace. Rotary kiln experiments were conducted off-campus at Kingston
Process Metallurgy.
Figure 14: Schematic diagram of rotary kiln setup
Two furnaces were installed around the kiln to establish a reduction zone (600 oC) and a
growth zone (1000oC). A pelletized feed of 300 g was placed inside a quartz capsule (Figure 15)
and inserted into the kiln. The capsule was held in the cooling zone in front of the furnaces while
the furnaces ramped up to the set point temperature. The capsule was then pushed into position
and held in the reduction zone and then the growth zone for 60 min respectively. After
completion of the two stage roasting procedure, the capsule was pulled back into the cool zone
and allowed to cool until the material could be safely handled. Nitrogen was metered into the
kiln at 1.5 L/min to maintain a neutral atmosphere throughout the experiment. The rotation speed
Figure 15: Quartz capsule containing 300g of pelletized feed at 6% coal, 4% S for rotary kiln
tests were performed using a Davis tube and High Intensity Wet Magnetic Separator (HIWMS),
shown in Figure 16. Prior to separation, liberation of the ferronickel particles was performed
using a ring pulverizer. The samples were pulverized for 20 s then mechanically screened at 200
mesh. Oversized material was re-pulverized for an additional 5 s then re-screened. Water was
Figure 16: Magnetic separators used in experiments: (left) HIWMS and (right) Davis tube
Initial magnetic separation test work was performed using a Davis tube as the device was
used extensively in literature and also in U.S. Pat. No. 5,178,666. The Davis tube treats sample
sizes of 10 g or less at 4800 Gauss at various flow rates and rotation speeds. Separation
difficulties were encountered as most of the material reported to the concentrate, with little tailing
being produced. Similar problems were encountered by Iwasaki et al. (1966) who identified, via
X-ray analysis of the roasted material, that the presence of a small amount of magnetite in wustite
Technology’s CARPCO WHIMS Model 3x4L. The WHIMS separates magnetic particles
through a static cell containing a media of 1/4” soft iron spheres at magnetic flux density ranging
from 0 – 21.6 kiloguass. The matrix media provides a collection surface more suited for
3.7 Analytical Techniques
Analysis of the raw materials and thermally upgraded samples was carried out by a
variety of analytical techniques. Full characterization of the samples was performed to determine
Chemical composition of the samples was determined using wet analysis techniques
where dissolution of the material was conducted using aqua regia or a bromine methanol
diagnostic leach. Total digestion of the samples was performed using aqua regia, while 5%
bromine in 95% methanol solution selectively dissolved metallics from the oxide media. The
diagnostic leach test followed a procedure adapted from Harris (2011) who utilized a variation of
the diagnostic leach procedure published by Young (1974) to selectively remove sulphides from
oxide materials. Dissolved solutions were analyzed for nickel and iron using a Thermo Scientific
iCE 3000 Series Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AA) unit. Replicate samples were also
analyzed using a PerkinElmer 2100DV unit to perform Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical
The bromine methanol diagnostic leach required the thermal upgraded briquettes to be
ground into powder, then 0.3g of sample was added to 50 mL of the 5% bromine / 95% methanol
solution. The solution was heated to 60oC under reflux for 20 min. Boiling chips were added to
prevent violent evaporation of the solution. The solution was then cooled in a water bath and
vacuum filtered using Whatman No.2 glass fiber micro filters. Methanol was used to wash all
glassware. Twenty five milliliters of hydrochloric acid was then added to the filtered solution and
then the sample was boiled on a hot plate until 20 mL of solution remained. Boiling the solutions
allows the hydrochloric acid to convert the nickel and iron bromides into chlorides and remove
excess methanol. The remaining solution was diluted with deionized water to less than 20 ppm
Powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) was used to characterize the mineralogy of raw the
materials and thermally upgraded samples. An Xpert Pro Phillips powder diffractometer with Cu
kα radiation linked with the commercial software X-pert High Score was utilized to analyze
samples. A cobalt radiation tube was also used on iron rich samples as the tube decreases
fluorescence emitted by iron, therefore reducing background noise and enabling detection of
minor phases. Peak identification was performed by comparing detected peaks with a database
on known spectrums. The database is maintained by the International Centre for Diffraction Data.
Scanning electron microscopy was performed using a MLA 650 FED Environmental
SEM. Thermally upgraded samples were prepared in powder form or the pellets were sectioned
vertically along the middle of the pellet. The metallic presence in the upgraded samples allowed
the SEM to operate at low vacuum and voltage, eliminating the need to pre-coat the samples with
carbon. Back scattered electron imaging was the primary mode used to analyze the samples.
Altering the brightness scale distinguished the ferronickel particles from the surrounding oxide
matrix. Energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) helped verify the presence and chemical
a Netzsch STA 449 F3 Jupiter. Loaded samples were placed in alumina crucibles which were
mounted onto a carrier connected to a balance below. Mass changes as a function of time and
temperature, were monitored as the sample was heated at specific heating rates and gas
exothermic or endothermic reactions and identified phase changes. Powdered samples (25 – 30
mg) were analyzed in 0.3 mL alumina crucible while larger 5 mL crucibles were utilized to
analyze pellet samples (3000 mg). Only thermogravimetric analysis could be performed on the 5
mL crucibles as the size of the crucible prevented the mounting of a reference crucible on the
sample carrier. The buoyancy of the sample mass caused by the flow of gas was accounted for by
Chapter 4: Results and Discussion
limonite ore starting with the conditions claimed to produce a FeNi concentrate by the Inco
patent. The process conditions could then be altered to meet the requirements of the limonite ore
tested in order to achieve suitable upgrading results. Further study was conducted to investigate
The ranges of coal and sulphur additions used in the patent were defined specifically for
the limonite ore tested. Reagents additions could be altered based on preliminary reduction
potential calculations to accommodate variations in the limonite ore used in this study. By
assuming both gaseous and solid state reduction mechanisms, the range of coal addition was
estimated assuming complete metallization of Ni and the reduction of all iron oxides to the FeO.
Coal additions were estimated to be 3.7 – 7.1%, which is the range of coal additions required to
establish a selective reduction environment. The sample calculation for the required coal
additions can be found in the Appendix A. The estimated coal addition range agrees with the
goethite phase to wustite while also promoting the formation of metallic nickel and some metallic
iron. To ascertain the presence of wustite and metallic nickel within the upgraded ore, X-ray
diffraction analysis was conducted on powdered upgraded pellets. Multiple scans were
conducted, one sample upgraded with 6% coal is shown in Figure 17 below. Wustite was shown
to be present within the upgraded ore along with ferronickel. A separate metallic nickel phase
was not detected. Metallic nickel was found only in a ferronickel alloy phase, which was
expected as work by Antola et al. (1995) concluded similar findings. The XRD analysis
illustrated that the reducing potential established through additions of 6% coal was sufficient to
reduce the iron oxide phase to wustite while limiting the formation of metallic iron. Given that
the XRD results are only qualitative, the extent of conversion could not be determined.
W—Wustite W
FeNi— Ferronickel
The high iron content of the limonite ore produced significant background noise when
performing XRD analysis using a Cu kα radiation tube. To reduce the background noise, a
secondary scan of the upgraded samples utilizing a cobalt radiation tube was conducted and is
shown in Figure 18 below. The scan detected the presence of wustite and metallic iron, which was
shown earlier to be associated with metallic nickel. The cobalt scan identified minor peaks of
fayalite at multiple 2θ positions. Fayalite formation is acceptable for the thermal upgrading
process as the iron silicate is non-magnetic and should report to the tailings during magnetic
separation. Some nickel incorporation into the iron silicate matrix could occur, rendering the
nickel inert to magnetic separation and thus reducing recovery values. Fayalite may also coat
oxide grains and impede the reduction process (Zevgolis, Zografidis, & Halikia, 2010). The
reduction of fayalite to unwanted metallic iron could also occur, although stronger reducing
potentials and higher temperatures are required (Harris, Peacey, & Pickles, 2009). Fayalite
formation is expected to be minimal when thermally upgrading limonite ore due to the limited
silica content contained within the ore. Re-oxidation of metallic nickel and incorporation into the
wustite phase despite the reducing conditions may also occur as was noted by Hallet (1997). No
magnetite was detected in any of the XRD scans of the upgraded ore. The presence of magnetite
could indicate the destabilization of the wustite phase either through oxidation or
disproportionation reactions. The quantity of magnetite formed may be below the detection limit
of the XRD but still sufficient enough to magnetize some wustite particles.
W Fe—Metallic Iron
W f—Fayalite
f f f W Fe
f f Fe
f W
The amount of nickel and iron metallization was determined using 5% bromine/ 95%
methanol diagnostic leach test as outlined by Young (1974) and Sotka et al. (2004). The
bromine/methanol solution selectively dissolved metallic phases while leaving the oxide phases
insoluble. Leach tests were performed on upgraded pellets with sulphur additions of 2 or 4 wt%
and subjected to growth zone temperatures of 1000oC or 1100oC. The results from the diagnostic
leach tests are shown in Table 8 below. For all tests, the degree of nickel metallization was
greater than that of iron, confirming thermodynamic predictions that NiO reduces at lower
reduction potentials than iron oxide. Complete reduction of nickel oxide was not achieved as the
highest degree of nickel metallization was 81.8%. The degree of nickel and iron reduction
obtained exceeded the results of Zevgolis et al. (2010) where Ni and Fe reductions degrees did
not exceed 33% and 76% respectively. . Higher degrees of nickel metallization occurred in
tandem with higher degrees of iron metallization, suggesting a similar reduction mechanism. Poor
selectivity was achieved as Fe metallization degrees were greater than 40%. Increases in sulphur
additions and growth zone temperatures increased the degree of metallization of both nickel and
The weight percent of metallics contained within the upgraded pellets ranged from 19.9%
- 23.7%. Under optimal separation conditions only metallics would be recovered to the
concentrate with minimal contamination due to non-metallic magnetic phases. Assuming 100%
recovery of metallics, the ferronickel concentrate produced from the samples in Table 8 would be
approximately 4.8% Ni with a Fe/Ni ratio of 20. The high content of metallic iron dilutes the
concentrate, driving down Ni grade and increasing the Fe/Ni ratio. Assuming perfect separation
conditions, the FeNi concentrate that could be produced from thermally upgrading this limonite
ore would fall short in terms of grade and iron/nickel ratio when compared to the patent results.
state/gaseous intermediate reduction mechanism found that complete metallization of NiO should
occur. Thermodynamically, NiO should preferentially reduce before iron oxide reduction occurs.
As experimental results showed, 68.7 – 81.8% metallization of NiO was achieved; suggesting
reduction of the contained nickel was being restricted. Stoichiometric calculations assumed NiO
was present only in the goethite phase, which may not accurately reflect the composition of the
limonite ore as some nickel could be substituted into the silicate phase. Reduction of silicate ore
requires stronger reducing potentials compared to the tested conditions. Complete metallization
may also be restricted due to the highly dispersive nature of Ni within the ore, limiting the
Based on stoichiometry, the degree of iron metallization was calculated to be about 55%
assuming reduction via a solid-state carbon reductant. The actual reduction mechanism most
likely proceeded through a mix of solid state and gaseous mechanisms. Only reduction through a
solid carbon reductant mechanism was used in the theoretical calculation in order to simplify the
process. Experimental results of 41.5% - 49.4% degree of iron metallization are lower than the
theoretical predications of 55% metallization. The lower degree of iron metallization suggests
underutilization of the carbon reductant, possibly due to poor contact interaction between the
reductant and the ore. High iron metallization with a 6% coal additions has been shown to occur
experimentally (Diaz, et al., 1993; Zhu, et al., 2012). Lower coal additions may be required to
reduce the amount of metallic iron produced, thus reducing the dilution of the ferronickel
concentrate. Although smaller coal additions might reduce the recoverable metallic nickel
The percent of metallics provide a bench mark for comparing the experiments conducted
in this work with the work in U.S. Pat. 5,178,666. The lower range of magnetic fraction (11.2% -
15.6%) achieved in the patent illustrates the process was able to produce recoverable FeNi while
minimizing amount of iron reduction to the metallic state. In this study, the reducing condition
applied was effective in reducing oxide material to the desired states, but the degree of selectivity
of nickel oxide reduction over iron oxide reduction was limited. Significantly more metallic iron
was produced which increased the magnetic fraction recovered (19 – 24%). The limitation may
be a result of the close association of the nickel and iron oxides within the goethite matrix.
the INCO patent in order to thermally upgrade a limonite ore. Attempts were made to modify the
process to improve recovery and grade of the ferronickel concentrate. Modifications to the
process included furnace type, pre-calcination of ore, grinding method and type of magnetic
separator utilized.
4.3.1 Thermal Upgrading Process Test Work using Stationary Bed Furnace
A series of tests were conducted as shown in Table 9, to study the effect of sulphur
addition, particle growth zone temperature and the difference between reducing raw ore versus
pre-calcined ore. The upgraded samples was cooled under a N2 atmosphere in the water cooled
section of the furnace for 40 minutes reaching temperatures ranging from 60 – 80oC. The cooled
pellets were then ground with a motor and pestle, slurried and magnetically separated using a
Davis tube set a 4800 Gauss. The concentrate produced was digested with aqua regia, then
analyzed using AA spectroscopy. Complete digestion of the upgraded samples could not be
achieved with aqua regia. The undissolved residue remaining after digestion was believed to be
mainly composed of iron silicates such as fayalite. Sulphur additions and particle growth zone
temperatures were varied between 2 - 4% and 1000 – 1100oC respectively, which were the ranges
specified in the patent. O’Connor et al. (2006) showed that pre-calcination of limonite ore
opened the goethite mineral structure as the dehydroxylation reaction occurred, and allowed for
rapid interaction between the nickel species and gaseous reductant. To study the effects of pre-
calcination, limonite ore was roasted at 600oC in air for 4 hours to ensure that complete
dehydroxylation of the goethite gangue to hematite was achieved. The calcined ore was then
briquetted with the required additions of coal and sulphur then upgraded under the same
conditions as were applied to the raw ore sample tests. Reduction of pre-calcined ore resulted in
higher degrees of nickel metallization when compared to the reduction of raw ore. The addition
of a pre-calcination step prior to mixing the ore with the coal and sulphur additives could improve
the reduction mechanism, and limit the loss of additives before reaching the reducing and growth
zones temperatures.
Table 9: Preliminary upgrading test work with stationary bed furnace setup and Davis tube
magnetic separator, TF-1 to TF-4 pre-calcined ore, TF-5 to TF-8 raw ore
Magnetic Fractions
Temperature Ni Grade Ni Recovery Fe/Ne
Test C %S % Coal wt % % % wt% Ratio
TF-1 1000 2 6 76.10% 1.34% 74.08% 62.24
TF-2 1000 4 6 87.70% 1.35% 85.78% 65.14
TF-3 1100 2 6 88.16% 1.33% 85.20% 64.67
TF-4 1100 4 6 86.75% 1.42% 89.46% 62.62
TF-5 1000 2 6 89.74% 1.26% 81.80% 62.82
TF-6 1000 4 6 85.39% 1.30% 80.66% 66.87
TF-7 1100 2 6 84.72% 1.31% 80.41% 68.47
Tf-8 1100 4 6 81.25% 1.39% 82.05% 63.32
No definitive trend could be concluded in terms of the effect of sulphur additions and
growth zone temperature on the quality of magnetic concentrate produced. A slight improvement
in nickel recovery was noted with the runs using pre-calcined ore when compared to the tests
conducted using raw ore. Overall the test results compare poorly against the results produced in
the INCO patent. The poor grade values can be attributed to the dilution of the concentrate with
metallic or oxidized iron as shown by the Fe/Ni ratio (INCO Patent Fe/Ni ratio typically < 5). The
bulk of the feed material (typically >80%) was recovered in the magnetic concentrate meaning
limited gangue rejection was achieved. An acceptable range for the weight percent magnetic
fraction is 11 – 16%.
The XRD analysis shown in Figure 17 illustrates the reducing conditions were sufficient
to reduce the iron oxide gangue to the wustite/metallic iron phase boundary. The excessive
retention of iron to the magnetic concentrate could be due to the destabilization of the wustite
phase to magnetite via oxidation or disproportionation. The pellets were cooled in a neutral
atmosphere of ultra-high purity nitrogen to minimize oxidation of wustite. Oxidation could occur
rapidly in subsequent liberation and separation stages due to highly reactive iron oxide fines.
Disproportionation of wustite could have occurred, although rapid cooling of the sample should
have limited the kinetics of the reaction as shown by Broussard (1969) and Diaz et al. (1993).
Mori (1999) performed a kinetic study of the disproportionation reaction and suggested the
process exhibited creep phenomenon characteristics as a result of having a wide and flat
distribution of effective thermal activation energy. Removing the thermal activation energy
quickly should limit the kinetics of the disproportionation reaction, therefore stabilizing the
wustite phase. In the Inco patent, the wustite phase was stabilized by maintaining a
neutral/reducing atmosphere throughout the entire process and by rapid cooling of the upgraded
pellet from 1000/1100oC down to room temperature in 30 - 60 minutes. Longer cooling times (12
– 16 hrs) resulted in more ferric iron in the form of magnetite to be produced (Diaz, et al., 1993).
In this study a cooling time of 40 min was used which allowed the temperature of the pellets to be
cooled to 60 – 80 oC.
Finite magnetite formation on the wustite particles could be enough to magnetize the
whole particle. These magnetized wustite particles could then be recovered and further dilute the
concentrate. Alternatively, over reduction producing excess metallic iron could have contributed
to the high proportion of magnetic material. Quantitative analysis to determine the distribution of
iron into the magnetite, wustite and metallic phases could help to determine the degree of
reduction and subsequently the required reductant addition when variations to the feed ore occur.
The poor separation result may have also been attributed to the characteristics of the
Davis tube magnetic separator. The high magnetic field strength (4800 Gauss) applied by the
Davis tube resulted in clumps of magnetic material that would entrap the non-magnetic gangue
thus preventing separation. Multiple attempts to improve separation by altering the parameters of
the Davis tube (agitation and flow rate) were conducted with minimal effect. The Davis tube was
exchanged for a High Intensity Wet Magnetic Separator (HIWMS) which provided more control
over the magnetic field strength and allowed for larger sample sizes (≥50 g) to be processed. The
HIWMS utilized a collection box filled with iron spheres to capture the magnetic particles. The
magnetically charged iron spheres provided collection points for the particles to attach and
separate from the slurry. The small ferronickel particles produced during thermal upgrading are
believed to be more susceptible to separation using the HIWMS compared to the Davis tube.
Preliminary screening tests were performed using the HIWMS to determine the appropriate
strength of the magnetic field to be applied to separate the upgraded pellets. The results from the
% Magnetics (wt %)
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Field Strength (amps)
Figure 19: Effect of magnetic field strength of HIWMS on the mass fraction of magnetics extracted
A magnetic field strength corresponding to an applied current of 0.5 amps was found to
produce a concentrate with a weight fraction of approximately 20%. The HIWMS was able to
achieve significantly more gangue rejection compared to the Davis tube and thus produce a leaner
concentrate. Further test work utilizing the HIWMS was conducted at 0.5 amps. Two sets of
tests were performed using the INCO patent conditions and then separated using the HIWMS
Table 10: Thermally upgraded 3g pellets with 6% coal at a thermal upgrading temperature of
1000oC and separated using HIWMS
A significant drop in nickel recovery was noted when using the HIWMS compared to the earlier
tests conducted using the Davis tube. Loss of material during handling and the initial small
sample size were believed to be the attributing factors influencing the lower recovery values.
Additional test work was to be conducted at larger sample sizes. A marked improvement was
noted in the weight fraction of magnetic concentrate produced using the HIWMS. Specifically,
test runs STA-3 and STA-4 achieved concentrate weight fractions of 8.52% and 13.30%
respectively which resembled the values obtained in the patent experiments. In both sets of
experiments the higher sulphur additions of 4% resulted in increases to both nickel grades and
recoveries, while also lowering the Fe/Ni ratio found in the concentrate. Further study of the
The results displayed in Table 10 show an improvement in the attempt to thermally
upgrade the limonite ore. Significant differences in grade and recovery exist between the results
from this study and the results published in the patent. The dilution of the nickel in the
concentrate by iron is believed to be the main reason for the difference in Ni grades between the
two experimental studies. In the patent, a higher grade (11 – 15 wt% Ni) ferronickel concentrate
was produced because successful rejection of the iron oxide gangue in the form of wustite was
achieved. In the current study, a wustite phase was shown to be present in the thermally upgraded
ore, but it is believed that the degradation of this phase to a magnetic material, mostly likely
magnetite, occurred prior to separation. The formation of highly magnetic magnetite, or metallic
iron, on the surface of a wustite particle is believed to be enough to magnetize the entire particle.
Stabilizing the wustite phase has proven difficult as it requires precise control of the reducing
To reduce the effect of material loss during handling, 15g sample sizes were thermally
upgraded then magnetically separated using the HIWMS. The 15 g samples were thoroughly
mixed then pressed into multiple pellets and charged to the stationary tube furnace. A set of three
multiple runs were performed and the separation results are shown in Table 11 below. The
separation recovery was determined based on mass balance around the magnetic separation stage.
The nickel head grade in the upgraded pellets was 1.38%, which was equal to the head grade of
the original ore. Nickel grade was expected to increase after reduction due to the removal of
Table 11: Multiple 15g samples with 6% Coal, 4% S at thermal upgrading temperature of 1000oC
separated using HIWMS
Magnetic Separation
Ni Grade Fe/Ni
Experiment Fraction Recovery
(wt %) ratio
(wt %) (%)
TF-25 27.7% 3.8% 83.7% 29.2
TF-26 28.8% 4.0% 93.2% 25.0
TF-27 31.0% 3.8% 93.1% 27.3
Using a larger sample size, recovery values of 83.7% to 93.2% were achieved. The
experimental grade and Fe/Ni ratios obtained from these tests compare favorability to the
theoretical values (4.8 wt% Ni and 20 Fe/Ni ratio) predicted from the reduction studies earlier
when 100% recovery of metallics was assumed. Lower grade values with corresponding higher
Fe/Ni ratios indicates dilution of the concentrate by iron and not unwanted silicate material.
Magnetic separation seems to be effective in recovering the ferronickel from the gangue material.
The nickel grade was upgraded from 1.38% Ni to 3.8 – 4.0%, indicating that the thermal
upgrading process could selectively separate the FeNi from the wustite phase. The concentrate
grade produced was diluted with iron as illustrated by the high Fe/Ni ratio and weight magnetic
fraction. The results displayed in Table 11 reflect the best results achieved in this study as
compared to the findings of Experiment 1 in the U.S. Pat. 5,178,666. To further improve results,
the focus should be on converting and stabilizing more of the iron oxide gangue as wustite in
The effect of coal addition at 2, 4 and 6 wt% on nickel grade and recovery was studied
and is shown in Figure 20 below. Altering coal addition amounts would vary the reducing
potential within the furnace, and would primarily impact the degree of iron oxide reduction. At 2
wt% coal, limited grade upgrading and lower recoveries were achieved, which was attributed to
the lower reducing potential established. The dilution of the magnetic concentrate was believed to
be due to magnetite formed at the weaker reducing condition. Lower reducing conditions would
produce less FeNi reducing the amount of recoverable metallic material. As the coal addition was
increased to 4 wt%, the formation of more wustite allowed for greater iron rejection producing a
cleaner FeNi concentrate. The reduced Ni recovery was unexpected as recovery should increase
in the presence of a stronger reducing environment. The highest recovery was achieved when a 6
wt% coal addition was added to the feed. At this addition the reduction potential was believed to
be at the wustite/metallic iron boundary. The increase in formation of metallic iron allowed for
improved FeNi particle growth but also resulted in the dilution of the magnetic concentrate. A
coal addition of 6 wt% provided the highest recovery of Ni at approximately 75% with some
upgrading in the Ni grade values (from 1.38% to 1.96% Ni) compared to lower additions. No
coal addition value provided ideal separating conditions as lower coal addition lead to greater
reduction selectivity but poorer recovery and vice versa for higher additions.
3.00% 100.0%
Head Grade 1.38% Ni
Ni Recovery (%)
Ni Grade (wt%)
1.50% 50.0%
0.00% 0.0%
0.0% 2.0% 4.0% 6.0% 8.0%
Coal Addition (wt%)
Ni Grade Ni Recovery
Figure 20: Effect of coal addition on recovery and grade of nickel in magnetic concentrate, 10 g
samples with 4% sulphur
upgraded pellets was studied. Sulphur is believed to promote the growth of ferronickel particles
allowing for effective separation of the metallic particles from the surrounding iron oxide gangue.
The recoveries and grades obtained from the experiments testing the range of sulphur additions
are shown in Figure 21 below. Improved nickel recovery was noted to begin at 2% sulphur
addition, increasing up to 4% which agrees with the suggested sulphur additions range outlined in
the patent. No improvement in nickel recovery was noted at sulphur additions under 2%, which
does not agree with the findings of Bell and Sridhar (1977) and Jiang et al. (2013) who suggested
that sulphur additions above 2% would hinder recovery of nickel by magnetic separation. The
effect of sulphur on Ni concentrate grade was less prevalent, with a minimal changed noted over
the tested range. The nearly constant nickel concentrate grade corresponding with an increase in
recovery could indicate that at higher sulphur additions the recovery of iron increases, resulting in
dilution of the concentrate. Nickel grade remained nearly constant over the range of sulphur
additions tested which was not expected. Kukura et al. (1981) and Li et al. (2012) found that
sulphur preferentially sulphidizes metallic iron reducing the content within the ferronickel alloy.
Improved mobility established with higher sulphur additions could allow the agglomeration of
more metallic iron particles onto the ferronickel particles, increasing the metallic Fe/Ni ratio.
Sulphur may be acting as a reducing agent for the reduction of hematite/magnetite beginning at
approximately 400oC. Sulphur reduction of the higher order iron oxide could free up carbon to
reduce more FeO. The combined reducing potential of carbon and higher additions of sulphur
2.50% 80.0%
Recovery (%)
1.50% 50.0%
1.00% 30.0%
0.00% 0.0%
0% 1% 2% 3% 4%
Sulphur (wt%)
Grade Recovery
Figure 21: Effect of sulphur addition on recovery and grade of nickel in magnetic concentrate, 10 g
samples with 6% coal
experimental setup was utilized in place of the stationary tube furnace. The rotational force
applied on the purposed Fe-S-O liquid phase due to the rotation of the furnace should increase the
mobility of the ferronickel particles allowing them to congregate into larger particles. A single
charge of 300 g of pressed pellets was upgraded using the rotary kiln setup. Multiple 50 g grab
samples were taken from the upgraded ore and separated using the HIWMS and the results are
shown in Table 12 below. The results obtained using the rotary kilns are similar to the results
achieved using the stationary tube furnace with 15 g samples sizes shown in Table 11. The
rotational effects may be limited by the nature of the pelletized charge feed. The pelletized feed
remained intact during the experiment, limiting the mobility of the liquid phase. Pelletizing the
feed was required to improve reaction kinetics, and limit dust formation but may hinder particle
Table 12: Magnetic separation results of thermally upgraded ore using rotary kiln setup, charge feed
of 300g at 6% coal, 4% sulphur
Recovery values from the rotary kiln experiments compared favorably with metallization
degrees, indicating recovery of nickel in the metallic phase and not in unwanted oxide or silicate
phases. Lower nickel recovery values obtained using the rotary kiln setup compared to the
stationary bed setup may be a result of material loss during the thermal upgrading process. As the
charge feed to the rotary kiln was placed in a quartz capsule that rotated, it was impractical to line
the capsule with magnesium oxide powder, as was done with the quartz sample carrier used in the
stationary tube setup. Without the lining, the charge sintered with the quartz material when
temperature values were greater than 1000oC. The sintered calcine could not be recovered and
resulted in loss of material. Therefore, limited testing was performed using the rotary kiln setup.
Future work could utilize a refectory capsule to hold the charge feed within the kiln.
4.4 Thermogravimetric and Differential Thermal Analysis
Figure 22 illustrates the TGA/DTA curves for the limonite ore roasted up to 1000oC
under a nitrogen atmosphere. Two mass loss stages were identified over the given temperature
range. The first mass loss stage occurred due to the evaporation of free moisture which occurred
between 36 – 223oC and resulted in a gradual loss of 1.42% of the initial mass. The second mass
loss stage occurred between 223 - 347oC and represents the removal of crystalline water by the
dehydroxylation of goethite into hematite. The dehydroxylation reaction resulted in a mass loss
of 9.19% and the overall mass loss was 12.66%. An endothermic peak at 296oC corresponded
with the decomposition of goethite matrix. The peak temperature compared favorability with
values obtained by O’Connor et al. (2006) and was indicative of poorly crystalline goethite
structure. The crystal lattice of the goethite phase is expected to be highly substituted. The formed
hematite is stable under a neutral atmosphere as the mass loss was minimal at higher
temperatures. Some residual crystalline water may have remained within the ore up to
temperatures of 700 – 750oC and may account for the gradual mass loss that continued at elevated
100 1.60E+00
98 1.40E+00
Mass Loss (%)
DTA (μV/mg)
86 0.00E+00
84 -2.00E-01
0 200 400 600 800 1000
Temperature (oC)
Mass Loss (%)
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Temperature (oC)
Figure 23: Comparison of mass loss curves for blends of limonite ore with reagents, roasted up to
1000oC at 20oC/min under N2 atmosphere, blends of ore - coal - sulphur at 2:1:1 weight ratio
Figure 23 shows the mass loss curves for the reactions of blends of limonite with coal and
sulphur additives roasted up to 1000oC under a nitrogen environment. The limonite curve
compares favorably to the mass loss curve in Figure 22, illustrating consistency of the limonite
ore and reproducibility of the TGA/DTA experimental test work. The limonite – coal blend
resulted in a smaller mass loss (≈ 5.0%) during the dehydroxylation stage when compared to the
mass loss curve for limonite. As equal amounts of limonite were used in each blend, the presence
of coal seemed to inhibit the complete dehydroxylation of the contained goethite. Both curves
exhibited a total mass loss of approximately 13% after reaching 1000 oC. Complete
decomposition of the goethite in the limonite – coal blend may still have occurred although at a
diminished rate. The limonite – coal – sulphur blend exhibited the largest mass loss during the
dehydroxylation stage. The excess mass loss was attributed to the rapid gasification of sulphur
which was found to occur between 218 – 400oC. An additional mass loss stage was detected at
500oC which did not occur in the previous samples with limonite and limonite – coal blends. The
mass loss curve for the limonite – coal – sulphur blend with corresponding DTA curve is shown
in Figure 24 below.
100 9.00E-01
Mass Loss (%)
DTA (μV/mg)
85 4.00E-01
70 -1.00E-01
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Temperature (oC)
Figure 24: TGA/DTA curves for blend of 2:1:1 weight ratio of ore - coal - sulphur, roasted up to
1000oC under N2 atmosphere
An endothermic peak at onset temperature of 489.6oC corresponded with a mass loss of
3.12%. As the new mass loss stage occurred only when sulphur was added, therefore the
involved reaction was assumed to be dependent on the presence of sulphur. Sulphur could be
acting as a reductant to reduce hematite to magnetite during this mass loss segment. The
corresponding release of SO2 gas would be indicative of this reduction reaction occurring.
Figure 25 shows the TGA/DTA curves developed using the patent temperature profile and
a blend of limonite, coal and sulphur powders. The temperature profile did not accurately
replicate the profile used in the patent experiments as non-isothermal heating was implemented to
bring the sample up to the required heating sections. Mass loss occurred only during non-
isothermal heating sections, as no mass loss was evident during both isothermal stages. The DTA
curve revealed an exothermic peak with an onset temperature of 908.1oC during the cooling stage.
No mass loss was observed to correspond with the exothermic peak, which could indicated a
possible solidification temperature of a liquid phase present in the sample. The identification of a
phase change would support the proposal by Diaz et al. (1993) that the metal values migrate
within the pellets by way of a Fe-S-O liquid phase. It should be noted that no prior evidence was
found during the heating stages, which would have indicated melting or partial melting of the
100 2.00E+00
95 1.50E+00
90 1.00E+00
Mass Loss (%)
DTA (μV/mg)
85 5.00E-01
80 0.00E+00
75 -5.00E-01
70 -1.00E+00
65 -1.50E+00
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
Time (min)
Figure 25: TGA/DTA curves for upgrading limonite ore with coal and sulphur using simulated U.S.
Pat. No. 5,178,666 temperature profile
Compressed limonite pellets with 6% coal and 4% sulphur were thermally upgraded
using the TGA/DTA apparatus in order to monitor the mass change in the pellets throughout the
temperature profile. Abrupt mass changes reflect various chemical and physical changes
occurring in the pellets during the thermal upgrading process. Figure 26 shows the effect of
metallic growth zone temperature between 1000 – 1300 oC on mass loss in the pellets. Each test
behaved similarly during the initial reduction stage at 600 oC and began to vary in mass loss
during the metallic growth zone stage which was expected. Elevated growth zone temperatures
(≈1300oC) were tested in an attempt to form large ferronickel particles (2 – 3mm) similar to the
particles produced by Huang et al. (2011) and the ``luppen`` product formed in the Nippon Yakin
Oheyama Process. Total mass loss increased with increasing growth zone temperature reaching
a plateau value of 32% for temperature ≥1200oC. At temperatures ≥1200oC the upgraded pellets
The effect of retention time in the metallic growth zone was compared at 1000 oC
between 30 – 120 minutes as shown in Figure 27 below. Retention time appeared to have minimal
effect on the mass loss in the pellets. No significant variation in the mass loss curves was noted
Mass Loss (%)
0 50 100 150 200 250
Time (Min)
Temperature Profile
Ramp up to 600oC at 50oC/min
Hold at 600oC for 60 min
Ramp up to growth zone temperature at 20oC/min
Hold at growth zone temperature for 60 min
Cooling at 25oC/min
Figure 26: TGA mass loss curves comparing growth zone temperatures for 3g limonite pellet with
6% coal, 4% sulphur
Mass Loss (%)
0 50 100 150 200 250
Time (min)
Temperature Profile
Ramp up to 600oC at 50oC/min
Hold at 600oC for 60 min
Ramp up to 1000oC at 20oC/min
Hold at 1000oC for desired retention time
Figure 27 TGA mass loss curves comparing growth zone retention times for 3g limonite pellet with
6% coal, 4% sulphur
4.5 Ferronickel Particle Growth
The effect of maintaining the limonite pellets within a growth zone on the agglomeration
and growth of ferronickel particles is essential to understanding the effectiveness of the INCO
patent. The patent performed the reduction stage at 600 oC for 60 min then established the
metallic growth zone at 1000 – 1100 oC with a residence time of 60 min. This temperature profile
enabled the growth of the ferronickel particles to a size which could be liberated and magnetically
separated efficiently. The patent did not provide a description of the ferronickel particles
produced in the experiments performed. Backscattered electron imaging coupled with EDS
scans of thermally upgraded pellets was used to identify the presence, size and composition of the
ferronickel particles. A thorough analysis of the SEM images was performed to insure the proper
reduced laterite ore using SEM and EMPA analysis, and encountered difficulties distinguishing
between the bright images of magnetite and ferronickel from back scattered electron images.
High resolution (200 000 x magnification) secondary electron images found ferronickel nuclei
SEM as shown in Figure 28 below. The dense metallic ferronickel particle was identified by the
brighter contrast when compared to the surrounding oxide matrix. The particle identified was
approximately 50µm in size. The particle does not accurately represent the average ferronickel
particles produced as the image was selectively chosen because of the clarity and size of the
particle displayed. The ferronickel particles produced throughout the pellets ranged in size from
sub-micron to 50 µm in size. A spot point EDS scan, shown in Figure 29, of the surface of the
particle indicates the presence of iron and nickel. No oxygen was detected by the EDS scan which
indicated that the particle was comprised of metallic species. Iron oxide phase with minor traces
of Si, Al, Mg, Mn, Cr and C were detected when the material surrounding the ferronickel particle
was scanned. Distinguishing the iron oxide phase as either wustite or magnetite could not be
performed. No nickel was detected by the EDS scan in the surrounding material. The grain size
of the iron oxide material was sub-micron in size, which could lead to the formation of slimes
when slurried and separated. Slimes are difficult to separate using any physical methods and their
presence could explain the poor separation results achieved in this study.
Figure 28: Backscattered image of ferronickel particle produced in stationary tube furnace
FeNi Particle
Oxide Gangue
Figure 29: EDS scans of FeNi particle and surrounding oxide gangue shown in Figure 28
shown in Figure 30. Ferronickel particles ranging in sizes are seen throughout the entire pellet.
Residual particles of carbon can be seen on the surface along with voids imbedded into the pellet
that were produced by gasification of carbon and sulphur additives. The ferronickel particles are
Figure 30: Backscattered image of pellet surface upgraded at 1000oC growth zone temperature
SEM imaging of thermally upgraded pellets via the rotary kiln setup was conducted to
examine the effect of gravitational forces on the agglomeration and growth of the ferronickel
particles. The applied rotation was believed to improve metallic mobility within the semi-liquid
phase allowing the congregation and agglomeration of the ferronickel particles. Figure 31
illustrates a ferronickel identified within a pellet upgraded using the rotary kiln setup. The
particle appeared to have formed through the agglomeration of smaller metallic particles of
similar composition, unlike the particle shown in Figure 28. The abundant presence of similar
sized ferronickel particles collecting at distinct locations could suggest that gravitational forces
applied affected the migration of the particles. The distinct outlines of the smaller ferronickel
particles remained intact, suggesting full integration into a single particle did not occur. Instead
ferronickel particle growth appeared to proceed through the semi-fusion of smaller particles as
was suggested by Watanabe et al. (1987). The Fe-S-O liquid phase as suggested by Diaz et al.
(1993), could allow for Liquid Phase Sintering (LPS) of FeNi particles. LPS, as described by
Geramn et al. (2009), is a variant form of the sintering cycle where liquid improves particle
growth as compared to solid-state sintering. The liquid wets the surface of the particles and
creates strong capillary forces that pulls the grains together rapidly increasing the density of the
pellet. The rearranged grains are now connected via liquid bridges where solid solubility within
The particle shown in Figure 31 displays signs of LPS as the shapes of the grains are
similar to ones which are predicted to form when the liquid phase sinter mechanism has occurred.
LPS provided evidence of a liquid phase present during the thermal growth zone that drives FeNi
particle growth.
Ferronickel particle size was found to be similar when both experimental setups were
utilized. The high degree of dispersion of ferronickel particles throughout the pellet may limit the
probability of the particles coming in contact. Limited particle contact will restrict the
agglomeration and growth of the ferronickel phase. The EDS scan identified iron and nickel as
the main components of the particles, which compared favorably to previously identified
ferronickel particles.
Figure 31: Backscattered image of ferronickel pellet upgraded in rotary kiln with corresponding
EDS scan, particle displays signs of liquid phase sintering
The effect of growth zone temperature on ferronickel particle growth was examined in
the range of 1000 – 1300 oC and SEM images of the upgrade pellets are shown in Figure 32
below. To obtain reproducible results at these elevated temperatures, pellets were placed in 5
mL alumina crucibles and subjected to the thermally upgrading heating profile while within the
TGA/DTA unit.
1000 Co 1100 Co
1200 Co 1300 Co
Figure 32: SEM images of pellets upgraded at growth zone temperatures of 1000, 1100, 1200 and
The images in Figure 32 show that as the growth zone temperature increased the presence
and size of the ferronickel particles increased. At 1000 oC the ferronickel particles were
predominantly located around the edges of the voids. The stronger reducing environment in the
area surrounding the voids provides the ideal conditions for ferronickel reduction and growth.
When reacted at 1100 oC the ferronickel particles were enlarged and the porosity of the
surrounding matrix had been reduced. The densification of pellets with increasing temperature
agrees with the earlier suggestion of liquid phase sintering. The trend continued as higher growth
zone temperatures are applied. Particle growth was shown to be affected by growth zone
temperature as particle size ranges from <20 microns at 1000 oC to >100 microns at 1300 oC as
shown in Figure 33 below. The grain size of the iron oxide phase has grown also with higher
temperatures but most particles remained <10 microns in size. At temperatures ≥ 1200 oC the
pellets began to fuse to the alumina crucibles and were difficult to remove. The densification of
the pellets with higher temperatures led to difficulties when attempting to section the pellets for
Figure 33: Backscattered electron image of sectioned pellet upgraded at 1300oC growth zone
temperature, large continuous FeNi particles are present throughout the sample
To study the effect of retention time on the growth of ferronickel particles a similar
approach using the TGA/DTA unit to upgrade 3 g pellets to produce samples for SEM analysis
was performed. The pellets were held at the growth zone temperature of 1000oC while the
retention time was varied from 30 – 120 minutes. Images at 500x magnification of the interior of
the pellets are shown in Figure 34 below. The images provided a general overview of the
consistency of the upgraded pellets. The fracturing of the compressed pellets was noticed to
increase with longer retention times. The bright spots associated with the presences of metallic
particles were difficult to identify when the retention time was 30 minutes. The metallic particles
appeared larger and more prominent throughout the samples at longer retention times. The effect
of retention time on the growth of metallic particles was found to be minimal when compared to
the effect of temperature. Figure 35 provides images of individual ferronickel particles produced at
the various hold times. The largest particles (approximately 20 µm) were found when the
retention time in the growth zone was 60 min. Ferronickel particles were submicron in size when
30 min 60 min
120 min
Figure 34: SEM images at 500x magnification of thermally upgraded pellets with various hold times
at 1000oC with 6% coal, 4% S
30 min 60 min
120 min
Figure 35: SEM image of FeNi particles at 5000x magnification, produced at various hold times at
1000oC with 6% coal, 4% S
Figure 36 below shows three distinct phases present in the upgraded pellet, and are
identified using EDS analysis show in Figure 37. The phases were believed to be present in all
upgraded pellets at all growth zone temperatures and retention time variations. The image in
Figure 36 was chosen, as the distinct phases were clearly visible and easily identifiable. Label
(A) identifies an agglomerated ferronickel particle highly fused as the outlines of the smaller
particles were becoming less distinct. Position (B) illustrates a homogenous iron silicate phase,
mostly likely fayalite. The surrounding iron oxide matrix material (C) was believed to be
comprised of wustite or magnetite, as these two phases could not be distinguished in the SEM
image. The ferronickel particles were distinct separate phases that should be susceptible to
liberation techniques. Poor separation results may have been a result of the fine grained iron
oxide phase formed in the upgraded ore. Even if the iron gangue was rendered as wustite, the fine
grained structure could have formed slimes when slurried, limiting the effectiveness of physical
Figure 36: SEM image of pellet upgraded at growth temperature of 1200oC; (A) FeNi particle, (B)
iron silicate, (C) iron oxide matrix
Figure 37: EDS scans of Figure 36 phases; (A) FeNi particle, (B) iron silicate, (C) iron oxide matrix
Chapter 5: Conclusions and Future Work
5.1 Conclusions
The thermal upgrading of nickeliferous laterite ore has been studied extensively, and
numerous patented processes have been filed. The most promising results were reported by Inco
in its U.S. Pat. 5,178,666, which established a novel process for the thermal upgrading via
bench-scale and pilot plant experiments. In this study experimental work was performed to
thermally upgrade a limonite ore using the conditions established in the patent as a starting point.
Preliminary thermal upgrading experiments indicated that coal additions of 6 wt% were
sufficient at reducing the nickel and iron oxides to metallic nickel and wustite respectively. XRD
analysis identified phases of ferro-nickel, wustite and fayalite present in the upgraded pellets. No
magnetite was detected in the upgraded ore. Confirmation of a ferro-nickel and wustite phases
agrees with the objectives of the patent to segregate the ore into a metallic phase and a non-
Bromine/methanol diagnostic leach tests confirmed that nickel oxide reduction occurred
at lower reduction potentials when compared to iron oxide reduction. The highest degree of
nickel metallization achieved was 81.8%. Metallization of nickel and iron increased with higher
sulphur additions and growth zone temperatures. Further metallization of nickel was prevented
due to nickel incorporation into iron silicates such as fayalite which restricted reduction.
Nonmetallic nickel could not be separated using magnetic separation thus reducing recovery and
Pre-calcination of the ore in air at 600 oC prior to thermal upgrading was attempted to
improve reduction characteristics of the ore by opening the mineral structure of goethite,
therefore improving the contact area available between the ore and reducing atmosphere.
Experimental work showed minimal improvement in terms of recovery and grade of the
ferronickel concentrate produced. Sulphur additions beginning at 2 wt%, were found to improve
The limonite ore displayed a typical two stage mass loss curve representing removal of
moisture and the dehydroxylation of goethite when heated under a nitrogen atmosphere. The
peak decomposition temperature of the goethite matrix was 296 oC, indicating poor crystallinity.
A blend of limonite with coal resulted in a smaller mass loss from 9.2% to 5% during the
dehydroxylation stage. The addition of sulphur to the blend resulted in significantly higher mass
loss during the dehydroxylation stage, followed by an additional mass loss stage. Gasification of
sulphur occurring between 218 – 400 oC may explain the increase mass loss during the
dehydroxylation stage.
When a two stage reduction/particle growth temperature profile was applied to pressed
limonite pellets, the TGA/DTA curves illustrated an exothermic peak at 908.1 oC during the
cooling stage with no corresponding mass loss. The peak could indicate the solidification of the
proposed Fe-O-S liquid phase which facilitates the growth of the ferronickel particles. Prior to the
cooling stage no indications of melting were observed during the TGA/DTA profile.
Ferronickel particles ≤60 μm were identified in the reduced pellets using SEM imaging
coupled with EDS scans. The particles were highly dispersed throughout the pellet. FeNi particles
growth pattern to the model suggested by Watanabe et al. (1987). FeNi particles showed signs of
Liquid Phase Sintering, providing evidence towards the formation of a liquid phase. Increasing
the growth zone temperatures from 1000 – 1300 oC improved FeNi particle growth with particle
size increasing from < 20μm to approximately 100 μm over the temperature range. Temperatures
above 1200 oC led to the sintering of the limonite pellets to the alumina crucibles which reflects
the temperature where the ore becomes “sticky” and sinters to refractory lining. Longer retention
times were found to improve particle growth with the largest particles being produced after 60
min, which agreed with the optimum conditions set forth in the patent. The presence of sub-
micron iron oxide gangue was noted and believed to result in slime formation. Physical
separation of slimes can be difficult and could provide a reason for the poor separation results
Experimental magnetic separation tests produced lower nickel recovery and grade values
when compared to the results in the patent. High Fe/Ni ratios (>62.2) in the concentrate indicated
significant dilution due to iron bearing species. Utilizing larger sample sizes and a High Intensity
Wet Magnetic Separator over a Davis tube improved upgrading results. Recovery values ranged
from 83.7 – 93.2% with grades between 3.8 – 4.0 wt% Ni. These recovery and grade values
represent the best results obtained during this study. Limited testing was conducted using a rotary
kiln setup and produced similar grade values (3.4 – 4.0 wt %) but lower recovery values (61.6 –
80.4 %).
The experiments performed in this study were not able to thermally upgrade a limonite
ore to produce a high grade FeNi concentrate. The lack of iron rejection during magnetic
separation led to the dilution of the FeNi concentrate. Poor separation results were attributed to;
due to iron oxide fines and limited FeNi particle growth reducing liberation efficiency from iron
oxide gangue. The Inco patent, despite achieving good results that should have led to an
economic process, was never developed to the commercial scale suggesting that the results in the
using solid reagent additions reacted as a pelletized feed under stationary conditions in a bench
scale tube furnace. Results agreed with literature illustrating that selective reduction followed by
However, the need to pelletize the feed material, low grades and recovery, and long retention
times limit the application of this process to bench scale experimentation. Further development of
The use of solid reactants (coal & sulphur) limits the reaction kinetics of the selective
reduction process due to initial solid-solid reactions. Utilizing a fluidized bed could improve solid
particle contact efficiency during initial reduction reactions while also providing larger surface
area for gas-solid interactions during the reduction via gaseous intermediates. Improved solid-
solid interactions would avoid the need to pelletize the feed material. Work performed by Antola
et al. (1995) and Orth and Kerstiens (2004) using fluidized bed for the reduction of laterite ore
showed improved heat/mass transfer, temperature control and lower retention over conventional
furnace setups. Reacting the laterite ore in suspended fluidized bed could limit the wear on the
refractory lining within the furnace, thus allowing the use of higher growth temperatures.
Fluidized bed reduction could alter the particle growth mechanism compared to the static bed
experiments, as the particles would be in a constant state of motion. The role of sulphur in a
fluidized bed would have to be re-evaluated as liquid formation could lead to the destabilization
Sulphur, required to promote ferronickel particle growth, was removed from the calcine
before being exposed to the growth zone conditions. Sulphur removal from the system was
believed to occur through volatilization as S2 or through the reduction of hematite as SO2. The
residual sulphur might not meet the compositional requirements to establish a Fe-S-O liquid
phase to allow ferronickel particle migration. Future work should focus on reducing the unwanted
loss of sulphur prior to utilization. A new experimental setup where sulphur is not contained in
the initial feed but introduced into the calcine during the growth zone, could improve sulphur
utilization during FeNi particle growth. Sulphur bearing species such as pyrite, which
decomposes to release S2 at the growth zone temperatures, may provide a means of stabilizing
An essential component of the thermal upgrading process was the bulk reduction of the
iron oxide gangue to non-magnetic wustite and stabilizing that phase in order to separate out the
magnetic ferronickel particles. Wustite can destabilize to magnetite or metallic iron through
oxidation and disproportionation reactions. Avoiding these reactions could improve process
material. Future work using Mossbauer Spectroscopy could elucidate the ratio of ferrous/ferric
ions present in the calcine. Understanding phase transitions of the iron oxide gangue could help in
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Appendix A - US Patent 5,178,666
Appendix B - Examples of Stoichiometric Reduction Calculations
𝑁𝑖𝑂(𝑠) + 𝐶𝑂(𝑔) → 𝑁𝑖(𝑠) + 𝐶𝑂2(𝑔) Nickel was assumed to be present as NiO and reduces to
metallic nickel at a 1:1 molar ratio with CO
Estimated wt% Coal Addition 3.70 %
Appendix C – Raw Data Tables
Reduction Studies
Mass of
Non Mass of Mass of Mass of
Mags Mags filter + filter + Mass Mass
Pellet Mass of Filter Filter Non Mag Mag of Non of
Experiment Mass Grind Paper Paper Sample Sample Mags Mags
# (g) (g) (g) (g) (g) (g) (g) (g)
TF-1 2.4037 2.0500 2.62 2.54 3.0300 4.1 0.41 1.56
TF-2 3.0315 2.5200 2.62 2.58 2.8300 4.79 0.21 2.21
TF-3 2.9925 2.4500 2.62 2.62 2.7600 4.78 0.14 2.16
TF-4 2.9813 2.3400 2.63 2.56 2.8200 4.59 0.19 2.03
TF-5 3.005 2.3400 2.63 2.66 2.8000 4.76 0.17 2.10
TF-6 3.0053 2.1900 2.6 2.66 2.8600 4.53 0.26 1.87
TF-7 2.9933 2.1600 N/A 2.64 N/A 4.47 N/A 1.83
TF-8 2.9957 2.0800 2.59 2.65 2.9200 4.34 0.33 1.69
Magnetic Fractions
Ni Fe
Mass Reading Fe Reading Ni Grade Ni Grade Fe
Experiment # (mg) (mg/L) (mg/L) (wt%) Recovery (wt%) Recovery
TF-1 311 16.7113 4.1604 1.34% 54.94% 83.61% 103.258%
TF-2 310 16.7373 4.3609 1.35% 79.99% 87.92% 157.339%
TF-3 316.5 16.8845 4.3677 1.33% 75.61% 86.25% 147.649%
TF-4 318.5 18.1306 4.5411 1.42% 77.47% 89.11% 146.474%
TF-5 308.6 15.5269 3.9014 1.26% 69.27% 79.01% 131.395%
TF-6 302 15.7471 4.2118 1.30% 65.32% 87.16% 131.885%
TF-7 299.7 15.7013 4.3005 1.31% 62.84% 89.68% 129.930%
TF-8 307.5 17.1404 4.3416 1.39% 63.14% 88.24% 120.742%
Ni Fe Ni
Experiment Reading Reading Grade Ni Fe Grade Fe
# Mass (mg) (mg/L) (mg/L) (wt%) Recovery (wt%) Recovery
TF-1 303.2 6.8852 3.2481 0.57% 6.1023% 66.95% 21.733%
TF-2 117.6 0.6425 1.0923 0.14% 0.7692% 58.05% 9.872%
TF-3 35.2 0.2675 0.2689 0.19% 0.6981% 47.75% 5.298%
TF-4 77.2 0.1762 0.8478 0.06% 0.2907% 68.64% 10.560%
TF-5 105.9 1.8844 1.0964 0.44% 1.9832% 64.71% 8.711%
TF-6 84.4 0.1957 1.2867 0.06% 0.4038% 95.28% 20.045%
TF-7 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
TF-8 81.4 N/A 1.2917 N/A N/A 99.18% 26.498%
Degree of Metallization Studies
Non - Mass Loss
Magnetic In
Mass Mass of Magnetic Fraction Separation wt%
Experiment # of Pellet (g) Grind (g) Fraction (g) (g) (g) Magnetic
STA-1 2.13 2.19 0.73 1.23 0.23 33.33%
STA-2 2.1717 2.11 0.54 1.37 0.2 25.59%
STA-3 2.3176 2.23 0.19 1.9 0.14 8.52%
STA-4 2.1572 2.03 0.27 1.67 0.09 13.30%
Process Replication Studies – Tube Furnace Setup with larger sample and using HIWMS
Experiment Mass Mass Magnetic Non - Mass Loss In wt% Ni Recovery Fe/Ni wt
# of of Fraction Magnetic Separation Magnetic Grade (%) ratio
Pellets Grind (g) Fraction (g) (wt%)
(g) (g) (g)
TF-25 10.6 9.66 2.94 6.13 1.53 27.74% 3.79% 83.66% 29.1981
TF-26 10.64 9.66 3.06 6.67 0.91 28.76% 4.06% 93.19% 25.0057
TF-27 10.6 9.66 3.29 7.05 0.26 31.04% 3.77% 93.06% 27.2772
TF-28 7.76 7.52 1.15 8.55 -1.94 14.82% 1.42% 15.71% 56.9001
TF-29 7.71 7.47 1.07 7.33 -0.69 13.88% 1.33% 13.77% 52.1165
TF-30 7.44 7.07 1.54 5.9 0 20.70% 1.55% 24.53% 53.4015
TF-31 7.22 6.82 2.77 4.42 0.03 38.37% 1.56% 46.00% 50.9229
TF-32 6.99 6.62 3.53 3.6 -0.14 50.50% 1.96% 75.76% 46.4406
Mass Digested Ni Fe Fe
Fraction Mass Reading Reading Ni Grade Grade Total Ni Cumulative
Sample (g) (mg) (mg/L) (mg/L) (wt%) (wt%) (g) Ni (g)
Pass 1 2.23 300.7 48.9043 1361.096 4.07% 113.16% 0.090669 0.09066893
Pass 2 +3 0.71 314.8 36.9887 1299.698 2.94% 103.22% 0.020856 0.111525011
Non Mags 6.13 315.9 3.4864 1028.706 0.28% 81.41% 0.016913
Mass Digested Ni Fe Fe
Fraction Mass Reading Reading Ni Grade Grade Total Ni Cumulative
Sample (g) (mg) (mg/L) (mg/L) (wt%) (wt%) (g) Ni (g)
Pass 1 2.13 310.7 53.8489 1241.964 4.33% 99.93% 0.09229 0.092290117
Pass 2 +3 0.93 302.1 41.4968 1270.524 3.43% 105.14% 0.031936 0.124226581
Non Mags 6.67 331.7 3.166 1153.937 0.24% 86.97% 0.015916
Mass Digested Ni Fe Fe
Fraction Mass Reading Reading Ni Grade Grade Total Ni Cumulative
Sample (g) (mg) (mg/L) (mg/L) (wt%) (wt%) (g) Ni (g)
Pass 1 2.27 314.9 51.4243 1282.849 4.08% 101.85% 0.092675 0.092674786
Pass 2 +3 1.02 320.5 39.4395 1347.293 3.08% 105.09% 0.031379 0.124054108
Non Mags 7.05 306 1.1522 1158.097 0.09% 94.62% 0.006636
Mass Digested Ni Fe Fe
Fraction Mass Reading Reading Ni Grade Grade Total Ni Cumulative
Sample (g) (mg) (mg/L) (mg/L) (wt%) (wt%) (g) Ni (g)
Mags 1.15 336.2 19.0657 1084.841 1.42% 80.67% 0.016304 0.016303952
Non mags 8.55 322.8 15.8717 941.6821 1.23% 72.93% 0.105098 0.121402337
Mass Digested Ni Fe Fe
Fraction Mass Reading Reading Ni Grade Grade Total Ni Cumulative
Sample (g) (mg) (mg/L) (mg/L) (wt%) (wt%) (g) Ni (g)
Mags 1.07 318.7 16.9128 881.4354 1.33% 69.14% 0.014196 0.014195714
Non mags 7.33 304.8 13.8717 1009.179 1.14% 82.77% 0.083399 0.097594304
Mass Digested Ni Fe Fe
Fraction Mass Reading Reading Ni Grade Grade Total Ni Cumulative
Sample (g) (mg) (mg/L) (mg/L) (wt%) (wt%) (g) Ni (g)
Mags 1.54 326.4 20.2899 1083.511 1.55% 82.99% 0.023933 0.023932633
Non mags 5.9 312.2 13.5045 1048.712 1.08% 83.98% 0.063802 0.087735124
Mass Digested Ni Fe Fe
Fraction Mass Reading Reading Ni Grade Grade Total Ni Cumulative
Sample (g) (mg) (mg/L) (mg/L) (wt%) (wt%) (g) Ni (g)
Mags 2.77 318.3 19.8984 1013.284 1.56% 79.59% 0.043291 0.043291367
Non mags 4.42 311.3 7.0235 954.157 0.56% 76.63% 0.024931 0.068222197
Mass Digested Ni Fe Fe
Fraction Mass Reading Reading Ni Grade Grade Total Ni Cumulative
Sample (g) (mg) (mg/L) (mg/L) (wt%) (wt%) (g) Ni (g)
Mags 3.53 317.1 24.8688 1154.921 1.96% 91.05% 0.069211 0.06921071
Non mags 3.6 308.4 0.4688 873.9908 0.04% 70.85% 0.001368 0.070578803
Design Coal Design Design Total Total Growth Zone
Experiment Limonite Limonite Coal Coal Sulphur Sulphur Sulphur Mass Mass Temperature
# (g) (g) (wt%) (g) (g) (wt%) (g) (g) (g) (g) (oC)
RK-1 270 270.12 6 18 18.01 4 12 12.07 300.2 300.13 1000
RK-2 270 270.11 6 18 18.01 4 12 12.04 300.16 300.07 1000
Design Coal Design Design Total Total Growth Zone
Experiment Limonite Limonite Coal Coal Sulphur Sulphur Sulphur Mass Mass Temperature
# (g) (g) (wt%) (g) (g) (wt%) (g) (g) (g) (g) (oC)
RK-1 270 270.12 6 18 18.01 4 12 12.07 300.2 300.13 1000
RK-2 270 270.11 6 18 18.01 4 12 12.04 300.16 300.07 1000
Run RK-1-1
Mass of
Field Magnetic Digested Ni Fe Ni Fe
Strength Fraction Mass Reading Reading Grade Grade Total Ni Cumulative
(amps) (g) (mg) (mg/L) (mg/L) (wt%) (wt%) (g) Ni (g)
0.2 0.24 140 25.0528 474.7279 4.47% 84.77% 0.010737 0.0107369
0.6 2.89 316 43.2086 950.114 3.42% 75.17% 0.098792 0.1095287
1 4.05 312.6 40.1234 936.7421 3.21% 74.92% 0.129958 0.239487
1.5 5.05 324.6 32.765 1068.656 2.52% 82.31% 0.127436 0.3669232
2 4.94 302.8 17.0864 948.2281 1.41% 78.29% 0.069689 0.4366118
2.5 3.9 325.8 13.7835 1089.679 1.06% 83.62% 0.041249 0.4778608
4 2.8 300.1 10.2745 1059.105 0.86% 88.23% 0.023966 0.5018266
RK-1-3 at 1 amp
Mass Digested Ni Fe Ni Fe
Fraction Mass Reading Reading Grade Grade Total Ni Cumulative
Sample (g) (mg) (mg/L) (mg/L) (wt%) (wt%) (g) Ni (g)
Head Grade 2.34 317.9 19.9972 999.79 1.57% 78.62% 0.036799
Pass1 2.2 337.4 62.0735 1165.79 4.60% 86.38% 0.101187 0.1011868
Pass 2 & 3 1 344.4 38.725 1089.99 2.81% 79.12% 0.02811 0.1292973
Non Mags 10.46 348 5.3094 1069.1 0.38% 76.80% 0.039897 0.1691941
RK-1-5 at 1 amp
Mass Digested Ni Fe Ni Fe
Fraction Mass Reading Reading Grade Grade Total Ni Cumulative
Sample (g) (mg) (mg/L) (mg/L) (wt%) (wt%) (g) Ni (g)
Pass 1 2.83 307 52.901 1044.507 4.31% 85.06% 0.121914 0.1219135
Pass 2 0.77 306.5 43.3431 1123.186 3.54% 91.61% 0.027222 0.1491356
Pass 3 0.39 227.2 23.0169 704.2278 2.53% 77.49% 0.009877 0.159013
Non Mags 10.79 311.5 2.8844 1016.005 0.23% 81.54% 0.024978 0.183991
RK-1-4 at 1 amp
Mass Digested Ni Fe Ni Fe
Fraction Mass Reading Reading Grade Grade Total Ni Cumulative
Sample (g) (mg) (mg/L) (mg/L) (wt%) (wt%) (g) Ni (g)
Head Grade 2.17 323.5 18.1332 1084.149 1.40% 83.78% 0.030409
Pass1 2.34 307 47.287 957.205 3.85% 77.95% 0.090107 0.0901071
Pass 2 & 3 1.04 343.1 33.9607 1102.614 2.47% 80.34% 0.025735 0.1158425
Non Mags 9.93 329.2 2.0444 1027.978 0.16% 78.07% 0.015417 0.1312593
Appendix D - TGA/DTA Curves for Coal and Sulphur Additives
100 1.80E+00
90 1.60E+00
80 1.40E+00
Mass Loss (%)
DTA (μV/mg)
20 0.00E+00
10 -2.00E-01
0 -4.00E-01
0 200 400 600 800 1000
Temperature (oC)
100 1.60E+00
80 1.20E+00
Mass loss (%)
DTA (μV/mg)
20 2.00E-01
0 -2.00E-01
0 200 400 600 800 1000
Temperature (oC)