15B35H, 15B35RH
15B35H, 15B35RH
15B35H, 15B35RH
15B35H, 15B35RH
Chemical Composition. CJNS HI5351 and SAE/AISI 158358: Annealing. Heat to 870 “C ( I600 “‘F). Furnace cool to 650 “C ( I200 “F)
0.31 toO.39C.0.70to 1.20hln.0.15 to0.3SSi,~0.000Sto0.003Bcanhs at a rate not to esceed 18 “C (50 “F) per h
expected). SAE 15B35RH: 0.33 to 0.38 C. 0.80 to I.10 Mn. 0.15 to 0.25
Si’(O.OOOS to 0.003 B can he expected)
Hardening. Austenitize a1855 “‘C I I575 “F). Cllrbonitriding is a suitable
Similar Steels (U.S. and/or Foreign). 15B35H. LJNS H IS35 I ; surface hardking process. Depending on section thicknine& this steel is
WE Jl268.Jl868: ASThl A914. lSB35RH. l!NS HlS3Sl; SAE 51268. usually oil quenched
J 1868; ASThl A9 I-l
Tempering. Hardness of approximntsl~ -15 HRC can be reduced hy
Characteristics. Excellent forgability. Special qualit) grades for cold
heading. cold forging. and cold estnwion. Can he welded. Because of
c&on content. preheating and posthenting are required and interpass
temperature must be controlled. Machinability on14 fair. Wide range of Recommended Processing Sequence
mechanical properties can be attained by quenching and tempering. Similar
to 1035. Higher manganese content and horon addition increase har- l Forge
denahility l Nomlalize
l Anneal (if nccessar) for machining)
Forging. Heat IO IX5 “C (2275 “F). Do not forge bslo\v 870 “C t I600 l Rough machine
“F) l Austenitize
l Quench
Recommended Heat Treating Practice l Temper
Normalizing. Heat to 915 “C i I680 ‘FL Cool in air l Finish machine
I I .5X 13 20.5-l
7 15
l-l 22.
23.70I? 2b
; 1.74
4 6.32 I6 25.28 3
s 7.90 I8 28 44
6 9 43 xl 31 60 ii
7 I I a6 22 31.7b
8 I2.b-l 2-l 37 92 ‘2
Y 11.22 16 11.08
IO IS 80 28 u.2-l ‘0
II 17.38 30 47.40
I2 18.96 32 SO.56 :.:
15835H: Hardenability Curves. Heat-treating temperatures recommended by SAE. Normalize (for forged or rolled specimens only): 870
“C (1600 “F). Austenitize: 845 “C (1550 “F)
Hardness limits for specification
1 distance, Hardness, ARC
mm hlaximum Minimum
58 51
51 50
56 39
5-l -IS
52 32
41 2-l
39 II
32 20
58 51
56 so
5s 48
5-l 18
53 39
51 ‘8
37 2-l
II 22
0 30 30
2 27
-I 26
6 2s
10 24
!I 22
:8 ‘0