81B45, 81B45H

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Alloy Steel / 437

81 B45,81 B45H
Chemical Composition. N&15. AISI: 0.43 IO (J.-U C, 0.75 to I .OO Annealing. Forapredominantl\ pearlitic structure. heat to 830°C (IS25
hln.0.035 Pmax.O.O-!OSmax.O.lS to0.30Si.0.20to0.10Ni.0.351o0.55 “FJ. cool rapidI) IO 725 “C ( I33S-‘F). then cool to 6-10 “C (I I85 “F). at a
Cr. 0.08 to 0. IS MO. 0.0005 to 0.003 B. UNS: 0.43 to O.-l8 C. 0.75 to 1.00 rate not to exceed I I ‘C (20 “F) per h; or heat to 830 “C (IS25 “F), cool
hIn.0.035 Pmax.O.WOS max.0.15 to0.30Si.0.20 toO.-lONi.0.35 100.55 rapidly to 660 “C t 1220 ‘F). and hold for 7 h. For a predominantly
Cr. 0.08 to 0.15 Mo. 0.0005 B min. UNS HSlJSl and SAE/AISI 81BGH: spheroidizsd structure. heat to 750 “C t I380 OF). and cool rapidly to 725
O.-P to 0.19 C. 0.70 to 1.05 Mn. 0.15 to 0.35 Si. 0.15 to O.-IS Ni. 0.30 to “C t I.335 “F). then continue cooling to 610 “C t I I85 “F) at a rate not to
0.60 Cr. 0.08 to 0. IS hlo. B (can be expected to he 0.0005 to 0.003 percent) csceed 6 “C (IO “F); or heat to 750 “C ( I380 “F). cool rapidly to 660 “C
t I230 “F). and hold for IO h
Similar Steels (U.S. and/or Foreign). MB35 LINS G8l-lS I :
ASThl ASl9: SAE J-W. JAI?. 1770. 81BJ5H. UNS H813Sl: ASTM Hardening. Heat to 815 “C t IS55 “F), and quench in oil
A3O-k SAE J 1268 Tempering. After quenching. parts should be tempered immediately.
Selection of tempering temperature depends upon the desired mechanical
Characteristics. A slightI> modified version of 86B-iSH. Ni. Cr. and
MO are slightly louer. The as-quenched hardnesses of the IWO steels are
essentially the same, approaunatel> S-l to 60 HRC. Hardenabilitb of the t\to Recommended Processing Sequence
grades is nearly the same
l Forge
Forging. Heat to 1230 ‘C (2250 “F) maxmium. Do not forge after l Normalize
temperature of forging stock drops below approximately 925 “C ( 1695 “F) l Anneal
l Rough and ssmifmish machine
Recommended Heat Treating Practice l Austenitizs and quench
l Temper
Normalizing. Heat to 870 “C t 1600 “FL Cool in mr l Finish machine

81845: Hardness vs Tempering Temperature. Normalized at 81 B45H: End-Quench Hardenability

870 “C (1600 “F), quenched from 845 “C (1555 “F) in oil, tem-
pered in 56 “C (100 “F) intervals in 13.7 mm (0.540 in.) rounds. Distance from Distance l’rom
Tested in 12.8 mm (0.505 in.) rounds. Source: Republic Steel quenched Hardness, quenched Hardness,
surface HRC surface ElRC
!&in. mm nlax Olin 916 in. mm max min

I I 58 63 56 13 20.5-l 58 38
2 3.16 63 56 I-I 22.12 57 37
3 4.7-l 63 56 IS 23.70 57 36
-I 6.32 63 56 I6 3.28 56 35
3 7.90 63 s5 18 x3.44 55 34
6 9.48 63 5-l 20 31.60 53 32
7 I I 06 62 53 22 31.76 52 31
8 12.6-l 62 51 2-I 37.91 50 30
9 I-I.22 61 1s ‘6 41.08 49 29
I0 IS.80 60 44 18 44.2-l -17 28
II 17.33 60 II 30 47.40 45 28
I2 I X.96 59 39 3’ 50.56 43 17

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