APTI Subtype Descriptions Translated From

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Thanks to Andre Kuney for translating to English.

These descriptions are adapted from


1L subtypes // 2L subtypes // 3L subtypes // 4L subtypes

1V subtypes // 2V subtypes // 3V subtypes // 4V subtypes

1F subtypes // 2F subtypes // 3F subtypes // 4F subtypes

1E subtypes // 2E subtypes // 3E subtypes // 4E subtypes


1L Subtypes

(1) Introduction
1L is a result attitude: it does not pay much attention to the opinion-forming process. Knowledge
should be reliable, usable, and not require a winding path to the point.
1L is an aggressive attitude: it forms its own opinion on an issue, and doesn't particularly look to
work with others or enter their thought process.
And 1L is a strong attitude: therefore, it is difficult for others to convince them of things, they
reach their conclusions independently. But they influence others (often without meaning too),
since lower L will be drawn to agree with such a confident opinion.
For any 1L, one of the above three properties is accentuated, manifesting to a greater extent
than the other two (the exact way this happens is described below). But remember, all three of
these properties should still be found to type someone as 1L.

(2) Result-1L
A 1L with result subtype wants to understand something once and for all. Usually their
explanations seem brief/low-effort; a "discussion" on a topic will often seem more like a Q+A
session with an expert.
If result-1L does not know something, they will defer to expert opinion just fine.
Discussing a concept with result-1L is difficult. Either they will straightforwardly share everything
they know, or else say something like "I don't know", "I don't understand this at all", "go ask
someone else".
It sometimes seems like result-1L is uninterested in thinking, which makes them look like a 4L.
But 4L is not so concerned about matters of correctness. Result-1L still takes it very seriously:
even if a source is very authoritative, result-1L will want to digest it on their own terms. They will
check everything themselves: if their check reveals incorrectness, the source will be discarded.
Result-1L usually comes off as more calm and straightforward than the other two.

(3) Aggressive-1L
A 1L with aggressive subtype is quite disinclined to accept someone else's opinion, even if quite
How can you get aggressive-1L to agree with you? It is not easy. You must explain exactly how
you arrived at all your conclusions and where your information came from: then they will decide
for themselves whether to believe you.
This can look like 3L, especially aggressive-3L. Still, there are differences. 3L desires dialogues
where they can consider others' arguments. 3L doubts their own opinion and this leads to new
discussions. But aggressive-1L will come to new conclusions alone.
If you have proved your point to aggressive-1L, they will go and reflect on it. If they've decided
to believe you: congratulations! Your new knowledge has been marked as "truth" and will not be
doubted. But don't expect it to be easy.

(4) Strong-1L
You can see the strong-1L subtype come out in how they express their opinion.
Once strong-1L believes they have a viable opinion the only possible true and correct
opinion), they start to convince others of its truth.
It is difficult for strong-1L to accept that someone may genuinely disagree with them, or that
someone may truly feel that they don't have enough understanding to make a decision.
As a result of this, strong-1L does not just share their opinion, they defeat the opinions of others.
They will listen to the other person's arguments, so they can come up with rebuttals.
This tendency toward persuasion makes strong-1L possible to confuse for 2L. But 2L genuinely
is interested in discussion and in others' opinions: when 2L makes "arguments", it is skillfully on
the fly.
Strong-1L is interested in the correct opinion, though (theirs), and it wants the supremacy of
their opinion established as quickly as possible. Thus their style of argument is not so free-
flowing: they refer to authoritative sources, well-known facts, and practical observations, rather
than soliciting input or asking genuine questions.
Strong-1L usually comes off as more active and energetic than the other two.

2L Subtypes

(1) Introduction
2L is a process attitude: they devote frequent attention to the formation of their own and others'
views. They love to exchange opinions, discuss various topics, maybe debate.

2L is a passive attitude: others' opinions are more interesting than their own. They may not
really know their opinion on a particular topic, and even if they do they can change their view

2L is a strong attitude: they feel empowered to engage logically whenever they want. If 2L does
not wish to be convinced, they will not be (they will find new arguments and present new
information that miraculously supports their point). They enjoy convincing others, even more so
if their interlocutor seems fully engaged in the details and subtleties.

These three properties form the heart of how 2L is portrayed, but not all 2Ls act the same.
Some of this can be explained by subtypes.

(2) Process-2L subtype

Process-2L loves discussions, even aimless ones. Even if their conversation partner seems kind
of apathetic and wants the conversation to end (this happens often enough with result-L), it is
hard to turn off the thirst for explanations.

Process-2L is willing to discuss or question almost anything: what they're less willing to do is be
silent. It's painful if a person does not seem to listen to their thoughts and reasoning.

They tend to be verbose, spending hours rambling about whatever's in their head (improvising
to stay relevant to the thread of conversation).

Process-2L usually likes public speaking: it's a way to share the thoughts that bounce around
their head all day every day.

Similarly, if process-2L can write, they may get "graphomania". They can't stop! Even with a
negative reaction they can't stop!

Process-2L may look like 3L because they are skeptical of conventional wisdom and often
challenge it, and also tend to challenge things others put forth authoritatively.

Unlike 3L, process-2L is not so afraid of being wrong, and will not lose confidence in their point
just because someone disagrees. (Instead, the objector will usually either be seen as stubborn
or unintelligent).

This is the most talkative subtype.

(3) Passive-2L subtype

Passive-2L wants people to understand each other. They can act as a "translator", helping
people find common ground by explaining what they *really* meant.

Unlike the other subtypes, passive-2L does not insist on their own opinions: they will not debate
unless it feels constructive.

They admit the existence of different points of view: usually they do not bother to prove their
case, but if they must, they will do it kindly and carefully.

This tendency toward hiding their opinion makes passive-2L seem like 4L. But they can be
distinguished: passive-2L is more interested in people's opinions, and will be more likely to
prompt discussion and expression of viewpoints.

Also, passive-2L is still a process attitude, if you ask them to explain something, they will try
their best and probably enjoy it (where 4L finds this boring: they want something tied up neatly,
not something requiring analysis and reflection).

Passive-2L is the subtype that is most likely to quote and cite others.

(4) Strong-2L subtype

Strong-2L is confident in their opinions and difficult to convince.

They are great at teaching and explaining: they will give examples and properly control the

They are also good writers of articles, books, and papers: they will have an interesting and
layered argument where concepts form together in a pleasing way.

Strong-2L doesn't usually like interacting with others as equals in logical discussions: their
natural default is to see themselves as "teacher" and the person they're talking to as "student".
This naturally leads to being easily mistaken for 1L.

Still, strong-2L makes more mental space for others' point of view. If strong-2L thinks someone
is wrong, they feel obligated to actually convince the other person, to not just leave them with
delusions. 1L, in comparison, would just think "what does it matter who has what opinion: I know
mine is correct, but obviously you can't convince everyone".

Also, strong-2L will cover more ground in their reasoning, leading to longer arguments: the
reason for this is they want to make it easy for the other person to change their mind internally.
They want to put in the necessary bells and whistles to seem credible (referring to something
well-known, giving their own resume, noting when important figures agree with them).

Strong-2L is the most stubborn of the subtypes.

3L Subtypes

(1) Introduction
3L is a process attitude: it spends much time in reflection and discussion, wants to share
opinions with others, and listens to others' points of view.
3L is an aggressive attitude: its primary aim is to make a correct judgment that corresponds to
reality (others' explanations serve this end). It does not matter as much if they convince others
that they are correct, more that they are confident in being right internally.
3L is a weak attitude: it does not often reach a place of conviction and becomes easily thrown
into doubt. They are torn between a desire for benevolent help with their reasoning, and a fear
that they will be considered stupid or incompetent. Therefore they are wary of freely expressing
their thoughts.
These three properties lead to three 3L subtypes.

(2) Process-3L subtype

Process-3L prefers to gain knowledge through conversation; they enjoy discussions. Even if
they don't participate, they like being in the room.
But usually they do participate: they're less afraid of looking incompetent than the other
subtypes, so they're more talkative and willing to defend their views. If someone else's
arguments are convincing, it's not hard to admit they're wrong.
Process-3L enjoys sharing their knowledge and their vision, even if it can seem unstructured.
They have a broad outlook and enjoy learning.
What is the difference between process-3L and 2L? 3L is still an aggressive attitude (Andre
note: it seems like this site's conception of 1/3 vs 2/4 is the biggest difference from AP framing
thus far), 3L motivation for entering a discussion is to develop its own understanding.
2L is less looking to form its own opinion, more interested in convincing, giving arguments,
explaining. If arguments prove a 3L wrong, they will doubt and reflect. If arguments prove a 2L
wrong, they will reflexively come up with other arguments.
But still, process-3L subtype is certainly the least sensitive to criticism, and the most inquisitive.

(3) Aggressive-3L subtype

Aggressive-3L aims to form their own opinion, that accurately reflects reality. If aggressive-3L is
unsure if they have obtained objectivity, then they are in no hurry to share what they know.
Better to listen to others and gradually start to draw conclusions. Taking into account all points
of view gives the most complete picture.
This self-focus and unwillingness to share can make aggressive-3L look like 1L. To distinguish,
consider whether they formed their opinions independently or with others' help.
3L is happy when others give helpful explanations, because they can start to drown in their own
mental constructions. They'll be especially pleased if you don't just share a conclusion but the
whole chain of reasoning that got you there.
1L in comparison will care more about the views of respected authorities and rigorous studies
than the views of you, the person talking to them, even if you are being very helpful and what
you're saying sounds plausible.
A similarity that aggressive-3L does have with 1L: compared to the other 3L subtypes, they are
the most restrained and quiet.

(4) Weak-3L subtype

Compared to other 3L subtypes, weak-3L is more accepting of others' influence in discussions
and in formation of views.
If weak-3L's conversation partner has obvious competence and proficiency, weak-3L is inclined
to agree with them (even if an explanation is short).
Later, weak-3L will develop doubts again: then they will have another conversation with
someone "knowledgeable" and the doubt will disappear.
What happens when several high-L people prove contradictory points convincingly? This is
alarming! Weak-3L does not want to be burdened with the responsibility of deciding which point
is correct, to carry around this doubt.
Yes, this sounds like 4L. But 4L is not going to change their minds as much, because they are
not as interested in getting to the heart of a problem. When 4L *does* change their minds, it is
not so much of a problem to discard the old thoughts.
But any 3L, even weak-3L, must understand the entire phenomenon, whatever it takes, which
gives them a feeling of uncertainty and inferiority.
So paradoxically, weak-3L is both the most flexible of the subtypes, and the most insecure.

4L Subtypes

(1) Introduction
4L is a result attitude: it is not interested in how you formed your opinion, it wants to extract the
knowledge and apply it. Thus 4L does not want to explain their viewpoints, preferring
authoritative opinions and direct observation to involved reasoning.
4L is a passive attitude: it does not need to promote its own opinion (or sometimes even to have
one). Others' thoughts and knowledge are also viewed as interesting. Thus 4L often succumbs
to others' opinions, like a sponge, absorbing everything (it's also a weak attitude).
Which one of these (result, passive, weak) comes out most strongly, determines subtype.

(2) Result-4L subtype

For result-4L, a good opinion is one that does not need to be rethought. They are uncomplicated
in this area: they do not become involved in disputes and discussions. Either they know, or they
don't know, and that's that.
Result-4L does not wish to make assumptions. They listen to others' thoughts, which they either
reject or accept as fact.
If result-4L views a person as an authority, and/or the thought is expressed briefly and
confidently, the second outcome becomes far more likely.
And if not, convincing result-4L is really tough. If you give good reasoning, it basically doesn't
even matter, they won't be listening too closely.
In this way they resemble 1L. But 1L does genuinely have an opinion, which they thought about
carefully and can express confidently.
Whereas a 4L's opinions are formed mostly by the views of others. If you need to convince
result-4L of something, don't start prompting them to independent thoughts. Instead say your
point with confidence (or mention a good source if they won't find you personally credible). This
will work better.
Conveying an idea to result-4L that does not fit into their current understanding can be
challenging, but the flip side is that success is lasting.
Result-4L has the most stable worldview of any of the subtypes.

(3) Passive-4L subtype

Passive-4L is actively interested in others' opinions. They are open to new knowledge and do
not prevent others' expression of viewpoints.
You will often hear passive-4L say things like "what do you think about x?" or "he said y, do you
agree?" They will also get involved in such discussions themselves.
This gives them more of a 2L flavor. The difference is that 2L does not want to merely form an
opinion, but wants to discuss it, unpack how another person got to their conclusions, engage in
reflection together, play with evidence.
But passive-4L is interested in others' opinions because they are interested in reliable
knowedge. If several experts agree, that is notable, regardless of how they got there.
To passive-4L, proving a viewpoint's correctness is about "where did this come from": thoughts
beyond this are fundamentally uninteresting. Passive-4L has a model of the world where the
necessary knowledge is already sitting there and it just needs to be found.
Thus, if presenting their own opinion, they frame it as an unconditional fact that everyone should
know. You will convince them otherwise only if you are clearly more competent or have more
credible sources.
Compared to the other subtypes, passive-4L is more curious and inclined to dialogue.

(4) Weak-4L subtype

The weak-4L subtype is the easiest to persuade. You don't even need an argument: a rumor is
enough to shake their confidence.
They are often very doubtful, like a 3L. But they are not like a 3L in all ways. 3L wants full proof,
detail, to be asked what they themselves think. A certain level of doubt is viewed as natural,
even good.
But a weak-4L is not much worried about this area, they are not bothered by a possible lack of
knowledge. They do not wish to waste too much time reflecting, if an explanation sounds good
enough they'll take it in.
Their requirements are not prohibitively high, so there is a wider range of acceptable authorities
than the other 4L subtypes.
Compared to the other subtypes, weak-4L is the most agreeable and trusting.


1V subtypes (result, aggressive, strong)

(1) Introduction
1V is a result attitude, so it doesn't keep the desire-forming process in its sphere of attention. In
1V's eyes, desire appears ready-made, where it can be realized or suppressed. And these
desires are not changed much by interactions with strangers.
1V is an aggressive attitude: focused on its own desires and their realization, sometimes failing
to realize that others have their own aspirations that don't fit into 1V's own framing.
And 1V is a strong attitude, comfortable influencing others in this aspect, whether by imposing
decisions on others or merely confidently following their own path and not easily deviating from

As usual, there are three subtypes.

(2) Result-1V subtype

The result-1V subtype shows a visible indifference to goal-setting and self-actualization. They
may consider themselves lazy and unable to get what they want.
External motivation doesn't really matter to them at all if they are without internal incentive.
The way result-1V usually works that they want to achieve the whole thing at once, rather than
spending much time and effort to achieve the goal.
This can give them an air of uncertainty, like they are not really a leader, which can make them
look like 4V, especially 4V-result.
To distinguish them, notice the following. First, you can't really impose your will on 1V-result,
especially on anything that really matters (where 4V can usually be persuaded, especially if they
know that you will leave them alone if they do what you want).
Secondly, 1V-result does not blame anyone but themselves for their failures: in their worldview,
everyone is in charge of their own life. If you complain about fate, they will not be sympathetic.
Whereas 4V will often refer to annoying circumstances or others' mistakes, preventing
Still, 1V-result is the least purposeful subtype.

(3) Aggressive-1V subtype

The aggressive-1V attaches much importance to achieving their purpose and realizing their
They tend to talk about themselves a lot, using themselves as an example of a successful
person with a good outlook on life.
Aggressive-1V tends to act like their current road to self-realization is the one true path, and can
be disdainful toward those goals lie outside of it.
They tend to attract a group of followers that end up absorbing aggressive-1V's aspirations.
More than other 1V subtypes, aggressive-1V pays attention to the expectations of society and
compares themselves to others, which can sometimes give them a 3V flavor.
But you can find the difference in the other dichotomies: aggressive-1V does not need others'
help to make decisions or find motivation on the way. For 3V, their confidence and momentum
very much depend on whether they are provided this.
Aggressive-1V is the most self-confident and ambitious subtype.

(4) Strong-1V subtype

Strong-1V seeks to influence the goals and desires of others.
The other subtypes mostly follow their own path and do not impose it, but strong-1V has trouble
remaining aloof in this way.
They are often found in a common cause, guiding others and giving them assignments. If they
have no "team" to do this with, they may do this in their household or with their friend group.
This is sort of like 2V, motivating and inspiring the people around them. But 2V is actually
*focused* on the desires of others, they want the other to understand their own aspirations and
use them as a guide.
But strong-1V will set the goal by themselves and naturally lead others in that direction, not
quite pausing to think about what others' own goals actually are.
Compared to the other subtypes, they really enjoy responsibility, and wish to extend their
activities past mastery of the self into mastery of the environment.

2V subtypes (process, passive, strong)

(1) Introduction
2V is a process attitude: it will not bypass the goal-setting process. It's not enough to have
ready-made instructions or outlined plans: 2V finds it important to coordinate with both their own
and others' desires.
2V is a passive attitude: they pay at least as much attention to others' desires and
achievements as their own. Sometimes it may seem to others and to 2V themselves that they
do not have their own aspirations at all. It is easier for 2V to find what they want when they
discuss plans with others.
2V is a strong attitude: they do not sacrifice their own desires to someone more in command.
Instead, they will try to exert influence themselves, to either actively support the proposed
course of action or to actively work against it.
Which of these properties comes out most determines subtype.

(2) Process-2V subtype

Process-2V is quite democratic, a natural opponent of any restrictions and constraints.
In their opinion, nearly any proposal can and should be considered.
Process-2V subtype spends a lot of time and attention weighing each decision, figuring out
whether they or someone else really wants to carry out a plan.
If a decision has already been made, they are always willing to go back and reconsider it. So
maybe you agreed with them yesterday about who will do the work in joint project, and today
they propose somehing else, ask again if you are satisfied with the direction, reflect on whether
they really want to do it.
This can make them look like 3V. But 3V really needs discussion of plans, to gather enough
motivation and confidence in their desires. Whereas process-2V doesn't need to be "recharged"
in this way, it just wants to weigh the pros and cons.
Process-2V is the most agreeable 2V type, and the hardest to discern the motives of.

(3) Passive-2V subtype

Passive-2V is quite attentive to others' intentions. Before making a decision, they will think
about what others want.
They will listen to another's plans for a long time and carefully, and usually genuinely support
them (outright refusal is hard for passive-2V).
If passive-2V is firmly opposed to a goal, they will usually try to remove themselves from the
situation to avoid hurting anyone.
This looks like 4V, but 4V becomes tired quickly of "messing up" plans (the process of changing
them), they are more inclined to help at the later implementation stage than the earlier "what
and why" stage. 4V also will yield to pressure much of the time.
Passive-2V is not like this: they listen to others in order to actively be involved with the creation
of the goal, and if you look closely they are still more guide than follower.
They do always leave their partner a choice: but passive-2V will be generating the options for
that choice themselves. They are like an advisor, prompting accurately and carefully (while
leaving the right to make a decision).
Of all the 2V subtypes, Passive-2V is the most delicate and attentive in conversation.

(4) Strong-2V subtype

Strong-2V is purposeful. They wish not only to discuss the decision, but to persuade the other
person to act.
Such a 2V can easily step into the role of leader, to cut through the inertia. Whether through
polite persuasion or outright provocation, they will get others to participate.
Sometimes it seems like they are not actually interested in noting what others want, which
makes them look 1V-ish. But 1V wants to actuate its own desires immediately (which naturally
leads to highs and lows of acivity). For strong-2V, getting others to act is almost a form of
entertainment, which makes them more persistent (it does not drain them as much to involve
You will also hear strong-2V say things like: "I'm not doing this for my own good, *you* want
this, and you're just sitting here!" This makes strong-2V seem intrusive but this sort of pressure
is very useful, it's what any team can use if it wants to build momentum.
This is the most insistent 2V subtype.

3V subtypes (process, aggressive, weak)

(1) Introduction
3V is a process attitude: it keeps the process of forming and realizing goals in its sphere of
attention. 3V thinks and talks about what they want, how they're going to do it, and whether it's
worth it or not. They are responsive to others' input in this area, and appreciate the right sort of
3V is an aggressive attitude: it is oriented toward achieving its own ambitions, sometimes not
noticing that others have desires too.
3V is a weak attitude: it is subject to influence from outside, even if it doesn't want to be. 3V
tends to attach importance to public opinion, they may do a lot to get a positive response (or do
a lot to avoid being noticed to avoid a negative one).
One of these properties usually comes out more clearly than the other two, giving us subtypes.

(2) Process-3V subtype

Process-3V is more harmonious than the other 3Vs, being close in spirit to 2V.
They are interested in the common cause, they appreciate support and know how to provide it,
they are not too proud to take criticism.
They love to discuss their desires, actions, and plans for the future, and view achieving goals as
a creative and dynamic process. If they are on a team, process-3V can achieve a lot.
Unlike 2V, process-3V is primarily concerned with their own aspirations, viewing this interaction
with others as a way to make progress there.
Also process-3V suffers from self-doubt and lack of motivation: to stay on the path, they need
some benevolent external influence (where a 2V can provide this on their own).

(3) Aggressive-3V subtype

Aggressive-3V subtype is the most ambitious. They want to feel good about their own worth,
and to prove this to others.
Often aggressive-3V sets big goals and does not shy away from telling others about them: they
want attention focused on them and on their activities. They tend to draw attention and strong
opinions from others, anywhere they go.
So from the outside, they look self-confident and independently successful, 1V-ish. What's the
Aggressive-3V is more likely to take the opinions of others seriously, to fight back, and to
declare that the need for this is an inevitable part of life.
On the other hand, 1V does not believe that it is possible for external circumstances to restrict
their fundamental internal freedom of action, so they do what they see fit, not aiming to prove
anything. This mindset is foreign to aggressive-3V.

(4) Weak-3V subtype.

Weak-3V is very afraid of others' judgments, their harsh words and scolding looks. The desire to
avoid this usually exceeds the desire to get what they want.
Weak-3V is usually secretive, keeping to themselves, and secretly resentful of otherss who are
not like this.
They have trouble accepting help, both because they generally distrust people, and because
they don't feel they're worthy of receiving it.
Weak-3V often considers themselves insignificant, miserable, incapable of anything, and these
thouoghts can overwhelm them, suppressing their ability to act.
Externally, they usually look like they are agreeable and go with the flow (like a 4V), but 4V has
a tolerant attitude toward themselves and an accepting attitude toward others.
Weak-3V is often at their best in a hierarchical structure, where there are more powerful people
to obey, and less powerful people who provide a sanctioned ground for self-assertion.
Even if effective there, weak-3V feels that they have not realized their true ambitions out in the
"big world", and may take this out on anyone depending on them.
This is the most closed-off 3V subtype.

4V subtypes (result, passive, weak)

(1) Introduction
4V is a result attitude: it usually doesn't pay much attention to how they and others form their
intentions, instead seeing desires as a sort of objective reality: what is to be done? Either you
proceed with your agenda, or you abandon it for that of another.
4V is a passive attitude: it supports the aspirations of others more than fixating on their own (let
alone involving others in their own agenda). If you can "infect" a 4V with your own goals
organically, they can perform miracles of perseverance helping you.
4V is a weak attitude, it is easily influenced, and thus a 4V if not careful may suffer from
adopting others' goals that are alien to their own nature. Additionally they will not usually impose
their own decisions, believing this a personal and private matter.
This leads to three corresponding subtypes.
(2) Result-4V subtype
If result-4V's desires conflict with those of another, this is a difficult situation: they will not usually
enter into dialogue or seek compromise.
Usually result-4V will just follow their own desires and do whatever enters their head instead.
This is a 1V-ish tendency. But unlike 1V, result-4V naturally avoids responsibility and struggles
to keep promises (since it is difficult for them to do anything they do not want to do).
It is also notable that result-4V can be influenced by others, which can result in a rebellious
tone: "leave me alone, I don't want to do it!" 1V in the same situation would remain calm,
basically ignore the expectation, and continue on with their own agenda.
Result-4V is the least collaborative of the subtypes.

(3) Passive-4V subtype

Passive-4V is distinguished by an interest in others' desires and goals, and an involvement in
their implementation.
The active nature of this support, as well as a tendency toward compromise, gives them a 2V
There are two main differences. First, passive-4V will tend to compromise their own interests
and agenda, which is not characteristic of 2V.
Second, they feel out of place in the process of setting goals and defining what is wanted in the
first place, preferring to specialize in the later step of more straightforward achievement.
Constant searching and doubting on another's part (*cough* 3V) depletes passive-4V, since it
often feels like a senseless waste of effort. (2V finds the same situation an excellent opportunity
to display their creative potential).
Passive-4V is the most hardworking subtype, the most inclined to joining others in projects.

(4) Weak-4V subtype

Weak-4V is quite susceptible to others' influence in the area of desires and goals. They usually
go with the flow, dreading to make decisions on their own, folding to others.
Weak-4V is usually too insecure to want to achieve anything that substantial. They lack ambition
in work and relationships alike.
They are docile and tend to rely on their partner: not because they trust their partner, but
because thinking about their own development feels odd and they seek out something to
replace that feeling with.
Their low self-esteem and tendency toward self-doubt can make them look 3V-ish. But unlike
3V, weak-4V isn't so resentment-prone: they are not angry at those who are more successful,
and do not suffer for not having realized ambitions as large as they'd like.
Weak-4V's lack of initiative and inclination to obedience is not a sneaky mask, it is a genuine
internal state. This is the most sluggish of the 4Vs.

1F subtypes
(1) Introduction
1F is a result attitude: it is not inclined to constant physical activity. Not because it lacks the
strength for this, but because it only pays so much attention to the body and the material world.
There are a set of needs that must be satisfied (maybe eat good food, have personal space,
dress well), but after that attention shifts to process attitudes.
1F is an aggressive attitude: their own physical needs come first. This gives them a possessive
nature, and unstable fluctuations between greed and generosity.
1F is a strong attitude: it imposes its ways of interacting with the material world on others
(everyday habits, tastes, and preferences).
The extent to which these qualities are expressed determines the three subtypes.

(2) Result-1F subtype

Result-1F is usually indifferent to their appearance and their environnment. They are too lazy to
maintain order, take care of their body, or cook well. Thus, they either learn to minimize their
needs, or rely on the services of others (for example by ordering take-out food).
Result-1F does not enjoy being active, playing sports, or moving around. A passive lifestyle is
much more suitable for them.
Thus they can be mistaken for 4F. But 4F easily adapts to others' habits and tastes, while
result-1F still wants what it wants. They get what they desire, just not in energy-intensive ways,
and covering too much ground. But if you get in the way of result-1F's habits and tastes, they
will do everything they can to push back and stop this.

(3) Aggressive-1F subtype

Aggressive-1F has high demands for their body, health, appearance, material status, and living
area. These needs are more pronounced than the other 1F subtypes, and if not met will lead to
severe discomfort and anxiety.
This capriciousness and fastidiousness makes them look like 3F. But aggressive-1F is self-
sufficient in the physical world and desires no outside interference (advice on how to dress
better, how to eat right, how to arrange an apartment etc.)
3F for all their squeamishness is still looking for this sort of feedback. 3F wants people to find a
tailored approach to them, while aggressive-1F simply wants not to be interfered with.
Aggressive-1F is the most demanding 1F subtype.

(4) Strong-1F subtype

Strong-1F has the most impact on people around them in the realm of physics, as well as the
most impact in the material world as a whole.
They are highly active: decorating, exercising, doing repairs, making things with their own
hands. They don't just enjoy eating, but also cooking. They don't just enjoy nice outfits, but also
Strong-1F likes to look at other people, to touch them, to give them lifestyle/appearance advice.
This behavior is similar to 2F. But strong-1F sees other people as objects designed to satisfy
their own needs (just in the material sphere, I mean). While 2F really wants to locate others' true
physical needs, to help the other person express these needs, to "liberate" the person in a
Also strong-1F's activities tend to proceed in quickly-ending bursts, where 2F tends to more of a
stable rhythm since their attention never really leaves the material world.
Strong-1F is the most active and self-confident subtype.

2F subtypes
(1) Introduction
2F is a process attitude. A 2F notices small details of its own and others' physical state, seeks to
interact with this and modify it. This makes 2F very mobile, interested in issues of appearance,
health, personal care, exercise, and the outdoors.
2F is a passive attitude. It finds the physical needs of others worth noting, helps them to relax
and get in touch with their body.
2F is a strong attitude, it is confident in its evaluations and desires influence. 2F knows how to
evaluate their own and others' appearance, how to eat right and have a healathy lifestyle, how
to interaact with the material world. They shaare these ideas with others, trying to change their
lives for the better.
Some of these properties will stand out more than others and risk typing errors. Thus we should
discuss what different subtypes look like.

(2) Process-2F subtype

Process-2F strives for physical interaction with other people and the world. They have difficulty
sitting still, they constantly want to move, to feel the progress of their body. They are usually
very into exercise, dance, and/or general fitness/health.
Process-2F also just has a strong desire for bodily contact with others. They may give a
massage, straighten clothes, comb hair, hug...basically, touch people in every possible way.
There is plenty of opportunities for process-2F to realize itself in everyday life: they may create
objects, sew, grow plants, take care of animals, take care of children.
This abundance is common to 2F and 3F. Unlike 3F, process-2F feels confident and free in this
area, and is not overly weighed down by their own needs (focusing instead on liberating others).
Process-2F is the most mobile and restless subtype.

(3) Passive-2F subtype

Passive-2F is the most tolerant of others' habits and preferences in the material world. They will
not impose a healthy lifestyle, self-care, or a certain style of clothing, but rather help the other
person satisfy their own needs in the optimal way.
For example if a loved one is hungry, passive-2F will be creative in preparing the dish so it
brings as much pleasure as possible. If someone wants to go for a walk or play a quick game of
basketball, they will gladly join.
Passive-2F is not so critical of how the other person moves, how they look, or what they eat: in
their home, order is not a requirement. They will give advice on appearance, health, and
housekeeping, but these recommendations are friendly and unobtrusive.
Since they are so adaptable they can be mistaken for 4F. But passive-2F is active, in high
spirits, in touch with their body: self-actualizing via the physical sphere, rather than simply
interacting with it as needed. Passive-2F will take responsibility for their own physical nees and
those of others, make sure they are satisfied, put a lot of thought into doing this in the best way.
Passive-2F is the most unobtrusive subtype.

(4) Strong-2F subtype

Strong-2F seeks to influence others in their daily life: specifically, how others interact with the
material world.
They can be a talented coach, master craftsperson, stylist: the main thing is that their activities
involve communication with others about their concrete direction.
Strong-2F is a teacher and a mentor who successfully pushes others to realize themselves in
the world of Physics. You can hear phrases from them like:
"you should wear more light colors, it really suits you"
"you should go on this diet"
"clean your room, how can you live in this mess"
Strong-2F is persistent in their recommendations, because they are convinced that they are
making others' lives better.
This imposition of a certain way of life, the calls for change and improvement, makes strong-2F
look like 1F. But 1F is focused on their own needs, and simply makes others adapt to their
tastes as necessary. Strong-2F is actually focused on others, wanting to change the person's
relationship to their body and to physical space, and successes in this domain bring strong-2F
genuine pleasure.
Strong-2F is the most persistent subtype.

3F subtypes
(1) Introduction
3F is a process attitude: it has a constant focus on physical needs and satisfaction. This means
they notice many subtleties in interaction with the material world.
3F is an aggressive attitude: guided primarily by their own state. They pay attention to their own
body, health, appearance, and home, seeking to bring them to an ideal.
3F is a weak attitude: it needs help with its physics-related needs. 3F lacks confidence in its
influence on the material world.
These are the three concepts 3F consists of, which forms three subtypes.

(2) Process-3F subtype

Process-3F is distinguished by high activity and mobility, as well as an intense interest in the
topics of health, exercises, grooming, household projects, cooking, etc.
They can talk about this for hours, give advice, collect interesting information for future
Dealing with process-3F can sometimes be unpleasant: for example, they constantly discuss
the clothes and figure of people around them, or give obsessive advice like "be sure to add
celery to this dish!" or "you will freeze in that hat, wear something warmer!"
Therefore it can be difficult to distinguish between process-3F and 2F: they are both active in
this area, especially when others are involved.
But process-3F is insecure and easily influenced. Even if they are dumping a ton of advice on
you, at some level they are looking for something reliable in return. This comes out as
questions: does this shirt suit me, is the color of the ceiling matching the color of the walls, etc.
2F solves these questions perfectly well without outside help, process-3F will feel a persistent
unease and sense of needing confirmation.
Process-3F is the most sociable subtype.

(3) Aggressive-3F subtype

Aggressive-3F is preoccupied with their own needs. They don't easily give up their everyday
habits or make compromises.
Aggressive-3F understands better than you what they should wear, what diet to follow,
cosmetics etc.
As with process-3F, aggressive-3F likes to explore all sorts of sources to find new recipes,
aesthetics, beautiful objects, and ideas for their living space. Unlike process-3F though, they are
not so interested in sharing their research and re-discussing it. It is enough for aggressive-3F
that they create their own little world in which they can be comfortable.
This confidence and steadfastness can be confused with 1F. But aggressive-3F is attuned to
many little things in the physical world, shows constant physical activity, tirelessly aims to self-
improvement and increased skills in Physics-related areas, which is not usually 1F's way of
Aggressive-3F is the most self-sufficient 3F subtype.

(4) Weak-3F subtype

Weak-3F is the most susceptible 3F subtype to outside influences. They often need help with
housekeeping, working on their body, choosing clothes. They lack the knowledge and
confidence to handle these issues on their own.
To limit the scope of effort, weak-3F often resorts to a sort of asceticism (often unconsciously).
They throw away unnecessary things so as not to take care of them, they cook with the simplest
recipes to avoid mistakes, they do not have pets because the pets will have needs.
This makes weak-3F look like 4F, because 4F is also unpretentious, often not bothering much
with the physical sphere at all. But weak-3F does still want to make something of themselves in
this area, despite all their difficulties. With the right help and support, they will flourish.
For example, weak-3F may cook wonderful dishes if someone else does the dirty work
(cleaning, cutting, washing food), or equip the apartment if helped with arranging furniture,
painting walls, or installing equipment.
Weak-3F is the most dependent subtype (on both people and circumstances), but in the right
collaborative setting they can move mountains.

4F subtypes
(1) Introduction
4F is a result attitude: it does not pay much attention to its physical needs or the material world
as a whole. 4F does not really bother to focus much on clothes, food, or home decor, nor do
they usually enjoy physical activity much.
4F is a passive attitude: other people's needs and preferences in the physical world seem at
least as interesting as their own. One way this usually plays out is that 4F's self-esteem does
not depend much on their financial situation, this is not close to their core.
4F is a weak attitude, inclined to give into outside influences, compromises on its real-world
needs. On one hand, these people are unpretentious in everyday life and it is easy to get along
with them. On the other hand, they lack the assertiveness to "defend their territory" when
One of these properties is usually more noticeable than the others, hence subtypes.

(2) Result-4F subtype

Result-4F is particularly interested in stability. They are stable in their everyday habits, replace
their clothes rarely, take a straightforward approach to household chores.
This doesn't mean it's that easy to get along with result-4F, as they will stubbornly defend their
usual way of life.
Thus they can look like 1F, especially result-1F. But 1F is going to more intentionally focus on
their physical needs rather than taking influence from others. 1F sets the way of life, others
Whereas result-4F is more of a follower here and quite suggestible. The habits they defend are
often habits that have been imposed on them at an earlier time (for example in childhood). They
do not reassess much: if they can continue the habit, they will, if not, oh well. There are other
more pressing things to deal with (the higher attitudes).
Result-4F is the most conservative subtype.

(3) Passive-4F subtype

For passive-4F, there is a notable attention to others' needs. They will pay attention if someone
else is uncomfortable. They are interested in others' tastes in habits.
This makes them 2F-like. But 2F actually puts in the time on material issues, they remain active,
and they do not compromise their own tastes in attempts to accommodate others, instead
making proposals and discussions.
Passive-4F is more likely to just give in and accept others' habits. They will not usually
experiment culinarily, instead just asking what the other person likes. They will look for the most
definite and confident answer.
Passive-4F is the easiest subtype to find a common language with around physical matters.

(4) Weak-4F subtype

Weak-4F is probably the subtype that usually comes to mind when you think about 4F.
They are easily amenable to different material circumstances. If there is no hot water, weak-4F
will use cold water; if they're out of a finished dish, they'll just start eating something random.
Weak-4F has difficulty maintaining an acceptable standard of living. Without another's
interference, their existence quickly becomes ascetic. But they are not opposed to someone
else solving these issues for them.
Both weak-4F and 3F are susceptible to others' influence. It's worth paying attention to what
kind of influence they expect and how to relate to it.
3F is constantly aware of their physical needs and places importance on their satisfaction: as
such, they expect persistent but delicate help. Because of 3F's attention to detail, their needs
are variable and require discussion.
For weak-4F everything is simpler, as they forget their physical requirements quickly. And those
requirements that remain are so low that they are easy to meet. Weak-4F will be happy under
most conditions: they need to live reasonably well, and not be frequently uprooted.
Weak-4F is the most sluggish and unpretentious subtype.


1E subtypes
(1) Introduction
1E is a result attitude: it wants to remain in its current emotional state for as long as possible,
and reacts poorly to changes in the emotions of others (because it does not track them and is
not interested in them).
1E is an aggressive attitude: it has more interest in its own emotions and feelings than those of
others. They love to dive into their own emotional world.
1E is a strong attitude: it touches the environment with its emotions, influences the general
atmosphere, does not allow itself to be influenced easily by others.
One of these manifestations usually shows up more than the others, which leads to three
different subtypes.

(2) Result-1E subtype

Result-1E does not analyze its emotions: the emotions seem to be outside result-1E's field of
attention, so regulating behavior is difficult.
Result-1E cries when they feel like crying, laugh when they feel like laughing, and no attempt to
cope with these impulses will hold these emotions back. It is difficult for them to calm down and
change their emotional direction.
They stay in the same emotional space for a long time and may feel hurt if someone tries to get
them to enter a different one. They do not know how to switch emotions and do not like doing
this, because they cannot trace where the emotions came from.
Unlike result-4E, result-1E does share its feelings and is not easily influenced by the emotions
of others.
Result-1E is the most likely 1E subtype to vent.

(3) Aggressive-1E subtype

Aggressive-1E is immersed in their own inner world, attentive to their own emotional state. They
may seem secretive to others since they do not tend to share their emotional experiences.
They enjoy being alone with their own feelings, their favorite music, a good book, a movie.
Therefore aggressive-1E is the least similar subtype to the classic 1E (depicted as violently
manifesting its emotions in an immediately noticeable way).
But it is still 1E and not 3E (even though 3E also goes deeply into itself), because of its
reluctance to change its emotional state upon prompts from others.
Aggressive-1E is the most closed-off subtype.

(4) Strong-1E subtype

Strong-1E is highly inclined to induce certain emotional states in themselves: for example, they
may remember a past event and find themselves charged with emotions from that memory.
Strong-1E is confident in the emotional color of what they are experiencing, and strives to share
this with the world. They want to influence others' feelings somehow (often through creative
But unlike a 2E, strong-1E is mostly interested in conveying their own emotional state, not
discussing the emotional states of others.
Strong-1E is the most sociable subtype, the most inclined to emotional exchange.

2E subtypes
(1) Introduction
2E is a process attitude: it keeps its own and others feelings in its sphere of attention. They are
interested in talking about these feelings and expressing them through various creative forms.
2E does not only worry about the realization of their own talent, but also the response of others
to their creations.
2E is a passive attitude: often the feelings of others are more interesting than 2E's own feelings.
2E loves to observe others' emotional manifestations, to liberate them, to open their inner world
if shy.
2E is a strong attitude: it seeks to influence others emotionally, create an atmosphere, does not
have problems using this for either good or ill.
Thus, three subtypes.

(2) Process-2E subtype

Process-2E has a romantic view of the world (which may include dark colors or light ones). They
see a sort of mystery in everything and like to dramatize what is happening.
Process-2E loves long conversations about feelings, relational games, subtle flirting. They don't
like it when everything is obvious, when all emotions lie on the surface: such people seem
uninteresting and interest in them fades quickly. But they love secretive people with a deep and
contradictory inner world.
They do not present their feelings directly, but instead often avoid weighing in, which can make
others doubt their sincerity. This complication may seem 3E-ish, but 3E does this because they
have emotional complexes, while process-2E does it for fun. 3E hides experiences not for fun or
influence but for fear of being misunderstood and difficulty "acting natural".
Process-2E is the most mysterious and controversial subtype.

(3) Passive-2E subtype

Passive-2E is warm and soulful. They do not like "heating up" an interpersonal emotional
situation, and will do everything possible to avoid anyone feeling embarrassed.
People are drawn to passive-2E because they inspire confidence and a feeling of comfort.
Passive-2E is not characterized by intense emotional self-expression, rather their feelings are
soft and pleasant for the sake of others.
If they feel dislike or indifference toward someone else (which happens often, since many desire
communication with passive-2E), they try not to demonstrate this directly. If the person is
genuinely too intrusive, passive-2E will be able to reject them, but will do so politely and
courteously to avoid hurt feelings.
This calm and equanimity can make passive-2E look like 4E. But passive-2E is still a strong
attitude, it affects others and creates an atmosphere around itself, which attracts people.
While 4E is dependent on the atmosphere created by others: there is no aura of warmth
surrounding 4E.
Passive-2E is the most comfortable and inviting 2E subtype.

(4) Strong-2E subtype

Strong-2E is more straightforward than the other subtypes. They are very emotional, have
difficulty restraining themselves, and pour out their feelings on others in a stormy stream.
They like to talk about strangers, and about their own feelings, to open their soul and get closer
to others. Typically strong-2E is engaged in some sort of expressive creativity like music or
dance, and is interested in others' artistic creations. You will often hear quotes like "listen to this
song, it's so cool!" or "look at how they dance in this video, it's so amazing!" Sometimes they
write poetry or prose, in which case it's very important that others read it and become inspired.
This behavior leads to a certain suppression of others' feelings, which gives a feel of 1E. But
strong-2E has a tireless and conscious interaction between their own feelings and those of
others (for example, analyzing emotions to understand where they came from and how to
express them accurately).
Also strong-2E is still looking for feedback: it's important for them not just to experience their
own feelings, but to share them and get an appropriataae response. While 1E accepts their
emotional experiences as they are, not digging into them.
Strong-2E is the most expressive and vivid subtype.

3E subtypes
(1) Introduction
3E is a process attitude, paying much attention to its own and others' emotions, how they are
formed and expressed.
3E is an aggressive attitude, focused mostly on its own experiences, immersed in its inner
emotional world.
3E is a weak attitude, easily influenced. It is easy to hurt 3E, which is unfortunate because they
cannot cope with resentment or sadness very well on their own, not being in easy control of
their own emotional state. It is also difficult for them to exert an emotional impact on others by
creating a particular atmosphere. But they can support the general fun if they feel "on the same
wavelength" with others.
Let's look at these three tendencies in detail.

(2) Process-3E subtype

Process-3E is more inclined than the other subtypes to sort things out, to have extended
intimate conversations about feelings. They easily make contact with others even if they've had
past negative experiences with that person.
It is difficult for process-3E to imagine their life with interaction with others: each new
relationship gives them pleasant excitement. They enjoy looking for hints and hidden meanings
in others' words and actions. They also may generate conflict in order to get a certain emotional
Process-3E realizes itself well in art, amateur performances, and working directly with people. In
this way it is like 2E, who is also interested in emotional interaction and finds realization in this
But 2E is free, while process-3E is much more "tight", which makes it more likely that their
feelings and interest in people are manifested in the form of short-term outbursts followed by
regret and shame.
Process-3E fears appearing inappropriate and often doubts the impression they made.
Process-3E is the most sociable and creative 3E subtype.

(3) Aggressive-3E subtype

Aggressive-3E is more immersed in its own world than the other subtypes. They are in no hurry
to throw out their emotions to surrounding people. When in a bad mood, aggressive-3E retreats
to their own inner world and does not respond much to help.
It is very difficult for aggressive-3E to let go of resentment or anger, even if the offender makes
attempts to repair the relationship. They need time to come to terms with the negativity they had
to endure in the past.
When aggressive-3E is in company with others, they rarely blend into the general mood, usually
seeming detached instead. While they have emotional outbursts like all 3Es are inclined to, they
are relatively rare: but when the outbursts do happen, they are intense and terrifying.
Because of aggressive-3E's limited inclination to social contact, they may look like 1E, but 1E is
not too inclined to dig through their feelings, while aggressive-3E will do this even if nobody is
available to help. They spend much energy on how others see them, what impression they have
made, how to cope with their emotions.
Aggressive-3E is the most closed-off and restrained 3E subtype.

(4) Weak-3E subtype

Weak-3E is usually externally calm. They do not draw attention to themselves and do not seek
to entertain others: rather, they want to be entertained with others' vivid impressions.
Weak-3E is compliant in relationships, has a distaste of quarreling and an avoidance of scandal.
They rarely experience violent outbursts of feeling. They are not inclined to resentment or
emotional manipulation. So when with others, weak-3E comes off as a pleasant, courteous
person who is not particularly talkative.
This seeming lack of violent emotions and internal conflict makes weak-3E look like 4E. But
weak-3E is still distinguished by a certain romantic worldview and nervous shyness (both
uncharacteristic of 4E).
Weak-3E is the subtype with the most natural charm.

4E subtypes
(1) Introduction
4E is a result attitude: it doesn't pay much attention to its own experiences, how they've been
formed, what affects them, not characterized by self-examination. They have trouble
understanding what impression they make on others also, since they do not much track others'
4E is a passive attitude, focused more on the emotional states of others. They can show and
feel emotions that are expected of them, or emotions that are already contained in the situation.
When alone, typically they remain calm and do not react strongly to things.
4E is a weak attitude, it is susceptible to outside influences. Their mood depends on people
around them, people who can give 4E some emotional problems to consider, which both
amuses them and elevates their state of mind.
Different 4Es do not behave in the same way: we therefore discuss the different ways 4E

(2) Result-4E subtype

Result-4E is drawn to external emotional stimuli, longs for vivid experiences, and behaves very
expressively when charged by such experiences. By this behavior, they can attract much
attention from others.
This is 1E-ish on the surface, but there are a few differences. Result-4E's emotionality is
associated with the presence of certain external factors, for example being surrounded by more
emotional people, watching a movie, or listening to music. In their normal state result-4E
remains mostly emotionless. Whereas 1E will simply put their feelings out there (or if there is
nobody around, still experience them alone).
Also, result-4E, despite its noisy and conspicuous behavior, is not the soul of the company, but
rather an object of influence by others. They take over the moods started by others but do not
create the atmosphere in the first place like higher E does.
Despite all this, result-4E is the most brightly expressed and emotionally self-sufficient subtype.

(3) Passive-4E subtype

Passive-4E is very interested in the feelings of others. They will listen to someone else's
emotional outpourings with pleasure and try to understand their inner world. Typically their
emotional stimulus of choice is other people, rather than more inanimate stimuli like games or
This passion for the experiences of others is similar to 2E. But passive-4E does not really try to
directly influence the emotional state of others. If they need to win someone over, they will use
other means (trying to motivate them to take action, reason logically, or care for their physical
state, as appropriate).
Passive-4E is the 4E subtype that makes for the best psychologist and advisor.

(4) Weak-4E subtype

Weak-4E is the stereotypical 4E, distinguished by calm and the absence of violent emotional
manifestations. Even if everyone else is having fun, weak-4E will only smile slightly. Usually
their face expresses nothing at all.
They are distinguished by composure, prudence, and an exceptionally rational approach to
problems, because their mind is not overtaken by feelings. It is not always easy to tell the
difference between weak-4E genuine emotionlessness and 3E worried restraint, which can
cause mistypes.
The difference is, 3E is always experiencing something emotional, and this is important: and
when these impulses can no longer be suppressed, they are thrown to the outside. 3E
accumulates their feelings and shows them in unexpected ways.
Whereas weak-4E does not have this dynamic. If you ask them what their mood is, or if
something has offended them, they will mostly just be confused. Observing a person for a long
time, this difference between 3E and weak-4E will inevitably come out.
Weak-4E is distinguished among the 4E subtypes by its constant equanimity and dispassion.

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