This chapter presents the methods and techniques which are used in discussing the
subjects and variables of the study, population and sample, the sources of data and the
instruments used in data collection. The data processing and statistical treatment used in the
consumer behavior. This employed the quantitative method of research that falls into non-
experimental design in which it does not involve experiments in the process of data collection. In
this design, the study involves collecting, analyzing and integrating quantitative research. With
this, the application of the research design is descriptive correlational design that is used for
main goal of descriptive research. It can answer the questions of what, when, where and how but
not including why questions. Understanding how, when and where the problems happens is
essential in determining the reason why the problem arises. A descriptive research design can
study one or more variables using a range of research methods. This research design is useful in
a study wherein not much information is determined yet about the problem. In addition, Creswell
(2012), states that a “a correlation is a statistical test to determine the tendency or pattern for two
descriptive research. Organizations typically utilize this method to uncover and quantify the
strength of a target group's attitude, opinion, or behavior on a specific subject. The surveying of
demographic traits in a specific group (age, gender, income, marital status, etc.) is another
From the description above, it can be concluded that this study constitutes correlational
numerical data, no variable manipulation, and it aims to identify the correlation between
The research study was conducted on the consumers in Dinalupihan, Bataan. The target
sample from the population is 200 respondents. The researcher used the simple random sampling
technique. This sampling technique is anchored in the study wherein it randomly selects
customers and buyers in Dinalupihan, Bataan that were supposed to be the participants of the
The researchers chose a standardized questionnaire to gather the data needed for the
series of questions intended to gather information from the respondents. Questionnaires are
similar to written interviews in colleting information. They can be done in person, over the
phone, on the computer or by mail. Data may be obtained quickly since the researchers are not
required to be present when the respondents answer the questionnaires. This is beneficial for
The questionnaire is divided into 3 parts; (1) Profile of the respondents in terns of age,
gender, employment status, and source of income; (2) Social media platforms and their response
to its advertisement technique; and (3) Influence of social media advertisement on consumer
of the time.
of the time.
2 Disagree (D) The item/event happens every now and then or
1 Strongly Disagree (SD) The item/event does not happen at all times or 0%
of the time.
capabilities, on extensive and in-depth assessments of relevant literature and studies from various
online sources and reading materials. The constructed draft of the self-made questionnaire was
presented to proper authorizes and expert for their comment and suggestions. The items that
were found inconsistent and insignificant were enhanced, revised and replaced.
The constructed draft of the self-made questionnaire was presented to proper authorities
and experts for their comments and suggestions. The study involves respondents in Dinalupihan,
Bataan in order to determine the instruments' validity and reliability. The purpose of the pilot
study was to see how effective the instruments were at gathering the data needed for this
research. The results of the pilot study are expected to show that the researcher has to change
The final copy of the questionnaire was reproduced. After verifying that the prepared
questionnaire was appropriately fitted to match objective of the study and with the approval of
the adviser, the survey questionnaires were distributed through google form to the determine
The researchers will select 250 Dinalupihan residents randomly to participate in this
survey through Google docs. Afterwards, the questionnaires will be given to Dinalupihan
residents with the same quantity of questions through Google Docs. In the questionnaire, it is
indicated that their responses will be treated with utmost confidentiality and will not require to
indicate their name in the questionnaire. Subsequently, the data will be tallied by the researchers
accompanied by the computation under applicable statistical approach of the study. Finally, the
Data collection will be done through the use of questionnaire, that will be thoroughly
made with the help of Google Documents that will be posted in different social media platforms.
The result and response from the questionnaires will be encoded to Microsoft Excel and be
transmitted to IBM Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) software, one of the
accurate and leading software used widely by many to resolve different types of business and
The responses of the participants were analyzed using the study instruments and
descriptive statistics like frequency counts, mean, percentage, and standard deviations.
In able to know if there is a significant correlation between the influence of social media
Notes in Chapter 3
and qualitative research. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill. Retrieved from
McLeod, S. (2018). Questionnaire: Definition, Examples, Design and Types. Retrieved from