Wet Scrubber Brochure
Wet Scrubber Brochure
Wet Scrubber Brochure
Preserving Paradise
Serving Environment Solutions
Preserving Paradise
& Values
to separate solid particulate matter from a contaminated air
stream. Contaminated air flows into an ESP chamber and is
Vision ionized by electron emitting electrodes; also known as the
corona chamber. The suspended particles are charged by the
electron field and migrate to a collection plate. Accumulate
We believe to provide high quality products at
particulate matter is removed from the collection plates at
competitive prices.
periodic intervals by rapping or hitting the plates with rappers
(mallets type hammers). Heavy particles fall to the base of the
We strongly believe in sustainable development and
ESP where hoppers hold the removed particles for disposal.
ethical business practices.
Electrostatic precipitators are used to separate small particles,
We welcome changes and views of customers as an
1 micron or smaller, from gas streams. This process is also
opportunity to grow more and more.
used in desalters to separate salts and sediment from crude
oil feeds.
Electrostatic precipitators, such as the one shown here, work
by exposing particles in the feed stream to an electrostatic
field. The particles are small and easily collect a charge. The
charged particles are then collected and removed by
collectors that are oppositely charged.
The collectors get covered with particles and are cleaned off
periodically. The particles are generally discarded but can be
further processed if profitable.
Serving Environment Solutions PRECIPITATORS Preserving Paradise
It uses less energy than dry ESPs, which must use some
power to drive mechanical rappers to dislodge
accumulated particulates from collector plates. Washing
versus rapping also reduces the risk of re-entrainment of
particulates into the gas stream. Further, because
WESPs operate on saturated gas streams, and at lower
Wet Electrostatic Precipitators
In wet electrostatic precipitators, charged particles (green) are collected onto the collectors as seen in
the animation here. As the particles accumulate on the collector, a liquid (blue), typically water, runs
down the plates. The water collects and removes the particles from the plates.
Serving Environment Solutions PRECIPITATORS Preserving Paradise