Ind 2021

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India: 2021 Commitments ($ million)a

Product Type Sovereign Nonsovereign Total

Response ADB is supporting India’s fast, green, and inclusive

4,840.60 2,233.78
3.00 3.00
recovery from COVID-19 with investments in
– 34.83 34.83 –
infrastructure, small-enterprise development, and the
36.51 3.78 40.29 9.06
social sector.
Trade and Supply – 147.36 147.36 147.23
 Chain Finance
 Program and

Total 4,641.51 424.57 5,066.09 2,393.07
– = nil, COVID-19 = coronavirus disease, DMC = developing member
country, TA = technical assistance.
Commitment is the financing approved by ADB’s Board of Directors
or Management for which the legal agreement has been signed by the
borrower, recipient, or the investee company and ADB.
Grants and TA include ADB-administered cofinancing.
 Numbers may not sum precisely because of rounding.
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) supports India’s economic recovery and its
 Financing for TA projects with regional coverage is distributed to coronavirus disease (COVID-19) response. A vigorous COVID-19 vaccination
their specific DMCs where breakdown is available.
 ADB-financed commitments from private sector programs of which drive and public investments to boost infrastructure and health services helped
$126.82 million is short term (with maturity of less than 365 days).
India’s economy rebound in 2021 with projected 8.9% growth of gross domestic
product. India’s economy had contracted 6.6% in 2020 due to the pandemic
India: Cumulative Commitmentsa, b, c, d following a steady 6.7% average annual growth achieved during 2010-2019.
Total % COVID-19
Growth is expected to remain strong in 2022 and 2023 buoyed by investment,
Amount of Total Response with public investment helping encourage private investment. A founding
Sector No. ($ million)e Amounte ($ million)e
Project and Technical 826 57,647.01 98.65 3,886.22
member of ADB in 1966, India is now ADB’s fourth largest shareholder and its
 Assistance top borrower since 2010. ADB’s operations remain aligned to India’s evolving
Agriculture, Natural 58 2,008.60 3.44 50.00
 Resources, and development priorities. ADB supports building India’s economic competitiveness
 Rural Development and job creation, helps address climate-related challenges, and assists low-income
Education 20 645.78 1.11 40.30
Energy 212 14,718.69 25.19 71.35
states. ADB also promotes private sector development, gender empowerment,
Finance 90 6,087.43 10.42 41.25 regional integration, and knowledge services along with capacity development.
Health 18 2,156.81 3.69 1,578.59
Industry and Trade 20 764.96 1.31 250.00 To date, ADB has committed 589 public sector loans, grants, and technical
Information and 3 151.12 0.26 – assistance totaling $50.8 billion to India. Cumulative loan and grant disbursements
 Technology to India amount to $36.9 billion. These were financed by regular ordinary capital
Multisector 30 2,141.82 3.67 – resources, and other special funds. ADB’s ongoing sovereign portfolio in India
Public Sector Management 75 3,611.43 6.18 1,504.63
includes 66 loans and 1 grant worth $15 billion.1
Transport 188 18,853.80 32.26 –
Water and Other 112 6,506.57 11.13 350.11
 Urban Infrastructure
In 2021, ADB committed a record $4.6 billion in sovereign loans to India. ADB also
 and Services committed $36.51 million in technical assistance and $3 million
Trade and Supply Chain 1,204 789.03 1.35 229.42
 Finance Program and in grants under the sovereign portfolio. The sovereign loans
 Microfinance Programf included assistance under the vaccine access facility, in addition
Finance 1,026 770.95 1.32 229.42
to the regular program supporting urban development, transport,
Industry and Trade 178 18.08 0.03 –
Total 2,030 58,436.04 100.00 4,115.64
agriculture, finance, and skills building.
– = nil, COVID-19 = coronavirus disease, DMC = developing member
country, TA = technical assistance.
 Grants and TA include ADB-administered cofinancing.
 Sovereign portfolio consists of loans, grants, equity investment, and sovereign
 Includes loans, grants, equity investments, guarantees, TA, and guarantee committed and not financially closed. Regional projects with loans/
private sector programs. grants to multiple countries are reported separately.
 Using primary sector in the reporting of commitments.
 From 2020, financing for TA projects with regional coverage is
distributed to their specific DMCs where breakdown is available.
 Numbers may not sum precisely because of rounding.
 ADB-financed commitments from private sector programs of which
Published in April 2022

$570.46 million is short term (with maturity of less than 365 days).
ADB provided $1.8 billion for India’s COVID-19 response, India: Share of Procurement Contracts
comprising $1.5 billion to procure vaccines and $300 million for Loan, Grant, and Technical Assistance Projects
to strengthen primary health care in urban areas and enhance Goods, Works, and Related Services
the country’s pandemic preparedness. ADB also helped India Amount % of
strengthen its vaccine delivery system, monitor pandemic Item ($ million) Total
trends, and raise awareness on pandemic protocols. 2020 4,298.90 18.74
2021 2,805.87 17.99
ADB committed a $250 million loan to increase India’s Cumulative (as of 31 Dec 2021) 35,323.89 15.22
industrial competitiveness and help create jobs. Another Consulting Services
Amount % of
$484 million loan will strengthen road connectivity to facilitate Item ($ million) Total
industrial development in the Chennai–Kanyakumari Industrial 2020 53.78 7.36
Corridor, which is part of the ADB-supported East Coast 2021 93.14 13.36
Economic Corridor. Cumulative (as of 31 Dec 2021) 1,062.09 7.15
Total Procurement
A $500 million loan will help improve mobility in Bengaluru Amount % of
city through a metro rail project, and a $350 million loan will Item ($ million) Total
accelerate policy action to expand access to water, sanitation, 2020 4,352.68 18.39
2021 2,899.01 17.79
and affordable housing. ADB also extended a $251 million loan
Cumulative (as of 31 Dec 2021) 36,385.98 14.73
to strengthen flood-risk management in Chennai’s urban areas.
Other urban projects will support affordable housing in Tamil
Top 5 Contractors/Suppliers from India Involved in Goods,
Nadu and improve urban services in Jharkhand, Tripura,
Works, and Related Services Contracts under ADB Loan and
and Uttarakhand. Grant Projects, 1 January 2017–31 December 2021
To strengthen the rural economy, a $300 million loan was Contract Amount
Contractor/Supplier Sector ($ million)
committed to improve rural connectivity in Maharashtra
Larsen & Toubro Ltd. ANR, ENE, TRA, 1,657.25
and another $100 million loan was provided to promote WUS
agribusiness networks to increase farm incomes in the state. BEML Ltd. TRA 678.72
ADB committed $112 million to set up a skills university in NCC Ltd. ANR, ENE, IND, 594.23
Assam to strengthen education in industry-aligned skills to TRA, WUS
Kalpataru Power Transmission Ltd. ENE, IND 493.73
boost employment. ADB also committed funds to help plan
KEC International Ltd. ENE, TRA 296.30
and design an urban mobility project in Mizoram and a road
Others 10,536.46
project in Sikkim.
Total 14,256.69
ANR = agriculture, natural resources, and rural development; ENE = energy; IND = industry and
Nonsovereign operations. Through its private sector trade; TRA = transport; WUS = water and other urban infrastructure and services.
operations, ADB committed $274 million from its own sources
for eight projects in India in 2021. This included two projects Top 5 Consultants from India Involved in Consulting Services
to enhance critical care capacity and diagnostic services for Contracts under ADB Loan, Grant, and Technical Assistance
COVID-19. Other investments provided for road construction Projects, 1 January 2017–31 December 2021
equipment, highways upgrade, energy efficiency, affordable Contract Amount
housing for vulnerable groups, and an animal healthcare project Consultant Sector ($ million)
to boost farmer incomes. ADB also committed a total of Pricewaterhousecoopers Pvt. ANR, EDU, ENE, 25.89
 Ltd. India FIN, HLT, IND,
$147 million in India through its Supply Chain Finance Program MUL, PSM, TRA,
and Microfinance Risk Participation and Guarantee Program. WUS
Total outstanding balances and undisbursed commitments of Intercontinental Consultants TRA, WUS 21.58
ADB’s nonsovereign transactions in India as of 31 December  & Technocrats Pvt. Ltd.
2021 was $3.21 billion representing 22.82% of ADB’s total WAPCOS Ltd. ENE, TRA, WUS 20.87
VisionRI Connexion Services ENE, TRA 18.45
private sector portfolio.
 Pvt. Ltd.
Tata Group EDU, ENE, HLT, 15.81
Operational challenges. ADB operations cover more than WUS
20 states in India and involve a diverse range of stakeholders, Individual Consultants 66.07
requiring a differentiated approach. ADB support to lower-income Others 191.81
states focuses on infrastructure and services to accelerate inclusive Total 360.48

economic growth, while support to relatively higher-income states ANR = agriculture, natural resources, and rural development; EDU = education; ENE = energy;
FIN = finance; HLT = health; IND = industry and trade; MUL = multisector; PSM = public sector
include transformative projects with innovation and good practices management; TRA = transport; WUS = water and other urban infrastructure and services.
for replicability across the country.
India: Ordinary Capital Resources
ADB’s main challenge is developing synergistic institutional Nonsovereign Commitments by Product
arrangements that transcend sectors, which could be 2021 2017–2021
addressed through strategic studies and project preparatory Number of Transactions Signed (OCR) 8 31
work. Other issues are planning and managing multisector Number of Transactions Signed (Programs) 254 1,033
Amount ($ million)
projects and ensuring close collaboration between public Loans 141.50 1,831.90
and private sector operations. Challenges brought about by Equity Investments 34.83 259.39
the pandemic involve how to support India’s medium- to Guarantees - -
Debt Security 97.11 872.57
long-term recovery by enhancing assistance to micro, small,
Trade and Supply Chain Finance Program 147.36 598.70
and medium-sized enterprises, health, education,  and Microfinance Program
Total 420.80 3,562.56
– = nil, OCR = ordinary capital resources.
and social protection. ADB support to boost the Government India: Portfolio Performance Quality Indicators for
of India’s infrastructure financing also depends on the volume Sovereign Lending and Grants, 2020–2021
and type of private sector investments available. No. of Ongoing Loansa (as of 31 Dec 2021) 66
2020 ($ million) 2021 ($ million)
Contract Awardsb, c 2,279.18 2,492.10
Knowledge Work Disbursementsb 3,054.63 1,884.09
No. of Ongoing Grantsa, d (as of 31 Dec 2021) 1
ADB provides knowledge support to India on policy 2020 ($ million) 2021 ($ million)
issues, identifying transformative investments, and reform Contract Awardsb, c, d – –
opportunities to address the complex development challenges Disbursementsb, d – 3.00
At Risk Projects (%) (as of 31 Dec 2021) 16
that the country faces. In 2021, an ADB study examined
the feasibility of developing an economic corridor in India’s – = nil.
Based on commitments.
northeast. Another study mapped India’s industrial land bank b
Includes closed loans/grants that had contract awards or disbursements during the year.
and constructed a framework to identify interventions to c
 xcludes policy-based, results-based, financial intermediation/credit, CPRO (COVID-19
upgrade the industrial cluster ecosystem to attract investment. Pandemic Response Option), and cofinanced loans and grants.

In all, ADB published nine publications including studies Includes only Asian Development Fund and other ADB special funds.

on improving India’s logistics efficiency, enhancing the

competitiveness and productivity of micro, small and medium India: Independent Evaluation Ratings for Sovereign and
enterprises (MSMEs), and increasing Assam’s trade with Nonsovereign Operations, 2012–2021
neighboring countries and Southeast Asia. Total Number
of Validated Evaluation Ratings
ADB’s capacity development resource center held knowledge and Evaluated
sharing webinars on project design and implementation issues Projects and Highly successful Less than
Programs and successful successful Unsuccessful
including the pandemic-related challenges for project agencies.
Sovereign 70 48 20 2
Nonsovereign 30 16 6 8
Financing partnerships  Operations

Financing partnerships enable ADB’s partner governments or IED = Independent Evaluation Department.

their agencies, multilateral institutions, and private organizations Note: The numbers indicate sovereign and nonsovereign operations in the country that have been
validated or evaluated by the IED and their overall performance ratings. The coverage consists of all
to participate in ADB projects. The additional funds may validated or evaluated project completion reports and extended annual review reports circulated by
be in the form of loans and grants, technical assistance, and ADB within the 10-year period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2021. See evaluations related to India.

nonsovereign cofinancing. Source: IED success rate database.

Cumulative cofinancing commitments in India:

India: Projects Cofinanced,
• Sovereign cofinancing: $6.92 billion for 45 investment
1 January 2017–31 December 2021
projects and $162.68 million for 138 technical assistance
Cofinancing No. of Projects Amount ($ million)
projects since 1987
Sovereigna 43 5,076.23
• Nonsovereign cofinancing: $3.69 billion for 37 investment
 Loans and Others 13 4,973.22
projects since 1988  Grants 8 52.93
In 2021, India received a total of $1.42 billion loan cofinancing  Technical Assistance 24 50.08
from the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, the Japan Nonsovereign 22 2,290.86
International Cooperation Agency, and private sector a
A project with more than one source of cofinancing is counted once.

concessionaires for 4 investment projects.

A summary of projects with cofinancing from 1 January 2017 to
infrastructure and institutional capacity building. Transformative
31 December 2021 is available at
initiatives aimed at supporting economic corridor development
and logistics improvement will be pursued in the more
economically advanced states.
Future Directions ADB will strategically engage with states and undertake
ADB’s program for India over 2022–2024 supports the country’s knowledge work to identify and support their emerging
fast, green, and inclusive COVID-19 recovery, and in doing so, development needs. ADB will also help India meet its climate
continues to fine-tune its operations with the government’s action commitments. Other support areas will include
priorities, ADB’s Strategy 2030, and the upcoming India country promoting gender equity, strengthening governance and
partnership strategy which is to cover 2023-2027. To help institutions, increasing digitalization across sectors, and
India emerge quickly from the COVID-19 pandemic, ADB will promoting regional cooperation and integration. ADB will not
support the strengthening of India’s healthcare systems, helping only focus on traditional areas of support but keep up with
industries bounce back, and providing social protection to India’s evolving development needs by channeling financing
vulnerable groups. ADB will enhance investments in health and to emerging areas including those with multidisciplinary
education, finance, MSMEs, and public sector management. elements. ADB will also continue to explore and diversify its
It will help boost economic activity, improve investment financing products and modalities to suit operational needs.
competitiveness, promote private sector development and Innovative financing approaches will be pursued to promote
enhance last-mile connectivity to supply chains. Less-developed private sector investment and maximize synergies between
states will continue to receive financing support for basic ADB’s sovereign and nonsovereign operations.
ADB at a Glance More about India and ADB
ADB is committed to achieving a prosperous, inclusive, resilient, and sustainable Shareholding and Voting Power
Asia and the Pacific, while sustaining its efforts to eradicate extreme poverty. Number of shares held: 672,030 (6.32% of total shares)
It has 68 members—of which 49 are from Asia and the Pacific and 19 outside. Votes: 711,144 (5.35% of total membership,
ADB headquarters is in Manila, Philippines and has 43 offices around the world, 8.21% of total regional membership)
with 3,693 staff from 65 of its members as of 31 December 2021. *Overall capital subscription: $9.41 billion
*Paid-in capital subscription: $470.37 million
ADB maximizes the development impact of its assistance to its developing
members by providing financing and tailored knowledge solutions through policy *United States dollar figures are valued at rate as of 31 December 2021.
dialogue and advisory services, among others. It mobilizes financial resources
Contributions to Special Funds Resources
through cofinancing from official, commercial, and export credit sources. India contributes to the Asian Development Fund (ADF) and
ADB pivoted swiftly to answer the needs of its developing members and will the Technical Assistance Special Fund (TASF). The ADF provides
remain agile and responsive in the years ahead. It has started to see the shoots of grants to ADB’s lower-income developing member countries.
The TASF provides technical assistance grants to developing
a green recovery, but the long-term effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, climate member countries to help prepare projects and undertake
change, and the outbreak of conflicts still threaten lives and prosperity. ADB will technical or policy studies.
continue to work closely with members and development partners through these
challenges to achieve a better future for all in Asia and the Pacific. Contributions to the ADF (committed): $104.65 million
Contributions to the TASF (committed): $22.96 million
ADB operations. In 2021, ADB committed $22.8 billion in loans, grants, equity
investments, private sector programs, and technical assistance both to the public ADB Governor: Nirmala Sitharaman
and private sectors of its borrowing members. ADB bolstered its total support ADB Alternate Governor: Ajay Seth
with cofinancing of $12.9 billion. ADB Director: Sameer Kumar Khare (India)
As of 31 December 2021, ADB’s cumulative commitments in 45 countries stood ADB Alternate Director: Md. Azizul Alam (Bangladesh)
at $342 billion covering 4,061 loans, $11.7 billion in 521 grants, and $5.2 billion in Annual Meeting
technical assistance grants, including regional technical assistance grants. Delhi, 46th Annual Meeting, 4–5 May 2013
Hyderabad, 39th Annual Meeting, 4–6 May 2006
In addition to loans, grants, and technical assistance, ADB uses guarantees and
New Delhi, 23rd Annual Meeting, 2–4 May 1990
equity investments to help its developing member countries.
Total commitments in nonsovereign loans and equity investments from ADB’s
own funds in 2021 amounted to $1.2 billion for 35 transactions in economic and Contacts
social infrastructure, finance sector, and agribusiness.
In 2021, ADB mobilized $1.7 billion of long-term project cofinancing and India Resident Mission
$5.8 billion of cofinancing through its Trade and Supply Chain Finance Program Established: 1992
and Microfinance Program. Total outstanding balances and undisbursed Country director: Takeo Konishi
commitments of nonsovereign transactions funded by ADB’s own resources Asian Development Bank
stood at $14 billion as of 31 December 2021. 4, San Martin Marg, Chanakyapuri
P.O. Box 5331, Chanakyapuri HPO
New Delhi 110021, India
Financing Partnerships Tel: +91 11 2410 7200
Fax: +91 11 2687 0955/2419 4273
Total sovereign and nonsovereign cofinancing commitments, 2021
• $12.93 billion for 187 projects, of which:
»» $12.38 billion, 75 investment projects,
»» $134.67 million, 110 technical assistance projects, ADB Headquarters
»» $422.87 million transaction advisory services for 2 projects. 6 ADB Avenue, Mandaluyong City
1550 Metro Manila, Philippines
Cumulative sovereign and nonsovereign cofinancing commitments, 1970–2021 Tel: +63 2 8632 4444
Fax: +63 2 8636 2444
• $140.43 billion for 3,165 projects, of which:
»» $136.6 billion, 1,098 investment projects,
»» $2.8 billion, 2,061 technical assistance projects,
Ministry of Finance
»» $1.07 billion transaction advisory services for 6 projects. Government of India
New Delhi, India
Tel: +91 11 2309 2810/2510
Procurement Fax: +91 11 2309 2829
ADB’s Procurement Contracts, 2021
Useful ADB websites
Goods, Works, and Related Services
Asian Development Bank
ADB’s procurement contracts in Asia and the Pacific for goods, works, and related
services under loan and grant operations:
Annual Report
• $22.93 billion in 2020
• $15.6 billion in 2021
• $232.16 billion covering 225,336 contracts, cumulative procurement since 1966 Asian Development Outlook
Consulting Services
ADB’s procurement contracts in Asia and the Pacific for consulting services under ADB Data Library
loan, grant, and technical assistance operations:
Notes: (i) Figures are estimated by ADB unless otherwise stated.
• $730.78 million in 2020 “$” refers to United States dollars. (ii) Data are updated as of
• $697.03 million in 2021 31 December 2021 unless otherwise indicated. (iii) Photo: Courtesy
• $14.86 billion covering 71,348 contracts, cumulative procurement since 1966 Medanta.

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