The Nationalism and National Unity
The Nationalism and National Unity
The Nationalism and National Unity
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Abstract:- Nationalism is an auto sense of national emergence of nationalist ideology and movements.
awareness on promotion of its culture, social norms, Nationalism is a form of universalism when it makes
rules and regulations which are completely obeyed by universal claims about how the world should be organized,
the national citizens as well as the international but it is particularistic with regard to individual nations. The
concerns. Nationalism promotes the self- respect, combination of both is characteristic for the ideology, for
identity of the citizen of the nation for the development. instance in these assertions. The starting point of
Unity strengthens the nation. The nationalism is the nationalism is the existence of nations, which it takes as a
belief that the related country is superior or over the top given. Nations are typically seen as entities with a long
without doubt. On the other side Nationalism balances history: most nationalists do not believe a nation can be
the international relations among the countries all over created artificially. Nationalist movements see themselves as
the world as a best friend, sometimes there are lagging the representative of an existing, centuries-old nation.
occurred due to various issues which must balance as to However, some theories of nationalism imply the reverse
and fro dignity based treaties or check and balanced order - that the nationalist movements created the sense of
ideologies. As we question that what Nationalism is; it national identity, and then a political unit corresponding to
means local government, etc. Obligations outweigh it, or that an existing state promoted a 'national' identity for
other's interests who may be individual or groups. We itself.
can take some examples of Nationalism that are:
intolerance, isolationism, enacting anti-immigrant Feelings as with Mother
policies and so on. The Nationalism is a sensitivity which As we know
that mother word shows the over the top [OTT] position and
Keywords:- Citizenship, Sovereign Power, Auto Rights, nobody can replace the position of the mother from her
Balanced Securities, Geopolitics. position because the power belongs to the mother is not to
compare not to divide but we can feel the same sensitivities
I. INTRODUCTION of love, rights as well as opportunities from many more
resources and we means the citizens of the related nations
The word Nationalism auto shows that the rights as are always happy as they are in their own sweet home, and
well opportunities which must be distributed among the these type of feelings forces to the citizens of the nation to
people and they are free to feel that they are feeling with involve in their developments towards various departments
their rights and opportunities in a proper way which are and areas as their abilities as their skills. Thus the
governed by the local- governments, state governments or nationalism works in the fields of good governance as well
central government. Nationalism is a political, social, and as in the fields of the best developments in which the
economic system which is characterized by the interest of a citizens from various skills comes in front to share or
nation or the related group. A national unity government of involve in the improvements. Hence it is too vital for any of
national unity or union government is a broad coalition the countries all over the world.
government consisting all parties. Nationalism is a sense of
national consciousness exalting one nation above all others II. FINDINGS
and placing on promotion of its culture and interests as
opposed to those other nations. Nationalism is the belief that your own country is
better than all others. Sometimes nationalism makes people
Nationalism is an ideology that holds that a nation is not want to work with other countries to solve shared
the fundamental unit for social life, and takes precedence problems. It is important not to confuse nationalism with
over any other social and political principles. Nationalism patriotism. Patriotism is a healthy pride in your country that
typically makes certain claims based upon this belief. The brings about feelings of loyalty and a desire to help other
claim that the nation is the only fully legitimate basis for citizens. Nationalism is the belief that your country is
a state, that each nation is entitled to its own state, and that superior, without question or doubt. In some cases,
the borders of the state should be congruent with the borders nationalism can inspire people to break free of a foreign
of the nation. Nationalism refers to both a political doctrine oppressor.
and any collective action by political and social movements
on behalf of specific nations. Since the nation-state has It is actually people's feelings for their nation as
become the dominant form of state organization. Most of the superior to all other nations. The concept of nationalism
world's population now lives in states which are, at least developed at the time of the Independence movement.
nominally, nation-states. Historians also use the term National unity is a situation whereby people of diverse
"nationalism" to refer to this historical transition, and to the cultures, religions, language, political, social and economic
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