Ipcrf 2018 20199 Edited
Ipcrf 2018 20199 Edited
Ipcrf 2018 20199 Edited
Department of Education
Region XII
Cotabato Division
Magpet West District
Mahongkog,Magpet,North Cotabato
Efficiency Submitted at least 4 Submitted at least 4 Submitted at least 4 Submitted any 1 of No acceptable
of the given of the given of the given the given strategies evidence was
strategies as strategies as strategies as as observed in only shown
observed in at least observed in 3 observed in 2 1 lesson
4 lessons lessons lessons
Performance Indicators
MFOs KRAs Objectives Timeline Weight Outstanding Very Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Poor Actual Results Ave Score
(5) Satisfactory (4) (3) (2) (1) Q E T
Basic Education 2. Learning 6. Used Quality Applied Applied Applied No acceptable 4 4 4.000 0.300
Services Environment differentiated, differentiated Applied differentiated differentiated evidence was
and Diversity of developmentally teaching strategies teaching strategies teaching strategies shown
Learners appropriate to address learner teaching strategies to address learner to address learner
learning diversity as shown to address learner diversity as shown diversity as shown
experiences to in MOV 1 with a diversity as shown in MOV 1 with a in MOV 1 with a
address learners’ rating of 7 in MOV 1 with a rating of 5 rating of 4
gender, needs, rating of 6
strengths, Efficiency Submitted at least 4 Submitted 3 Submitted 2 Submitted any 1 No acceptable
interests and differentiated differentiated differentiated differentiated evidence was
7.5% teaching strategies teaching strategies teaching strategies teaching strategy in shown
in at least 2 in at least 2 in 2 lessons as only 1 lesson as
lessons as lessons as evidenced by MOV evidently shown in
evidenced by MOV evidenced by MOV 1 and supported by any 1 of the
1 and supported by 1 and supported by any 1 of the other acceptable MOV
any 1 of the other any 1 of the other acceptable MOV
acceptable MOV acceptable MOV
Basic Education 3. Curriculum 7. Planned, Quality Planned and Planned and Planned and Planned and No acceptable 4 4 4.000 0.300
Services and Planning managed and implemented implemented implemented implemented evidence was
implemented developmentally developmentally developmentally developmentally shown
developmentally sequenced teaching sequenced teaching sequenced teaching sequenced teaching
sequenced and learning and learning and learning and learning
teaching and process as shown process as shown process as shown process as shown
learning in MOV 1 with a in MOV 1 with a in MOV 1 with a in MOV 1 with a
processes to meet rating of 7 rating of 6 rating of 5 rating of 4
requirements and Efficiency Submitted at least 4 Submitted 3 Submitted 2 Submitted 1 No acceptable
varied teaching 7.5% developmentally developmentally developmentally developmentally evidence was
contexts. sequenced teaching sequenced teaching sequenced teaching sequenced teaching shown
and learning and learning and learning and learning
process as process as process as process as
evidently shown in evidently shown in evidently shown in evidently shown in
MOV 1 and MOV 1 and MOV 1 and any 1 of the given
supported by any 1 supported by any 1 supported by any 1 MOV
of the other given of the other given of the other given
Performance Indicators
MFOs KRAs Objectives Timeline Weight Outstanding Very Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Poor Actual Results Ave Score
(5) Satisfactory (4) (3) (2) (1) Q E T
Basic Education 3. Curriculum 8. Participated in Quality Consistently Frequently Occasionally Rarely participated No acceptable 4 4 4.000 0.300
Services and Planning collegial participated in participated in participated in in LAC/FGD/ evidence was
discussions that LACs/FGDs/meetin LACs/FGDs/meetin LACs/FGDs/ meeting to discuss shown
use teacher and gs to discuss gs to discuss meetings to discuss teacher/learner
learner feedback teacher/learner teacher/learner teacher/learner feedback to enrich
to enrich teaching feedback to enrich feedback to enrich feedback to enrich instruction as
practice. instruction as instruction as instruction as shown in the MOV
shown in the MOV shown in the MOV shown in the MOV submitted
7.5% submitted submitted submitted