Equasis Statistics - The World Fleet 2018
Equasis Statistics - The World Fleet 2018
Equasis Statistics - The World Fleet 2018
Information System
4. P&I ............................................................................................ 48
P&I status ...................................................................................................... 50
IGP&I and age ................................................................................................ 54
Non IGP&I and age ......................................................................................... 58
P&I and flag ................................................................................................... 62
4.5 Safety performance......................................................................................... 66
Annexes ............................................................................................ 99
Annex I. Ship type aggregations ........................................................................... 99
Annex II. Targeted Flag States 2018 ..................................................................... 100
Annex III. Default PSC Ship types .......................................................................... 101
Annex IV. List of Statutory Certificates, by conventions ............................................ 102
Annex V. Ships in the scope of Trade Association and vetting programs ..................... 103
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 1) The World Merchant Fleet in 2018
Chapter 1
This report provides a picture of the world’s Ships are grouped by size into four
merchant fleet in 2018, derived from data categories:
contained in the Equasis database. It 1. Small ships 100 GT to 499 GT;
examines the structure and characteristics 2. Medium ships 500 GT to 24,999 GT;
of the fleet and its performance. The 3. Large ships 25,000 GT to 59,999
statistics are grouped into themes which GT; and,
could be of interest to the industry and 4. Very Large ships ≥ 60,000 GT.
The small ships size category reflects the
The themes are as follows: main tonnage threshold for merchant ships
1. The Merchant Fleet Population to comply with the SOLAS Convention. This
2. Classification Societies category also includes many ships which do
3. P&I not trade internationally and therefore are
4. Port State Control not covered by the International
5. Vetting Programmes and Trade Conventions or the port State control
Associations regimes, but for which some flag States
require the same standards.
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 1) The World Merchant Fleet in 2018
Equasis uses over 100 descriptions of ship Flag States (under which ships are
type provided by IHS Markit Maritime & registered) are grouped in two categories,
Trade. For this report these types have “targeted” and “non-targeted”. Those in
been aggregated into 13 main types as the “targeted” group are the flag States
follows: which appear on at least one of the
• General Cargo Ships; targeted lists of the Paris Memorandum of
• Specialized Cargo Ships; Understanding (Paris MoU) [Black List], the
• Container Ships; Tokyo MoU [Black List] and the US Coast
• Ro-Ro Cargo Ships; Guard (USCG) [safety targeting]. Indian
• Bulk Carriers; Ocean MoU (IO MoU), Viña del Mar MoU
• Oil and Chemical Tankers; (VDM MoU), Mediterranean MoU (Med
• Gas Tankers; MoU), the Black Sea MoU (BS MoU) and
• Other Tankers; Caribbean MoU (C MoU) also provide their
• Passenger Ships; inspection results to Equasis, but they do
• Offshore Vessels; not use a target list.
• Service Ships;
• Tugs; and The lists are published annually and reflect
• Fishing Vessels. the safety performance of ships registered
to each flag State as measured by the
Annex I outlines how this aggregation has number of port State inspections and
been accomplished. This Annex is regularly detentions recorded over a three-year
reviewed to include new ship types that period.
were excluded in the previous versions of
the Equasis Annual Statistics, but which It is possible for a flag State to be
should now be included to better reflect the “targeted” in one regime but not in
situation of the world merchant fleet. another. This can be because its safety
performance varies from one regime to
PSC SHIP TYPES another, or, because few, or none, of its
ships trade to ports covered by a particular
PSC organisations use specific ship type PSC regime.
categories that are different from the ones
used by IHS Markit Maritime & Trade. From Further details are included in the list of the
2011 onwards, these categories have been respective regimes’ port State control
used in Chapter 5 (Port State Control) for Annual Reports. The list of targeted flag
ship types. States, based on the 2018 annual reports
of the Paris MoU, the Tokyo MoU and the
For ships that have never been inspected US Coast Guard, can be found in Annex II.
or when the ship type is not reported in the
PSC data provided to Equasis, it is not It should be noted that Equasis signed a
possible to attribute a “PSC ship type” data sharing agreement in 2019 with the
easily. In this situation, a “default PSC ship Abuja MoU. However, their information will
type” is used in substitution of a genuine not be included in this annual report until
PSC ship type. next year. Additionally, although Equasis
has a data sharing agreement with the
The “default PSC ship type” is based on the Riyadh MoU, there are some technical
ship type as provided by IHS Markit issues in including their data in the website.
Maritime & Trade. Annex III provides the Therefore, data from the Riyadh MoU is not
aggregation used for this purpose. This included and Equasis is working with the
Annex was established mainly through Riyadh MoU to find the best way to
statistical analysis and direct comparisons incorporate their data in Equasis and
between IHS Markit Maritime & Trade ship include it in next year’s report.
types and PSC ship types. It cannot be
directly compared to Annex I as the
intention is not to create categories of ships SOURCE OF INFORMATION
but instead to attribute a PSC ship type to
ships that were not inspected. Equasis is fed by over 60 data providers
which can be divided into six categories:
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 1) The World Merchant Fleet in 2018
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 2) The World Merchant Fleet in 2018
Chapter 2
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 2) The World Merchant Fleet in 2018
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 2) The World Merchant Fleet in 2018
General Cargo Ships 4,346 8.1% 11,659 26.1% 245 2.0% 16,250 13.9%
Specialized Cargo Ships 8 0.0% 227 0.5% 61 0.5% 5 0.1% 301 0.3%
Container Ships 19 0.0% 2,213 5.0% 1,538 12.8% 1,441 22.8% 5,211 4.5%
Ro-Ro Cargo Ships 30 0.1% 629 1.4% 565 4.7% 247 3.9% 1,471 1.3%
Bulk Carriers 316 0.6% 3,788 8.5% 6,119 51.0% 1,706 27.0% 11,929 10.2%
Oil and Chemical Tankers 1,931 3.6% 7,241 16.2% 2,642 22.0% 1,943 30.8% 13,757 11.8%
Gas Tankers 36 0.1% 1,116 2.5% 362 3.0% 481 7.6% 1,995 1.7%
Passenger Ships 4,094 7.6% 2,793 6.2% 277 2.3% 184 2.9% 7,348 6.3%
Offshore Vessels 2,727 5.1% 5,297 11.9% 149 1.2% 294 4.7% 8,467 7.2%
Service Ships 2,744 5.1% 2,750 6.2% 27 0.2% 6 0.1% 5,527 4.7%
Total 53,854 100% 44,696 100% 12,000 100% 6,307 100% 116,857 100%
Source: Equasis (1)
GT<500 - (2)
500≤GT<25.000 - (3)
25.000≤GT<60.000 - (4)
Table 2 - World fleet: gross tonnage (in 1000 GT), by type and size
General Cargo Ships 1,474 11.0% 49,643 21.0% 8,089 1.8% 59,206 4.3%
Specialized Cargo Ships 3 0.0% 1,767 0.7% 2,323 0.5% 371 0.1% 4,464 0.3%
Container Ships 8 0.1% 25,754 10.9% 58,096 12.9% 156,077 23.6% 239,935 17.6%
Ro-Ro Cargo Ships 10 0.1% 6,265 2.6% 26,898 6.0% 16,605 2.5% 49,778 3.7%
Bulk Carriers 125 0.9% 56,675 23.9% 227,640 50.5% 173,208 26.2% 457,648 33.6%
Oil and Chemical Tankers 622 4.6% 43,923 18.6% 94,293 20.9% 206,707 31.3% 345,545 25.4%
Gas Tankers 14 0.1% 7,098 3.0% 15,671 3.5% 53,896 8.2% 76,679 5.6%
Other Tankers 118 0.9% 2,022 0.9% 355 0.1% 2,495 0.2%
Passenger Ships 1,053 7.9% 11,357 4.8% 9,965 2.2% 19,458 2.9% 41,833 3.1%
Offshore Vessels 765 5.7% 15,274 6.5% 6,710 1.5% 33,412 5.1% 56,161 4.1%
Service Ships 671 5.0% 8,888 3.8% 994 0.2% 891 0.1% 11,444 0.8%
Fishing Vessels 4,228 31.6% 7,070 3.0% 114 0.0% 11,412 0.8%
Total 13,387 100% 236,760 100% 451,148 100% 660,625 100% 1,361,920 100%
Source: Equasis (1)
GT<500 - (2)
500≤GT<25.000GT - (3)
25.000≤GT<60.000 - (4)
Graph 1 - World fleet: total number of ships, by size Graph 2 - World fleet: gross tonnage, by size
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 2) The World Merchant Fleet in 2018
Table 4 - Gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of ships, by age and size
Graph 4 - World fleet: gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) by age and size
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 2) The World Merchant Fleet in 2018
Table 5 - Total number of 0-4 year old ships, by type and size
Table 6 - Gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of 0-4 year old ships, by type and size
General Cargo Ships 87 7.8% 3,788 11.7% 1,921 2.3% 5,796 2.0%
Specialized Cargo Ships 253 0.8% 508 0.6% 218 0.1% 979 0.3%
Container Ships 1 0.1% 3,017 9.3% 5,118 6.2% 49,107 27.9% 57,243 19.6%
Ro-Ro Cargo Ships 494 1.5% 1,248 1.5% 5,596 3.2% 7,338 2.5%
Bulk Carriers 12 1.1% 9,127 28.2% 50,371 60.6% 37,359 21.2% 96,869 33.1%
Oil and Chemical Tankers 52 4.7% 6,492 20.1% 14,941 18.0% 56,806 32.3% 78,291 26.8%
Gas Tankers 1,534 4.7% 7,283 8.8% 17,448 9.9% 26,265 9.0%
Passenger Ships 106 9.5% 1,427 4.4% 829 1.0% 4,390 2.5% 6,752 2.3%
Offshore Vessels 83 7.5% 3,284 10.2% 654 0.8% 5,019 2.9% 9,040 3.1%
Total 1,110 100% 32,324 100% 83,099 100% 175,943 100% 292,476 100%
Source: Equasis (1)
GT<500 - (2)
500≤GT<25.000 - (3)
25.000≤GT<60.000 - (4)
Graph 5 - World fleet: total number of 0-4 year old Graph 6 - World fleet: gross tonnage of 0-4 year old
ships, by size ships by size
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 2) The World Merchant Fleet in 2018
Table 7 - Total number of 5-14 year old ships, by type and size
General Cargo Ships 602 5.2% 3,597 23.5% 94 1.4% 4,293 11.5%
Container Ships 15 0.1% 1,000 6.5% 962 14.1% 853 23.9% 2,830 7.6%
Ro-Ro Cargo Ships 8 0.1% 100 0.7% 363 5.3% 137 3.8% 608 1.6%
Bulk Carriers 13 0.1% 2,049 13.4% 3,643 53.2% 1,172 32.9% 6,877 18.5%
Oil and Chemical Tankers 312 2.7% 2,924 19.1% 1,515 22.1% 1,010 28.3% 5,761 15.5%
Gas Tankers 3 0.0% 423 2.8% 116 1.7% 233 6.5% 775 2.1%
Passenger Ships 570 4.9% 515 3.4% 65 0.9% 69 1.9% 1,219 3.3%
Offshore Vessels 862 7.5% 2,702 17.7% 64 0.9% 86 2.4% 3,714 10.0%
Service Ships 558 4.8% 619 4.0% 12 0.2% 1 0.0% 1,190 3.2%
Total 11,517 100% 15,291 100% 6,845 100% 3,563 100% 37,216 100%
Source: Equasis (1)
GT<500 - (2)
500≤GT<25.000 - (3)
25.000≤GT<60.000 - (4)
Table 8 - Gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of 5-14 year old ships, by type and size
General Cargo Ships 263 8.4% 21,212 19.5% 3,348 1.3% 24,823 3.4%
Specialized Cargo Ships 740 0.7% 313 0.1% 153 0.0% 1,206 0.2%
Container Ships 6 0.2% 12,072 11.1% 38,020 14.5% 89,319 24.5% 139,417 18.9%
Ro-Ro Cargo Ships 3 0.1% 1,319 1.2% 17,356 6.6% 8,830 2.4% 27,508 3.7%
Bulk Carriers 5 0.2% 33,670 31.0% 137,988 52.7% 115,450 31.7% 287,113 38.9%
Oil and Chemical Tankers 112 3.6% 21,244 19.6% 53,995 20.6% 107,759 29.6% 183,110 24.8%
Gas Tankers 1 0.0% 3,207 3.0% 5,175 2.0% 26,280 7.2% 34,663 4.7%
Passenger Ships 157 5.0% 2,100 1.9% 2,269 0.9% 7,651 2.1% 12,177 1.7%
Offshore Vessels 262 8.4% 8,153 7.5% 2,782 1.1% 8,201 2.3% 19,398 2.6%
Service Ships 136 4.4% 2,562 2.4% 458 0.2% 403 0.1% 3,559 0.5%
Total 3,117 100% 108,581 100% 261,802 100% 364,046 100% 737,546 100%
Source: Equasis (1)
GT<500 - (2)
500≤GT<25.000 - (3)
25.000≤GT<60.000 - (4)
Graph 7 - Total number of 5-14 year old ships by size Graph 8 - Gross tonnage of 5-14 year old ships by
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 2) The World Merchant Fleet in 2018
Table 9 - Total number of 15-24 year old ships, by type and size
General Cargo Ships 687 7.7% 2,090 26.6% 62 2.5% 2,839 14.0%
Container Ships 1 0.0% 769 9.8% 372 15.3% 238 23.2% 1,380 6.8%
Ro-Ro Cargo Ships 5 0.1% 188 2.4% 152 6.2% 33 3.2% 378 1.9%
Bulk Carriers 55 0.6% 652 8.3% 1,021 42.0% 164 16.0% 1,892 9.4%
Oil and Chemical Tankers 262 2.9% 1,296 16.5% 634 26.1% 364 35.4% 2,556 12.6%
Passenger Ships 825 9.3% 601 7.6% 106 4.4% 76 7.4% 1,608 8.0%
Offshore Vessels 362 4.1% 599 7.6% 21 0.9% 69 6.7% 1,051 5.2%
Service Ships 436 4.9% 398 5.1% 4 0.2% 3 0.3% 841 4.2%
Total 8,885 100% 7,869 100% 2,433 100% 1,027 100% 20,214 100%
Source: Equasis (1)
GT<500 - (2)
500≤GT<25.000 - (3)
25.000≤GT<60.000 - (4)
Table 10 - Gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of 15-24 year old ships, by type and size
General Cargo Ships 261 11.9% 10,692 21.3% 2,007 2.3% 12,960 5.4%
Container Ships 8,792 17.5% 13,117 14.7% 17,651 17.6% 39,560 16.3%
Ro-Ro Cargo Ships 2 0.1% 2,335 4.7% 7,289 8.2% 2,179 2.2% 11,805 4.9%
Bulk Carriers 23 1.0% 9,164 18.3% 34,912 39.2% 15,149 15.1% 59,248 24.5%
Oil and Chemical Tankers 79 3.6% 10,280 20.5% 24,231 27.2% 41,660 41.4% 76,250 31.5%
Gas Tankers 2 0.1% 1,603 3.2% 2,066 2.3% 8,182 8.1% 11,853 4.9%
Passenger Ships 211 9.6% 2,634 5.2% 3,711 4.2% 6,772 6.7% 13,328 5.5%
Offshore Vessels 120 5.5% 1,571 3.1% 1,065 1.2% 8,613 8.6% 11,369 4.7%
Service Ships 95 4.3% 1,606 3.2% 137 0.2% 353 0.4% 2,191 0.9%
Total 2,191 100% 50,201 100% 89,025 100% 100,559 100% 241,976 100%
Source: Equasis (1)
GT<500 - (2)
500≤GT<25.000 - (3)
25.000≤GT<60.000 - (4)
Graph 9 - Total number of 15-14 year old ships by Graph 10 - Gross tonnage of 15-24 year old ships by
size size
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 2) The World Merchant Fleet in 2018
Table 11 - Total number of +25 year old ships, by type and size
General Cargo Ships 2,847 9.6% 5,340 31.5% 28 6.1% 8,215 17.3%
Bulk Carriers 222 0.7% 586 3.5% 124 27.2% 36 21.3% 968 2.0%
Oil and Chemical Tankers 1,226 4.1% 2,232 13.1% 29 6.4% 6 3.6% 3,493 7.4%
Passenger Ships 2,371 8.0% 1,355 8.0% 86 18.9% 9 5.3% 3,821 8.1%
Offshore Vessels 1,212 4.1% 1,276 7.5% 49 10.7% 96 56.8% 2,633 5.6%
Service Ships 1,488 5.0% 1,408 8.3% 8 1.8% 2 1.2% 2,906 6.1%
Total 29,780 100% 16,974 100% 456 100% 169 100% 47,379 100%
Source: Equasis (1)
GT<500 - (2)
500≤GT<25.000 - (3)
25.000≤GT<60.000 - (4)
Table 12 - Gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of +25 year old ships, by type and size
General Cargo Ships 863 12.4% 13,951 30.6% 813 4.7% 15,627 17.4%
Specialized Cargo Ships 3 0.0% 563 1.2% 1,134 6.6% 1,700 1.9%
Ro-Ro Cargo Ships 5 0.1% 2,116 4.6% 1,006 5.8% 3,127 3.5%
Bulk Carriers 86 1.2% 4,714 10.3% 4,369 25.4% 5,250 26.2% 14,419 16.0%
Oil and Chemical Tankers 378 5.4% 5,907 12.9% 1,127 6.5% 481 2.4% 7,893 8.8%
Gas Tankers 10 0.1% 755 1.7% 1,148 6.7% 1,986 9.9% 3,899 4.3%
Passenger Ships 579 8.3% 5,196 11.4% 3,156 18.3% 644 3.2% 9,575 10.6%
Offshore Vessels 300 4.3% 2,264 5.0% 2,209 12.8% 11,579 57.7% 16,352 18.2%
Service Ships 372 5.3% 3,380 7.4% 307 1.8% 135 0.7% 4,194 4.7%
Fishing Vessels 2,853 41.0% 4,154 9.1% 114 0.7% 7,121 7.9%
Total 6,967 100% 45,652 100% 17,223 100% 20,075 100% 89,917 100%
Source: Equasis (1)
GT<500 - (2)
500≤GT<25.000 - (3)
25.000≤GT<60.000 - (4)
Graph 11 - Total number of +25 year old ships by size Graph 12 - Gross tonnage of +25 year old ships by
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 2) The World Merchant Fleet in 2018
Table 13 - World fleet GT≥500: total number of ships, by type and flag
Oil and Chemical Tankers 3,641 17.8% 8,185 19.3% 11,826 18.8%
Table 14 - World fleet GT≥500: gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of ships, by type and flag
Oil and Chemical Tankers 96,992 23.6% 247,932 26.5% 344,924 25.6%
Graph 13 - World fleet GT≥500: total number of ships, Graph 14 - World fleet GT≥500: gross tonnage of
by flag ships, by flag
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 2) The World Merchant Fleet in 2018
Oil and Chemical Tankers 2,411 16.1% 4,830 16.2% 7,241 18.4%
Table 16 - Gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of medium sized(1) ships, by type and flag
Ship Type Targeted Flag Non Targeted Flag Total
General Cargo Ships 22,636 27.4% 27,007 17.5% 49,643 21.6%
Specialized Cargo Ships 494 0.6% 1,273 0.8% 1,767 0.8%
Container Ships 9,046 11.0% 16,708 10.8% 25,754 11.2%
Ro-Ro Cargo Ships 1,875 2.3% 4,389 2.8% 6,264 2.7%
Bulk Carriers 22,531 27.3% 34,144 22.1% 56,675 24.7%
Oil and Chemical Tankers 13,830 16.8% 30,093 19.5% 43,923 19.1%
Gas Tankers 2,135 2.6% 4,963 3.2% 7,098 3.1%
Other Tankers 476 0.6% 1,546 1.0% 2,022 0.9%
Passenger Ships 3,351 4.1% 8,006 5.2% 11,357 4.9%
Offshore Vessels 3,835 4.6% 11,439 7.4% 15,274 6.6%
Service Ships 1,681 2.0% 7,207 4.7% 8,888 3.9%
Tugs 147 0.2% 876 0.6% 1,023 0.4%
Fishing Vessels 519 0.6% 6,551 4.2%
Total 82,556 100% 154,202 100% 229,688 100%
Source: Equasis (1)
Graph 15 - Total number of medium sized ships, by Graph 16 - Gross tonnage of medium sized ships, by
flag flag
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 2) The World Merchant Fleet in 2018
Oil and Chemical Tankers 681 18.5% 1,961 23.6% 2,642 22.0%
Table 18 - Gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of large(1) ships, by type and flag
Oil and Chemical Tankers 25,441 18.1% 68,853 22.2% 94,294 20.9%
Graph 17 - Total number of large ships, by flag Graph 18 - Gross tonnage of large ships, by flag
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 2) The World Merchant Fleet in 2018
Non Targeted
Ship Type Targeted Flag Total
General Cargo Ships
Oil and Chemical Tankers 549 29.6% 1,394 31.3% 1,943 30.8%
Other Tankers
Fishing Vessels
Table 20 - Gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of very large(1) ships, by type and flag
Oil and Chemical Tankers 57,721 30.6% 148,986 31.6% 206,707 31.3%
Other Tankers
Fishing Vessels
Graph 19 - Total number of very large ships, by flag Graph 20 - Gross tonnage of very large ships, by flag
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 2) The World Merchant Fleet in 2018
Table 21 - Ship Sightings: total distinct number of ships sighted by area and by size – 2018
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Geographical Area Small Medium Large Very Large Total
Australia and New Zeeland 511 2.1% 1,704 2.0% 3,034 4.4% 1,900 5.1% 7,149 3.3%
East Africa 189 0.8% 1,339 1.6% 4,044 5.9% 2,427 6.5% 7,999 3.7%
East Asia 3,367 13.6% 14,784 17.8% 8,843 12.9% 5,277 14.1% 32,271 15.1%
Mediterranean Sea 3,222 13.1% 9,531 11.5% 4,734 6.9% 2,701 7.2% 20,188 9.4%
Middle America and Gulf of Mexico 2,071 8.4% 4,655 5.6% 4,488 6.6% 2,084 5.5% 13,298 6.2%
New Guinea Pacific 460 1.9% 1,549 1.9% 1,992 2.9% 870 2.3% 4,871 2.3%
North America East Coast 1,313 5.3% 2,760 3.3% 2,960 4.3% 1,415 3.8% 8,448 4.0%
North America West Coast 1,115 4.5% 1,864 2.2% 3,309 4.8% 1,439 3.8% 7,727 3.6%
North Asia 73 0.3% 536 0.6% 239 0.3% 135 0.4% 983 0.5%
North Europe 1,865 7.6% 6,817 8.2% 1,990 2.9% 748 2.0% 11,420 5.3%
South America East Coast 637 2.6% 2,904 3.5% 3,873 5.7% 1,894 5.0% 9,308 4.4%
South America West Coast 307 1.2% 1,462 1.8% 1,491 2.2% 601 1.6% 3,861 1.8%
South Asia 1,994 8.1% 6,554 7.9% 6,429 9.4% 3,780 10.1% 18,757 8.8%
South East Asia 2,682 10.9% 10,834 13.0% 7,823 11.5% 4,900 13.0% 26,239 12.3%
South Africa 355 1.4% 1,760 2.1% 4,361 6.4% 2,654 7.1% 9,130 4.3%
West Africa 1,172 4.8% 5,151 6.2% 3,962 5.8% 2,079 5.5% 12,364 5.8%
West Europe 3,335 13.5% 9,010 10.8% 4,751 7.0% 2,647 7.0% 19,743 9.2%
Total 24,668 100% 83,214 100% 68,323 100% 37,551 100% 213,756 100%
Source: As provided by AXSMarine, VesselTracker and MarineTraffic to Equasis (1) GT<500 - (2)
500≤GT<25.000 - (3)
25.000≤GT<60.000 - (4)
Table 22 - Ship Sightings: Gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of distinct ships sighted by area and by size – 2018
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Geographical Area Small Medium Large Very Large Total
Australia and New Zeeland 165 2.3% 23,335 3.0% 123,510 4.7% 176,716 4.6% 323,726 4.5%
East Africa 62 0.8% 16,917 2.2% 156,666 6.0% 261,354 6.8% 434,999 6.0%
East Asia 1,095 15.0% 115,067 14.9% 337,784 12.9% 565,192 14.7% 1,019,138 14.1%
Mediterranean Sea 963 13.2% 78,064 10.1% 177,995 6.8% 264,127 6.9% 521,149 7.2%
Middle America and Gulf of Mexico 645 8.8% 50,467 6.5% 170,298 6.5% 199,788 5.2% 421,198 5.8%
New Guinea Pacific 146 2.0% 17,760 2.3% 82,241 3.1% 78,843 2.1% 178,990 2.5%
North America East Coast 334 4.6% 34,127 4.4% 114,476 4.4% 123,388 3.2% 272,325 3.8%
North America West Coast 286 3.9% 24,373 3.2% 129,395 4.9% 136,756 3.6% 290,810 4.0%
North Asia 23 0.3% 3,523 0.5% 9,579 0.4% 12,353 0.3% 25,478 0.4%
North Europe 488 6.7% 50,313 6.5% 74,881 2.9% 66,247 1.7% 191,929 2.7%
South America East Coast 199 2.7% 35,693 4.6% 146,595 5.6% 205,381 5.4% 387,868 5.4%
South America West Coast 101 1.4% 17,375 2.2% 54,074 2.1% 55,734 1.5% 127,284 1.8%
South Asia 654 8.9% 61,774 8.0% 246,471 9.4% 412,414 10.8% 721,313 10.0%
South East Asia 806 11.0% 90,675 11.7% 300,469 11.5% 528,027 13.8% 919,977 12.7%
South Africa 116 1.6% 22,362 2.9% 169,024 6.4% 284,472 7.4% 475,974 6.6%
West Africa 358 4.9% 52,231 6.8% 147,632 5.6% 206,544 5.4% 406,765 5.6%
West Europe 878 12.0% 79,557 10.3% 180,696 6.9% 257,717 6.7% 518,848 7.2%
Total 7,319 100% 773,613 100% 2,621,786 100% 3,835,053 100% 7,237,771 100%
Source: As provided by AXSMarine, VesselTracker and MarineTraffic to Equasis (1) GT<500 - (2)
500≤GT<25.000 - (3)
25.000≤GT<60.000 - (4)
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 2) The World Merchant Fleet in 2018
Graph 21 - Ship Sightings: total distinct number of ships sighted by geographical area – 2018 (1)
9% 9%
6% 12%
2% 4%
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 3) The World Merchant Fleet in 2018
Chapter 3
3. Classification Societies
INTRODUCTION remaining class information is supplied by
IHS Markit Maritime & Trade, when
Classification Societies provide technical available.
and surveying services for the shipping
industry and flag States. On the one hand There are almost 11,500 active ships on
they survey the ship on behalf of the owner the Equasis website for which no
and issue a ‘class certificate’ for the ship. classification data is available at all in
On the other hand, the Classification Equasis. This equates to approximately
Societies may be mandated by flag States 2.5% of the total gross tonnage. These are
to undertake statutory surveys on their mainly small tugs and medium sized
behalf as Recognised Organisations. The general cargo ships. When considering only
main classification societies worldwide are ships above 500 GT, the figures drop to
members of the International Association approximately 5,400 ships, representing a
of Classification Societies (IACS). Just over 2% of the total gross tonnage of
ships over 500GT. For simplicity reasons
This chapter and all other tables and ships that are not classed by IACS
graphs dealing with Classification Societies members or for which no class record
in this publication, with the exception of exists are grouped under the heading
Chapters 5.5 and 5.6, only refer to the “Non-IACS/No Record”.
‘class’ function and they only indicate the
society that issued the class certificates for In Chapter 3.3 the fleet is analysed
a particular ship. It does not necessarily according to class and flag State status.
follow that the same society is also acting Flag States are grouped in two categories,
as a Recognised Organisation on behalf of targeted and non-targeted flag, as
the ship’s flag State. explained in Chapter 1.
In 2018, IACS consisted of 12 member In Chapter 3.4 the detention rate of ships
societies: is the ratio between the number of
detentions and the number of inspections
• American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) in the Paris MoU, Tokyo MoU, Indian Ocean
• Bureau Veritas (BV) MoU, USCG, the Black Sea MoU, Viña del
• China Classification Society (CCS) Mar MoU Mediterranean MoU and
• Croatian Register of Shipping (CRS) Caribbean MoU. At the present time
• Det Norske Veritas - Germanischer Equasis does not have data for the Abuja
Lloyd (DNV - GL) MoU or the Riyadh MoU, however it is
• Indian Register of Shipping (IRS) expected that these will be included in next
• Korean Register of Shipping (KR) year’s report. All detentions are taken into
• Lloyd's Register of Shipping (LR) account, whether or not the deficiencies
• Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (NK) giving rise to the detention were indicated
• Polish Register of Shipping (PRS) by PSC as being related to the activities of
• Registro Italiano Navale (RINA) the Classification Society or Recognised
• Russian Maritime Register of Organisation.
Shipping (RS)
It should be noted that, all detentions
The tables in this chapter show the reported by the MoU’s listed above are
proportion of the Equasis fleet GT≥500, in included in these figures, even if these are
each ship size category and ship type, double reported through two MoU’s. This is
which were classed by IACS members and the case even if the detention is only one
those classed by non-IACS members. Data detention. Equasis is presently working
on class comes from classification societies with the MoU’s and the individual States
that are data-providers of Equasis while
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 3) The World Merchant Fleet in 2018
who are reporting through two MoU’s, inspections resulted in detention in 2018
asking them to clarify the situation and (Table 71). Those ships classed by an IACS
eliminate this double reporting problem in member had a lower detention ratio in
the future. 2018 (2.15%) than those classed with non-
IACS members or with no recorded class
Please also note that the figures in this (3.51%).
chapter may be different from those in the
Annual Report from IACS. This is because For certain ship categories the number of
the Equasis database only contains inspections is too small to be statistically
information on ships over 500GT. significant, thus explaining some of the
reported 0% detention rate.
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 3) The World Merchant Fleet in 2018
Table 23 - World fleet GT≥500 : total number of ships, by type and class
Ship Type IACS Total
General Cargo Ships 4,879 14.1% 7,025 24.7% 11,904 18.9%
Oil and Chemical Tankers 7,861 22.7% 3,965 13.9% 11,826 18.8%
Table 24 - World fleet GT≥500 : gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of ships, by type and class
Oil and Chemical Tankers 276,383 26.7% 68,542 21.9% 344,925 25.6%
Graph 22 - World fleet GT≥500 : total number of Graph 23 - World fleet GT≥500 : gross tonnage of
ships, by class ships, by class
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 3) The World Merchant Fleet in 2018
Ship Type IACS Total
General Cargo Ships 4,770 23.8% 6,889 27.9% 11,659 26.1%
Specialized Cargo Ships 144 0.7% 83 0.3% 227 0.5%
Container Ships 1,263 6.3% 950 3.9% 2,213 5.0%
Ro-Ro Cargo Ships 351 1.8% 278 1.1% 629 1.4%
Bulk Carriers 2,647 13.2% 1,141 4.6% 3,788 8.5%
Oil and Chemical Tankers 4,213 21.0% 3,028 12.3% 7,241 16.2%
Gas Tankers 808 4.0% 308 1.2% 1,116 2.5%
Other Tankers 420 2.1% 278 1.1% 698 1.6%
Passenger Ships 878 4.4% 1,915 7.8% 2,793 6.2%
Offshore Vessels 2,872 14.3% 2,425 9.8% 5,297 11.9%
Service Ships 982 4.9% 1,768 7.2% 2,750 6.2%
Table 26 - Gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of medium sized(1) ships, by type and class
Ship Type IACS Total
General Cargo Ships 28,615 18.8% 21,028 24.9% 49,643 21.6%
Oil and Chemical Tankers 31,156 20.5% 12,768 15.1% 43,924 19.1%
Graph 24 - Total number of medium sized ships, by Graph 25 - Gross tonnage of medium sized ships, by
class class
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 3) The World Merchant Fleet in 2018
Oil and Chemical Tankers 2,092 21.9% 550 22.6% 2,642 22.0%
Table 28 - Gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of large(1) ships, by type and class
Oil and Chemical Tankers 75,100 20.8% 19,194 21.5% 94,294 20.9%
Fishing Vessels 64 49
Graph 26 - Total number of large ships, by class Graph 27 - Gross tonnage of large ships, by class
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 3) The World Merchant Fleet in 2018
Oil and Chemical Tankers 75,100 20.8% 19,194 21.5% 94,294 20.9%
Fishing Vessels 64 49
Table 30 - Gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of very large(1) ships, by type and class
Oil and Chemical Tankers 170,127 32.6% 36,580 26.4% 206,707 31.3%
Other Tankers
Fishing Vessels
Graph 28 - Total number of very large ships, by class Graph 29 - Gross tonnage of very large ships, by class
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 3) The World Merchant Fleet in 2018
Table 31 - World fleet GT≥500: total number of 0-4 year old ships, by type and class
Oil and Chemical Tankers 1,437 25.1% 379 14.3% 1,816 21.7%
Table 32 - World fleet GT≥500: gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of ships 0-4 Year old, by type and class
Oil and Chemical Tankers 65,524 27.7% 12,715 23.1% 78,239 26.9%
Graph 30 - World fleet GT≥500: total number of 0-4 Graph 31 - World fleet GT≥500: gross tonnage of 0-4
year old ships, by class year old of ships, by class
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 3) The World Merchant Fleet in 2018
Table 33 - Total number of 0-4 year old medium sized(1) ships, by type and class
Oil and Chemical Tankers 574 22.4% 215 14.4% 789 19.5%
Table 34 - Gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of 0-4 year old medium sized(1) ships, by type and class
Oil and Chemical Tankers 5,463 23.0% 1,029 12.0% 6,492 20.1%
Graph 32 - Total number of 0-4 year old medium sized Graph 33 - Gross tonnage of 0-4 year old medium
ships, by class sized ships, by class
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 3) The World Merchant Fleet in 2018
Table 35 - Total number of 0-4 year old large(1) ships, by type and class
Fishing Vessels
Table 36 - Gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of 0-4 year old large(1) ships, by type and class
Oil and Chemical Tankers 12,778 18.1% 2,163 17.1% 14,941 18.0%
Fishing Vessels
Graph 34 - Total number of 0-4 year old large ships, Graph 35 - Gross tonnage of 0-4 year old large ships,
by class by class
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 3) The World Merchant Fleet in 2018
Table 37 - Total number of 0-4 year old very large(1) ships, by type and class
Other Tankers
Service Ships
Fishing Vessels
Table 38 - Gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of 0-4 year old very large(1) ships, by type and class
Oil and Chemical Tankers 47,283 33.3% 9,523 28.1% 56,806 32.3%
Other Tankers
Service Ships
Fishing Vessels
Graph 36 - Total number of 0-4 year old very large Graph 37 - Gross tonnage of 0-4 year old very large
ships, by class ships, by class
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 3) The World Merchant Fleet in 2018
Table 39 - World fleet GT≥500: total number of 5-14 year old ships, by type and class
Oil and Chemical Tankers 4,171 24.1% 1,278 15.2% 5,449 21.2%
Table 40 - World fleet GT≥500: gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of ships 5-14 year old, by type and class
Oil and Chemical Tankers 147,509 25.8% 35,489 21.8% 182,998 24.9%
Graph 38 - World fleet GT≥500: total number of 5-14 Graph 39 - World fleet GT≥500: gross tonnage of 5-14
year old ships, by class year old of ships, by class
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 3) The World Merchant Fleet in 2018
Table 41 - Total number of 5-14 year old medium sized(1) ships, by type and class
Oil and Chemical Tankers 2,189 24.2% 735 11.7% 2,924 19.1%
Table 42 - Gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of 5-14 year old medium sized(1) ships, by type and class
Oil and Chemical Tankers 16,646 22.4% 4,598 13.4% 21,244 19.6%
Graph 40 - Total number of 5-14 year old medium Graph 41 - Gross tonnage of 5-14 year old medium
sized ships, by class sized ships, by class
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 3) The World Merchant Fleet in 2018
Table 43 - Total number of 5-14 year old large(1) ships, by type and class
Oil and Chemical Tankers 1,185 21.8% 330 23.4% 1,515 22.1%
Fishing Vessels
Table 44 - Gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of 5-14 year old large(1) ships, by type and class
Oil and Chemical Tankers 42,662 20.4% 11,333 21.5% 53,995 20.6%
Fishing Vessels
Graph 42 - Total number of 5-14 year old large ships, Graph 43 - Gross tonnage of 5-14 year old large ships,
by class by class
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 3) The World Merchant Fleet in 2018
Table 45 - Total number of 5-14 year old very large(1) ships, by type and class
Oil and Chemical Tankers 797 28.1% 213 29.4% 1,010 28.3%
Other Tankers
Fishing Vessels
Table 46 - Gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of 5-14 year old very large(1) ships, by type and class
Oil and Chemical Tankers 88,201 30.6% 19,558 25.7% 107,759 29.6%
Other Tankers
Fishing Vessels
Graph 44 - Total number of 5-14 year old very large Graph 45 - Gross tonnage of 5-14 year old very large
ships, by class ships, by class
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 3) The World Merchant Fleet in 2018
Table 47 - World fleet GT≥500: total number of 15-24 year old ships, by type and class
Oil and Chemical Tankers 1,683 24.0% 611 14.2% 2,294 20.2%
Table 48 - World fleet GT≥500: gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of ships 15-24 year old, by type and class
Oil and Chemical Tankers 60,399 32.8% 15,772 28.4% 76,171 31.8%
Graph 46 - World fleet GT≥500: total number of 15-24 Graph 47 - World fleet GT≥500: gross tonnage of 15-
year old ships, by class 24 year old of ships, by class
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 3) The World Merchant Fleet in 2018
Table 49 - Total number of 15-24 year old medium sized(1) ships, by type and class
Oil and Chemical Tankers 899 20.8% 397 11.2% 1,296 16.5%
Table 50 - Gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of 15-24 year old medium sized(1) ships, by type and class
Oil and Chemical Tankers 7,000 20.0% 3,280 21.6% 10,280 20.5%
Graph 48 - Total number of 15-24 year old medium Graph 49 - Gross tonnage of 15-24 year old medium
sized ships, by class sized ships, by class
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 3) The World Merchant Fleet in 2018
Table 51 - Total number of 15-24 year old large(1) ships, by type and class
Oil and Chemical Tankers 499 26.0% 135 26.3% 634 26.1%
Fishing Vessels
Table 52 - Gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of 15-24 year old large(1) ships, by type and class
Oil and Chemical Tankers 19,078 27.0% 5,153 27.9% 24,231 27.2%
Fishing Vessels
Graph 50 - Total number of 15-24 year old large ships, Graph 51 - Gross tonnage of 15-24 year old large
by class ships, by class
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 3) The World Merchant Fleet in 2018
Table 53 - Total number of 15-24 year old very large(1) ships, by type and class
Other Tankers
Fishing Vessels
Table 54 - Gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of 15-24 year old very large(1) ships, by type and class
Oil and Chemical Tankers 34,321 43.6% 7,339 33.6% 41,660 41.4%
Other Tankers
Fishing Vessels
Graph 52 - Total number of 15-24 year old very large Graph 53 - Gross tonnage of 15-24 year old very large
ships, by class ships, by class
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 3) The World Merchant Fleet in 2018
Table 55 - World fleet GT≥500: total number of 25+ year old ships, by type and class
Ship Type IACS Non IACS/No Record Total
Oil and Chemical Tankers 570 12.6% 1,697 13.0% 2,267 12.9%
Table 56 - World fleet GT≥500: gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of ships 25+ year old, by type and class
Oil and Chemical Tankers 2,950 6.7% 4,564 11.8% 7,514 9.1%
Graph 54 - World fleet GT≥500: total number of 25+ Graph 55 - World fleet GT≥500: gross tonnage of 25+
year old ships, by class year old of ships, by class
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 3) The World Merchant Fleet in 2018
Table 57 - Total number of 25+ year old medium sized(1) ships, by type and class
Oil and Chemical Tankers 551 13.4% 1,681 13.1% 2,232 13.1%
Table 58 - Gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of 25+ year old medium sized(1) ships, by type and class
Oil and Chemical Tankers 2,047 10.7% 3,860 14.6% 5,907 12.9%
Graph 56 - Total number of 25+ year old medium Graph 57 - Gross tonnage of 25+ year old medium
sized ships, by class sized ships, by class
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 3) The World Merchant Fleet in 2018
Table 59 - Total number of 25+ year old large(1) ships, by type and class
Other Tankers
Table 60 - Gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of 25+ year old large(1) ships, by type and class
Oil and Chemical Tankers 582 5.0% 544 9.8% 1,126 6.5%
Other Tankers
Graph 58 - Total number of 25+ year old large ships, Graph 59 - Gross tonnage of 25+ year old large ships,
by class by class
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 3) The World Merchant Fleet in 2018
Table 61 - Total number of 25+ year old very large(1) ships, by type and class
Container Ships
Other Tankers
Fishing Vessels
Table 62 - Gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of 25+ year old very large(1) ships, by type and class
Container Ships
Oil and Chemical Tankers 321 2.4% 160 2.4% 481 2.4%
Other Tankers
Fishing Vessels
Graph 60 - Total number of 25+ year old very large Graph 61 - Gross tonnage of 25+ year old very large
ships, by class ships, by class
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 3) The World Merchant Fleet in 2018
Specialized Cargo Ships 50 0.4% 63 0.7% 113 148 0.6% 32 0.2% 180
Container Ships 858 7.3% 742 8.4% 1,600 2,202 9.6% 1,390 7.1% 3,592
Ro-Ro Cargo Ships 333 2.8% 185 2.1% 518 655 2.9% 268 1.4% 923
Bulk Carriers 3,838 32.8% 507 5.8% 4,345 5,845 25.5% 1,423 7.3% 7,268
Oil and Chemical Tankers 2,322 19.9% 1,319 15.0% 3,641 5,539 24.2% 2,646 13.5% 8,185
Gas Tankers 429 3.7% 101 1.1% 530 1,046 4.6% 383 2.0% 1,429
Other Tankers 99 0.8% 94 1.1% 193 330 1.4% 187 1.0% 517
Passenger Ships 359 3.1% 725 8.2% 1,084 851 3.7% 1,319 6.7% 2,170
Offshore Vessels 955 8.2% 569 6.5% 1,524 2,154 9.4% 2,062 10.5% 4,216
Service Ships 162 1.4% 443 5.0% 605 845 3.7% 1,333 6.8% 2,178
Fishing Vessels 14 0.1% 378 4.3% 392 133 0.6% 4,722 24.1% 4,855
Total 11,688 100% 8,809 100% 20,497 22,890 100% 19,616 100% 42,506
Source: Equasis - (1)
25.000≤GT<60.000 - IACS membership on 31/12/2018
Table 64 - World fleet GT≥500: gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of ships by type, class and flag
Specialized Cargo Ships 700 0.2% 273 0.3% 973 2,843 0.4% 645 0.3% 3,488
Container Ships 37,465 11.3% 28,089 35.4% 65,554 115,816 16.4% 58,558 25.1% 174,374
Ro-Ro Cargo Ships 14,118 4.3% 3,369 4.2% 17,487 24,199 3.4% 8,081 3.5% 32,280
Bulk Carriers 153,902 46.4% 8,782 11.1% 162,684 254,682 36.2% 40,156 17.2% 294,838
Oil and Chemical Tankers 80,018 24.1% 16,973 21.4% 96,991 196,364 27.9% 51,568 22.1% 247,932
Gas Tankers 16,306 4.9% 2,307 2.9% 18,613 45,704 6.5% 12,348 5.3% 58,052
Other Tankers 368 0.1% 164 0.2% 532 1,434 0.2% 410 0.2% 1,844
Passenger Ships 7,571 2.3% 3,711 4.7% 11,282 17,278 2.5% 12,222 5.2% 29,500
Offshore Vessels 6,868 2.1% 3,194 4.0% 10,062 21,627 3.1% 23,707 10.2% 45,334
Service Ships 923 0.3% 1,499 1.9% 2,422 4,737 0.7% 3,613 1.6% 8,350
Fishing Vessels 40 0.0% 527 0.7% 567 338 0.0% 6,278 2.7% 6,616
Total 331,931 100% 79,458 100% 411,389 704,061 100% 233,081 100% 937,142
Source: Equasis - (1)
25.000≤GT<60.000 - IACS membership on 31/12/2018
Graph 62 - Total number of ships GT≥500, by class Graph 63 - Gross tonnage of ships GT≥500, by class
and flag and flag
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 3) The World Merchant Fleet in 2018
Table 65 - Total number of medium sized(1) ships by type, class and flag
Specialized Cargo Ships 39 0.6% 62 0.8% 101 105 0.8% 21 0.1% 126
Container Ships 451 6.5% 399 5.0% 850 812 6.2% 551 3.3% 1,363
Ro-Ro Cargo Ships 90 1.3% 133 1.7% 223 261 2.0% 145 0.9% 406
Bulk Carriers 1,160 16.7% 393 4.9% 1,553 1,487 11.4% 748 4.5% 2,235
Oil and Chemical Tankers 1,305 18.8% 1,106 13.8% 2,411 2,908 22.2% 1,922 11.5% 4,830
Gas Tankers 237 3.4% 79 1.0% 316 571 4.4% 229 1.4% 800
Other Tankers 97 1.4% 94 1.2% 191 323 2.5% 184 1.1% 507
Passenger Ships 273 3.9% 696 8.7% 969 605 4.6% 1,219 7.3% 1,824
Offshore Vessels 897 12.9% 548 6.9% 1,445 1,975 15.1% 1,877 11.3% 3,852
Service Ships 156 2.2% 439 5.5% 595 826 6.3% 1,329 8.0% 2,155
Fishing Vessels 14 0.2% 377 4.7% 391 131 1.0% 4,722 28.3% 4,853
Total 6,955 100% 7,997 100% 14,952 13,070 100% 16,674 100% 29,744
Source: Equasis - (1)
500≤GT<25.000 - IACS membership on 31/12/2018
Table 66 - Gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of medium sized(1) ships by type, class and flag
Specialized Cargo Ships 251 0.5% 243 0.9% 494 1,106 1.1% 167 0.3% 1,273
Container Ships 5,241 9.4% 3,805 14.1% 9,046 10,190 10.5% 6,518 11.3% 16,708
Ro-Ro Cargo Ships 1,109 2.0% 766 2.8% 1,875 3,130 3.2% 1,260 2.2% 4,390
Bulk Carriers 19,444 35.0% 3,086 11.4% 22,530 26,025 26.9% 8,119 14.1% 34,144
Oil and Chemical Tankers 10,020 18.0% 3,810 14.1% 13,830 21,135 21.9% 8,958 15.6% 30,093
Gas Tankers 1,801 3.2% 334 1.2% 2,135 3,648 3.8% 1,315 2.3% 4,963
Other Tankers 312 0.6% 164 0.6% 476 1,232 1.3% 313 0.5% 1,545
Passenger Ships 1,754 3.2% 1,597 5.9% 3,351 3,961 4.1% 4,046 7.0% 8,007
Offshore Vessels 2,309 4.2% 1,526 5.6% 3,835 5,511 5.7% 5,928 10.3% 11,439
Service Ships 691 1.2% 990 3.7% 1,681 3,836 4.0% 3,370 5.9% 7,206
Fishing Vessels 40 0.0% 478 1.78% 518 274 0.3% 6,278 10.9% 6,552
Total 55,520 100% 27,034 100% 82,554 96,672 100% 57,531 100% 154,203
Source: Equasis - (1)
500≤GT<25.000 - IACS membership on 31/12/2018
Graph 64 - Total number of medium sized ships, by Graph 65 - Gross tonnage of medium sized ships, by
class and flag class and flag
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 3) The World Merchant Fleet in 2018
Container Ships 173 5.4% 194 41.2% 367 637 10.0% 534 27.3% 1,171
Ro-Ro Cargo Ships 173 5.4% 31 6.6% 204 268 4.2% 93 4.7% 361
Bulk Carriers 2,082 64.7% 88 18.7% 2,170 3,377 53.2% 572 29.2% 3,949
Oil and Chemical Tankers 570 17.7% 111 23.6% 681 1,522 24.0% 439 22.4% 1,961
Total 3,219 100% 471 100% 3,690 6,351 100% 1,959 100% 8,310
Source: Equasis - (1)
25.000≤GT<60.000 - IACS membership on 31/12/2018
Table 68 - Gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of large(1) ships by type, class and flag
Oil and Chemical Tankers 21,399 17.4% 4,041 23.5% 25,440 53,701 22.5% 15,152 21.0% 68,853
Gas Tankers 4,351 3.5% 297 1.7% 4,648 7,073 3.0% 3,950 5.5% 11,023
Other Tankers 56 0.0% 56 202 0.1% 97 0.1% 299
Passenger Ships 1,405 1.1% 533 3.1% 1,938 6,511 2.7% 1,517 2.1% 8,028
Offshore Vessels 1,123 0.9% 447 2.6% 1,570 2,999 1.3% 2,140 3.0% 5,139
Service Ships 232 0.2% 106 0.6% 338 591 0.2% 65 0.1% 656
Fishing Vessels 49 0.3% 49 64 0.0% 64
Total 123,168 100% 17,223 100% 140,391 238,695 100% 72,062 100% 310,757
Source: Equasis - (1)
25.000≤GT<60.000 - IACS membership on 31/12/2018
Graph 66 - Total number of large ships, by class and Graph 67 - Gross tonnage of large ships, by class and
flag flag
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 3) The World Merchant Fleet in 2018
Table 69 - Total number of very large(1) ships by type, class and flag
Container Ships 234 15.5% 149 43.7% 383 753 21.7% 305 31.0% 1,058
Bulk Carriers 596 39.4% 26 7.6% 622 981 28.3% 103 10.5% 1,084
Oil and Chemical Tankers 447 29.5% 102 29.9% 549 1,109 32.0% 285 29.0% 1,394
Other Tankers
Fishing Vessels
Total 1,514 100% 341 100% 1,855 3,469 100% 983 100% 4,452
Source: Equasis - (1)
GT≥60.000 - IACS membership on 31/12/2018
Table 70 - Gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of very large(1) ships by type, class and flag
Container Ships 25,589 16.7% 17,273 49.1% 42,862 80,980 22.0% 32,236 31.1% 113,216
Ro-Ro Cargo Ships 4,587 3.0% 1,414 4.0% 6,001 8,523 2.3% 2,080 2.0% 10,603
Bulk Carriers 56,466 36.8% 2,511 7.1% 58,977 102,168 27.7% 12,063 11.7% 114,231
Oil and Chemical Tankers 48,599 31.7% 9,122 25.9% 57,721 121,528 33.0% 27,458 26.5% 148,986
Gas Tankers 10,154 6.6% 1,676 4.8% 11,830 34,983 9.5% 7,083 6.8% 42,066
Other Tankers
Passenger Ships 4,412 2.9% 1,581 4.5% 5,993 6,806 1.8% 6,659 6.4% 13,465
Offshore Vessels 3,436 2.2% 1,221 3.5% 4,657 13,117 3.6% 15,639 15.1% 28,756
Service Ships 403 1.1% 403 310 0.1% 178 0.2% 488
Fishing Vessels
Total 153,243 100% 35,201 100% 188,444 368,694 100% 103,488 100% 472,182
Source: Equasis - (1)
GT≥60.000 - IACS membership on 31/12/2018
Graph 68 - Total number of very large ships, by class Graph 69 - Gross tonnage of very large ships, by class
and flag and flag
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 3) The World Merchant Fleet in 2018
Table 71 - World fleet GT≥500 detention rates(*), by type and class - 2018
Table 72 - Medium sized(1) ships detention rates(*), by type and class - 2018
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 3) The World Merchant Fleet in 2018
Fishing Vessels
Table 74 - Very large(1) ships detention rates(*), by type and class – 2018
Other Tankers
Fishing Vessels
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 4) The World Merchant Fleet in 2018
Chapter 4
4. P&I
INTRODUCTION • United Kingdom Mutual Steam Ship
Assurance Association (Bermuda)
Protection and Indemnity (P&I) Clubs
provide third-party insurance cover to ship
• The West of England Ship Owners
owners. Members of the International
Mutual Insurance Association
Group of P&I Clubs (IGP&I) and some non-
IG P&I clubs provide to Equasis information
on all of the vessels with IMO numbers
It should be noted that there is a significant
insured by them.
number of small ships of less than 100GT
entered in the IGP&I data but as explained
There are thirteen separate and
in Chapter 1, small ships are not included
independent principal Clubs in the IGP&I.
in the statistics which follow.
Some of the Clubs have affiliated and
reinsured subsidiary associations:
The following tables show the proportion of
the fleet, in each ship size and ship type,
• American Steamship Owners Mutual
which is registered with the clubs in the
Protection and Indemnity Association,
IGP&I (column headed IGP&I), compared
to the proportion of ships (column headed
Non IGP&I) which are either:
• Assuranceforeningen Skuld
Gard (Bermuda) Ltd only became a principal 2
Since July 2012, “the Standard Steamship Owners
Association with effect from the 2011 policy Protection & Indemnity Association (Bermuda) Ltd”
year. Previously, the principal Association was has changed its name to "The Standard Club Limited”
Assuranceforeningen Gard.
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 4) The World Merchant Fleet in 2018
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 4) The World Merchant Fleet in 2018
Table 75 - P&I world fleet GT≥500 status : total number of ships, by type
Oil and Chemical Tankers 8,503 22.9% 3,323 12.8% 11,826 18.8%
Table 76 - P&I world fleet GT≥500 status : gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of ships, by type
Oil and Chemical Tankers 322,839 26.2% 22,084 18.7% 344,923 25.6%
Graph 70 - Number of ships GT≥500, by P&I status Graph 71 - Gross tonnage of ships GT≥500, by P&I
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 4) The World Merchant Fleet in 2018
Oil and Chemical Tankers 4,068 20.6% 3,173 12.7% 7,241 16.2%
Table 78 - P&I status : gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of medium sized(1) ships, by type
Oil and Chemical Tankers 34,799 21.1% 9,124 12.6% 43,923 18.6%
Graph 72 - Number of medium sized ships, by P&I Graph 73 - Gross tonnage of medium sized ships, by
status P&I status
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 4) The World Merchant Fleet in 2018
Table 80 - P&I status : gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of large(1) ships, by type
Oil and Chemical Tankers 91,325 21.5% 2,968 11.2% 94,293 20.9%
Graph 74 - Number of large ships, by P&I status Graph 75 - Gross tonnage of large ships, by P&I status
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 4) The World Merchant Fleet in 2018
Other Tankers
Fishing Vessels
Table 82 - P&I status : gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of very large(1) ships, by type
Oil and Chemical Tankers 196,715 30.7% 9,992 50.9% 206,707 31.3%
Other Tankers
Fishing Vessels
Graph 76 - Number of very large ships, by P&I status Graph 77 - Gross tonnage of very large ships, by P&I
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 4) The World Merchant Fleet in 2018
General Cargo Ships 349 5.6% 1,944 9.7% 931 12.9% 810 22.1% 4,034 10.9%
Container Ships 636 10.2% 2,619 13.1% 1,147 15.9% 143 3.9% 4,545 12.3%
Ro-Ro Cargo Ships 113 1.8% 551 2.8% 290 4.0% 110 3.0% 1,064 2.9%
Bulk Carriers 2,029 32.7% 6,072 30.4% 1,406 19.5% 277 7.5% 9,784 26.4%
Oil and Chemical Tankers 1,547 24.9% 4,681 23.4% 1,824 25.3% 451 12.3% 8,503 22.9%
Gas Tankers 447 7.2% 703 3.5% 325 4.5% 107 2.9% 1,582 4.3%
Passenger Ships 123 2.0% 267 1.3% 398 5.5% 480 13.1% 1,268 3.4%
Offshore Vessels 576 9.3% 2,291 11.5% 464 6.4% 388 10.6% 3,719 10.0%
Service Ships 83 1.3% 244 1.2% 147 2.0% 312 8.5% 786 2.1%
Fishing Vessels 98 1.6% 123 0.6% 163 2.3% 397 10.8% 781 2.1%
Total 6,206 100% 19,993 100% 7,223 100% 3,671 100% 37,093 100%
Source: Equasis
Table 84 - IGP&I whole fleet GT≥500: gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of ships, by type and age
Specialized Cargo Ships 811 0.3% 997 0.1% 553 0.3% 1,320 2.8% 3,681 0.3%
Container Ships 54,973 19.7% 136,251 19.6% 36,733 17.5% 3,057 6.5% 231,014 18.8%
Ro-Ro Cargo Ships 6,924 2.5% 26,641 3.8% 10,899 5.2% 1,859 3.9% 46,323 3.8%
Bulk Carriers 95,303 34.1% 274,261 39.5% 50,568 24.1% 10,096 21.3% 430,228 35.0%
Oil and Chemical Tankers 76,784 27.5% 174,920 25.2% 68,564 32.7% 2,571 5.4% 322,839 26.2%
Gas Tankers 26,035 9.3% 34,518 5.0% 11,458 5.5% 3,265 6.9% 75,276 6.1%
Other Tankers 626 0.2% 903 0.1% 239 0.1% 112 0.2% 1,880 0.2%
Passenger Ships 5,434 1.9% 10,566 1.5% 11,789 5.6% 6,253 13.2% 34,042 2.8%
Offshore Vessels 6,807 2.4% 13,738 2.0% 9,141 4.4% 12,463 26.4% 42,149 3.4%
Service Ships 485 0.2% 2,110 0.3% 1,493 0.7% 1,505 3.2% 5,593 0.5%
Fishing Vessels 269 0.1% 259 0.0% 348 0.2% 870 1.8% 1,746 0.1%
Total 279,145 100% 694,075 100% 209,642 100% 47,295 100% 1,230,157 100%
Source: Equasis
Graph 78 - IGP&I world fleet GT≥500, by age Graph 79 - Gross tonnage of IGP&I world fleet
GT≥500, by age
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 4) The World Merchant Fleet in 2018
Table 85 - IGP&I : total number of medium sized(1) ships, by type and age
General Cargo Ships 288 11.6% 1,850 18.6% 876 21.3% 783 24.9% 3,797 19.3%
Container Ships 168 6.7% 843 8.5% 575 14.0% 94 3.0% 1,680 8.5%
Ro-Ro Cargo Ships 9 0.4% 61 0.6% 112 2.7% 89 2.8% 271 1.4%
Bulk Carriers 389 15.6% 1,478 14.8% 414 10.1% 162 5.1% 2,443 12.4%
Oil and Chemical Tankers 527 21.1% 2,209 22.2% 902 21.9% 430 13.7% 4,068 20.6%
Gas Tankers 130 5.2% 354 3.6% 202 4.9% 66 2.1% 752 3.8%
Passenger Ships 78 3.1% 136 1.4% 217 5.3% 389 12.3% 820 4.2%
Offshore Vessels 537 21.5% 2,200 22.1% 393 9.6% 271 8.6% 3,401 17.2%
Service Ships 82 3.3% 232 2.3% 140 3.4% 304 9.7% 758 3.8%
Fishing Vessels 98 3.9% 123 1.2% 163 4.0% 397 12.6% 781 4.0%
Total 2,492 100% 9,971 100% 4,110 100% 3,150 100% 19,723 100%
Source: Equasis - (1)
Table 86 - IGP&I : gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of medium sized(1) ships, by type and age
General Cargo Ships 2,701 10.7% 15,253 17.3% 5,990 16.6% 3,062 20.4% 27,006 16.4%
Specialized Cargo Ships 218 0.9% 531 0.6% 185 0.5% 186 1.2% 1,120 0.7%
Container Ships 2,430 9.6% 10,778 12.2% 7,274 20.1% 1,259 8.4% 21,741 13.2%
Ro-Ro Cargo Ships 115 0.5% 973 1.1% 1,752 4.9% 901 6.0% 3,741 2.3%
Bulk Carriers 8,468 33.5% 28,239 32.0% 6,764 18.7% 1,983 13.2% 45,454 27.6%
Oil and Chemical Tankers 5,547 22.0% 18,864 21.4% 8,685 24.1% 1,703 11.3% 34,799 21.1%
Gas Tankers 1,499 5.9% 3,063 3.5% 1,439 4.0% 349 2.3% 6,350 3.9%
Other Tankers 492 1.9% 805 0.9% 146 0.4% 112 0.7% 1,555 0.9%
Passenger Ships 380 1.5% 740 0.8% 1,335 3.7% 2,563 17.1% 5,018 3.0%
Offshore Vessels 2,604 10.3% 7,047 8.0% 1,128 3.1% 778 5.2% 11,557 7.0%
Service Ships 458 1.8% 1,304 1.5% 1,003 2.8% 1,172 7.8% 3,937 2.4%
Fishing Vessels 269 1.1% 259 0.3% 348 1.0% 870 5.8% 1,746 1.1%
Total 25,253 100% 88,166 100% 36,102 100% 15,026 100% 164,547 100%
Source: Equasis - (1)
Graph 80 - IGP&I medium sized ships, by age Graph 81 - Gross tonnage of IGP&I medium sized
ships, by age
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 4) The World Merchant Fleet in 2018
Container Ships 123 5.6% 930 14.2% 335 15.7% 49 13.3% 1,437 12.8%
Ro-Ro Cargo Ships 27 1.2% 355 5.4% 145 6.8% 21 5.7% 548 4.9%
Bulk Carriers 1,306 59.7% 3,427 52.4% 828 38.7% 80 21.7% 5,641 50.2%
Oil and Chemical Tankers 460 21.0% 1,498 22.9% 592 27.7% 17 4.6% 2,567 22.8%
Gas Tankers 170 7.8% 116 1.8% 43 2.0% 21 5.7% 350 3.1%
Fishing Vessels
Total 2,189 100% 6,546 100% 2,137 100% 368 100% 11,240 100%
Source: Equasis - (1)
Table 88 - IGP&I : gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of large(1) ships, by type and age
Ship Type 0-4 5-14 15-24 25+ Total
General Cargo Ships 1,921 2.4% 3,348 1.3% 1,814 2.3% 774 5.6% 7,857 1.9%
Specialized Cargo Ships 508 0.6% 313 0.1% 368 0.5% 1,134 8.2% 2,323 0.5%
Container Ships 4,199 5.2% 36,671 14.6% 11,872 15.0% 1,798 12.9% 54,540 12.8%
Ro-Ro Cargo Ships 1,213 1.5% 16,983 6.8% 6,968 8.8% 958 6.9% 26,122 6.2%
Bulk Carriers 49,476 61.5% 131,029 52.2% 28,655 36.3% 2,927 21.0% 212,087 49.9%
Oil and Chemical Tankers 14,822 18.4% 53,292 21.2% 22,663 28.7% 548 3.9% 91,325 21.5%
Gas Tankers 7,210 9.0% 5,175 2.1% 1,837 2.3% 930 6.7% 15,152 3.6%
Passenger Ships 664 0.8% 2,175 0.9% 3,682 4.7% 3,046 21.9% 9,567 2.3%
Offshore Vessels 299 0.4% 1,736 0.7% 931 1.2% 1,594 11.5% 4,560 1.1%
Service Ships 27 0.0% 403 0.2% 137 0.2% 198 1.4% 765 0.2%
Fishing Vessels
Total 80,473 100% 251,223 100% 79,020 100% 13,907 100% 424,623 100%
Source: Equasis - (1)
Graph 82 - IGP&I large ships, by age Graph 83 - Gross tonnage of IGP&I large ships, by age
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 4) The World Merchant Fleet in 2018
Table 89 - IGP&I : total number of very large(1) ships, by type and age
Container Ships 345 22.6% 846 24.3% 237 24.3% 1,428 23.3%
Bulk Carriers 334 21.9% 1,167 33.6% 164 16.8% 35 22.9% 1,700 27.7%
Oil and Chemical Tankers 560 36.7% 974 28.0% 330 33.8% 4 2.6% 1,868 30.5%
Gas Tankers 147 9.6% 233 6.7% 80 8.2% 20 13.1% 480 7.8%
Other Tankers
Fishing Vessels
Total 1,525 100% 3,476 100% 976 100% 153 100% 6,130 100%
Table 90 - IGP&I : gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of very large(1) ships, by type and age
Container Ships 48,344 27.9% 88,802 25.0% 17,587 18.6% 154,733 24.1%
Ro-Ro Cargo Ships 5,596 3.2% 8,685 2.4% 2,179 2.3% 16,460 2.6%
Bulk Carriers 37,359 21.5% 114,993 32.4% 15,149 16.0% 5,186 28.2% 172,687 26.9%
Oil and Chemical Tankers 56,415 32.5% 102,764 29.0% 37,216 39.4% 320 1.7% 196,715 30.7%
Gas Tankers 17,326 10.0% 26,280 7.4% 8,182 8.7% 1,986 10.8% 53,774 8.4%
Other Tankers
Passenger Ships 4,390 2.5% 7,651 2.2% 6,772 7.2% 644 3.5% 19,457 3.0%
Offshore Vessels 3,904 2.3% 4,955 1.4% 7,082 7.5% 10,091 55.0% 26,032 4.1%
Service Ships 403 0.1% 353 0.4% 135 0.7% 891 0.1%
Fishing Vessels
Total 173,419 100% 354,686 100% 94,520 100% 18,362 100% 640,987 100%
Graph 84 - IGP&I very large ships, by age Graph 85 - Gross tonnage of IGP&I very large ships,
by age
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 4) The World Merchant Fleet in 2018
General Cargo Ships 344 15.9% 1,747 30.6% 1,221 29.7% 4,558 32.7% 7,870 30.4%
Container Ships 110 5.1% 196 3.4% 232 5.7% 109 0.8% 647 2.5%
Ro-Ro Cargo Ships 36 1.7% 49 0.9% 83 2.0% 209 1.5% 377 1.5%
Bulk Carriers 137 6.3% 792 13.9% 431 10.5% 469 3.4% 1,829 7.1%
Oil and Chemical Tankers 269 12.4% 768 13.5% 470 11.4% 1,816 13.0% 3,323 12.8%
Passenger Ships 249 11.5% 382 6.7% 385 9.4% 970 7.0% 1,986 7.7%
Offshore Vessels 202 9.3% 561 9.8% 225 5.5% 1,033 7.4% 2,021 7.8%
Service Ships 245 11.3% 388 6.8% 258 6.3% 1,106 7.9% 1,997 7.7%
Fishing Vessels 481 22.2% 573 10.0% 636 15.5% 2,776 19.9% 4,466 17.2%
Total 2,170 100% 5,706 100% 4,106 100% 13,928 100% 25,910 100%
Source: Equasis
Table 92 - Non IGP&I world fleet GT≥500: gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of ships, by type and age
General Cargo Ships 1,087 8.9% 5,958 14.8% 4,896 16.2% 10,927 30.6% 22,868 19.3%
Specialized Cargo Ships 169 1.4% 209 0.5% 26 0.1% 377 1.1% 781 0.7%
Container Ships 2,269 18.6% 3,160 7.8% 2,827 9.4% 656 1.8% 8,912 7.5%
Ro-Ro Cargo Ships 414 3.4% 864 2.1% 903 3.0% 1,263 3.5% 3,444 2.9%
Bulk Carriers 1,554 12.7% 12,846 31.8% 8,656 28.7% 4,237 11.9% 27,293 23.1%
Oil and Chemical Tankers 1,455 11.9% 8,077 20.0% 7,608 25.2% 4,943 13.9% 22,083 18.7%
Gas Tankers 230 1.9% 144 0.4% 392 1.3% 624 1.8% 1,390 1.2%
Other Tankers 40 0.3% 130 0.3% 74 0.2% 252 0.7% 496 0.4%
Passenger Ships 1,213 9.9% 1,452 3.6% 1,329 4.4% 2,743 7.7% 6,737 5.7%
Offshore Vessels 2,150 17.6% 5,399 13.4% 2,109 7.0% 3,587 10.1% 13,245 11.2%
Service Ships 947 7.7% 1,313 3.3% 603 2.0% 2,317 6.5% 5,180 4.4%
Fishing Vessels 664 5.4% 702 1.7% 674 2.2% 3,398 9.5% 5,438 4.6%
Total 12,223 100% 40,349 100% 30,145 100% 35,651 100% 118,368 100%
Source: Equasis
Graph 86 - Non IGP&I world fleet GT≥500, by age Graph 87 - Gross tonnage of non IGP&I world fleet
GT≥500, by age
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 4) The World Merchant Fleet in 2018
Table 93 - Non IGP&I : total number of medium sized(1) ships, by type and age
General Cargo Ships 344 16.6% 1,747 32.8% 1,214 32.3% 4,557 33.0% 7,862 31.5%
Container Ships 74 3.6% 157 3.0% 194 5.2% 108 0.8% 533 2.1%
Ro-Ro Cargo Ships 35 1.7% 39 0.7% 76 2.0% 208 1.5% 358 1.4%
Bulk Carriers 112 5.4% 571 10.7% 238 6.3% 424 3.1% 1,345 5.4%
Oil and Chemical Tankers 262 12.7% 715 13.4% 394 10.5% 1,802 13.0% 3,173 12.7%
Passenger Ships 244 11.8% 379 7.1% 384 10.2% 966 7.0% 1,973 7.9%
Offshore Vessels 183 8.8% 502 9.4% 206 5.5% 1,005 7.3% 1,896 7.6%
Service Ships 243 11.7% 387 7.3% 258 6.9% 1,104 8.0% 1,992 8.0%
Fishing Vessels 481 23.2% 573 10.7% 636 16.9% 2,773 20.0% 4,463 17.8%
Total 2,070 100% 5,320 100% 3,759 100% 13,824 100% 24,973 100%
Table 94 - Non IGP&I : gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of medium size(1) ships, by type and age
General Cargo Ships 1,087 15.4% 5,958 29.2% 4,702 33.4% 10,889 35.6% 22,636 31.3%
Specialized Cargo Ships 35 0.5% 209 1.0% 26 0.2% 377 1.2% 647 0.9%
Container Ships 587 8.3% 1,294 6.3% 1,517 10.8% 614 2.0% 4,012 5.6%
Ro-Ro Cargo Ships 379 5.4% 346 1.7% 583 4.1% 1,215 4.0% 2,523 3.5%
Bulk Carriers 659 9.3% 5,431 26.6% 2,399 17.0% 2,731 8.9% 11,220 15.5%
Oil and Chemical Tankers 945 13.4% 2,380 11.7% 1,595 11.3% 4,204 13.7% 9,124 12.6%
Gas Tankers 35 0.5% 144 0.7% 163 1.2% 406 1.3% 748 1.0%
Other Tankers 40 0.6% 130 0.6% 45 0.3% 252 0.8% 467 0.6%
Passenger Ships 1,047 14.8% 1,359 6.7% 1,299 9.2% 2,633 8.6% 6,338 8.8%
Offshore Vessels 680 9.6% 1,107 5.4% 443 3.1% 1,486 4.9% 3,716 5.1%
Service Ships 882 12.5% 1,258 6.2% 603 4.3% 2,208 7.2% 4,951 6.9%
Fishing Vessels 664 9.3% 702 3.4% 674 4.7% 3,284 10.7% 5,324 7.4%
Total 7,071 100% 20,413 100% 14,097 100% 30,626 100% 72,207 100%
Source: Equasis - (1)
Graph 88 - Non IGP&I medium sized ships, by age Graph 89 - Gross tonnage of non IGP&I medium sized
ships, by age
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 4) The World Merchant Fleet in 2018
Table 95 - Non IGP&I : total number of large(1) ships, by type and age
Bulk Carriers 25 32.5% 216 72.2% 193 65.2% 44 50.0% 478 63.1%
Table 96 - Non IGP&I : gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of large(1) ships, by type and age
Container Ships 919 35.0% 1,349 12.8% 1,245 12.4% 42 1.3% 3,555 13.4%
Ro-Ro Cargo Ships 35 1.3% 373 3.5% 320 3.2% 48 1.4% 776 2.9%
Bulk Carriers 895 34.1% 6,959 65.8% 6,257 62.5% 1,442 43.5% 15,553 58.6%
Oil and Chemical Tankers 119 4.5% 702 6.6% 1,569 15.7% 578 17.4% 2,968 11.2%
Passenger Ships 166 6.3% 93 0.9% 30 0.3% 110 3.3% 399 1.5%
Offshore Vessels 355 13.5% 1,045 9.9% 134 1.3% 614 18.5% 2,148 8.1%
Total 2,627 100% 10,576 100% 10,007 100% 3,313 100% 26,523 100%
Source: Equasis - (1)
Graph 90 - Non IGP&I large ships, by age Graph 91 - Gross tonnage of non IGP&I large ships, by
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 4) The World Merchant Fleet in 2018
Table 97 - Non IGP&I : total number of very large(1) ships, by type and age
Other Tankers
Passenger Ships
Service Ships
Fishing Vessels
Table 98 - Non IGP&I : gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of very large(1) ships, by type and age
Oil and Chemical Tankers 391 15.5% 4,995 53.4% 4,444 73.6% 161 9.4% 9,991 50.9%
Other Tankers
Passenger Ships
Offshore Vessels 1,115 44.2% 3,247 34.7% 1,532 25.4% 1,487 86.9% 7,381 37.6%
Service Ships
Fishing Vessels
Total 2,525 100% 9,360 100% 6,041 100% 1,712 100% 19,638 100%
Graph 92 - Non IGP&I very large ships, by age Graph 93 - Gross tonnage of non IGP&I very large
ships, by age
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 4) The World Merchant Fleet in 2018
General Cargo Ships 1,606 13.8% 4,190 47.2% 5,796 2,428 9.5% 3,680 21.6% 6,108
Specialized Cargo Ships 31 0.3% 82 0.9% 113 131 0.5% 49 0.3% 180
Container Ships 1,315 11.3% 285 3.2% 1,600 3,230 12.7% 362 2.1% 3,592
Ro-Ro Cargo Ships 354 3.0% 164 1.8% 518 710 2.8% 213 1.3% 923
Bulk Carriers 3,748 32.3% 597 6.7% 4,345 6,036 23.7% 1,232 7.2% 7,268
Oil and Chemical Tankers 2,518 21.7% 1,123 12.6% 3,641 5,985 23.5% 2,200 12.9% 8,185
Gas Tankers 464 4.0% 66 0.7% 530 1,118 4.4% 311 1.8% 1,429
Other Tankers 82 0.7% 111 1.2% 193 299 1.2% 218 1.3% 517
Passenger Ships 272 2.3% 812 9.1% 1,084 996 3.9% 1,174 6.9% 2,170
Offshore Vessels 949 8.2% 575 6.5% 1,524 2,770 10.9% 1,446 8.5% 4,216
Service Ships 149 1.3% 456 5.1% 605 637 2.5% 1,541 9.1% 2,178
Fishing Vessels 54 0.5% 338 3.8% 392 727 2.9% 4,128 24.2% 4,855
Total 11,613 100% 8,884 100% 20,497 25,480 100% 17,026 100% 42,506
Source: Equasis
Table 100 - P&I world fleet GT≥500 status : gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of ships, by type and flag
General Cargo Ships 12,534 3.3% 11,540 33.2% 24,074 22,329 2.6% 11,328 13.5% 33,657
Specialized Cargo Ships 702 0.2% 271 0.8% 973 2,978 0.3% 510 0.6% 3,488
Container Ships 62,899 16.7% 2,655 7.6% 65,554 168,116 19.7% 6,257 7.5% 174,373
Ro-Ro Cargo Ships 15,851 4.2% 1,636 4.7% 17,487 30,473 3.6% 1,807 2.2% 32,280
Bulk Carriers 156,098 41.4% 6,588 19.0% 162,686 274,130 32.1% 20,706 24.8% 294,836
Oil and Chemical Tankers 91,349 24.3% 5,643 16.2% 96,992 231,490 27.1% 16,442 19.7% 247,932
Gas Tankers 18,127 4.8% 486 1.4% 18,613 57,147 6.7% 904 1.1% 58,051
Other Tankers 311 0.1% 220 0.6% 531 1,570 0.2% 275 0.3% 1,845
Passenger Ships 8,821 2.3% 2,460 7.1% 11,281 25,221 3.0% 4,278 5.1% 29,499
Offshore Vessels 8,402 2.2% 1,660 4.8% 10,062 33,748 4.0% 11,585 13.9% 45,333
Service Ships 1,366 0.4% 1,058 3.0% 2,424 4,229 0.5% 4,122 4.9% 8,351
Fishing Vessels 122 0.0% 446 1.3% 568 1,624 0.2% 4,991 6.0% 6,615
Total 376,655 100% 34,737 100% 411,392 853,505 100% 83,632 100% 937,137
Source: Equasis
Graph 94 - Total number of ships GT≥500, by P&I Graph 95 - Gross tonnage of ships GT≥500, by P&I
status and flag status and flag
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 4) The World Merchant Fleet in 2018
Table 101 - P&I status : total number of medium sized(1) ships, by type and flag
General Cargo Ships 1,562 25.0% 4,189 48.1% 5,751 2,235 16.6% 3,673 22.6% 5,908
Container Ships 579 9.3% 271 3.1% 850 1,101 8.2% 262 1.6% 1,363
Ro-Ro Cargo Ships 72 1.2% 151 1.7% 223 199 1.5% 207 1.3% 406
Bulk Carriers 1,030 16.5% 523 6.0% 1,553 1,413 10.5% 822 5.1% 2,235
Oil and Chemical Tankers 1,332 21.3% 1,079 12.4% 2,411 2,736 20.3% 2,094 12.9% 4,830
Gas Tankers 256 4.1% 60 0.7% 316 496 3.7% 304 1.9% 800
Other Tankers 81 1.3% 110 1.3% 191 289 2.1% 218 1.3% 507
Passenger Ships 163 2.6% 806 9.3% 969 657 4.9% 1,167 7.2% 1,824
Offshore Vessels 880 14.1% 565 6.5% 1,445 2,521 18.7% 1,331 8.2% 3,852
Service Ships 140 2.2% 455 5.2% 595 618 4.6% 1,537 9.5% 2,155
Fishing Vessels 54 0.9% 337 3.9% 391 727 5.4% 4,126 25.4% 4,853
Total 6,239 100% 8,713 100% 14,952 13,484 100% 16,260 100% 29,744
Source: Equasis - (1)
Table 102 - P&I status : gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of medium sized(1) ships, by type and flag
General Cargo Ships 11,125 20.1% 11,510 42.2% 22,635 15,881 14.5% 11,126 24.8% 27,007
Specialized Cargo Ships 223 0.4% 271 1.0% 494 897 0.8% 376 0.8% 1,273
Container Ships 7,261 13.1% 1,786 6.5% 9,047 14,481 13.2% 2,227 5.0% 16,708
Ro-Ro Cargo Ships 922 1.7% 953 3.5% 1,875 2,820 2.6% 1,570 3.5% 4,390
Bulk Carriers 18,252 33.0% 4,279 15.7% 22,531 27,202 24.9% 6,942 15.5% 34,144
Oil and Chemical Tankers 10,651 19.3% 3,179 11.6% 13,830 24,148 22.1% 5,946 13.2% 30,094
Gas Tankers 1,918 3.5% 217 0.8% 2,135 4,432 4.1% 531 1.2% 4,963
Other Tankers 284 0.5% 191 0.7% 475 1,271 1.2% 275 0.6% 1,546
Passenger Ships 1,071 1.9% 2,280 8.4% 3,351 3,947 3.6% 4,059 9.0% 8,006
Offshore Vessels 2,678 4.8% 1,157 4.2% 3,835 8,879 8.1% 2,559 5.7% 11,438
Service Ships 679 1.2% 1,003 3.7% 1,682 3,259 3.0% 3,948 8.8% 7,207
Fishing Vessels 122 0.2% 397 1.5% 519 1,624 1.5% 4,927 11.0% 6,551
Total 55,259 100% 27,297 100% 82,556 109,291 100% 44,913 100% 154,204
Source: Equasis - (1)
Graph 96 - Total number of medium sized ships, by Graph 97 - Gross tonnage of medium sized ships, by
P&I status and flag P&I status and flag
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 4) The World Merchant Fleet in 2018
Table 103 - P&I status : total number of large(1) ships, by type and flag
Container Ships 357 10.1% 10 6.6% 367 1,080 14.0% 91 15.0% 1,171
Ro-Ro Cargo Ships 192 5.4% 12 7.9% 204 356 4.6% 5 0.8% 361
Bulk Carriers 2,097 59.3% 73 48.0% 2,170 3,544 46.0% 405 66.6% 3,949
Oil and Chemical Tankers 646 18.3% 35 23.0% 681 1,921 24.9% 40 6.6% 1,961
Total 3,538 100% 152 100% 3,690 7,702 100% 608 100% 8,310
Source: Equasis - (1)
Table 104 - P&I status : gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of large(1) ships, by type and flag
General Cargo Ships 1,409 1.0% 30 0.6% 1,439 6,448 2.2% 202 1.0% 6,650
Container Ships 13,343 9.9% 303 5.6% 13,646 41,198 14.2% 3,252 15.4% 44,450
Ro-Ro Cargo Ships 9,000 6.7% 611 11.3% 9,611 17,122 5.9% 165 0.8% 17,287
Bulk Carriers 78,962 58.5% 2,216 41.0% 81,178 133,125 46.0% 13,337 63.1% 146,462
Oil and Chemical Tankers 23,996 17.8% 1,445 26.8% 25,441 67,329 23.2% 1,523 7.2% 68,852
Gas Tankers 4,379 3.2% 269 5.0% 4,648 10,771 3.7% 251 1.2% 11,022
Passenger Ships 1,757 1.3% 180 3.3% 1,937 7,809 2.7% 219 1.0% 8,028
Offshore Vessels 1,357 1.0% 213 3.9% 1,570 3,204 1.1% 1,935 9.2% 5,139
Service Ships 284 0.2% 55 1.0% 339 482 0.2% 174 0.8% 656
Total 134,993 100% 5,400 100% 140,393 289,631 100% 21,122 100% 310,753
Source: Equasis - (1)
Graph 98 - Total number of large ships, by P&I status Graph 99 - Gross tonnage of large ships, by P&I status
and flag and flag
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 4) The World Merchant Fleet in 2018
Table 105 - P&I status : total number of very large(1) ships, by type and flag
Container Ships 379 20.6% 4 21.1% 383 1,049 24.4% 9 5.7% 1,058
Bulk Carriers 621 33.8% 1 5.3% 622 1,079 25.1% 5 3.2% 1,084
Oil and Chemical Tankers 540 29.4% 9 47.4% 549 1,328 30.9% 66 41.8% 1,394
Other Tankers
Fishing Vessels
Total 1,836 100% 19 100% 1,855 4,294 100% 158 100% 4,452
Source: Equasis - (1)
Table 106 - P&I status : gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of very large(1) ships, by type and flag
Targeted flag Non Targeted flag
Ship Type
IGP&I Non IGP&I Total IGP&I Non IGP&I Total
Container Ships 42,295 22.7% 566 27.7% 42,861 112,437 24.7% 778 4.4% 113,215
Ro-Ro Cargo Ships 5,929 3.2% 72 3.5% 6,001 10,531 2.3% 72 0.4% 10,603
Bulk Carriers 58,884 31.6% 93 4.6% 58,977 113,803 25.0% 427 2.4% 114,230
Oil and Chemical Tankers 56,702 30.4% 1,019 50.0% 57,721 140,013 30.8% 8,973 51.0% 148,986
Gas Tankers 11,830 6.3% 11,830 41,944 9.2% 122 0.7% 42,066
Other Tankers
Offshore Vessels 4,367 2.3% 290 14.2% 4,657 21,665 4.8% 7,091 40.3% 28,756
Fishing Vessels
Total 186,403 100% 2,040 100% 188,443 454,583 100% 17,597 100% 472,180
Graph 100 -Total number of very large ships, by P&I Graph 101 -Gross tonnage of very large ships, by P&I
status and flag status and flag
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 4) The World Merchant Fleet in 2018
Table 107 - Whole fleet GT≥500 detention rate(*), by type and P&I status - 2018
Fishing Vessels
Table 108 - Medium sized(1) ships detention rates(*), by type and P&I status - 2018
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 4) The World Merchant Fleet in 2018
Table 109 - Large(1) ships detention rates(*), by type and P&I status - 2018
Ship Type IGP&I Non IGP&I Overall
Fishing Vessels
Table 110 - Very large(1) ships detention rates(*), by type and P&I status - 2018
Other Tankers
Fishing Vessels
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 5) The World Merchant Fleet in 2018
Chapter 5
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 5) The World Merchant Fleet in 2018
inspections where this certificate has been By age, Table 116 shows that older ships
recorded by the PSCO by issuer (flag State (29% inspected) have been subjected to
or RO). fewer inspections than the newer ships
(59% inspected). Additionally, ships with
Please note that during an inspection IG P&I coverage (Table 124) have also
several certificates are usually checked and been subjected to more inspections (79%)
recorded but no checklist is followed. compared to 26% for non IG P&I coverage.
Moreover, depending of the ship type A possible explanation is the fact that the
certain certificates may not be applicable. majority of ships is covered by IGP&I clubs
A “group” of certificates in the table may (80%) and these are the ones mostly
refer to more than one certificate and each operating in PSC regions for which Equasis
certificate may be issued by different has PSC data.
authorities. For these reasons, total figures
cannot be easily deduced by summing lines Table 132 shows that ships with targeted
or columns in Table 144. flag States are subject to more inspections
than those of non-targeted flag States, but
The list of certificates by group is given in with a small difference between targeted
Annex IV. The group “Other” covers all and non-targeted (62% and 57%,
unlisted certificates. respectively)
Table 113 shows that the number of Table 144 shows that the involvement of
individual ships inspected has remained flag States differs greatly depending on the
steady in comparison to last year to the statutory certificates. The Minimum Safe
total of 31,185 inspections. Manning Document (SOLAS/STCW), the
Continuous Synopsis Record (SOLAS/CSR),
Table 114 and Graph 105 shows a Certificate of Insurance for Oil Prevention
significant number of inspections to ships (CLC), and the Bunkering Certificate are
occurs only once, with the exception of the the statutory certificates that are, in
Tokyo MoU region wherein the number of majority, issued by the flag State.
multiple inspections is more predominant. Recognised Organisations, in particular the
IACS members, are also more involved in
Table 115 shows the relevant proportion of issuing the ISPS (that ensures security on
ships that were inspected by two and three ships), the IOPP Certificate, MARPOL
PSC regimes. There is a steep downwards Certificates, the Ballast Water Management
trend as the number of PSC regimes Convention’s Certificates and MLC
increases, with bulk carriers, being much (Maritime Labour Convention).
more likely to be inspected in four or more
PSC regions, followed by ro-ro cargo and
general cargo ships.
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 5) The World Merchant Fleet in 2018
Table 111 - The world fleet in Equasis, by PSC type and size (GT≥100)
Table 112 - Gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of the world fleet in Equasis, by PSC type and size
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 5) The World Merchant Fleet in 2018
Graph 102 -Total number of inspected ships (all sizes), by PSC type
Graph 103 -Gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of inspected ships (all sizes), by PSC type
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 5) The World Merchant Fleet in 2018
Table 113 - Total number of individual ships inspected(*), by number of inspections per ship – 2007-2018
Source: Equasis – Paris MoU, Tokyo MoU, IO MoU, USCG, VDM, Med MoU- (*)
Existing ship types in Equasis
Graph 104 -Total number of individual ships inspected(*), by number of inspections per ship – 2007-2018
Existing ship types in Equasis
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 5) The World Merchant Fleet in 2018
Table 114 - Total number of individual ships inspected(*), by number of inspections per ship and by PSC region -
Source: Equasis – Paris MoU, Tokyo MoU, IO MoU, US Coast Guard, VDM, Med MoU, Caribbean MoU- (*)
All existing ship types in Equasis
Graph 105 -Total number of individual ships inspected(*), by number of inspections per ship and PSC region - 2018
All existing ship types in Equasis
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 5) The World Merchant Fleet in 2018
Table 115 - Total number of individual ships inspected per number of PSC regions
Source: Equasis – Paris MoU, Tokyo MoU, IO MoU, USCG, VDM, Med MoU, Caribbean MoU
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 5) The World Merchant Fleet in 2018
Table 116 - Total number of ships GT≥500 with and without inspections, by PSC type and age
Table 117 - Gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of ships GT≥500 with and without inspections, by PSC type and age
Graph 107 - Proportion of inspected ships GT≥500, by Graph 108 - Proportion of gross tonnage inspected
age ships GT≥500, by age
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 5) The World Merchant Fleet in 2018
Table 118 - Total number of medium sized ships with and without inspections, by PSC type and age
Table 119 - Gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of medium sized ships with and without inspections, by PSC type and age
Graph 109 -Proportion of medium sized inspected Graph 110 - Proportion of gross tonnage for medium
ships, by age sized inspected ships, by age
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 5) The World Merchant Fleet in 2018
Table 120 - Total number of large ships with and without inspections, by PSC type and age
Table 121 - Gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of large ships with and without inspections, by PSC type and age
Graph 111 -Proportion of large inspected ships, by age Graph 112 - Proportion of gross tonnage for large
inspected ships, by age
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 5) The World Merchant Fleet in 2018
Table 122 - Total number of very large ships with and without inspections, by age and size
Table 123 - Gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of very large ships with and without inspections, by age and size
Graph 113 -Proportion of very large inspected ships, by Graph 114 - Proportion of gross tonnage for very large
age inspected ships, by age
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 5) The World Merchant Fleet in 2018
Table 124 - Total number of ships GT≥500 with and without inspections, by PSC type and P&I status
Table 125 - Gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of ships GT≥500 with and without inspections, by PSC type and P&I status
Graph 115 -Proportion of inspected ships GT≥500, by Graph 116 - Proportion of gross tonnage for inspected
P&I status ships GT≥500, by P&I status
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 5) The World Merchant Fleet in 2018
Table 126 - Total number of medium sized ships with and without inspections, by PSC type and P&I status
Table 127 - Gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of medium sized ships with and without inspections, by PSC type and P&I
Graph 117 -Proportion of medium sized inspected Graph 118 - Proportion of gross tonnage for medium
ships, by P&I status sized inspected ships, by P&I status
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 5) The World Merchant Fleet in 2018
Table 128 - Total number of large ships with and without inspections, by PSC type and P&I status
Table 129 - Gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of large ships with and without inspections, by PSC type and P&I status
Graph 119 -Proportion of large inspected ships, by P&I Graph 120 - Proportion of gross tonnage for large
status inspected ships, by P&I status
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 5) The World Merchant Fleet in 2018
Table 130 - Total number of very large ships with and without inspections, by PSC type and P&I status
Table 131 - Gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of very large ships with and without inspections, by PSC type and P&I
Graph 121 -Proportion of very large inspected ships, by Graph 122 - Proportion of gross tonnage for very large
P&I status inspected ships, by P&I status
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 5) The World Merchant Fleet in 2018
Table 132 - Total number of ships GT≥500 with and without inspections, by PSC type and flag
Table 133 - Gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of ships GT≥500 with and without inspections, by PSC type and flag
Graph 123 -Proportion of inspected ships GT≥500, by Graph 124 - Proportion of gross tonnage for inspected
flag ships GT≥500, by flag
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 5) The World Merchant Fleet in 2018
Table 135 - Gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of medium sized ships with and without inspections, by PSC type and flag
Graph 125 -Proportion of medium sized inspected Graph 126 - Proportion of gross tonnage for medium
ships, by flag sized inspected ships, by flag
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 5) The World Merchant Fleet in 2018
Table 136 - Total number of large ships with and without inspections, by PSC type and flag
Table 137 - Gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of large ships with and without inspections, by PSC type and flag
Graph 127 -Proportion of large inspected ships, by flag Graph 128 - Proportion of gross tonnage for large
inspected ships, by flag
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 5) The World Merchant Fleet in 2018
Table 138 - Total number of very large ships with and without inspections, by PSC type and flag
Table 139 - Gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of very large ships with and without inspections, by PSC type and flag
Graph 129 -Proportion of very large inspected ships, by Graph 130 - Proportion of gross tonnage for very large
flag inspected ships, by flag
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 5) The World Merchant Fleet in 2018
Table 140 - Total number of inspections of ships GT≥500 with Statutory Certificates, by type of issuer.
Graph 131 - Total number of inspections with statutory Graph 132 - Total number of inspections with statutory
certificates for ships GT≥500, by flag issuer certificates for ships GT≥500, by recognised
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 5) The World Merchant Fleet in 2018
Table 141 - Total number of inspections with statutory certificates for medium sized ships, by type of issuer
Graph 133 -Total number of inspections with statutory Graph 134 - Total number of inspections with statutory
certificates for medium sized ships, by flag issuer certificates for medium sized ships, by recognised
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 5) The World Merchant Fleet in 2018
Table 142 - Total number of inspections with statutory certificates for large ships, by type of issuer
Graph 135 -Total number of inspections with statutory Graph 136 - Total number of inspections with statutory
certificates for large ships, by flag issuer certificates for large ships, by recognised organisations
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 5) The World Merchant Fleet in 2018
Table 143 - Total number of inspections with statutory certificates for very large ships, by type of issuer
Graph 137 -Total number of inspections with statutory Graph 138 - Total number of inspections with statutory
certificates for very large ships, by flag issuer certificates for very large ships, by recognised
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 5) The World Merchant Fleet in 2018
Table 144 - Total number of inspections with statutory certificates for all ships, by type of certificates and issuer
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 6) The World Merchant Fleet in 2018
Chapter 6
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 6) The World Merchant Fleet in 2018
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 6) The World Merchant Fleet in 2018
Table 145 - Total number of ships, by size and vetting programmes and trade associations
Table 146 - Gross tonnage (in 1000 GT) of ships, by size and vetting programmes and trade associations
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 6) The World Merchant Fleet in 2018
Table 147 - Safety performance of ships, by inspections and detentions rates(*)- 2018
Table 148 - Safety performance of medium sized(1) ships, by inspections and detentions rates(*)- 2018
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 6) The World Merchant Fleet in 2018
Table 149 - Safety performance of large(1) ships, by inspections and detentions rates(*)- 2018
Table 150 - Safety performance of very large(1) ships, by inspections and detentions rates(*)- 2018
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 6) The World Merchant Fleet in 2018
Table 151 - Total number of companies and ships, by fleet size and flag
Graph 139 -Total number of companies and ships GT≥500, by company fleet size
Equasis Statistics (Chapter 6) The World Merchant Fleet in 2018
Table 152 - Total number of inspections and detention rates(*), by company fleet size - 2018
Source: Equasis - (1)Within the same company fleet size category - (*)
Detentions in Paris MoU, Tokyo MoU , IO MoU, USCG and Viña del Mar divided by total
number of inspections
Graph 140 -Total number of inspections and detention rate, by company fleet size
Equasis Statistics (Annexes) The World Merchant Fleet in 2018
Annex I. Ship type aggregations
The category “Other” is not considered in the scope of these statistics and contains ship
types of active ships not falling in one of the main categories.
Other Tankers
Asphalt/Bitumen Tanker
Bunkering Tanker
Caprolactam Tanker
Edible Oil Tanker
Fruit Juice Tanker
Latex Tanker
Molasses Tanker
Equasis Statistics (Annexes) The World Merchant Fleet in 2018
The list of targeted flags is based on the 2017 annual reports of the Paris MoU [1], the
Tokyo MoU [2] and the US Coast Guard [3], as published in that year.
Albania [1] Niue [2]
Antigua and Barbuda [3]
B Palau [1, 2]
Barbados [2, 3] Panama [3]
Belize [1] Philippines [3]
Portugal [3]
Cambodia [1, 2] S
Comoros [1] Sierra Leone [1, 2]
Congo, Republic of the [1] St Vincent and Grenadines [3]
Cook Islands [1, 3] Saint Kitts and Nevis [1, 3]
Cyprus [3]
F Tanzania [1, 2, 3]
Fiji [2] Togo [1, 2, 3]
Turkey [3]
Greece [3] Ukraine [1]
India [3] V
Indonesia [2] Vanuatu [3]
Korea, Democratic Republic [2]
Malta [3]
Mexico [3]
Micronesia, Federate States of [2]
Moldova [1]
Mongolia [1, 2]
Equasis Statistics (Annexes) The World Merchant Fleet in 2018
Ship types in red correspond to ship types that are not in the scope of these statistics (or for
which no active ship is yet known in the world fleet of Equasis).
Although similar in layout, Annex III cannot be compared to Annex I given that the purpose
of this Annex is to attribute a default PSC ship type to ships and not to create categories of
ships as in Annex I.
This Annex was established mainly through statistical analysis and direct comparisons
between IHS Markit Maritime & Trade ship types and PSC ship types.
Equasis Statistics (Annexes) The World Merchant Fleet in 2018
Mobile Offshore Drilling Unit Safety Certificate
Special Purpose Ship Safety Certificate
Passenger Ship Safety Certificate, including Record of
Certificate of insurance or other financial security in respect
of civil liability for oil pollution damage
Other Conventions
Cargo Ship Safety Certificate, including Record of
Equipment ITC
Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate, including Record International Tonnage Certificate
of Equipment
Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate Load Lines
Cargo Ship Safety Radio Certificate, including Record of International Load Line Certificate
SOLAS/CSR Declaration of AFS Compliance
Continuous Synopsis Record International Anti-Fouling System Certificate
International Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage of Cargo Ballast Water Management Certificate
Certificate of insurance or other financial security in respect
of civil liability for oil pollution damage
Certificate of insurance or other financial security in respect
of civil liability for bunker oil pollution damage
Maritime Labour Certificate
Equasis Statistics (Annexes) The World Merchant Fleet in 2018
In Chapter 6, various figures from trade association and vetting programs are compared to a
base population of ships of a relevant ship type. This Annex gives the relevant ship types for
each trade association and vetting programs
Intertanko CDI
“Bulk Carriers”
“General Cargo Ships”
and “Oil & Chemical Tanker”
(as described in Annex I)
Green Award
Gas Tankers:
CO2 Tanker
LNG Tanker
LPG Tanker
Combination Gas Tanker (LNG/LPG)