Document Request 01
Document Request 01
Document Request 01
Defendant, pursuant to R.3120 NY CPLR, request plaintiff CHASE BANK USA, N.A. to
produce for inspection and copying the original of the following documents and things at the
address below. If a document does not exist, you are required to state that it does not exist.
Failure to comply fully or partially with this request within twenty (20) days after service of
notice shall be deemed a confession that the document does not exist or that CHASE BANK
USA, N.A. is committing fraud by concealment.
a. “document” includes every piece of paper held in your possession or generated by you.
b. “You”, “plaintiff” and “your” include CHASE BANK USA, N.A. and any and all persons
acting for on in concert with CHASE BANK USA, N.A.
2. If Plaintiff denied any Admissions in 'Defendant's First Request for Admissions' please furnish
all factual evidence that support the denial.
3. If Plaintiff is a collection agency - owner of the debt other than the original bank - furnish
copy of original purchase document showing Plaintiff's name as purchaser, original bank as
seller, original account number, amount of account/alleged debt, amount Plaintiff paid for
account, date of purchase.
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4. A certified and validated copy, front and back, of the contract for services which CHASE
BANK USA, N.A. has with Chase Legal Department.
5. The account and general ledger or each and every contract CHASE BANK USA, N.A.
alleges Osvaldo Valdes has with CHASE BANK USA, N.A. showing all receipts and
disbursements and verified under penalty of perjury by an officer of CHASE..
6. A certified and validated copy, front and back, of the signed contract CHASE BANK USA,
N.A. alleges Osvaldo Valdes has with CHASE BANK USA, N.A. for which this lawsuit has
commenced showing any and all assigments or allonges.
7. If any debt has been 'charged off' by plaintiff, produce all tax records submitted to Internal
Revenue Service showing amount received by plaintiff.
8. Produce all records, reports, memoranda relating to the source of funds relating this disputed
account and list all other sources of information such as computer file names and names of
databases or locations at which related information is located or accessible.
9. Please produce all documents and information, related in any way, to your implication or
allegation that a loan was given to the defendant.
10. All pages, front and back, of CHASE BANK USA, N.A. corporate charter.
The Defendant herein reserves the right to propound additional requests for production of
documents based upon the answers herein in furtherance of its discovery proceedings.
Respectfully Submitted,
By: Osvaldo Valdes, 184 East 7th Street, New York, NY [10009]
CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I certify that the foregoing was served by mailing a copy by
United States mail, first-class postage prepaid, on 31th. Day of January, 2011, as follows:
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By: Osvaldo Valdes, 184 East 7th Street, New York, NY [10009]
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