Subject Title: Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Regions (CPAR) Grade and Section/s:
Teacher: DLSU Email Address:
The subject covers various contemporary arts practices in the Philippines (preferably samples from the different regions). It aims to provide students with an appreciation of a broad range of styles in the various
disciplines with consideration on their elements and principles and engage them to an integrative approach in studying arts. Through this subject, students will broaden and acquire the necessary creative tools that
open opportunities in pursuing their individual career goals and aspirations.
This course specifically develops the students' ability to use their communication skills and technology for civic participation in support of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) in the Philippines. The
course adopts the challenge-based, transdisciplinary, outcomes-based education (OBE), and service-learning approaches.
Effective Communicator LO2. Raise awareness about the localized challenge to a target audience by integrating contemporary designs/art and using appropriate medium and
Virtue-guided decision-maker
LO3. Plan and give an oral presentation to the community/partner organization to regarding the designed solution
Engaged and Service-Driven Citizen
Reflective Lifelong Learner and Competent self-nurturer LO4. Reflect on one’s progress as an artist, designer, communicator, and as a Lasallian in achieving the ELGAs using the Lasallian Reflection
Technically-competent professional
The student will be graded according to the following:
Written Works – 30 %
- Long Test – 15% (2 Long Tests)
- Concept Paper – 15%
Performance Tasks – 40 %
- Reporting – 15%
- Group Milestone – 15 %
- Individual Participation - 10%
Trimester Examination – 30 %
- CBL Project
Subject Syllabus Page| 2
Senior High School Division
Term __ , A.Y. ___
OUTCOMES (Learning Competency) AND RESOURCES
LO1 Presenting the challenge using the SDGs 2-3 - Lecture/ Discussion
DEVELOPMENT OF - Art Critiquing
B.1. Identify contributing factors that led - Process Reflection
1. Introduction to Art History to a period/movements development.
LO1 A. INTEGRATIVE ART APPLIED D.1 Identifies various contemporary art 6-9 - Lecture/ Discussion
LO2 TO CONTEMPORARY ARTS forms and their practices from the various
Subject Syllabus Page| 3
Senior High School Division
Term __ , A.Y. ___
LO4 regions - Reporting
1. Different Contemporary Art Genres
D.2 Classifies various art forms found in - Art Critiquing
Genres to be assigned to students: the Philippines.
- Contemporary Painting (Group 1) - Process Reflection
- Contemporary Sculpture (Group 2) D.3 Evaluates contemporary art forms
- Contemporary Architecture (Group 3)
- Installation Art and Public Art (Group 4)
based on the elements and principles
- Mixed Media Art (Group 5)
- Photography and Digital Art (Group 6) D.4 Compares forms of arts from the
- Theater and Performance Art (Group 7) different regions
- Contemporary Dance (Group 8)
- Contemporary Music (Group 9) D.5 Interprets and relates the significance
of arts forms from the regions
Genre to be discussed by Teacher if there
are extra time (Not required to be
discussed): D.6 Promotes arts from the regions
- Folk art to contemporary art expressions
(woven products, fashion and accessories, D.7 Researches on techniques and
home-use products, decors, masks) performance practices applied to
- Furniture Products contemporary arts
- Ceramics, Pottery, and Terracotta Art
- Decorative Art in Paper, Tatoo, Coffee, D.8 Identifies local materials used in
and Tuba
creating art
2. Describing different contemporary
art genre in terms of: D.9 Critiques available materials and
- Art production materials and appropriate techniques
D.10 Justifies the use of materials and the
3. Analyzing sample contemporary art application of techniques
in terms of:
- Subject and style
- Elements and principles of design
*process reflection
2. Below is the timetable for the challenge:
1. Conceptualization (Novelty) The concept of the artwork is novel. The idea that the student focused The concept of the artwork is generally novel. The artwork The concept of the artwork is common. The artwork was inspired The artwork was not original. The exact theme, idea, subject has
on came from a fresh perspective. The artwork is wholly original. was inspired from different styles and ideas but the student from different styles and ideas. The student did not wholly been done before
was able to fit in his/her unique style express his/her individuality in the piece.
Ability to conceptualize novel idea for an
3. Use of Materials The materials used in the art work contribute to the realization of the The materials used in the art work contribute to the The materials were not utilized efficiently to realize the artwork. The materials used in the art work do not contribute to establish the
artist’s concept. The chosen materials add to the uniqueness of the realization of the artist’s concept. artist’s concept.
Ability to use materials that would contribute to
the artist’s concept.
4. Craftsmanship The artwork displayed masterful skill in creation. The elements/style The artwork displayed adequate skill in creation. The The artwork exhibited inefficient skill in creation. The The artworks show poor skill in creation. The elements/style was not
that was utilized fit in perfectly with the subject/theme. elements/style was utilized appropriately according to the elements/style was not utilized efficiently in the artwork utilized in the artwork according to the subject/theme
Ability to skillfully create the art work.
5. Completeness All requirements needed to exhibit the art work had been accomplished Most requirements needed to exhibit the art work had been Some requirements needed to exhibit the art work had been Few requirements needed to exhibit the art work had been
by the artist. The artwork was presented several days in advance without accomplished by the artist. The art work was presented accomplished by the artist. The artwork was presented with a few accomplished by the artist. The artwork was presented with only a
any lacking components without lacking any components components missing few components in tact
Ability to accomplish all necessary requirements
in order to exhibit the artwork.
1. Understanding of the Theme The student exhibited deep understanding about the basic The student exhibited good understanding about The student did not exhibit adequate understanding The student failed to exhibit understanding about the
premises of the theme of the artwork. Mastery was evident in the theme of the artwork. Adequate amount of about the theory. Only a handful of ideas were given theme. Few ideas were given and the discussion was not
his/her writing via the exhaustive discussion of the student’s ideas were presented about the artwork and was and were not discussed exhaustively. efficient.
Mastery of the Theme to be realized in the
ideas discussed efficiently
2. Meaningfulness The student has discussed extensively on how he/she will be The student has discussed how he/she will be able The student has discussed inefficiently how he/she The student did not discuss how he/she will capture the
Mastery over the idea and/or meaning able to capture the idea in the artwork. The student has to capture the idea in the artwork. Though he/she will be able to capture the idea in the artwork. His/her idea in the artwork.
pointed out how the figures relate to each other to talk about has talked about the figures, he/she failed to discussion of how the figures will work together to
behind the artwork the idea of the piece describe in detail how these work together to talk talk about the idea was incomplete and lacked
about the idea behind the work justification
3. Understanding of Elements The student has discussed in great detail how the specific The student has adequately discussed how the The student poorly discussed how the elements and The student did not discuss how the elements and
elements and techniques that he/she will utilize are specific elements and techniques are appropriate techniques are appropriate to the artwork. The student techniques are appropriate to the artwork. The student
appropriate to his/her art work. The student has elaborated on for his/her artwork. The student has briefly did not justify why this style must be utilized in failed to discuss why the specific styles will be utilized in
why this is the best style for his/her subject and theme, and discussed why this is the best style for the artwork, the artwork, and how it is relevant to the idea behind the
4. Understanding of the Art Making The student describes in great detail the exact steps he/she The student has a detailed plan on how to The student has a rough sketch on how he/she will The student did not discuss how he/she will make the
Process will make in order to accomplish the artwork. The student accomplish the piece. The student has a list of accomplish the project. The student only discusses the artwork
has a complete list of materials needed and the time it will materials and the time needed to accomplish the steps but does not describe in detail. The student has
take to accomplish the piece piece. an incomplete list of materials and has a timeframe
Ability to plan the creation of the artwork that is vague.
5. Organization All the ideas were discussed coherently. The paper could be Most of the ideas were discussed coherently. The Some of the ideas were discussed coherently. The Most of the ideas were not discussed coherently. The paper
Ability to discuss ideas coherently understood easily paper could be understood paper could not be understood easily was difficult understand
● interculturally fluent and have a global mindset, open to deep dialogue with others from cultural backgrounds, whether in physical or digital spaces.
● understand and respect traditional ways and indigenous values, appreciating them as part of the diversity that enriches one’s life.
●acknowledge, practice, and promote cultural elements that contribute to one’s identity
● critically examine information to bring to light assumptions and pieces of evidence behind them before accepting and/or acting on them.
● are able to look at things from different perspectives and can appreciate points of view different from theirs.
Culturally Sensitive Critical and
● generate ideas, designs, systems or information with resourcefulness, imagination, insight, originality, aesthetic judgment, enterprise, and a risk-taking approach to meet the
Creative Thinkers
current and emerging needs of society.
● reflect on and derive new insights from existing information and express them in different ways, including creative and artful forms.
● Use creative methods and technologies to solve problems and make decisions toward hopeful futures.
Effective Communicator ● communicate effectively and confidently in a range of contexts and for many different audiences and communication platforms such as social media, using inclusive or non-
discriminatory language at all times.
● respond to multiple experiences and ideas about the world and communicate personal, spiritual, and religious meaning through various modes and media.
● engage in constructive dialogue by listening actively to understand the intent, spirit, meaning and context of others’ words, and respond compassionately and with empathy in
both verbal and non-verbal ways.
● compose and express a wide range of written, spoken, and visual texts to convey information for a variety of purposes that are meaningful to society.
● plan, organize, manage, and evaluate their own thinking, performance, behavior, and physical, mental, and spiritual well being, and adjust them when necessary, for the sake of
● reflect on the significance of God/the Numinous/the Divine/ the Cosmos2 and religious and spiritual experiences, for themselves and others.
● develop awareness of the spiritual or religious significance of life and its implications on their place in the world.
● are open to the excitement of new knowledge and new ways of doing and being.
Reflective Lifelong Learner and ● are able to recreate themselves into new capacities, careers, and service-callings.
Competent Self-Nurturer ● carefully and critically adapt to the digitization of their environment, having the ability to humanize technology, understanding that technology is a means, not an end.
● understand the nature, potential benefits and risks involved in advancing technologies, especially in the areas of information and computing, biotechnology, nanotechnology,
among others.
● are able to practice self-care, always open to positive experiences in life, but appreciating difficulties as necessary for self-strengthening and soul-making
● develop and incorporate Lasallian leadership4 skills, serving as companions to all in a shared journey of positive social transformation, achieving goals together and by
● are able to widen their sphere of experience, immerse themselves in situations that allow opportunities to develop genuine compassion by cultivating a way of being-with
(kapwa) others.
Engaged and Service-Driven ● actively participate in deliberative public forums in order to elevate their understanding of the issues involved.
Citizen ● analyze community, social, and national realities and take an active role in advancing social progress and the common good.
● develop and practice effective and inclusive interpersonal skills in order to relate to others in peaceful, tolerant, compassionate and non-discriminatory ways.
● nourish relationships with God/the Divine/the Numinous/the Higher Being, one’s self, others, especially the poor and the marginalized, the environment, and their non-human
codwellers, with compassion, sensitivity, respect, integrity, and empathy
● demonstrate mastery of specialized knowledge and apply it to real-world situations. ● creatively use specialized knowledge to address new problems and novel situations.
● achieve the convergence of humaneness, applications, systems, and processes in creating a work-life balance while optimizing organizational productivity
● open to collaborating with others in different areas of expertise in order to solve problems while staying grounded in one’s identity and able to take a stand based on one's
Technically Competent Professional principles when necessary.
● apply the Lasallian Reflection Framework of Masid-Danas (Observe-Experience), Suri-Nilay (Analysis-Reflection) and Taya-Kilos (Commitment-Action), accompanied by
Ramdam-Pakiramdam (Feeling-Empathy) when solving problems or addressing issues
Faith DLSU is committed to nurturing a community of distinguished and morally upright scholars that harmonizes faith and life with contemporary knowledge in order to generate
and propagate new knowledge for human development and social transformation.
Service DLSU is committed to being a resource for Church and nation and to being socially responsible in building a just, peaceful, stable, and progressive Filipino nation.
Communion DLSU is committed to building a community of leaders, competent professionals, scholars, researchers, and entrepreneurs, who will participate actively in improving the
quality of life in Philippine society within the perspective of Christian ideals and values
1. There is no final examination in this class.
2. No output/progress/draft = no grade for the output/progress/draft AND the final
essay. This is called the process-based approach.
3. Turn in outputs on time.
4. All users may not post and share in Canvas content that may:
a. Create a risk of harm, loss, or mental/emotional injury to any other person
b. Defamatory, libelous or threatening or that constitutes hate speech
c. Contain any information that you do not have a right to make available and
violates anyone’s right of privacy
5. Feedback is important. If you have any concerns with how the course is run, please
let me know. This will not affect your grade.
6. Grades are final. No “extra credit” or “special projects” will be given. Make sure you attend the grade consultation as scheduled. After this time, your grade is final.
11. Regularly communicate with your groupmates. Let me know if there are problems getting in touch with a groupmate.
12. Please observe email etiquette. Treat our online sessions or correspondences as
extensions of our classroom sessions. Please do not email me after 6 PM (Monday-
Friday) and on weekends.
13. Treat other users with respect. Remember that you are talking with human beings behind the screen.
14. Read all messages in a discussion thread before replying so as not to repeat someone else’s post without adding something of your own to it.
15. Use clear and concise language with correct spelling and grammar.
16. Keep discussion posts brief but thorough, on topic and within the scope of the course material
17. Review your posts before sending to ensure you are avoiding slang terms, texting abbreviations, and caps lock.
18. Be open-minded of other’s opinions even when they differ from your own.
19. Mute your microphone in a conference if it is not your time to talk in order to minimize background sound.
20. Come to class presentably.
21. Avoid using other electronic gadgets and eating during online synchronous learning activities
(Note: Thanks to Dr. Raymund Vittorio and Gene Flores for this list)
Ramirez, Veronica E. (2016). Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Regions. Quezon City: Vibal Group Inc.
Cultural Center of the Philippines. (2004). CCP encyclopedia of Philippine art. Volumes 1-10. Manila: Cultural Center of the Philippines.
Cultural Center of the Philippines. (2006). Orden ng mga pambansang alagad ng sining, 2006. Manila: National Commission for Culture and Arts.