Design and Construction of A Battery Powered Jet Spray Cylinder For Micro-Irrigation Scheme

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Volume 8, Issue 7, July – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Design and Construction of a Battery Powered Jet

Spray Cylinder for Micro-Irrigation Scheme
Ochonogor Ashibudike Destiny1 Umubigho Wilfred2
Department of Mechanical Engineering Department of Mechanical Engineering
Delta State University Delta State University
Abraka, Nigeria Abraka, Nigeria

Abstract:- The jet spray cylinder is an important device down continuously to create a pressure difference throughout
which helps to provide more yield for same plant and also the period of spraying. Designers also more often don’t adapt
enables continuous and maximum crop production the equipment for other purposes like weed control pest
throughout the year be it winter or summer by supplying control etc., thus bringing the need for this project work. The
the right amount of water needed by plants for optimum aim of this project is to design a device which will be used in
performance. The jet spray cylinder can also be adapted micro irrigation scheme to supply water to the root of the
for other applications such as pest control, weed control plant in the form of localized irrigation. Also specific
etc. This device is more convenient to operate and objective are outlined below;
maintain since the function of the lever bar is replaced by
a battery powered pump. The device gave a uniform  To construct a jet spray cylinder that makes localized
continuous flow and also a higher efficiency as it was able surface irrigation easier .Installation and maintenance cost
to discharge 2 liters in 10(ten) seconds and thus are reduced in comparison to an underground irrigation
discharging the whole volume of the cylinder (16 liters) in system.
one minute twenty seconds.  To construct a device that will improve agricultural
productivity by ensuring more yields for same plant and
I. INTRODUCTION reduced time for products to grow to maturity.
 To reduce the stress of moving the rocker bar up and down
Irrigation involves the deliberate and controlled continuously in order to create a pressure difference
application of water for agricultural purposes, using man- between the inside of the cylinder and the outside which
made systems to address water needs not met by natural will otherwise cause tiredness to the individual.
rainfall. Crop irrigation plays a vital role worldwide, ensuring
sufficient food production for the ever-growing global The study involves an x-ray of various jet spray cylinder
population. The primary objective of irrigation is to provide devices used for micro irrigation. It also covers conceptual
each plant with the precise amount of water it requires. design and detailed design of the device in question. It covers
Various irrigation methods are employed globally, such as the detailed drawing, construction, costing and testing device.
center pivot, drip, flood, furrow, gravity, rotation, sprinkler,
sub-irrigation, traveling gun, supplemental, and surface II. LITERATURE REVIEW
 Review of Micro-Irrigation
Jet spray cylinder pressurized irrigation, whether in the Drip irrigation, also referred to as trickle irrigation, is an
form of sprinkler or drip systems, plays a crucial role in efficient method of watering plants. By allowing water to drip
enhancing liquid efficiency and significantly contributing to slowly onto the soil surface or directly onto the root zone, this
improved food production. Sprinkler irrigation, which falls technique conserves water and fertilizer. The system operates
under the pressurized irrigation category, involves the through a network of valves, pipes, tubing, and emitters (R.
application of liquid to the soil surface using mechanical and Goyal, 2005) to deliver water directly to the base of each plant
hydraulic devices that mimic natural rainfall. This widely through narrow tubes.
used irrigation method helps replenish nutrients consumed by
crops and ensures the soil is adequately softened for  History
agricultural activities. The ultimate goal of any irrigation The practice of primitive drip irrigation dates back to
system is to provide each plant with precisely the right ancient times. In the first-century BCE, "Fan Sheng-Chih
amount of water it needs for optimal growth and Shu" in China documented the use of buried, unglazed clay
productivity. Whether it's through sprinklers or drip systems, pots filled with water as a method of irrigation (Bainbridge,
the controlled application of water supports sustainable A. David, 2001). Modern drip irrigation, as we know it today,
agriculture and efficient resource utilization. Various designs traces its origins to Germany in 1860 when researchers
of jet spray cylinder for micro irrigation scheme have started pioneering subsurface irrigation. They experimented
inadequate design consideration with designers not really with clay pipes to develop innovative combination irrigation
taking into account the headache faced by the operators of and drainage systems.
this piece of equipment in moving the rocker bar up and

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Volume 8, Issue 7, July – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
In the 1920s, research on drip irrigation expanded technologies have emerged that help minimize clogging. In
further to include the application of perforated pipe systems. residential systems, some installations skip additional filters
Subsequently, in Australia, Hannis Thill played a significant as potable water is already filtered at the water treatment
role in the development of using plastic materials to hold and plant. However, nearly all drip irrigation equipment
distribute water in drip irrigation systems. His contributions manufacturers strongly advise the use of filters and may not
helped advance the efficiency and effectiveness of modern honor warranties if they are not employed. To enhance
drip irrigation techniques. filtration efficiency, it is strongly recommended to include
last line filters just before the final delivery pipe. This
In 1973, the breakthrough in drip irrigation came from precaution accounts for fine particle settlement and the
Israel, where Simcha Blass and his son Yeshayahu Massada accidental introduction of particles into the intermediate
Limited introduced the concept of using plastic emitters. lines, ensuring optimal system performance and reducing the
Instead of relying on tiny holes that could easily become risk of clogs
blocked by particles, they devised a system that released
water through larger and longer passageways, utilizing the Drip and subsurface drip irrigation are predominantly
velocity of water to slow it down within the plastic emitter. utilized when using recycled municipal wastewater due to
The initial experimentation for this innovative method was regulations that prohibit spraying untreated water through the
conducted by Blass in 1959, and later he collaborated with air that does not meet potable water standards. These
Kibbutz Hatzerim to establish an irrigation company named irrigation methods allow for a controlled application of water
Netafim. Together, they successfully developed and patented directly to the root zone of plants, minimizing the risk of
the first practical surface drip irrigation emitter in 1974 waterborne contaminants. In traditional surface irrigation
(Massada, Limited, Israel). This groundbreaking methods, timed-release fertilizers may not be as effective
development significantly improved the efficiency and when used with drip systems. To address this, liquid
reliability of modern drip irrigation systems fertilizers are often mixed with the irrigation water in drip
systems. This approach ensures that plants receive the
In the early 1960s, Richard Chapin from Chapin necessary nutrients directly and efficiently through the
Watermatics in the United States developed the first drip irrigation process, promoting optimal growth and maximizing
tape, known as Dew Hose, marking a significant the effectiveness of the fertilization process.
advancement in drip irrigation technology. Since the
invention of the impact sprinkler in the 1930s, modern drip Drip irrigation, when properly designed, installed, and
irrigation has emerged as one of the most valuable managed, offers various water conservation benefits
innovations in agriculture. Offering a practical alternative to compared to other irrigation methods like flood or overhead
surface irrigation, it has revolutionized farming practices sprinklers. By delivering water directly to the plant roots,
worldwide. In addition to traditional dripping emitters, evaporation and deep drainage are minimized, contributing to
micro-spray heads are also utilized in drip irrigation. These water conservation (M. Burt and W. Sturt, 2007).
devices spray water in a small area, making them suitable for Furthermore, drip irrigation can prevent the spread of
tree and vine crops with wider root zones. Subsurface drip diseases that may occur through water contact with the
irrigation (SDI) is another variant, involving the use of foliage, improving plant health and reducing the need for
dripperline or drip tape buried permanently or temporarily at chemical treatments. In regions with severe water limitations,
or below the plant roots. This method is gaining popularity drip irrigation may not result in actual water savings but can
for row crop irrigation, particularly in regions with limited lead to increased production while using the same amount of
water supplies or where recycled water is used for irrigation. water as before (M. Burt and W. Sturt, 2007. In extremely
SDI helps optimize water distribution and enhance crop arid regions or on sandy soils, the preferred approach is to
yields in such challenging conditions apply irrigation water as slowly as possible to maximize
absorption and minimize runoff or deep percolation. Pulsed
Drip irrigation for horticulture requires a careful study irrigation is occasionally used to deliver water in smaller
of factors like land topography, soil, water, crop, and agro- quantities over time, further reducing the risk of runoff or
climatic conditions. The components used in drip irrigation, deep percolation. However, pulsed systems can be costly and
listed in order from the water source, are: pump or require extensive maintenance.
pressurized water source, water filter(s) like sand separator,
optional fertigation systems (Venturi injector) and Indeed, the latest efforts by emitter manufacturers are
chemigation equipment, backwash controller (backflow concentrated on developing innovative technologies that
prevention device), and pressure control valve (pressure allow irrigation water to be delivered at ultra-low flow rates,
regulator). Additional components include the main line, often less than 1.0 liter per hour. This advancement in slow
hand-operated, electronic, or hydraulic control valves and and even water delivery significantly enhances water use
safety valves, smaller diameter polytube (laterals), poly efficiency without the need for costly and complex pulsed
fittings and accessories, and emitting devices like emitters or delivery equipment. An emitting pipe is a specific type of
drippers, micro spray heads, inline drippers, or inline rip drip irrigation tubing that comes with emitters pre-installed at
tube. Pump and valves can be manually or automatically the factory. These emitters are set at predetermined distances
operated with a controller. Large drip irrigation systems and flow rates per hour, tailored to suit the specific needs of
commonly use filters to prevent clogging of the small emitter various crops. Emitters, also known as drippers, play a
flow path caused by waterborne particles. Recently, new crucial role in transferring water from the pipe or tube to the

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Volume 8, Issue 7, July – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
targeted irrigation area. They are available in a range of flow  Cost-Effective: Installation and maintenance costs are
rates, typically from 0.16 to 4.0 U.S. gallons per hour (0.6 to typically lower compared to underground sprinkler
16L/h). Some emitters vary their flow rates with changes in systems
pressure, while others are designed to be pressure-
compensating, maintaining a consistent flow regardless of  Disadvantages of Micro-Irrigation
pressure fluctuations. This ensures uniform water distribution Despite the numerous advantages of drip irrigation,
across the entire irrigation system, irrespective of the varying some contractors exhibit reluctance to adopt this method due
water pressures at different points to certain perceived drawbacks. The most common concern
cited is the challenge of assessing its functionality since there
As advancements were made in materials and solutions is no visible spray pattern, as seen in overhead irrigation.
for issues like clogging, drip irrigation started to gain Micro-irrigation is typically concealed under a layer of
popularity for residential and small commercial applications. mulch, making it less apparent. Additionally, other
The system's relative simplicity made it accessible even to disadvantages include:
homeowners and non-professionals, enabling them to install
and use it effectively. With these improvements, drip  Vulnerable to Landscaping Activities: Drip irrigation
irrigation became an attractive and efficient option for systems are susceptible to damage during other
providing water directly to plants' root zones, conserving landscaping tasks
water and promoting healthier growth. As a result, more and  Prone to Rodent Damage: Rodents may cause chewing
more individuals and small-scale businesses embraced drip damage to the system components.
irrigation as a practical and cost-effective means of watering  Susceptible to Vandalism: Particularly in non-mulched
their gardens, landscapes, and agricultural plots. areas, the system can be subject to vandalism.
 Tripping Hazard: For children and pets, the exposed
 Benefits of Micro-Irrigation tubing can present a tripping hazard, though this can be
Micro-irrigation stands as the epitome of water mitigated by anchoring the tubing and covering it with
efficiency for trees, crops, gardens, and landscapes. Unlike mulch.
overhead irrigation methods like rotors and pop-up spray  Emitters Clogging: Emitters can become clogged, leading
heads, which operate at around 50-70 percent efficiency, a to the interruption of water flow to certain parts of the
well-designed drip irrigation system can achieve nearly 100 landscape. However, advancements in system filtration
percent efficiency. Embracing drip irrigation offers a and self-cleaning emitters have addressed many of these
multitude of advantages: issues.
 Limited Root Growth: Drip irrigation may restrict plant
 Tailored Precision: It allows precise delivery of the root growth to the area directly wetted by the system
required amount of water to individual plant
 Minimal Evaporative Losses: When used with mulching, Despite these concerns, it's worth noting that many of
evaporative losses are significantly reduced. these disadvantages can be overcome or minimized through
 Ideal for Windy Conditions: Drip irrigation performs proper installation, maintenance, and incorporating newer
exceptionally well in windy environments. technologies designed to address these issues effectively.
 Water Conservation: Less water is utilized as it is
targeted only to the plants in need.  Lever Operated Knapsack Sprayer
 Weed Control: Fewer weeds thrive since the spaces The traditional knapsack sprayer design has seen little
between plants remain unirrigated. change since its inception in the late 1800s (Matthews 1969).
 Reduced Foliar Diseases: Incidences of foliar diseases Nevertheless, its popularity remains steadfast due to its
are lowered. adaptability for various pesticides, making it a valuable tool
 Pollution Prevention: Runoff pollution is reduced or for small-scale farmers in developing nations seeking to boost
eliminated. agricultural productivity under challenging conditions. Recent
 Enhanced Plant Health: Fertilizers and chemicals are advancements in plastics and metals have resulted in lighter
delivered precisely where they are required, benefiting and more efficient sprayers, easing their use, especially in
plant health. regions with hot climates and rugged terrain. As a result of a
 Steady Soil Moisture: Fluctuations in soil moisture are diverse range of brands and ergonomic designs available in
minimized, promoting healthier plants. the market, farmers and pesticide applicators can now choose
 Flexible Adaptation: The system adapts easily to a knapsack sprayer that best suits their physical stature and
accommodate plant growth or changes in the landscape. strength, enhancing ease of use and overall efficiency.
 Versatility in Soil and Terrain: Drip irrigation is well-
suited for various soil types and terrains.  Description of Lever Operated Knapsack Sprayer
 Exemption from Watering Restrictions: Its exceptional The manually operated knapsack sprayer, as shown in
efficiency often exempts it from watering restrictions. Figure 1, comprises a tank with a capacity of 10 to 20 liters,
 Efficient Coverage for Large Areas: Large areas can be designed to be carried on the back using two adjustable
watered simultaneously due to its low flow rate. shoulder straps. To power the sprayer, there's an operating
lever positioned either over the shoulder or under the arm,
which operates a piston or diaphragm pump. The under arm
lever can be adjusted for use with the right or left arm, while

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Volume 8, Issue 7, July – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
the over the shoulder lever can be operated with either arm. requiring higher pressures, where piston pumps offer better
To enhance comfort and efficiency, some models include a performance.
waist strap, which not only provides support and firmly holds
the tank in place but also ensures that the operator's pumping  Pump
energy is effectively transferred from the lever to the pump. A pump can be described as a device designed to impart
The pump is commonly located on the inside of the tank to energy to a fluid system, either by increasing its pressure
protect it from potential damage. However, in certain energy, kinetic energy, or both, through the conversion of
designs, the pump is placed on the outside of the tank, mechanical energy. On the other hand, a turbine operates in
facilitating easier maintenance when needed. the opposite manner, as the fluid flow occurs from the high-
pressure side to the low-pressure side, creating an accelerated
The operation of a knapsack sprayer requires flow. In contrast, a pump causes the fluid flow to move from
continuous pumping, and the choice between a piston or the low-pressure side towards the higher pressure side,
diaphragm pump depends on the type of application intended. leading to a decelerated flow. This fundamental distinction
When applying insecticides and fungicides, piston pumps are between a turbine(has accelerated flow) and a pump(has
typically favored because they can achieve pressures of 2.0 decelerated flow), from a hydrodynamic perspective,
bar or higher (FAO, 1994) with relative ease. In the case of a highlights the different roles these devices play in fluid
piston pump, the liquid is drawn from the tank into the pump systems (R.K. Rajput, 2005).
chamber through a valve during the upward movement of the
piston. On the reverse stroke of the lever, the spray solution  Pump Classification
passes through a second valve and enters an air or pressure A basic system of pump classification does the follow,
chamber. Many sprayers incorporate this air chamber as part  Defines the principle by which energy is added to the
of the piston system fluid:
 Identifies the means by which this principle is
The air chamber serves as a critical component in the implemented
structure of a knapsack sprayer. It plays a vital role in the  And delineates specific geometries commonly employed
operation by trapping air in a part of the pressure chamber
and compressing it as liquid is forced into the chamber.  Pumps can be Grouped as,
Consequently, as pressure builds up in the air chamber, the  Dynamic pumps
liquid is directed through a dip tube, hose, trigger valve, and  displacement pumps
finally, through a lance to the nozzle (FAO, 1994; Matthews,
2000). The size of the pressure chamber can vary across  Classification of Dynamic Pumps
different types of knapsack sprayers, typically ranging from In dynamic pumps, energy is consistently added to
160 to 1300 ml (Matthews, 2000). It is essential for the air elevate the fluid velocities within the machine to levels
chamber to be as large as possible and should be at least ten higher than those observed at the discharge point.
times the pump capacity (FAO, 1994; Matthews, 2000). Consequently, when the velocity is subsequently reduced
Despite the pumping action of the applicator causing some within or beyond the pump, it results in a corresponding
fluctuations in pressure, the situation worsens significantly if increase in pressure. These pumps typically have a notable
the pressure chamber's capacity is inadequate (Matthews, gap between the rotating part, such as the impeller, and the
2000). Therefore, a properly sized and adequately large air stationary part. Dynamic pumps can be further categorized
chamber is crucial for maintaining stable and consistent into various types of centrifugal pumps and other specialized
pressure during spraying operations. effect pumps, as detailed in Fig 1.

When the pump displacement and pressure cylinder  Classification of Displacement Pumps
capacity are small in a knapsack sprayer, operating the These pumps operate by intermittently adding energy
sprayer becomes more laborious, particularly when aiming through the application of force to one or more movable
for higher pressures (Matthews, 1969). In contrast to piston boundaries, creating enclosed fluid-containing volumes. This
pumps, diaphragm pumps utilize a flexible elastomer process directly increases the pressure until it reaches the
diaphragm, typically located at the base of the tank, instead necessary value to propel the fluid through valves or ports
of a sealed piston. However, due to the limited up and down into the discharge line. Typically, there is a narrow gap
movement of the diaphragm, these types of sprayers are between the moving and stationary parts. Displacement
generally less efficient. Diaphragm pump knapsack sprayers pumps can be broadly categorized into reciprocating and
require more force on the lever compared to piston pumps, rotary types, based on the movement of the pressure-
and achieving the desired volume per hour output at various generating components. Each of these primary classifications
pressures and with different nozzles demands a higher mean can be further divided into specific types that hold significant
number of strokes per minute (Matthews, 1969). As a result, commercial significance, as depicted in Fig 2.
diaphragm pump knapsack sprayers are better suited for low-
pressure applications. They may be less effective for tasks

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Volume 8, Issue 7, July – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Fig 1 Classification of Dynamic Pumps

Fig 2 Classification of Displacement Pumps

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Volume 8, Issue 7, July – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
 Pressure Head of a Liquid

Fig 3 A liquid is subjected to pressure due to its own weight, this pressure increase as the depth of the liquid increases. Consider a
vessel containing liquid.

The liquid will exert pressure on all sides and bottom of  Rate of Flow or Discharge
the vessel now the Cylinder is made to stand in the liquid, as Rate of flow (or discharge) is defined as the quantity of
shown in the figure. a liquid flowing per second through a section of pipe or a
channel. It is generally denoted by Q. let us consider a liquid
Let, h = Height of liquid in the cylinder, flowing through a pipe.

A = Area of the cylinder base, Let, A = Area of cross-section of the pipe, and
W = Specific weight of the liquid,
And, P = Intensity of pressure. V = Average velocity of the liquid
Now, Total pressure on the base of the cylinder = Weight of
liquid in the cylinder. ∴ Discharge, Q = Area × Averagevelocity i.e., Q = A.V.

i.e. p.A = wAh If area is in m2 and velocity is in m/s, then the discharge
p = 𝑨 = wh
Q = m2 × m/s = m3/s =cumecs
i.e., p = wh
p = ℓgh
 Rate of Flow or Discharge
The continuity equation is based on the principle of
 Bernoulli’s Equation
conservation of mass. It state as follows “if no fluid is added
Bernoulli’s equation state as follow:
or removed from the pipe in any length then the mass passing
across different sections shall same” consider two cross –
“ In an ideal incompressible fluid when the flow is
section of a pipe as shown.
steady and continuous, the sum of pressure energy , kinetic
energy and potential (or datum) energy is constant along a
A1 = Area of the pipe at section 1-1
stream line “R.K RAJPUT(2000)“
V1 = Velocity of the fluid at the section 1-1

𝑝 𝑣² P1 = Density of the fluid at the section 1-1

+ 2𝑔 + z = constant
And 2, V2, P2 are corresponding values at section
𝑝₁ 𝑣₁² 𝑝₂ 𝑣₂² 2-2
In others words, 𝑤
+ 2𝑔 + z1 = 𝑤 + 2𝑔 + z2
The total quantity of fluid passing through section1-1 =
Where, = pressure energy, p1A1V1

𝑣² And the total quantity of fluid passing through section

= kinetic energy, and 2-2 = P2A2V2

Z = Datum (or elevation) energy.

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Volume 8, Issue 7, July – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
From the law of Conservation of matter (theorem of  The effect curvature of the cylinder wall is neglected
continuity), we  The tensile stresses are uniformly distributed over the
suction of the walls.
P1A1V1 = P2A2V2  The effect of the restraining action of the head at the end
of the pressure vessel is neglected
A1V1 = A2V2
 When a thin Cylindrical shell is Subjected to Internal
Pressure it is Likely to fail in the following ways

 It may fail across the longitude section i.e

(circumferentially) splitting the cylinder into two cylinder
into two trough.
 It may fail across the transverse section ( i.e
longitudinally) splitting the cylinder into thin cylindrical
shells. Thus the wall of a cylindrical shell subjected to an
internal pressure has to withstand tensile stresses of the
following two type circumferential or hoop stress
Longitudinal stress. (J.K Gupta, R.S Khurmi2005)

Fig 4 The Law of Conservation of Matter Circumferential or Hoop stress

(Theorem of Continuity) P×d P×d
σt1 = 2t
= >t = 2σt₁
WHP = 3600
Longitudinal stress
Net positive suction Head (NPSH)
P×d P×d
σt₂ = 4t
= > 𝑡 = 4σt₂
V² p pv
NPSH = 2g + sw + sw
Where :
Fluid velocity
P = Intensity of pressure
V = √2g (NPSH − SW + SW) d:= Internal diameter of the cylindrical shell.

L: Length of the cylindrical shell


WHP = Water horsepower t: Thickness of the cylinders

σt1 = circumferential stress for the material of the cylinder

Q= from note or discharge

NPHS = Net positive suction head σt2 = longitudinal stress for the material of the cylinder

V = velocity of the fluid or liquid III. CONCEPTUAL AND DETAIL DESIGN

P = inlet pressure The conceptual design is the initial stage of the design
process, primarily utilizing drawings or solid models as the
PV = Vapour pressure of liquid or fluid primary tools and outcomes. During this phase, the
conceptual design provides a comprehensive description of
SW = Specific water weight of liquid or fluid the proposed system through integrated ideas and concepts,
outlining its intended functionality, behavior, and appearance
G = Acceleration due to gravity in a manner that is easily understandable by the end-users.
We studied various jet spray cylinder devices in the market
 Stresses in a thin Cylindrical Shell due to Internal and found out, most of them were manually operated with the
Pressure aid of level arm. Thus in an attempt to reduce the stress of
The analysis of stresses induced in a thin cylindrical moving the rocker bar before pressure is induced in the
shell are made on the following assumption (J.K Gupter, cylinder we conceived different ideas out of which we
R.S Kurmi, 2005). selected one to achieve our aim.

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Volume 8, Issue 7, July – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
 Evaluation Criteria  User friendliness
The evaluation of each of our three conceptual designs  Compatibility
and the selection of a particular design concept was on the  Safety
following factor:
 Design Concept 1: The Conventional Chemical Jet Spray
 Functions rather than mechanical drawings.
 Cost in relation to function

Fig 5 First Conceptual Design (Chemical Jet Spray )

 Component Parts of Cylinder  To distribute a liquid over an area,

 To increase liquid surface area
 Lever Arm  To create impact force on a solid surface
 Carriage
 Capillary Tube  Advantages
 Nozzle
 Trigger  Simple to use and Maintain.
 Liquid Reservoir  Light Weight
 Low Cost of Production and Maintenance.
This arrangement is shown in figure 2 above. It consist
of a liquid reservoir, a pneumatic pump that is lever arm  Dissadvantages
activated, and a hose and a spray nozzle. Many of them The manually operated conventional back pack jet spray
belong to the back pack category that is they are carried in has the following dissadvantages
the back with the help of straps around the waist and
shoulder. They are manually operated with the up and down  They lack the ability of a continous flow as they are
stroking of a lever arm. They operate under the simple itermitently activated by the up and down stroke of the
pneumatci (bicycle pump) principle where a volume of air, in lever arm.
this case liquid is sucked into a pressurised chamber through  They can easily lose presure with time as the liquid
an opened one way valve by the application of a lever arm volume decreases
and discharged through a spray nozzle.A spray nozzle is a  It is cubersome as the human operator could easily feel
precision device that facilitates dispersion of liquid into a fatigue in the hands
spray. They are used for three purposes:  Low pressure is most likely achieved from the pump
power that are mostly inserted in them

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Volume 8, Issue 7, July – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
 Design Concept 2: Electric or Fuel Powered  maintenance is difficult and its cost is also high.
Chemical/Fertilizer Jet Spray  more complex.
 often noisy

 Design Concept 3: Battery Powered Chemical/Fertilizer

Jet Spray
This concept is a battery powered jet spray that will be
capable of spraying pesticides and fertilizer with both been
liquid based.It will consist of a cylinder compartment, two
nozzles, belt for its carriage, battery, pump, hydraulic hose
etc.The mechanism of operation is quit simple as the pump
which is powered by the battery sucks in liquid through the
inlet, discharges it through the outlet in which the hose,
trigger, and nozzle compartment are coupled.

 Advantages

 It will have the ability to execute a continous flow

 It can be operated with convenience without pain to the
human hand
Fig 6 Design Concept 2: Electric or Fuel Powered  It will have the ability to spray large area in less time
Chemical/Fertilizer Jet Spray  Simple to use and maintain

Table 1 Components Part of Jet Spray  Disadvantages

1 Jet Nozzle
2 Carriage Strapp  Its weight is a little higher than the manual type.
3 Return Hydraulic Hose  Dependency on power source.
4 Liquid Reservoir
5 Discharge Hydraulic Hose  Criteria for Design Selection
6 Fuel Tank In selecting our design out of these three concepts, we
7 Suction Hose applied the evaluation of the entire concepts discussed above.
8 Discharge Hose Comparing the three concepts above,it was found that the
9 Trigger third proposed concept has far more better advantage to the
10 Hydraulic Pump first two and thus this design work was purely based on the
11 Prime Mover third concept.The lever operated pump is replaced by a
battery driven one.Avoiding manual pumping is less tiresome
This arrangement is shown in figure 3. This concept is a for the operator despite the extra weight of the unit.Flow can
dual powered jet spray that is capababe of being electrically be expected less “pulsed” and fluctuating in pressure.
and fuel powered. It is aimed at being able to discharge liquid
based fertilizer and pesticides. It consist of the following  Material Specification
components; comparted fluid reservoir, hydraulic hose and
nozzle, Spec 1: Material for the body is stainless steel
BASIS for good appearance and light weight
 Adavantages JUSTIFICATION for ease in carrying
The advantages of this concept which are meant to
mitigate and optimise the disadavantages of the conventional Spec 2: Water pump
jet spray concept are as follows; BASIS to give a continous flow
JUSTIFICATION source from practical course on fluid
 It will have a double chamber capable of holding two mechanics
different liquids
Spec 3: Switch component
 It will have the ability to execute a continous discharge
BASIS to control the flow of the liquid
spray due to its motorised pump
JUSTIFICATION as in existing model
 It can be operated with convenience without pain to the
human hand
Spec 4: JET tube
 It will have the abilit to spray larger area in lesss time BASIS for the passage of fluid
JUSTIFICATION as in most existing model
 Disadvantages
Spec 5: Strainer plate
 It has relatively high weight. BASIS to filter out all unwanted debris
 cost of production and operation is relatively high.

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Volume 8, Issue 7, July – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Spec 6: Nozzle A = area of cylinder=361958.4mm²=0.3619584m²
BASIS to control the direction of fluid flow Let V = Q/A
JUSTIFICATION source from existing model Where Q = 134litres/hour
Recall 1litre = 1000m3
Spec 7: Back belt 1 hour=3600seconds
BASIS to allow for easy carriage Q=134000/3600m³/s
JUSTIFICATION source from existing model Q=37.22m³/s
V = 37.22/0.361
 Detailed Design = 103.11m/s

 Volume of Cylinder:  Nozzle Design

To determine the discharge flow rate from a specific
V= πr 2 h nozzle, the Bernoulli's principle can be applied. According to
Where: Bernoulli's law, the energy of a liquid flow remains constant
r=radius=120mm=0.2m along all sections of the flow, neglecting friction and
h=height of cylinder=360mm=0.36m turbulence losses. This assumption is reasonable for the
∏=3.142 purpose of calculating the discharge flow rate between two
V=3.142x120²x360=16288128mm³ sections that are relatively close to each other. By applying
=16litres Bernoulli's principle, the flow rate through the nozzle can be
estimated accurately
 Area of the Cylinder
The energy “E” of the given liquid flow crossing a
A= 2∏r(r+h) given pipe section is compose of a given three parts namely;
A= 2x3.142x120(120+360)
=361958.4mm² P Pressure energy of the liquid particle per volume unit
 Pressure in the Cylinder 𝜌𝑣² Kinetic energy of liquid particle per volume unit
𝜌𝑔𝑧 potential energy of liquid particle per volume unit
P= ℓgh Where 𝜌 = density of liquid, g = gravitational acceleration, z
Where = height respect to one plane of reference, v = liquid velocity
ℓ= desity=1000kg/m³(density of water) The Bernoulli law can be written as follow
g= acceleration due to gravity=9.81m/s² 1
P +2 𝜌𝑣² +𝜌𝑔𝑧 = E
p= 1000x9.81x0.36
= 3531.6N/m² Kinetic energy = 0.5 x1000 x 103.112
= 5315836.1 Joules
 Stresses in the Cylinder Wall Potential energy = 1000 x 9.81 x 0
= 0 Joules
Hence, E = 3531.6 + 5315836.1 + 0
Circumferential or hoop stress = 5319367.65 Joules


P = pressure in the cylinder=3531.6

d = diameter of cylinder base=0.24m
t = thickness of cylinder wal=0.004mml
= (3531.6x0.24)/(2x0.004)=105948N/m²
Longitudnal stress =
= (3531.6x0.24)/(4x0.004)
= 52974N/m²

The circumferential stress is twice the longitudnal


Therefore this design will be based on the

circumferential stress since it is the maximum stress on the

 Rate of Flow or Discharge (Q)

Q = AV
Where V = flow velocity of fluid = ? Fig 7 Pictorial View of the Cylinder

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Volume 8, Issue 7, July – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Fig 8 Bottom View of Cylinder Fig 11 Circuit Diagram

 Battery, Trigger, Capillary Tube, Nozzle

Fig 9 Component Drawing Fig 12 Sectional Drawing of the Cylinder

Fig 10 Third Angle Orthografic Projection

Fig 13 Isometric View of Cylinder

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Volume 8, Issue 7, July – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
IV. CONSTRUCTION OF  We carried out the drill operation as follow;
 First of all, we marked the work with a scriber or a
The construction process of a design plays an steel chalk and then centre punch at the centre of the
important role in engineering because it change the form hole to be drilled.
of material into the final product. The development of  It is then held firmly with a clamp or vice
modern manufacturing is dependent on research in  We fit the drill bit into the chuck.
materials and product which requires a variety of  The hand drill is then lower ensuring that point of
manufacturing processes for these materials. In this the drill is in exact alignment with the previously
project of ours the various processes used in marked centre of the hole.
manufacturing the jet spray cylinder are:  The motor is now started and the rotating drill is
gradually pressed into work to produce the desired
 Material selection and purchase hole.
 Marking out  The pressure was frequently received during the drill
 Folding operation otherwise the cutting edges of the drill will
 Welding be strained and the drill is damaged.
 Drilling  In order to avoid the spoiling of cutting edges of
 Grinding the drill, a coolant was constantly used during the
 Assembling drilling operation.

 Material Selection and Purchase  Grinding

For a particular design to be efficient, it is The welded joints, sharp edges, drilled hole were given
important that the designer clearly understand the a smooth finish by grinding off excess metal from these
material which are available in order to bring forth the locations, grinding is the process of removing metal by
desired result (performance ), by knowing the properties the use of grinding disc. The work to be grinded is
these materials are made of, choice depend on factors pressed against the grinding wheel which rotates at a
such as intensity and type of stresses to which the comparatively high speed and surplus metal is removed
components are subjected, whether it is to be flexible or by abrasion. It produces extremely smooth finish due to the
rigid or it is to experience high temperature or corrosion small cutting edges on the wheel.
 Assembly
The designer’s selection, however will affect the This stage is one of the most critical aspects of this
strength, appearance weight and very importantly cost of design this process was carried out in several stages which is
the product and in fully competitive environment may clearly stated below
go along way to make the difference between success
and failure when the product is fully marketed. Constructing of the cylinder using a 4mm thick
stainless-steel plate,
 Marking Out
The marking out operation consists of outlining After fabrication of the cylinder, the jet spray is
measured lines on the surface of a sheet metal using a assembled in the following order; Fitting of the battery and
scriber, measuring tape, steel chalk and centre punch where electric pump into its positions
necessary. Thereafter, the angle grinding machine is used to
cut out the scribed path to suit the design. With the aid of a 2.5mm diameter hose, the electric
pump is connected to the outer pipe from the cylinder to the
 Folding Operation inlet side of the pump.
The cylinder was folded with the aid of a pipe folding
machine Electrically, the pump is connected to the DC source
(battery) and a switch to control power supply.
 Welding
Welding is the process of permanently joining two The capillary tube is connected to the cylinder through
metals together through the application of heat. The type of the drilled hole and to the pump.The capillary tube is fitted
welding used to join the folded cylinder and its parts is with a nozzle that is replaceable and adjustable with various
shielded metal arc welding. type of spraying pattern.


For any design operation to be complete, drilling
operation is one basic necessity. This process involves the  Testing
creation of holes of desired diameter on the surface of the The cylinder was tested to determine its performance
work piece with the aid of a drill bit using either a pistol characteristic which is vital in determining its ability to carry
drilling machine, a pillar drilling machine or a table drilling out certain duties like spraying water around a plant
machine. uniformly and a controlled rate. To achieve this, we first

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Volume 8, Issue 7, July – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
coupled the various part of the jet spray and connected the REFERENCES
electrical part. Thereafter, we introduced water through the
opening on top of the cylinder and filled it up to its maximum [1] Engr, O. K., Omar, D., and McAuliffe, D.( 1999).
capacity of 16 liters. The pressure within the cylinder was Improving the quality of herbicide applications to oil
found to be 3.5Kpa. In our test the flow was measured with palm in Malaysia using the CFValve-a constant flow
the aid of stop watch, i.e. determining the time taking to valve. Crop Protection 18: 605–607.
discharge certain volume of water. [2] FAO. (1994). Pesticide Application Equipment use in
Agriculture. Volume 1, Manually carried equipment.
 Test Results Food and Agriculture Organization, Rome.
In our test, two (2) liters of water was discharged in ten [3] Khurmi, R.S and Gupta, J.K. (2005). A Textbook of
(10) seconds while sixteen (16) liters was discharged in 1 Machine Design, 14th Revised Edition, Eurasia
minute 20 seconds. The result got from our test show that our Publishing House (P VT) Ltd New Delhi.(2005).
device performed a little below expectation due to problems [4] Khurmi, R.S and Gupta, J.K (2005). Theory of
encountered during construction process and battery capacity Machines, Two Colour Edition, Eurasia Publishing
used for the test. And as such, we had a flow rate of 12 liters House (PVT) Ltd New Delhi.
per minute. [5] Matthews, G. A., (1969). Performance of some
lever-operated knapsack sprayers. Cotton Growing
VI. DISCUSSION Review 46:134–142.
[6] Matthews, G. A. (1997). Pesticide application:
 Problems Current status and further developments.
The task of constructing the jet spray cylinder was not Phytoparasitica 25 (Suppl.): 11S–19S.
easy right from material selection to assembly. We had to [7] Matthews, G. A. (1999). Application of Pesticides to
embark on an intensive search to get the particular pump to Crops. London, Imperial College Press.
suit our purpose. Our original idea was to use a hand pump to [8] Matthews, G. A. (2000). Pesticide Application
induce pressure in the cylinder which will cause the liquid to Methods, 3rd Edition. London, Blackwell Science
flow out of the cylinder at a controlled rate through the Ltd.
nozzle. Many consultations were made, and it down us that [9] McAuliffe, D. (1999). Flow control of lever operated
such a set up would not be able to produce the required knapsack sprayers with the CFValve. International
uniform continuous flow rate. At the end we had to settle for Pest Control 41 (1): 21–28.
a dc (direct current) pump, the task of getting the right [10] Shaw, A., Nomula, R., and Ptel, B. (2000).
battery to power the pump was also difficult and thus we Protective clothing and application control for
decided to use two six volt batteries. pesticide applicators in India: A field study. In:
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VII. CONCLUSION AND Priorities for the 21st Century. West Conshohocken,
RECOMMENDATION PA.C.N. Nelson, and N. W. Henry, eds. American
Society for Testing and Materials. ES
 Conclusion
The jet spray cylinder for micro irrigation scheme was
designed, constructed, tested and worked as conceived.

 Recommendation
Based on the features of this jet spray cylinder for micro
irrigation scheme, we propose that subsequent research
should be done to improve the technicality of the device like
designing a control switch for switching on and off of the
device and also an improved nozzle design should be carried
out to obtain a well evenly distributed flow. Further
investigations could also be done on the battery used to
power the pump.

If taking seriously by the government, it could serve as

a boost to the economy of the country. This could reduce the
poverty rate in the country which is caused by overreliance
on imported products rather. A project of this kind can
provide job opportunity for upcoming entrepreneurs.

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