Mait Express
Mait Express
Mait Express
Guided by
When you type the address of a website (for example, into a web browser (such as Internet
Explorer, Chrome or Safari) your computer connects (via the internet) to another computer (called a
server), and asks to see the code stored on that computer in the location (i.e. the web address) you've
specified. The browser then loads this code and shows you the corresponding webpage the code was
created to display.
What's important here is how this code came to be stored in a particular location on the server in the first
place: someone — or something — put it there. There are two ways this could have been done: a)
somebody wrote the code by hand and uploaded it to the server manually, or b) it was done using a
Content Management System (CMS). A CMS, you see, is a piece of software that allows someone to
quickly and easily manage all the different code on a server that goes together to display web pages —
all via an easy-to-understand human-friendly interface that creates and edits the code on their behalf.
As a CMS, Maharaja Agrasen Express will write — and manage — all of this complicated code for you,
thereby enabling you to publish whatever content you please without having to concern yourself with
what's happening in the background (i.e. on the server).
Maharaja Agrasen Express, then, is an application (i.e. a piece of software) that allows regular people to
create, edit and manage their own websites via an easy-to-use (some may even say intuitive) interface.
Believe it or not, you've almost certainly come across the power of PHP many times already. How can I
be so sure? Because PHP is currently used to create and manage more than 60% of all websites. Not only
does PHP now power over three in every four websites, it's also used by many popular brands, including
Facebook, Google, MAIT, GGSIPU and many, many more.
Maharaja Agrasen Express isn't just for the do-it-yourself types — far from it, in fact. PHP-powered
websites span a range of sizes, from personal blogs that get just a few hundred visitors a week to
multinational corporations boasting weekly traffic in the tens of millions.
Based on PHP, Maharaja Agrasen Express is an online news portal covering all the latest
news and happenings in and around MAIT and other universities.
4. Displaying the live feeds from Instagram and Facebook pages of the product
1. Open Communication Environment:
It provides a good way of communication between the reader and the author of the
articles. The potential writer/reader gets to see a wide variety of write-ups available.
He may save or download write-ups which he desires to read again and later on give
a feedback regarding the content read by him and the admin can reply to that feedback
which in return, leads to an healthy communication between the user and the
The messages that travel across the Internet are enclosed in the form of TCP packets
which are a secured form of data transfer that is most widely used across the globe.
So, the private sessions would be done in a secured form without a third party
The coding of this application is a tedious job. But the client and server modules are
enclosed in servlet and php pages. The user only needs a web browser to start
interpreting the coding done in these pages.
5. Platform Independent:
Since the project is done completely in PHP with a mild use of css, javascript,
MySQL, it also executes main properties of language. The given application is
platform independent. So, the client systems may have Windows, Linux, Mac or any
other operating system, but they can connect to server easily without any
dependencies of OS.
Software requirements
Hardware Requirements