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6.7.1 Procedure for using Nyquist criterio'n

Step 1: Plot the poles of G(s )H (s) on the s-plane. Then find P.
da enclosing the
Step 2: Perf orm the conformal mapping or find the image of the cont our abc
encirclements of the
righ t-ha lf s-pl ane on the G(s )H(s )-pla ne and then determine the num ber of
- 1 + JO point.
to the left- side of
If the pole s of G(s )H (s) lie at the origin of the s-plane, then they are taken
the s -pla ne by drawing an inde nt ef a of radius, r ➔ 0 ·as shown in the Fig.
6.12.- Then , we find
t (- 1 + JO) point
the num ber of encirclements mad e by the image of the contour abc def a abou
on the G H (s )-plane.
Frequency-Dom•ln An•& •I• 359


the origin to the left-side of the s-pla ne.

Fig. 6.12The cont our abcd ef a that inclu des -th~ poles ;at

Step 3: Determine : Z = P + N.
HZ is z.ero, the close d-loo p syste m is stable.

I Example 6.5
' . ;.

d-loop system whose open -loop

Using Nyquist stabi lity crite rion, inves tigat e the stability of a close
transfer function is. given by, K
G(s) H(s) = (s. + l)(s .+ 2) ·

O Solution
s i .

tep 1: Plot the po~s of G H (s) on -the s-pla ne.


.·S;~c; b~(b ;~ Pol~s ~f o(s) l;{(s) lie.,:in.the left-side of the s -plane, P = 0.

Slip 2t To ftnd the image of the contour abeda in OH (s) - plane and N:
Stcti@h l: to find image of path ttb:


s:. plane

Puts = j(J) in G(s)H(s). Ttien, we g~t

GH(j w) - (jw + l)(jw +2)
J w2 + l /tan -- 1 w xJ w2 +4 jtan- 1 (I)

10 L- tan-• {J) - tan- 1 !
Jw2 + 1 ✓ w2 +4
lim GH(j(!)) = 5&__ (point a')

lim GH(j w)
w➔ oo
- 0./-180° (point b')

The net angular variatton from point a' to point ·b' is .-180~. Hence, the GH(j w) locus
lie .0nly in two quadrants hav_ing the'an.gu:lat V·ariation from 0° to -180°.

- 270 lrn GH

G(s)H(s )-plane

- 180° - - -.
a' o Re GH


age o f path b ed :
Section II: To fin d the im

Pu t s == }i~ Rej(J in G(s)H(s)

+90° ➔ oo ➔ _ 900
Here,() changes from

Iim 10
lim G H (R eio)
Then , R ➔ oo
R➔ oo (RejO + 1) (RejO + 2)
R ➔ oo RejO x RejO
. 10
R ➔ oo R2 ej20
. 10
I1m )
R➔ oo R x 1/2(

- 0/ 2()

0 /- 1 8 0 ° ➔ 0° ➔
t b' t c' t d'
origin of the G (s )H
ane is mappe d to the
ce, th e in finite se m icircle bed on the s-pl of (- 1 + jO ), the angles of the points
Hen ent
w e are in tere sted only in the encirclem
Plane. Since, no . gm'fl cance.
· t e G H (s )-
b'' c' and d' m pl ane have
G(s)H(s )-plane
- 2700 Im GH
b' c' d'

---- - -- -~ ---------
/ ;0~o....,Re GH
- 1800
362 CHAPTER :8 · •· Control Sy•t•m•

Section III: To find the image of path da. .

. h 'b' 'th espect
Path d' a' is the mh-ror image of the pat a wt r . . to the
. real axis.

Gf/(,Y )-plane



The complete rough Nyquist plot is as shown.in Fig. Ex. 6.5. ,


Fig. Ex.&~s

Since, (- 1 .+ jO) point is not encircled -by the plot a' b' c' d' a' in the G H (s )-plane, we have
N=O .
The Nyquist stability criterion is Z = P + N·.
Hence, Z = 0 + 0 = 0.

=} No roots of the characteristic ·equation lie to the right-half of

the s-plane. Hence, the closed-loop control system is stable.
II ~mple U - - - ....
~ bT 't. .
------- -- - - · - I

_ . . }\lyquis~ s~ _1_•~Yen enon, vestigate the closed .. toop stability of a system whose open-toop
vs•~ fURCbOR 15 gtven by1

O(s)H(s} == . (s + 2)
. (s + l)(s - 1)

o so1ut1on
SteP t: Plotthe poles of G(s)H(s) on the s-plane.

We find that one pole of G(s )H (s) lies to the right-side of the s-plane. Hence, P = l.
Step 2: To find the image of the contour abeda in the G(s) H (s )-plane and N:


. f)
~ - s::;:; limRe 1
s=jro---. ..i

s = -j(J)- --+I

-Joo d -
364 CMAPTIR ,6 • Control System•

Secnon I: To find the image of path ab.

Puts = jw in G(s)H(s).

Then, (jw + 2)
GH( jw) -
(jw + 1) (jw - 1)
J w2 + 4 /tan- 1 (I)
J w2 + 1/tan- 1 w J w2 + 1/ 180° - tan- 1 w
- J w2 + 4 /-18 00 + tan-1 (~)
(w2 + 1) - 2

fun GH( jw)

= 2/-1 80° (point a')

fun G H (j w)
= 0 / -90° (point b')
Toe net angular variation from point a' to point b' is -90° - (-180
°) = 90°. Hence, the
GHU w)-lo cus is confined only to the 3rd quadrant where the
angle varies from -180° to -90°.

G(s )H(s )-plane

- 1 8 0 ° - d - --. 2
- - - - - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - Re GH
b' oo

Section II: To find the image of path bed.
· Puts = lim Rei8 in G(s) H (s), where 0 changes from +90° ➔ 0°
R➔ oo ➔ 90°.

Then, lim GH( Rel8 ) = lim (ReJo + 2)8 .

R➔oo R➔ oo (Rel 8 +1) (Rel -1)
- lirn
- R➔ oo Re1 9 x Rei 9
- o/ 8
0/-9 0° ➔ 0° ➔ +90°
t b' t c' t d'
Ff«lu•noy•Dom,/n An•ly•I• 365
lies that the t'nfi ntte
rhe above analysis. imp sem· · l
. h 1c1r~ e bed on the S•p.Jane maps to the origin
fthe GH(s)-plane . Sme e. we are intereste d .
encirclements of the origin of the GH ( )..•-~ t e enci rclements of (-1 + }01 point and not on
~e 'ficance while mapping. s p ane, th e angles of the points b' c' and d' have no
_2700 Im GH
h' c' d'

/ __
-1 80 °- -- ~ _ ReG H

Section III: To find the image of path de.
ect to the real axis.
Path d' e' is the mirror image of the path a' b' with resp
,, ..- - --4- - .... , , _ 2700 · Im GH
/,,, ''
I .
/ \ G(s)H(s)-plane
I \
I \
--- --- -,- 2-·- ---
. - 1 8 0 ° - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - Re GH
d ~

The complete Nyquist plot is as shown in Fig. Ex. 6.6
_,. - ... .... ... -2700 Im GH
,,, ., - ''
,,, G(s )H(s )-plane
/ \
I \
I \
I \

_ t'= ==~~ 2~:::__--f,;;;, 7,- - -- o; ReGH 0

-lso0 - 0
-1 +JO
b' c' d'

- 90°
Fig, Ex,6.6

· . , oint is encircled once in the anticlockwise direction.

Prom Fig. Ex,6.6, we find that (-l + JO) p
366 CMAPT'EA ts • Control sy.,.m.

Hence, N == ....: 1. The Nyquist stability ctiterion is Z = P + N. tlence, Z = 1 - 1 == o. lb·

means that no roots of the characteristic equation ot the closed-loop poles lie to the right-side of t~s
s..ptan.e. Hence, closed-loop control system is stable. However, it is desired to inform the reacte:
that the open-loop control system is unstable as P = 1.

■ Example 6.7

Investigate the stability of a negative feedback control system whose open-loop transfer function
is given by,
G(s)H(s) = (s + l)(s + 2)(s + 3) ·

□ Solution

Step 1: Plot the poles of G(s)H(s) on the s_-plane.


-3 -2 -1

Since, all the poles of G(s )H (s) lie to the left-side of the s-plane, P = 0. This means that the
' ·· open-loop control system is stable.
.SteJ, 2: To find N-.
SeC;(it)iil~To<fipd the imag~ of path ab.
· :. ».-:lf1· ,S. :::::..
, ··_ .• . ·1
J (i) •
1D .
o·_'<·,S)H. <·) ·
.. . S •
. Ftequenoy-Dom11ln ,_,, .,,.,• . 367


s = jro --- --- - - s = limR e 10

R ➔ oo

s= - jro --M

I •• f +


. · · . 100
whe re, \GH (jw )\ =
M - · .. . 2. . . ·
✓ w2 +1 ✓ w +4 ✓ w2 +9
• ' ·. l
. • .
{iJ ; , . . ' . . . ' . . ; .
a - L GH (jw ) = -ta n- 1 w - tan - 1 - - tan - 1 -{J)
. • . 2 3
fun GH (jw ) - .. l
f_sr_ (po int a')
lim GH (jw )' _ o/~ 270 ° (po int b')
w--+o o

The net angular cha nge from poi nt a' to poi nt b' is -27 0° - (0°) = - 270 °. Hen
locus lies in the thre e qua dra nts whe re the ce, the G H (j w)
ang le cha nge s from 0° to - 270 °.
lmG H
G(s) H(s) -pla ne

-180 ° - - - --J ---_ __:i 11-- a-:- ---

- - - - - , - -a.-,- - - Re GH
368 CHAPTER I • Contro l Syatema

Sectio n II: To find the image of path bed.

Puts = lim Rei9 in G(s)H (s), where 0 chang es from +90° ~ 0° ~ -90°.
R ➔ oo

Hence, J~moo GH(R eiO) = J!..moo (Rei 0 + 1) (Rei 0 + 2) (Rei 0
- limoo R3 el·30

0/-3 0

0/-27 0° ~ 0° ~ +270 °
t b' t c' t d'
e is mapped onto the
The above analy sis implie s that the infinit e semic ircle bed on the s-plan
of ( -1 + jO) point and
origin of the G H (s )-plan e. Since , we are intere sted in the encirc lemen ts
not on the encirc lemen ts of the origin of the G H (s )-plan e, the angle
s of the points b' , c' and d'
have been left out while perfor ming confo rmal mapp ing.

Section III: To find the image of path da.

Path d' a' is the mirro r image of the path a' b' with respe ct to the real axis.
.,,,,,,- _,.. _____ ___
G(s)H (s)-pla ne
~ ' ', '
· ~

,, '
I '
I \
J \

-180° - - - -'' -r-- ---- ,1,- ---- ---- ----- Re GH

' ,,, ~ d' . .... a' oo

The complete Nyquist plot is 11s shown in the Fig. Ex. 6.7.
-~100 Ith GH

Fig. Ex.6.7

1efilld M1:
Atr,Jintx ',£. GH(jw )-:-- ft ' :; ~180° .

Hence, - 1an-
r,i - 1an-
G) - G) = -180'

• 1an- [ l
!~] + 1an-
G) = 180'
tan ..... 1 [ · 3w ] + tan-1 (w) = 1800
2-w2 3

3w +w]3 = 180°
tan- 1 r-;;;,:
[ 1 3w2 2
- 3{2-w )

-1 [ 9w + w (2 - w2) ] = 1800
tan 3 (2 - w2) - 3w2

9w + w(2 - «>2) =0
Since, w 1f 0, we get
wz == 11
w· Jl1 rad/sec'.
370 CHAPTER 6 • Control Sy,tfm•

Hence, M1 - IGH(jw)lw==JIT
- ✓ w2 + 1 ✓ w2 + 4 ✓ w2 + 9 w=JTT
-;=:.======~~ > l
✓ 12 X 15 X 20

Since, Mi is greater than 1, the (-1 + j0) point is encircled twice in the clockwise directio
This means, N = 2.
The Nyquist stability criterion is Z = P + N. .

Z=0 +2= 2 .

This means that two roots of the characteristic equation lie to the right-side of the s-plane.
Hence, closed-loop control system is unstable. However, since P = 0, the open-loop
system is stable.

■ Example 6.8

A negative feedback control system is characterized by an open-loop transfer func-tion,

G(s)H (s) ~ --
1 s(s + 1)
Investigate the closed-loop stability of the system using Nyquist stability criterion.

D Solution -
Step 1: Plot the poles of_G(s)lf (s) on the s-plane.



,-1 0

Fig. Ex.e.a
'· . '

. The pole at the origin is taken to the left.. si9e of the s .. p}ane by drawing an indent of zero rad!US
around this pole as shown in Fig. Ex. 6,8(a). Since, the pole at the origin is taken to the left-side
· of the s-plane, P = 0. - ., , .-;, . ·
,:requency..Dom•ln An•ly.,• 371
..,. To find N:
steP ~- ·· .
. 1. To find the image of path ab.
section . '


f"ag. Ex.6.8(a) Modified right-si_d.e ~f the s-ptane that takes the pole at the origin to the left-side of
'· · the s-plane.

Putting s = jw in GH(s), we get ·

G H (j w) . = ,, . . ( .. ]:, + 1),, ·
, i ' '}W Jw

- ·w/90° x ,Jw 2 + 1 /tan-l w
- +
w✓w2 1· /90° + tan l w

_ 5 . /-90° - tan- l lv
- w✓w2 +1
lim G H(jw) = oo L-9~o (point a')
lim GH(Jw) = 0 L-1800 (point b')
·., -~u.
e net .· . w➔ .+oo. . . -1 800 ( 900) -
• ta' to point b' 1s - - - -
900 H
. ence, the
_Gfl Ucv) ang~l~ van~qon fromdpoJnt 1-.ere the angle varies from -900 to - 1800.
~ ,. . · :OCU:s, hes only 1n the qua ran Wi 1 ·
372 CHAPTER 8 • Conff'OI Sy•,.m•

- 270° G(s )H(s )-plane

- - - - ---,+.- : - - - - - -~ReGH
-180° 0 b' o

Fig. Ex.6.S(b)

Section II: To find the image of path bed.

Puts= lim Rei 8 in GH(s), where 0 changes from +90° ➔ 0° - 90°.
R➔ oo S
Then, lim GH(Rei 8 ) - lim - ( ·0 )
R➔ oo R➔ oo Re10 Re 1 + 1
- lim ·0 ·0
R ➔oo Rel x Re 1
- lim .
R➔ oo R2 el 20 .
- lim -2 - - -
R➔ oo R X 1 /20
- 0 /-20
0 /-180° ➔ 0° ➔ +180°
t b' t c' t d'
Hence, the infinite semicircle bed on the s-plane maps onto the origin of the G H (s )-plane.
Section Ill: To find the image of path de.
Padtd'e' is the mirror image of the patn a'b' with respect to the real axis.
Section IV; To find the image of path efa.
Put,= limrei4> in G(s)H(s), whore tf, changes from -90° ➔ 0° ➔ +90° .

Um GH(reltl>) = lim . S.
r➔O r➔O reN> (reJ<I> + l)
I' 5
= ,!!i reJ;
·, I
= ooct ..I.

00 /CJ0° ➔ 0° ➔ -90°
t e' · t f' · t a'
, ' l ,
Frequenqy-Dom11/n Analysis 373

. e cotnplete Nyquist plot is as shown in p·tg. Ex. 6.8(c).

1b ..
-210 0 or+ 900 Im GH

e' .

G(s )H(a )-plane

-180°---l-= ()---:'?,~~-;-;;,----/'l-- -oo· ReGH


-90 °

Fig. Ex.6.8(c.) Complete Nyquist plot.

N = 0.
Since, -1 + jO point is not encircled by the plot,

Hence, Z= P+ N= 0+ 0= 0

Hence, the closed-loop control system is stable.

the pro ble m by incl uding the pole at the origin to the right-half of the s-plane.
I.et us rework
ified right-ha lf of the s-p lan e or the contour abed efa is as shown in the Fig. Ex. 6.8( d).
The mod
ping of sec tion s ab, bed and de onto the G(s )H(s)-plane remain same as before.
The map
Mapping of section efa:
from -90 ° ➔ -18 0° ➔ -27 0°.
Put s= limreH' in G(s )H( s), where</> changes
r➔ O

Then, lim G H (rejfP) _ lim reJ.,."', (reJ.,."',
r➔O + 1)
r➔ O
- lim reJ.,'"', x I

- 00 b_
00 90
0 ➔ 1so ➔ 210°

t e' t f' ta '

FNlquency-Domsln Anst y•I• 375

, z= ) '- 1 =O ·
, :nee, the dosed-loop control syste m unde r investigation
is stable.

• ~e 6.9 ________ -·--- ---- ---

---. NSC (Nyquist Stability Criterion)) find the closed-loo
p stability of a nega tive feed back
tJsing 1systetn wb.ose open-loop transfer function is given
contro by G H (s) = - 5 - •
l I , s (s - .1)

solu tion . .: : :
. Plot the pole s of G H (s) on the s-plane.
SteP 1• .
s-pla ne

0 1

Fig. Ex.6.9
Tue pole at the origi u is take n to the left- half of the s-pla
ne by mod ifyin g the righ t-sid e of the
s-plane by the contour abc def a as show n in the Fig. Ex.
6.9(a ).
Then, P = l.
Step 2: To find N. jm

+jo or-- . s-pla ne

Fig. l!x,&.9(a)
376 CHAPTER 8 • Control s,-,.m•

Section/: To find the image of path ab .

Put s ,icv in G H(s ).
Then. GH(jw) - jw(jw - I)

we know that : (1) - A+.iB - . JA2 + 82 /t80° - tan-I *

(2) JB - B /90°
Hence, GH(jw) - tan- 1 w
w / 90° x ✓ w 2 + 1 L1so 0 -

- L-270° + tan-• w
w✓w 2 + 1
Jim GH(jw) - oo L-210° (point a')
w➔ +-0

lim GH(jw)
w➔ OO
- o L-1so 0
(point b')

Section II: To find the image of path bed.

Puts= lim Rei6 in GH(s), where 0 change from +90° ➔ 0° ➔ -90°.
R➔ oo

Then, lim GH(Rei 8 ) - lim . (
R ➔ oo R➔ oo Rel 0 Rel.0 - 1)
- lim .
R➔ oo R2 el 20
- 0 /-20
oI -1 so ➔ 0° ➔ 1so
0 0

t b' t c' t d'

Thus, path bed on thes-plane conforms onto the origin of G(s)H(s)-plane.
Section Ill: To find the image of path de.
Path d'e' is the mirror image of the path a' b' with respect to the real axis.
Section TV: To find the image of path ef a.
Put s = Iim rel<P in G(s)H(s), where q, change from -90° ➔ 0° ➔ +90°.
r➔ O

. 5
Then, lim G H (re14') = I1m - - -- - -
r➔O r➔ O relt/J (re14' - I)
. 5
- Itm '"'
r..:+o reJ .,, x - 1
- lim
r➔O r x 1 /i__ L
x 1 180°

. 5
- I1m--:- ----
r➔O r /180° + </J
Frequ•noy•Dom11n An,1y,1, 377

... .-.-. ·, .. == oo L-1 soo - "'

( ,, . . ', :· ~

00 1-90° ➔ -1-soo ➔ - 2100

A. ~- .,•
J.", • •

-· -,-_ ..
' " ' ' ', ' . -
> ':
._,_ ., ,,. contplete Nyquist plot is as sh
c . .. . .
. .
t e' t f 1 . t a'
. < -; ___. . . -, -_- own m Fig. Ex. 6.9(b).
~ ' '

-270° or+ 900
- .. •
., '
•'\ !.
. :: ·.

r -

-180° or 180° . -1,,-~~-1--?~,:-;

+jO b'c'd' '--------
-:-;-;-:- '---- Re GH

~ \

-90° or 270°
Fig. Ex.6.9(b)

· _-' Sin~,{- I + jO) point is encircled once in the clockwise direction, N = +1.
' .
·Hence, Z - P+N
- 1 + 1 = 2.
: . - , .i

' :·. Jl~t~ ,~~e two roots of the characteristic equation lie to the right-half of the s-plane.
, ~~~;~plo sed~loop control system is unstable .
.. ·, . . . •, ,, ,,_ . '

~ s:~ i1o
·.~-~ .~Y~'1·5U!bility criterion, jn\'estigate the closed-loop stability of a negative feedback control

ill,~~~,~.fun::::(::v::::~ s) .
378 CHAPTER 8 • Control Systlms

D Solution
Step 1: Plot the poles of G (s) H (s) on the s-plane.

-----.---J4)(r----► (j
0 1

The pole at the origin is taken to the left-half of the s-plane by modifying the right-half of th
s -plane as shown in Fig. Ex. 6.I0(a). . e
Thus, there is one pole to the right-half of the s-plane and hefce P = 1.


-Joo ._d-~

Fig. Ex. 6.1 O(a)

Step 2: To find N.
Section I: To find the image of path ab .
. Putting s = jcv in GH(s), we get

GH(Jw) =
jcv(l - jw)
Fffq u.nc y..0om,1n Anltytl• 119

p1ease note that,

l{ence, GH (jw ) = .' 5

w 90° x ✓ a,2 + 1 / _ tan- 1w
- 5 l--:-90° +/tan- 1 (JJ

w✓ w 2
1+ 1

· m➔
lim+O GH (jw ) /
- 00 -90° (point a')
w➔ +oo GH (jw )· - o/ - 90° -fl-I 90° = 0 /JL (point b')

-270° G(s)H(s)-plane

-180°--------:b➔,~ -
- - - - Re GH


Section II: To find the image of path bed.

· Puts= lim Rei8 in GH(s), where 0 changes
from +90° ➔ 0° ➔ -90°.
R ➔ oo ·

Hence, lim GH(Rei 8 ) = lim .
R ➔ OO
R➔ oo Rel 8 ( 1 - Re 1.8)
- lim 2 1·20
R ➔ oo -R e
_ lim .120
R ➔ oo R2 e x- l
- i~~ R2 x l /20 x l /-1 80°
_ oL1so 20 0

0 Loo -+ l 80° -+ 360°

t b' tC I
t d'
Frequency-Dom•ln An11y11, 379

pJease note that, A- 1'B ::: FAA2 + B2 / - tan - 1 (~ )

Hence, GH(jw) === 5

(t) L90o X f w2 + 1 I - tan- I w
- 5 / -900 + /tah-1 w
w✓wr+ I .
-Jl~ GH(jw) - 00 /-90° -I . a')
lim GH(J'w). -
~+oo 0 / -900 _J 900 = 0 I.st._ (point b')

-270° G(s)H(s)-plane


Section II: To find the image of path bed.

· Puts = lim RejO in G H (s), where 0 changes from +90° ➔ 0° ➔ -90°.
R ➔ oo
lim GH(Re 10 ) == i~oo Rei 8 (1 - Rei )
Hence, R ➔ OO
lim 2 120
R ➔ oo -R e
_ lim 2 1,, 0
R~oo R e - x - 1
- i ~oo R2 x 1 /J!}_ x I / - 180°

0 [ 180° - 20
Loo ➔ 180° ➔ 360°
0 , t d' tC
t b'
380 CHAPTl:R 8 • Cohtrol Systems

Section III: To find the image of path de. .

Path d' e' is the milTor image of the path a' b' with respect to the real axis.
Section TV: To find the image of path ef a.
Puts = lim rel¢ in GH(s), where cl> changes from -90° ➔ 0° ➔ +90 ·

,· ➔ O

Then, JimO reJ,p 1 - rel"'
r➔ ·.1. ( '"')

- Jim--.
r➔ O rel<P

00 / c/>

00 /+90° ➔ 0° ➔ -90°
t e' t f' ta'
The complete Nyquist plot is as shown in Fig. Ex. 6.1 0(b).
-270° or + 90°




-1800 or 1800 ----+---- -b-,-,d-,~~-- -----t-f-,-Re GH

-1 +jO c

-90° or 270°
Fig. Ex.6.1 O(b)

From the Nyquist plot, we find that the (-1 + JO) point is not encircled. Hence,
N = 0.

Thus, Z ;:; P+N

= 1+0=1
This means, one root of the characteristic equation lies to the right-half of the s-plane. Hence.
the negative feedback system in question is unstable.

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