SBA2021 04 Elevated Water Storage Tower Project COMPLETE REPORT

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Meeting Date: Monday, September 27, 2021

To: Mayor Mills and Members of Council

From: Stephen Burnett, Municipal Engineer

and Carey Holmes, Director of Financial
Report: SBA 2021-04

Subject: Elevated Water Storage Tower Project


Be it Resolved that Council of the Town of Shelburne;

1. Receives the report SBA 2021-04 Elevated Water Storage Tower

Project dated September 27, 2021; and that,
2. Council approves the award of the RFP for the construction of a new
elevated water storage tower to Landmark Structures Co. for the base
contract value of $5,983,050 plus applicable taxes; and that,
3. Council approves the debt financing plan to borrow $5 Million from
Infrastructure Ontario for a term of 20 years.


On July 26, 2012, the Town began a MEA, Schedule B Class Environmental
Assessment (EA) to determine the need for increased water storage within the
Town of Shelburne.

Work on this EA continued through 2012 and the Notice of Study completion
was issued in February 2013 indicating that an additional water storage
reservoir was required to meet the Town’s existing and future water storage

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The shelf life of an environmental assessment is 10 years which would mean
that the current storage EA would expire in late 2022/early 2023.

The urgency of this project became more apparent over the past couple years
with water storage levels in the existing tower being depleted during the warm
summer months requiring the need to issue water use bans for the past
several summers.

In 2020, the tower water levels were low enough during August 2020 that
minimum water levels for fire protection became a concern. OCWA required
special permission from MECP to run Wells 7 & 8 concurrently to bring the
water levels back to safe levels.

Based on these factors, a priority was placed on the water storage tower
project. Council approved the design to commence in late 2020 with the goal
of completing design in mid 2021. The construction of an elevated water
storage tower is approximately a 12 month (1 year) project. It is estimated
the project will be completed by mid to late 2022 and just prior to the EA


The original budget for this capital project was $3.5 Million.

The Request for Proposal (RFP) process which was undertaken in summer
2021 and is summarized in Appendix 1.

The RFP for a new 3,400 cu.m water storage facility was issued and posted on
Merx and Biddingo on June 18, 2021 and closed on July 15, 2021.

23 contractors, subcontractors and suppliers downloaded the documents.

However, only one proposal was received by the due date. The number of
firms responding was expected to be limited given water tower construction
is a specialized construction. While numerous subcontractors are required,
there are very limited general contractors that are experienced in this line of
work with many of these firms choosing to only complete projects in the USA,
especially during the pandemic.

What has Changed

The one bid received for $6,754,000 plus applicable taxes was significantly
over the $3.5 Million allocated for the construction budget of this project. A
few factors have led to the significant increase in project costs.

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Scope Enhancement Items

One factor effecting the price was that during the design phase it was
determined that the scope of the site works and watermain connections for
the proposed project required additional and expanded work. The water
system modeling completed as part of the design phase revealed that two
watermain extensions were required to connect the new water tower to the
existing water infrastructure and to create a loop watermain connecting to
both Luxton Way and Franklyn St./Simon St. to ensure sufficient pressures
within the system. Normally a water tower can be connected to just one local
watermain connection.

Also, during the design phase, it was concluded with Town staff that the
preferred location for the water tower was at the rear of the purchased site.
This was strategic with regards to the future use of the public works site as it
provides room for expansion on the site for future cold storage, auxiliary
buildings, etc. However, this did direction did increase the access road and
watermain connection costs to the Luxton Way access location.

Lastly, during the design phase it was determined that the inclusion of a
chemical chlorination system, standby generator and water truck fill were
items that should be included in the new facility. These have been identified
as significant shortcomings of the existing water storage facility, especially
during emergencies.

Based on the pricing received, the total site works and watermain component,
where most of these enhancements to the project are included, resulted in an
increase cost of approximately $900,000 in site works and watermain

The watermain looping and site works enhancements were not included in the
original water storage tower budget of $3.5 Million. Had they been known and
then included at the time the project budget would have instead been in the
$4.3 to $4.4 Million range.

COVID Effects to Project Costs

The most significant effect on pricing is that COVID has significantly affected
several supply chains. Steel makes up a large portion of this facility. The price
of steel has risen close to 300% from Spring 2020 to Summer of 2021.

The COVID supply chain effect was also seen earlier this year with wood prices
increasing 400% from winter to mid summer. COVID has also caused
significant increases in electrical and mechanical components due to supply
shortages and delivery delays. These have all had a significant effect on the
bid pricing.

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RFP Bid Costing

Given the significant project cost overages, SBA recommended negotiating

with the bidder to see if any savings could be realized without compromising
the intent of the design and water storage facility.

These negotiations were completed by SBA and all proposed value engineering
items were reviewed with senior Town staff as well as OCWA. On August 30,
2021, Landmark Structures Co. provided updated proposal costs. Landmark
reduced the base price to $5,983,050 excluding taxes and contingency. While
this revised value is still approximately $2.5M over the original budget and
approximately $1.6M over the anticipated project with the enhanced site
works scope, it does appear to be inline with the current COVID pricing.

Prior to negotiations, the proposal received was for $6,754,000 excluding

taxes and non-construction costs. This was approximately $3.254M more then
the allocated budget and approximately $2.35M more then the pricing taking
into consideration the additional required site works and enhancements.

A review of a recent tender which closed in June 2021 for the Township of
Mapleton showed a similar increase in pricing due to COVID and steel
increases. The water tower in Mapleton which was approximately 30% smaller
than the tower proposed for Shelburne. In that case the project cost was
approximately $6.5 Million when the estimated budget was $4 Million and this
project had little to no site work related costs.

Awarding the Project to Landmark Structures Co.

The bid received from Landmark Structures Co. was reviewed for any
mathematical errors and no errors were found. The contractor also provided
the required Bid Bond and Agreement to Bond amounts required in the RFP

SBA has worked with Landmark Structures Co. on several water tower projects
and can confirm both their professionalism and quality of work on previous
projects. Landmark was also the contractor hired to complete the
refurbishment of the existing water tower in Shelburne.

Based on information reviewed and acknowledging the priority of this project,

it is recommended that the project be awarded to Landmark Structures Co.
for a base price of $5,983,050.00 plus applicable taxes.

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The following is a summary of the anticipated construction and non-
construction costs associated with this RFP.

Water Tower Base Construction Costs $ 5,983,050.00

Construction Contingency (10%) $ 598,305.00

Engineering (CA & Inspection – 8%) $ 478,644.00

Total Estimated Project Costs $ 7,059,999.00

Non-refundable HST (1.76%) $ 124,255.98

Total Project Funding Required $ 7,184,254.98

Financial Impact

Following the EA Notice of Study completion that was issued in February 2013,
footnotes in the Water Capital Budget have identified annually since 2014 the
need for Future Water Storage. The water storage land purchase took place
in 2018 and is located on Luxton Way adjacent to the Public Works Yard. The
source of financing for the water storage construction has always been
identified as long term borrowing.

In the 2021 adopted Water Capital budget, the Water Storage Project was
identified at a cost of $3,461,600 with the project being partially funded by
Development Charges and Reserves leaving the amount of 2.5 million to be
funded by long term debt.

At the July 12, 2021 council meeting, staff report FS 2021-09 outlined that
borrowing from Infrastructure Ontario would be the recommended source of
financing for the long term debt portion. Although the RFP for the water tower
had not closed yet, the following is an excerpt from the motion that was
passed allowing staff to proceed with making application once figures were

“And That Council directs staff to proceed with the Long-Term Borrowing Loan
Application(s) and associated By-Laws with Infrastructure Ontario (IO), to
assist with funding the new Water Storage Tower and the upgrades to Well

In consideration of the significant increase in the cost of the project, staff have
not yet applied for any funding and this was delayed until the report and
recommendation from the Town’s Engineer was presented to Council.

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Below is a summary of budget versus actual with respect to RFP results:

2021 Budget 2021 Actual

Projected Cost / Actual Cost $3,461,600 $7,184,255

Less: Development Charges $ 400,000 $1,169,746

Less: Transfer from Reserves $ 561,600 $1,014,509

Total to be Borrowed $2,500,000 $5,000,000

Term of Loan 20 Years 20 Years

Annual Payment $152,423 $320,579

In addition to the rising costs outlined from the RFP process, one other notable
difference is that the non-construction (engineering) costs to facilitate the
project have now been added to the total cost of the capital project. In the
2021 budget it was estimated that this cost would be passed on through the
water rates operating budget. Due to the now increased interest charges that
are associated with the long-term loan and funded through water rates, staff
have instead included the engineering fees in the capital cost of the project.
The total interest paid for the term of the loan will total approximately
$1,411,579.87 or on average $70,579 a year. Infrastructure Ontario now
offers monthly payment plans that has helped to reduce the amount of interest
costs incurred.

The reserve estimates presented in the fall of 2020 during budget

presentations projected that the water reserve would end the year 2021 with
$1,723,213.64. This amount has since changed to be an estimated
$1,914,448.18 with a larger than anticipated surplus in 2020. Taking the
additional $452,909 from the water reserve, needed to bring down the amount
of borrowing required, will still leave this reserve with approximately
$1,461,539 at year end. Staff feel this is sufficient given that separate water
reserves have been established for vehicle replacement and water main
breaks. This also still leaves the total reserve balance higher than the total
amount of debt once this loan is added to existing loans.

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The last Water and Wastewater Rate Review was conducted in 2017 and rates
were updated in 2019 due to accelerated growth and increased costs of
forecasted capital projects. At that time the water storage project was
identified as costing $3.3 million. Reserves are funded through the Rates and
during the next Rate Study Review to be conducted in 2022, additional costs
of the water tower project will be captured in order to cover the increase in
interest debt payments until the end of the 20 year-term.

The 2020 Development Charge (DC) study identified the project cost to be
$3.5 million (same as the budget) and identified that amounts collected would
be utilized to offset principal debt payments. By taking $1,169,746 initially
from the DC water service, in order to decrease the amount of borrowing
required, will mean that during the next DC review the additional costs of the
project will be captured in order to cover the principal debt payments until the
end of the 20-year term.

The lending rates published on the IO site for September 20, 2021 for a 20
year term stated 2.59% which is down slightly from the 2.63% reported in
staff report FS 2021-09 from July.

Section 4.3 of the Debt Management Policy, attached as Appendix 2 speaks to

the term of loans. For water or wastewater infrastructure the term should be
between 15-20 years and not to exceed the expected useful life of the related
asset. The useful life of the water tower would be approximately 25 years.

Section 4.7 of the Debt Management Policy states that the maximum
permitted amount of long-term borrowing shall not be more than 40% of the
amount determined under the Province’s Annual Debt Repayment Limit (ARL).
The borrowing of $5,000,000 for 20 years at a rate of 2.59% added to the
town’s existing debt would put that amount at approximately 30.5%. Two
loans will be paid out in 2026 freeing up almost 11% of borrowing room.

This still leaves sufficient room for borrowing for the Well 3 arsenic project for
which the RFP is closing September 30, 2021 and staff have applied for
funding for this project under the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program
(ICIP) Green Stream for up to 4 million.

It continues to be recommended that the Town proceeds with the loan

application through Infrastructure Ontario, as approved by motion at the July
12th, 2021 meeting, for a term period of 20 years. Rates will not be locked

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in until the date of debenture, therefore all amounts quoted above are subject
to change slightly depending on rate fluctuations.

This report has further recommended that a combination of sufficient capital

reserves and borrowing be used to fund the construction and non-construction
costs for the elevated water storage facility construction.

Policies & Implications

MEA Schedule B Class EA – This project follows from the recommendation

made in the MEA Schedule B Class EA study

MECP – Design Guidelines for Drinking Water Systems

MECP – Design Guidelines for Minimum Recommended Water Storage for

Peak and Fire Protection

Project Approved by MECP by an Amendment to the Drinking Water Works

Permit issued March 31, 2021.

Debt Management Policy – Appendix 2

Consultation and Communications

Initial Consultation commenced during the EA process which included

advertising in local newspapers, Public Information Center (PIC) for
community members and stakeholders and direct correspondence with
agencies, surrounding municipalities and First Nation Stakeholders.

A recent (March 2021) community newsletter was circulated and posted on

the Towns website regarding the proposed project.

Council Strategic Priorities

Council’s Strategic Priorities has three Goals - Sustainable, Engaged and

Livable. There are a total of 12 targets with the three Goals.

This report algins with the following Sustainability and Engaged Goals;

Target T2: Municipal services review and evaluation

Target T3: Invest and fund critical infrastructure for future

Target T4: Promote Balance Growth

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Supporting Documentation

Appendix 1 – SBA Elevated Water Storage Tank RFP – Bid Summary

Appendix 2 – Debt Management Policy

Respectfully Submitted: Respectfully Submitted:

_________________________________ __________________________
Stephen Burnett, Municipal Engineer Carey Holmes, Director of
Financial Services / Treasurer

Reviewed by:


Denyse Morrissey, CAO

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Appendix 1 - SBA2021-04

September 3, 2021

Town of Shelburne
203 Main Street East
Shelburne, ON L9V 3K7

Attn: Jim Moss, Director, Development and Operations

Re: Town of Shelburne, Elevated Water Storage Tank

Summary of Bids
SBA File No: M20009

Dear Jim,

S. Burnett & Associates Limited (SBA) has prepared the following letter to summarize the bids received
from Contractors regarding the Town of Shelburne, Elevated Water Storage Tank Project. The Request
for Proposal (RFP) document was uploaded to Merx and Biddingo on June 18, 2021. A total of
23 Contractors, subcontractors and suppliers downloaded the RFP document. The following is the list of
plan takers:

• Alltrade Industrial Contractors • Selectra Inc.

• Aquateck • Sheridan Electric Services Ltd.
• ASCO Construction Ltd. • WSN Construction Inc.
• BGL Contractors Corp • Macdonald Applicators Ltd.
• Devine & Associates • Horton CBI, Limited
• Landmark Structures Co. • SELOG
• Greatario Engineered Storage Systems • Vision Construction Group Ltd.
• Interpump Supply Ltd. • ULS Medical Supplies
• Lafarge Eastern Canada • JDCMI Coatings
• Palfour Structural Inc. • Global Integrity & Specialty Services (GISS)
• Power Precast Solutions • H2Flow Equipment Inc.
• PPG Canada Inc. PPG Protective Marine
Town of Shelburne, Elevated Water Storage Tank RFP Page 2 of 4
Bid Summary
SBA File No: M20009

A pre-tender site meeting was not held for this project as it is a green-field construction project. It was
the Bidder’s responsibility to familiarize themselves with all aspects of Project’s scope and opportunities
to view the site were made if requested.

A total of five (5) addenda were issued throughout the RFP process that addressed questions by the
Contractors and additional clarifications. Addendum No. 3 extended the close date for one (1) week from
the original close date of Thursday, July 8, 2021.

One (1) bid was received by the closing date of Thursday, July 15, 2021, at 2:00 pm local time. The bid
submission was sent via email by the Contractor to Jaclyn Pouw-Dagenais at S. Burnett & Associates
Limited. The bid received was from the following Contractor:

• Landmark Structures Co.

Table 1 below presents the initial bid summaries received from the Contractor.

Table 1: Summary of Construction Bids by Schedule

BIDDER Landmark Structures Co.
Elevated Storage Reservoir
Contingency Items
Sub-Total $6,754,000.00
HST @ 13% $878,020.00
Contract Total $7,632,020.00
Ranking by Price 1

SBA has checked the submissions for mathematical errors and found no errors to the bid submitted by
Landmark Structures Co. A copy of the submitted bid has been attached for your review and records.

Landmark provided the required Bid Bond and Agreement to Bond amounts as outlined in Part 2: General
Terms and Conditions of the RFP document.
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Bid Summary
SBA File No: M20009

As discussed with staff prior to the RFP close, it became apparent that prices would most likely come in
greater than the allocated budget for this project. There has been a significant increase in material and
supply pricing including steel prices which are up over 300% in 2021 verses 2020 pricing. Similar issues
were experience with wood prices over 2021 reaching a high of 400% over 2020 pricing. Just prior to the
RFP close, similar results had been seen in other municipalities including Mapleton which closed
approximately one (1) month before this RFP at a bid price of approximately $6.5M and being
approximately $2.5M over the anticipated budget for a storage facility that is approximately 70% the size
of the Shelburne facility.

Given the significant overage, it was recommended by SBA that negotiations be opened up with the low
RFP bidder to determine whether there were any savings that could be realized and still make this
essential project viable. Several discussions and meetings were held with the low RFP bidder as well as
with senior Town staff and OCWA to review any potential savings and negotiations.

Ultimately following this process, Landmark Structures Co. provided an updated Proposal cost on
August 30, 2021, which lowered the base bid for the project by $692,000.00. It was agreed to move the
dewatering allowance of $95,800.00 from the base bid to the contingency allowance so that it would only
be allocated if necessary.

The revised summary of costs are as follows in Table 2.

Table 2: Summary of Construction Bids by Schedule Revised

BIDDER Landmark Structures Co.
Elevated Storage Reservoir
Contingency Items
Sub-Total $6,157,800.00
HST @ 13% $878,020.00
Contract Total $6,958,314.00
Ranking by Price 1
Town of Shelburne, Elevated Water Storage Tank RFP Page 4 of 4
Bid Summary
SBA File No: M20009

The revised bid amount was based on negotiated items that did not compromise any of the original design
items, nor compromise on safety, security or storage volume and has been reviewed by senior staff and
OCWA for acceptance of credit items. Based on this, SBA would recommend that if sufficient funds can
be allocated to this project to cover the increased cost, that it be recommended that the Water Storage
Tower RFP be awarded to Landmark Structure Co. for a base price of $5,983,050.00 excluding tax and

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me.

Yours truly,

Stephen Burnett, P.Eng.

S. Burnett & Associates Limited


cc: Carey Holmes, AMCT, Director of Financial Services / Treasurer, Town of Shelburne
Denyse Morrissey, Chief Administrative Officer B.A; M.P.A., Town of Shelburne

M20009_Shelburne Water Tower_Recommendation_FINAL_03Sept21.docx

Value Engineering Proposal ‐ Revision #1 (2021.08.30)
Project: Town of Shelburne, Elevated Water Storage Tank

We are pleased to offer the following value engineering solutions for your consideration: CREDIT NOTES

1.0 ‐ Siteworks
Savings for alternate site subcontractor $              93,600
Relocate Tank SW by 6m (+/‐) to permit sufficient access around tank / pedestal $              11,800 Adjusting the location will permit more efficient access around the tank 
Stockpile 950 m3 +/‐ surplus topsoil on site (add to berm) $              22,200 Quantity shown is estimated
Stockpile 800 m3 +/‐ surplus excavated material on site (add to berm) $              18,700 Quantity shown is estimated
Eliminate dewatering allowance. Owner to complete test digs to confirm ground water elevations $              95,800 Credit amount to be finalized once test dig is completed
Provide 6m wide manual slide gate in lieu of 10m wide manual slide gate $                6,800
Delete overflow discharge headwall and replace with rodent screen $                    ‐ Credit offering was $5,900
Replace trench drain with Catch Basin at Truck fill location $                2,400
Sanitary Line ‐ Relocate floor drain lines to soak‐away pit in lieu of specified detail $              41,200 Final credit amount subject to further discussion with SBA on detail
Total road closure during tie‐ins $                3,500 Final credit amount subject to further discussion with SBA on detail
Change CSP culvert to Armtec Big O $                2,400
Eliminate concrete sidewalk and provide granulars $              10,600
Change Vinyl coated chain link fence to Hot Dipped Galvanized $                    ‐ Credit offering was $5,900

Subtotal $            309,000

2.0 ‐ Mechanical / Electrical
Single inlet / outlet pipe with isolation valve. Includes changing all Stainless Steel piping from 316L to 304L. Credit
Modify inlet / outlet configuration per the attached drawing $                    ‐ offering was $271,900
Eliminate the storage room and cladding on all masonry walls $              34,000
Eliminate recirculation pump and associated piping $                    ‐ Credit offering was $13,400
Eliminate truck fill line $                    ‐ Credit offering was $32,500
Eliminate chemical feed system $                    ‐ Credit offering was $49,400
Eliminate HVAC and plumbing systems  $                    ‐ Credit offering was $66,400
Eliminate standby generator, transfer switch and related civil efforts $                    ‐ Credit offering was $42,400
Cost savings for reduction in Electrical scope $                6,300 Storage Room electrical including HVAC
Decrease overflow pipe size to 200mm $              16,800 200mm is sufficient with specified flow rates
Delete insulation requirement on Overflow riser pipe $                7,500 Insulation not required on overflow
Delete 75mm tank drain line including valve, heat trace & insulation $                8,500 Drain provided at grade level ‐ bypass to Overflow

Subtotal $              73,100
3.0 ‐ Elevated Tank Structure
Foundation settlement limit per AWWA D107 $              85,900 Specified settlement limit is less than that allowed by AWWA D107
Eliminate reverse cone feature at top of tank $              22,000 Existing tank has the reverse cone feature
Provide ‘standard’ roof handrail in lieu of specified architectural handrail $              21,300 Existing tank has the architectural handrail
Reduce thickness of floor plate from .250" to .188" $                    ‐ Credit offering was $7,500
Eliminate Cathodic Protection System $                    ‐ Credit offering was $23,100
Eliminate pedestal exterior sweep blast $              13,000
Eliminate rigging rail at top of pedestal interior $                    ‐ Credit offering was $8,800
Eliminate epoxy coated slab on grade except for the Chemical Room $                4,400
Eliminate Division 10 items (work bench, chair, cabinet) in valve room $                    ‐ Credit offering was $2,600
Reduction of items in Section 01075 – Tools and Safety Equipment per revised specification $                2,600
Eliminate the supply of specified rescue equipment $              34,800 Majority of tank owners do not own / maintain fall arrest and rescue equipment. Annual inspections & 
maintenance required on these items. Maintenance is required per manufacturers instructions.
Eliminate the supply of harnesses, trolleys, lanyards $                    ‐

Subtotal $            184,000

4.0 ‐ Miscellaneous
Delete requirement for Consulting Engineer Trailer $              22,700 We can provide a larger site office trailer with separate office for SBA representative (Shared trailer)
Reduction of Commissioning, start‐up / training based on scope reduction $                    ‐ Credit offering was $40,000
Reduction of Bonds, Insurance and Overhead based on scope reduction $              34,600 5% of credited amount
Contractor, Subcontractor and major supplier credit offering $              68,600
Eliminate 2% maintenance holdback $                    ‐ Credit offering was $5,000

Subtotal $            125,900

ORIGINAL BID PRICE $        6,754,000
PROPOSED VALUE ENGINEERING CREDIT OFFER $            692,000 Total sum of above credit offering
SUBTOTAL $        6,062,000
LESS SCHEDULE 'C' ‐ CONTINGENCY ITEMS $              78,950
REVISED CONTRACT VALUE $        5,983,050
Proposal for Town of Shelburne:
Elevated Water Storage Tank

PROJECT: Town of Shelburne, Elevated Water Storage Tank

SBA File No: M20009

OWNER: Town of Shelburne




Landmark Structures Co.

3091 Harrison Court

Burlington, ON L7M 0W4
905.319.7700 Phone
905.319.8247 Fax
Proposal for Town of Shelburne, Elevated Water Storage Tank
Request for Proposal
SBA File No: M20009

Table of Contents - Proposal

Section A: Introduction & Summary

A-1 Opening Statement
A-2 Company Profile

Section B: Project Team

B-1 Proposed Project Team – Introduction
B-2 Proposed Project Organization Chart with CV’s

Section C: Experience
C-1 Corporate Experience - Completed Contracts Summary
C-2 Experience – Design Engineer (Wes Pogorzelski)
C-3 Experience – Project Management (Paul DiPelino)

Section D: Project Execution / Methodology

D-1 Technical Approach and Work Plan
D-2 Quality Plan – Concrete Support Structure Construction
D-3 Quality Plan – Steel Tank
D-4 Quality Plan – Protective Coatings
D-5 Finite Element Analysis – Example
D-6 Access for Inspection and Maintenance

Section E: Drawings & Photographs

E-1 Drawing Sk-1 – Tank Elevation
E-2 Drawing Sk-2 – Tank Section
E-3 Drawing Sk-3 – General Arrangement – Floor Plan
E-4 Drawing Sk-4 – General Arrangement – Roof Plan
E-5 Drawing Sk-5 – Steel Tank Elevation / Section
E-6 Photographic Resume – Elevated Tanks
E-7 Photographic Resume – Concrete Pedestal

Section F: Project Schedule

F-1 Preliminary Project Schedule

Section G: Capital Cost

G-1 Schedule of Unit Prices
Signed Addenda’s

Table of Contents - Proposal

Proposal for Town of Shelburne, Elevated Water Storage Tank
Request for Proposal
SBA File No: M20009

Section X: Appendices
X-1a Insurance – General Liability, Auto, Excess, Professional Liability
X-1b Insurance – CCDC Bid Bond
X-1c Insurance – Agreement to Bond
X-2 Affidavit - No Exceptions
X-3 List of Subcontractors
X-4a Brochure – Landmark Composite Elevated Tanks
X-4b Brochure – Landmark Shop Fabrication
X-4c Brochure – Landmark Coatings
X-4d Brochure – Landmark Mixing System

Table of Contents - Proposal

Landmark Structures Co.

3091 Harrison Court

Burlington, ON L7M 0W4
905.319.7700 Phone
905.319.8247 Fax

July 15th, 2021

S. Burnett & Associates

210 Broadway, Unit 203
Orangeville, Ontario
L9W 5G4

Attn: Jaclyn Pouw-Dagenais

Executive Assistant

Nibhana Suvarna
Water/Wastewater Engineer


Town of Shelburne
203 Main Street East
Shelburne, Ontario L9V 3K7

Attn: Jim Moss

Director, Development and Operations

RE: Proposal for Town of Shelburne, Elevated Water Storage Tank

Request for Proposals SBA File No: M20009

We at Landmark appreciate the opportunity to respond to this request for Contractor Selection for the
Design Build of a new water storage tank for the Town of Shelburne.

Our proposal presents our dedicated team and describes our broad range of capabilities that align with this
project. We trust that you will find our submission favourable and we look forward to a successful project.

The Landmark company originated in Hamilton and is the industry leader in elevated water storage tank
construction in North America. We are the largest elevated tank specialist globally. We are very passionate
about providing the highest level of safety, quality and service.

Thank you for the opportunity to present this proposal. We look forward to serving you.

Yours sincerely,
Landmark Structures Co,

Brent Marini
Director of Canadian Operations
Proposal for Town of Shelburne, Elevated Water Storage Tank
Request for Proposal
SBA File No: M20009

Company Profile

Landmark is an engineering and contracting company founded in 1974 and is the originator of the
Composite Elevated Tank (CET). This innovation was a paradigm shift from the way elevated
towers had traditionally been constructed, incorporating the use of a concrete pedestal to
significantly reduce long-term maintenance costs. Landmark’s expertise in this type of construction
led to the company passing the industry’s established giants to become the market leader in high-
capacity elevated storage construction throughout North America.
The Landmark philosophy is simple: Setting and advocating the highest standards delivered on
several fronts:
• Comprehensive attention to detail.
• Dedication to collaborative project execution.
• Providing the best ownership cost.

Capability to Perform Project Requirements:

Landmark is one of the largest and most experienced designers, constructors, and maintainers of
steel storage tanks and are responsible for the majority of CET installations in North America. Our
elevated tank experience includes projects over 3.5 million gallons and heights exceeding 250 feet.
Landmark brings over 40 years of leadership to this project.
Landmark is a full-service contractor and self performs most of our work. Highly skilled multi
discipline crews employ specialized construction processes, including a highly evolved system of
concrete placement, precise assembly of steel plate and detailed coatings application.

Design / Build
As a design-build company, Landmark has a broader perspective on the engineering function, and
takes ownership of its work right through to project completion. Our design, engineering and
detailing staff are experts on the technical challenges that lie beneath the outwardly simple lines
and shapes of tanks. We employ the most advanced tools and our expertise extends to related civil
and mechanical systems.
Each project presents its own technical challenges. Landmark’s design and engineering groups
apply specific knowledge and resources to a wide range of issues, including:
• Finite Element models to assess dynamic forces in high seismic areas
• Non-linear buckling analyses to determine the optimum tank configurations
• Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) to design tank mixing systems
• In depth soil-structure interaction analysis to design the most efficient foundation solutions

A-2 Company Profile

Proposal for Town of Shelburne, Elevated Water Storage Tank
Request for Proposal
SBA File No: M20009

Project Management
In addition to the precision of our work, and the value of our best cost solutions, performance is a
key Landmark attribute.
It relates to how we perform for you, and to our dedication to collaborative project management,
thorough execution, and the resolve to do things right. Beyond how we build, we recognize that how
we work with clients and partners can determine the quality of a project, and the resulting referrals
and repeat engagements that create long term mutual success.
This philosophy accounts for our design-build orientation, in which we assume responsibility and
manage all the concurrent functions to completion. Our approach to business is consistent,
regardless of where it is in our extensive portfolio of capabilities.

Landmark’s high capacity steel tank and component operations incorporate the finest equipment,
materials and talent. Our extensive use of mill-primed steel plate eliminates mill scale and
preserves the blast profile. Plus, the ability to roll wide plate to precise tolerances reduces welding
requirements, simplifying production and enhancing results.
Landmark has two state-of-the-art steel fabrication facilities strategically located to serve North
America with highway and rail access, multiple staging locations and storage options on site.
Locations in Burlington, Ontario and Decatur, Texas provide launch points for turnkey custom
component fabrication, all with the latest technology.
Landmark has a broad range of fabrication capabilities to meet the most demanding configurations
and requirements. We set a higher standard for quality and productivity.

Site Development
Site selection, analysis and preparation are core competencies for Landmark, refined in civil work
and hundreds of design-build projects over the past 40 years. Our knowledge of soil types, drainage
and compaction requirements, and close work with geotechnical specialists enables us to provide
valuable insights as well as execution on your project.

Foundation Engineering and Construction

Landmark places a significant emphasis on foundation design and engineering, as it provides an
opportunity to precisely match a solution to site conditions, while also achieving a balance between
functionality and cost. The most efficient recommendation, whether a concrete mat, piers, or other
configuration, can provide good value for a project. Landmark has designed and built all types of
foundations for composite elevated tanks as well as other projects.

Concrete Structures
Our skill in achieving architectural concrete is testimony to Landmark’s commitment to building
concrete structures that combine aesthetic as well as functional excellence. Architectural concrete

A-2 Company Profile

Proposal for Town of Shelburne, Elevated Water Storage Tank
Request for Proposal
SBA File No: M20009

is comparable to pre-cast concrete in its precision and consistency, and since it is permanently
exposed to view, the Portland Cement Association cites the special care required in the selection of
concrete ingredients, forming, placing, consolidating and finishing to obtain the desired
appearance. This is the standard that Landmark sets for its work.
With more than 10,000 wall placements and one million cubic yards of concrete placed, Landmark’s
concrete specialists are experts in managing mix designs, the critical impact of environmental
conditions on the placement process, rigorous quality control procedures, and the all-important
involvement of their supplier partners. The result is a superior track record in an area that has
become a true specialty.

Steel Erection
Landmark carries the quality and refinements achieved in fabrication right through to steel erection
on the project site, where we consistently implement process improvements for faster, safer and
more accurate construction. Recent examples include the cable suspension of steel plate for
welding and finishing, which eliminates the need for cumbersome jigs, reducing cycle time and
increasing quality. Quality Control / Quality Assurance programs ensure exceptional weld quality in
preparation requirements for coatings phase.

Specialty Coatings
Landmark has developed complete surface preparation and coatings services for all the structures
that we design, build and repair. This commitment and Landmark’s high standards of process and
product quality have been recognized by the Society for Protective Coatings with their QP-1
Certification. It evaluates candidate firms in four key areas:
• Management procedures
• Technical capabilities
• Quality control
• Safety procedures and record keeping
This places Landmark in a relatively small group of companies in the world to earn the QP-1
certification. It means that you can depend on the Landmark coatings team and its fully equipped
mobile crews for preparation and coating of virtually all types of steel structures, with a wide range
of materials.

A-2 Company Profile

Proposal for Town of Shelburne, Elevated Water Storage Tank
Request for Proposal
SBA File No: M20009

Mechanical Systems
Landmark’s expertise in structures and storage extends to the piping and control systems that serve
them. This ranges from the design and fabrication of stainless steel piping for water storage tanks
and related tank mixing systems to their control valves, pump stations and monitoring equipment,
and cathodic protection. It also includes the piping and controls associated with larger tank farms
and systems, making Landmark an integrated resource for a wide range of projects.

Environment, Health & Safety

Landmark’s commitment to safe workplaces and jobsites is enabled by a robust Environmental,
Health & Safety (EHS) management system. It is designed to prevent harm to people, property and
the environment, and is enthusiastically embraced by company principals, line management,
employees and contractors. All are empowered and responsible for its success, based on three
guiding principles:
• Clearly communicated expectations result in desired outcomes
• Goals and objectives align with defined standards and procedures
• Continuous improvement
• All incidents can be prevented by eliminating their causes

While Landmark’s EHS policies are addressed in detail and integrated throughout work practices
and procedures, they are managed with four key tools:
• Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment (HIRA)
• Site EHS Evaluation
• Root Cause Analysis
• Comprehensive EHS Training

The goal of Landmark’s EHS management system is simple: Incident-free projects and workplaces
that maintain the integrity of the environment, utilize attention and care to eliminate cost and delay,
and above all, protect the quality of life and futures for those at work.

Safety is our primary commitment - always.

We are very proud to announce that Landmark is COR Certified! – effective January 2021.

A-2 Company Profile

Proposal for Town of Shelburne, Elevated Water Storage Tank
Request for Proposal
SBA File No: M20009

Section B: Project Team

B-1: Project Team Introduction

Landmark’s head office is located at 3091 Harrison Court in Burlington, Ontario. We have a 10 acre
property with office, fabrication, and yard facilities.

Average total # of office employees: 35

Average total # of shop employees: 20

Average total # of field employees: 60

Average total # of employees: 100 – 125

All are employed directly out of the Burlington head office location. Additionally, Landmark
has another 300 employees directly employed out of our Fort Worth, Texas location.

Our Burlington office serves as the center for overall Project Management, Engineering, Drafting,
Procurement, Fabrication, logistics, control and evaluation functions for operations. All employees
who support these services are direct employees of Landmark Structures.

During project operations, command and control functions transfer to the project site, with support
operations executed by Landmark’s corporate and support staff who are located on-site in

This allows Landmark to:

• deploy our corporate resources to meet required response times

• effectively increase capacity as needed

• allow for efficient decision making

Landmark employees will be assigned to the Project Delivery Team and contribute in their area of

Our team has extensive experience and knowledge specific to elevated tank design, construction
and maintenance. Landmark is uniquely qualified to successfully manage this project.

The project is based on concepts Landmark invented and developed in the 1970s. Key team
members have been with Landmark throughout the development of this product, and have worked
directly with all aspects of management, design, fabrication, construction and maintenance. The
proposed team is the most experienced group of individuals available anywhere for this type of

B-1: Proposed Project Team (Introduction)

Proposal for Town of Shelburne, Elevated Water Storage Tank
Request for Proposal
SBA File No: M20009

Lead Project Engineer – Wes Pogorzelski, P. Eng.

Reporting to the Operations Manager (Don Nikulka), and the President of Landmark (Chris Lamon),
Wes Pogorzelski will be the Engineer of Record for the Elevated Tank Project.

Wes will be directly responsible for the structural design of the Shelburne Elevated Water
Storage Tank ensuring the Tank is designed in accordance with governing codes and project
specifications. Wes and his Engineering Team will deliver complete, comprehensive design
calculations and drawings for review and implementation.

Wes is accountable for leading and managing the Project Engineering Team.

Project Engineering Team

• Sr. Design Engineer: Rolf Pawski, P. Eng.

• Project Engineer: Razmyar Ghateh, P. Eng.
• Drafting Manager: Stefan Stelmach, P. Eng.

Please refer to Wes’ CV (enclosed)

Operations Manager – Don Nikulka, C.E.T.

Don Nikulka has over 30 years project and construction management experience specific to
elevated tanks and is proposed as the primary individual accountable for delivering the project. Don
leads the project team and has the accountability to manage the project on a day-to-day basis.

Essential Functions / Major Responsibilities of the Operations Manager:

• Planning and monitoring the project / maintaining project plans

• Managing the production of required deliverables
• Ensuring communication among all stakeholders
• Availability of resources to execute the project scope
• Managing project risks, including the development of contingency plans
• Monitoring overall progress and resources, and initiating corrective actions as required
• Reporting continuously on the project status
• Accountable to lead and manage the Project Management Team

Project Management Team

• Sr. Project Manager: Paul DiPelino

• Project Coordinator: Mina Agaybi
• Project Administrator: Brenda Cantlon

Please refer to Don’s CV (enclosed)

B-1: Proposed Project Team (Introduction)

Proposal for Town of Shelburne, Elevated Water Storage Tank
Request for Proposal
SBA File No: M20009

Site Management Team

Our site-specific management team consists of Operations Manager (Don Nikulka), Project
Manager (Paul DiPelino), Health and Safety Manager (Blake Morton) and a series of phase-
specific Site Managers that are deployed to the project site as work progresses.

• Site Manager: Chris Levair

• Health and Safety Manager: Blake Morton
• Phase-specific Site Manager – Civil: Rick DeJong
• Phase-specific Site Manager – Steel: Tyler Hindle
• Phase-specific Site Manager – Coatings: Perry Compton
• Site Quality Control Lead: Michael Faubel

Please refer to CV’s (enclosed)

President – Chris Lamon, P. Eng.

Chris Lamon is the senior leader of the Landmark group of companies and is accountable for all
commercial, technical and operations functions at Landmark. He has over 35 years’ direct
experience in all aspects of management, project controls, engineering, development, procurement
and construction of tall, thin shell, heavily loaded vessels.

Chris, along with Brent Marini (Director Canadian Operations) will be directly engaged in the
project, assisting in oversight of project planning, project controls, and ensuring the availability of
key resources.

Director of Operations – Brent Marini

Brent Marini is responsible for the direction and coordination of the Canadian division of the
Landmark organization. He has over 20 years of progressive leadership in strategic planning,
organizational development, business development, finance, contract negotiation, and all phases of
design / build operations. Brent has extensive experience in Project Management and Construction
Operations Management.

Brent will be directly engaged in the project, assisting in oversight of project planning, project
controls, and ensuring the availability of key resources.

The following organizational chart identifies the Landmark team that will be accountable to deliver
the Elevated Tank Project.

The enclosed resumes provide detailed information on members of the proposed team. Key
members have 20 to 30+ years each of direct elevated tank experience.

B-1: Proposed Project Team (Introduction)

B-2 – Project Specific Organizational Chart – Shelburne Elevated Water Storage Tank

President Operations Manager Director of Operations

Chris Lamon, P. Eng. Don Nikulka, C.E.T. Brent Marini

Lead Project Engineer Director – EHS Quality Manager Fabrication Manager Sr. Project Manager Estimating Manager

Wes Pogorzelski, P.Eng. Tim Fetters, CSP Michael Faubel Jim Darnell Paul DiPelino Ken Cardwell

Sr. Design Engineer Manager – EHS Project Coordinator Project Administrator

Rolf Pawski, P.Eng. Blake Morton, NCSO Mina Agaybi Brenda Cantlon

Project Engineer / Site Manager

Drafting Manager
Chris Levair
Stefan Stelmach, P.Eng.

Project Engineer Legend:

Site Manager – Site Manager - Civil Site Manager –
Razmyar Ghateh, P.Eng. Steel Tank Coatings Reporting Coordinating
Tyler Hindle Rick DeJong Perry Compton

Key Personnel

Project Team Members

Proposal for Town of Shelburne, Elevated Water Storage Tank
Request for Proposal
SBA File No: M20009

Chris Lamon, P.Eng.


Chris Lamon has over 35 years’ experience in all aspects of management, engineering,
procurement and construction with leading specialized design / build organizations. Chris has
extensive experience in site specific design, manufacturing, construction, and quality management
of tall, thin shell, heavily loaded structures engineered to withstand significant wind and seismic
environmental loads.

Chris has been accountable for legal, financial, risk management, engineering, procurement,
project management and operations management functions on a diverse portfolio of projects
over extensive geographical areas. He is responsible for significant contributions in the writing and
development of ANSI standards in the elevated water storage space and the design and patent
development of numerous products involving fluids and structural designs.

Professional Experience
 Landmark Companies (1983 – Present) – CEO / Owner
o Senior leader of the Landmark group of companies – a leading EPC firm specializing in
elevated water storage and large complex industrial vessels.
o Strategy and direction for business development, engineering, project management,
manufacturing, construction and asset management teams.
o Accountable for all commercial, technical and operations functions.

 ViZiV Technologies Equipment (2016 – Present) – President

o Accountable for engineering and project management teams for research, development,
design and construction of large-scale electromagnetic wave transmission structures.
o Develop solutions for unprecedented highly complex materials and structural challenges.
o The Zenneck Surface Wave is an electromagnetic wave that uses the surface of the
earth as a waveguide enabling it to carry communications signals or electrical power
efficiently over long distances.


 University of Waterloo, Ontario – BSc Engineering – 1983

Certifications and Professional Development

 Registered Professional Engineer

 American Concrete Institute (ACI 371 Committee)
 American Water Works Association (AWWA D107 Committee)
Proposal for Town of Shelburne, Elevated Water Storage Tank
Request for Proposal
SBA File No: M20009

Don Nikulka, C.E.T.

Operations Manager

Don Nikulka has over 30 years of experience in all phases of heavy civil engineering procurement
and construction operations, and is Canada’s leading expert in with respect to elevated tank
management and construction.

Don has hands on experience in construction trades, site supervision, field engineering, design,
detailing, contract negotiation, project management, construction operations, subcontract
management, quality management and safety. Year after year, Don has completed many
concurrent multi-million-dollar projects by successfully coordinating trades, developing partnerships
and building a positive relationship with customers, consulting engineers, local officials, vendors
and staff. Don is well versed in contract negotiations, document preparation, procurement, building
codes and regulations.

Professional Experience

 Landmark Structures Co., Burlington, ON (1985 – Present) – Senior Project and Construction
o Responsible for the overall leadership, management, direction, and development of shop,
field and office support staff for the execution of construction works in support of near and
long- term business objectives
o Manage multiple project managers across 25+ concurrent projects throughout the United
States and Canada
o Inspect work in progress, both shop and field, to ensure that workmanship conforms to
drawings, specifications, company standards, procedures and quality expectations
o Develop and implement project controls processes (cost, quality and schedule)
o Develop internal standards, policies, and procedures for execution of construction
operations; identify areas for improvement, develop solutions and implement changes
o Initiate, implement, delegate and monitor special projects involving construction methods
and processes to improve the quality, productivity and safety of the organization


 Sir Sandford Fleming College – Degree, Civil Engineering Technology – 1982

Certifications and Professional Development

 Civil Engineering Technology Member of OACETT since 1987

Proposal for Town of Shelburne, Elevated Water Storage Tank
Request for Proposal
SBA File No: M20009

Brent Marini

Director of Operations

Brent Marini is responsible for the direction and coordination of the Canadian division of the
Landmark organization. He has over 16 years of progressive leadership in strategic planning,
organizational development, business development, finance, contract negotiation, and all phases of
design / build operations. Brent has extensive experience in Project Management and Construction
Operations Management.

Brent has successfully delivered multi-million-dollar projects while developing partnerships and
building a positive relationship with customers, engineering firms, subcontractors and vendors. He
has experience leading projects in multiple and diverse business units within Landmark and
specializes in Lead Abatement, Structural Rehabilitation, Industrial Coatings and Asset
Management. Brent is accountable for all projects from conception to completion.

Professional Experience
 Landmark Structures Co., Burlington, ON (2003 – Present) – Director of Operations
o Manage Landmark Canada – all divisions. Develop and implement standards.
o Senior manager of EHS, Quality Management and project controls – all divisions.
o Responsible for the overall leadership and technical direction of Landmark Municipal
Services, the leading provider of water storage asset management services in Eastern
o Collaborate with clients to design, develop and implement cost effective corrosion
management solutions for water and industrial storage
o Directly manage multiple projects and project managers for the execution of rehabilitation
construction works.

 Mohawk College, Architectural Engineering Technologist

Certifications and Professional Development

 Project Management, Mohawk College – 2013

 Ontario Environmental Safety Network, Lead Awareness Training – 2014
 Updated training in the following: WHMIS, Working at heights, Confined Space & High Angle
Rescue, Aerial Lift, Suspended Access, First Aid CPR AED Level A
 National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE International) Certified Coatings
Proposal for Town of Shelburne, Elevated Water Storage Tank
Request for Proposal
SBA File No: M20009

Wes Pogorzelski, P. Eng.

Lead Project Engineer

Wes Pogorzelski has extensive advanced experience in all aspects of structural behaviour,
analysis and design of tall, thin shell, heavily loaded structures engineered to withstand
significant wind and seismic environmental loads. Wes is an expert in in foundations and soil /
structure behaviour and has advanced capabilities in fluid dynamics as it relates to large storage
vessel behaviour.

Wes is accountable for the analysis and design of the tallest free-standing structure using
advanced non-traditional building materials and complex details.

Areas of research and expertise include:

 Non-linear buckling of conical and cylindrical shells due to internal and external pressure
 Buckling of shells due to wind pressure during erection
 Transient analysis of sloshing effects due to seismic loading
 Analysis and design of concrete support structures stress distribution between reinforcement
and concrete due to static loads, cracking and creep effects
 Modeling, analysis and design of mixing systems using Computational Fluid Dynamics
 Design of complex construction equipment and engineering of temporary work structures
 Expert reviewer of cone design methods in the AWWA D100 and D170 joint committee

Professional Experience

 Landmark Structures (2002 – Present) – Senior Design Engineer

o Engineer of record for elevated water storage tank structures – Canada
o Review critical components of complex tanks and vessels – US
o Automation of application of advanced analysis and design techniques.
o Development of construction equipment systems to resist heavy wind loading
o Design and modification of crane, material handling, scaffold, formwork, shoring
o Invention of Trillium and 2 – Tier 2 – Y mixers for Composite Elevated Water Tanks.
Work resulted in 3 US and 1 Canadian Patents for Mixing Systems.
o Design of hydrodynamic mixing systems for potable water.

 John Otter Engineering Services Ltd., (1991 – 2002) – Senior Structural Engineer
o Design of girder launching gantry equipment for large bridge structures
o Analysis and design of construction equipment, scaffolding, and shoring
o Structural design of elevated tanks and bridges


 Poznan Technical University, Poland – Master of Engineering

Proposal for Town of Shelburne, Elevated Water Storage Tank
Request for Proposal
SBA File No: M20009

 University of Toronto Continuing Engineering Education Program – Applied Finite Element

 University of Toronto Postgraduate Course – Prestressed Concrete Structures

Certifications and Professional Development

 Professional Engineers Ontario
 Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of New Brunswick
 Professional Engineers and Geoscientists Newfoundland and Labrador
 American Concrete Institute
 Chair of ACI Committee 371
Proposal for Town of Shelburne, Elevated Water Storage Tank
Request for Proposal
SBA File No: M20009

Tim Fetters

Director of Environmental Health & Safety

Tim Fetters has over 20 years’ experience in health, safety, security and environmental
systems management, with additional expertise in program development, inspection and
management of construction delivery methods. His extensive education and training in
manufacturing as well as industrial, commercial, power generation, chemical, and petroleum
industries make him the ideal manager for workplace and jobsite safety and related initiatives for

Professional Experience
 Landmark Structures I LP (2007 – present) – Director of Environmental Health & Safety
o Responsible for development, implementation and maintenance of Landmark’s
corporate EHS System.
o Developed and executed new, comprehensive EHS program at Landmark; including
procedures, training, tracking and analysis, which has resulted in improved performance,
while raising awareness and commitment.

 Jacobs Engineering, Houston, TX (2000 – 2007) – Regional EHS Manager, British Petroleum
(BP) Corporate Headquarters
 Sabre / EDS Corporate Campus (1999 – 2001) – EHS Manager
 Fluor Corporation, North Texas (1997 – 1999)
o EHS Manager, (1998 – 1999) – Texas Utilities Power Plant Maintenance, Multiple
o EHS Manager, (1997 – 1998) – Amoco Polypropylene Project, Chocolate Bayou Plant,
Alvin, TX


 Texas A&M University – MS Construction Management

 Truman State University – BS Industrial Science

Certifications and Training

 Certified Safety Professional (CSP), Board of Certified Safety Professionals

 American Institute of Constructors, Associate Professional Constructor
 Certified Asbestos Facility Inspector, Texas Engineering Extension Service
 Certified Utility Safety Administrator, National Safety Council
 Member of American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE)
 OSHA 500 Certified 10/30-hour instructor
 MSHA 40 Hour Safety Certificate
Proposal for Town of Shelburne, Elevated Water Storage Tank
Request for Proposal
SBA File No: M20009

Michael Faubel

Quality Manager

Michael Faubel has over 20 years’ experience with the technical and design aspects of construction
materials and over 10 years’ experience specific to quality management. Michael has led the
development and implementation of industry standards with organizations such as ASTM, ACI,
AWWA, ASQ, NACE and SSPC, and is recognized for his commitment to improving the concrete
and tank coatings industries.

Michael has experience leading initiatives for diverse business units within Landmark including
certification as an ASME fabricator of pressure vessels and authorization of pressure vessel repairs
by the National Board.

Professional Experience

 Landmark Structures, I, LP (2003 – Present) – Quality and Technical Services Manager

o Corporate Quality Manager for Civil construction, industrial coatings, and steel tank
o Responsible for establishing and training of standard Quality Assurance and Quality
Control procedures
o Responsible for selecting material sources, design of concrete mixes and selection of
high-performance coatings to maximize quality, efficiency and provide optimum value to
each client.

 Chandler Concrete, Burlington, NC (1998 – 2003) – Quality Control Manager

Representative Projects

 CNRL – Froth Tank Train 2 – QA/QC – 2016

 Alon Fuels – Isobtane Pressure Sphere – QA/QC & Weld Inspection – 2017
 Dresden CET re-coating/relining and upgrades – 2018
 Cedar Rapids, Iowa, US – Mass concrete foundation – developed concrete design, and
executed continuous monitoring, and comprehensive curing plan – 2019
 SAWS (San Antonio Water System) – Texas, US – multiple CET inspections including
WPS/PQR review and approval, welder testing, visual weld inspection, and radiographic
assessment. – 2016/17


 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, BA Business

Proposal for Town of Shelburne, Elevated Water Storage Tank
Request for Proposal
SBA File No: M20009

Certifications and Professional Development

 American Concrete Institute (ACI International & local TX chapter)
 American Water Works Association (AWWA)
 American Society of Tests & Materials (ASTM International)
 American Society for Quality (ASQ)
o Certified Quality Auditor

 National Ready-Mix Concrete Association (NRMCA)

o Certified Concrete Technologist – Level 3

 National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE International)

o Certified Coatings Inspector – Level 3 #26243
Proposal for Town of Shelburne, Elevated Water Storage Tank
Request for Proposal
SBA File No: M20009

Jim Darnell

Fabrication Manager

Jim Darnell is an engineer with over 33 years of experience in construction, steel

manufacturing and field tank erection. His extensive experience and strong leadership enable
the development of best practice processes, procedures and training across both fabrication and
the field which results in world-class quality and efficiency.

Jim has been instrumental in the design and launch of Landmark's fabrication facilities and
equipment as well as the expansion of capabilities to include highly complex forming of multi curved
vessel components.

Professional Experience

 Landmark Structures Co., (1997 – Present) – Director of Fabrication

o Steel Erection - Field Manager for 10 years prior to being promoted to Director of
o Oversee safety, quality, production and technical activities related to fabrication
o Accountable for launching Landmark's capability to form complex double-curved
components as well as instituting part development processes to ensure precise fit, high
quality and efficient shop and field execution.
o Project Development: Responsible for evaluating, planning and directing technical
feasibility, design optimization and production roll-out of improvements to existing
products as well as new product development.

 Steelwright Manufacturing / Stephens Pneumatics, Haslet, (1977 – 1981) General Manager


 University of Texas at Arlington - Industrial Engineering

Certifications and Professional Development

 OSHA 10 hour
 First Aid
 API 650 and 653 standards
 In- and out-of-service inspection methods
 Repair methods for various types of tanks
Proposal for Town of Shelburne, Elevated Water Storage Tank
Request for Proposal
SBA File No: M20009

Paul DiPelino

Senior Project Manager

Paul DiPelino is a construction professional with 20 years’ of project and construction

management experience. He has a successful track record for the planning, execution and
completion of concurrent complex multi-million-dollar projects through coordinating and directing
trades, subcontractors, and building positive relationships with engineers, local officials, vendors
and clients.

Paul is highly experienced in contracts, negotiations, procurement, building codes and regulations.

Professional Experience

 Landmark Structures Co., (August 2014 – Present) – Senior Project Manager

o Manage elevated tank and underground reservoir projects for various clients throughout
Ontario and Eastern provinces
o Manage inspections condition assessments and asset management for various coatings,
safety, mechanical, communication & electrical upgrades.
o Management of and accountability for design and construction projects
o Project controls (quality, cost and schedule) and management
o Planning and controlling a multi-disciplined scope of work from kick-off to close-out

 Landmark Structures Co., (May 2001 – August 2014) – Project Manager

o Management and accountability for design and construction projects
o Execution of cost reduction programs

Representative Projects

 Mississaugas of Scugog Island First Nation CET – 2019

 Nova Scotia Power - Mill Lake Surge Tank – 2019
 North Glengarry - Maxville CET – 2019
 Newmarket East & Stouffville CET Upgrade & Recoating Projects – 2018


 Mohawk College of Applied Arts and Technology

 Registered Applied Science Technologist (OACETT): Ontario

Certifications and Professional Development

 American Concrete Institute (ACI International & local TX chapter)

Proposal for Town of Shelburne, Elevated Water Storage Tank
Request for Proposal
SBA File No: M20009

Ken Cardwell

Estimating Manager

Ken Cardwell is a design / build construction professional with over 25 years’ of experience in
project engineering, project management and estimating. Specializing in elevated water storage
facilities, he has been integrally involved in the estimating, planning, execution and completion of
many complex projects.

Ken is well versed in contracts, project management, specification development, procurement,

building codes and regulations.

Professional Experience

 Landmark Structures Co., Burlington, Ontario (2010 – Present) – Senior Estimator

o Communicate / negotiate with owners, engineers, subcontractors, and vendors
o Plan and organize projects for best execution
o Analyze contract documents and prepare technical and cost proposals
o Coordinate, analyze, and review vendor proposals
o Lead and manage multiple teams in project execution
o Provide supervision and guidance of staff to manage client requests and resolve
o Perform and lead company in quality control, safety, and emergency issues
o Manage relationships with subcontractors and vendors
o Develop and document historical production and cost data

 Landmark Structures Co., Burlington, Ontario (1998 – 2010) – Project Manager/Estimator


 Mohawk College of Applied Arts and Technology

C-3 – Project Specific Organizational Chart – Team Members

Proposal for Town of Shelburne, Elevated Water Storage Tank
Request for Proposal
SBA File No: M20009

Rolf Pawski, P. Eng.

Senior Design Engineer

Rolf is one of the foremost elevated tank design experts in the industry, with over 50 years’
experience. Rolf is active in managing complex design problems and maintaining engineering policy
in the face of multiple changing standards and codes. Rolf is well recognized in the industry for his
major contributions to the advancement of elevated tank design, and for his significant writing
efforts on behalf of the industry standards and codes. Rolf also has extensive experience in
geotechnical, soil structure interaction, foundations and structural behaviour under severe
environmental loading.

Rolf Pawski has served as Landmark’s principal engineer for the past 24 years’ and is responsible
for all tank structural design, design programs and engineering policies for the company.

Professional Experience

 Landmark Structures Co., (April 1995 – Present) – Engineering Manager

o Establish and maintain design and engineering policy.
o Provide expert advice to all engineering and construction staff to solve difficult
o Provide structural designs of elevated tanks and foundations.
o Develop and maintain design automation programs.
o Develop and maintain the engineering knowledge base.

 Chicago Bridge & Iron Company, Chicago, IL (1981 – April 1995) – Senior Design Engineer
o Led the design of concrete and steel structures, foundations and general civil structures.
o Civil Design Supervisor for Woodside (Australia) LPG prestressed concrete full
containment structures completed in 1995.
o Involved in the development and use of prestressed concrete structures for the
secondary containment of low and cryogenic temperature liquids.
o Development of design procedures / construction equipment for composite elevated
o Led the design of prestressed concrete safety walls, foundations, and concrete and steel
framed structures
o Prepared designs for ammonia and LPG safety walls in Australia, the US and Taiwan.
o Provided engineering site supervision for prestressing work.
o Worked for the Chief Structural Engineer (1981-1983) in development and consulting.
o Prepared designs and studies for Arctic offshore exploration structures, lightweight
insulating concrete and composite elevated tanks.

 Kenny Construction Company, Northbrook, IL (Jan 1980 – Nov 1981) – Engineer/Estimator

o Responsible for cost estimating and planning highway and heavy construction work
including tunnels, bridges, excavation, earthworks and piling.
o Led the structural design of cofferdams, shafts and construction trestles.
Proposal for Town of Shelburne, Elevated Water Storage Tank
Request for Proposal
SBA File No: M20009

 Chicago Bridge & Iron Company, Chicago, IL (June 1969 – Jan 1979) – Design Engineer
o Designed foundations for storage tanks, process equipment, pipelines and equipment.
o Performed field inspection of piling and drilled pier installation, foundation excavation
and earthwork, large concrete placements and geotechnical investigations.
o Development of construction sites for offshore structures in the US, Venezuela and
o Designed the first prestressed concrete safety wall built by CBI in 1979 at Botany Bay,
Australia for the secondary containment of ethylene.


 Cleveland State University – BCE, 1969

Certifications and Professional Development

 Registered Structural Engineer: Illinois
 Registered Professional Engineer: Alabama, Arkansas, Colorado, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana,
Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska,
New Hampshire, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania,
South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, Wisconsin
 American Concrete Institute: committees 350-F, 371 and 376; past chair of ACI 371
o While a Member and chairman of ACI 371 committee, completed a recommended
Practice for Design and Construction of Composite Elevated Water Tanks in 1998.
o Participated in updating the 2008 revision.

 American Water Works Association: D 170 Committee

 American Society of Civil Engineers
 Earthquake Engineering Research Institute
 Participated in writing AWWA D107-10, a standard for design and construction of composite
elevated water tanks
 US Patent 4 878 329: Structural Panels for Walls, Floors, and Roofs Having Exterior Metal
Layers and Insulating Concrete Core
Proposal for Town of Shelburne, Elevated Water Storage Tank
Request for Proposal
SBA File No: M20009

Blake Morton

Manager - Environmental Health and Safety

Blake Morton is an Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) Manager with extensive experience in
the construction, industrial and solar energy markets. Blake has specific expertise in the creating
and implementation of health and safety policies and programs for companies and has a proven
track record of successfully managing health and safety issues to ensure employees are safe on
the work site.

Blake works directly with all employees and Landmark leadership: EHS Director (Tim Fetters),
Director of Operations (Brent Marini) and Senior Project / Construction Manager (Don Nikulka)

Areas of research and expertise include:

 Safe work procedures, job hazard analysis and incident/accident reporting

 WSIB Case management and compliance with MOL regulations
 Training procedures for equipment and employees, joint health and safety chairman
 COR Certificate of Recognition achieved on January 18, 2021 for Landmark Structures and
on February 04, 2021 for Landmark Municipal Services

Professional Experience
 Landmark Structures Co., Burlington, ON (2017 – Present) – EHS Manager
 The Donald Group of Companies, Etobicoke, ON (2016 – 2017) - EHS Manager
 Algoma Energy Solutions, Sault Ste. Marie, ON (2014 – 2016) - Senior Health and Safety
 H.E.L.P Safety Services, Acton, ON (2011 – 2014) - Field Manager and Health and Safety
 The Manarin Group of Companies, Toronto, ON (2008 – 2011) - Construction Services
Health and Safety Manager

 Keiler Mackay Collegiate Institute – Honor Graduate

Certifications and Professional Development

 IHSA: National Construction Safety Officer - 2017

 IHSA: Construction Health & Safety Officer – 2016
Proposal for Town of Shelburne, Elevated Water Storage Tank
Request for Proposal
SBA File No: M20009

Mina Agaybi

Project Coordinator

Mina Agaybi is a recent Civil Engineering Graduate majoring in Structural and Environmental
Engineering. Mina has hands-on experience in Project Coordination and Management: reviewing
construction schedules, submittal review and tracking, subcontractor management, procurement,
scheduling equipment and material deliveries, project closeout documentation and coordination. In
addition, he has experience in monitoring quality control, changes in construction procedures, and
reviewing drawings & specifications. He has worked on multiple Water Storage Tank Projects and
assisted to a successful project close out to the client’s satisfaction.

Professional Experience

 Landmark Structures Co., (January 2019 – Present) – Project Coordinator

Representative Projects

 Ripley Elevated Water Storage Tank – 2019

 Shediac Elevated Water Storage Tank – 2019
 Elsipogtog First Nation New Water Tower – 2019
 Kettle & Stony Point First Nation Elevated Water Storage Tank – 2019

 Ryerson University, Bachelor of Engineering – Civil Engineering

Certifications and Professional Development

 Registered Engineer in Training – Professional Engineers Ontario (PEO)
 Member of Canadian Society for Civil Engineering (CSCE)
Proposal for Town of Shelburne, Elevated Water Storage Tank
Request for Proposal
SBA File No: M20009

Brenda Cantlon

Project Administrator

Brenda Cantlon has over 20 years’ experience in all aspects of design / build construction
project administration from design phase to project completion. Brenda assists with Project
Management duties such as procurement, logistics, and coordinating trades. Brenda communicates
with functional leads and managers to compile weekly and monthly project progress reports.

Brenda brings high value to the project, with over 12 years direct experience coordinating Landmark
elevated tank projects.

Professional Experience

 Landmark Structures Co., (2006 – Present) – Project Administrator

o Directly assist Project and Construction Operation Managers on multiple projects.
o Status and coordination communication directly with Owner, subcontractors and
o Coordination of day to day operational decisions.
o Project level procurement

 Algonquin Power (1995 – 2006) – Office Manager

o Development and implementation of office procedures
o Management of office building and all purchasing
o Coordinate owners / field operations in construction and management of hydropower
plant facilities.

 Conestoga-Rovers & Associates (GHD Inc.) (1989 – 1995) – Administrative Assistant

o Administrative Assistant to the US Environmental Group - environmental remedial

Representative Projects

 Nova Scotia Surge Tank – 2019

 Scugog Island Elevated Tank – 2019
 Warkworth Institute Elevated Tank – 2018
 Maxville Elevated Water Tower – 2018
 Newmarket and Stouffville Zone II Elevated Tank Refurbishments – 2017
 Waterdown South Elevated Tank – 2016
Proposal for Town of Shelburne, Elevated Water Storage Tank
Request for Proposal
SBA File No: M20009

Stefan Stelmach, P. Eng.

Project Engineer & Drafting Manager

Stefan Stelmach has over 30 years’ experience in detail design, engineering coordination,
engineering standards development, and management of CAD services. Stefan has provided detail
designs on hundreds of elevated tanks and other tank vessels and structures in Canada and US.
He is a CAD systems expert with specialty in systems programing, implementation and

Stefan is accountable to ensure timely and accurate delivery of design drawings associated with
Landmark projects.

Professional Experience

 Landmark Structures Co., (1994 – Present) – Drafting Manager / Structural Designer

 Nantucket Rebar Service (1993-1994) – Reinforced Concrete Detailer/CAD Specialist
 Wm. E. Bennett Surveying Ltd., (1992) – G.I.S. Technician

Representative Projects
 Complete comprehensive delivery of engineered drawing packages:
o Kettle Stony Point FN, Elevated Tank – Current
o City of Brantford, Composite Elevated Tank – Current
o Correctional Services Canada, Warkworth Institution Composite Tank – Current
o Brant County Airport Elevated Tank – Current
o Town of Bradford, Bondhead Composite Elevated Tank – Current
o Elsipogtog First Nation, NB Composite Elevated Tank – 2018
o Township of North Glengarry, Maxville Composite Tank – 2018
o Municipality of Edmundson, NB - AWWA D100 Tank – 2017
o Bonavista, NL Composite Elevated Tank – 2017
o Township of Huron Kinloss, Ripley Elevated Tank – 2017
o Town of Shediac, NB Composite Elevated Tank – 2017


 Silesian Technical University, Poland - BS, Civil Engineering – 1986

Certifications and Professional Development

 Professional Engineer License: Professional Engineers of Ontario – 2001

Proposal for Town of Shelburne, Elevated Water Storage Tank
Request for Proposal
SBA File No: M20009

Chris Levair

Site Manager

Chris Levair serves as Landmark’s primary representative at the project site who interacts and
reports internally and to owners, engineers, inspectors. Chris implements project safety and
quality objectives at the construction trade and subcontractor level, ensuring high quality
construction is delivered in a safe and efficient manner.

Chris has extensive experience managing and directing multiple trades workers and subcontractors
and is a proven leader / motivator with excellent interpersonal and managerial skills.

Professional Experience

 Landmark Structures Co., (October 2010 – Present) – Site Superintendent

o Scheduling and directing work crews and subcontractors
o Structural, Mechanical, Electrical and Process drawings and geotechnical reports
o Earthwork, excavations, shoring, deep foundations and site development
o Demolition, hoisting, rigging and material handling
o Layout, inspection and project controls
o Concrete mix designs, admixtures placement and quality control
o Erection of structural steel and miscellaneous iron

Representative Projects

 Brant County Bolted Elevated Tank Construction – 2019

 Mississauga’s of Scugog Island First Nation CET – 2019
 North Glengarry – Maxville Composite Elevated Tank Construction – 2018
 Ripley Composite Elevated Tank Construction – 2018
 Bonavista Composite Elevated Tank Construction – 2017
 Aurora Composite Elevated Tank Construction – 2016
 Additional Projects available upon request

Certifications and Professional Development

 St. John’s Ambulance First Aid/CPR
 Traffic Control
 Propane Safety
 Fall Protection
 Confined Space Entry and Rescue
 High Angle Rescue
 SwingStage
Proposal for Town of Shelburne, Elevated Water Storage Tank
Request for Proposal
SBA File No: M20009

Razmyar Ghateh, PhD, P. Eng.

Project Engineer

Razmyar Ghateh has over 10 years’ experience as a Structural Designer. He has analyzed over
100 elevated water storage facilities using finite element analysis and computer modeling
programs. Razmyar has extensive knowledge in nonlinear analysis of structures using FEMA
methods, and is an expert in Canadian structural design codes and standards.

Professional Experience
 Landmark Structures Co., (2014 – Present) – Structural Designer
o Nonlinear static, nonlinear dynamic and seismic analysis of structures
o Design of liquid containing and shell structures
o Retrofitting and rehabilitation of structures and developing strengthening plans
o Analysis and design of heavy construction lifts

 Ryerson University, Toronto, ON (2009 – 2014) – Post-doctoral Research Associate

 Payon Retrofitting Group Co, Tehran, Iran (2006 – 2009) – Structural Designer
 Niroo Research Institute, Tehran, Iran (2005 – 2006) – Structural Engineer
 Armeh Ara Consultant Engineers, Tehran, Iran (2004 – 2005) – Structural Designer

Representative Projects
 Elevated Tank Analysis and Engineer of Record:
o Regional Municipality of York – Stouffville Elevated Tank Refurbishment – 2018
o Municipality of Chatham Kent – Dresden Composite Tank Refurbishment – 2018
o Region of Niagara – Virgil Composite Elevated Tank Telecommunication Support – 2018
o Others available upon request


 Ryerson University, PhD, Structural engineering – 2013

 International Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, Tehran, Iran – Master of
Applied Science, Earthquake Engineering and Seismology – 2006

Certifications and Professional Development

 Professional Engineers Ontario

Proposal for Town of Shelburne, Elevated Water Storage Tank
Request for Proposal
SBA File No: M20009

Tyler Hindle

Site Manager – Steel Tank

Tyler Hindle has over 15 years’ experience specific to fabrication and construction of steel storage
tanks. He serves as Landmark’s key representative on the jobsite during steel erection / welding
phases. Tyler interacts with project and construction management, owners, engineers, inspectors
and government agencies to ensure a quality product is produced according to specifications and in
a timely and safe manner.

Professional Experience

 Landmark Structures Co., Burlington, ON (April 2014 – Present) – Site Manager

o Layout, material handling, equipment cranes
o API and AWWA steel tank erection and maintenance
o Related fabricating skills; torch work, plasma torch cutting, arc gouge, grinding
o GTAW, SAW SMAW, GMAW and FCAW welding and procedures
o CWB and TSSA Welder Certifications

 Previous – 10 years fabrication / construction experience on welded steel storage tanks.

Representative Projects
 Site Superintendent – Steel Erection, Recent and Current Project Experience:
o City of Brantford, Composite Elevated Tank – 2019
o Correctional Services Canada, Warkworth Institution Composite Tank – 2019
o Brant County Airport Elevated Tank – 2019
o Town of Bradford, Bondhead Composite Elevated Tank – 2019
o Elsipogtog First Nation, NB Composite Elevated Tank – 2018
o Township of North Glengarry, Maxville Composite Tank – 2018
o Town of Shediac, NB Composite Elevated Tank – 2017
o Municipality of Niagara, Port Colborne Composite Tank – 2016
o University of Guelph Thermal Storage Tank - 2015


 Humber College, Graduate of Boilermaker Apprenticeship Program

Certifications and Professional Development

 Member of the International Brotherhood of Boilermakers Local 128

Proposal for Town of Shelburne, Elevated Water Storage Tank
Request for Proposal
SBA File No: M20009

Rick DeJong

Site Manager - Civil

Rick DeJong has over 20 years heavy construction experience. He is an expert in Civil Construction
and is Landmark's key representative on the jobsite for the following phases:

 Site development and preparation

 Excavation and Foundation Construction
 Concrete Pedestal Construction

Rick has a proven track record in delivering high quality projects in a safe and efficient manner.
Rick continuously updates and interacts with project and construction management, owners,
engineers, inspectors and government agencies.

Professional Experience
 Landmark Structures Co., (1994 – Present) – Civil Superintendent

Representative Projects

 Warkworth Composite Elevated Tank – Siteworks and Pedestal Construction – 2019

 Scugog Island Composite Elevated Tank – Foundation and Pedestal Construction – 2019
 Brantford Composite Elevated Tank – Foundation and Pedestal Construction - 2019
 Kettle & Stoney Point Bolted Elevated Tank – Pedestal Construction – 2018
 Ripley Composite Elevated Tank – Foundation and Pedestal Construction – 2018
 Shediac Composite Elevated Tank – Foundation and Pedestal Construction – 2018
 Elsipogtog Composite Elevated Tank – Pedestal Construction – 2018
 Maxville Composite Elevated Tank – Pedestal Construction – 2018

Certifications and Professional Developments

 ACI – CSA Concrete Field–Testing Technician

 0 – 8 Ton Crane Operator
 St. John's Ambulance First Aid/CPR
Proposal for Town of Shelburne, Elevated Water Storage Tank
Request for Proposal
SBA File No: M20009

Perry Compton

Site Manager - Coatings

Perry Compton is a construction professional with over 13 years’ of hands-on experience

focused on coatings and insulation in the industrial, petrochemical and municipal construction
fields. Perry is an expert in plural component equipment / application and has successfully
completed many projects.

Perry is accountable to manage quality, safety and efficiency of all coating’s phases. He has a
proven work ethic, a solid sense of accountability and excellent leadership qualities.

Professional Experience

 Landmark Structures Co. (2014 – Present) – General Superintendent - Coatings

o Specialist in water storage tank coatings, inspection, maintenance and repair services
o Knowledge of industry standards including OHSA, AWWA, API, NACE, & SSPC
o Supervising Owner and Subcontractor relationships from corporate wide viewpoint

 Dalco Services Inc., Bonnyville, AB (2006 – 2014) – Field Operations and Branch Manager

Representative Projects

 York Region, Stouffville CET – 2018

 City of Hamilton, Freelton CET – 2018
 Town of Wasaga Beach Spheroid – 2017
 York Region – Kleinburg CET – 2017
 City of Hamilton, Waterdown CET – 2017
 Region of Niagara, Port Colborne CET – 2017
 City of Hamilton Methane Sphere – 2017

Certifications and Professional Development

 NACE Level 2 Coating Inspector
 IOR – Work Management
 Level 2 First Aid
 OSSA Fall Arrest, Confined Space, Gas Detection
 Suspended Access Equipment & Working at Heights
Proposal for Town of Shelburne, Elevated Water Storage Tank
Request for Proposal
SBA File No: M20009

Section C: Experience

Corporate Experience - Completed Contracts Summary

Landmark has designed and constructed over 1,000 Composite Elevated Tanks and is the leading
design/build elevated tank specialist company in North America. This is a small sampling of
completed projects that meet your specified criteria; several more references are available upon

Elevated Water Storage Tanks in Operation for a minimum Ten Years

(of equal or greater capacity to the Shelburne Elevated Tank)

Year Capacity Location Owner Contact Phone Number

2010 1.7 MIG Queensville, ON York Region - Shivan Narine (905) 895-1231
2010 1.1 MIG Georgetown, ON Halton Region - Cam McDougall (905) 825-6000
2009 1.8 MIG Waterdown, ON City of Hamilton Angela Doyle (905) 564-2424
2008 0.9 MIG Bayfield, ON Mun. of Bluewater - Jeff Newel (519) 236-4351
2008 2.0 MIG Caledon, ON Region of Peel - William Turner (905) 791-7800
2008 1.0 MIG Kapuskasing, ON Town of Kapuskasing - Eric Cote (705) 335-2341
2008 1.2 MIG Moncton, NB City of Moncton - Ensor Nicholson (506) 853-3333
2007 1.7 MIG N. Richmond Hill, ON York Region - Shivan Narine (905) 895-1231
2007 1.2 MIG East Woodstock, ON Oxford County - Paul Eybergen (519) 539-0015
2006 1.4 MIG Tilbury, ON Chatham-Kent PUC - Rob Bernardi (519) 360-1998
2006 1.0 MIG Riverview, NB Town of Riverview - Mike Ouellet (506) 387-2020
2006 1.2 MIG Baden, ON Region of Waterloo - Winnie Chan (519) 575-4400
2005 1.4 MIG Stouffville, ON York Region - Shivan Narine (905) 895-1231
2005 0.8 MIG Saint John, NB City of Saint John - Dean Price (506) 658-4770
2004 1.5 MIG Kingston, ON Utilities Kingston - Chris Phippen (613) 546-1181
2004 1.0 MIG Moncton, NB City of Moncton - Ensor Nicholson (506) 853-3333

Please note that all tanks listed above are the same Tank design and were constructed using the
same methods and forming system as outlined in the RFP.

C-1 Corporate Experience (Completed Contracts Summary)

Proposal for Town of Shelburne, Elevated Water Storage Tank
Request for Proposal
SBA File No: M20009

Section C: Experience

C-2: Experience – Design Engineer: Mr. Wes Pogorzelski, P. Eng.

Wes Pogorzelski is the most experienced elevated tank designer in Canada. The following
represents a small sample of projects that he has been involved in as the person
responsible for the structural design. Additional projects are available upon request.

Year Capacity Location Owner Consultant

2020 0.638 MIG Markdale, ON Municipality of Grey Highlands B.M. Ross & Assoc.
2019 0367 MIG Shannonville, ON Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte First Nations Engineering
2019 0.242 MIG Scugog Island, ON Mississauga’s of S.I.F.N S. Burnett & Associates
2018 0.5 MIG Brant County, ON County of Brant First Nations Engineering
2018 1.5 MIG Bondhead, ON Town of Bradford WSP
2018 0.3 MIG Maxville, ON Glengary RWSS EVB Engineering
2018 1.3 MIG Brantford, ON City of Brantford GHD
2018 0.4 MIG Warkworth, ON Correctional Services CIMA+
2018 0.4 MIG Kettle Stony Point, ON Chippewas of KSP exp Services
2017 0.3 MIG Elsipogtog, NB Elsipogtog First Nation exp Services
2017 0.6 MIG Shediac, NB Town of Shediac exp Services
2017 0.3 MIG Ripley, ON Township of Huron Kinloss B.M. Ross & Assoc.
2016 0.2 MIG Bonavista, NL Municipality of Edmunston exp Services
2016 1.3 MIG Havelock, ON Township of Havelock R.V. Anderson
2015 1.3 MIG Waterdown, ON City of Hamilton J&M Structural Design
2015 1.2 MIG Port Colborne, ON Municipality of Niagara R.J. Burnside & Assoc.
2015 0.2 MIG Mitchell, ON Municipality of West Perth B.M. Ross & Assoc.
2014 1.4 MIG Aurora, ON Region of York GHD
2014 0.4 MIG Paris, ON County of Brant R.V. Anderson & Assoc.
2013 1.2 MIG Lakeshore, ON Town of Lakeshore Stantec Consulting Ltd.
2012 1.7 MIG Queensville, ON Region of York GHD
2012 1.6 MIG Waterloo, ON Region of Waterloo Genivar Ontario Inc.
2012 1.5 MIG Kingston, ON Utilities Kingston J.L. Richards & Assoc.
2011 0.6 MIG Lakefield, ON Twp. Smith-Lakefield D.M. Wills Assoc. Ltd.
2011 1.3 MIG Keswick, ON Region of York TMIG
2011 0.5 MIG Amherstburg, ON Town of Amherstburg Stantec Consulting Ltd.
2010 0.3 MIG Thorndale, ON Municipality of Thames Ctr. AECOM Canada Ltd.
2010 0.8 MIG Fergus, ON Twn. of Centre Wellington Triton Eng. Services Ltd.
2010 0.4 MIG Nobleton, ON Region of York GHD
2010 0.7 MIG Alexandria,ON Twn. of North Glengarry Greer-Galloway Group
2010 0.8 MIG Glencoe, ON Mun. of SW Middlesex Thompson Rosemount
2010 0.2 MIG Rockland, ON City of Clarence-Rockland CH2M Hill
2010 1.5 MIG Kingsville, ON Ontario Clean Water Agency AECOM Canada Ltd.
Proposal for Town of Shelburne, Elevated Water Storage Tank
Request for Proposal
SBA File No: M20009

Section C: Experience

C-3: Experience – Project Manager: Mr. Paul DiPelino

Paul DiPelino is the most experienced Project Manager in Canada that specializes in
elevated tanks. The following represents a sample of projects he has been involved in.
Additional projects are available upon request.

Year Location Owner Project Description

2020 Markdale, ON Municipality of Grey Highlands New Bolted Elevated Tank
2019 Shannonville, ON Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte New Bolted Elevated Tank
2019 Scugog Island, ON Mississauga’s of S.I.F.N New Composite Elevated Tank
2018 Brantford, ON City of Brantford New Composite Elevated Tank
2018 Warkworth, ON Correctional Services New Composite Elevated Tank
2018 Freelton, ON City of Hamilton Elevated Water Tank Upgrades
2017 Maxville, ON Township of North Glengarry New Composite Elevated Tank
2017 Hamilton, ON City of Hamilton Methane Sphere Upgrades
2017 Stouffville, ON Regional Municipality of York Elevated Water Tank Upgrades
2017 Newmarket, ON Regional Municipality of York Elevated Water Tank Upgrades
2015 Port Colborne, ON Regional Municipality of Niagara New Composite Elevated Tank
2015 Waterdown, ON City of Hamilton New Composite Elevated Tank
2015 Mitchell, ON Municipality of West Perth New Composite Elevated Tank
2014 Aurora, ON Regional Municipality of York New Composite Elevated Tank
2014 Paris, ON County of Brant New Composite Elevated Tank
2014 Georgina, ON Regional Municipality of York Elevated Water Tank Recoating
2014 Nobleton, ON Regional Municipality of York Elevated Water Tank Recoating
2013 Lakeshore, ON Town of Lakeshore New Composite Elevated Tank
2012 Queensville, ON Regional Municipality of York New Composite Elevated Tank
2012 Waterloo, ON Regional Municipality of Waterloo New Composite Elevated Tank
2012 Kingston, ON Utilities Kingston New Composite Elevated Tank
2011 Lakefield, ON Township of Lakefield New Composite Elevated Tank
2011 Keswick, ON Regional Municipality of York Elevated Water Tank Upgrades
2010 King City, ON Regional Municipality of York New Composite Elevated Tank
2010 Georgetown, ON Region of Halton New Composite Elevated Tank
2010 Minden, ON Township of Minden Hills New Composite Elevated Tank
2010 Kingsville, ON Ontario Clean Water Agency New Composite Elevated Tank
2010 Clarence, ON City of Clarence-Rockland New Composite Elevated Tank
2010 Glencoe, ON Municipality of Southwest Middlesex New Composite Elevated Tank
2010 Alexandria, ON Township of North Glengarry New Composite Elevated Tank



Summary.............................................................. 1

Geotechnical investigation................................... 2 Technical Approach/Work Plan

Foundation........................................................... 3
Landmark originated the composite elevated tank, and
Pedestal…................................................ …….…4

Tank erect/pre-hoist………..................………..….5 introduced the design to the U.S. marketplace in 1985.

Coatings/pre-hoist….................................. ……...6 Since then it has become the established standard for large
capacity water storage. It offers distinct advantages over
Tank erect & coatings/post-hoist...................…...8

Electrical/mechanical/site work......................…...9 all-steel configurations, as the use of materials in their

Commission...................................................…...9 optimum applications—a welded steel tank supported by a

reinforced concrete pedestal—provides low capital cost and

the lowest maintenance cost. Its clean design also creates

superior aesthetics, a critical factor for highly visible structures

that should enhance their surroundings.

Landmark self-performs the majority of its work and employs

specific processes to achieve a high standard of execution on

every job. This begins with a collaborative approach to

project management and extends to the details of delivering

architectural quality concrete pedestals and QP-1 certified

specialty coatings application. Following is a condensed

outline of the phases.

Landmark 1.0 MG composite tank

Please note that the following process

outline is representative of most projects,
regardless of size and capacity. However,
it does not necessary reflect the site and
specifications of this proposal. ....................................................................

Major Elements of the Landmark
Composite Elevated Tank

Geotechnical investigation
Once a suitable site with the necessary clearances and access
has been determined, the project owner or engineer orders
a geotechnical investigation from a qualified geotechnical
engineer familiar with local soil conditions. The resulting
report will suggest the most appropriate foundation type and
design, based on factors specific to composite elevated tanks,
including pedestal height and diameter, structure and water
weight, plus wind and seismic loads. Landmark typically
recommends and provides the foundation design as part of
its role, with seismic expertise resident within its internal
engineering group. With hundreds of projects completed
in locations across the country, and close collaboration with
all types of geotechnical engineering firms, Landmark
applies significant specialized experience to this first stage
in the process.

Following engineering, submittals and mobilization, site
preparation and excavation for the foundation begins.
Based on the recommendation, this could involve a mat-type
or pile-type foundation, the latter either driven steel or poured
concrete as depicted. While site prep and excavation are
often subcontracted to local crews with the required
equipment, Landmark provides the first of its specialized
Foundation layout crews for actual foundation construction, including layout,
piping, forms and reinforcement, as well as coordination
with the local concrete provider.

Foundation rebar and piping

Rebar for pile cap

Mat-type foundation

Rebar for pile cap

Driven steel piles

Concrete piles 3 Pile cap

The pedestal is the most unique element of the composite
elevated tank, and the subject of most of its refinements.
It not only takes full advantage of concrete’s load carrying
efficiency in compression for the tank and its contents, but
also provides dry, protected interior space for equipment and
storage, as well as an attractive maintenance-free exterior
surface. The pedestal is constructed in levels or “lifts”
Seven-foot form system
approximately seven feet in height, with the number
determined by pedestal specifications.

Landmark’s standard for all projects is architectural concrete,

defined by the American Concrete Institute as having “uniform
color, an absence of defects, and aligned and even surfaces.”
It requires the use of a robust form system in a process that
can be summarized as the rapid vertical placement of one
truckload of concrete in to each section of vertically segmented
wall forms. By placing each segment in its entirety, the vertical
pour rate is accelerated, eliminating the potential for unsightly
pour lines and color variations. In this manner, Landmark
provides the added benefit of an architectural standard
One truckload per form segment
beyond the well-established structural standard for each
project, by virtue of its pedestal construction process.

For each lift, vertical bulkheads are placed inside the wall
forms at approx. 25-foot intervals, based on the number of
truckloads of concrete required. The bulkheads’ three-piece
design allows continuous reinforcement to pass through,
around the entire wall. When concrete is poured into two
adjacent segments, the vertical bulkhead between them is
removed, and the concrete is vibrated for consistent surface
quality. This process continues on a daily form strip, form
set, and concrete placement cycle, until the pedestal wall is
finished. Forms are then positioned for the pouring of the
Vertical bulkheads define each segment
concrete dome, which completes the pedestal and provides
a strong structural base for the tank.

Segmented pour process 4 Process continues for each lift

Tank erect/pre-hoist
In another departure from competitors’ processes, Landmark
erects the steel tank at grade before raising it into position,
rather than building it in position above the pedestal. This
procedure is safer, and enables better control of tolerances
and quality. One of two methods may be used for tank
construction, depending on size—a jig positioned at the
base of the pedestal, or a cable and hoisting system for the
mill-primed steel panels, which are then welded in place.
Once the lower cone, shell, and upper knuckle (if applicable)
are completed, the steel tank is ready for surface prep,
priming, and coating.

The coatings phase also occurs on the ground, managed
according to the requirements of the Society for Protective
Coatings’ (SSIP) QP-1 standard. Landmark is only one of
about 230 companies worldwide to earn this certification,
which recognizes management procedures, technical
capabilities, quality control, safety procedures and record
keeping. In addition to the ability to apply a wide variety of
coating types, Landmark can also execute custom logos and
graphics that utilize the composite tank’s large unobstructed
surface areas. Completing the coating phase on the ground
also helps control waste and maintains air quality, typically
eliminating the need for containment. During this phase,
the tank/roof access tube is also positioned, prior to the
tank hoist.

Upon completion of exterior coatings, the tank is hoisted with
a system of hydraulic jacks and cables, usually a 3-5 hour
operation once preparations are completed.

Tank erect & coatings/post-hoist
Once in place above the pedestal, the tank is permanently
secured by pouring a reinforced concrete ring beam. Next,
steel floor plate is grouted and welded in place, serving both
as a tank floor and moisture barrier over the concrete dome.

The roof panels are then hoisted into position and welded in
place, prior to the application of interior tank coatings, and
then application of exterior roof coatings. The flat structural
roof provides easy access to roof-mounted appurtenances,
which are installed at this stage as well.
Pouring ring beam

Tank floor plate over pedestal dome Coated tank interior

Tank floor plate over pedestal dome Tank roof with hatches, vents, and rail

Placing roof panels

Electrical/mechanical/site work
As the tank nears completion, electrical work proceeds—typ-
ically utilizing a local subcontractor—which includes controls,
lighting, cellular antenna systems if specified, etc. This stage
may also involve installation and completion of water pumping
and treatment systems, valves and controls, typically handled
by Landmark depending on specifications…as well as the
completion of any interior finish-out in the pedestal base and/
or on structural floors that may have been specified. Exterior
Example of pedestal base finish-out
site work includes decorative or security fencing, irrigation
systems, and final landscaping as required.

At the final commissioning stage, Landmark technicians test
all systems, disinfect the tank and address all checklist items
before turning the tank over to the owner or operating entity.

Example of pedestal floor finish-out

Example of pedestal control room Fencing and landscaping per specifications

© Copyright 2010 Landmark Structures

Proposal for Town of Shelburne, Elevated Water Storage Tank
Request for Proposal
SBA File No: M20009

Section D: Project Execution / Methodology

D-2: Quality Plan - Concrete Support Structure Construction

This document describes quality assurance and quality control measures with respect to
construction procedures, concrete supply and operations, formwork removal, and general
compliance with project specifications.

Landmark Site Superintendent is responsible for ensuring this Quality Plan is implemented and
properly followed.
Landmark Site Superintendent shall designate a competent person(s) to perform construction
control measurements, tests, and observations.

Record Forms
Measurements and data shall be recorded in the project field book, dated and initialed, and
transferred to record forms.
Form No. Title
QA_PED1 Strength Calibration Testing - Procedure
QA_PED2 Strength Calibration Testing – Maturity Factor
QA_PED3 Concrete Monitoring – Placement, Testing and Form Removal
QA_PED4 Dimensional Control - Pedestal

Shallow Foundation
Implement the following controls prior to and during construction operations:
• Determine elevations according to an established benchmark.
• Verify elevation and dimensions are in accordance with IFC (Issued for Construction) drawings.
• IFC drawings and field as-formed dimensions checked to verify calculated concrete quantity.
• Verify placement of reinforcement, embedment devices and block outs are in accordance with
IFC drawings prior to concrete placement.
• See Support Wall for concrete controls.

D-2 Quality Plan - Concrete Support Structure Construction

Proposal for Town of Shelburne, Elevated Water Storage Tank
Request for Proposal
SBA File No: M20009

Support Wall
Support Wall – Form System and Dimensional Control
Implement the following controls prior to and during support wall forming operations:
• Wall Thickness - Prior to concrete placement of the first lift, confirm wall thickness is in
accordance with IFC drawings and specification tolerance.
• Radial Position of Forms – Confirm radial dimensions at the exterior form face are in
accordance with IFC drawings and specification tolerance. Record prior to concrete placement.
• Vertical Position of Forms – Confirm elevation at the top edge of the form are in accordance
with IFC drawings and specification tolerance.
• Wall Plumbness – Check vertical plumb using a transit set up a distance from the pedestal at
two points 90 degrees apart.
• Placement of Reinforcement, Embedments and Blockouts – Provide 2 independent checks of
reinforcement placement, embeds, and blockouts.
• Temporary bulkheads – Provide temporary steel plates and angles are at strategic points in the
wall to allow for individual batch consistency throughout wall height.
• As-Built Radial Dimensions – Following form removal, record as-built radial dimensions.
• Radial Dimension Adjustment - Radial dimension adjustment, in any individual lift, shall not
exceed 6 mm from the previous lift, at any given location, without authorization from Landmark
• Out-of-Tolerance - Any deviation from the theoretical radius exceeding 12 mm in any one lift is
reported immediately and no further concrete placements shall proceed until authorized by
Landmark Operations Management.

Support Wall – Concrete Wall Placement

Implement the following controls prior to and during support wall concrete placement operations:
• Batch Plant Capability - Calculate total yards required, size of each batch/load, and visit the
plant during batching to confirm supplier capabilities regarding batch to batch consistency.
• Batch Tickets – Verify batch tickets for correct mix design identification and batch weights (if
available) prior to placing concrete.
• Total Water Content per Yard – Prior to placing the concrete, total water per volume of each
load is calculated using batch weights and/or ‘hold-out water’ indicated on the delivery ticket.
This maintains consistency between batches. Contact Landmark Operations Management if
variance is out of tolerance.

D-2 Quality Plan - Concrete Support Structure Construction

Proposal for Town of Shelburne, Elevated Water Storage Tank
Request for Proposal
SBA File No: M20009

• Observation and Performance of Concrete Testing – Perform tests for slump, concrete and air
temperature, air-entrained content, and unit weight by qualified personnel per CSA A 23.2.19. In
case discrepancies are observed in test methods and/or results, re-tests may be performed.
• Cast cylinders per CSA A23.2.19 and as required by project specification.
• Reporting – Record data regarding concrete placement. See Record Form QA_Ped3

Support Wall – Concrete Strength Determination

Independent 3rd party testing shall be used to evaluate concrete strength. Landmark may employ
additional methods to establish in-situ strength of concrete in the support wall at ages prior to 7
days. Any of the following methods may be used by Landmark to establish in-situ concrete strength:
• Cast cylinders per CSA A23.2.19 and as required by project specification. In the absence of
direction from the specification or Client, Landmark will direct the testing lab as follows:
- Although check-tests may be made from the first portion of the load, a sample shall be taken
from the middle portion of the load to cast cylinders.
- Cast 8 cylinders per sample.
• Testing schedule for strength assessment in accordance with CSA A23.2.19 Test Method for
Compressive Strength of Cylindrical Concrete Specimens:
- 2 cylinders – test 1-3 days
- 2 cylinders – test 7 days
- 2 cylinders – test 28 days
- 2 cylinders – spare
• CSA A23.2.19 Standard Practice for Estimating Concrete Strength by the Maturity Method
The following controls are implemented during construction operations using the maturity
- Mix Design Verification – Perform a Strength Calibration Procedure. Record results.
Generate a strength-curve graph prior to implementing consecutive-day concrete placements
on the support pedestal.
- Thermocouple Probes – Install thermocouple probes in the wall prior to initial set of the
- Correlate and Verify Early Age Strength - The calculated maturity factor (TTF) or PSI
estimation provided by the meter demonstrates acceptable concrete strength prior to form
removal. The maturity factor or estimated PSI is recorded on the Concrete Control form.
- Strength Verification Using Strength Curve - Verify the reported maturity factor (TTF) or
estimated compressive strength meets the form removal criteria.
- Recording Data Ongoing – The maturity meter remains in-situ and records throughout the
form jump process – the last form to be jumped is the interior form where the thermocouples

D-2 Quality Plan - Concrete Support Structure Construction

Proposal for Town of Shelburne, Elevated Water Storage Tank
Request for Proposal
SBA File No: M20009

are positioned. The maturity factor (TTF) or estimated strength is recorded prior to jumping
the last interior form.
- Report any significant anomalies in maturity results. Suspend concrete placements until
authorized by Landmark Operations Management.

Support Wall – Early Age Form Removal Criteria

Criteria for form removal shall be established by one of the following methods:
• Use of early-age strength determination methods as documented and outlined in this quality
plan. See Record Form QA_Ped2
• Job-specific correspondence written and sealed by the Landmark Engineer of Record.
• Form removal criteria in accordance with the project specifications or contract.

Structural Tank Floor Slab

Dome Slab – Form System and Dimensional Control
Implement the following controls prior to and during construction operations:
• Forms – Verify and record elevation and radial dimensions are in accordance with IFC drawings
and specification tolerance.
• Dome Slab Thickness - Verifies the dome inserts and screed will produce the specified dome
• Reporting – Record data regarding concrete placement and testing on the Concrete Control
form. See Record Form QA_Ped3

Protection and Curing of Concrete

Curing compound can significantly affect aesthetics and, therefore is not used on exposed vertical
surfaces designated as architectural concrete unless directed by client and approved by Landmark
Operations Management.
• Provide membrane curing compound, wet burlap, plastic sheeting, or other practical curing
methods on exposed non-architectural concrete surfaces such as foundation and dome surface.

Cold Weather Concreting

In the event of “cold weather concreting” conditions, incorporate the recommendations of CSA
A23.2.19 and the following as required:
• Insulating Blankets – provide construction-grade insulated blankets to protect concrete surfaces
from freezing temperatures and maintain the heat produced by the concrete hydration process.

D-2 Quality Plan - Concrete Support Structure Construction

Proposal for Town of Shelburne, Elevated Water Storage Tank
Request for Proposal
SBA File No: M20009

Remove blankets in a systematic manner to regulate the decrease in concrete temperature over
• Insulated Wall Forms – Provide closed-cell insulating foam securely attached to the form
• Supplemental Heat Sources – Provide indirect-fired or high-wattage electrical equipment placed
near the concrete to maintain temporary heating of the forms or concrete.
• Combined Protection – Insulated forms, insulated blankets, and supplemental heat shall be
combined for use in severe cold weather conditions.
• Concrete Placement Temperature – Concrete temperature at the point of delivery shall be per
CSA A23.1.19 Table 14 (10 C minimum) unless supplemental heat is used. If supplemental heat
is used for at least 24 hrs after placement, then concrete temperature at placement shall be
minimum 4 C.

Hot Weather Concreting

The following controls are implemented prior to and during construction operations in hot weather
• Monitor Total Water Content – monitor and controls total water content of batched concrete mix
design to insure the maximum specified water- cement ratio is not exceeded.
• Concrete Placement Temperature – Place concrete at temperatures conducive in accordance
with CSA A23.1.19 Table 14, which notes a maximum concrete temperature at placement of 30
• Control Evaporation - When conditions create a potential for excessive bleed-water evaporation,
provide additional controls. Example: cover the top of the wall with a light-colored poly or
provide an approved liquid evaporation retardant immediately following concrete placement and
finishing operations.

D-2 Quality Plan - Concrete Support Structure Construction

Proposal for Town of Shelburne, Elevated Water Storage Tank
Request for Proposal
SBA File No: M20009

Section D: Project Execution / Methodology

D-3: Quality Plan - Steel Tank Construction

This document describes Landmark quality assurance measures for steel tank construction.

Landmark Superintendent designates competent persons to perform construction control
measurements, tests, and observations.

Record Forms
Measurements and data of as-built measurements and construction control data are recorded and
submitted to the Owner on completion of construction.
Form No. Title
QA_STL1 Elevation Control – Cone & Shell
QA_STL2 Cone Survey – Dimensional Tolerances
QA_STL3 Welder & Radiograph Location – Cone & Shell
QA_STL4 Shell Survey – Dimensional Tolerances
QA_STL5 Concrete Control
QA_STL6 Welder Location – Roof & Floor Liner

Tank – Cone
The 45-degree cone is made up of multiple courses with each course having multiple segments.
The segments are placed in fixtures and fit in preparation for welding.
Implement the following control procedures during cone construction:
• Fit each course and adjust weld gap and plate alignment within tolerance. Record elevations.
Contact Landmark Operations Management if elevation tolerance is exceeded. Record data in
form QA_STL1.
• After cone welding is complete, perform radial line survey of interior surface at 30-degree
intervals. Take measurements every 300 mm along radial. Tolerance shall not exceed AWWA
D107 requirements. Record data in form QA_STL2.
• Complete welder location log. Visually inspect all welds for standards compliance and initial by
the competent person.
• Perform radiograph inspection per AWWA D107 by a qualified third-party inspection company.
Record radiograph locations and inspection results in form QA_STL3.

D-3 Quality Plan - Steel Tank Construction

Proposal for Town of Shelburne, Elevated Water Storage Tank
Request for Proposal
SBA File No: M20009

Tank – Shell (Vertical Wall)

Fit lower shell plate to the 45-degree cone. Prior to welding check for elevation and plumbness
tolerance. Use braces to maintain tolerance during welding. Weld vertical and horizontal seams in
accordance with Landmark welding procedures.
Fit and adjust subsequent shell plate rings to the top of the previous ring to ensure minimal
plumbness deviation from the previous shell. Weld vertical and horizontal seams in accordance with
Landmark welding procedures.
Upon completion of the final shell course, fit and weld the exterior roof landing ring using a template
to maintain proper angle and radius.
Quality control procedures during shell construction:
• Record elevations after lower shell is adjusted for plumb. A maximum elevation variance of ±
should be achieved. Contact Landmark Operations Management if the elevation exceeds ± JA".
Record data in form QA_STL1.
• Check shell seams for plumbness and local deviations per API 650 Section 5.5. Record data in
form QA_STL4
• Complete welder location log. Visually inspect all welds for standards compliance and initial by
the competent person.
• Perform radiograph inspection per AWWA D107 by a qualified third-party inspection company.
Record radiograph locations and inspection results in form QA_STL3.

Tank Hoist
Hoist tank to the top of the concrete support pedestal using Landmark's proprietary equipment and
• Set tank on steel shims at the proper elevation.
• Record elevations at 90-degree intervals prior to and after hoist.

Concrete Ring Beam

Quality control procedures during concrete ring beam placement:
• Check each truck ticket to verify correct mix design prior to placing concrete.
• Test for slump and air content and record the results prior to placing concrete or molding
cylinders. Record data in form QA_STL5.
• Sample and mold cylinders from the first truck, and additionally at the frequency required by
specifications. Perform additional testing at the Superintendent’s discretion to insure consistent

D-3 Quality Plan - Steel Tank Construction

Proposal for Town of Shelburne, Elevated Water Storage Tank
Request for Proposal
SBA File No: M20009

Dome Floor Plate & Grout

Steel floor liner plates are set and fit after the ring beam is complete. Each plate is set on 1" steel
shims to allow a proper void for subsequent grout installation. Plates are seal welded and anchored
to the concrete dome.
Quality control procedures during floor plate installation:
• Complete welder location log. Visually inspect all welds for standards compliance and initial by
the competent person.
• Record in Form QA_STL6.
• Tested all welds for leaks using air test procedure on drawing 507-A. Repair and re-test repair

Tank Roof Plate

Implement the following control procedures during roof plate installation:
• Set and fit roof plates to provide proper orientation of the access hatch and other penetrations.
• Lap radials nominally 1 1/2" and provide correction on each sheet.
• Visually inspect and initial welds by the competent person.

D-3 Quality Plan - Steel Tank Construction

Proposal for Town of Shelburne, Elevated Water Storage Tank
Request for Proposal
SBA File No: M20009

Section D: Project Execution / Methodology

D-4: Quality Plan – Protective Coatings

1.0 Scope
This specification defines general surface preparation and coating process control and quality
assurance requirements for surface preparation and coating activities.
Project specific requirements are contained in the Landmark Protective Coatings Schedule as well
as the Project Specification prepared by CIMA+.

2.0 Scope
The focus of this quality assurance document is for the control of the surface preparation and
coating application process. Implementation is by jobsite supervision and coatings management.

3.0 Responsibility and Authority

3.1 The coatings manager’s duties, responsibilities and authority include but are not limited to
the following:
3.1.1 Produce a Landmark Protective Coatings Schedule that implements the requirements
of the customer’s specifications and the paint manufacturer’s requirements
3.1.2 Submit procedures, sample data, inspection reports, daily application reports and
other submittals required for contract requirements.
3.1.3 Implement process controls and documentation as required for contract compliance.
3.2 The Coating superintendent’s duties, responsibilities and authority include but are not limited
to the following:
3.2.1 Implement the specific requirements of this document in coordination with the
customer’s specifications and the paint manufacturer’s requirements.
3.2.2 Verification of coating materials for compliance with applicable specifications.
3.2.3 The coatings superintendent shall have the authority to direct removal and
replacement of any defective work.

4.0 Reference and Standards

The work undertaken and products provided in this Specification shall conform in all respects to the
latest published revisions of the following standards

4.1 AWWA – American Water Works Association

AWWA D102 Standard – Coating Steel Water Storage Tanks
AWWA D107 Standard – Composite Elevated Tanks for Water Storage

D-4 Quality Plan – Protective Coatings

Proposal for Town of Shelburne, Elevated Water Storage Tank
Request for Proposal
SBA File No: M20009

AWWA C652 Standard – Disinfection of Water Storage Facilities

4.2 SSPC – The Society for Protective Coatings

SSPC AB2 – Cleanliness of Recycled Ferrous Metallic Abrasives
SSPC – Guide 6 – Guide for Containing Surface Preparation Debris Generated During Paint
Removal Operations
SSPC-PA Guide 11 – Protecting Edges, Crevices Irregular Steel Surfaces by Stripe Coating
SSPC Guide 12 – Illumination of Painting Projects
SSPC PA 1, Shop, Field, and Maintenance Painting of Steel.
SSPC PA 2, Procedure for Determining Conformance to Dry Coating Thickness
SSPC PA 3, A Guide to Safety in Paint Application.
SSPC-SP1 – Solvent Cleaning
SSPC-SP2 – Hand Tool Cleaning
SSPC-SP3 – Power Tool Cleaning
SSPC SP 5/NACE No. 1, Joint Surface Preparation Standard: White Metal Blast Cleaning.
SSPC SP 6/NACE No. 3, Joint Surface Preparation Standard: Commercial Blast Cleaning.
SSPC SP 7 / NACE No. 4, Brush-Off Blast Cleaning
SSPC SP 10/NACE No. 2, Joint Surface Preparation Standard: Near-White Metal Blast
SSPC-SP11 – Power Tool Cleaning to Bare Metal
SSPC TR3 / NACE 6A192. Dehumidification and Temperature Control During Surface
Preparation, Application, and Curing for Coatings / Linings of Steel Tanks, Vessels, and
Other Enclosed Spaces.
Steel Structures Painting Manual Vol. 2 – Systems and Specifications published by SSPC –
Steel Structures Painting Council, 1982.

4.3 ASTM – American Society for Testing and Materials

ASTM B117 – Standard Practice for Operating Salt Spray (Fog) Apparatus
ASTM D870 - Standard Practice for Testing Water Resistance of Coatings Using Water
ASTM D1653 – Standard Test Methods for Water Vapor Transmission of Organic Coating
ASTM D2200 – Standard Practice for Use of Pictorial Surface Preparation Standards and
Guides for Painting Steel Surfaces
ASTM D3359 – Standard Test Method for Rating Adhesion by Tape Test
ASTM D4060 - Standard Test Method for Abrasion Resistance of Organic Coatings by the
Taber Abraser
ASTM D4214 - Standard Test Methods for Evaluating the Degree of Chalking of Exterior
Paint Films
ASTM D4417 – Standard Test Methods for Field Measurement of Surface Profile of Blast
Cleaned Steel
ASTM D4541 - Standard Test Method for Pull-Off Strength of Coatings Using Portable
Adhesion Testers
ASTM D4585/D4585M - Standard practice for Testing Water Resistance of Coatings Using
Controlled Condensation
ASTM D4587 - Standard Practice for Fluorescent UV-Condensation Exposures of Paint
Related Coatings

D-4 Quality Plan – Protective Coatings

Proposal for Town of Shelburne, Elevated Water Storage Tank
Request for Proposal
SBA File No: M20009

ASTM E337 – Standard Test Method for Measuring Humidity with a Psychrometer
ASTM G95 - Standard Test Method for Cathodic Disbondment Test of Pipeline Coatings
(Attached Cell Method)

4.4 NACE – National Association of Corrosion Engineers

NACE SP0178 - Design, Fabrication, and Surface Finish Practices for Tanks and Vessels to
Be Lined for Immersion Service.
NACE SP0188 - Discontinuity (Holiday) Testing of New Protective Coatings on Conductive
NACE SP0287 – Field Measurement of Surface Profile of Abrasive Blast Cleaned Surfaces
Using a Replica Tape
NACE 6A192 / SSPC-TR – Dehumidification and Temperature Control During Surface
Preparation, Application and Curing for Coatings/Linings of Steel Tanks, Vessels and Other
Enclosed Spaces.
SSPC / NACE Joint Standards as noted above

4.5 ANSI / NSF – American National Standards institute / NSF International

ANSI / NSF 61 – Drinking Water System Components – Health Effects
ANSI Z117.1 – Safety Requirements for Confined Spaces

4.6 Other
Occupational Safety and Health Act, 1990 and Regulations for Construction Projects.
Environmental Protection Act, R.S.O. 1990 c E. 19, Regulations with regard to abrasive
blast cleaning and painting procedures

5.0 Materials
5.1 Coatings
5.1.1 All coating materials shall be handled per manufacturer’s instructions and should be
stored in original, unopened containers in well ventilated areas protected from damage and
extreme temperatures.
5.1.2 All coating containers shall bear legible product designation, batch number and date of
5.1.3 Coating material shall be used within the manufacturer’s recommended pot life.
5.1.4 Containers of coatings or components shall not be opened unless for immediate use.

5.2 Abrasive
5.2.1 Abrasives for blast cleaning shall be clean and dry and shall be free of oil or contaminants.
The particle size shall be identified by the product number or generic formulation.

5.3 Thinner, Solvents and Cleaners

5.3.1 Thinners, solvents and cleaners shall be as recommended by the coating material
manufacturer and shall be identified by the product number or generic formulation.

6.0 Equipment

D-4 Quality Plan – Protective Coatings

Proposal for Town of Shelburne, Elevated Water Storage Tank
Request for Proposal
SBA File No: M20009

6.1 Application equipment shall be per the coatings manufacturer’s recommendation and shall be
suitable to apply the coatings as specified.

6.2 Equipment air supply shall have moisture traps and filters to remove water, oil and
6.3 Painting equipment shall be selected to provide effective application and acceptable finish for
the material being coated.

The following Major Construction Equipment is intended for use during the surface preparation and
coating application of the Water Tower:

• 900 CFM Compressors

• Steel Grit Recycling Unit
• Bulk Abrasive Blast Pot
• Plural Component Spray Pump
• Single Leg Spray Pump
• 80 - 120 ft Aerial Lifts
• Dehumidification Equipment
• Diesel Generators
• Diesel Fuel Tank (500 gal)
• 8,000 lbs. Telescoping Fork Lift
• 5,000 psi Power Washer
• 60,000 CFM Dust Collector
• Rigging and Swing stage components

Coating application equipment is in accordance with the coatings manufacturer’s recommendation

and is suitable to apply the coatings specified. Regulators and fail-safe valves are maintained in
good working order and pressure regulator gauges are readable at all times.

Compressed air equipment hoses shall be properly sized. Moisture traps and filters are installed
and in good working order to remove water, oil and contaminants.

Abrasive blasting equipment is properly rated, and all couplings are properly connected, pinned with
proper whip checks in place at all times. Prior to use, Dead Man Switches are verified as fully
functional and not “chocked” or taped in an open position.

Work access equipment such as aerial lifts and swing stages are inspected prior to use each day by
Landmark’s designated competent worker(s). Personal Protective Equipment such as harnesses,
lanyards, rope grabs, life lines, etc. is not used in any manner other than intended by the equipment
manufacturer and it is properly stored when not in use.

Inspection equipment is properly maintained, and calibration verified before each use in accordance
with the manufacturer’s instruction.

7.0 Ambient Conditions

D-4 Quality Plan – Protective Coatings

Proposal for Town of Shelburne, Elevated Water Storage Tank
Request for Proposal
SBA File No: M20009

Surface preparation (Abrasive Blasting) shall not be performed if any of the following conditions
• Relative humidity is greater than the manufacturer’s published limit,
• Moisture is present on the surface of the item to be blasted
• Abrasive is contaminated or wet
• Equipment has defects that affect safety or quality in any way

Coatings shall not be applied if any of the following conditions exist:

• Surface temperature of the metal is above or below the manufacturer’s limit
• Moisture is present on the surface of the item to be coated

8.0 Surface Preparation

1. Oil and Grease:
a. Prior to blast cleaning, remove all oil or grease contamination in accordance with the
requirements of SSPC-SP1 Solvent Cleaning.
2. Blast Cleaning:
a. Blast clean all interior and exterior surfaces of the elevated tank and exterior of the
riser assembly in accordance with the requirements of SSPC-SP10/NACE 2, Near
White Blast Cleaning using clean, dry abrasive to produce a surface profile as
b. Surfaces to be coated shall be cleaned in accordance with the project specification.
Prior to abrasive blasting, all visible oil, dust, dirt, and grease is removed in
accordance with SSPC SP1.
3. Final Cleaning:
a. Landmark will provide necessary equipment and methods to obtain acceptable levels
of dust accumulation of all areas prior to coating application; this includes the use of
compressed air blowdown.
b. Prior to the commencement of the coating application, the assessment of dust on the
steel surface shall be performed in accordance with ISO 8502-3:
i. Tank Interior: The blasted clean surface shall have a dust quantity rating of
no greater than 1 with a dust size class not greater than 1 or as
recommended by the coating manufacturer.
ii. Tank Exterior: The blasted clean surface shall have a dust quantity rating of
not greater than 2 with a dust size class not greater than 1 or as
recommended by the coating manufacturer,
c. Ensure that the appropriate specified degree of surface preparation exists as each
coat is being applied. The ambient conditions will dictate the interval between
blasting and painting.
4. Dew Point:
a. Do not perform cleaning operations for final surface preparation if steel temperatures
are less than 3 degrees Celsius above the dew point.

9.0 Coating Application

1. Apply coating materials in successive coats as specified
2. Prior to any field painting, grind all welds and sharp edges, including those revealed by blast

D-4 Quality Plan – Protective Coatings

Proposal for Town of Shelburne, Elevated Water Storage Tank
Request for Proposal
SBA File No: M20009

cleaning, prime, and stripe with a topcoat material of a colour contrasting with the primer
coat colours.
3. Mixing, application and curing of coating material is in strict accordance with the
manufacturer’s published instructions. All mixing shall strictly adhere to the ratio specified by
the manufacturer. Do not mix partial paint kits.
4. Coating Uniformity:
a. Apply all coatings uniformly without sags, contamination, or other blemishes.
b. At the discretion and direction of the 3rd party coatings inspector, remove defects and
repair before proceeding with subsequent coat.
c. Thoroughly mix all ingredients prior to use and agitate often enough during
application to keep the pigment in suspension.
5. Application Method:
a. Apply all coatings by spray according to the manufacturer's published instructions
unless prohibited under the OHSA.
b. Where spray is prohibited, use roller application except that brushing will be
accepted where rolling would not be effective.
c. All rollers shall be lint free.
d. Mix and thin coatings, including plural-component materials, only in accordance with
the manufacturer's instructions.
e. Keep containers closed when not in use to avoid contamination.
f. Do not use mixed coatings beyond pot life limits.
g. Use application equipment, tools, pressure settings, and techniques in accordance
with the manufacturer's instructions.
6. Spray Pressure:
a. Regulate pressures on the spray gun to achieve optimum atomization of the paint at
the lowest possible pressure.
7. Spray Technique:
a. Overlapping (50%) vertical passes followed by overlapping (50%) horizontal passes
(or vice versa) with each spray coat to obtain uniform film thickness.
b. Apply a complete wet coat in each operation
c. If sagging occurs, use a mist coat/full coat application technique to obtain wet film
thickness per coat.
d. Excessive dry spray, or overspray, will not be accepted.
8. Dew Point
a. Do not apply coating materials when the surface to be coated is less than 3 degrees
Celsius above the dew point.
b. Use a surface temperature thermometer in intimate contact with the steel for
monitoring purposes.
c. Apply coatings in accordance with maximum Relative Humidity (R.H.) conditions as
advised by the coating manufacturer, except do not apply coating above 80% R.H.
d. Do not apply coating when steel temperature is above 59 degrees Celsius.
9. Curing
a. Strictly follow manufacturer's published curing schedule, using steel temperature
rather than ambient temperature as the basis of cure times.
10. Ventilation
a. Ventilation shall conform to all applicable requirements of AWWA D102, Section 7.3
and the requirements of the Ontario Ministry of Labour.

D-4 Quality Plan – Protective Coatings

Proposal for Town of Shelburne, Elevated Water Storage Tank
Request for Proposal
SBA File No: M20009

b. Adequate and continuous forced air ventilation is maintained in addition to natural

convection attained by keeping all tank hatches open during coating operations.
c. Continuous forced air ventilation is achieved at a rate of at least one air change
every 4 hours, for a minimum of 48 hours after coating application is completed or
until coating is completely cured in accordance with the paint manufacturer's
11. Dehumidification
a. Furnish, install and operate appropriately sized dehumidification equipment to assist
in the painting and curing of the coating systems.
b. Where interior coatings are applied, equipment is provided to maintain a minimum of
6.5 degrees Celsius dew point depression between internal steel surface
temperature and internal ambient air dew point temperature and a relative humidity
of 40% maximum inside the tank.
c. Dehumidification is performed in accordance with Contract requirements and
manufacturer’s recommendations; whichever is more stringent and will not negatively
impact the application and curing of the coating system.
d. Dehumidification equipment operates 24 hours a day during cleaning, priming and
painting until the coatings have fully cured.
12. Heating (if required)
a. Furnish, install, and operate appropriately sized heating equipment to assist in the
painting and curing of the interior coating systems when surface temperatures reach
below the manufacturer's specified minimum temperature for application and curing.
b. Heating equipment shall be of a forced air type and is required to increase the
interior ambient temperature of the tank enough to result in an increase of the
surface temperature.
c. Heating equipment is operated when surface temperatures are below 4 degrees
Celsius or as recommended by the coating manufacturer, whichever is the higher
temperature. Heating shall be in operation during cleaning, priming and painting,
coating repairs until the coatings have fully cured.

10.0 Inspection and Testing

10.1 Any defects disclosed by inspection shall be re-inspected after correction.

10.2 Inspection points in accordance with Landmark requirements shall be as established as

10.2.1 Prior to the start of work.
10.2.2 Immediately following surface preparation.
10.2.3 Immediately prior to coating.
10.2.4 Following the application of each coat.
10.2.5 Following the curing of the coating
10.2.6 Final inspection and sign off

10.3 Required Daily Records (Detailed in the Daily Surface Preparation and Coating Record)
10.3.1 Compressed air quality
10.3.2 Ambient conditions

D-4 Quality Plan – Protective Coatings

Proposal for Town of Shelburne, Elevated Water Storage Tank
Request for Proposal
SBA File No: M20009

10.3.3 Equipment checks

10.3.4 Surface preparation
10.3.5 Dry Film Thickness (Calibration measurement of magnetic dry film thickness gage to
be performed per SSPC PA2)
10.3.6 Material batch numbers

10.4 Data Reporting

10.4.1 A Landmark Daily Surface Preparation and Coating Record form shall be completed
on each structure to document the data required in this section. This form may be
supplemented by additional items to meet specific project or customer requirements.

D-4 Quality Plan – Protective Coatings

Proposal for Town of Shelburne, Elevated Water Storage Tank
Request for Proposal
SBA File No: M20009

Section D: Project Execution / Methodology

D-5: Finite Element Analysis Example

The following Finite Element Analysis was performed on a recently completed Elevated
Tank Project and will be performed by Wes Pogorzelski and Razmyar Ghateh:

1 MG Elevated Water Tank

Finite Element Analysis of the Interface Region.

1. Analysis Description

The Finite Element Method analysis has been performed by means of ANSYS Release 11.0
program. The linear static type of analysis has been used. The objective of the analysis was to
find the response of the interface region of the tank, comprised of dome, steel tank and support
pedestal. The results of the analysis are presented in form of plots and listings of the
sectional forces (moments, shears and axial loads).

2. Geometry.

The analyzed tank has a usable capacity of 1,000,000 gallons. Important dimensions used in the

- Shaft radius = 229.5”

- Tank radius = 401.1"
- Break radius = 321.75”
- Shaft thickness = 8”
- Dome thickness = 8”
- Lower cone thickness = 0.67”
- Upper cone thickness = 0.522”
- Average shell thickness = 0.2965”
- Water head = 518.29”

3. Model Description.

Two different axisymmetric FE models have been created.

The first model has been built to analyze sectional forces in the dome and the wall. The elements
used are SHELL51 – axisymmetric shell element and PLANE42 –2-D solid element. The dome,
the wall and the steel tank have been modeled with the shell elements, the ring beam has been
modeled with the plane elements. A set of constraint equations has been used to model rigid
connections between the dome, the ring beam and the wall.
The second model has been created with the same elements as the first one except that the
dome and the wall have been modeled with the plane elements. The objective of the model was
to find a more realistic distribution of the circumferential stresses.

See Fig.1 for description of structural components used in the modeling.

D-5 Finite Element Analysis Example

Proposal for Town of Shelburne, Elevated Water Storage Tank
Request for Proposal
SBA File No: M20009






Y Figure 1. Geometry of the tank.


4. Load Cases.

The following load cases have been considered:

1. Load Case 1 – Dead Load, Roof Load and Water Pressure due to H = 518.29”.
2. Load Case 2 – Dead Load, Roof Load and Water Pressure due to H = 130”.

Access tube reaction of 70,290 lbs. was applied to the uppermost section of the dome in both
load cases. Roof reaction of 86,410 lbs. was applied at the top of shell in both load cases.

Dead loads were applied as gravity loads at the element centroids. Cases 1 and 2 have been run
with the modulus of elasticity for concrete of 3605 ksi. All point loads are applied on 360 deg
basis. The hydrostatic pressures are applied as unit loads in accordance with Ansys convention
for the axisymmetric model.

Constraints applied to the model are: displacement degree of freedom constraints applied in
three directions at the base of the wall, circumferential degree of freedom constraint applied at
the uppermost section of the dome.

D-5 Finite Element Analysis Example

Proposal for Town of Shelburne, Elevated Water Storage Tank
Request for Proposal
SBA File No: M20009

5. Results.

The results of Model 1 analysis for sections at the dome base and the top of the wall are
presented in Table 1. Sign convention used: for axial forces – compression negative, for dome
moments – positive when tension on top, for wall moments – positive when tension (or lesser
compression) inside.

Table 1. Sectional Forces.


[kips/ft] [kips/ft] [kip-ft/ft]
1 Dome Base -44.37 3.89 -5.86
Top of Wall -74.31 0.46 -0.56
2 Dome Base -11.40 1.26 -1.59
Top of Wall -15.65 -0.88 -1.46

Table 2 lists total circumferential forces in the ring beam and the top lift. The forces have been
computed by integrating the circumferential stresses over the area. Sign convention used:
compression negative.

Table 2. Circumferential Forces [kips]


1 -81.4 4.1
2 34.6 18.28

The graphical results are presented in Appendix A.

The diagrams show plots of moment, shear and axial force in the dome and in the upper part of
the wall. All forces are shown on 360 deg basis, i.e. in order to calculate a force per unit length it
has to be divided by the perimeter. The results are shown in Table 1

Figures 1G, 1H, 2G and 2H show plots of circumferential stresses in the ring beam and the
upper part of the wall.

5. Strength check

The maximum compressive stress in the ring beam region does not exceed 283 psi and the
maximum tensile stress does not exceed 65 psi locally. Plain concrete section is capable of
resisting stresses of such magnitude.

D-5 Finite Element Analysis Example

Proposal for Town of Shelburne, Elevated Water Storage Tank
Request for Proposal
SBA File No: M20009

Sections at the base of the dome and the top of the wall have been checked for interaction of
three forces: axial force, shear and moment (Table 3). All loads were multiplied by a conservative
load factor of 1.6 and by the imperfection sensitivity factors based on a large tank study. The
interaction has been checked by means of the ‘Response 2000’ program developed by the
University of Toronto. The program is based on the Compression Field Theory. Figures 3B and
3D show the results of the strength check for the governing Load Case 1. Figures 3A and 3C
show the section properties used in the analysis. The reinforcement provided is capable of
resisting the computed forces.

Table 3. Sectional Forces (Factored)


[kips/ft] [kips/ft] [kip-ft/ft]
1 Dome Base -71.0 7.5 -13.1
Top of Wall -118.9 0.9 -1.3
2 Dome Base -18.2 2.4 -3.6
Top of Wall -25.0 -1.7 -3.3

D-5 Finite Element Analysis Example

Proposal for Town of Shelburne, Elevated Water Storage Tank
Request for Proposal
SBA File No: M20009

Finite Element Analysis of Interface Region
1 MG Elevated Water Tank


Load Case 1 diagrams

• Fig. 1A – Dome axial force (lbs/360)

• Fig. 1B – Dome shear force (lbs/360)
• Fig. 1C – Dome moment (lbs-in/360)
• Fig. 1D – Wall axial force (lbs/360)
• Fig. 1E – Wall shear force (lbs/360)
• Fig. 1F – Wall moment (lbs-in/360)
• Fig. 1G - Ring beam hoop stress
• Fig. 1H - Wall hoop stress
• Fig. 1I - Dome hoop stress

Load Case 2 diagrams

• Fig. 2A – Dome axial force (lbs/360)

• Fig. 2B – Dome shear force (lbs/360)
• Fig. 2C – Dome moment (lbs-in/360)
• Fig. 2D – Wall axial force (lbs/360)
• Fig. 2E – Wall shear force (lbs/360)
• Fig. 2F – Wall moment (lbs-in/360)
• Fig. 2G - Ring beam hoop stress
• Fig. 2H - Wall hoop stress
• Fig. 2I - Dome hoop stress

Strength check

• Fig. 3A – Base of the dome – section

• Fig. 3B - Base of the dome - Load Case 1 strength check
• Fig. 3C - Base of the dome - Load Case 2 strength check
• Fig. 3D – Top of the wall – section
• Fig. 3E – Top of the wall - Load Case 1 strength check
• Fig. 3F – Top of the wall - Load Case 2 strength check

D-5 Finite Element Analysis Example

Proposal for Town of Shelburne, Elevated Water Storage Tank
Request for Proposal
SBA File No: M20009

Fig. 1A

Fig. 1B

D-5 Finite Element Analysis Example

Proposal for Town of Shelburne, Elevated Water Storage Tank
Request for Proposal
SBA File No: M20009

Fig. 1C

Fig. 1D

D-5 Finite Element Analysis Example

Proposal for Town of Shelburne, Elevated Water Storage Tank
Request for Proposal
SBA File No: M20009

Fig. 1E

Fig. 1F

D-5 Finite Element Analysis Example

Proposal for Town of Shelburne, Elevated Water Storage Tank
Request for Proposal
SBA File No: M20009

Fig. 1G

Fig. 1H

D-5 Finite Element Analysis Example

Proposal for Town of Shelburne, Elevated Water Storage Tank
Request for Proposal
SBA File No: M20009

Fig. 1I

Fig. 2A

D-5 Finite Element Analysis Example

Proposal for Town of Shelburne, Elevated Water Storage Tank
Request for Proposal
SBA File No: M20009

Fig. 2B

Fig. 2C

D-5 Finite Element Analysis Example

Proposal for Town of Shelburne, Elevated Water Storage Tank
Request for Proposal
SBA File No: M20009

Fig. 2D

Fig. 2E

D-5 Finite Element Analysis Example

Proposal for Town of Shelburne, Elevated Water Storage Tank
Request for Proposal
SBA File No: M20009

Fig. 2F

Fig. 2G

D-5 Finite Element Analysis Example

Proposal for Town of Shelburne, Elevated Water Storage Tank
Request for Proposal
SBA File No: M20009

Fig. 2H

Fig. 2I

D-5 Finite Element Analysis Example

Proposal for Town of Shelburne, Elevated Water Storage Tank
Request for Proposal
SBA File No: M20009

Fig. 3A

D-5 Finite Element Analysis Example

Proposal for Town of Shelburne, Elevated Water Storage Tank
Request for Proposal
SBA File No: M20009

Load Case 1:
Pu = -71 k/ft = φPn = -71 k/ft
Mu = -13.1 k-ft/ft < φMn = 15.4 k-ft/ft
Vu = 7.5 k/ft < φVn = 13.7 k/ft OK

Fig. 3B

D-5 Finite Element Analysis Example

Proposal for Town of Shelburne, Elevated Water Storage Tank
Request for Proposal
SBA File No: M20009

Load Case 2:
Pu = -18.2 k/ft = φPn = -18.2 k/ft
Mu = -3.6 k-ft/ft < φMn = 5.5 k-ft/ft
Vu = 2.4 k/ft < φVn = 5.7 k/ft OK

Fig. 3C

D-5 Finite Element Analysis Example

Proposal for Town of Shelburne, Elevated Water Storage Tank
Request for Proposal
SBA File No: M20009

Fig. 3D

D-5 Finite Element Analysis Example

Proposal for Town of Shelburne, Elevated Water Storage Tank
Request for Proposal
SBA File No: M20009

Load Case 1:
Pu = -118 k/ft = φPn = -118 k/ft
Mu = -1.3 k-ft/ft < φMn = 18.6 k-ft/ft
Vu = 0.9 k/ft < φVn = 16.6 k/ft OK

Fig. 3E

D-5 Finite Element Analysis Example

Proposal for Town of Shelburne, Elevated Water Storage Tank
Request for Proposal
SBA File No: M20009

Load Case 2:
Pu = -25 k/ft ≈ φPn = -25 k/ft
Mu = -3.3 k-ft/ft < φMn = 8.8 k-ft/ft
Vu = -1.7 k/ft < φVn = 6.7 k/ft OK

Fig. 3F

D-5 Finite Element Analysis Example

Proposal for Town of Shelburne, Elevated Water Storage Tank
Request for Proposal
SBA File No: M20009

Section D: Project Execution / Methodology

D-6: Access for Inspection and Maintenance

The following plans and procedures are prepared for bid submittal purposes only, and will be
refined once the final design is completed.

The owner shall ensure that all personnel accessing the facility receive and satisfy all applicable
legislative occupational health and safety and workplace safety requirements and training.
The owner shall ensure that the workplace meets and satisfies all applicable legislative
occupational health and safety and workplace safety requirements, including the creation of any
accredited health and safety management system.
All workers accessing the facility are required to be adequately trained and qualified as required by
all legislative health and safety workplace requirements and training. It is the duty of the owner to
ensure that the health and safety of all workers is protected.
It is the duty of the owner to ensure all fall arrest and rescue equipment is inspected and maintained
by a competent person in accordance with the recommendations of the manufacturer. All safety
equipment must be inspected at the manufacturer’s recommended intervals to ensure it is in good
working order, by a person with adequate knowledge, training, and experience who is appointed by
the owner.
It is recommended that all work procedures, access procedures, and rescue procedures, as well as
training, be conducted on a yearly basis. The owner should prepare a written training instruction
record for each worker, which should include the worker’s name and date of training, and be signed
by both the owner and worker.

1.0 Access for Maintenance or Inspection (please refer to enclosed drawing)

A. Access from grade level to the top landing
• A galvanized steel vertical ladder will be installed from grade level up to the top of the
concrete pedestal. The ladder will have a CSA Certified Fall arrest system installed / fixed to
the ladder. All personnel climbing the ladder must wear a CSA certified, compatible, full
body harness, lanyard, and customized trolley to be used with the FRL (fixed rail ladder) fall
arrest system. At the top of the ladder will be a “D” Ring anchor point – the climber will
secure their lanyard to the “D” Ring prior to disengaging the trolley from the fall arrest
system. Once the lanyard is secured, the climber can then transition to the top landing
assembly that is installed at the top of the concrete pedestal.

D-6 Access for Inspection and Maintenance

Proposal for Town of Shelburne, Elevated Water Storage Tank
Request for Proposal
SBA File No: M20009

B. Access from the top landing to the tank roof

• There is another galvanized steel vertical ladder provided from the top landing assembly,
through the access tube and to the tank roof. The ladder will have a CSA Certified Fall
arrest system installed / fixed to the ladder. All personnel climbing the ladder must wear a
CSA certified, compatible, full body harness, lanyard, and customized trolley to be used with
the FRL (fixed rail ladder) fall arrest system. At the top of the ladder will be a “D” Ring
anchor point – the climber will secure their lanyard to the “D” Ring prior to disengaging the
trolley from the fall arrest system. Once the lanyard is secured, the climber can then open
the access tube hatch, and transition from the vertical ladder onto the tank roof.

C. Access to the tank interior (2 options)

Option 1 - Access through the floor manhole

o There is a 10’ +/- long vertical ladder from the top landing to the bottom of the
elevated tank. The tank interior can be accessed by opening the 30” diameter floor

Option 2 - Access from the tank roof

o Once the climber has reached the tank roof, a dedicated ‘Hatch to tank interior’ will
be positioned right beside the access tube hatch. The hatch to tank interior can be
opened and climbers can access the tank interior via the ‘Ladder to Tank Interior’

D-6 Access for Inspection and Maintenance

Proposal for Town of Shelburne, Elevated Water Storage Tank
Request for Proposal
SBA File No: M20009

2.0 Access provisions for Elevated Tank Inspection and Maintenance

A. Elevated Tank Interior Surfaces (for washing, coating repairs, re-coating, etc.)
• All surfaces within the tank interior can be access by swing stages to perform any
inspection, maintenance, coating repairs or coating replacement. There are two (2) circular
‘Painter’s Rails’ located within the tank interior as shown below

• The ‘outer’ paint rail (edge of tank roof) can be accessed by a dedicated Roof hatch
positioned at the outboard edge of the tank roof.
• The ‘inner’ paint rail (around the access tube) can be access by the Hatch to tank interior

B. Elevated Tank Exterior Surfaces (for washing, coating repairs, re-coating, etc.)
• Typically, the exterior surfaces of an Elevated Tank can be accessed by either of the
o Crane with Personnel Basket / Aerial Lift
o Swingstage

D-6 Access for Inspection and Maintenance

Proposal for Town of Shelburne, Elevated Water Storage Tank
Request for Proposal
SBA File No: M20009

• The Elevated tank will be constructed with Swing stage anchorage points located on the
tank roof for future swing stage / safety line connections. The anchors will be positioned
such that all exterior surfaces can be accessed by a swing stage.

3.0 Access provisions for Concrete Pedestal Inspection and Maintenance

A. Concrete Pedestal Interior Surfaces (Access to riser pipes, concrete inspection)
• At the top of the concrete pedestal, there will be a galvanized steel Rigging Rail (similar to
Painter’s Rail). The rail will be continuous around the inner circumference of the pedestal.
Trolley’s to support the swing stage can easily be installed from the Top Landing location.
This rail will provide full access to all vertical riser pipes, and will permit inspection of the
pedestal interior.

B. Concrete Pedestal Exterior Surfaces (Access exterior surfaces of pedestal)

• At the top of the concrete pedestal / bottom of the elevated steel tank, there will be a
Painter’s rail. The rail will be continuous around the base of the tank. Trolley’s to support the
swing stage can easily be installed from the Top Landing location – through the Paint Rail
Louvre. This rail will provide full access to all exterior surfaces of the concrete pedestal.
• Alternatively, the exterior surfaces of the pedestal can be accessed by Crane w/ Personnel
Basket or an Aerial Lift.

D-6 Access for Inspection and Maintenance

Proposal for Town of Shelburne, Elevated Water Storage Tank
Request for Proposal
SBA File No: M20009

4.0 Provisions for Rescue

• A complete set of industry standard rescue equipment will be provided to the owner upon
completion of the project. The includes a Davit Arm and Winch system that requires a
Rescue Port Base to support the placement of the Davit Arm / Winch. Landmark will
provide two (2) Rescue Port Base’s at the following locations:
o 1pc – Landing Rescue Port (Beneath top landing grating)
o 1pc – Roof Rescue Port (At top of tank roof between the access tube hatch and
hatch to tank interior)
• The rescue port bases are positioned so that a safe and effective rescue can be performed
from any location within the Elevated Tank. A fully detailed, customized set of rescue
procedures will be provided upon completion of the project.

D-6 Access for Inspection and Maintenance


No.: Date: By: Revision:


CAN 0391
Landmark Structures Co. BM
3091 Harrison Court Burlington, Ontario, L7M 0W4
Tel: (905) 319-7700 Fax: (905) 319-7706
2021.07.05 N.T.S.
Sk - 1
Roof 536.21m
HWL / Overflow


Steel Tank



Ring Beam
[19.46'] 203 [8"] Reinforced
Concrete Dome

Top Landing

203 [8"] Reinforced

Concrete Pedestal

Rest Seat

489.00 m
[1604.33'] 488.85 m
( t/o Foundation ) [1603.83']

487.40 m
[1599.09'] ( Finished Grade )
485.75 m
( b/o Foundation ) 10135

No.: Date: By: Revision:


CAN 0391
Landmark Structures Co. BM
3091 Harrison Court Burlington, Ontario, L7M 0W4
Tel: (905) 319-7700 Fax: (905) 319-7706
2021.07.05 N.T.S.
Sk - 2
Mk. Qty. Description Length Spec. Ref. Dwg. Wt. (lbs.)

(mm) (mm)

101 1 1 PR OF 914 2337 HMI-BUTT PAINTED

102 1 1 PR OF 914 2337 HM-WRAP PAINTED

12" Overflow
103 1 914 2337 HM-WRAP PAINTED
2" Recirculation Line w/ flowmeter
4" Cross-over w/ BFV & FCA 104 1 914 2337 HM-WRAP PAINTED

12" Inlet Pump

12" Outlet

9" Reinforced Concrete Roof (30 MPa)(uncoated)

12" BFV / CV / FCA 2" Rigid Insulation
- 12" BFV / CV / FCA 1/2" Joint Filler 1/2" Joint Filler
1 1/2" Vic West Hi-Bond HB 938 20ga.
Galvanized Metal Deck

Approx. 2'-3" wide access

behind base elbow

Detail 'A' Detail 'B' Detail 'A'

6" flowmeter w/ overhead by-pass

8" CMU Wall
3" Truck Fill Line 1" Air Gap
w/ flowmeter & 2" SM Insulation
backflow preventer 8" Concrete Pedestal
3m /15 courses
CMU Reinforcement
-continuous horizontal reinforcement
12" D.I. Watermain standard wire ties @ 24" horizontal or
( underground ) -anchor ties to concrete pedestal
@ 24" horizontal
HWT Work
10M dowels @ 4'-0
Bench 150mm 25MPa concrete floor
Grout cells (outside course only)
w/15M at 300mm E.W.
Epoxy Coated S.O.G SECTION A-A
Elev. 489.00 olny

Electrical Rack
'A' 'A'

1/2" Joint Filler

MK~W3 Chemical Room
Roof Reinforcing Bars
6" CMU Interior Wall
PLC Electrical

1'-0 1/2"
1 1/2" 2" 9"
Galvanized Mezzanine MK~W1
Handrail Chamber Room Exterior Wall 3/4"
(above) 8" Concrete Pedestal Clear 1-15M Deck Closure (typ.)
6'-0" W x 7'-0" H
Double Door 1" Air Gap (full length of Partition wall)
2" SM Insulation Deck Closure (typ.) Grout Top Course
8" CMU Interior Wall 1-10M continuous 8" Lintel Block- Last Course full Length of
(full length of curved wall) 6" CMU Partition wall
Storage Room (full length of curve wall) ( Fill with Grout)
3'-0" W x 7'-0" H


3'-0" W x 7'-0" H
Single Door

Single Door

Chamber Roof Ladder

8" Concrete Pedestal

Storage Floor Ladder MK~W2

Verstibule Wall
MK~D101 8" CMU Exterior Wall
6'-0" W x 7'-0" H 1" Air Gap
Double Door 2" SM Insulation
4" CMU Interior Wall
Thursday, July 15, 2021 3:39:30 AM


Contractor: Project: Description: Design By: Release Date: Project Number:

WP 2021.07.05
Drawn By: Status:

Landmark Structures Co.


3091 Harrison Court Burlington, Ontario, L7M 0W4

Tel: (905) 319-7700 Fax: (905) 319-7706
Checked By:
No.: Date: By: Revision:
Mk. Qty. Description Length Spec. Ref. Dwg. Wt. (lbs.)

Painted Rail Access Hatch

7m [23'] Ø Roof Rail

90 [3 1/2"]Rescue
Davit Sleeve
[2'-2"] Anchorage Connection
Grab Bar
900 [36"] x 900 [36"] Hatch (typ.)
900 [36"] x 900 [36"]
Rescue Davit Port

[2 1/2"]

Hatch Mount Angle

Anchorage Connector


(to Hatch)

400mm [16"] Frost Proof Combination 'A' 'A'
Vent/Vacuum Relief Unit

400 [16"] Ø
Vent Mount
Access Hatch 64 914
Hinges (typ.) [2 1/2"] [3'-0"]
900 [36"] Sleeve
Couplings: 1099 Half Pipe
Detail 'A' 4 pc's - 38 [1 1/2"] through Top w/ Plug [3'-7 1/4"]
4 pc's - 50 [2"] through Top w/ Plug (to Hatch)
4 pc's - 80 [3"] through Top w/ Plug 6[1/4"] Plate
[3'-10 1/2"] (Each Side)
(to c/l 900 [36"] Half pipe)

Tank Vent
900 [36"] x 900 [36"] Hatch
[6'-6"] 228 686 900 [36"] x 900 [36"] Hatch
[9"] [2'-3"] 64 851
[2 1/2"] [2'-9 1/2"]
Top Cone
6[1/4"] Plate
Non Slip Surface
900 [36"] x 900 [36"] Hatch
Within Handrail

1200 [48"] Ø Pipe Length


[2'-2 1/2"]

[3'-1 3/4"]

Support Cone
8[5/16"] Plate
900 [36"] Tank

Obstruction Access Sleeve
Access Tube Sleeve
Light Mount 1200 [48"] O.D. x 8[5/16"] Wall Pipe SECTION 'A'

100 [4"] Antenna Post

(typ.of 6)

1. In lieu of a raised platform (15001 Item roof plate thickness of 0.250
(exceeds design thickness of 0.1875.) will be provided along with a non slip
surface within the handrail.
2. In lieu of a "pod flange" ( 15001 Item ) couplings are being provided
per Item

Contractor: Project: Description: Design By: Release Date: Project Number:

WP 2021.07.05
Drawn By: Status:

Landmark Structures Co.


3091 Harrison Court Burlington, Ontario, L7M 0W4

Tel: (905) 319-7700 Fax: (905) 319-7706
Checked By:
No.: Date: By: Revision:
CL - Tank
[33'-8 11/16"]
1982 7840 457
7m [23'] Ø Handrail [6'-6"] [25'-8 11/16"] [1'-6"]

[2'-6"] [2'-6 7/8"]

Plate 6.4 [.250"] 537.40 m

Upper Cone
Plate 6.4 [.250"]

Stiffening Bar
Shell #3 13 x 203 [1/2" x 8"] Flatbar
Plate 6.4 [.250"] ( 42 Pc's )

[24'-11 3/8"]
Shell #2

Plate 6.4 [.250"]

[43'-0 1/2"]
1200 [48"] Ø Access Tube

Shell #1
Plate 8.1 [.320"]

Cone #2

[13'-0 1/4"]
Plate 12.1 [.477"] Floor

Plate 6.4 [.250"]
Cone #1
Plate 16.3 [.641"]

Ring Beam

5931 381
[19'-5 1/2"] [1'-3"]

No.: Date: By: Revision:



CAN 0391
Landmark Structures Co. BM
3091 Harrison Court Burlington, Ontario, L7M 0W4
Tel: (905) 319-7700 Fax: (905) 319-7706
2021.07.05 N.T.S.
Sk - 5
Proposal for Town of Shelburne, Elevated Water Storage Tank
Request for Proposal
SBA File No: M20009

Photographic Resume – Elevated Tanks

Photos of Landmark Structures Elevated Tanks

Photos of Landmark Structures Elevated Tanks

Photos of Landmark Structures Elevated Tanks

Photos of Landmark Structures Elevated Tanks

E-6 Photographic Resume – Composite Elevated Tanks

Proposal for Town of Shelburne, Elevated Water Storage Tank
Request for Proposal
SBA File No: M20009

Photos of Landmark Structures Elevated Tanks

E-6 Photographic Resume – Composite Elevated Tanks

Proposal for Town of Shelburne, Elevated Water Storage Tank
Request for Proposal
SBA File No: M20009

Photos of Landmark Structures Elevated Tanks

E-6 Photographic Resume – Composite Elevated Tanks

Proposal for Town of Shelburne, Elevated Water Storage Tank
SBA File No: M20009

Section E: Drawings and Photographs

Photographic Resume – Concrete Pedestal

Project# 1124

E-7 Photographic Resume - Concrete Pedestal

Proposal for Town of Shelburne, Elevated Water Storage Tank
SBA File No: M20009

Section E: Drawings and Photographs

Photographic Resume – Concrete Pedestal

Project # 1140

E-7 Photographic Resume - Concrete Pedestal

Proposal for Town of Shelburne, Elevated Water Storage Tank
SBA File No: M20009

Section E: Drawings and Photographs

Photographic Resume – Concrete Pedestal

Project # 1097

E-7 Photographic Resume - Concrete Pedestal

Proposal for Town of Shelburne, Elevated Water Storage Tank
SBA File No: M20009

Section E: Drawings and Photographs

Photographic Resume – Concrete Pedestal

Project # 1160

E-7 Photographic Resume - Concrete Pedestal

Proposal for Town of Shelburne, Elevated Water Storage Tank
SBA File No: M20009

Section E: Drawings and Photographs

Photographic Resume – Concrete


Project #1147

E-7 Photographic Resume - Concrete Pedestal

Proposal for Town of Shelburne, Elevated Water Storage Tank
SBA File No: M20009

Section E: Drawings and Photographs

Photographic Resume – Concrete Pedestal

Project # 1050

E-7 Photographic Resume - Concrete Pedestal

Proposal for Town of Shelburne, Elevated Water Storage Tank
SBA File No: M20009

Section E: Drawings and Photographs

Photographic Resume – Concrete Pedestal

Project # 504

E-7 Photographic Resume - Concrete Pedestal

Proposal for Town of Shelburne, Elevated Water Storage Tank
SBA File No: M20009

Section E: Drawings and Photographs

Photographic Resume – Concrete Pedestal

Project # 1065

E-7 Photographic Resume - Concrete Pedestal

Proposal for Town of Shelburne, Elevated Water Storage Tank
SBA File No: M20009

Section E: Drawings and Photographs

Photographic Resume – Concrete Pedestal

Project # 1089

E-7 Photographic Resume - Concrete Pedestal

Proposal for Town of Shelburne, Elevated Water Storage Tank
SBA File No: M20009

Section E: Drawings and Photographs

Photographic Resume – Concrete Pedestal

Project # 1051

E-7 Photographic Resume - Concrete Pedestal

Page 1__
Shelburne CET Proposed Bid Schedule Printed on Fri Jul 09__
Landmark Structures Co. - 3,410 cu.m. CET At 12:09 PM__

ID Task Task Name Work Start Finish % Aug '21 Sep '21 Oct '21 Nov '21 Dec '22 Jan '22 Feb '22 Mar '22 Apr '22 May '22 Jun '22 Jul '22 Aug '22 Sep '22 Oct '22 Nov '22 Dec '23 Jan
Calendar Duration Complete 15 22 29 05 12 19 26 03 10 17 24 31 07 14 21 28 05 12 19 26 02 09 16 23 30 06 13 20 27 06 13 20 27 03 10 17 24 01 08 15 22 29 05 12 19 26 03 10 17 24 31 07 14 21 28 04 11 18 25 02 09 16 23 30 06 13 20 27 04 11 18 25 01 08 15 22
1 None 331 d Tue Sep 07 Fri Dec 30 0%

2 5x10 CET NOTICE TO PROCEED 0d Tue Sep 07 Tue Sep 07 0% Sep 07

3 5x10 CET CONSTRUCTION DURATION 331 d Tue Sep 07 Fri Dec 30 0% Sep 07 Dec 30
4 5x10 CET CONTRACT EXTENSION (from Change Order as required) 0d Fri Dec 30 Fri Dec 30 0% Dec 30
5 5x10 CET SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION (Contract Milestone) 0d Fri Dec 30 Fri Dec 30 0% Dec 30
6 5x10 CET 75 d Tue Sep 07 Tue Dec 21 0%
Engineering Sep 07 Dec 21

7 5x10 CET Configuration & Design 0d Tue Sep 07 Tue Sep 07 0% Sep 07
8 5x10 CET Foundation & Pedestal Drawings 20 d Tue Sep 14 Tue Oct 12 0% Sep 14 Oct 12
9 5x10 CET Submission for Approval 0d Tue Oct 12 Tue Oct 12 0% Oct 12
10 5x10 CET Owner Review & Comment 10 d Wed Oct 13 Tue Oct 26 0% Oct 13 Oct 26
11 5x10 CET Misc Iron & Tank Drawings 20 d Wed Oct 13 Tue Nov 09 0% Oct 13 Nov 09
12 5x10 CET Submission for Approval 0d Tue Nov 09 Tue Nov 09 0% Nov 09
13 5x10 CET Owner Review & Comment 10 d Wed Nov 10 Tue Nov 23 0% Nov 10 Nov 23
14 5x10 CET Final Drawings 20 d Wed Nov 10 Tue Dec 07 0% Nov 10 Dec 07
15 5x10 CET Submission for Approval 0d Tue Dec 07 Tue Dec 07 0% Dec 07
16 5x10 CET Owner Review & Comment 10 d Wed Dec 08 Tue Dec 21 0% Dec 08 Dec 21
17 5x10 CET Design Complete 0d Tue Dec 21 Tue Dec 21 0% Dec 21
18 5x10 CET 261 d Mon Nov 01 Mon Nov 14 0%
Construction Nov 01 Nov 14

19 5x10 CET FOUNDATION 20 d Mon Nov 01 Fri Nov 26 0% Nov 01 Nov 26

26 5x10 CET PEDESTAL 47 d Mon Nov 29 Fri Feb 04 0% Nov 29 Feb 04
34 5x10 CET MISC. IRON 14 d Mon Feb 07 Fri Feb 25 0% Feb 07 Feb 25
36 5x10 CET TANK ERECTION - GROUND PHASE 57 d Mon Mar 28 Fri Jun 17 0% Mar 28 Jun 17
41 5x10 CET COATINGS - GROUND PHASE 15 d Mon Jun 20 Mon Jul 11 0% Jun 20 Jul 11
45 5x10 CET TANK HOIST 5d Tue Jul 12 Mon Jul 18 0% Jul 12 Jul 18
48 5x10 CET TANK ERECTION - AIR PHASE 23 d Tue Jul 12 Fri Aug 12 0% Jul 12 Aug 12
52 5x10 CET COATINGS - AIR PHASE 29 d Mon Aug 15 Fri Sep 23 0% Aug 15 Sep 23
57 5x10 CET FINISH OUT 154 d Fri Feb 25 Thu Oct 06 0% Feb 25 Oct 06
66 5x10 CET SUBCONTRACTORS 136 d Mon May 02 Mon Nov 14 0% May 02 Nov 14
67 5x10 CET Misc. Subcontractors 102 d Mon May 02 Mon Sep 26 0% May 02 Sep 26
70 5x10 CET Sitework & Watermain 45 d Mon Sep 12 Mon Nov 14 0% Sep 12 Nov 14
71 5x10 CET Watermain Installation 15 d Mon Sep 12 Fri Sep 30 0% Sep 12 Sep 30
72 5x10 CET Site Grade & Access Road 15 d Mon Oct 03 Mon Oct 24 0% Oct 03 Oct 24
73 5x10 CET Chainlink Fencing 5d Tue Oct 25 Mon Oct 31 0% Oct 25 Oct 31
74 5x10 CET Landscaping 10 d Tue Nov 01 Mon Nov 14 0% Nov 01 Nov 14
75 5x10 CET Electrical & Insrumentation (Post-SOG) 68 d Tue May 24 Mon Aug 29 0% May 24 Aug 29
76 5x10 CET Hydro Service 4d Tue May 24 Fri May 27 0% May 24 May 27
77 5x10 CET Distribution Work 40 d Mon May 30 Mon Jul 25 0% May 30 Jul 25
78 5x10 CET Instrumentation Work 20 d Tue Jul 26 Tue Aug 23 0% Jul 26 Aug 23
79 5x10 CET I/O - Testing of Equipment 2d Fri Aug 26 Mon Aug 29 0% Aug 26 Aug 29
80 5x10 CET COMMISSIONING 21 d Mon Oct 03 Tue Nov 01 0% Oct 03 Nov 01
81 5x10 CET Watermain Disinfection/Commissioning 10 d Mon Oct 03 Mon Oct 17 0% Oct 03 Oct 17
82 5x10 CET Disinfect & Fill Tank 3d Tue Oct 18 Thu Oct 20 0% Oct 18 Oct 20
83 5x10 CET Bactii Sampling 4d Fri Oct 21 Wed Oct 26 0% Oct 21 Oct 26
84 5x10 CET Manufacturer Start Up 2d Thu Oct 27 Fri Oct 28 0% Oct 27 Oct 28
85 5x10 CET Manufacturer Commissioning & Training 2d Mon Oct 31 Tue Nov 01 0% Oct 31 Nov 01
86 5x10 CET COMPLETION 9d Tue Nov 01 Mon Nov 14 0% Nov 01 Nov 14
87 5x10 CET Projected Substantial Completion 0d Tue Nov 01 Tue Nov 01 0% Nov 01
88 5x10 CET Projected Total Completion 0d Mon Nov 14 Mon Nov 14 0% Nov 14

̄Task Milestone Rolled Up Critical Task Split Group By Summary Inactive Milestone Duration-only Start-only

Critical Task Summary Rolled Up Milestone External Tasks Deadline Inactive Summary Manual Summary Rollup Finish-only

Progress Rolled Up Task Rolled Up Progress Project Summary Inactive Task Manual Task Manual Summary

Section A

Form of Proposal
Town of Shelburne, Elevated Water Storage Tank June 2021
Request for Proposals Section A
SBA File No: M20009 Addendum No. 4

Town of Shelburne
Elevated Water Storage Tank
SBA File No: M20009
This proposal submitted by:
Brent Marini 4
Landmark Structures Co.
Company Name 4
3091 Harrison Court, Burlington, ON L7M 0W4 4
Telephone Number
[email protected]
Email Address 4
July 15, 2021
Date of Submission
Having carefully examined all Quotation Documents related thereto, including the General Terms and
Conditions, Description of Works, Schedule of Unit Prices and Form of Proposal and Addendum / Addenda
No. 1 to 5 , I do hereby provide this Proposal in accordance with the Proposal Documents and
all specifications, including detailed drawings as may be supplied from time to time, to furnish all 4
materials, labour and equipment and all things necessary within the time specified as described in the
following Sections. 4
The undersigned agrees to accept as full payment, therefore, the sums calculated in accordance with the 4
actual measured quantities.
1. Proposal to include Harmonized Sales Tax (HST). 4
2. Proposal provided is deemed to be valid for a period of sixty (60) days from date of closing of proposals.
3. All works to be completed by mid August 2022 December 31, 2022, weather permitting, based on award of Contract
within two (2) weeks of date of closing of proposal.
M20009_RFP_Shelburne Elevated Water Storage Tank_Add#4_7July21.docx Page 1 of 7
S. Burnett & Associates Limited Project No. M20009
Page No. 2
Contractor: Landmark Structures Co. Notes:

Address: 3091 Harrison Court, Burlington ON, L7M 0W4

Contract Title: Town of Shelburne, Elevated Water Storage Tank


SCHEDULE A - Miscellaneous Items


A1 Mobilization / Demobilization 1.00 LS $295,000.00 $295,000.00

A2 a) Bonding & Insurance 1.00 LS $114,400.00 $114,400.00

b) All-Risk Insurance 1.00 LS $21,000.00 $21,000.00

A3 Supply & Maintain Contractor Site Office 1.00 LS $20,300.00 $20,300.00

A4 Allowances:

a) Hydro One & Bell Canada 1.00 LS $50,000.00 $50,000.00

b) Soils & Concrete Testing 1.00 LS $25,000.00 $25,000.00
c) Shop Testing 1.00 LS $5,000.00 $5,000.00
d) Third Party Testing Services:
i) Welding Inspections & Reports 1.00 LS $15,000.00 $15,000.00
ii) Coating Inspections & Reports 1.00 LS $15,000.00 $15,000.00
e) Natural Gas Connection (Genset) 1.00 LS $20,000.00 $20,000.00

A5 Manufacturer's Representation At/During:

a) Commissioning 1.00 LS $22,400.00 $22,400.00
b) Start-Up & Training 1.00 LS $29,600.00 $29,600.00
c) (5 Day) Performance Testing 1.00 LS $9,500.00 $9,500.00
d) Warranty Period 1.00 LS $1,000.00 $1,000.00

A7 Supply, Erect and Maintain Signs and Traffic Control Devices and 1.00 LS $12,000.00 $12,000.00
Maintain Traffic Flow

A8 Utility Location & Construction Layout 1.00 LS $9,500.00 $9,500.00

A9 Environmental Mitigation Measures 1.00 LS $12,300.00 $12,300.00

SUBTOTAL: $677,000.00

M20009_SUP_Shelburne Elevated Water Storage Tank_FINAL_18June21.xlsm

S. Burnett & Associates Limited Project No. M20009
Page No. 3
Contractor: Landmark Structures Co. Notes: Addendum No. 4

Address: 3091 Harrison Court, Burlington ON, L7M 0W4

Contract Title: Town of Shelburne, Elevated Water Storage Tank


SCHEDULE B - Elevated Storage Reservoir


B1 Design. Supply and Construct Elevated Reservoir and Support

a) Design of Water Tower Structure 1.00 LS $115,000.00 $115,000.00
b) Supply All Materials and Construct:
i) Clearing, Grubbing & Stockpiling 1.00 LS $68,000.00 $68,000.00
ii) Excavation and Backfill 1.00 LS $53,000.00 $53,000.00
iii) Dewatering (All Structures) 1.00 LS $36,000.00 $36,000.00
iv) Reinforced Concrete Foundation 1.00 LS $478,000.00 $478,000.00
v) Reinforced 48 m tall (from grade level to top of tower), Concrete Support 1.00 LS $1,085,000.00 $1,085,000.00
Pedestal, Slabs and Other Miscellaneous Concrete Work above Floor
vi) Steel Composite Tank (3410 m3) with Mixing System and Other 1.00 LS $1,374,000.00 $1,374,000.00
vii) Interior Process Piping and Mechanical Equipment (300 mm Header Pipe, 1.00 LS $235,800.00 $235,800.00
300mm dia. Inlet/Outlet Piping and Gate Valve [insulated, heat tracing and
cladding], 300mm dia. Overflow (insulated), 100mm dia. Outlet/Overflow
Interconnection, and associated valves, fittings, etc., and pipe/equipment
supports/housekeeping pads)

viii) Supply and Install Interior Process Piping, Concrete Support Pads and 1.00 LS $38,600.00 $38,600.00
Pipe Supports (75mm dia. piping and associated valves, fittings,
pipe/equipment supports/housekeeping pads, etc.)

ix) Supply and Install one (1) Vertical In Line Recirculation Pump c/w VFD 1.00 LS $9,600.00 $9,600.00
and Ancillary Equipment
x) Supply and Install Chemical Feed Equipment (Includes: Sodium 1.00 LS $49,400.00 $49,400.00
Hypochlorite Chemical Supply (200 L), All Tankage, Secondary
Containment, Storage, Feed Piping, etc.)
xi) Supply & Install Process Piping, Pump, Magnetic Flow 1.00 LS $24,400.00 $24,400.00
Monitoring, Valves, Fittings, Level Switch, Gauges and
Associated Mechanical Equipment
xii) Supply & Install Plumbing Components (Includes: Piping, 1.00 LS $39,000.00 $39,000.00
Drainage Piping, Plumbing Fixtures, Sink with Counter, Eye
Wash Station, etc.)
xiii) Supply and Install Miscellaneous Metals 1.00 LS $136,900.00 $136,900.00
xiv) Supply and Install of Piping, Backflow Preventor, 1.00 LS $32,500.00 $32,500.00
Instruments, Valves, Drain, Hose Connection, Weather Proof Control
Panel, Lighting, Splash Pad with Catch Basin etc. for Truck Fill Station

xv) Communication Support Structure & Navigational Beacon 1.00 LS $10,200.00 $10,200.00
Infrastructure (as per Nav-Can Requirements)
xv i) Operator Workbench, Chair, Cabinet, etc. 1.00 LS $2,600.00 $2,600.00
xvii) Graphics 1.00 LS $22,800.00 $22,800.00
xviii) Painting 1.00 LS $670,400.00 $670,400.00
xix) Cladding and Insulation for Rooms inside the Shaft (Chemical, Storage 1.00 LS $25,700.00 $25,700.00
and Equipment Room)
xx) Supply and Install Fire Extinguishers and First Aid Kits 1.00 LS $1,200.00 $1,200.00
xxi) Pressure Testing, Swabbing & Flushing and Disinfection 1.00 LS $8,200.00 $8,200.00
xxii) As-Builts 1.00 LS $4,400.00 $4,400.00
xxiii) Close Out Report 1.00 LS $1,600.00 $1,600.00

SUBTOTAL: $4,522,300.00

M20009_SUP_Shelburne Elevated Water Storage Tank_Add#4_07July21.xlsm

S. Burnett & Associates Limited Project No. M20009
Page No. 4
Contractor: Landmark Structures Co. Notes: Addendum No. 4

Address: 3091 Harrison Court, Burlington ON, L7M 0W4

Contract Title: Town of Shelburne, Elevated Water Storage Tank


SCHEDULE B - Elevated Storage Reservoir Cont'd


B1 Design. Supply and Construct Elevated Reservoir and

Support Structure: CONT'D

c) Supply and Installation of HVAC Equipment and Ancillary 1.00 LS $21,600.00 $21,600.00
d) Supply & Installation of Plumbing Components (Includes: 1.00 LS $6,800.00 $6,800.00
Drainage Piping, Plumbing Fixtures, etc.) in the Equipment,
Chemical and Storage Rooms
e) Supply and Installation of Ventilation Equipment 1.00 LS $25,300.00 $25,300.00
f) Supply and Install:
i) Chlorine analyzers (2), Flowmeters (2), Temperature 1.00 LS $42,000.00 $42,000.00
Transmitter (1), Pressure Transmitter (1)
ii) Associated process piping, Isolation valves, drain 1.00 LS $12,400.00 $12,400.00
connections etc.
g) Supply and Installation of Electrical Power Distribution System and Control 1.00 LS $252,500.00 $252,500.00
h) Supply and Installation of PLC hardware, Communication 1.00 LS $78,000.00 $78,000.00
Modem and Antennas, c/w Panel Door Mounted SCADA
Computer and Instrumentation and Associated Components
within the Tower
i) Supply and Installation of Standby Natural Gas Power Generator and Concrete 1.00 LS $42,400.00 $42,400.00
Foundation Pad
j) Supply and Installation of All Exterior and Interior Lighting, 1.00 LS $86,600.00 $86,600.00
including Fixtures and Receptables
k) PLC, SCADA and Alarm Annunciation Programming 1.00 LS $42,000.00 $42,000.00

B2 Yard Piping:
a) Supply and Installation of HDPE/PVC Watermain (from Tower 105.00 m(l) $1,000.00 $105,000.00
to Luxton Way):
b) Supply and Installation of HDPE/PVC Watermain (from Tower to Simon St.) by:

i) Option No.1 - (*Open~Cut Method) 155.00 m(l) $1,050.00 $162,750.00

ii) Option No.2 - ('Horizontal Directional Drill Method) 155.00 m(l) $5,188.00
(*Price both options but only carry forward pricing for Open-Cut Method Only)

c) Supply and Installation of All Watermain Isolation Valves, Valve Boxes, 1.00 LS $52,000.00 $52,000.00
Reducers and Fittings, etc.
d) Final Connections and All Coordination Costs by the General 1.00 LS $55,800.00 $55,800.00
Contractor Associated with Connection of the Distribution
Watermain from the Tower to Luxton Way and Simon St.
e) Supply and Installation of 150mm dia. DR28 PVC Sanitary 100.00 m(l) $408.00 $40,800.00
f) Supply and Installation of 1200 mm dia. Sanitary Manhole (MH- 1.00 LS $24,400.00 $24,400.00
01) on Luxton Way
g) Final Connections Including All Coordination Costs by the 1.00 LS $25,600.00 $25,600.00
General Contractor Associated with Connection of the Sanitary Sewer (including
manhole etc. as shown on the contract drawings) on Luxton Way

h) Supply and Installation Overflow Structure to Besley Drain 1.00 LS $132,600.00 $132,600.00
(Including: Swale, Drainage Culvert, Rip-Rap/Armorstone
Treatment, Concrete Splash Pad, Outfall Headwall, Truck Fill
Station Drain Trench, Drainage Piping, etc.)

SUBTOTAL: $1,208,550.00

M20009_SUP_Shelburne Elevated Water Storage Tank_Add#4_07July21.xlsm

S. Burnett & Associates Limited Project No. M20009
Page No. 5
Contractor: Landmark Structures Co. Notes: Addendum No.1

Address: 3091 Harrison Court, Burlington ON, L7M 0W4

Contract Title: Town of Shelburne, Elevated Water Storage Tank


SCHEDULE B - Elevated Storage Reservoir Cont'd


B3 Site Works:
a) Supply and Construct Granular Access Road to Tower 1.00 LS $89,400.00 $89,400.00

b) Supply and Construct Granular Parking Area 1.00 LS $27,600.00 $27,600.00

c) Supply and Installation of Perimeter Fencing Including 1.00 LS $53,200.00 $53,200.00
Entrance Gates

d) Supply and Construct Concrete Sidewalk/Walkway Around 1.00 LS $14,200.00 $14,200.00

Water Tower
e) Site Grading and Restoration including Topsoil and 1.00 LS $78,800.00 $78,800.00
f) Supply and Installation of Bollards 1.00 LS $4,000.00 $4,000.00
g) Drainage Outfall and Rip Rap Rock Chcck Dam 1.00 LS

SUBTOTAL: $267,200.00

M20009_SUP_Shelburne Elevated Water Storage Tank_Add#1_25June21.xlsm

S. Burnett & Associates Limited Project No. M20009
Page No. 6
Contractor: Landmark Structures Co. Notes: Addendum No. 2

Address: 3091 Harrison Court, Burlington ON, L7M 0W4

Contract Title: Town of Shelburne, Elevated Water Storage Tank


SCHEDULE C - Contingency Items


C1 Excavation of Unsuitable Soil Below Grade Specified incl. 100.00 cu.m. $84.00 $8,400.00
Placement of Additional Granular Bedding Material &
Disposal of Excavated Material
C2 Supply, Place & Compact Granular incl. Excavation & Disposal of
Existinq Material:
a) Granular A 50.00 cu.m. $84.00 $4,200.00
b) Granular B 50.00 cu.m. $82.00 $4,100.00
c) 19mm Clear Stone 25.00 cu.m. $94.00 $2,350.00
d) Rip-Rap 50.00 cu.m. $119.00 $5,950.00
e) Pre-mixed Concrete (25 MPA) 20.00 cu.m. $244.00 $4,880.00
C3 Labour Rates for Additional Work:
(The rate shall include payroll burden, overhead & profit)

a) Site Supervision 40.00 hrs $85.00 $3,400.00

b) Foreman 40.00 hrs $95.00 $3,800.00
c) Pipe Fitter/Plumber 40.00 hrs $85.00 $3,400.00
d) Pipe Fitter/Plumber Apprentice 40.00 hrs $85.00 $3,400.00
e) Carpenter 40.00 hrs $95.00 $3,800.00
f) Labourer 40.00 hrs $80.00 $3,200.00
g) Electrician 40.00 hrs $104.00 $4,160.00
h) Electrician Apprentice 40.00 hrs $102.00 $4,080.00
C4 Additional 8-hour Days for Instrumentation & Control Systems 5.00 Days $1,323.00 $6,615.00
Integrator / Programmer to Provide Additional Training or Program
C5 Supply & Place Box Insulation 25.00 m(l) $144.00 $3,600.00
(0.6m Wide x 2.4m Long x 50mm Thick)
C6 Removal of Boulders over 1.0 metre in Diameter from 10.00 cu.m. $300.00 $3,000.00
C7 Additional S-hour Days for Instrumentation & Control 5.00 Days $1,323.00 $6,615.00
Systems Integrator / Programmer to Provide Additional
Training or Make Program Modifications

SUBTOTAL: $78,950.00

M20009_SUP_Shelburne Elevated Water Storage Tank_Add#2_30June21.xlsm

Town of Shelburne, Elevated Water Storage Tank June 2021
Request for Proposals Section A
SBA File No: M20009 Addendum No. 4

Cost Summary Schedule of Unit Prices


S. Burnett & Associates Limited Project No. M20009

Contractor: Landmark Structures Co.

Address: 3091 Harrison Court, Burlington ON, L7M 0W4

Contract Title: Town of Shelburne, Elevated Water Storage Tank


SCHEDULE A - Miscellaneous Items $677,000.00

SCHEDULE B - Elevated Storage Reservoir $4,522,300.00

SCHEDULE B - Elevated Storage Reservoir cont'd $1,208,550.00

SCHEDULE B - Elevated Storage Reservoir cont'd $267,200.00

SCHEDULE C - Contingency Items $78,950.00

SUBTOTAL: $6,754,000.00

HST13%: $878,020.00

TOTAL: $7,632,020.00

Estimated Cost of Material to be incorporated in the work: $4,250,000.00

Estimated Cost of Labour and all Other Charges: $3,382,020.00

Total (Must Equal Total RFP Price): $7,632,020.00

A certified cheque or Bid Bond for the sum of: 10% is enclosed.
(Minimum of $)

M20009_RFP_Shelburne Elevated Water Storage Tank_Add#4_7July21.docx Page 6 of 6


Date: June 25, 20221 Project No: M20009

Project Name: Request for Proposal: Town of Shelburne, Elevated Water Storage Tank
To: All Bidders 1
This Addendum consists of 27 pages total. 1
Please make the following changes / additions to the Request for Proposal Document. Bidders are 1
responsible to ensure that all addenda have been received. Bidders shall be required to acknowledge
addenda in the space provided in Section A of the Proposal Form. 1
This addendum will form part of the terms, conditions and specifications outlined in the above noted
Request for Proposal Contract Document. All other components of the Bid documents shall remain
1. Bidders shall REMOVE AND REPLACE page 15 of 23 of the Request for Proposals Contract
Document, with the attached.
2. Bidders shall REMOVE AND REPLACE page 5 of 6 of the Scheduled Unit Prices with the attached. 1
3. Bidders shall REMOVE AND REPLACE the following Specifications: 1
Specification 09002: Painting - Interior & Exterior of Elevated Tank & Appurtenances,
page 1 of 3 1
Specification 15001: Water Tower Design Criteria, page 5 and page 32 of 39
Specification 15425: Water Quality Monitoring Equipment, in its entirety 1
4. Bidders shall ADD the following Specifications to the Contract Documents, in their entirety:
Specification 16865: Electric Heating & Cooling
Specification 16920: Process Narrative
5. Bidders shall REMOVE AND REPLACE the following Contract Drawings with the attached:
Drawing C2.3: Proposed Grading Plan Overflow & Emergency Outlet Plan and Profile 1
Drawing W5.2: Standard Details -2 I al JM
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210 Broadway, Unit 203 Orangeville, ON L9W 5G4
Town of Shelburne, Elevated Water Storage Tank Page 2 of 3
Addendum No. 1
SBA File No: M20009


Question 1: With regards to Section 15402 Flowmeters, please confirm if ABB Magnetic Flowmeters 1
supplied by SCG Process (formally Metcon) is approved. These meters have been supplied
and serviced locally to OCWA. 1
Response 1: Yes, ABB is an acceptable manufacturer for flowmeters. 1
Question 2: Section 16900: 2.3 Pressure Transmitter - Please confirm Siemens will be considered as
acceptable manufacturer for pressure transmitter. Siemens has been acceptable supplier 1
in past tenders.
Response 2: Yes, Siemens is an acceptable manufacturer for pressure transmitter.
Question 3: Section 16900 2.3.13 - Confirm 2000 psi is required range.
Response 3: 2000 psi is not the range. The measuring device in the pressure transmitter shall be
capable of handling a maximum working pressure of 2000 psig.
Question 4: Section 15402 2.1.3 - Carbon steel housing and flanges acceptable?
Response 4: Carbon steel housing and flanges with epoxy coating is acceptable. Dielectric couplings
should also be provided to prevent corrosion.
Question 5: We have prepared a specification for a Goulds equivalent to the Grundfos CRN pump that
has been specified. We believe that the Goulds product meets the specifications and
standards that has been laid out in the RFP. My question is to whether an ODP style motor 1
(OPEN DRIP PROOF) would be acceptable in the installation, or is the preference for a TEPE
(Totally Enclosed Premium Efficiency) motor. With the pump being installed in an indoor 1
equipment room, an ODP motor should be acceptable.
Response 5: TEPE motor is preferred.
1 I II @ @I 0
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210 Broadway, Unit 203 Orangeville, ON L9W 5G4
Town of Shelburne, Elevated Water Storage Tank Page 3 of 3
Addendum No. 1
SBA File No: M20009

I have read the foregoing Addendum and have considered it in my Proposal.

Brent Marini, Director - Landmark Structures Co. Bidder's Name
Signature 1
June 25, 2021 Date 1
1 I II @ @I 0
Tel (519) 941-2949 I Fax (519) 941-2036 I [email protected]
210 Broadway, Unit 203 Orangeville, ON L9W 5G4

Date: June 30, 20221 Project No: M20009
Project Name: Request for Proposal: Town of Shelburne, Elevated Water Storage Tank

To: All Bidders

This Addendum consists of 16 pages total. 2
Please make the following changes / additions to the Request for Proposal Document. Bidders are
responsible to ensure that all addenda have been received. Bidders shall be required to acknowledge
addenda in the space provided in Section A of the Proposal Form. 2
This addendum will form part of the terms, conditions and specifications outlined in the above noted 2
Request for Proposal Contract Document. All other components of the Bid documents shall remain
unchanged. 2

1. Bidders are advised that all requests for equivalents will be received and reviewed following
Award of Contract. 2
2. Bidders shall REMOVE AND REPLACE pages 4 and 6 of Section A: Form of Proposal, Schedule of 2
Unit Prices with the attached.
Bidders shall REMOVE AND REPLACE the following Specification:
Specification 15001: Water Tower Design Criteria, pages 33 and 36 of 39.
4. Bidders shall ADD the following Specification, in its entirety, to the Contract Documents:
Specification 16480: Motor Control Centers
Tel (519) 941-2949 I Fax (519) 941-2036 I [email protected]
210 Broadway, Unit 203 Orangeville, ON L9W 5G4
Town of Shelburne, Elevated Water Storage Tank Page 2 of 2
Addendum No. 2
SBA File No: M20009


Question 1: Item .8 Butterfly valves, sub -section .5 torque tube. Please confirm that the torque tube
can be made out of schedule 40 steel (epoxy in/out) versus stainless steel. Typically these
are made out of stainless steel. 2
Response 1: Torque tube shall be made out of stainless steel.
Question 2: Can CAD files for the Civil Drawings be provided. As a minimum we require the
topo/grading plan. 2
Response 2: CAD files to be provided to the successful Bidder upon award of Contract. However, the
Contractor should satisfy themselves of the actual condition of the site, if necessary.
Question 3: Can an excel version of Section A Form of Proposal be provided?
Response 3: An Excel version of Section A: Form of Proposal has been included with this
Addendum No. 2, as requested.
I have read the foregoing Addendum and have considered it in my Proposal. 2
Brent Marini, Director - Landmark Structures Co. Bidder's Name
Signature 2
June 30, 2021 Date 2
2 I II @ @I 0
Tel (519) 941-2949 I Fax (519) 941-2036 I [email protected]
210 Broadway, Unit 203 Orangeville, ON L9W 5G4

Date: July 5, 20221 Project No: M20009

Project Name: Request for Proposal: Town of Shelburne, Elevated Water Storage Tank 3
To: All Bidders
This Addendum consists of 1 page total.
Please make the following changes / additions to the Request for Proposal Document. Bidders are
responsible to ensure that all addenda have been received. Bidders shall be required to acknowledge
addenda in the space provided in Section A of the Proposal Form.
This addendum will form part of the terms, conditions and specifications outlined in the above noted
Request for Proposal Contract Document. All other components of the Bid documents shall remain
1. Bidders are advised that the closing date for the RFP has been extended until: 3
Thursday, July 15, 2021, at 2:00 pm, local time.
The Question has now ended. Responses to questions will be addressed by
Wednesday, July 7, 2021.
2. Bidders shall note that the Schedule of Unit Prices Excel document provided in Addendum No. 2
was for reference purposes only and that all formula correctness will be the responsibility of the
I have read the foregoing Addendum and have considered it in my Proposal.
Brent Marini, Director - Landmark Structures Co. Bidder's Name 3
Signature 3
July 05, 2021 Date 3
3 I E9 ®® 0
Tel (519) 941-2949 I Fax (519) 941-2036 I [email protected]
210 Broadway, Unit 203 Orangeville, ON L9W 5G4

Date: July 7, 20221 Project No: M20009

Project Name: Request for Proposal: Town of Shelburne, Elevated Water Storage Tank 4
To: All Bidders
This Addendum consists of 37 pages total.
Please make the following changes / additions to the Request for Proposal Document. Bidders are
responsible to ensure that all addenda have been received. Bidders shall be required to acknowledge
addenda in the space provided in Section A of the Proposal Form. 4
This addendum will form part of the terms, conditions and specifications outlined in the above noted 4
Request for Proposal Contract Document. All other components of the Bid documents shall remain
unchanged. 4
1. Bidders shall REMOVE AND REPLACE pages 1, 3, 4 and 7 of Section A: Form of Proposal, Schedule 4
of Unit Prices with the attached.
2. Bidders shall refer to attached Addendum No. E-03 from Runge & Associates.
3. Bidders shall REMOVE AND REPLACE the following Specifications:
Specification 15420: Chemical Fee Pumps & Accessories, in its entirety.
Specification 15001: Water Tower Design Criteria, pages 15 and 36-38 of 41.
4. Bidders shall ADD the following Specification, in its entirety:
Specification 16915: SCADA Software and Accessories.
5. Bidders shall ADD the following Permits and include them in the Contract Documents:
Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks, Drinking Water Works Permit 4
NAV Canada
Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority. 4
4 I al JM
Tel (519) 941-2949 I Fax (519) 941-2036 I [email protected]
210 Broadway, Unit 203 Orangeville, ON L9W 5G4
Town of Shelburne, Elevated Water Storage Tank Page 2 of 10
Addendum No. 4
SBA File No: M20009

6. Bidders shall ADD the following Contract Drawings and include them in the Contract Documents:
A1.1: Door and Window Schedule
E3.2: PLC Instrumentation Loop Diagrams, Sheet 2.

7. Bidders shall REMOVE AND REPLACE the following Contract Drawings and include them in the
Contract Documents:
E3.3: PLC Panel Layout, Power Distribution & Communication Topology (previously
named E2.3).
Question 1: Spec section 15100, (overflow piping) - Calls for the use of a duckbill check valve. 4
There is no specification for such valve. I request Proco rubber check valves be included in
this spec. Please see the attached literature for details. 4
Response 1: Duckbill valve shall be made of NSF -61 certified product elastomers with mounting clamps 4
or retaining rings made of 304 or 316 stainless steel. The valve shall be engineered to crack
open at 1"-2" head pressure and shall be designed for a maximum working pressure of 4
75 psig. Approved Manufacturer: Tideflex, Proco or approved equal.
Question 2: Drawing C2.4 - please confirm we can extend the location of the silt fence further west
and south (keeping within the Project Area) to allow sufficient room to construct the
elevated tank. 4
Response 2: Yes. 4
Question 3: Drawing W2.2 the tank is shown with an "upper return" at the intersection of the tank 4
roof and the side wall. However, it is not dimensioned or described in Section 15001. Is an
upper return required? If so, we suggest the following industry standard nominal 4
dimensions of 450 mm H / 750 mm V.
Response 3: This is a design build contract. Tank design shall be as per Contractor's recommendation
for operation as intended to be approved by Engineer.
4 I II (g® 0
Tel (519) 941-2949 I Fax (519) 941-2036 I [email protected]
210 Broadway, Unit 203 Orangeville, ON L9W 5G4
Town of Shelburne, Elevated Water Storage Tank Page 3 of 10
Addendum No. 4
SBA File No: M20009

Question 4: Part 1- Description of Works - Item 3.2 requires the Proposal Submission to include a list
of all subcontractors as well as names and experience records for each person. We have
no issues naming our subcontractors however, we request any experience documentation
be made a post bid submission as we will not know who our low subcontractors will be
until just prior to bid closing. 4
Response 4: This is acceptable with the understanding that the Owner will have the right to review and
approve all subcontractors named by the General Contractor for this project.
Question 5: Part 1- Description of Works - Item 7.3 describes a 90 -day bid validity. However, Section A
Form of Proposal Page 1 of 7 describes a 30 -day bid validity. Please clarify.
Response 5: Bid validity shall be 60 -days. Please refer to updated Section A: Form of Proposal, Page 1,
attached to this Addendum No. 4. 4
Question 6: Part 2 - General Terms and Conditions- Item 5 describes a completion of no later than 4
mid -August 2022. Can the completion date be revised to December 31, 2022?
Response 6: Yes, the Project Completion Date has been extended to December 31, 2022. Please refer
to updated Section A: Form of Proposal, Page 1, attached to this Addendum No. 4.
Question 7: Section A, Form of Proposal - Schedule of Unit Prices Page 5 Item 83.g - Addenda 1
removed this item from the Bid Schedule, but the revised drawings still show the
requirement for the outfall and rip rap check dam - please clarify.
Response 7: Scope of work for the construction of the outfall and rip rap check dam is included under
Item B2 h). 4
Question 8: Section A, Form of Proposal Page 7 of 7. The Bid Bond amount is not identified. The General
Terms and Conditions only require the Bidder to include with their proposal an Agreement
to Bond. Please confirm a Bid Bond is not required. 4
Response 8: As referenced in Part 2: Item 18: Submissions and Item 20: Insurance and Bonding, a 4
certified cheque or bid bond is required with the Proposal submission. The Bid Bond
amount shall be 10% of the Proposal amount and sealed by a corporation duly authorized 4
to transact the business of Surety slip. Please refer to Section A: Cost Summary, attached
to this Addendum No. 4. 4
4 I II I:g @I 0
Tel (519) 941-2949 I Fax (519) 941-2036 I [email protected]
210 Broadway, Unit 203 Orangeville, ON L9W 5G4
Town of Shelburne, Elevated Water Storage Tank Page 4 of 10
Addendum No. 4
SBA File No: M20009

Question 9: Section 09002 Item 1.1.2 says the Contractor is responsible for full time coating inspection.
However, the Form of Proposal, Schedule of Unit Prices Item A.4.d.ii includes a $15,000
cash allowance for Coating Inspections. Please confirm any 3rd party coating inspection
costs will be paid under the cash allowance.
Response 9: Yes.
Question 10: Section 15001 Item 1.14.2 says the Contractor is responsible for part time welding
inspection. However, the Form of Proposal, Schedule of Unit Prices Item A.4.d.i includes a
$15,000 cash allowance for Welding Inspections. Please confirm any 3rd party welding
inspection costs will be paid under the cash allowance.
Response 10: Yes.
Question 11: Section 15001 Item 1.14.6 - Please confirm 3rd party concrete inspection costs will be paid
under the cash allowance. 4
Response 11: Yes 4
Question 12: Section 15001 Item 1.1 lists the equalization volume as 1064 m3 and the fire/emergency
volume as 1751 m3 for a total volume of 2,815 m3. This differs from the Drawings and
elsewhere in Section 15001.
Response 12: These are 20 -year estimated equalization, fire/emergency volumes requirements. Volume
of tank required is 3,410 m3 same as the existing Shelburne Water Tower.
Question 13: Please confirm the tank Volume as 3,410 m3.
Response 13: Yes 4
Questionl4: Section 15001, Item - please specify the thickness of insulation on the inlet and 4
outlet risers.
Response 14: Insulation thickness on the inlet and outlet risers shall be 50 mm.
Question 15: Section 15001, Item - please specify the quantity of both duty and standby heat
trace cables on the inlet and outlet risers. 4
Response 15: Refer to attached Addendum No. E-03 from Runge & Associates.
4 I II @ @I 0
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210 Broadway, Unit 203 Orangeville, ON L9W 5G4
Town of Shelburne, Elevated Water Storage Tank Page 5 of 10
Addendum No. 4
SBA File No: M20009

Question 16: Section 15001, Item - please specify the quantity of controllers for both duty and
standby heat trace cables on the inlet and outlet risers.

Response 16: Refer to attached Addendum No. E-03 from Runge & Associates.
Question 17: Section 15001, Item - please confirm the overflow riser does not require heat
trace and insulation.
Response 17: Insulation is required on the overflow riser. Heat Trace is not required. Thickness of
insulation shall be 50 mm.
Question 18: Section 15001 Item specifies a 5 m diameter roof handrail. Section 15001 4
Item specifies a 7 m diameter roof handrail. Please confirm only (1) roof handrail
is required at 7 m diameter. 4
Response 18: We would recommend 7 m, however Contractor to confirm the most appropriate 4
diameter required for size of proposed tank.
Question 19: Section 15001 Item specifies (4) sets of fall arrest trolleys however Item
specifies (3) sets of trolleys. Please clarify.
Response 19: Provide (4) sets of fall arrest trolleys.
Question 20: Section 15001 Item 1.9.8 (Page 6 of 39) - we suggest this item be struck from the
specification as there are no exterior aluminum ladders. 4
Response20: Contractor to note Section 15001 items are required as applicable. 4
Question 21: Section 15001 Item (Page 8 of 39) specifies a "pod flange" this is not required 4
since there are multiple steel spools being installed at the top of the access tube
(Item Please strike Item from the specification. 4
Response 21: Contractor to note Section 15001 items are required as applicable. 4
4 I II @ @I 0
Tel (519) 941-2949 I Fax (519) 941-2036 I [email protected]
210 Broadway, Unit 203 Orangeville, ON L9W 5G4
Town of Shelburne, Elevated Water Storage Tank Page 6 of 10
Addendum No. 4
SBA File No: M20009

Question 22: Section 15001 Item 13 of 39) describes a raised platform to be used as a
walkway without stepping on the roof when accessing the outer rail and the 6 antennae
locations. It is common to walk directly on the roof as the roof is more than robust enough
to support that activity without cracking any coating. Please strike this item from the
specification. 4
Response 22: Contractor to note Section 15001 items are required as applicable.
Question 23: Section 15001 Item (page 22 of 39) references a roof leak test for an aluminum
dome room. Please strike this item from the specification.
Response 23: Contractor to note Section 15001 items are required as applicable. 4
Question 24: Section 15001 Item (page 22 of 39) references a tank leak test for a AWWA D103 4
bolted tank. Please strike this item from the specification.
Response 24: Contractor to note Section 15001 items are required as applicable.
Section 15001, Item (Page 25 of 39) describes an aluminum dome roof per
Question 25:
AWWA D108. This sentence should be reworded: Erection of the roof shall be in
accordance with the requirements of AWWA D107.
Response 25: Contractor to note Section 15001 items are required as applicable.
Question 26: Section 15001, Item (Page 25 of 39) describes an aluminum dome roof. This
can be corrected by replacing "dome" with "roof".
Response 26: Contractor to note Section 15001 items are required as applicable.
Question 27: Section 15001 makes occasional references to AWWA D100, please confirm any reference
to AWWA D100 should reflect AWWA D107. 4
Response 27: Contractor to note Section 15001 items are required as applicable. 4
Question 28: Section 15001, Item 1.16.3 instructs to grind exposed welds smooth and flush. We suggest
the following clarification - which is industry standard. Grinding of weld contour shall
approximate Condition D of NACE Standard SP0178.
Response 28: This is acceptable.
4 I II @ @I 0
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210 Broadway, Unit 203 Orangeville, ON L9W 5G4
Town of Shelburne, Elevated Water Storage Tank Page 7 of 10
Addendum No. 4
SBA File No: M20009

Question 29: Section 15001, Item (Page 36 of 39) - we suggest this item be struck from the
specification as there is no requirement for any aviation markings.

Response 29: Contractor to note Section 15001 items are required as applicable.
Question 30: Are any roads leading to this tank site (Victoria Street, 2 Line, 30 Side Road, Prentice Drive,
Luxton Way) subject to Spring load weight restrictions?
Response 30: Annual load / weight restrictions will be in effect for: County Road 11, 30th Sideroad and
Prentice Drive from March 31 to May 31. In -town municipal roadways are exempt from
load restrictions.
Question 31: Section 15420 Item 2.1.9 - We request you add Blue -White M Series Peristaltic Pumps
supplied by SPD sales limited as an acceptable product for chemical feed pumps. 4
Response 31: Watson Marlow pumps are a preference of the water tower operating authority (OCWA) 4
and the Town of Shelburne.
Question 32: Section 015001 Item 1.10 Cathodic Protection -Are Magnesium anodes acceptable?
Response 32: Yes.
Section 015001 Item 1.10 Cathodic Protection - Are cathodic protection monitoring
Question 33:
reference electrodes required?
Response 33: Yes.
Question 34: Drawing E3.2 Detail 3 shows a 2000VA UPS, Detail 3 shows a 3000VA UPS. Please clarify.
Response 34: Refer to attached Addendum No. E-03 from Runge & Associates.
Question 35: Drawing E3.2 Detail 3 - Please provide a spec and part number for both the cellular dialer
and the antennas. 4
Response 35: Refer to attached Addendum No. E-03 from Runge & Associates. 4
4 I II (g® 0
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210 Broadway, Unit 203 Orangeville, ON L9W 5G4
Town of Shelburne, Elevated Water Storage Tank Page 8 of 10
Addendum No. 4
SBA File No: M20009

Question 36: Drawing E2.1 Detail 1- should this be titled 208V single line diagram?



Response 36: Refer to attached Addendum No. E-03 from Runge & Associates. 4
Question 37: Drawings E2.1 Detail 1- should this be labeled PC06? 4
t 4
Response 37: Refer to attached Addendum No. E-03 from Runge & Associates. 4
Question 38: Drawing E2.1 Detail 1- please provide a specification on the primary feeder.
EW11.4 -P1.14 E
adEAUDE. LErhic E
1.11. Es PA.E LP k E

2idalr fte,?' rr:
Response 38: Refer to attached Addendum No. E-03 from Runge & Associates.
Question 39: Section 16400 Item 2.9 -is there shore power to the generator? Currently no breaker
shown for this on E1.1.
Response 39: Refer to attached Addendum No. E-03 from Runge & Associates.
Question 40: Can a door schedule be provided?
Response 40: Please refer to Drawing A1.1: Door and Window Schedule attached to this
Addendum No. 4. 4
4 I I @I 0
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210 Broadway, Unit 203 Orangeville, ON L9W 5G4
Town of Shelburne, Elevated Water Storage Tank Page 9 of 10
Addendum No. 4
SBA File No: M20009

Question 41: Does the entire slab on grade receive an epoxy floor finish, including the vestibule?

Response 41: Yes.

Question 42: Do the room interior masonry walls receive any coatings? 4
Response 42: Yes.
Question 43: Please specify the block size of the interior masonry walls, both single and double wall.
Response 43: For structural interior walls 190 mm thickness blocks shall be utilised. For non-structural
interior walls 140 mm thickness blocks shall be utilized. All the blocks regardless of being 4
structural or non-structural shall be anchored to the underside concrete slab by 15M bars
at 400 mm spacing. 4
Question 44: Does the top side of the chamber roof receive any coatings? 4
Response 44: No. Refer to Drawing W2.1. 4
Question 45: Section 08800 - Item 2.3 - what Is the size of the window between the chemical room and
the valve room.
Response 45: Please refer to Drawing A1.1: Door and Window Schedule attached to this
Addendum No. 4.
Question 46: Section 08800 Item 2.4 - please confirm this is not applicable to this contract.
Response 46: Yes, not applicable.
Question 47: Are there and bore hole logs for the anything other than the tank pedestal? -if not what
amount/ thickness of topsoil is to be assumed as part of the site preparation. 4
Response 47: Minimum of 100 mm thickness of topsoil will be required. 4
Question 48: Is a Permit To Take Water needed for the watermain and outfall works north of the 4
proposed tower?
As per the new guidelines, the Contractor does not need to get a PTTW unless dewatering
Response 48:
exceeds 400,000 L/day.
4 I II @ @I 0
Tel (519) 941-2949 I Fax (519) 941-2036 I [email protected]
210 Broadway, Unit 203 Orangeville, ON L9W 5G4
Town of Shelburne, Elevated Water Storage Tank Page 10 of 10
Addendum No. 4
SBA File No: M20009

Question 49: There are no details for the road restoration to tie into the exiting sanitary line but for
asphalt specifications.

Response 49: Please refer to Notes for Roadways on Drawing G0.1.

Question 50: What is the detail for backfilling the trench in the roadway? U-fill/B Gravel.
Response 50: Granular B, Type Ill.
Question 51: Any seasonal or conservation time constraints for when the site servicing works can be
Response 51: No. Contractor shall review other attached NVCA permit conditions.
I have read the foregoing Addendum and have considered it in my Proposal. 4
Brent Marini, Director - Landmark Structures Co. Bidder's Name
Signature 4
July 07, 2021 Date
4 I II @ @I 0
Tel (519) 941-2949 I Fax (519) 941-2036 I [email protected]
210 Broadway, Unit 203 Orangeville, ON L9W 5G4

Date: July 9, 2021 Project No: M20009
Project Name: Request for Proposal: Town of Shelburne, Elevated Water Storage Tank

To: All Bidders

This Addendum consists of 3 pages total. 5
Please make the following changes / additions to the Request for Proposal Document. Bidders are
responsible to ensure that all addenda have been received. Bidders shall be required to acknowledge
addenda in the space provided in Section A of the Proposal Form.
This addendum will form part of the terms, conditions and specifications outlined in the above noted
Request for Proposal Contract Document. All other components of the Bid documents shall remain 5
1. Bidders shall refer to attached Addendum No. E-04 from Runge & Associates.
2. Bidders shall REMOVE AND REPLACE the following Contract Drawings with the attached:
E1.2: Electrical Site Plan & Details 5
I have read the foregoing Addendum and have considered it in my Proposal.
Brent Marini, Director - Landmark Structures Co. Bidder's Name
July 09, 2021 Date
5 I al JM
Tel (519) 941-2949 I Fax (519) 941-2036 I [email protected]
210 Broadway, Unit 203 Orangeville, ON L9W 5G4
This certificate is issued as a matter of information only and confers no rights upon the certificate holder and imposes no liability on the insurer.
This certificate does not amend, extend or alter the coverage afforded by the policies below.
Town of Shelburne Landmark Structures Co
203 Main Street East 3091 Harrison Court

Shelburne ON POSTAL L9V 3K7 Burlington Ontario POSTAL L7M 0W4

All operations usual to Insured's business.
SBA File No. : M20009 - Town of Shelburne Elevated Water Storage Tank

This is to certify that the policies of insurance listed below have been issued to the insured named above for the policy period indicated notwithstanding any requirements, terms
or conditions of any contract or other document with respect to which this certificate may be issued or may pertain. The insurance afforded by the policies described herein is
subject to all terms, exclusions and conditions of such policies.
INSURANCE COMPANY DATE (Canadian dollars unless indicated otherwise)
2021/04/26 2022/04/26 COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY $2,500
- EACH OCCURRENCE $2,000,000
✔ LIABILITY $2,000,000

✔ NON-OWNED AUTOMOBILES Intact Insurance Company - 2021/04/26 2022/04/26 NON OWNED AUTOMOBILE $2,000,000
AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY Intact Insurance Company - 2021/05/31 2022/04/26 BODILY INJURY AND PROPERTY

EXCESS LIABILITY Intact Insurance Company - 2021/04/26 2022/04/26 EACH OCCURRENCE $10,000 $15,000,000
AGGREGATE $10,000 $15,000,000

OTHER LIABILITY (SPECIFY) XL Specialty Insurance Company - 2020/11/08 2021/11/08

✔ Professional Liability CCP744650804 Each Act, Error & Ommission/Aggregate
$200,000 $10,000,000

Should any
date thereof, thethe
thereof, issuing company
issuing company willwillendeavor to mail
endeavour ________
to mail days
30 days written
written notice
notice to the
to the certificate
certificate holder
above,above, but failure
but failure to mailtosuch
mail notice
such notice shall impose
shall impose no obligation
no obligation or liability
or liability of anyofkind
kind the
the company, its agents
its agents or representatives.
or representatives.

(but only with respect to the operations of the Named Insured)

The Mitchell & Abbott Group Insurance Brokers Town of Shelburne and S. Burnett & Associates Limited

2000 Garth Street

Suite 202

Hamilton ON POSTAL L9B 0C1

The Mitchell & Abbott Group Insurance Brokers
TYPE Main NO. (905) 385-6383 TYPE Fax NO. (905) 385-7905

DATE July 5, 2021 EMAIL ADDRESS [email protected]
CSIO C0910ECL - CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE - 2010/09 c 2010, Centre for Study of Insurance Operations. All rights reserved.
Proposal for Town of Shelburne, Elevated Water Storage Tank
Request for Proposal
SBA File No: M20009


Affidavit Confirming No Exceptions






I, Chris Lamon, being the President of Landmark Structures Co., (Bidder) do hereby confirm that no
exceptions are taken to the requirements and procedures described in the specifications for the
above noted project.

By: Landmark Structures Co.

Chris Lamon, President

Section X: X-2 – Affidavit Confirming No Exceptions

Proposal for Town of Shelburne, Elevated Water Storage Tank
Request for Proposal
SBA File NO.: M20009

List of Subcontractors


Selectra Contracting Stratford, ON Electrical

Aegion / Corrpro Mississauga, ON Cathodic

Royal Fence Limited Dorchester, ON Fence

Section X: X-3 List of Subcontractors


Elevated Tanks
for Water Storage
2 | Composite Elevated Tanks for Water Storage © 2020 Landmark | 3

Competitive Capital Cost. Maintenance Cost Advantage Multi-purpose Pedestal

Coating replacement is the biggest
Lowest Maintenance Cost. maintenance expense on elevated tanks.
With only 40% of surface area requiring
Superior Aesthetics. coating, compared to 100% on other types,
the CET has the lowest cost of ownership.
The composite elevated tank (CET) invented by Landmark is
the industry standard for large capacity water storage in North *Blue denotes coated surface
America. The combination of a reinforced concrete pedestal and
welded steel tank provides a cost-effective, low maintenance
structure with a dry, secure, multi-purpose interior space and
clean, customizable exterior appearance.

Combination of form and function: Engineering efficiencies led to

the Composite Elevated Tank replacing older water tank designs.
Another benefit of the CET design is the ability to customize the
structure to accommodate functionality previously unavailable in
an elevated water tank. LANDMARK COMPOSITE






The protected space inside the pedestal adds the economic and functional advantages of multiple use opportunities—for pump
stations, office space and storage space or control centers, with build-outs to suit a range of applications for full utilization.

4 | Composite Elevated Tanks for Water Storage © 2020 Landmark | 5

Dimensions and Capacities

The multi-purpose pedestal, accessible roof design, and complete range of options make the composite elevated tank
the most efficient and productive option for water storage. Configurations are available for capacities greater than 4 million
gallons. Landmark’s structural design team is adept at creating custom designs and treatments.

Tank Diameter

Tank Capacity Head Range Tank Diameter Pedestal Dia.

(US Gallons) (Feet) (Feet) (Feet)

200,000 25 - 30 38 - 44 20 - 24
250,000 30 - 35 38 - 44 20 - 24
300,000 30 - 35 44 - 48 20 - 24
Head Range
400,000 30 - 35 46 - 52 24 - 28
500,000 30 - 38 51 - 55 24 - 28
600,000 30 - 40 53 - 62 24 - 28
750,000 30 - 40 59 - 65 28 - 32
1,250,000 30 - 40 68 - 74 32 - 38
1,500,000 35 - 40 75 - 80 38 - 42
1,750,000 38 - 45 82 - 87 42 - 46
2,000,000 40 - 45 90 - 95 42 - 46
2,250,000 40 - 50 95 - 100 46 - 54
2,500,000 40 - 50 95 - 100 46 - 54
2,750,000 40 - 50 100 - 110 54 - 60
3,000,000 40 - 50 102 - 112 54 - 60
3,250,000 40 - 50 105 - 115 54 - 60
3,500,000 45 - 55 112 - 123 60 - 66
3,750,000 45 - 55 115 - 125 60 - 66
4,000,000 45 - 55 116 - 128 60 - 72

Pedestal Diameter

Superior Aesthetics of
Architectural Concrete
Landmark consistently delivers the “uniform color, absence
of defects, and aligned and even surfaces” defined in the
ACI 303R-04 standard for architectural concrete. Heavy-
duty forming systems, highly refined placement processes
and extensive team experience ensure industry-leading
quality control.
6 | Composite Elevated Tanks for Water Storage © 2020 Landmark | 7

Available Appurtenances
Following is a list of available appurtenances to consider for your application:


AWWA D102 Coating Systems Mixing System
Special Logos and Treatments Stainless Steel Inlet/Outlet Piping
Upper Knuckle Return Altitude Valves
Heat Tracing
Architectural Enhancements
Metal Jacketing
Anti-Graffiti Coatings
Security Lighting
Segmented Circular Stairways
Tank Lighting
FAA Obstruction Lighting
Rest Platforms
Pods Elevators
Antenna Supports Fall Protection
Cable Brackets
Overhead and/or Personnel Doors
Manual Overhead
Electric Overhead
Enclosures, Climate Control, Electrical
Structural Floors, Control Rooms, Access,
and Cranes
Pump Station Segmented circular stairways provide full access to the
Multi-Use Office / First Responder /
pedestal interior and tank access ladder.
Storage Facilities

Landmark Hydrodynamic
Mixing Systems
Landmark Hydrodynamic Mixing
Systems protect against aging and
contamination by forcing movement
within the entire storage area each
time the tank is filled. Common quality
concerns including taste and odor
issues, bacterial growth and nitrification
are mitigated by creating a homogenous
The Landmark CET: mix of stored and newly added water.
Every Landmark mixing system is based on extensive CFD analysis of the

A Closer Look tank’s unique geometry, operation cycle and flow magnitude. Seasonal
demand changes and future operating parameters can also be modeled
to ensure proper configuration of the system.
8 | Composite Elevated Tanks for Water Storage © 2020 Landmark | 9

DEVELOPMENT Siting Geotech Investigation Project Specification Design Construction Commissioning

Specification and Construction Process

Landmark offers expert services to assist owners and engineers in the design phase of the project, including preliminary
budget estimates, geotechnical report review, site evaluations, and educational seminars covering everything that you need
to know about Composite Elevated Tank design and construction.

Siting, budgeting and the geotechnical evaluation are the essential starting points for a new tank project. In general, a
square site with 200-foot sides is an ideal location. But many tanks are constructed on sites with a unique set of obstacles.

Access, grades, power lines and trees can greatly affect the price of the project, and potential sites should be carefully
considered. Landmark can provide information about the cost impact of these variables as they relate to both initial
construction and future maintenance.

Once candidate sites have been prequalified and selected, the responsible party should engage a qualified geotechnical
engineer with knowledge of local soil conditions. Landmark’s technical bulletin, “Guidelines for Geotechnical Reports”
provides recommendations for getting a high-quality geotechnical report to ensure that elevated tank builders can provide
the most efficient foundation allowable. Landmark can also provide required information such as tank and pedestal
dimensions, structure and water weight, and wind and seismic loads.

Prior to bid advertisement, Landmark can assist with a final documents review and provide a detailed budget based on
project specifics.

CONSTRUCTION Engineering Mobilize Foundation Pedestal Ground Phase Erection and Coating Tank Raise Air Phase Erection and Coating Electrical, mechanical site work Commission

Contact Landmark for a preliminary schedule for your project. Schedules are subject to variations in local permitting
processes and other factors.
10 | Composite Elevated Tanks for Water Storage © 2020 Landmark | 11

A Sound Infrastructure Investment


Public infrastructure can make a bold statement about the
community. Landmark works with clients at the design stage to
develop unique solutions, and has delivered tanks integrating
solar power generation, rain water collection, and other functional
advancements…as well as aesthetic enhancements such as
custom coatings, lighting and more. A CONTINUING COMMITMENT
Landmark can help you multiply the inherent savings
of the composite elevated tank design with expert
advice on managing and maintaining your investment.
Planning for future needs can facilitate efficient
budgeting and predictable costs for your municipality
or organization.

CONSULT WITH A LANDMARK EXPERT USA: 817.439.8888 | 800.888.6816 Toll Free

A knowledgeable, trusted partner for your project: CANADA: 905.319.7700 |

Copyright © 2020 | Landmark Structures | All Rights Reserved

Specialty Components
and Custom Applications

With a unique range of capabilities

and flexibility, Landmark

The plant features a 450-foot drive-through central

truck lane for loading and unloading, with extensive Fabrication’s high capacity steel,
material handling capabilities. Outside, similar crane
tank and components operations
systems enable efficient management of the main

raw material storage area. incorporates the finest equipment,

materials and talent.

Landmark Fabrication’s ability to meet the most

demanding configurations and requirements sets a

higher standard for quality and productivity.

Contact us for more details

Landmark Fabrication LP • 1665 Harmon Rd.
Fort Worth, Texas 76177 • 817.230.8857 Phone • [email protected]

Landmark Fabrication LP • 3091 Harrison Court

Burlington, ON L7M 0W4 • 905.319.7700 Phone
Concept to Completion, Cutting
Koike Aronson Plasma Cutting: One of
CAD to Coatings the largest cutting areas available in the
Landmark Fabrication’s strategic North Texas location is the launch point for United States, at 12' x 108'. High
Definition system creates superior edge
turnkey custom component as well as steel tank production. Situated in the
quality to conventional plasma on mild
400-acre Decatur Landmark Industrial Park just north of the Dallas/Fort
steel up to 1.5" thick. Contour Beveling
Worth metroplex, the 67,000 square foot facility is adjacent to highway and saves tremendous time in preparing
rail access, with multiple staging and storage options on site. parts for welding operations.

Safety is the Key

An uncompromising commitment to safety governs all work practices, and Rolling
Faccin Four-Roll Double Pinch Bending:
includes ongoing training and testing, Hazard Identification and Risk
Accommodates 12' rolls – cones as well
Assessments (HIRA), and root cause analysis to continually drive perfor- as cylinders. CNC controls can program
mance improvement. automatic production of components for
wind towers or vessels, as well as
automatic feed and positioning from the
Fit and Finish 13' x 41' table. The ability to roll wide plate

Landmark Fabrication technicians can provide design assistance for to precise tolerances can reduce welding
requirements, simplifying production and
prototyping and production processes in carbon steel, stainless steel,
enhancing results.
aluminum or other metals; create jigs and fixtures; and recommend the

most efficient application of cutting, rolling, press forming, welding and

machining resources. They can take a project through subassembly or

assembly stages, as well as surface preparation and coatings, including

galvanizing and other special requirements. Capabilities are matched to Press Forming
Produces precise spherical and double
your needs, whether a single critical part or complete production sequence.
curved shapes, with a 750 ton capacity.
Our investments in the finest equipment, materials and talent deliver precise Provides the ability to dish plate from
results, superior quality and exceptional value for structural elements as 3/16 to 2" thick at any radius or

well as assembled components. custom-formed shape.

Landmark employs a wide range of
precision welding equipment for large and
small components including a 10’ x 60’
gantry welder equipped with four 350 amp
flux core welding machines, ideal for long
continuous fillet welds.
Specialty Mobile
Uncompromising commitment to

safety. World class technical skill.

Go-anywhere mobility. Landmark

delivers factory applied quality

to your site.

You can count on Landmark Mobile Specialty Coatings to reliably protect

your investment and extend the life of critical infrastructure. Contact us
today to discuss the best solution and a quote on your next project.

Landmark Structures • 1665 Harmon Rd.

Fort Worth, Texas 76177 • 817.439.8888 Phone
817.439.9001 Fax •
Routine quality evaluations include but are not limited to:

Developed and refined throughout 25 years of storage tank coatings and lining • Measurement of environmental conditions

work, Landmark’s specialty crews work wherever you need them…on projects • Verification of surface cleanliness prior to coating or lining

that we design, fabricate and build, or on existing infrastructure requiring repair • Wet and dry film thickness measurement

and recoating. The Society for Protective Coatings (SSPC) has recognized our • Holiday testing (low or high voltage, depending on lining thickness)
technical skills and processes with their prestigious QP-1 certification, so you
Daily logs track all inspection activity, and are available upon request.
can rely on thoroughly tested multi-craft services on the most demanding jobs,
with the added benefits of uncompromising safety and nationwide mobility. Specialized equipment enables Landmark to manage dehumidification on work in

enclosed spaces such as tank lining and recoating, and to protect the

environment with blast media recycling and a full or partial containment on

We work in a wide range of applications for the private
exterior surface preparation and coating. In addition, site specific plans for
sector, the military and municipal authorities:
environmental monitoring, hazardous material management, and disposal of
• Industrial facilities • Oil and gas exploration and production
wastes are developed for all tank rehabilitations where existng coatings contain
• Terminals • Aircraft fueling facilities
• Petrochemical plants toxic metals. And for high-profile projects with community impact, Landmark has
• Lead abatement
• Water and wastewater perfected the art of translating even the most intricate graphics to the public stage

with precise reproduction. The utilization of dust collection systems ensures

complete extraction of dusts for not only a cleaner surface prior to paint

application, but as well as containment of dusts generated. This provides

Safety necessary air exchanges for confined space work.
Landmark’s uncompromising commitment to safety protects people, property and

the environment. We apply equally rigorous standards for all locations, require
............................................... ...
ongoing training and testing for all crews, and utilize site evaluations, Hazard Landmark capabilities are completely mobile for deployment nationwide or
Identification and Risk Assessments (HIRA) and root cause analysis beyond, without limitations. Specially outfitted trailers move containerized
to continually drive performance improvement. Landmark employs the best equipment to the project site, and then serve as mobile command centers for the
available safeguards for the job, such as advanced, self-contained respiratory crews. All required assets are at hand, coordinated with local supply lines as
equipment on many applications. And we stay at the forefront of best practices appropriate.
and efficient reporting with our membership in ISNetworld. Core values and
comprehensive safety and health programs, along with SSPC C-3 accredidation

for de-leading steel structures, safeguards against environmental impact.

............................................... ...
Landmark’s technical capabilities start with specification assistance, based on in-

depth knowledge of industry suppliers and their latest products, and insights from

our own operations. Our crews are fully equipped to perform surface preparation

and coatings work on virtually any type of steel structure, utilizing a broad array

of coatings including polyurethanes, 100% solids and fiberglass reinforced

systems. Our crews perform all coatings work in accordance with the Landmark

Quality Assurance Manual for Surface Preparation and Coating. They are trained

to implement all of the required process controls and conduct workmanship

inspections to meet or exceed all applicable standards and client expectations.

Specialty Mobile
Uncompromising commitment to

safety. World class technical skill.

Go-anywhere mobility. Landmark

delivers factory applied quality

to your site.

You can count on Landmark Mobile Specialty Coatings to reliably protect

your investment and extend the life of critical infrastructure. Contact us
today to discuss the best solution and a quote on your next project.

Landmark Industrial Coatings

3091 Harrison Court
Burlington, Ontario L7M 0W4
Phone 905.319.7700 Fax 905.319.1373
Landmark Leadership in Water Quality
• Industry leader in Hydrodynamic Mixing System development, with first systems designed and installed
in the 1990s

• Invented the two leading mixer styles: “2-Tier 2-Y” and “Trillium”

• Extensive research, analysis and testing of tank mixing efficiency

• Four mixing system patents —in U.S. and Canada MIXING SYSTEMS
• Unparalleled warranty and customer support

Landmark is a full service provider of water storage

system services which include consultation, design,
construction, monitoring, communications, rehabilitation
and maintenance. Contact us for complete details.

Dallas/Fort Worth | Toronto | Chicago

Email: [email protected]
Phone: 817.439.8888 (U.S.) | 905.319.7700 (Canada)

The Integrated Solution: Landmark HMS

Landmark delivers optimized mixing for all types of new and existing tanks and reservoirs.

Mixing System Function

• Manifold piping, inlet nozzle and outlet port combination utilizes energy of system operation to achieve
complete mixing—no external power source required
The Quality Challenge
• Inlet nozzles with variable orifice elastomeric check valves provide turbulent flow and increased
System operators manage the integrity of drinking water resources by protecting momentum flux—harnessing more mixing power

water from aging and contamination. A properly designed mixing system provides a • Outlet ports with wafer check valves are separated from inlet nozzles to maintain circulation
solution that will automatically mitigate common factors leading to taste and odor
issues, bacterial growth, and nitrification:

Low inlet velocity: Inlet pipes designed for maximum flow and low head loss result
in low inlet velocity, low dispersion and poor circulation. High velocity mixing system
nozzles equalize and reduce depletion of disinfectant residuals, and preclude ice cap
formation and damage.

Short-circuiting: Common or close inlet and outlet pipes can result in a LIFO
(last-in, first out) condition. New water entering the tank during fill is the first removed,
leaving the balance to stagnate and age. Mixing eliminates short-circuiting.

Thermal Stratification: Stored water may stratify or layer due to differences in

temperature and density. Lack of mixing causes cooler, denser water to collect at the
Tank Specific Analysis and Engineering
bottom, while warmer, less dense water migrates to the top and ages. Mixing eliminates
• Every Landmark mixing system is based on a Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) analysis modeled
stratification and “dead zones.”
to address specific tank and system operating conditions

Low cycling: High demand periods require full tanks, however water ages if retained • Design considerations include tank geometry, operation cycle and flow magnitude, as well as seasonal,
and not cycled adequately. Hydrodynamic Mixing System design provides for adequate emergency and future demand

cycling and exchange of water to prevent excessive aging.

• Design submittals include HMS drawings and specifications, hydraulic analysis, mixing analysis,
installation instructions, certifications and operation manuals

• Inlet and outlet valves are NSF 61 certified for highest standards of quality and safety

• Materials of construction are selected to meet customer specific needs and provide maintenance–
free performance

• Services includes consultation, monitoring and best practice recommendations for maximizing system
benefits in everyday operation

The Integrated Solution: Landmark HMS

Landmark delivers optimized mixing for all types of new and existing tanks and reservoirs.

Mixing System Function

• Manifold piping, inlet nozzle and outlet port combination utilizes energy of system operation to achieve
complete mixing—no external power source required
The Quality Challenge
• Inlet nozzles with variable orifice elastomeric check valves provide turbulent flow and increased
System operators manage the integrity of drinking water resources by protecting momentum flux—harnessing more mixing power

water from aging and contamination. A properly designed mixing system provides a • Outlet ports with wafer check valves are separated from inlet nozzles to maintain circulation
solution that will automatically mitigate common factors leading to taste and odor
issues, bacterial growth, and nitrification:

Low inlet velocity: Inlet pipes designed for maximum flow and low head loss result
in low inlet velocity, low dispersion and poor circulation. High velocity mixing system
nozzles equalize and reduce depletion of disinfectant residuals, and preclude ice cap
formation and damage.

Short-circuiting: Common or close inlet and outlet pipes can result in a LIFO
(last-in, first out) condition. New water entering the tank during fill is the first removed,
leaving the balance to stagnate and age. Mixing eliminates short-circuiting.

Thermal Stratification: Stored water may stratify or layer due to differences in

temperature and density. Lack of mixing causes cooler, denser water to collect at the
Tank Specific Analysis and Engineering
bottom, while warmer, less dense water migrates to the top and ages. Mixing eliminates
• Every Landmark mixing system is based on a Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) analysis modeled
stratification and “dead zones.”
to address specific tank and system operating conditions

Low cycling: High demand periods require full tanks, however water ages if retained • Design considerations include tank geometry, operation cycle and flow magnitude, as well as seasonal,
and not cycled adequately. Hydrodynamic Mixing System design provides for adequate emergency and future demand

cycling and exchange of water to prevent excessive aging.

• Design submittals include HMS drawings and specifications, hydraulic analysis, mixing analysis,
installation instructions, certifications and operation manuals

• Inlet and outlet valves are NSF 61 certified for highest standards of quality and safety

• Materials of construction are selected to meet customer specific needs and provide maintenance–
free performance

• Services includes consultation, monitoring and best practice recommendations for maximizing system
benefits in everyday operation
Landmark Leadership in Water Quality
• Industry leader in Hydrodynamic Mixing System development, with first systems designed and installed
in the 1990s

• Invented the two leading mixer styles: “2-Tier 2-Y” and “Trillium”

• Extensive research, analysis and testing of tank mixing efficiency

• Four mixing system patents —in U.S. and Canada MIXING SYSTEMS
• Unparalleled warranty and customer support

Landmark is a full service provider of water storage

system services which include consultation, design,
construction, monitoring, communications, rehabilitation
and maintenance. Contact us for complete details.

Dallas/Fort Worth | Toronto | Chicago

Email: [email protected]
Phone: 817.439.8888 (U.S.) | 905.319.7700 (Canada)
Appendix 2 - SBA2021-04

CORPORATE POLICY Schedule A to By-law # 37-2019






EFFECTIVE DATE: June 10, 2019

Annual Debt Repayment Limit – (ARL) Schedule 81 of the Financial Information Return (FIR) provided annually
by Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing
Annual Debt Servicing Costs – annual required debt payment that includes both principal and interest
Debt – any obligation for the payment of money. Debt would normally consist of debentures as well as either
notes or cash loans from financial institutions; Debt includes temporary, short term, and long term borrowing
and may also include loans from Reserve Funds or other financial obligations such as leases.
Lease - a contract by which one party conveys land, property, services, etc. to another for a specified time,
usually in return for a periodic payment.

Line of Credit - A line of credit can also be referred to as revolving credit. A LOC is a standing amount of money, similar
to a loan, that a bank extends to a customer. A customer may draw upon the available line of credit, provided that the
amount does not exceed the limit

Own Source Revenues – direct municipal revenues such as property taxes, user fees and charges. Does not
include grants, deferred revenue, donated or assumed assets, gain/(loss) on the sale of land or capital assets.
*Special note – the town’s revenues, as indicated on the Financial Information Return, include revenues from
the consolidated boards of the town*
Promissory Note - a financial instrument that contains a written promise by one party (the note's issuer or maker) to
pay another party (the note's payee) a definite sum of money, either on demand or at a specified future date

Page 1 of 4
Reserve – an allocation, at the discretion of council, of accumulated net revenues that can be built up over
several years that have no reference to any specific asset or project; or for use specifically for an identified
project for a future year – discretionary reserve. Reserves do not require their own bank account, do not earn
their own interest. As a general practice, reserve and reserve fund may both be referred to as reserve
Reserve Funds – a fund that has been set aside either by municipal by-law or a requirement of provincial
legislation to meet future capital needs (Development Charges, Gas Tax); reserve funds have a separate bank
account, earn their own interest, and have annual reporting requirements.
Term Loan - A term loan is a loan from a bank for a specific amount that has a specified repayment schedule and either
a fixed or floating interest rate

To establish a policy that provides guidelines for, and puts limits upon, the use of debt as a method of financing
capital projects. This policy will serve to enhance the quality of decisions and rationalize the decision-making
process with respect to ensuring compliance with statutory requirements and long-term financial flexibility and
The Town of Shelburne shall maintain its level of Debt within the guidelines set by the Province of Ontario, by
Ont. Regulation 403/02, and further by the internally set guidelines in the Policy. Debt is a financing source, but
not a funding source. Debt should only be considered when, after deducting all available funding sources such
as Development Charges, Grants, Reserves, is greater than 1% of a tax levy increase. Borrowing from Reserve
Funds is not a valid option (see section 4.5 regarding internal borrowing)
4.1 Types of Debt:
a. Short Term Debt – Under 1 Year
The town may borrow temporarily for cash flow purposes from any one or a combination of the
following resources:
i) Bank Line of Credit
ii) Short-term Promissory Note
iii) Reserve Funds
iv) Any other source of short-term indebtedness
The Town’s combined limit of borrowing from the above sources is subject to the limits set in the annual
Borrowing By-Law. Effort should be made to have short term debt repaid prior to December 31st, of the
year the debt is incurred or within one year thereafter as possible.

Page 2 of 4
b. Medium Term Debt – 1 Year to Under 5 Years
Medium term financing requirements, for periods greater than one year but less than five years will
be financed through any one or combination of the following resources:
i) Lease
ii) Term Loan
iii) Promissory Note
iv) Reserve Funds (Internal Loan) (not to exceed 50% of the total fund balance; an interest
rate not less than the prime rate at the time of borrowing)
v) Capital Line or Capital Loan as offered by Infrastructure Ontario

c. Long Term Debt – 5 Years or Greater

Long term debt consists of debentures to finance projects or assets for a period of not less than 5
years and not more than 25 years (or 30 years for vacant land)

4.2 The Town shall issue long-term debt for the following purposes only:
• New building construction;
• Building additions;
• New road construction, bridges, culverts, or other roads infrastructure needs;
• Water and wastewater capital projects, or other water and wastewater infrastructure needs;
• Purchase of property, with or without existing structures

4.3 Term of Long-Term borrowing should be 20-25 years for buildings, 15-20 years for new roads, water or
wastewater infrastructure, or alternatively to correspond to the expected useful life of the related asset.
Flexibility shall be allowed in term length, based on where interest rate levels are in the marketplace (for
example, may go to 20 years for roads when rates are low). Terms beyond 25 years are not permitted
with the exception of vacant land, which is a non-depreciable asset, and if available, a 30-year term for
vacant land is permissible.

4.4 Temporary borrowing during the period of construction, for cash flow purposes, is permitted, and the
interest is to be added to the cost of the asset being constructed. The temporary loan amount shall be
converted to long-term debt once the project is complete. Interest on the long-term debt becomes an
operating budget expense.

4.5 There shall be annual reporting to Council of the Town’s long-term debt and remaining borrowing capacity,
as required by Ont. Reg. 403/02, before any new debt may be approved.

Page 3 of 4
4.6 When determining the debt level under point 4.6, both external borrowing and internal borrowing, from
Town Reserve Funds, will be combined in order to measure the debt capacity remaining. Internal borrowing
should only take place when the capital asset can pay for itself within a reasonable time period, not to exceed
10 years or the life expectancy of the asset, whichever is less.

4.7 The maximum permitted amount of long-term debt shall be not more than 40% of the amount determined
under the province’s Annual Debt Repayment Limit (ARL) calculation, received annually from the Ministry
of Municipal Affairs, or 10% of the town’s own source revenues. The conversion of the ARL figure for debt-
servicing into a gross amount of debt shall be done using an interest rate that is reflective of current market
conditions, and a term that conforms to point 4.3 of this Policy.

4.8 The Town shall arrange borrowing through Infrastructure Ontario, through the Town’s bank, or through a
fiscal agent working in the debenture marketplace. The best loan arrangements available shall determine
the choice of the source of borrowing.

4.9 This Policy shall be revisited and updated as circumstances require.

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