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Horizontal Circular Motion

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DPP - Daily Practice Problems

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SYLLABUS : MOTION IN A PLANE-2 (Horizontal Circular Motion)

Max. Marks : 120 Time : 60 min.
• The Daily Practice Problem Sheet contains 30 MCQ's. For each question only one option is correct. Darken the correct
circle/ bubble in the Response Grid provided on each page.
• You have to evaluate your Response Grids yourself with the help of solution booklet.
• Each correct answer will get you 4 marks and 1 mark shall be deduced for each incorrect answer. No mark will be given/
deducted if no bubble is filled. Keep a timer in front of you and stop immediately at the end of 60 min.
• The sheet follows a particular syllabus. Do not attempt the sheet before you have completed your preparation for that
syllabus. Refer syllabus sheet in the starting of the book for the syllabus of all the DPP sheets.
• After completing the sheet check your answers with the solution booklet and complete the Result Grid. Finally spend time
to analyse your performance and revise the areas which emerge out as weak in your evaluation.

DIRECTIONS (Q.1-Q.21) : There are 21 multiple choice (a) 1 : 12 (b) 6 : 1 (c) 12 : 1 (d) 1 : 6
questions. Each question has 4 choices (a), (b), (c) and (d), out Q.4 The angular displacement of a particle is given by
of which ONLY ONE choice is correct. 1 2
q = w0t + at , where w0 and a are constant and
Q.1 A particle completes 1.5 revolutions in a circular path of 2
radius 2 cm. The angular displacement of the particle will w0 = 1 rad/sec, a = 1.5 rad/sec2. The angular velocity at
be – (in radian) time, t = 2 sec will be (in rad/sec) -
(a) 6 p (b) 3 p (c) 2 p (d) p (a) 1 (b) 5
Q.2 A particle revolving in a circular path completes first one
third of circumference in 2 sec, while next one third in 1 (c) 3 (d) 4
sec. The average angular velocity of particle will be – (in Q.5 The magnitude of the linear acceleration of the particle
rad/sec) moving in a circle of radius 10 cm with uniform speed
(a) 2p/3 (b) p/3 (c) 4p/3 (d) 5p/3 completing the circle in 4 s, will be -
Q.3 The ratio of angular speeds of minute hand and hour hand (a) 5p cm/s2 (b) 2.5p cm/s2
of a watch is - (c) 5p2 cm/s2 (d) 2.5p2 cm/s2

RESPONSE GRID 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Space for Rough Work
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2 DPP/ P 07
Q.6 A cane filled with water is revolved in a vertical circle of Q.13 A particle is moving in a circular path with velocity varying
radius 4 m and water just does not fall down. The time with time as v = 1.5t2 + 2t. If the radius of circular path is
period of revolution will be – 2 cm, the angular acceleration at t = 2 sec will be -
(a) 1 s (b) 10 s (a) 4 rad/sec2 (b) 40 rad/sec2
(c) 400 rad/sec 2 (d) 0.4 rad/sec2
(c) 8 s (d) 4 s
Q.7 The length of second's hand in a watch is 1 cm. The change Q.14 A grind stone starts from rest and has a constant-angular
in velocity of its tip in 15 second is - acceleration of 4.0 rad/sec2.The angular displacement and
p angular velocity, after 4 sec. will respectively be -
(a) 0 (b) cm/s
30 2 (a) 32 rad, 16 rad/s (b) 16 rad, 32 rad/s
p p 2 (c) 64 rad, 32 rad/s (d) 32 rad, 64 rad/s
(c) cm/s (d) cm/s
30 30 Q.15 The shaft of an electric motor starts from rest and on the
Q.8 An electron is moving in a circular orbit of radius 5.3 × 10– application of a torque, it gains an angular acceleration
11 metre around the atomic nucleus at a rate of 6.6 × 1015
given by a = 3t – t2 during the first 2 seconds after it starts
revolutions per second. The centripetal force acting on the after which a = 0. The angular velocity after 6 sec will be -
electron will be - (a) 10/3 rad/sec (b) 3/10 rad/sec
(The mass of the electron is 9.1 × 10–31kg) (c) 30/4 rad/sec (d) 4/30 rad/sec
(a) 8.3 × 10–8N (b) 3.8 × 10–8N Q.16 Using rectangular co-ordinates and the unit vectors i and
(c) 4.15 × 10 N –8 (d) 2.07 × 10–8N j, the vector expression for the acceleration a will be (r is
Q.9 An air craft executes a horizontal loop of radius 1 km with a position vector) -
a steady speed of 900 km/h. The ratio of centripetal (a) wr2 (b) –w2 r/2
acceleration to that gravitational acceleration will be- (c) –2wr 2 (d) –w2r
(a) 1 : 6.38 (b) 6. 38 : 1 Q.17 The vertical section of a road over a canal bridge in the
(c) 2.25 : 9.8 (d) 2.5 : 9.8 direction of its length is in the form of circle of radius 8.9
Q.10 A car driver is negotiating a curve of radius 100 m with a metre. Find the greatest speed at which the car can cross
speed of 18 km/hr. The angle through which he has to lean this bridge without losing contact with the road at its highest
from the vertical will be - point, the center of gravity of the car being at a height h =
1 1 1.1 metre from the ground. (Take g = 10 m/sec2)
(a) tan–1 (b) tan–1
4 40 (a) 5 m/s (b) 7 m/s
Ê 1 ˆ˜ Ê 1 ˆ˜ (c) 10 m/s (d) 13 m/s
(c) tan –1 ÁÁÁË ¯˜˜ (d) tan –1 ÁÁÁË ¯˜˜ Q.18 The maximum speed at which a car can turn round a curve
2 20
of 30 metre radius on a level road if the coefficient of
Q.11 A particle moves in a circle of radius 20cm with a linear
friction between the tyres and the road is 0.4, will be -
speed of 10m/s. The angular velocity will be -
(a) 10.84 m/s (b) 17.84 m/s
(a) 50 rad/s (b) 100 rad/s
(c) 11.76 m/s (d) 9.02 m/s
(c) 25 rad/s (d) 75 rad/s
Q.19 The angular speed with which the earth would have to rotate
Q.12 The angular velocity of a particle is given by w = 1.5 t – 3t2 +
on its axis so that a person on the equator would weigh
2, the time when its angular acceleration decreases to be
(3/5)th as much as present, will be:
zero will be -
(Take the equatorial radius as 6400 km)
(a) 25 sec (b) 0.25 sec
(a) 8.7 × 104 rad/sec (b) 8.7 × 103 rad/sec
(c) 12 sec (d) 1.2 sec 4
(c) 7.8 × 10 rad/sec (d) 7.8 × 103 rad/sec

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
RESPONSE 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
16. 17. 18. 19.

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DPP/ P 07 3
Q.20 A smooth table is placed horizontally and a spring of (1) The speed of the particle will be 0.98 m/s
unstreched length 0 and force constant k has one end fixed
to its centre. To the other end of the spring is attached a (2) tan q = (q is semi-apex angle)
mass m which is making n revolution per second around v2
the centre. Tension in the spring will be (3) The speed of the particle will be 98 m/s
(a) 4p2 m k 0 n2/ (k – 4p2 m n2) rg
(b) 4p2 m k 0 n2/ (k + 4p2 m n2) (4) tan q = (q is semiapex angle)
(c) 2p2 m k 0 n2/ (k – 4p2 m n2) Q.24 Choose the correct statements
(d) 2p m k 0 n2/ (k – 4p2 m n2) (1) Centripetal force is not a real force. It is only the
Q.21 A motor car is travelling at 30 m/s on a circular road of requirement for circular motion.
radius 500 m. It is increasing its speed at the rate of 2 m/ (2) Work done by centripetal force may or may not be
s2. Its net acceleration is (in m/s2) – zero.
(a) 2 (b) 1. 8 (3) Work done by centripetal force is always zero.
(c) 2.7 (d) 0 (4) Centripetal force is a fundamental force.
DIRECTIONS (Q.22-Q.24) : In the following questions, DIRECTIONS (Q.25-Q.27) : Read the passage given below
more than one of the answers given are correct. Select the and answer the questions that follows :
correct answers and mark it according to the following
codes: The velocity of the particle changes moving on the curved path,
this change in velocity is brought by a force known as centripetal
Codes :
force and the acceleration so produced in the body is known as
(a) 1, 2 and 3 are correct (b) 1 and 2 are correct
centripetal acceleration. The direction of centripetal force or
(c) 2 and 4 are correct (d) 1 and 3 are correct
acceleration is always towards the centre of circular path.
Q.22 Three identical particles are connected by three strings as
Q.25 A ball is fixed to the end of a string and is rotated in a
shown in fig. These particles are revolving in a horizontal
horizontal circle of radius 5 m with a speed of 10 m/sec.
circle. The velocity of outer most particle is v, then choose
The acceleration of the ball will be -
correct relation for T1,T2 and T3
(a) 20 m/s2 (b) 10 m/s2
(where T1 is tension in the outer most string etc.) 2
(c) 30 m/s (d) 40 m/s2
m m Q.26 A body of mass 2 kg lying on a smooth surface is attached
O m
l l l to a string 3 m long and then whirled round in a horizontal
circle making 60 revolution per minute. The centripetal
5mv 2A acceleration will be-
(1) T1 = (2) T2 = (a) 118.4 m/s2 (b) 1.18 m/s2
3 9 2
(c) 2.368 m/s (d) 23.68 m/s2
6mvA2 5mvA2 Q.27 A body of mass 0.1 kg is moving on circular path of diameter
(3) T3= (4) T3 =
9 9 1.0 m at the rate of 10 revolutions per 31.4 seconds. The
Q.23 A particle describes a horizontal circle on the smooth centripetal force acting on the body is -
surface of an inverted cone. The height of the plane of the (a) 0.2 N (b) 0.4 N
circle above the vertex is 9.8 cm, then choose the correct (c) 2 N (d) 4 N

RESPONSE 20. 21. 22. 23. 24.

GRID 25. 26. 27.

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4 DPP/ P 07
DIRECTIONS (Q. 28-Q.30) : Each of these questions contains two normal as well as tangential acceleration.
statements: Statement-1 (Assertion) and Statement-2 (Reason). Each Q.29 Statement - 1 : A cyclist is cycling on rough horizontal
of these questions has four alternative choices, only one of which is circular track with increasing speed. Then the frictional force
the correct answer. You have to select the correct choice. on cycle is always directed towards centre of the circular
(a) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement-2 is a Statement - 2 : For a particle moving in a circle, radial
correct explanation for Statement-1. component of net force should be directed towards centre.
(b) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement-2 is
NOT a correct explanation for Statement-1. Q.30 Statement - 1 : If net force F acting on a system is
(c) Statement -1 is False, Statement-2 is True. changing in direction only, the linear momentum ( p) of
(d) Statement -1 is True, Statement-2 is False. system changes in direction.
Q.28 Statement - 1 : In non-uniform circular motion, velocity Statement - 2 : In case of uniform circular motion,
vector and acceleration vector are not perpendicular to each magnitude of linear momentum is constant but direction
other. of centripetal force changes at every instant.
Statement - 2 : In non-uniform circular motion, particle has

RESPONSE GRID 28. 29. 30.


Total Questions 30 Total Marks 120
Attempted Correct
Incorrect N et Score
Cut-off Score 30 Qualifying Score 48
Success Gap = Net Score – Qualifying Score
Net Score = (Correct × 4) – (Incorrect × 1)

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18 DPP/ P 07
(1) (b) We have angular displacement (6) (d) We know that
linear displacement Circumference 2pr
= radius of path Time period = =
Criticalspeed gr
DS 2 ´ 22 ´ 4
Þ Dq = = = 4 sec
r 7 ´ 10 ´ 4
Here, DS = n (2pr) = 1.5 (2p × 2 × 10–2) = 6p × 10–2
Circumference 2 pr
6 p ´ 10 -2 (7) (b) Velocity = =
\ Dq = = 3p radian Time of revolution 60
2 ´ 10 -2
2p ´ 1 p
® Total angular displacement = = cm/s
60 30
(2) (a) We have w av =
Total time
2 2
For first one third part of circle, æ pö æ pö
Change in velocity Dv = çè 30 ÷ø + çè 30 ÷ø
S1 2 pr / 3
angular displacement, q1 = =
r r p
= 2 cm/s
For second one third part of circle, 30
2pr / 3 2 p (8) (a) Let the radius of the orbit be r and the number of
q2 = = rad revolutions per second be n. Then the velocity of electron
r 3
is given by v = 2pnr,
Total angular displacement,
q = q1 + q2 = 4p/3 rad v2 4p 2 r 2 n 2
Total time = 2 + 1 = 3 sec \ Acceleration a = = = 4 p2 r n2
r r
® 4p / 3 4p 2p Substituting the given values, we have
\ w av = rad/s = = rad/s a = 4 × (3.14)2 × (5.3 × 10–11) (6.6 × 1015)2
3 6 3
= 9.1 × 1022 m/s2 towards the nucleus.
(3) (c) Angular speed of hour hand,
The centripetal force is
Dq 2p FC = ma = (9.1 × 10–31) (9.1 × 1022)
w1 = = 12 ´ 60 rad/sec = 8.3 × 10–8 N towards the nucleus.
(9) (b) Given that radius of horizontal loop
Angular speed of minute hand, r = 1 km = 1000 m
2p w 12 9000 ´ 5
w2 = rad/sec Þ 2 = Speed v = 900 km/h = = 250 m/s
60 w1 1 18
1 2 dq v2 250 ´ 250
(4) (d) We have q = w0t + at Þ = w0 + at Centripetal acceleration ac= = = 62.5 m/s2
2 dt r 1000
This is angular velocity at time t.
Now angular velocity at t = 2 sec will be Centripetal acceleration ac 62.5
\ Gravitational acceleration = = = 6.38 : 1
g 9.8
æ dq ö
w = çè dt ÷ø = w0 + 2a = 1 + 2 × 1.5 = 4 rad/sec 2
t = 2sec æ 5ö
2 ç 18 ´ ÷
(5) (d) The distance covered in completing the circle is v è 18 ø
(10) (b) We know that, tan q = =
2pr = 2p × 10 cm rg 100 ´ 10
2 pr 2p ´ 10
The linear speed is v = = = 5p cm/s 1 1
t 4 = Þ q = tan–1
40 40
The linear acceleration is,
v2 (5p )2 (11) (a) The angular velocity is w =
a= = = 2.5 p2 cm/s2 r
r 10 Hence, v = 10 m/s
This acceleration is directed towards the centre of the circle r = 20 cm = 0.2 m \ w = 50 rad/s
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DPP/ P 07 19
(12) (b) Given that w = 1.5t – 3t2 + 2 (18) (a) Let W = Mg be the weight of the car. Friction
force = 0.4 W
a= = 1.5 – 6t
dt M v2 W v2
Centripetal force = =
When, a = 0 r gr
Þ 1.5 – 6t = 0
1.5 W v2
Þt= = 0.25 sec 0.4 W =
6 gr
(13) (c) Given v = 1.5 t2 + 2t Þ v2 = 0.4 × g × r = 0.4 × 9.8 × 30 = 117.6
Linear acceleration a = dv/dt = 3t + 2 Þ v = 10.84 m/sec
This is the linear acceleration at time t (19) (c) Let v be the speed of earth's rotation.
Now angular acceleration at time t We know that W = mg
a 3t + 2 3 m v2
a= Þa= Hence W = mg –
r 2 ´ 10 -2 5 r
Angular acceleration at t = 2 sec
3 m v2
3 ´ 2+2 8 or mg = mg –
5 r
(a)at t = 2sec = = × 102
2 ´ 10 -2 2
2 m v2 2g r
= 4 × 102 = 400 rad/sec2 \ mg = or v2 =
3 r 5
(14) (a) Angular displacement after 4 sec is
1 2 1 2 1 2 ´ 9.8 ´ (6400 ´ 103 )
q = w0t + at = at = × 4 × 42 = 32 rad Now v2 =
2 2 2 5
Angular velocity after 4 sec Solving, we get v = 5 × 109 m/sec,
w = w0 + at = 0 + 4 × 4 = 16 rad/sec
(15) (a) Given a = 3t – t2 æ 2g ö
w= çè ÷ø = 7.8 × 104 radian/sec.
Þ = 3t – t2 Þ dw = (3t – t2)dt (20) (a) Let T be the tension produced in the stretched string.
The centripetal force required for the mass m to move in a
3t 2 t 3 circle is provided by the tension T. The stretched length of
Þ w= - +c the spring is r (radius of the circle). Now,
2 3
Elongation produced in the spring = (r – l0)
At t = 0, w = 0 Tension produced in the spring,
3t 2 t 3 T = k (r – l0) ........ (1)
\ c = 0, w = - Where k is the force constant
2 3 Linear velocity of the motion v = 2p r n
Angular velocity at t = 2 sec, (w)t = 2 sec
mv2 m(2prn)2
3 8 10 \ Centripetal force = =
= (4) - = rad/sec r r
2 3 3
= 4p2 r n2 m ........ (2)
Since there is no angular acceleration after 2 sec
Equating equation. (1) and (2), we get
\ The angular velocity after 6 sec remains the same.
k (r – l0) = 4p2 r n2 m (\ T = mv2/r)
(16) (d) ˆix + yj
ˆ , x = r cos q, 2
Þ kr – k ll0 = 4 p r n m 2

y = r sin q where q = wt r (k – 4p2 n2 m) = k l0

k l0
r = î ( r cos wt) + ĵ (r sin wt) Þ r= ........(3)
(k - 4 p 2 n 2 m)
v = dr/dt = – î (wr sin wt) – ĵ (w r cos wt) Substituting the value of r in eqn. (1) we have
a = d2 r/dt2 = – w2 r
(17) (c) Let R be the normal reaction exerted by the road on the é kl 0 ù 4p 2 n 2 ml 0 k
T=k ê 2 2
- l 0 ú or T =
car. At the highest point, we have ë (k - 4p n m) û (k - 4 p2 n 2 m)
m v2
= mg – R, R should not be negative. (21) (c) Two types of acceleration are experienced by the car
(r + h)
(i) Radial acceleration due to circular path,
Therefore v2 £ (r + a)g = (8.9 + 1.1) × 10
or v2 £ 10 × 10v £ 10 m/sec v2 (30)2
ar = = = 1.8 m/s2
\ vmax = 10 m/sec r 500
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20 DPP/ P 07
(ii) A tangential acceleration due to increase of tangential
speed given by
at = Dv/Dt = 2 m/s2
Radial and tangential acceleration are perpendicular to each
Net acceleration of car
a= 2
a r2 + a 2t = (1.8) 2 + (2) 2 = 2.7 m/s
(22) (a) For A :

N sin q mg rg
Þ = Þ tan q = 2
N cos q 2
mv / r v
mv A2
Required centripetal force = r r rg
3l But tan q = \ = 2
h h v
(net force towards centre = T1)
This will provide required centripetal force Þ v= hg = 9.8 ´ 9.8 ´ 10 -2 = 0.98 m/s
mv A2 (24) (d) (1) Centripetal force is not a real force. It is only the
particle at A, \ T1 = requirement for circular motion. It is not a new kind of
3l force. Any of the forces found in nature such as gravitational
force, electric friction force, tension in string, reaction force
m(vB2 ) may act as centripetal force.
For B : Required centripetal force =
2l (3) Work done by centripetal force is always zero.
Remember w i.e. angular velocity, of all the particles is same
vA vB vC (25) (a) We know, a =
\ w= = = r
3l 2l l
When a system of particles rotates about an axis, the (10)2
Hence v = 10 m/s, r = 5 m \ a = = 20 m/s2
angular velocity of all the particles will be same, but their 5
linear velocity will be different, because of different (26) (a) Given that the mass of the particle, m = 2 kg
distances from axis of rotation i.e. v = rw. Radius of circle = 3 m
Angular velocity = 60 rev/minute
2mv 2A 60 ´ 2p
Thus for B, centripetal force =
9l = rad/sec = 2p rad/sec
Because the angle described during 1 revolution is 2p radian
2mv 2A
Net force towards the centre T2 – T1 = The linear velocity v = rw = 2p × 3 m/s = 6p m/s
v2 (6p )2
The centripetal acceleration = = m/s2
2mv 2A 5mv 2A r 3
Þ T2 = + T1 = (Putting value of T1)
9l 9l = 118.4 m/s2
For C :
(27) (a) F = = mrw2
mvC2 mvA2 r
Centripetal force. = Here m = 0.10 kg, r = 0.5 m
3l 9l
Net force towards centre = T3 – T2 2pn 2 ´ 3.14 ´ 10
and w = = = 2 rad/s
2 2 t 31.4
mvA mvA F = 0.10 × 0.5 × (2)2 = 0.2
\ T3 – T 2 = Þ T3 = + T2
9l 9l (28) (a) In non-uniform circular motion acceleration vector
makes some angle with radius hence it is not
6mvA2 perpendicular to velocity vector.
T3 = (on putting value of T2)
9l (29) (c) If speed is increasing there is a tangential acceleration.
Net acceleration is not pointing towards centre.
mv2 (30) (b) Both statements are true but statement-2 is not correct
(23) (b) N cos q = and N sin q = mg
r explanation for statement-1.

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