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Research article

Biogeosciences, 19, 3185–3208, 2022
© Author(s) 2022. This work is distributed under
the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.

Contrasting vertical distributions of recent planktic foraminifera

off Indonesia during the southeast monsoon: implications for
paleoceanographic reconstructions
Raúl Tapia1 , Sze Ling Ho1 , Hui-Yu Wang1 , Jeroen Groeneveld2 , and Mahyar Mohtadi3
1 Institute
of Oceanography, National Taiwan University, No. 1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Road 10617 Taipei, Taiwan
2 Department
of Geology, University of Hamburg, 20146 Hamburg, Germany
3 MARUM – Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, University of Bremen, 28334 Bremen, Germany

Correspondence: Raúl Tapia ([email protected]) and Sze Ling Ho ([email protected])

Received: 6 December 2021 – Discussion started: 3 January 2022

Revised: 4 April 2022 – Accepted: 3 June 2022 – Published: 7 July 2022

Abstract. Planktic foraminifera are widely used in pale- might stem from the different temporal coverage of these
oceanographic and paleoclimatic studies. The accuracy of sample types. Our findings highlight the need to consider
such reconstructions depends on our understanding of the how foraminiferal assemblages and ecology vary on shorter
organisms’ ecology. Here we report on field observations timescales, i.e., from “snapshots” of the water column cap-
of planktic foraminiferal abundances (> 150 µm) from five tured by a plankton net to seasonal and interannual variabil-
depth intervals between 0–500 m water depth at 37 sites ity as recorded in sediment traps, and how these changes are
in the eastern tropical Indian Ocean. The total planktic transferred and preserved in deep-sea sediments.
foraminiferal assemblage here comprises 29 morphospecies,
with 11 morphospecies accounting for 90 % of the total as-
semblage. Both species composition and dominance in the
net samples are broadly consistent with the published data 1 Introduction
from the corresponding surface sediments.
The abundance and vertical distribution of planktic Planktic foraminifera’s diversity, community composition,
foraminifera are low offshore western Sumatra and increase population dynamics, and their shell chemistry are sensitive
towards offshore southern Java and the Lesser Sunda Is- to hydrographic parameters (e.g., temperature, salinity, food
lands (LSI). Average living depth of Trilobatus trilobus, Glo- availability) of the upper ocean (Bemis et al., 1998; Fair-
bigerinoides ruber, and Globigerina bulloides increases east- banks et al., 1980; Katz et al., 2010). Consequently, their as-
ward, while that of Neogloboquadrina dutertrei, Pulleni- semblage composition and the geochemical signature of their
atina obliquiloculata, and Globorotalia menardii remains shells are routinely used to reconstruct past ocean conditions
constant. We interpret the overall zonal and vertical distri- (e.g., Ding et al., 2006, 2013; Mohtadi et al., 2017; Steinke
bution patterns in planktic foraminiferal abundances as a et al., 2014).
response to the contrasting upper-water-column conditions Since the early observations from Murray (1897), many
during the southeast monsoon, i.e., oligotrophic and strati- studies have evaluated the relationship between seawa-
fied offshore Sumatra (non-upwelling) vs. eutrophic and well ter temperature and planktic foraminiferal distribution and
mixed offshore Java–LSI (upwelling). Overall, the inferred found increasing dominance of cold species with increasing
habitat depths of selected planktic foraminifera species show latitudes (Bé and Hamlin, 1967; Eguchi et al., 1999). This
a good agreement with those from sediment trap sam- relationship with seawater temperature allowed the develop-
ples and from surface sediments off Sumatra, but not with ment of the first comprehensive mapping of past sea sur-
those from surface sediments off Java–LSI. The discrepancy face temperature (SST) (CLIMAP Project Members, 1976).
Subsequent assemblage studies have attempted to improve

Published by Copernicus Publications on behalf of the European Geosciences Union.

3186 R. Tapia et al.: Contrasting vertical distributions of recent planktic foraminifera

the accuracy of past sea surface temperature reconstruction plays in climatic modulation on several timescales (Smith
via the transfer function approach (e.g., Imbrie and Kipp, et al., 2020; Sprintall and Révelard, 2014). Consequently,
1971; Ortiz and Mix, 1997). Although seawater temperature a growing number of oceanographic reconstructions based
has a large influence on the global distribution of planktic on foraminiferal calcite have been published over the last
foraminifera (Kucera, 2007, 2009), other parameters such decade to shed light on the changes in the regional oceano-
as salinity, oxygen content, food availability, turbidity, and graphic processes and climate (Dang et al., 2020; Ding et
upwelling intensity can also exert a strong control on the al., 2013; Fan et al., 2018; Karas et al., 2011; Mohtadi et
abundance, community structure, and vertical distribution al., 2014, 2017; Pang et al., 2021; Steinke et al., 2014; Wang
of planktic foraminifera at regional scales (Anderson et al., et al., 2018). However, our understanding of the ecology of
1979; Davis et al., 2021; Field, 2004; Lessa et al., 2020; Re- planktic foraminifera in this region, especially their vertical
botim et al., 2017; Schiebel and Hemleben, 2017; Tolderlund distribution, relies largely on indirect inferences based on
and Bé, 1971). surface sediments and sediment trap samples (Ding et al.,
In the last decades, geochemical proxies using the calcite 2006; Mohtadi et al., 2007, 2009, 2011). Thus far there is
tests of foraminifera (e.g., isotope δ 18 O and trace elements only one field observation that is focused on the standing
such as Mg/Ca ratios) have become a powerful tool for the stock of planktic foraminifera in surface ocean sampled us-
reconstruction of past ocean conditions (Katz et al., 2010; ing a plankton net (Ujiié, 1968), but this study did not in-
Lea, 2014; Schiebel et al., 2018). The robustness of pale- vestigate the vertical distribution of planktic foraminifera in
oclimate reconstructions derived from foraminiferal calcite the water column. To fill this gap, here we present depth-
proxies is as good as our understanding of the multiple fields stratified (0–500 m) plankton net data from the Indonesian
that planktic foraminiferal biology encompasses (Schiebel et marginal seas off Sumatra, Java, and the Lesser Sunda Is-
al., 2018). For example, reconstructing past changes in the lands (LSI) (Fig. 1). The main goal of this study is to shed
water column structure using multiple planktic foraminiferal light on the spatial distribution of planktic foraminifera dur-
species (e.g., surface vs. deep dweller) requires understand- ing the southeast (SE) monsoon, on the relationship between
ing of the ecology of the selected species, such as seasonal- foraminiferal abundance and environmental parameters, and
ity, habitat depth, and food requirements (Kemle-von Mücke on how these findings compare with sediment trap and core
and Oberhänsli, 1999; Kucera, 2007; Marchant et al., 2004; top assemblage data to further improve our understanding of
Schiebel et al., 2017). One common way of inferring planktic foraminifera-based proxy reconstructions in this region.
foraminifera habitat depth is by using the calcification depth,
obtained by comparing the reconstructed parameters (typi- Study area
cally Mg/Ca SST) from surface sediments with instrumen-
tal data or climatological products (e.g., World Ocean Atlas) Modern oceanography off Indonesia is strongly modulated
(Groeneveld and Chiessi, 2011; Hollstein et al., 2017; Mo- by seasonal monsoons. During the SE monsoon from April
htadi et al., 2011; Steinke et al., 2014; Tapia et al., 2015). to October, the southeasterly winds from Australia induce
In this approach, calcification depth is defined as the water Ekman pumping that generates upwelling along the coast of
depth at which the reconstructed Mg/Ca temperature or sea- southern Sumatra, Java, and the LSI. The peak of upwelling-
water δ 18 O value shows the closest match with the instru- favorable winds occurs at the southernmost coast of Suma-
mental data or climatological product. However, calcification tra (∼ 105◦ E) during July–August, but the upwelling center
depth does not necessarily coincide with the inferred habi- moves northwestward, reaching as far as 100◦ E and 2◦ S in
tat depth where the organisms are observed during sampling. October (Susanto et al., 2001). Seasonal upwelling results
Also, this approach may be associated with uncertainties in increased chlorophyll a concentrations and reduced thick-
arising from a myriad of processes during the settling, depo- ness of the depth of the mixed layer (< 20 m) south of ∼ 4◦ S
sition, and burial that may lead to varying degrees of proxy (Fig. 1, Table A1 in the Appendix). Furthermore, seasonal
signal alteration (Regenberg et al., 2014). Furthermore, ad- upwelling leads to a ∼ 2 ◦ C decrease in SST in compari-
ditional uncertainty stems from the selected proxy calibra- son to the non-upwelling season and a contrast in SST of
tions and the instrumental database used for comparison with ∼ 3 ◦ C between the northern and southern parts of the study
the proxy. “Snapshots” from the water column where plank- area. During the northwest (NW) monsoon from late Octo-
tic foraminifera dwell thus provide additional information to ber to early April, the wind direction is reversed, resulting
improve proxy understanding. in downwelling, lower chlorophyll a concentrations, thicker
The marginal seas of the Indonesian Archipelago are of mixed layer, higher SST south of ∼ 4◦ S, and a more uni-
great climatic importance. Here, the Indonesian Throughflow form SST distribution offshore southern Sumatra, Java, and
(ITF) connects the upper water masses of the Pacific and In- the LSI (Muskananfola et al., 2021; Qu et al., 2005; Susanto
dian oceans, exerting a strong effect on the salinity and heat et al., 2001, 2006). At the interannual timescale, the SST
exchange between these basins (Gordon and Fine, 1996; Gor- variability offshore southern Sumatra, Java, and the LSI can
don, 2005; Tillinger, 2011). This feature has fueled the scien- be larger than 4 ◦ C, showing the influence of climatic modes
tific interest to better understand the role that heat exchange such as El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) or the Indian

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R. Tapia et al.: Contrasting vertical distributions of recent planktic foraminifera 3187

Figure 1. (a) Distribution of the in situ sea surface temperature in the study area during PABESIA cruise on board R/V Sonne in August
2005 (Hebbeln and cruise participants, 2006). The study area was divided into seven land–sea transects (numbered rectangles). The stations
are divided into plankton net (white circles) and water (red diamonds). The locations of the sediment trap (Mohtadi et al., 2009) and surface
sediments (Mohtadi et al., 2007) are indicated by the triangle and squares, respectively. Upper-ocean chlorophyll a (chl a) (retrieved from, last access: 8 November 2021) during (b) January (non-monsoon) and (c) August (SE monsoon) 2005, i.e.,
the sampling period. Temperature map was created with the Ocean Data View 5.2.1 (Schlitzer, 2021).

Ocean Dipole (IOD) (Qu et al., 2005). During years of the El 2.1 Collection of hydrographic data and foraminiferal
Niño (La Niña) phase of the ENSO and the positive (nega- samples
tive) phase of the IOD, intensified (weakened) southeasterly
winds result in stronger (weaker) coastal upwelling, leading
to abnormally low (high) SSTs offshore southern Sumatra The characterization of the physicochemical properties of
and Java (Du and Zhang, 2015; Mohtadi et al., 2011; Qu et the water column (i.e., temperature, salinity, nutrients, oxy-
al., 2005). gen, and in situ chlorophyll a) was obtained from CTD
(conductivity–temperature–depth) and water samples col-
lected using a rosette water sampler equipped with 24 Niskin
2 Materials and methods bottles (10 L volume each) and a Seabird SBE911 probe
(Hebbeln and cruise participants, 2006) across 45 water sta-
Multinet samples were collected between August and tions (see Table A1). These hydrographic data are available
September 2005 during R/V Sonne cruise SO-184 (Hebbeln in the cruise report of SO-184 (Hebbeln and cruise partici-
and cruise participants, 2006). The 47 sampling sites are pants, 2006). Briefly, the dissolved oxygen was determined
grouped into seven land–sea transects off Sumatra (n = 4), using an automated titrator (TitroLine alpha), which is con-
Java (n = 2), and the LSI (n = 1) (Fig. 1; details in Ta- trolled by a redox electrode and a color agent (starch solu-
ble A1). tion), on a self-constructed titration board for ship cruises ac-
cording to the World Ocean Circulation Experiment (WOCE) Biogeosciences, 19, 3185–3208, 2022

3188 R. Tapia et al.: Contrasting vertical distributions of recent planktic foraminifera

protocol (Hebbeln and cruise participants, 2006). Chloro- per volume of seawater passing through the opening of the
phyll a measurements were performed using a SFM25 spec- net (individuals m−3 ).
trofluorometer (KONTRON). The measurements were done Vertical habitat preferences were estimated using the to-
with 1 cm cuvettes at a 435 nm excitation wavelength and tal abundance of each species in each vertical profile. As we
a 667 nm emission wavelength (Hebbeln and cruise partic- did not discriminate between living and dead specimens, this
ipants, 2006). approach may have led to an overestimation of the habitat
The plankton samples (n = 37; Table A1) were obtained depth, for instance when specimens were found in deep nets.
using a MultiNet sampler (Hydro-Bios, Kiel, Germany). The Therefore, we refrain from interpreting individual multinet
gear is comprised of five individual 64 µm nets with an open- deployments, which may be prone to the aforementioned
ing of 0.25 m2 . The nets were lowered to a water depth of bias. Instead, we base our interpretations on the median value
500 m and vertically towed with a maximum winch speed of transects, each consisting of at least three multinet deploy-
of 0.2 m s−1 along five depth intervals of 500 to 200, 200 ments. The proportion of dead specimens, if any, likely varies
to 100, 100 to 50, 50 to 25, and 25 to 0 m depth. At the across stations; thus averaging over stations yields estimates
end of each depth interval the MultiNet sampler was stopped that are less prone to single-site bias. This approach might
to open the next net, automatically closing the previous net. also mitigate potential biases caused by patchy occurrences
Once on board the samples were poisoned with 1 mL satu- of planktic foraminifera in the water column, in both lateral
rated HgCl solution and stored at 4 ◦ C (Hebbeln and cruise and vertical directions (Meilland et al., 2019). To facilitate
participants, 2006). The volume of water passed through the comparison with previous studies and to avoid bias due to
net opening was calculated as the product of the height of the different sampling strategies, we used average living depth
towed intervals and the area of the net opening. (ALD) (Jorissen et al., 1995) to discuss the vertical habitat of
planktic foraminifera. ALD is defined as
2.2 Foraminiferal identification and census count
ni · Di
ALD = ,
The taxonomic identification of the planktic foraminifera
where ni is the number of specimens in the interval i of a par-
was based on Parker (1962), Kennett and Srinivasan (1983),
ticular species, Di is the midpoint of the sampled interval i,
and Hemleben et al. (1989). We used the same taxonomic
and N is the total number of individuals for all the depth lev-
approach as in previous studies based on surface sediments
els of that particular species. For the calculation of the ALD,
(Mohtadi et al., 2007) and a sediment trap (Mohtadi et al.,
we followed the approach suggested by Rebotim et al. (2017)
2009, 2011). The only exceptions are for Globigerinoides
by considering only stations with at least five individuals of
elongatus and Trilobatus trilobus as the names of these
a given species.
species have been updated recently by Aurahs et al. (2009)
The 95 % confidence interval of the species ALD for
and Spezzaferi et al. (2015), respectively. Here the species
the upwelling vs. non-upwelling region (Table 1) was esti-
Globigerinoides ruber (white) can occur in two morphotypes
mated using non-parametric randomization tests, i.e., boot-
(Mohtadi et al., 2009, 2011), namely G. ruber sensu stricto
strap (Manly, 1997), as the distributions of ALDs of either re-
(s.s.) and sensu lato (s.l.). As G. ruber (s.l.) is now identi-
gion do not meet normal distributions required for parametric
fied as a separate species, Globigerinoides elongatus (Aurahs
tests due to small sample sizes. The upwelling region consists
et al., 2009), we have included this distinction. The distinc-
of transects 5–7, while the non-upwelling region consists of
tion was done according to the approach of Wang (2000);
transects 1–3. We permuted the ALDs of each species for the
specimens with spherical chambers sitting on the previous
upwelling and non-upwelling region, respectively, simulat-
suture and high arched primary aperture were classified as
ing the differences in mean ALDs between these permuted
G. ruber (white). Meanwhile, more compressed organisms
sites with 999 replicates. We then sorted the sequence of 999
with subspherical chambers and low arched primary aper-
differences in mean ALDs, which approximated all possible
ture were classified as G. elongatus. In the case of the genus
outcomes of the lack of differences in mean ALDs between
Trilobatus, we integrated the sacculifer morphotype, i.e., in-
upwelling vs. non-upwelling sites. We determined the prob-
dividuals with a sac-like final chamber, into the counts of T.
ability of the observed between-region difference in mean
trilobus (individuals with a regular, globular terminal cham-
ALDs as one quantile of the observed estimate in the sorted
ber). The distinction of Neogloboquadrina dutertrei from
sequence. The probability (P value) < 0.05 represents sig-
Neogloboquadrina incompta was made according to the ap-
nificant differences in mean ALDs between regions. Statisti-
proach of Mohtadi et al. (2009), based on the presence of an
cal analysis was performed in the R language (R core Team,
umbilical tooth and the occurrence of more than four cham-
2020; code available upon request).
bers per whorl (Parker, 1962). The samples were separated
into four size classes (> 500, 500–355, 355–250, and 250–
150 µm) and stored in foraminiferal microslides. Here we re-
port the foraminiferal abundances > 150 µm as individuals

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Table 1. The 95 % confidence interval of the habitat depth of six species of planktic foraminifera in upwelling vs. non-upwelling regions. The
upwelling region consists of transects 5–7, while the non-upwelling region consists of transects 1–3. Details of the calculation are described
in the “Materials and methods” section.

Species Non-upwelling Upwelling Mean 1ALD(upw−nupw) P value

Lower 95 % CI Upper 95 % CI Lower 95 % CI Upper 95 % CI (m)
(m) (m) (m) (m)
T. trilobus 30.5 48.4 71.7 103.1 49.5 < 0.001∗
G. ruber(white) 56.5 87.1 82.4 118.4 29.1 0.017∗
G. bulloides 55.6 156.1 118.1 175.3 45.2 0.057
P. obliquiloculata NA NA 81.3 105.8 NA –
N. dutertrei NA NA 72.9 102.1 NA –
∗ Difference in ALD for the two regions is statistically significant. Abbreviations: CI for confidence interval, ALD for average living depth, upw – nupw for upwelling minus
non-upwelling, NA for no data available.

3 Results The thermal mixed-layer depth (MLDTEMP ) for this re-

gion, defined as the depth where the temperature is > 0.8 ◦ C
colder than the SST (Kara et al., 2000; Qu et al., 2005),
3.1 Hydrological conditions
roughly marks the top of the thermocline depth and ranges
from ∼ 13 to ∼ 91 m (Table A1 and Fig. 2a). We note that a
Across the sampled depths (0–500 m) of the plankton nets, different approach in defining mixed-layer depth (e.g., Boyer
the water temperature ranges from ∼ 8 to ∼ 30 ◦ C, the Montégut et al., 2004, for global ocean), would result in dif-
salinity from 33.5 to 35.1, the in situ chl a from ∼ 0.2 ferent thickness of the mixed layer, but this does not change
to ∼ 0.7 mg m−3 , and the oxygen concentration from 1.2– the spatial pattern that is the focus of the discussion here.
∼ 5 mL L−1 (Fig. 2a–d). Sea surface temperature shows a The MLDTEMP varies zonally; off Sumatra the MLDTEMP
strong zonal contrast, with colder conditions off Java–LSI (∼ 70 m) is on average twice the thickness of that off Java–
and warmer conditions off Sumatra (Fig. 2a). This zonal pat- LSI (∼ 33 m) (see Table A1). The barrier layer separates the
tern remains across all the sampled depths from the surface well-mixed upper ocean from the thermocline. Here, the bar-
to a water depth of 500 m (Fig. A1 in the Appendix). Sim- rier layer is defined as the MLDTEMP minus the mixed-layer
ilarly, salinity also shows a strong zonal contrast as fresher depth calculated using density, namely MLDDEN (Qu and
conditions dominate the upper 50 m of the water column off Meyers, 2005). It ranges between 0 and ∼ 72 m thickness and
Sumatra, while more saline conditions dominate the upper follows a similar spatial distribution as the MLDTEMP , with
ocean off Java (< 50 m) (Fig. 2b). This pattern reverses at an average thickness of ∼ 38 m off Sumatra and ∼ 3 m off
depths > 50 m, with more saline conditions off Sumatra than Java–LSI (Table A1). The upper-water-column stratification,
Java and the LSI. SI0–200 , is defined as the temperature difference between the
In situ chl a for 0–25 m water depth is on average ∼ sea surface and 200 m (Somavilla et al., 2017). The SI0–200
0.65 mg m−3 , with no zonal patterns across the study area values are higher off Sumatra than off Java and the LSI, indi-
(Table A1 and Fig. 2c). Lower-than-average chl a values can cating a more stratified upper water column off Sumatra (Ta-
be found at two oceanic stations from transect 3 off Suma- ble A1). These observations suggest two contrasting hydro-
tra, that is, sites GeoB10003 (0.28 mg m−3 ) and GeoB10007 logical conditions in the study area, with strong (weak) wa-
(0.34 mg m−3 ) (Table A1). Despite the absence of a zonal ter column stratification, thick (thin) mixed layer and barrier
divide in surface chl a, at depths > 50 m the vertical distri- layer, and low (high) subsurface water entrainment towards
bution differs between Sumatra and further east (∼ 105◦ E; the surface off Sumatra (off Java–LSI), in agreement with
Fig. 2c). Off Sumatra (< 105◦ E), chl a is mainly restricted the observed geographical extension of the coastal upwelling
to the upper 100 m of the water column, while high chl a (Fig. 1c) during the SE monsoon (Susanto and Marra, 2005;
values > 0.3 mg m−3 (> 105◦ E) can reach as deep as 500 m Susanto et al., 2001).
at the easternmost study area, i.e., transect 7 around Sumba Multivariate analysis (non-metric multidimensional scal-
Island (Fig. 2c). The distribution of oxygen content across ing) performed on the in situ hydrographic data obtained dur-
the water column matches the distribution of in situ chl a; ing the cruise provides further evidence that the study area
i.e., high dissolved oxygen concentrations (> 2 mL L−1 ) are consists of three hydrologically distinct regions (Fig. 3), con-
restricted to the upper 100 m of the water column off Suma- stituting transects 1–3, 4, and 5–7, respectively. The cluster
tra, while high dissolved oxygen concentrations off Java and off Java and the LSI that encompasses transects 5 to 7 is
particularly around Sumba (transect 7) can reach as deep as characterized by lower SST (< 29 ◦ C), saltier surface ocean,
500 m (Fig. 2d). shallow mixed layer, and chl a with a larger vertical disper- Biogeosciences, 19, 3185–3208, 2022

3190 R. Tapia et al.: Contrasting vertical distributions of recent planktic foraminifera

transects 1–3 in the non-upwelling sector and transects 5–7

in the upwelling sector.

Planktic foraminiferal assemblage and absolute


The total composition of the planktic foraminiferal

species comprises 29 morphospecies. Eleven morphospecies,
namely Globigerina bulloides, Globigerinella calida, Glo-
bigerinita glutinata, Globigerinoides ruber (white), Trilo-
batus trilobus, Globorotalia menardii, Neogloboquadrina
dutertrei, Globorotalia hirsuta, Globigerina falconensis,
Pulleniatina obliquiloculata, and Globigerinella siphonifera,
accounted for 90 % of the total assemblage (Fig. 4a).
The abundance of planktic foraminifera ranges from ∼ 3
to ∼ 80 individuals m−3 , and shows a strong zonal divide
(Fig. 4b and c). The lowest abundances, with median val-
ues ranging between ∼ 4 and ∼ 12 individuals m−3 , occur
off Sumatra (transects 1–3) (Fig. 4b and c), while the high-
est abundances, with median values ranging between 18 and
35 individuals m−3 , occur off southern Sumatra and Java–
LSI (transects 5–7) (Fig. 4b and c).

3.2 Vertical distribution of paleoceanographically

relevant species

Similar to the spatial pattern of total abundance in each tran-

sect (Fig. 4b), the vertical dispersion of planktic foraminifera
abundance across the water column shows a strong zonal
pattern (Fig. 5a). Off Sumatra, the vertical distribution of
planktic foraminiferal abundance is characterized by a high
concentration in the upper 50 m (i.e., > 30 % of the total
abundance) and a rapid decrease toward deeper levels, with
≤ 15 % of the total abundance occurring between 50 and
Figure 2. Cross-sections of (a) water temperature, (b) salinity, 500 m water depth. Meanwhile, off Java and the LSI, plank-
(c) chl a, and (d) oxygen content of the upper 500 m of the wa- tic foraminifera can be found throughout the upper 500 m
ter column during the sampling period. Location of the stations of the water column. Unlike for stations off Sumatra, here
comprising the cross-section are depicted in the inset of (a). Ther- the first 50 m of water column is relatively poor in planktic
mal mixed-layer depth (MLDTEMP ), density mixed-layer depth foraminifera, and the highest concentration (> 20 % of the
(MLDDEN ), and barrier layer (BL) are marked in (a). Numbers and total abundance) occurs between 50 and 100 m water depth.
horizontal lines on top show each transect (1 to 7). Visualization is
This general pattern is true for all stations off Java–LSI ex-
based on Ocean Data View 5.2.1 (Schlitzer, 2021).
cept station GeoB10062-1 (Fig. 4c).
In the following section, we describe the vertical distri-
bution of six species of planktic foraminifera that are typi-
sion, i.e., conditions typical of seasonal upwelling during the cally used in paleoceanographic studies (for example, Caley
southeast monsoon. Meanwhile, the cluster off Sumatra that et al., 2012; Ding et al., 2013; Mohtadi et al., 2017; Steinke
encompasses transects 1 to 3 is characterized by higher SST et al., 2014; Tapia et al., 2019), namely T. trilobus, G. ruber
(> 29 ◦ C), fresher surface ocean, deep mixed layer, and chl a (white), G. bulloides, N. dutertrei, P. obliquiloculata, and G.
with low vertical dispersion. A third cluster consists solely menardii. Trilobatus trilobus exhibits a surface distribution
of transect 4, which reflects transitional conditions as here with most of the organisms dwelling in the upper 50 m of the
we can observe a large dispersion in the values of the pa- water column. Interestingly, some differences in their vertical
rameters analyzed (see Table A1), and its location coincides distribution can be observed between sectors (i.e., Sumatra
with the northernmost extent of upwelling-favorable winds vs. Java–LSI) (Fig. 5b). In the Sumatra sector, T. trilobus is
(see Sect. 1.1). The multivariate analysis performed on hy- highly concentrated within the upper 30 m of the water col-
drographic data separates the sites into two main groups, i.e., umn, showing a small vertical dispersion as its occurrence

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Figure 3. Non-metric multidimensional scaling of the in situ hydrographic parameters shows three main clusters. Cluster 1 includes tran-
sects 5 to 7 off Java and the LSI influenced by upwelling (upwelling; blue). Cluster 3 includes transects 1 to 3 located off Sumatra which are
not influenced by upwelling (non-upwelling; red). Cluster 2 consists of only transect 4, which represents a transitional condition between
Sumatra and Java–LSI (green). Locations of the stations are shown in the inset at the top right corner of the figure.

below 75 m is rare (Fig. 5b). Meanwhile, offshore Java and ter column agrees with previous studies that categorize these
the LSI, T. trilobus shows a larger vertical dispersion with a species as surface-mixed-layer dwellers (T. trilobus and G.
relatively high concentration as deep as 100–200 m (Fig. 5b). ruber (white)) or as deep-thermocline dwellers (N. dutertrei,
The vertical distribution of G. ruber (white) shares some sim- P. obliquiloculata, and G. menardii) (Birch et al., 2013; Faul,
ilarities with T. trilobus, that is, high concentration of speci- 2000; Hemleben et al., 1989; Lessa et al., 2020; Rebotim et
mens within the first 50 m of the water column off Sumatra al., 2017; Steph et al., 2009).
and a larger dispersion off Java and the LSI (Fig. 5c). How- The ALD calculated from the total abundance (living +
ever, the vertical distribution of G. ruber (white) off Java sug- dead specimens) of the selected species ranges between 47
gests an even larger vertical dispersion than that of T. trilobus and 113 m water depth (Fig. 6). The ALD for G. menardii,
as G. ruber (white) shows that the isocline depicting 20 % N. dutertrei, and P. obliquiloculata indicates that the habitat
of the population stretches from 100 to 400 m water depth depth of these species is located between ∼ 67 and ∼ 87 m.
(Fig. 5c). Globigerina bulloides shows no clear pattern in its The ALD value for G. bulloides suggests that the habitat
vertical preference off Sumatra, occupying both upper and depth of this species in the study area is ∼ 113 m, much
lower depths. In contrast, off Java and the LSI this species deeper than the mixed layer in the study area. Meanwhile,
seems to prefer water depths below the thermocline between the ALD for mixed-layer species is ∼ 49 m for T. trilobus
100 and 350 m (Fig. 5d). Pulleniatina obliquiloculata and N. and ∼ 69 m for G. ruber (white), respectively. Interestingly,
dutertrei (Fig. 5e and f) show a similar distribution, with a the ALD of surface-dwelling G. ruber (white) is similar to
high occurrence of individuals between ∼ 50 and ∼ 100 m that of some thermocline-dwelling species.
water depth. This feature seems to be constant throughout
the study area. Although G. menardii is found mostly below
30 m water depth, its vertical distribution deepens along the
study area, from dwelling at ∼ 50 m water depth off Suma-
tra to ∼ 150 m water depth off Java–LSI (Fig. 5g). Overall,
abundance distribution of the selected species across the wa- Biogeosciences, 19, 3185–3208, 2022

3192 R. Tapia et al.: Contrasting vertical distributions of recent planktic foraminifera

Figure 4. Summary of planktic foraminifera census counts off Indonesia. (a) Species with > 2 % contribution to the total assemblage,
(b) abundance distribution of planktic foraminifera in transects 1 to 7, and (c) abundance of planktic foraminifera by water depth interval at
each station. Numbers in (b) represent transects 1 to 7 (italic) and median values of transects (bold); colors in (b) depict sectors off Sumatra
(red), transitional sectors (green), and off Java–LSI (blue). The five sampled water depths are 0–25 m (tangerine), 25–50 m (orange), 50–
100 m (white), 100–200 m (lilac), and 200–500 m (purple). Stations are grouped by transect (number). Schematic of the box plots showing
the median value (horizontal line); the whisker marks the minimum (min) and maximum (max) values. White dots denote the mean of data
distribution. Note the difference between the mean and median, where the former is more susceptible to extreme low and high values. Please
note the different scales for the y axis in (b) (log scale) and (c) (linear scale).

4 Discussion observed in the surface sediments off Indonesia (n = 18,

size fraction > 150 µm) (Ding et al., 2006) but lower than
4.1 Planktic foraminiferal abundance and assemblage that observed in a sediment trap off Java (n = 37, size frac-
off Indonesia tion > 150 µm) (Mohtadi et al., 2009). Higher diversity in
our data compared to those of Ding et al. (2006) may be
The total number of species (n = 29, size fraction > 150 µm) due to the loss of fragile and dissolution-prone species (e.g.,
observed in the plankton net samples collected during August Hastigerinella digitata, Turborotalita humilis, Globigerinita
and September 2005 is higher than the number of species

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R. Tapia et al.: Contrasting vertical distributions of recent planktic foraminifera 3193

Figure 5. Cross-sections showing the vertical distribution across the water column of (a) the total community of planktic foraminifera and
the species, (b) T. trilobus, (c) G. ruber (white), (d) G. bulloides, (e) N. dutertrei, (f) P. obliquiloculata, and (g) G. menardii. Numbers and
horizontal lines on top of (a) show each transect (1 to 7). Visualization is based on Ocean Data View 5.2.1 (Schlitzer, 2021).

uvula) in the sedimentary record since only 4 of the 13 sites sia reported a warm bias in the assemblage due to anthro-
collected from the upwelling area off Java by Ding et al. pogenic effects and the likelihood that the water column may
(2006) are above the lysocline (∼ 2400–2800 m water depth) have changed over the last few decades (Jonkers et al., 2019).
(Ding et al., 2006; Mohtadi et al., 2007). On the other hand, We note that their approach is based on the biogeography
the longer temporal interval spanned by sediment trap sam- of planktic foraminifera; i.e., each species occupies a spe-
ples off Java (3 months) compared to our sampling period cific thermal niche, which may span a temperature range of
(6 weeks) makes it possible to collect species with sporadic > 10 ◦ C for some tropical species. On the other hand, our
occurrence throughout the year. A recent global compilation main findings about the habitat depth and implications for
study which includes the sediment trap data from Indone- paleoclimate reconstruction are based on individual species. Biogeosciences, 19, 3185–3208, 2022

3194 R. Tapia et al.: Contrasting vertical distributions of recent planktic foraminifera

T. trilobus, which predominantly occurs under warm olig-

otrophic conditions, G. ruber (white) displays a more oppor-
tunistic behavior as this species can be abundant and occurs
in a larger range of trophic conditions, from oligotrophic to
eutrophic due to its ability to feed on a greater variety of
food sources (Schiebel and Hemleben, 2017; Schiebel et al.,
Off Sumatra without upwelling, G. ruber (white), G. elon-
gatus, and T. trilobus account for ∼ 44 % of the total as-
semblage, while the species associated with high productiv-
ity or upwelling conditions have a minor presence (G. bul-
loides (∼ 8 %) and G. glutinata (∼ 9 %)) or are rare to ab-
sent (N. dutertrei, < 2 %) (Fig. 7a). On the other hand, off
Java and the LSI, where upwelling occurs, the assemblage
composition is strongly dominated by G. bulloides (21 %);
G. glutinata (14 %); and the deep-dwelling species associ-
ated with high productivity, i.e., N. dutertrei, G. menardii,
and P. obliquiloculata, together contributing 18 % of the total
assemblage. Trilobatus trilobus and G. ruber (white), con-
tribute only 7 % and 8 %, respectively, of the total assem-
blage off Java and the LSI (Fig. 7b).
Figure 6. Average living depth (ALD) of the species T. trilobus, Interestingly, despite methodological differences (sam-
G. ruber (white), G. bulloides, N. dutertrei, P. obliquiloculata, and pling season and water depth, size fraction analyzed), our
G. menardii. The calculation includes only stations with more than results are broadly consistent with those of a plankton net
five specimens per species (n). Schematic of the box plots showing study carried out here in late autumn–early winter of 1963
the median value (horizontal line); the whisker marks the minimum at the end of the upwelling season (Ujiié, 1968). Ujiié found
(min) and maximum (max) values. Symbols (white circles) depict that the assemblage of planktic foraminifera off Java con-
the ALD values. Note log scale for y axis. sisted of a mixture of species associated with nutrient-rich
and nutrient-poor waters, dominated by N. dutertrei (28 %),
G. ruber (22 %), and T. trilobus (10 %). On the other hand,
The selected species are not dwelling at the limit of their off Sumatra (100◦ E) oligotrophic species T. trilobus and G.
thermal niche; thus as long as these species do not substan- ruber accounted for 56 % of the total assemblage of plank-
tially shift their thermal niche over time, we do not expect tic foraminifera. Thus, the assemblage and dominant species
any large bias due to the reported anthropogenic changes in characterizing these two sectors seem to persist until the
foraminiferal assemblage. end of the upwelling season. The spatial contrast in the
The abundance of planktic foraminifera in the upwelling composition and abundance of planktic foraminiferal species
sector of Java–LSI is 4 to 8 times higher than that in the non- (Figs. 4 and 7) in upwelling vs. non-upwelling conditions
upwelling Sumatra sector (Fig. 4b). Higher foraminiferal suggests that the hydrographic changes related to upwelling
abundance in the presence of upwelling is consistent with govern the distribution of planktic foraminifera. This find-
previous studies and is likely due to higher food availability ing is consistent with previous studies suggesting that off
when upwelling occurs (Kimoto, 2015; Schiebel and Hem- Indonesia, seasonal upwelling plays a critical role in mod-
leben, 2005; Schiebel et al., 2001). Species such as G. bul- ulating the ecology of planktic foraminifera (Ding et al.,
loides, G. glutinata, and G. falconensis have been classified 2006; Mohtadi et al., 2007, 2009, 2011; Ujiié, 1968). Con-
as species associated with upwelling conditions, and their sequently, foraminiferal abundances (Fig. 4b) and species
abundances are positively correlated with the intensity of the composition in plankton net samples collected during the SE
upwelling (Brock et al., 1992; Cayre et al., 1999; Conan and monsoon season reflect the transition, in space, from olig-
Brummer, 2000; Sautter and Sancetta, 1992). Species such otrophic, deep-mixed-layer and more stratified upper-water-
as N. dutertrei, P. obliquiloculata, and G. menardii normally column conditions (Sumatra) to a more eutrophic, shallow
live in nutrient-rich waters below the mixed layer in the ther- mixed layer and well-mixed upper water column (Java and
mocline (Sautter and Thunell, 1991). Meanwhile, T. trilobus the LSI). The transition zone between the two hydrographic
and G. ruber (white) occur in areas with a thick mixed layer. regimes for the period August–September is located off the
These mixed-layer dwellers have many similarities, includ- Sunda Strait (∼ 103 – ∼ 105◦ W) (Fig. 1c) (Susanto et al.,
ing life span (of 2 to 4 weeks), feeding strategies, and repro- 2001). Altogether, the aforementioned observations suggest
duction synchronized with the synodic lunar cycle (Schiebel that changes in the temporal extent, intensity, and zonal cov-
and Hemleben, 2017, and references therein). Compared to erage of the seasonal upwelling might have a profound effect

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R. Tapia et al.: Contrasting vertical distributions of recent planktic foraminifera 3195

Figure 7. Planktic foraminiferal assemblage in samples of (a, b) plankton nets (this study) and (c, d) surface sediments (data from Mohtadi
et al., 2007) off Sumatra (transect 1–3) and off Java–LSI (transect 5–7). Mohtadi et al. (2007) did not differentiate between morphotypes; *G.
ruber data comprise both morphotypes (G. ruber (white) + G. elongatus). Note that G. ruber (white) and G. elongatus data from plankton
nets are plotted side by side to facilitate visual comparison with *G. ruber in sediment data.

on the ecology of planktic foraminifera in the study area. calida are found in sediments (Ding et al., 2006), albeit at a
Interestingly, the zonal divide in planktic foraminiferal as- lower proportion than in our plankton net data.
semblage between non-upwelling and upwelling regions ob-
served in our net data is also reflected to some degree in sur- 4.2 Planktic foraminifera habitat depth off Indonesia
face sediments (Fig. 7c and d). Similar to what we observed
in the plankton net data of the SE monsoon, the assemblage Processes such as daily vertical migration and reproduc-
in sediments off Sumatra is dominated by G. ruber (white), tion may play a role in the vertical distribution of planktic
while that off Java is dominated by G. bulloides. However, foraminifera. The effect of daily vertical migration cannot be
the proportion of less dominant species differs for plankton properly assessed by our sampling design, but there is strong
net and sediment samples. For instance, G. calida consti- evidence that argues against daily vertical migration in plank-
tutes 12 % of Java net samples but only 4 % in the sediments. tic foraminifera (Meilland et al., 2019). However, it cannot
This discrepancy may reflect a different temporal coverage be excluded that lateral patchiness of foraminiferal occur-
of these two sample types; i.e., surface sediments integrate rence affects the vertical distribution, as proposed recently by
over tens to hundreds of years, whereas net samples provide Meilland et al. (2019). To buffer against this potential caveat
only a “snapshot” of the sampling period during the SE mon- as well as potential bias due to dead specimens collected at
soon. The test of G. calida is relatively fragile; thus post- depths (details in Sect. 2.2), we interpret data averaged over
depositional processes like carbonate dissolution may also several stations within each individual transects.
bias the assemblage in sediments (Ding et al., 2006). The ef- In the case of a modified vertical distribution due to syn-
fect of dissolution is likely not severe as most of the stations chronized reproduction – if some species reproduced consis-
are above the lysocline (Mohtadi et al., 2007), and some G. tently in phase with the full moon (Schiebel and Hemleben,
2017) – changes in the size class distribution should be no-
ticeable before and after the occurrence of a full moon during Biogeosciences, 19, 3185–3208, 2022

3196 R. Tapia et al.: Contrasting vertical distributions of recent planktic foraminifera

the sampling period. Among all the species selected, G. ruber parable across mixed-layer dwellers. Therefore, the inclusion
(white), N. dutertrei, and G. menardii show changes in their of dead specimens may not necessarily result in a severe bias
size class distribution consistent with this pattern (Fig. A2). in the habitat depth estimates. Furthermore, the agreement in
The other species show equal distribution of the larger and the habitat depth of T. trilobus inferred from sediments and
smaller size fractions before and after a full moon. We note our ALD calculation also suggests that dead specimens likely
that samples off Sumatra (Java–LSI) were collected before do not make up a large portion of the net samples; the same
(after) the full moon, making it difficult to disentangle the is probably true for G. ruber (white) from the same samples.
effect of hydrography and synchronized reproduction. Al- Together, these observations suggest that the relatively deep
though we cannot completely rule out ontogenic vertical mi- ALD calculated for G. ruber (white) is likely a robust finding
gration, the lack of coherence between the calculated ALDs and not severely biased by the inclusion of dead specimens
and the moon phase argues against ontogenic vertical migra- in the calculation.
tion as a primary driver of the habitat depth distribution in
the study area. 4.4 Dominant species in nutrient-rich waters:
The discussion in the following sub-sections focuses on N. dutertrei, P. obliquiloculata, G. menardii, and
species that are commonly used in geochemical analyses for G. bulloides
paleoceanographic reconstruction, namely G. ruber (white),
T. trilobus, N. dutertrei, P. obliquiloculata, G. menardii, and Species such as N. dutertrei, P. obliquiloculata, G. menardii,
G. bulloides. Importantly, the habitat depth of these species and G. bulloides are normally associated with high food
was also the focus of several previous studies in the region availability and dwell in the upper water column across the
based on a sediment trap and surface sediments (Mohtadi et mixed layer and upper part of the thermocline (Schiebel
al., 2007, 2009, 2011). and Hemleben, 2017, and references therein). The habi-
tat depth based on ALD calculation of the deep-dwelling
4.3 Dominant species in nutrient-poor waters: G. ruber species, N. dutertrei (median = 82 m) and P. obliquiloculata
and T. trilobus (median = 87 m) (Fig. 7), shows a good agreement with the
habitat depth inferred from both sediment trap time series
Many studies have shown that G. ruber (white) and T. and surface sediments, i.e., 75–100 m for N. dutertrei and
trilobus have mixed-layer habitat preferences in oligotrophic 60–90 m for P. obliquiloculata, respectively (Mohtadi et al.,
conditions (Bé, 1977; Duplessy et al., 1981; Fairbanks et al., 2009, 2011). These habitat depth estimates are close to the
1980; Kuroyanagi and Kawahata, 2004); thus they are con- lower end of the range for these species in regions influ-
sidered reliable recorders of changes in the surface ocean enced by the Benguela and Canary upwelling system in the
at different timescales. However, the habitat depth of these Atlantic Ocean, that is, ALDs of 52 ± 32 m for N. dutertrei
species may change from area to area depending on the local and 45 ± 31 m for P. obliquiloculata, respectively (Lessa et
hydrography, e.g., the depth of the mixed layer (Schiebel and al., 2020; Rebotim et al., 2017). Similarly, the habitat depth
Hemleben, 2017, and references therein). of G. menardii off Indonesia is also at the lower end of its
The calculated habitat depth for G. ruber (white) habitat depth observed off Africa in waters influenced by the
(median = 69 m) (Fig. 6) is deeper than the habitat depth es- Benguela Upwelling System (ALD of 39 ± 22 m) (Lessa et
timated from surface sediments for the study area (20–50 m) al., 2020). Notably, of all the species only G. menardii shows
(Mohtadi et al., 2007, 2011). In contrast, the calculated habi- a shallower habitat depth (median = 67 m) (Fig. 8) than that
tat depth for T. trilobus (median = 49 m) (Fig. 7) is similar inferred from sediment trap data (90 to 110 m) (Mohtadi et
to the calcification depth estimated using surface sediments al., 2009). A habitat depth of 67–87 m water depth, for G.
off Indonesia (∼ 50 m) (Mohtadi et al., 2011). The relatively menardii, N. dutertrei, and P. obliquiloculata, places them
great habitat depth shown by G. ruber (white) may be re- just below the lower boundary of the mixed layer, which is
lated to the lack of living planktic foraminifera specimens on average 52 m (Table A1).
and the use of total counts in the calculation of the ALD (see Globigerina bulloides has a median habitat depth of 113 m
Sect. 2.2). (Fig. 6); this value is almost twice the mean habitat depth es-
Previous studies have suggested that a deepening of the timated from surface sediments off Indonesia (∼ 50 m) (Mo-
habitat depth due to the use of total counts can be considered htadi et al., 2011) and close to the low end of the observed
marginal (Greco et al., 2019). For example, in the area influ- habitat depth, i.e., 57 ± 10 to 102 ± 67 m, for this species in
enced by the upwelling, including both live and dead (total) the Atlantic (areas under influence of Benguela and Canary
specimens in the calculation of ALD leads to an increase of upwelling) (Lessa et al., 2020; Rebotim et al., 2017). Glo-
only ∼ 4 to 15 m for G. ruber (Lessa et al., 2020; Rebotim bigerina bulloides is an opportunistic species whose abun-
et al., 2017). Similar overestimation, 2–13 m, in the habitat dance and habitat depth have been linked to food availability
depth of T. trilobus is observed when dead specimens are in- in the water column (Peeters and Brummer, 2002). There-
cluded in the ALD, suggesting that the bias in ALD calcula- fore, it is possible that its habitat depth follows the depths
tion caused by inclusion of dead specimens should be com- where food availability is the highest in the water column.

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R. Tapia et al.: Contrasting vertical distributions of recent planktic foraminifera 3197

Figure 8. Average living depth (ALD) distribution for (a) T. trilobus, (b) G. ruber (white), (c) G. bulloides, (d) N. dutertrei, (e) P. obliquiloc-
ulata, and (f) G. menardii per transect off Sumatra (red), in the transitional zone off southern Sumatra (green), and off Java–LSI (blue).
The calculation only considers stations with more than five counts per species. The yellow and light-blue boxes depict the first and third
quartiles of the ALD values off Sumatra (non-upwelling) and off Java–LSI (upwelling); black bars and numbers depict the median value
per sector. Boxes depict the inferred vertical distribution from surface sediments (gray) along Indonesia and from the sediment trap (pattern)
off Java (Mohtadi et al., 2009, 2011). Colored dots and vertical lines depict calculated mean ALDs and vertical dispersion based on living
foraminifera data from areas influenced by the Benguela (green) and Canary (purple) upwelling systems (Lessa et al., 2020; Rebotim et al.,
2017). ALDs for other species are presented in Fig. A3.

The comparison of its median ALD value off Sumatra (non- 4.5 Zonal differences in the habitat depth:
upwelling) and off Java–LSI (upwelling) shows a deepening non-upwelling vs. upwelling
from ∼ 64 to ∼ 152 m, respectively. This finding suggests
that regional differences in the habitat depth of some planktic Previous studies off Indonesia matching geochemical data
foraminifera might occur as a result of seasonal upwelling. (δ 18 Ocalcite ) from core tops and water profiles have suggested
differences in the habitat depth of some planktic foraminifera
species between the sectors of Sumatra, Java, and the LSI
(Mohtadi et al., 2007). Mohtadi et al. (2007) reported that off
Sumatra, the G. ruber δ 18 O values reflected a habitat depth Biogeosciences, 19, 3185–3208, 2022

3198 R. Tapia et al.: Contrasting vertical distributions of recent planktic foraminifera

< 50 m water depth, while off Java and the LSI the G. ru- are the deepest along transect 7 (the two lowest data points
ber δ 18 O values were “out of range” (< 0 m water depth). in the panel for G. ruber and T. trilobus in Fig. 8). Station
The authors speculated that the out-of-range geochemical GeoB10070 is the easternmost site of the study, and thus it
signature off Java most likely reflects a greater contribution might be under a stronger influence of the ITF than the other
during the non-upwelling period when the water is warmer, stations along the transect. This is, however, not the case for
fresher, and more stratified. A similar situation was ob- station GeoB10065, which is flanked by several stations at
served for N. dutertrei as its geochemical signature suggests which mixed-layer dwellers are present in the upper 50 m.
a deeper habitat depth in the non-upwelling Sumatra sector Therefore, it is possible that the vertical distribution at these
(50–75 m) relative to the upwelling Java sector (20–50 m) two stations is not representative of the transect nor of the
(Mohtadi et al., 2007). The notion that the seasonal upwelling influence of the ITF. Multivariate analysis also indicates that
off Indonesia may trigger changes in the habitat depth of the hydrography at transect 7 is similar to that at transect 5
planktic foraminifera species is further supported by sedi- and 6, suggesting a negligible influence of ITF here. Al-
ment trap data, wherein Mg/Ca and δ 18 O data from planktic though the calculated habitat depths of the surface dwellers
foraminifera (i.e., G. ruber, N. dutertrei, G. menardii, and off Sumatra (Fig. 8) show a relatively good fit with the esti-
P. obliquiloculata) vary with seasonal upwelling (Mohtadi mated habitat depths based on geochemical data (δ 18 Ocalcite
et al., 2009). Therefore, the coherent, strong zonal shifts in and Mg/Ca temperatures) (Mohtadi et al., 2009, 2011), this
the vertical dispersion of the selected planktic foraminifera is not the case for transects off Java and the LSI, where the
in our plankton net samples (Fig. 5a–g) and hydrographic overall lack of agreement between the sedimentary data and
parameters (i.e., SST, MLD, salinity, and chl a) (Fig. 2a–c) plankton net results is evident (Fig. 8a–c).
in response to upwelling call for further scrutiny of potential The low abundance of G. menardii, N. dutertrei, and P.
zonal differences in the habitat depth values (Fig. 6). obliquiloculata off Sumatra precludes ALD calculation and
The zonal disaggregation of the habitat depth (Fig. 8) into hence also the zonal comparison of their habitat depths
non-upwelling (transect 1 to 3) and upwelling (transect 5 (Fig. 8d–f) between Sumatra and Java–LSI. Despite their low
to 7) sectors (see Sect. 3.1) shows that G. ruber (white), abundance in net samples collected in August–September,
T. trilobus, and G. bulloides have a greater habitat depth in these three species are found in relatively high abundances
the upwelling sector than the non-upwelling sector. There in surface sediments off Sumatra, constituting up to 13 % of
is a 2-fold increase in their mean habitat depth (Fig. 8a– the assemblage (Fig. 7c; Mohtadi et al., 2007). Thus, their
c) from the non-upwelling to upwelling sector, i.e., from occurrence offshore Sumatra might be temporally restricted
∼ 33 to ∼ 85 m for T. trilobus, ∼ 58 to ∼ 97 m for G. ruber to only the final part of the SE monsoon (October) when the
(white), and ∼ 64 to ∼ 152 m for G. bulloides. This finding, upwelling center locked off the Sunda Strait starts drifting
i.e., differing habitat depths in upwelling vs. non-upwelling westward (Susanto et al., 2001), triggering higher produc-
regions for T. trilobus and G. ruber (white), is further corrob- tivity offshore Sumatra. Alternatively, they might represent
orated by the estimates of bootstrap 95 % confidence inter- the positive IOD or El Niño years, when upwelling is gener-
vals and randomization tests with replacements (Table 1; de- ally stronger in the eastern Indian Ocean and reaches further
tails of calculation in the “Materials and methods” section). northerly latitudes. Off Java, where their abundance is suffi-
Compared to other species, the statistical significance of the ciently high for ALD calculation, the data suggest that these
ALD difference in G. bulloides is less strong (P = 0.057), three species share a similar niche at thermocline depths cen-
likely due to the large spread in the vertical dispersion of tered at ∼ 90 m water depth, in agreement with the habitat
this species. Although deeper than usually assumed for pale- depth inferred from surface sediments (Fig. 8d–f).
oceanographic reconstructions, the ALD values for G. ruber
(white), T. trilobus, and G. bulloides in the upwelling sector 4.6 Implications for paleoceanographic reconstructions
are indeed within the ranges previously reported elsewhere
for areas influenced by upwelling (Lessa et al., 2020; Re- Field observations (plankton net and sediment trap data)
botim et al., 2017) (see Sect. 4.2). A clear zonal divide can provide insights into the modern ecology of planktic
be observed, i.e., shallow ALD values occurring off Sumatra foraminifera as the habitat depth of some species is known to
(non-upwelling) vs. deep ALD values occurring off Java–LSI vary in time and at regional scale (Schiebel and Hemleben,
(upwelling). Transect 7 in the LSI is in addition to monsoonal 2017). Our plankton net data show that the habitat depth of
upwelling also under the influence of the ITF as it allows the mixed-layer-dwelling G. ruber (white) and T. trilobus deep-
passage of cooler and fresher water (Tillinger, 2011). The ens in upwelling conditions, while thermocline-dwelling N.
habitat depth of mixed-layer dwellers here is not the deepest dutertrei and P. obliquiloculata thrive only in the upwelling
in the upwelling region, despite the low presence of mixed- region off Java and the LSI.
layer dwellers (G. ruber (white) and T. trilobus) in the upper As with many zooplankton, the abundance of planktic
50 m during the sampling period (Fig. 5), especially at sta- foraminifera is linked to food availability; thus some species
tions GeoB10065 and GeoB10070 (Fig. 4c). The ALD esti- may change their habitat depth to maximize food acquisi-
mates of G. ruber (white) and T. trilobus at these two stations tion. The habitat depth of symbiont-bearing species like T.

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R. Tapia et al.: Contrasting vertical distributions of recent planktic foraminifera 3199

trilobus and G. ruber is typically assumed to be restricted to in the water column, they reflect a different signal in time
the surface ocean or at least within the photic zone as they and space; our net data reflect a spatial difference during the
rely on their photosynthetic symbionts for nutrition. In addi- sampling period spanning 6 weeks during the monsoonal up-
tion, these species also catch prey and feed on a wide vari- welling season, while the trap data reflect temporal changes
ety of food sources (Hemleben et al., 1989, and references at one location that is under the influence of monsoonal
therein), plausibly because the photosynthates produced by upwelling. Despite their inherent differences, both datasets,
the symbionts are insufficient to sustain the growth of the however, show that off Indonesia 1T decreases as a func-
host (Bé et al., 1981; Caron et al., 1982). Indeed, a recent tion of upwelling dynamics. A more well-mixed upper wa-
study showed that the nutritional contribution of the sym- ter column in upwelling conditions, hence smaller surface–
bionts to the host is significantly smaller than that obtained subsurface temperature difference, is also reasonable taking
by ingesting copepods, implying that the photosymbiosis in into account the weaker water column stratification during
planktic foraminifera may not be the primary source of en- upwelling (Fig. 10). The latter is due to a thinner barrier
ergy when prey is abundant (Takagi et al., 2018). layer and a shallower MLDTEMP (Fig. 2a and Table A1).
During the SE monsoon, the photic zone ranges between This finding indicates that 1T may be a useful proxy for
∼ 50 and ∼ 75 m, and the food availability off Java and the reconstructing past upwelling conditions off Indonesia if the
LSI is high due to the enhanced predator–prey encounter fu- foraminifera produced during the upwelling season dominate
eled by the high phytoplanktonic biomass across the water foraminiferal test abundance in the sediments.
column and upwelling-induced vertical mixing (Pécseli et Mohtadi et al. (2009) showed that ∼ 50% of the total an-
al., 2014). Under this circumstance, it is plausible that om- nual foraminiferal flux off Java occurs during the SE mon-
nivorous mixed-layer dwellers like T. trilobus and G. ruber soon season, and the fluxes during this season are largely cen-
(white) might adopt a feeding strategy that includes both tered around September, suggesting that our “snapshot” may
photosymbiosis and preying, or even primarily the latter. be reasonably representative of the foraminiferal response
Preying on other zooplanktons like copepods, which have to the prevailing ocean conditions during the SE monsoon
ontogenic and daily migration through the water column, off Indonesia. Geochemical data (δ 18 Ocalcite and Mg/Ca in-
means that planktic foraminifera are not limited to the photic ferred temperatures) in marine sediments off Java show a
zone for food. Moreover, copepods have been found to shift broad agreement with the habitat depth estimates from our
to a deeper habitat as a strategy to maximize their retention plankton net data for subsurface dwellers (Fig. 8), but not
within a coastal upwelling area (Peterson, 1998; Peterson et for mixed-layer-dwelling species. Plankton net data suggest
al., 1979; Verheye et al., 1991). In combination, the afore- a greater habitat depth for the mixed-layer species and hence
mentioned factors may thus lead to a greater habitat depth for also lower inferred temperature. As a result, the 1T off Java–
mixed-layer dwellers in the upwelling region off Java com- LSI calculated from the plankton net data is smaller than that
pared to the non-upwelling region off Sumatra. of surface sediment data. The situation differs off Sumatra,
The thermal gradient between mixed-layer- and deep- where the habitat depth estimates for both mixed-layer and
dwelling species (1T ) is commonly used as a proxy for the subsurface species derived from marine sediments and plank-
thickness of the mixed layer and the position of the thermo- ton net samples are in agreement and hence also the derived
cline in the water column on glacial–interglacial timescales 1T . Consequently, the zonal reconstruction of the 1T based
(Farmer et al., 2011; Mohtadi et al., 2017; Steinke et al., on surface sediments indicates a larger 1T off Java–LSI than
2014; Tapia et al., 2015). The 1T calculated from the off Sumatra (Mohtadi et al., 2011), in contrast to that of our
abundance-weighted temperatures of our plankton net data net data (Figs. 9 and 10). In other words, surface sediment
shows that during the SE monsoon larger 1T values oc- data suggest larger 1T values in regions influenced by strong
cur off Sumatra than off Java–LSI where upwelling occurs seasonal upwelling.
(Figs. 9 and 10). Due to its relatively great habitat depth off This discrepancy between surface sediment and plankton
Java–LSI, the abundance-weighted temperature derived from net data off Java may stem from the different temporal inter-
surface-dwelling G. ruber (white) and T. trilobus is compa- vals integrated by each sample type and the fact that calcifi-
rable to that of thermocline-dwelling species and substan- cation depth inferred from the surface sediment may not be
tially lower than that of their counterpart off Sumatra. The synonymous with the habitat depth inferred from plankton
habitat depth change in the mixed-layer species is thus the net data. The plankton net data reflect the conditions in the
primary reason for the 1T difference between the two sec- water column sampled during the SE monsoon and thus can
tors. Interestingly, smaller 1T during upwelling conditions be directly linked to the hydrographic processes that occurred
is also evident in the flux-weighted data from a sediment during sampling. To some extent this is also true for sediment
trap off Java (Figs. 9 and 10), which show that the 1T re- trap samples; a limited temporal interval integrated by the
duces from 4.3 ◦ C during the non-monsoon period to 1.2 ◦ C samples at one location means that process attribution can
during the seasonal upwelling period (SE monsoon) (Mo- be better constrained. On the other hand, marine sediments
htadi et al., 2011). Although both plankton net and sediment integrate foraminiferal flux over tens to hundreds of years,
trap data are based on suspended or sinking foraminifera depending on the local sedimentation rate, and may be sus- Biogeosciences, 19, 3185–3208, 2022

3200 R. Tapia et al.: Contrasting vertical distributions of recent planktic foraminifera

Figure 9. Comparison of the thermal gradient (1T ) off Indonesia inferred from surface sediments (Mg/Ca data from Mohtadi et al., 2011),
plankton net (abundance-weighted temperatures; this study), and sediment trap (Mg/Ca data from Mohtadi et al., 2009). During the SE
monsoon the 1T calculated from the plankton net data shows that larger 1T values occur off Sumatra (non-upwelling) than off Java
(upwelling), in agreement with the seasonal 1T off Java calculated from sediment trap (circles) with larger 1T occurring during the non-
upwelling season than the upwelling season. The color represents the inferred averaged temperatures for the mixed layer (combining G.
ruber and T. trilobus; red) and thermocline (combining N. dutertrei and P. obliquiloculata; blue); numbers represent median values. Outliers
and extreme outliers, > 1.5 and > 3 times the interquartile range, are depicted by filled and open circles, respectively.

Figure 10. Schematic comparing the 1T derived from mixed-layer and thermocline dwellers off Sumatra and Java–LSI, from (a) surface
sediment (inferred habitat depth from Mohtadi et al., 2011) matching the mean annual conditions and (b) ALD from plankton net matching
the water column structure during the sampling period (SE monsoon, August–September 2005). Gray lines depict the average annual mean
water column structure offshore Sumatra and Java–LSI (band of 160 km wide, > 200 stations from WOA2018, 0.25◦ ) (Locarnini et al.,
2018); dashed lines depict the average water column structure in each sector during the SE monsoon based on in situ data collected during
the PABESIA cruise (August–September 2005); the black line shows the average depth of the MLDTEMP (Table A1).

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R. Tapia et al.: Contrasting vertical distributions of recent planktic foraminifera 3201

ceptible to post-depositional processes such as dissolution, i.e., shallow depths–low dispersion off Sumatra vs. deeper
bioturbation, and reworking, which may alter the proxy sig- depths–larger dispersion off Java–LSI.
nal. Together, these issues make it challenging to quantify the The calculated ALDs of the selected species are in broad
relative importance of each process and thus to ground-truth agreement with typically assumed habitat depths in paleo-
proxies. Nonetheless, paleoceanographic reconstructions are ceanographic reconstructions, with the exception of G. ruber
based on sedimentary material, which may have undergone (white) and G. bulloides. The possibility of an overestima-
the same post-depositional processes as the surface sedi- tion due to possible inclusion of dead specimens in the cal-
ments. If the relative importance of these processes would culation cannot be entirely ruled out at this point, but several
stay unchanged over time, then surface sediments are ar- lines of evidence suggest that a severe overestimation is not
guably the best modern analogue for paleoceanographic re- likely. The species G. ruber (white) and T. trilobus show a
construction. In this case, stronger upwelling off Indonesia is strong deepening in their habitat depth off Java in compari-
characterized by a larger (1T ) as indicated by the zonal pat- son to the sector off Sumatra. This zonal divide is not evident
tern of surface sediments (Figs. 9 and 10). However, were the in the habitat depth distribution of the subsurface dwellers
fluxes of planktic foraminifera and the post-depositional pro- N. dutertrei, G. menardii, and P. obliquiloculata, in part due
cesses to change over time, it is within the realm of possibil- to their low abundance off Sumatra. Compared to inferred
ity that under some circumstances, e.g., strong positive IOD habitat depth estimates based on surface sediments, those in-
or El Niño years, the proxy signal produced in the water col- ferred from plankton net data show a better agreement for
umn during one-off events like upwelling can be preserved the subsurface species, while the relatively good agreement
in the sediments, especially if the resultant flux increases for the shallow dwellers is restricted to off Sumatra. Off Java
exponentially. Our findings highlight the need to consider and the LSI, surface-dwelling species in our net data have
multiple sample types to further constrain the analog used a much greater habitat depth than that derived from surface
for downcore paleoceanographic reconstructions. To further sediments. The discrepancy between plankton net and sur-
shed light on the transfer of the proxy signal from the water face sediment data likely stems from the fact that each sam-
column to the sediment, longer sediment trap time series and ple type integrates over a different temporal duration; i.e., net
repeated plankton net sampling in the same region would be samples reflect the conditions during the sampling period in
useful to capture the seasonality of the vertical distribution of the SE monsoon, while the marine sediments integrate over
planktic foraminifera. Importantly, generating geochemical tens to hundreds of years of foraminiferal flux. Whilst each
data on plankton net samples may help to verify the habitat sample type has its pros and cons, our findings highlight the
depths and allow a direct comparison with the depth infer- need to consider multiple sample types to further constrain
ence from the surface sediments. It would also be helpful to the analog adopted for paleoceanographic reconstruction.
constrain the age of surface sediments to ensure that they are
comparable to modern data.

5 Conclusions

We examined the zonal and vertical distribution of plank-

tic foraminifera off Indonesia during the boreal summer of
2005 at 37 stations. The stations were grouped into seven
land–sea transects off Sumatra and off Java–LSI. The factors
driving the observed distribution of foraminifer species were
assessed using vertically resolved environmental data.
Twenty-nine species were identified that can be di-
vided into two basic communities, i.e., one dominated
by warm-oligotrophic-stratified-water-column species vs.
cooler-eutrophic-well-mixed-water-column species. Simi-
larly, foraminiferal abundance shows contrasting distribu-
tions off Sumatra and off Java–LSI. The concurrent zonal
shift in abundance and species composition of planktic
foraminiferal and environmental parameters (SST, chl a,
MLD, and BL) in response to upwelling implies a close link
between upwelling and the ecology of planktic foraminifera
in this area. Similar to the abundances and species com-
position of planktic foraminifera, their vertical distribution
across the water column shows a strong zonal differentiation, Biogeosciences, 19, 3185–3208, 2022

3202 R. Tapia et al.: Contrasting vertical distributions of recent planktic foraminifera

Appendix A

Figure A1. Longitudinal distribution of temperature and salinity anomalies across the upper 500 m of water column. Anomalies are calculated
by subtracting the mean of all sites for a given depth interval (e.g., 0–25, 25–50 m) from the data of a station for the same depth interval.
Positive (negative) values are centered off Sumatra (off Java) showing a strong zonal trend. The largest temperature change occurs at 50–
100 m, roughly corresponding to the depth of the thermocline.

Figure A2. Size class distribution (> 250 µm) of the six selected species. Globigerinoides ruber, N. dutertrei, and G. menardii show a
reduction in the proportion of the size class > 250 µm after a full moon (blue). The large difference in their median values points to an
over-representation of the large size classes suggesting synchronized reproduction; P. obliquiloculata shows no differences in the size class
distribution before (red) and after (blue) the full moon; Globigerina bulloides and T. trilobus show an increase in the proportion of larger
organisms after the full moon. Median values are shown by bars, and circles represent mean values.

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R. Tapia et al.: Contrasting vertical distributions of recent planktic foraminifera 3203

Figure A3. In addition to species with paleoceanographic relevance, we calculated the (a) ALD for the species G. glutinata (84 m), G.
falconensis (135 m), G. siphonifera (85 m), G. calida (88 m), and G. hirsuta (160 m). The zonal comparison of these species (b–f) is only
possible for three species; G. calida shows the smallest change in ALD (∼ 5 m), while G. glutinata and G. siphonifera show a change of 30
and 50 m in their habitat depth between sectors. The yellow and light-blue boxes depict the first and third quartiles of the ALD values off
Sumatra (non-upwelling) and off Java–LSI (upwelling). Black bars and numbers depict the median value per sector. Biogeosciences, 19, 3185–3208, 2022

3204 R. Tapia et al.: Contrasting vertical distributions of recent planktic foraminifera

Table A1. Details of the plankton net stations (location, water depth, and sampling date) during cruise SO-184 (Hebbeln and cruise par-
ticipants, 2006). The stations are divided into seven transects. Relevant environmental parameters during the sampling include the thermal
mixed-layer depth (MLDTEMP ), barrier layer thickness (BL), stratification index (SI0–200 ), observed sea surface temperature (SST), sea
surface salinity (SSS), and in situ chlorophyll a (chl a) at the surface (0–25 m) and thermocline level (100–200 m) (Table 5.1 in Hebbeln and
cruise participants, 2006). Sampling gear: MultiNet (Mn), rosette sampler (Rs). NA: no data available.

Transect Station Lat. Long. Date MLDTEMP BL SI0–200 SSS SST Oxygen chl a Gear Depth
GeoB N E m m psu ◦C mL L−1 mg m−3 m
0–25 m 100–200 m
1 10018 1.570 96.512 08.08.05 84 69 17.6 33.7 29.9 4.9 0.646 0.220 Mn, Rs 2577
10019 1.632 96.885 08.08.05 83 65 17.4 33.83 29.9 4.7 0.641 0.228 Mn, Rs 1465
10020 1.678 96.980 09.08.05 95 81 17.5 33.83 30.0 4.7 0.641 0.241 Mn, Rs 1160
2 10011 −1.191 97.986 06.08.05 83 72 16.8 34.0 29.6 4.4 0.634 0.253 Mn, Rs 3030
10012 −1.070 98.058 06.08.05 89 65 17.1 34.0 29.6 4.4 0.629 0.248 Rs 2096
10013 −0.958 98.266 07.08.05 76 56 17.0 34.0 29.6 4.3 0.619 0.212 Rs 927
10022 −0.051 98.850 10.08.05 71 59 17.1 33.8 29.7 4.4 0.639 0.227 Mn, Rs 707
10023 −0.857 99.407 11.08.05 70 57 17.4 33.8 29.6 4.4 0.635 0.204 Mn, Rs 1557
10024 −0.769 99.269 11.08.05 68 56 17.7 33.8 29.6 4.4 0.637 0.245 Mn, Rs 1384
10025 −0.675 99.123 11.08.05 68 44 17.3 33.8 29.6 4.6 0.654 0.245 Mn, Rs 1148
10026 −0.944 99.521 12.08.05 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Mn 1636
10027 −0.809 99.653 12.08.05 64 52 17.6 NA NA NA NA NA Mn, Rs 876
10028 −0.696 99.763 12.08.05 62 50 18.0 33.71 29.8 4.4 0.631 0.209 Mn, Rs 521
10029 −1.505 100.131 13.08.05 76 64 18.1 33.74 29.6 4.5 0.644 0.211 Rs 962
10030 −1.638 99.774 13.08.05 62 49 17.6 33.73 29.5 4.6 0.662 0.209 Rs 1757
10031 −1.708 99.607 13.08.05 55 44 17.8 33.80 29.5 4.4 0.627 0.248 Rs 1661
3 10003 −4.751 100.767 03.08.05 91 77 NA 33.93 29.10 4.5 0.280 0.000 Rs 3176
10007 −4.354 100.996 04.08.05 88 74 16.8 33.70 29.2 4.5 0.338 0.239 Mn, Rs 598
10034 −4.165 101.499 15.08.05 63 50 16.6 33.83 29.3 4.6 0.654 0.205 Mn, Rs 992
10035 −4.036 101.733 15.08.05 66 45 16.9 33.82 29.3 4.5 0.652 0.228 Mn, Rs 997
4 10036 −5.338 103.657 16.08.05 40 29 17.7 33.91 29.2 4.5 0.650 0.241 Mn, Rs 1498
10038 −5.937 103.245 17.08.05 51 35 16.5 33.48 28.50 4.52 0.651 0.227 Mn, Rs 1887
10039 −5.867 103.294 17.08.05 53 35 16.7 33.54 28.56 4.50 0.646 0.246 Mn, Rs 1797
10040 −6.475 102.857 18.08.05 62 51 16.5 33.49 28.00 4.57 0.657 0.236 Mn, Rs 2602
10041 −6.274 103.008 18.08.05 52 40 16.4 33.92 28.45 4.50 0.647 0.232 Mn, Rs 1540
5 10043 −7.310 105.062 19.08.05 34 1 16.8 34.07 27.55 4.47 0.642 0.398 Rs 2161
10044 −8.055 109.015 22.08.05 34 21 16 33.93 28.53 5.39 0.775 0.301 Mn, Rs 3358
10045 −8.743 109.020 23.08.05 40 22 15.5 34.25 26.52 4.72 0.677 0.326 Mn, Rs 3571
10046 −9.604 109.063 24.08.05 50 39 14.9 34.24 25.90 4.81 0.691 0.376 Mn, Rs 2604
10048 −8.255 108.147 25.08.05 43 32 15.8 34.21 26.74 4.78 0.687 0.335 Mn, Rs 3060
10049 −8.785 110.496 26.08.05 37 17 14.5 34.45 25.24 4.70 0.676 0.335 Mn, Rs 1291
10051 −9.293 110.497 27.08.05 32 20 14. 34.15 25.89 4.78 0.687 0.364 Mn, Rs 2391
10052 −8.694 110.634 28.08.05 20 5 14.9 34.40 25.60 4.88 0.701 0.350 Mn, Rs 1000
6 10053 −8.677 112.872 29.08.05 15 4 14.6 34.36 24.43 4.17 0.600 0.321 Mn, Rs 1378
10054 −8.681 112.668 29.08.05 19 4 13.7 34.34 24.59 4.16 0.599 0.314 Rs 1069
10055 −9.248 113.050 30.08.05 24 8 14.9 34.34 24.59 4.16 0.599 0.314 Mn, Rs 2615
10057 −9.822 113.107 31.08.05 25 11 14.3 34.26 25.94 4.76 0.684 0.348 Mn, Rs 1615
10061 −9.729 113.024 02.09.05 12 2 14.3 34.35 23.65 4.29 0.617 0.354 Mn, Rs 2174
7 10062 −11.166 115.999 03.09.05 76 53 12.6 34.24 26.94 4.67 0.671 0.390 Mn, Rs 5851
10063 −9.646 118.149 04.09.05 24 13 13.8 34.15 25.61 4.78 0.687 0.385 Mn, Rs 2498
10064 −9.539 118.304 04.09.05 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Mn 2033
10065 −9.223 118.894 05.09.05 53 13 13.4 34.19 25.43 4.49 0.645 0.409 Mn, Rs 1286
10066 −9.394 118.575 05.09.05 26 16 13.6 34.18 26.11 4.80 0.690 0.412 Mn, Rs 1630
10067 −9.149 119.290 06.09.05 15 0 14.6 34.13 26.43 4.75 0.682 0.441 Mn, Rs 1136
10068 −9.595 121.152 07.09.05 12 1 15.4 34.12 26.87 4.71 0.677 0.428 Rs 2011
10069 −9.608 120.921 07.09.05 11 1 14.2 34.12 26.62 4.77 0.686 0.422 Rs 1264
10070 −10.359 121.303 08.09.05 28 0 17 34.13 26.94 4.82 0.693 0.406 Mn, Rs 1509

Data availability. Data generated in this study are avail- Author contributions. MM and SLH conceptualized this study.
able in the Supplement and on the PANGAEA database MM was responsible for the collection of planktic foraminifera and
(; Tapia, 2022). oceanographic data. RT analyzed the planktic foraminifera fauna.
JG provided support for taxonomic identification. HYW contributed
to the statistical analyses. The manuscript was written by RT and
Supplement. The supplement related to this article is available on- SLH with contributions from all co-authors, who approved its final
line at: version.

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