2020-21 - 47 - Rajvi Mehta
2020-21 - 47 - Rajvi Mehta
2020-21 - 47 - Rajvi Mehta
Program Information: You may be eligible for Masters exemptions for previous study completed if it is determined to be
same discipline. If eligible, you will receive exemptions between 48 and 96 credit points. If you
wish to apply for Masters exemptions, please notify us via your Applicant portal prior to accepting
your offer.
Please note: To ensure the safety and wellbeing of our students and staff and in response to State and Commonwealth
government coronavirus (COVID-19) advice, some (or all) of your program will be delivered to you via online enabled learning. For
this reason, you must have access to a computer and the internet to support your studies at RMIT.
Based on current government advice, we expect that all lectures and seminars for Semester 1 2021 will be delivered online only.
Some face-to-face facilitated learning activities and work integrated learning placements may resume in Semester 1, 2021. For all
future intakes, we’ll continue to be guided by government advice and our own assessments to ensure the safety and wellbeing of
our students and staff.
If you have any queries regarding this scholarship, please contact us on [email protected]
Scholarship terms and By accepting this offer you are agreeing to the International Scholarships Terms and Conditions. To
conditions: view the latest version, visit International Scholarships Terms and Conditions and Specific Terms and
Offer Deposit
Program 1: AU$ 9,000
Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC): AU$ 1,352.15 (Single)
Total Deposit to be Paid: AU$ 10,352.15
Yours sincerely,
Connie Merlino
Academic Registrar
RMIT University
© 2020 RMIT University, CRICOS provider code: 00122A | RTO code: 3046
© 2020 RMIT English Worldwide, CRICOS provider code: 01912G
rm it.edu .au
Terms of your offer
RMIT’s offer is subject to the terms and conditions outlined in this document.
Most RMIT University programs are taught over two study periods (or semesters) a year unless your program structure states
otherwise. The dates on the offer letter are indicative only and we will advise you if there are any changes.
Offer an d Fees
RMIT’s offer is subject to the availability of places in the program. RMIT reserves the right to close, amend, change or withdraw
program and/or course offerings without notice. The program tuition and other fees are indicative only and subject to change on an
annual basis by no more than 7.5%. Conditional Offers require all outstanding conditions to be met prior to the last day of
enrolment. Students may choose to pay more than 50% of their tuition fees before they start their program, for further details
please contact [email protected] Link to more details https://www.international.rmit.edu.au/info/programfees.asp
All offer letters include details about where the program will be delivered. If your program is a RMIT Training program (ELICOS
and Foundation) “Training” means the RMIT Training campus located at 235-251 Bourke Street, Melbourne, VIC, 3000, Australia.
To ensure the safety and wellbeing of our students and staff and in response to State and Commonwealth government
coronavirus (COVID-19) advice, from 22 March 2020 RMIT suspended all face-to-face learning and face-to-face teaching activities
on its Australian campuses until further notice. This means that some or all of your program will be delivered to you online via
RMIT’s online learning environments
© 2020 RMIT University, CRICOS provider code: 00122A | RTO code: 3046
© 2020 RMIT English Worldwide, CRICOS provider code: 01912G
rm it.edu .au
Program G u ides
Detailed information about your program including contact hours, course outlines, assessment criteria and learning goals. Your
program may include compulsory or elective online study, work integrated learning or work placements, community based
learning or research arrangements. Details for your program can be found here: https://www.rmit.edu.au/students/student-
All international students (and their dependents) require Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) for the duration of their student
student and student dependent visas. Fees quoted on the offer letter are indicative and are subject to change on 01 May each
year. For more information about OSHC, please visit: https://www.rmit.edu.au/study-with-us/international-students/apply-to-rmit-
If you are intending on applying for a student visa or you already have a student visa, RMIT will provide you with an electronic
confirmation of enrolment (eCOE) for each program that you accept. Students transferring to RMIT from another Australian
provider, prior to completing six months of the principal course, may be required to provide evidence of a release letter before an
RMIT eCOE can be issued.
Refu n ds
A refund for commencing students may be given if a written application is submitted to RMIT with appropriate supporting
documentation and in accordance with the relevant timeline. More information including amounts that may or may not be repaid
and who can claim a refund can be found here: https://www.rmit.edu.au/study-with-us/international-students/apply-to-rmit-
RMIT Training has a separate refund policy including who can claim a refund which can be found here :
Un der 18’s
If you are under 18 years of age at the time of enrolment into your first program at RMIT, your parents or guardian must co-sign
the acceptance agreement. In addition, parents or guardians must nominate appropriate accommodation and
welfare arrangements. All under 18 students must book the RMIT airport pick up service to transport you (and your family) from
the airport to your accommodation. Please visit the link for more information: https://www.rmit.edu.au/study-with-us/international-
students/apply- to-rmit-international-students/student-visas/students-under-18-years-of-age
© 2020 RMIT University, CRICOS provider code: 00122A | RTO code: 3046
© 2020 RMIT English Worldwide, CRICOS provider code: 01912G
rm it.edu .au
You r Person al In form ation
RMIT University makes every effort to use and destroy your information in accordance with its Privacy Policy and in accordance
with Australian Privacy Laws. Your personal information is collected at application, acceptance and during enrolment to meet legal
obligations and to assist with your compliance with the conditions of your visa and Australian immigration laws generally. This
means that the information that you provide to us may be made available to the Australian government, State agencies and other
authorities under the ESOS Regulations 2001, and the National Code 2018. In some circumstances, information about you can be
shared without your consent where authorised by law.
RMIT University is required to provide information to third party banks about academic performance including results, attendance,
enrolment information and any other information required for academic reporting and scholarship administration purposes.
Ch an ge of Agen t
RMIT University has a No Change of Representative policy. If students seek the assistance of an education representative or
agent in obtaining an offer letter, their acceptance must be completed through the same representative or agent. Extraordinary
circumstances might be considered if students provide compelling evidence substantiating their request for a change of
representative or agent. Students are allowed one change of representative or agent if they defer their acceptance to the next
intake; students must complete their deferral first before appointing a new representative or agent.
You r Docu m en ts
The National Code 2018 requires you to keep a copy of this agreement, any receipts or other evidence of payment of fees.
ESOS Statem en t
RMIT University and RMIT Training are governed by the regulations and guidelines of The Education Services for Overseas
Students Act (2000) (the “ESOS Act”) and the National Code 2018. For full details, please
go to: https://internationaleducation.gov.au/regulatory-information/Pages/Regulatoryinformation.aspx
© 2020 RMIT University, CRICOS provider code: 00122A | RTO code: 3046
© 2020 RMIT English Worldwide, CRICOS provider code: 01912G
rm it.edu .au