Helen of Troy Lesson Plan

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Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan

A. Objectives:

1. Know the story of Helen of Troy and state the significant roles of the characters.
2. Respond to the questions related to the story using infographics and symbolism.
3. Compare the events of the story to the modern-day conditions and assert situations.
4. Identify the central idea and lesson of the story.

B. Learning Competencies:

1. Explain how the elements specific to a selection build its theme.

2. Express appreciation for sensory images used.

C. Subject Matter: Helen of Troy

D. References: English Communication Arts and Skills through World Literature Textbook

E. Materials: Laptop, Projector, Printer, Photos, Creative Chart

F. Procedure:

1. Preliminary Activities
a. Opening Prayer
b. Greetings
c. Classroom Management
d. Attendance Checking
e. Recalling of Prior Lesson

2. Motivation: Guess the Film Title

The teacher will show film covers and scenes. All photos are
Greek epic and mythology related movies as same as the genre of the
subject matter.

3. Lesson Proper

a. Activity

The teacher will show photos related to the story of Helen of Troy. The
learners will be grouped into (4) four. Each group will be assigned to each of the
photos presented and will be given different tasks. (See Task Sample below.) Once
finished reporting the task, a portion of the hidden lesson title in a white chart will
be wiped by blue chalk dust to reveal. Autobiography follows: Homer.

1. What is the color of her eyes?

2. What is the color of her hair?

3. If she will be described, what adjective is it?

(Answers may vary)

b. Analysis

The teacher will present a set of infographics connected to the sub-topics

and photos on the presented activity. Effective class discussion will occur by
storytelling that produce sensory images and by symbolical questioning.
c. Abstraction

The teacher will use a big tin can with treats attached with numbers. The
learners will get treats and will answer the question parallel to numbers they picked.
The questions are subjective and very much related to the topic.


1. How would you feel if you’re not invited on a special family occasion?
How will you deal with that kind of situation?
2. What would you choose? Immortality? Wisdom? or True Love? Why?
3. How would it feel that a very important person or thing has been taken
away? In what extent your willingness would do to take it back?
4. Will you be happy to know that there are lots of allies at your back?
How would you maintain them?

d. Application

The teacher will group the leaners into (3) three. Each group will
construct a quotation about their stand on the certain issue from the story that is
still and may possibly existing nowadays. After writing their constructed quotation,
the reporter will explain in what part of the story it is connected and briefly discuss
how did they came up with that output.

1. Group I – Fixed or Forced Marriage

2. Group II – Rumors of Wars
3. Group III – Online Barter Illegalization

Criteria for Grading: a. Creativity and Content 50%

b. Relevance and Significance 25%
c. Description of Quotation 25%
TOTAL 100%

4. Generalization

a. Helen is called Helen of Troy because she was abducted by Aphrodite to Troy.
b. Helen is the most beautiful woman in the world in Greek epic.
c. Helen’s true love is not Menelaus but Paris of Troy.

5. Theme: “Love transcends all”.

6. Values Integration:

a. Celebrating Shared Success

b. Mutual Respect
c. Forming camaraderie and Good Leadership

6. Evaluation: 10-item quiz

7. Homework:

In a long bond paper, write an essay about your personal most beautiful woman
in the world. It can either be a historical national heroine, a celebrity or influencer, your
mother, sister or partner, or even male personality that you found beautiful.

Criteria for Grading: a. Creativity and Content 50%

b. Relevance and Significance 25%
c. Grammar and Punctuation 15%
d. Neatness of Work 10%
TOTAL 100%

8. Closing Activities

a. Closing Prayer
b. Bidding Goodbye

Prepared by:

Teacher Applicant

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