WFP Proposal 563
WFP Proposal 563
WFP Proposal 563
Project Proposal
Organization WFP (World Food Programme)
Project Title Improving the livelihoods and resilience of communities through supporting agricultural production and creation of community assets.
Total 5,376
Organization focal point contact Name: Giancarlo Stopponi Title: Head of Technical Programme Support Section, WFP Somalia
Telephone: +254 770665160 E-mail:
1. Project rationale. Humanitarian Nearly 860,000 people in Somalia remain acutely food insecure and require urgent humanitarian assistance over the next six months. Over 2 million
context: Give a specific description additional people beyond those requiring urgent assistance are classified as “stressed”, their food security remains fragile and vulnerable to any
of the humanitarian situation in the major shock that could push them back to “crisis” or “emergency”. GAM rates exceeding 15 per cent in rural populations in many parts of South-
target region based on newest data Central Somalia. Below normal October to December 2013 Deyr rains in most parts of Beletweyne District, Hiraan Region resulted in a below
available (indicate source) average cereal harvest in those areas, leading to smaller than usual levels of household food stocks. (FSNAU Feb 2014) Food security outcomes of
(Maximum of 1500 characters) agropastoral areas in Beletweyne District will likely deteriorate during the remainder of February to March Jilaal dry season. Food consumption will
become especially poor during the April to June lean season. Lack of household food stocks mean that households will be sourcing food from
markets, but increased debt levels and limited incomes mean that some households will need to sell some assets and that lines of credit will slowly
be withdrawn. The area is likely to remain Stressed (IPC Phase 2), but there will be some households in Crisis or Emergency (IPC Phase 3 and 4)
between February and June before the start of the Gu harvest. (Post-Deyr Feb-June 2014). In Beletweyne most commodities like sugar and rice are
sourced from Mogadishu with a huge transport cost.
2. Needs assessment. Describe DRC has offices in Beletweine and Galkaayo with national and expat FSL field–based staff. WFP Area Office in Galkayo covers Central Region
the capacities in place, then including Hiran. Recurrent shocks in the area, low production and fragile nutrition situation very high underweight levels above 30 per cent
identify the gaps (previous and (Post-Deyr Feb-June 2014), has led to deteriorating food security and nutrition situation in Beletweyne. Food security crises severely impacted
new). Explain the specific needs of household food security due to lost incomes, poor production and depleted productive assets,(DRC/ECHO Assessment Dec2013/Jan2014).Hence a
your target group(s) in detail. State need to implement activities that will provide access to food security and initiate resilience building activities that will cushion communities in times of
how the needs assessment was shock and help to reduce seasonal fluctuations in malnutrition. Access to agricultural inputs and improvements to damaged productive infrastructure
conducted (who consulted whom, will also be required for livelihood recovery (Humanitarian need overview Feb 2014).Lean seasonal support will be provided to vulnerable
how and when?). List any baseline households through investing in livelihood assets designed through community consultations consisting of men and women to ensure that assets
data constructed are appropriate aligned to seasonality and linked with efforts that promote resilience building such as nutrition, health services and
production.Rehabilitation of irrigation infrastructure and feeder roads will be carried out to complement the seeds/tools distribution that will be carried
out by other CHF partners to boost local production.
3. Activities. List and describe the DRC is implementing CFW for agropastoral communities in Beletweine and Galkaayo to re-establish agricultural systems through provision of
activities that your organization is training and agricultural inputs during the planting seasons. Vulnerable female destitute pastoralists have also been supported through Small and
currently implementing to address Medium Enterprises (SMEs) with the objective of increasing/diversifying their income and thus improving their access to food while increasing their
these needs independence and resilience to drought and economic shocks. Proposed CHF activities will be integrated with ongoing interventions of FSL, WASH
and Shelter in Beletweine and Galkaayo. WFP has been working in Hiran through restoring and rebuilding lives and livelihoods through food for
assets and training activities. Fifty per cent of the beneficiaries in these activities comprise of women. In addition, WFP continues to provide
nutritional support to protect livelihoods during shocks and seasonal vulnerability, as well as provide preventive and therapeutic interventions, these
activities target children and pregnant/lactating women. The school feeding programme continues to provide meals to school going children
encouraging attendance and enrolment. This proposal is prepared jointly by DRC and WFP with WFP being the lead agency, while DRC will
implement the project activities. The project will use food modality to reach households that are most food insecure and vulnerable and promote
investment in livelihood and agriculture production.
Objective 1 Provide seasonally appropriate and livelihood specific inputs to increase the productive capacity of rural livelihoods; invest in the construction of rural
livelihood assets to prevent further deterioration and/or restoring households and community productive assets to build resilience to withstand future
Activity 1.1 Community consultation and participant selection:. The participants have been selected based on food security and vulnerability indicators, i.e. asset
ownership, household size, gender of household head, WFP/DRC will ensure that 100% of the beneficiaries meet the criteria and that selection is
done in coordination with community leaders and local authority, with participation drawn equally from men and women to ensure that selected
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Activity 1.2 Food for work, designed using community consultations, to assist recovery and protect livelihoods by restoring household and community assets
depleted by shocks. WFP/DRC plans on rehabilitation of irrigation canals and feeder roads that will be used by the Agro-pastoralists to enhance
production, inputs such as seeds and tools will be provided by the other CHF partners in the same area to avoid duplication. Activities to be
implemented will have a participation of at least 50% women including at project committee level. DRC will be responsible for project implementation
and technical inputs while WFP will be responsble for oversight and monitoring of activities
Activity 1.3
Indicator Food Number of people that benefited from conditional transfers to improve access to food and protection of 2688
1.1 Security livelihood assets
Indicator Food Number of people that have participated in the construction of light assets such as feeder roads, desilting of 2688
1.2 Security irrigation canals.
Indicator Food Number of vulnerable households receiving short term improved access to food. 2688
1.3 Security
Activity 2.1 Community consultations and action planning will be carried out with targeted communities to identify shocks and trends, mapping seasonal
livelihoods, identify response options, identify possible range of programmes and identify possible partnerships in the implementation of the
suggested programmes - the resultant community action plan will be used as a tool to ensure that activities carried out within the various
communities are in line with the community priorities and that this contributes to resilience. This process will be led jointly by WFP/DRC staff
Activity 2.2 Activities designed and implemented to build resiliency by addressing the medium and longer term vulnerabilities of groups exposed to shocks using
cash or food for asset creation through community engagement. These activities are targeted equally for men and women and include rehabilitation
of water catchments, rehabilitation of roads, vegetable gardens targeting female headed households. Pastoralists are particularly targeted with these
activities as complimenting interventions for animal health will be provided by FAO. DRC will be responsible for project implementation and technical
inputs while WFP will be responsble for oversight and monitoring of activities
Activity 2.3
Indicator Food Number of people that benefited from conditional transfers to improve access to food and protection of 2688
2.1 Security livelihood assets
Indicator Food Number of communities with community action plans in place 2688
2.2 Security
Outcome 3
Activity 3.1
Activity 3.2
Activity 3.3
Indicator 3.1
Indicator 3.2
Indicator 3.3
Implementation: Describe for each WFP will be the lead agency with DRC as a co-operating partner. Activities to be implemented will include Food for Assets (FFA) activities,
activity how you plan to implement able-bodied rural people will work for a food incentive. Programmes will revolve around either labour-intensive community works, such as road
it and who is carrying out what construction or building wells, or income generating activities like starting a market garden. The activities will be implemented on a seasonal basis. In
this way the projects help to address food deficits in households and prevent people from resorting to harmful coping strategies, such as selling off
assets or livestock to provide short-term solutions. The projects also improve the local infrastructure, help communities to sustain their livelihoods
both of which will strengthen the capacity of the community to cope with future droughts or other external shocks.
Project workplan for Activity Description Month Month Month Month Month Month
activities defined in the 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10 11-12
Logical framework
Activity 1.1 Community consultation and participant selection:. The participants have been X X X
selected based on food security and vulnerability indicators, i.e. asset ownership, household size,
gender of household head, WFP/DRC will ensure that 100% of the beneficiaries meet the criteria
and that selection is done in coordination with community leaders and local authority, with
participation drawn equally from men and women to ensure that selected activities consider the
needs of both gender.
Activity 1.2 Food for work, designed using community consultations, to assist recovery and X X X
protect livelihoods by restoring household and community assets depleted by shocks. WFP/DRC
Activity 1.3
plans on rehabilitation of irrigation canals and feeder roads that will be used by the
Agro-pastoralists to enhance production, inputs such as seeds and tools will be provided by the
other CHF partners in the same area to avoid duplication. Activities to be implemented will have a
participation of at least 50% women including at project committee level. DRC will be responsible
for project implementation and technical inputs while WFP will be responsble for oversight and
monitoring of activities
A i i 21
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community priorities and that this contributes to resilience. This process will be led jointly by
WFP/DRC staff
Activity 2.2 Activities designed and implemented to build resiliency by addressing the medium X X X
and longer term vulnerabilities of groups exposed to shocks using cash or food for asset creation
through community engagement. These activities are targeted equally for men and women and
include rehabilitation of water catchments, rehabilitation of roads, vegetable gardens targeting
female headed households. Pastoralists are particularly targeted with these activities as
complimenting interventions for animal health will be provided by FAO. DRC will be responsible for
project implementation and technical inputs while WFP will be responsble for oversight and
monitoring of activities
Activity 2.3
Activity 1.1 Community consultation and participant selection:. The participants have - Field visits community action X X X
been selected based on food security and vulnerability indicators, i.e. asset ownership, - Focus group interview plans, beneficiary
household size, gender of household head, WFP/DRC will ensure that 100% of the list
beneficiaries meet the criteria and that selection is done in coordination with community
leaders and local authority, with participation drawn equally from men and women to
ensure that selected activities consider the needs of both gender.
Activity 1.2 Food for work, designed using community consultations, to assist - 3rd party monitoring monitoring reports, X X X X X X
recovery and protect livelihoods by restoring household and community assets depleted - Contact details PDM reports, End
by shocks. WFP/DRC plans on rehabilitation of irrigation canals and feeder roads that - Distribution monitoring of project report,
will be used by the Agro-pastoralists to enhance production, inputs such as seeds and distribution report
- Field visits
tools will be provided by the other CHF partners in the same area to avoid duplication.
- GPS data
Activities to be implemented will have a participation of at least 50% women including at
project committee level. DRC will be responsible for project implementation and - Individual interview
technical inputs while WFP will be responsble for oversight and monitoring of activities - Post Distribution Monitoring
Activity 1.3
Activity 2.1 Community consultations and action planning will be carried out with - Focus group interview Community action X X
targeted communities to identify shocks and trends, mapping seasonal livelihoods, - Post Distribution Monitoring plans
identify response options, identify possible range of programmes and identify possible
partnerships in the implementation of the suggested programmes - the resultant
community action plan will be used as a tool to ensure that activities carried out within
the various communities are in line with the community priorities and that this
contributes to resilience. This process will be led jointly by WFP/DRC staff
Activity 2.2 Activities designed and implemented to build resiliency by addressing the - Data collection monitoring reports, X X X X X
medium and longer term vulnerabilities of groups exposed to shocks using cash or food - Distribution monitoring PDM reports, End
for asset creation through community engagement. These activities are targeted equally - Field visits of project report,
for men and women and include rehabilitation of water catchments, rehabilitation of distribution report
- Focus group interview
roads, vegetable gardens targeting female headed households. Pastoralists are
- GPS data
particularly targeted with these activities as complimenting interventions for animal
health will be provided by FAO. DRC will be responsible for project implementation and - Photo with or without GPS
technical inputs while WFP will be responsble for oversight and monitoring of activities data
- Post Distribution Monitoring
Activity 2.3
2. FSC Joint planning, assessments and regular meetings with other stake holders in the food security cluster
3. FAO Joint planning for CHF funded activities, to avoid duplication. where FAO will provide livestock support for Pastoralists, WFP will
compliment with rehabilitation of water catchments, feeder roads
4. Local Authorities Project selection and engaging in stakeholder meetings at District level
Outline how the project supports Gender: WFP recognizes that gender inequality directly impacts the ability of nations to become free from hunger and food insecurity, and that
the gender theme empowering women has positive impacts across all aspects of human and economic development. WFP is therefore committed to establishing a
more holistic approach to gender by developing innovative gender-sensitive interventions and strengthening staff capacity to integrate gender into
WFP policies as well as all stages of WFP programmes. Access: WFP seeks to promote gender equality and the empowerment of women, with 75%
of participants being female, and recognizes the risk of men taking food resources and negatively diverting it. To mitigate this risk, sensitization will
be given before distribution on household allocation and control of resources and an analysis on the household control of resources shows that
women normally control money for food and men control money for non-food items. Both genders will also benefit from the household rations. At
least half the members of the project management committees will be women. Women and men will be actively encouraged to participate in
discussions and decisions regarding the projects. Resiliency: Going forward, WFP together with FAO & UNICEF have embarked on a multi-year,
comprehensive resilience strategy for Somalia, through 3 main components: (a) strengthening the productive sectors; (b) improving basic social
services and (c) establishing predictable safety nets. The strategy also recognizes a need for an enabling environment based on an understanding of
local resilience and vulnerability as well as a policy and regulatory framework for effective service delivery. There is also a cross-cutting supporting
role for local governance and institutional development with household, communities, CSOs, and the private sector. As part of the formulation for the
forthcoming PRRO, community consultations have been conducted in villages in Central Somalia where focus group discussions where held with
women and men separately to ensure a good understanding of men and women’s different roles and responsibilities but also their challenges and
coping strategies in the various seasons. Protection: Issues of beneficiary protection particularly that of women, have been carefully considered for
these projects. Additional checks and balances have been put in place along with a complaints desk and hotline for any concerns to be raised .Post-
distribution monitoring will be used to monitor any security or protection issues emerging. WFP's activities are in line with its gender and protection
policies. Risk Management: Given the operational context in Central Somalia, a system to monitor implementation of activities and processes that
lead to outputs which contribute to outcomes. Process monitoring involves on-site distribution monitoring and monitoring of activity progress. The
output monitoring refers to monitoring of the products of WFP activities. Output monitoring in WFP typically includes verification of commodities in
metric tons and number of beneficiaries assisted. It also includes the physical verification of numbers of products and services put in place through
programmes. Process monitoring. Process monitoring includes monitoring of targeting, distribution and asset creation. It includes checking of stores,
commodity condition, cooperating partner documentation and reporting systems, and cooperating partners’ knowledge and capacity. Standardized
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checklists for data collection are used for distribution and site/activity monitoring. There are two main methods of collection information on process –
1. Distribution monitoring 2. Site/activity monitoring Output monitoring. The output information is primarily collected through reports from cooperating
partners. WFP also conducts field missions to verify information provided by the cooperating partners, in places where WFP cannot access due to
insecurity, a third party monitoring organisation is contracted. Monitoring coverage. The Somalia country office will monitor 30% of its distribution
sites every month. For asset creating activities WFP should monitor 50% of the activity sites upon the completion of the asset.
Select (tick) activities that supports Activity 1.1: Community consultation and participant selection:. The participants have been selected based on food security and vulnerability indicators,
the gender theme i.e. asset ownership, household size, gender of household head, WFP/DRC will ensure that 100% of the beneficiaries meet the criteria and that selection is
done in coordination with community leaders and local authority, with participation drawn equally from men and women to ensure that selected activities
consider the needs of both gender.
Activity 1.2: Food for work, designed using community consultations, to assist recovery and protect livelihoods by restoring household and community
assets depleted by shocks. WFP/DRC plans on rehabilitation of irrigation canals and feeder roads that will be used by the Agro-pastoralists to enhance
production, inputs such as seeds and tools will be provided by the other CHF partners in the same area to avoid duplication. Activities to be implemented
will have a participation of at least 50% women including at project committee level. DRC will be responsible for project implementation and technical
inputs while WFP will be responsble for oversight and monitoring of activities
Activity 1.3:
Activity 2.1: Community consultations and action planning will be carried out with targeted communities to identify shocks and trends, mapping seasonal
livelihoods, identify response options, identify possible range of programmes and identify possible partnerships in the implementation of the suggested
programmes - the resultant community action plan will be used as a tool to ensure that activities carried out within the various communities are in line with
the community priorities and that this contributes to resilience. This process will be led jointly by WFP/DRC staff
Activity 2.2: Activities designed and implemented to build resiliency by addressing the medium and longer term vulnerabilities of groups exposed to
shocks using cash or food for asset creation through community engagement. These activities are targeted equally for men and women and include
rehabilitation of water catchments, rehabilitation of roads, vegetable gardens targeting female headed households. Pastoralists are particularly targeted
with these activities as complimenting interventions for animal health will be provided by FAO. DRC will be responsible for project implementation and
technical inputs while WFP will be responsble for oversight and monitoring of activities
Activity 2.3:
Budget Narrative: Programme Officers (International) based in Galkayo, responsible for oversight and management of programme implementation activities in the
Central Somalia
Code Budget Line Description Units Unit Duration TimeUnit Amount(USD) Organization CHF % of CHF
Cost Total
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Budget Narrative:
B:2 Supplies, Code Budget Line Description Units Unit Cost Duration TimeUnit Amount(USD) Organization CHF % of CHF
Commodities, Total
2.1.1 Cereals 448.44 354 1 158,747.76 0.00 158,747.76
2.1.6 External transport of commodities (cereal, pulses, oil, 1 35106.31 1 35,106.31 0.00 35,106.31
Budget Narrative:
C:3 Code Budget Line Description Units Unit Duration TimeUnit Amount(USD) Organization CHF % of CHF
Equipment Cost Total
Budget Narrative:
D:4 Code Budget Line Description Units Unit Duration TimeUnit Amount(USD) Organization CHF % of CHF
Contractual Cost Total
Budget Narrative:
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E:5 Travel Code Budget Line Description Units Unit Duration TimeUnit Amount(USD) Organization CHF % of CHF
Cost Total
Budget Narrative:
F:6 Transfers Code Budget Line Description Units Unit Cost Duration TimeUnit Amount(USD) Organization CHF % of CHF
and Grants to Total
6.1.1 Co-operating Partner costs (DRC) 1 106300 1 106,300.00 0.00 106,300.00
Budget Narrative:
G:7 General Code Budget Line Description Units Unit Duration TimeUnit Amount(USD) Organization CHF % of CHF
Operating Cost Total
and Other
Direct Costs 7.1.1 Recurring expenses 1 29795 1 29,795.00 0.00 29,795.00
Budget Narrative:
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H.8 Indirect Code Budget Line Description Amount(USD) Organization CHF % of CHF
Programme Total
Costs 8.1.1 Indirect Programme Support Costs 55,607.00 0.00 55,607.00 6.9999
Description Amount %
b) 0.00
TOTAL 850,000.00
Region District Location Standard Cluster Activity Beneficiary Number Latitude Longitude P.Code
Activities Description
Hiraan Belet Lafoole Community based Activities to be implemented designed to build resiliency by Pastoralists 270 4.81353 45.1787 NB-3815-
Weyne participation, Food for addressing the medium and longer term vulnerabilities of groups E04-005
Work exposed to shocks food for asset creation through community
Hiraan Belet Quracley Community based Activities to be implemented designed to build resiliency by Pastoralists 268 4.70632 45.21082 NB-3815-
Weyne participation, Food for addressing the medium and longer term vulnerabilities of groups H05-002
Work exposed to shocks food for asset creation through community
Hiraan Belet Hodlei Activities to be implemented designed to build resiliency by Pastoralists 268 4.7806 45.221802 NB-3815-
Weyne addressing the medium and longer term vulnerabilities of groups F05-001
exposed to shocks food for asset creation through community
Hiraan Belet Baalcad Activities to be implemented designed to build resiliency by Pastoralists 268 4.45837 45.30442 NB-3815-
Hiraan Weyne
Belet Qooqane Community based addressing
Activities to the medium and longer
be implemented term
designed to vulnerabilities
build resiliencyofby
groups Pastoralists 300 4.84833 45.1786 N07-001
Weyne participation, Food for exposed
addressingto the
shocks food and
medium for asset
longercreation through community
term vulnerabilities of groups D04-002
Work engagement.
exposed to shocks food for asset creation through community
Hiraan Belet Jawiil Community based Activities to be implemented designed to build resiliency by Pastoralists 350 4.9203 45.2226 NB-3815-
Weyne participation, Food for addressing the medium and longer term vulnerabilities of groups B05-001
Work exposed to shocks food for asset creation through community
Hiraan Belet Dharkeynley Community based Activities to be implemented designed to build resiliency by Pastoralists 350 4.79218 45.19955 NB-3815-
Weyne participation, Food for addressing the medium and longer term vulnerabilities of groups E05-001
Work exposed to shocks food for asset creation through community
Hiraan Belet Tixey Community based Activities to be implemented designed to build resiliency by Pastoralists 307 4.61332 45.23362 NB-3815-
Weyne participation, Food for addressing the medium and longer term vulnerabilities of groups K06-002
Work exposed to shocks food for asset creation through community
Hiraan Belet Maclow Community based Activities to be implemented designed to build resiliency by Pastoralists 307 4.64365 45.23712 NB-3815-
Weyne participation, Food for addressing the medium and longer term vulnerabilities of groups J06-002
Work exposed to shocks food for asset creation through community
Hiraan Belet Ceel Gaal Community based Food for work, designed using community consultations, to assist Agro-Pastoralists 300 4.84758 45.2398 NB-3815-
Weyne participation, Food for recovery and protect livelihoods by restoring household and D06-001
Work community assets depleted by shocks.
Hiraan Belet Cadaley Community based Food for work, designed using community consultations, to assist Agro-pastoralists 300 4.67453 45.22098 NB-3815-
Weyne participation, Food for recovery and protect livelihoods by restoring household and H05-003
Work community assets depleted by shocks.
Hiraan Belet Hujub Community based Food for work, designed using community consultations, to assist Agro-pastoralists 300 4.68502 45.28351 NB-3815-
Weyne participation, Food for recovery and protect livelihoods by restoring household and H07-002
Work community assets depleted by shocks.
Hiraan Belet Faaf Community based Food for work, designed using community consultations, to assist Agro-pastoral 350 4.69463 45.2721 NB-3815-
Weyne Gumare participation, Food for recovery and protect livelihoods by restoring household and H06-001
Work community assets depleted by shocks.
Hiraan Belet Bilcile Community based Food for work, designed using community consultations, to assist Agro-Pastoralists 350 5.10559 45.56508 NB-3811-
Weyne participation, Food for recovery and protect livelihoods by restoring household and X13-001
Work community assets depleted by shocks.
Hiraan Belet Doon Kokoy Community based Food for work, designed using community consultations, to assist Agro-Pastoralist 246 4.68588 45.20802 NB-3815-
Weyne participation, Food for recovery and protect livelihoods by restoring household and H05-005
Work community assets depleted by shocks.
Hiraan Belet Jaadle Community based Food for work, designed using community consultations, to assist Agro-Pastoralist 246 4.48265 45.27215 NB-3815-
Weyne participation, Food for recovery and protect livelihoods by restoring household and N06-001
Work community assets depleted by shocks.
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Hiraan Belet Haar Community based Food for work, designed using community consultations, to assist Agro-Pastoralists 246 4.80562 45.16995 NB-3815-
Weyne Caddey participation, Food for recovery and protect livelihoods by restoring household and E04-003
Work community assets depleted by shocks.
Hiraan Belet Caloola Cad Community based Food for work, designed using community consultations, to assist Agro-pastoralists 350 4.6609 45.21265 NB-3815-
Weyne participation, Food for recovery and protect livelihoods by restoring household and J05-005
Work community assets depleted by shocks.
TOTAL 5,376
Document Description
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