Restaurant Management System

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Restaurant Management System

Submitted By: Submitted To:

Rakib Hasan Afsana Akter Lija
Department: Computer Technology Junior Instructor
Session: 19-20 Ashulia Private Institute of Science
Roll: 463547 and Technology

Department of Computer Technology

Ashulia Private Institute of Science and


Restaurant Management System 1


Customer satisfaction is the key to success for any business. In a
restaurant, the traditional hand-waving method for calling services
is inefficient often leading to many complaints. The Restaurant
Management System increases operational efficiency through use of
an internal wired communications system. The communications
system increases customer satisfaction by leaving a system at each
table which the customer can use to request for a server. This
system allows managers and owners to easily monitor restaurant
functions and employee progress.

In many popular restaurants, waiters/waitresses tend to miss out

on tables or customers’ calls during busy hours potentially
decreasing one’s clientele. While this is an ongoing issue, there is
still no product that drastically improves the communication
between the servers and the customers in the current market.
Hence, the goal is to design a system in which the customers can
call their servers easily and help the restaurant increase overall

Restaurant Management System 2


It is my pleasure to be indebted to various people, who directly or indirectly

contributed in the development of this work and who influenced our thinking,
behavior and acts during the course of study.

We express our sincere gratitude to Bonny (Junior Instructor) for providing us an

opportunity to undergo this Project as the part of the curriculum.

We are thankful to MD Asif Bin Awlad (Instructor) for his support, cooperation, and
motivation provided to us during the training for constant inspiration, presence and

We would also like to thank our Principle Tariqul Islam for her valuable suggestions
which helps us lot in completion of this project.

Lastly, we would like to thank the almighty and our parents for their moral support
and friends with whom we shared our day-to-day experience and received lots of
suggestions that improved our quality of work.

Restaurant Management System 3


Title Page
1. Introduction……………………………………………………… 5

2. Project Aims and Objectives………………………………………… 6

3. Figure- organization structure…………………………….. 6


5. SYSTEM DESIGN…………………………………………………. 8-10

6. MySQL DISCRIPITION…………………………………….. 11

7 Customer Info……………………………………………………. 11

8 Menu……………………………………………..................... 12

9 Ordered Item…………………………………………………… 12


11 Table name: Admin 13

12 Table name: Category 13
13 Table name: cart 14
14 Table name: customer 14
15 Table name: Order 15
16 Table name: payment 16

Restaurant Management System 4







Restaurant Management System 5


In many popular restaurants, waiters/waitresses tend to miss out on tables or

customers’ calls during busy hours potentially decreasing one’s clientele. While
this is an ongoing issue, there is still no product that drastically improves the
communication between the servers and the customers in the current market.
Hence, the goal is to design a system in which the customers can call their
servers easily and help the restaurant increase overall efficiency. An internal
wired communication system will allow prompt notification to the server when
a customer requires service. Moreover, servers can also be more focused on
serving their current customers and save their time and energy from always
keeping an eye out for needy customers.

On top of meeting the needs of customers, restaurant managers can also

monitor the response time of their waiters/waitresses through use of this
system. Hardworking, proficient employees will become more recognized while
lazy, inefficient employees become motivated to improve. As a result, the
restaurant becomes more efficient and possibly increasing morale while
improving the level of customer satisfaction.

Restaurant Management System 6

Project Aims and Objectives

Now a day, the world is getting into digital world. System was trying to build
out to make people even more convenience on any aspects. Restaurant
Management System provide a system based food ordering system without help
of a waiter. It involves seller and buyer which could bring benefits to each
other. It is win-win situation that will bring benefits to the world. This system
was bringing a convenience for customer that can make order by help of a

It provides customer with a completely new way to make order. By providing

customer convenience and also increase the sales. No time wasted with order
taking or letting the customer browse the menu over the system.

This system provides more reliable usability, maintainability and dependability

functions. By creating quality, easy to keep track management of new system.
So that it can streamline all the works by a simple click. By develop the system
based food ordering system can reduce the unnecessary costs such as staff
salaries, customer satisfaction, reputation, etc. Our restaurant also easy to
keep track for the maintenance and point redemption.

Figure- organization structure:


Restaurant Management System 7


Today, we will go to a restaurant, then a waiter come and take order.
Sometimes the waiter is busy otherwise he is not see me. And he is not take
order as soon as possible. We will compare Restaurant Management System
between, today system come human errors is possible like can’t take order
correctly. We will need to other items we are waiting for their time.

We can see the specialty of Restaurant Management System we can see the
price of the item in the menu. But today system we can see the total amount
we can see at the last moment. But Restaurant Management System when we
take order then we can see the total amount.

Restaurant Management System 8



Customer Interaction

rI D
Login ss
w ord
With desired time of delivery )

m be Va
Me a te
inf Validator Yes Main Page


Reminder su Back
es for
sfu log
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gis for



Registration Validate User Registrar

Registration fails

Restaurant Management System 9


For giving the order, the user should become a member initially. User would
have to install his information like the address and other key information so
that he doesn’t have to give his information each time. For signing up every
customer has to give some this details such as address, name, contact no etc.
and the most important is email ID which is the primary key to identify each
customer uniquely, thus email becomes the User ID for the customer.

The only thing needed here is to sign in to the system through the system. Now
he would have the option to edit his current information and big thing to order
the food diminishing the human interaction. He would have today’s menu in
front of him and he have the clear choices for order. He has variety of things to
do here and have the option to cancel the order before the serving. For the first
time to access the system, customer has to give his key information like
identification and so on.

For the management side, it is quite possible to book many orders

concurrently. System will be able to book nearly infinite number of orders at a
time. Management side has more updated information and they can get the
currently orders. System will be able to deal with the customers who don’t
come to take their orders by blocking them and not letting them to sign up
again. This is done by maintaining some information regarding the status of
order and the relative customer. So according to that the system can deal him.
How system deals with him...? He should have to pay the amount of the last
order in order to continue with his membership.

All that would be implemented in Apache Server Pages and MySQL Servlets.

Restaurant Management System 10

At Login page we will be checking the user’s existence and mapping his user
ID/email ID with his password, if the user is valid then he is allowed to access

At Registration, it is checked that the user ID/ email ID is not pre- existing,
along with various general events/acts such as the customer had entered right
format of the e-mail, or it is not entered NIL, all phone & mobile numbers
contain only the numbers, etc.

The option of password reminder is also included, so that when the user forgets
his password then he can get a new password by giving his email ID, only if he
already exists!!

Restaurant Management System 11



Customer Info
This table keeps the record of the customer’s information before user
logs on he fills up a form that guides him how he can become a member.
Email ID is primary key in this table so we can recognize each member’s email
ID uniquely as it is used as their user ID as well. Other information includes
customer Name, password, contact no, Address and status, the later tells him
about whether the member is blacklisted or locked. The entity shares a 1:N
relation with order utilities.,

Restaurant Management System 12

The name insists, it contains the information of all menus and its related
matter. Each menu is uniquely identified by its Item ID (Primary key). The
purpose here is to provide customers all the information regarding menu such
as Name (item), Description, Category, price and status (to check customer,
whether that item is currently available or Not!!). Later, at the management’s
point of view, we provide user ID (uniquely selected by management staff) to
alter the contents of table. This entity shares N:1 relationship with the ordered
item entity.

Ordered Item
This table provides information to the management staff regarding the uniquely
generated order ID, which may contain one or more menu item uniquely
identified by Item ID. Apart from this, the management can check/alter the
status of the order along with, they can alter the cook/s which was previously
assigned to fulfill the order, this can be done by the management staff by
logging in with User ID.

A cook can place status over this entity regarding the status of the specified
item is ready for delivery or not !!, this is done by using uniquely provided cook
ID. From customer’s perspective, customer can check the status of his order in
detail i.e. the status of each item in his order from this table as well as the
quantity he ordered, the later can also be helpful at the management side. This
entity shares 1: N relationship with the Menu Table Order

This table tells about the Order ID (which is a primary key), who has placed the
order and gives details about the time when order was placed and the time
when the order will be delivered; along with the status of the order (usually
some 5 status labels are assigned). This table shares N:1 relationship with the
Customer info entity.

Restaurant Management System 13


Table name: Admin

Table Name: Category

Category id Int(11) No ---

Category name Varchar(100) No ---

Parent id Int(11) No ---

Order type Int(11) yes Null


Restaurant Management System 14

Table name: cart

Field Data type Null Default

Id Int (11) No ---

User id Varchar(100) Yes null

Inv id Varchar(100) Yes null

Quantity Varchar(100) Yes null

Price Varchar(100) Yes null

Inv name Varchar(100) Yes null

Cart identity Varchar(100) Yes null

Table name: customer

field Data type Null Default

Cust id Int(11) No ----

Cust name Varchar(100) No ----

Cust id Varchar(100) No ----

Cust address Varchar(100) No ----

Cust city Varchar(100) No ----

Cust zipcode Varchar(100) No ----

phone Varchar(100) No ----

Email Varchar(100) No ----

Password Varchar(100) No ----


Restaurant Management System 15


Table name: Order

Field Data type Null Default

Order id Int(11) No null

Order name Text Yes ---

Order date Datetime No ---

Order status Int(11) No ---

Delivery date Datetime Yes Null

Comment Text Yes Null

Order flag Int(11) yes Null

Order user id Int(11) yes Null

Order price Decimal(20,4) Yes Null

Table name: payment

Field Data type Null Default

Id Int(11) no ---

Restaurant Management System 16

Posted date Date no ---

Description text no ---

Payment type Varchar(50) no ---

amount Varchar(50) no ---


Restaurant Management System 17



PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor

PHP is a server-side scripting language designed for web development but also
used as a general-purpose programming language. PHP is now installed on
more than 244 million websites and 2.1 million web servers. Originally created
by Rasmus Lerdorf in 1995, the reference implementation of PHP is now
produced by The PHP Group. While PHP originally stood for Personal Home
Page, it now stands for PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor, a recursive acronym.

PHP code is interpreted by a web server with a PHP processor module which
generates the resulting web page: PHP commands can be embedded directly
into an HTML source document rather than calling an external file to process
data. It has also evolved to include a command-line interface capability and
can be used in standalone graphical applications. PHP is free software released
under the PHP License, which is incompatible with the GNU General Public
License (GPL) due to restrictions on the usage of the term
PHP. PHP can be deployed on most web server


MySQL is the most popular database system used with PHP.

What is MySQL?
• MySQL is a database system used on the web

Restaurant Management System 18

• MySQL is a database system that runs on a server

• MySQL is ideal for both small and large applications
• MySQL is very fast, reliable, and easy to use
• MySQL supports standard SQL
• MySQL compiles on a number of platforms
• MySQL is free to download and use
• MySQL is developed, distributed, and supported by Oracle Corporation
• MySQL is named after co-founder Monty Widenius's daughter: My

The data in MySQL is stored in tables. A table is a collection of related data,

and it consists of columns and rows.


Macromedia Dreamweaver 8
Macromedia Dreamweaver 8 is a professional HTML editor for designing,
coding, and developing websites, web pages, and web applications. Whether

Restaurant Management System 19


you enjoy the control of hand-coding HTML, or prefer to work in a visual editing
environment, Dreamweaver provides you with helpful tools to enhance your
web creation experience. This guide introduces you to using Macromedia
Dreamweaver 8 if you’re unfamiliar with any major aspect of it. The tutorials in
this guide lead you through the process of creating a simple but functional

The visual editing features in Dreamweaver let you quickly create web pages
without writing a line of code. You can view all your site elements or assets and
drag them from an easy-to-use panel directly into a document. You can
streamline your development workflow by creating and editing images in
Macromedia Fireworks or another graphics application, and then import them
directly into Dreamweaver. Dreamweaver also provides tools that make it easy
to add Flash assets to web pages.

In addition to drag-and-drop features that help you build web pages,

Dreamweaver provides a full-featured coding environment that includes
codeediting tools (such as code coloring, tag completion, a coding toolbar, and
code collapse) and language reference material on Cascading Style Sheets
(CSS), JavaScript, ColdFusion Markup Language (CFML), and other languages.
Macromedia Roundtrip HTML technology imports your hand-coded HTML
documents without reformatting the code; you can then reformat code with
your preferred formatting style. Dreamweaver also lets you build dynamic,
database-driven web applications using server technologies such as CFML,
ASP.NET, ASP, JSP, and PHP. If your preference is for working with XML data,
Dreamweaver provides tools that let you easily create XSLT pages, attach XML
files, and display XML data on your web pages. Dreamweaver is fully
customizable. You can create your own objects and commands, modify
keyboard shortcuts, and even write JavaScript code to extend Dreamweaver
capabilities with new behaviors, Property inspectors, and site reports.

Restaurant Management System 20


Notepad++ is a free source code editor and notepad replacement that support
several languages. Running in the MS windows environment, Its use is
governed by GPL license. Based on a powerful editing component scintilla.
Notepad++ is written in C++ and uses pure win32 API and SLT which ensure a
higher execution speed and smaller program size.

Notepad is a full featured text editor with features like syntax high lighting and
syntax folding like HTML,ASP,JAVA,CSS and PHP etc.

Firefox/Google Chrome

Firefox and Google Chrome is used to testing the web pages. And both browsers
are used to search for more information to do this project.

Restaurant Management System 21




All the food service needed to go through a voice call. When customer make
order, staff write down orders. Customer just can make order which they walk
in or call. They cannot make order as they like. The accociated benefits will
gradually be reflected in our customer service, information management areas.
Since all the food ordering done in manual way. So the customer have to queue
up to make order.


When customer call an waiter during busy time. They cannot make order at the
busy time. Otherwise customer can make order waiting until after a period of
time. When customer make order, a food getting after a time delay. This
experience customer give an unsatisfied experience.

Restaurant Management System 22


The main dispatcher system software may have a few areas to improve on in
the future. The current system allows anyone to view and modify the database.
Adding a user profiles with password will improve the overall security of the
system. As for eccentric feature, colour code different request status, request
type, or waiter id would make the request table easier to read. In the future, it
would be efficient to join this main dispatcher software to the existing ordering
software that restaurants use today to increase the productivity

Restaurant Management System 23



The purpose of the wireless restaurant management system is to improve

worker efficiency and to maximize profit margin of restaurant owners by
providing better service. Providing prompt response to customers through use
of a System and data collection by the Main Dispatcher will allow this to
happen. This project proved to be a larger task than expected due to lack of
manpower and late arriving parts. Certain functionality also had to be
abandoned to meet time constraints. The System is not designed to replace the
existing ordering systems which are at many restaurants but to complement it.
Once the Restaurant Management System becomes further refined with the
ideas discussed in the previous section, it will pose to be an indispensable tool.

Restaurant Management System 24



• Active expert software B. V.2010



Restaurant Management System 25



Figure – member login

This page is contain login into home/main page. Login done by entering a
unique Username and Password.

Restaurant Management System 26

Figure –Dashboard

This menu contain the ordered list and add order button. The order list page
show all the order ordered by customer. They can enable view/delete order by
pressing the corresponding buttons. They also delete the order/cancel

Restaurant Management System 27


Figure –add order

This page has also show all the food item which can view by category. It allow
customer to order food and select quantity and add it to order list. Customer can
view their order in dashboard.

Restaurant Management System 28

Figure – view or edit order


Restaurant Management System 29


Figure- add customer

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