Calcul PDC
Calcul PDC
Calcul PDC
Year Brine / Water Water / Water Air / Water Total : Heat pump for
Heat-pumps for hot water
space heating
2002 5.363 1.439 1.524 8.326 4.082
Changes from 2002 to 2003 (comparison of figures from January till June)
+ 2,93 % brine / water
- 2,27 % water / water
+ 30,68 % air / water
+ 6,6 % total market (heat-pumps for space heating)
Figure 4: Dependency of brine temperature, water temperature, heating power and electric
power consumption /2/.
1.5 Required efficiencies
A minimum efficiency is not demanded by a standard but for the “Gütesiegel” is
Minimum measured COP (according to EN 255)
• Air / Water : 3.0 (at A2/W35)
• Brine / Water : 4.0 (at B0/W35)
• Water / Water : 4.5 (at W10/W35)
Some mains give other values for financial support. This values differ from company to
company and also differ from year to year. There are no general values.
2 Standards
2.1 General
Ventilation systems:
• DIN 1946
Standard testing procedure is EN 255 for air to water and brine to water, water to water and
air to air heat-pumps. This tests are usually done at TÖSS, the values are published in a
bulletin /1/. There is no other institute recognised by the D-A-CH (Germany, Austria,
For the Netherlands heat-pumps are tested by TNO as TÖSS is not certified according to
ISO 9000.
Other systems like heat-pumps combined with ventilation (with heat recovery) and hot water
production are not covered by EN 255. The testing is done according to conditions fixed by
DIBt (Deutsche Institut für Bautechnik – German Institute for Building Technology) specially
for each machine.
Ventilation systems:
• Fans according to DIN EN 24 613
• Thermal performance DIN EN 13 141 – 7 and DIN EN 13 141 – 8.
• Noise according to DIN 4109
• Heat exchangers according to EN 308
Relative heating
demand Outside temperature
φ [%] taußen [°C]
63 - 3,9
48 0,6
39 3,3
30 6,0
13 11,1
Table 3: Heating demand and outside temperature in DIN 4702/8
The annual performance („Normnutzungsgrad“) is:
ηN = 5
i =1 i
The correlation of outlet temperature of the heat source and the ambient temperature is
70 70
65 Outlet / Inlet 65
75°C / 60°C
60 60
55 55
Outlet temperature in °C
50 50
45 Outlet / Inlet 45
55°C / 35°C
40 40
35 35
30 30
25 25
20 20
-15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15
Ambient temperature in °C
Figure 5: Correlation of ambient temperature and in/outlet temperatures for two different
heating systems.
QP primary energy use of a building
Qh heating demand
Qtw hot water demand
eP Aufwandszahl
Three different calculation methods for the Aufwandzahl are allowed:
1. determination by diagrams
2. table calculation method
3. detailed calculation
For hot water with a heat pump the Aufwandzahl is the reciprocal of the COP, corrected by
e TW ,g =
ε N ⋅ F1 ⋅ F2
For the heating, the Aufwandzahl is the reciprocal of the annual performance:
e L,g,WP = 1 / β WP
The annual performance may become difficult (as for example for exhaust air heat pumps
with an air to air heat recovery), but still it is represented by one equation, achieved by the
correction of the three measurement points:
For an air to water heat pump the annual performance is derived by a correction of EN 255
βHP = (εN(A-7/W35) . Fϑ-7 + εN(A2/W35) . Fϑ2 + εN(A10/W35) . Fϑ10) . F∆ϑ
The correction factors for the heating demand have to be determined with regard to other
national standards for the calculation of the heating demand of the building, in Germany the
DIN 4108-6 (developed on the base of EN 832).
For the hot water production it should be possible to find values for the factors which do not
depend on a country. The big influence factor is the calculation of the heating demand (which
differs from country to country).
3 Heat-pump design
The energy demand of the building for heating an hot water is calculated according to DIN
4701. For further design of the heat-pump there is no common standard. Some
manufacturers give a calculation method for the system design.
Table 4: Recommendations of Viessmann for the heat-pump design /2/.
Table 5: Design of heat-pump power according to DIN 4701, respecting cut-off times from
the mains /2/.
Hot water demand is determined according to DIN 4701, but only if the hot water
consumption exceeds a certain percentage of the total heating power.
Table 6: Hot water demand /2/.
Bivalent operation are taken into account by some manufacturers (no standard).
Figure 6: Dual-mode heating systems, parallel and alternative dual-mode operation /2/.
Figure 7: Design criteria for ground probes /2/
Figure 8: Ground temperatures according to VDI 4640
In many regions, ground water heat-pumps need the permission of local authorities /2/. The
Approval may be subject to certain conditions. Insofar as connection and use of public water
supply are compulsory, a permit for the utilisation of groundwater as heat source may be
required from the parish council.
• Comparison of electric heat pumps, thermal boilers and thermal heat pumps: The annual
performance of electric heat pumps is calculated with VDI 2067, No. 6. There is no direct
comparison to other heating systems (gas, oil, biomass) DIN 4702/8 and direct electric
heating systems (EnEV).
For the daily method, the heating demand for each day is calculated by a static model from
the heat losses and gains of the house /6/. The hot water demand is given per day.
The heating system has to cover the energy demand of the day. The heating power is
determined by a static model from average source and sink temperature for the day. If the
heat-pump is not able to cover the energy demand, an additional heat source is switched on
(dual-mode parallel) or the heat pump is switched off according to source temperatures
(dual-mode bivalent). Energy demand of the control, pumps and fans is determined per day.
Solar thermal collectors of other heat sources can be included in the model.
For more detailed dynamic simulations, an extension of the MATLAB-Carnot models would
be helpful. Possibilities today:
• Linear heat pump model (suitable for brine / water and water / water heat-pumps)
• Refrigerant properties
• Properties of humid air
8 Literature
/1/ WPZ Bulletin, No. 35, 2003
/2/ Vitocal 300, Technical Guide, Viessmann 2003
/3/ Bundesverband Wärmepumpe (BWP) e.V., 2003
/4/ Bundesumweltministerium: Eckpunktepapier zum Ausstieg aus den F-Gasen, Oktober
/5/ Forschungszentrum Kältetechnik und Wärmepumpen: Theoretische Ermittlung der
Jahresarbeitszahlen für verschiedene Wärmepumpenkreisläufe, Hannover 2003
/6/ Wittekindt, Udo: Energetische Jahresbilanzierung von Kompakten Heizungs- und
Lüftungssystemen für Passivhäuser, Diplomarbeit Universität Gesamthochschule
Kassel, Fachbereich 15, Maschinenbau, Institut für Solar- und Anlagentechnik, 2002