Admin Journal Manager 10 Cebeci
Admin Journal Manager 10 Cebeci
Admin Journal Manager 10 Cebeci
Abstract. Introduction: In subclinical hypothyroidism (SH), serum lipid and lipoprotein concentrations are
frequently changed. Compared to the normal population, the levels of oxidized low-density lipoprotein
(LDL) cholesterol are higher and the levels of high density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol are lower. In SH
patients, the mechanism of atherosclerosis may be attributed to the lipid abnormalities. There is evidence
showing that, oxidation plays an important role during the process of atherosclerosis, preventing the lipid
peroxidation of paraoxonase 1 and thereby, acting against the atherosclerosis. In this study, we evaluated the
activity of paraoxonase and arylesterase in subclinical hypothyroidism and investigated its relation with ox-
idative stress. Method: The study enrolled 25 cases with SH and 20 healthy controls. The patient group and
the control group were compared in terms of the activity of paraoxonase and arylesterase and the oxidative
stress index. Results: Between two groups, no significant difference was found in terms of age, gender, total
cholesterol, low-molecular weighted lipoprotein, high-molecular weighted lipoprotein. In SH group, the ac-
tivity of paraoxonase was significantly lower than that observed in the control group (p=0.01). Also, the ac-
tivity of arylesterase was significantly lower in the group with subclinical hypothyroidism (p=0.03). Oxida-
tive stress index was found to be significantly higher in the group with subclinical hypothyroidism compared
to the healthy controls (p<0.01). Oxidative stress index showed a strong positive correlation with the levels
of TSH in all cases (r=0.60, p<0.01. Conclusion: Consequently, in SH, the activity of paraoxonase and
arylesterase were significantly low and oxidative stress was significantly high. Lower activities of paraoxonase
and arylesterase indicated increased oxidative damage in SH. This may be useful to elucidate the mecha-
nism of atherosclerosis in SH. In addition, these findings suggested that the activities of paraoxonase and
arylesterase may be used for the determination of therapeutical response and during the follow-up.
Statistical analysis
tration by 0.09 mmol/L (3.5 mg/dl) in women and by During the acute phase reaction, a significant de-
0.16 mmol/L (6.2 mg/dl) in men (16). Due to these crease was observed in the PON1 activity (27). Mack-
lipid abnormalities, subclinical hypothyroidism may ness et al. reported that serum PON1 activity and
be considered as a risk factor for atherosclerosis (19, concentration was decreased within 2 hours following
20). In the Rotterdam study (61), in the post- the onset of the symptoms of myocardial infarction,
menopausal women, a strong correlation was found that the level of PON1 remained unchanged during
between subclinical hypothyroidism and atheroscle- 42 days following the myocardial infarction although
rotic cardiovascular diseases, independent from classi- the acute phase reaction was over, and that this de-
cal risk factors as smoking, hypertension, hypercholes- crease of PON1 activity might be pre-existing (28).
terolemia and diabetes mellitus. In the study per- These data support the idea that PON 1 may be play-
formed by Ba kol et al. (22), it was found that lipid ing a role in the atherosclerotic process.
peroxidation plays an important role in the pathogen- In our study, we found that serum paraoxonase
esis of atherosclerosis developed during the hypothy- activity was significantly lower in the patients with
roidism. Many investigators reported the protective subclinical hypothyroidism compared to control group
effect of HDL against the oxidation of LDL in sever- (p=0.01). In the study performed by Başkol et al. (22),
al studies. PON 1, an antioxidant enzyme found in PON 1 activity was found to be lower in the pre-treat-
the structure of HDL, contributes to the protective ef- ment patients compared to control group and post-
fect of HDL by preventing the oxidation of LDL treatment cases of hypothyroidism. Post-treatment
(6,7). Durrington et al. (23), in the study in which mean PON 1 activity for hypothyroidism showed a
they aimed to realize the hypothesis that states that significant increase but still remained significantly
PON 1 is responsible to destruct the lipid peroxides lower compared to control group. In the study con-
before the accumulation on LDL, observed that puri- ducted by Millionist et al. (29), PON 1 activity was
fied PON 1 is effective in the prevention of the lipid found to be similar among the patients with subclini-
peroxidation of LDL. In the study performed by Avi- cal hypothyroidism and control group. In another
ram et al. (24), they observed that although PON 1 study performed by Azizi et al. (30), both the patients
alone has a greater effect for the prevention of LDL with hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism showed a
oxidation compared to Lecithin Cholesterole acyl lower PON 1 activity compared to control group.
transferase (LCAT) and apo A1, the total effect of the In our study, in addition, paraoxonase did not
combination of PON 1, LCAT and apo A1 was show any correlation with HDL in the group with
stronger than that of PON 1 alone. Platelet activator subclinical hypothyroidism (r=0.18, p=0.37). In the
factor acethile transfearse( PAFAH) activity observed study performed by Jayakumari et al. (31), in the
on LDL prevents coronary artery disease indepen- healthy controls, while PON1 activity was positively
dently from the genetic effect. By contrast, PAFAH correlated with HDL cholesterol, in the presence of
activity observed on HDL is not related to the disso- coronary artery disease, they showed a negative corre-
ciation of the enzymes like in LDL, but to PON 1 lation. However, in the study performed by enturk et
(25). It was reported that, if HDL has no PON 1 ac- al. (32), no correlation was found between PON 1 ac-
tivity, PAFAH can’t protect LDL against lipid perox- tivity and HDL levels in the patients with acute coro-
idation (9). In many studies, it was shown that HDL- nary syndrome.
dependent PON prevents not only LDL oxidation but PON 1 is an ester hydrolase with both
also HDL oxidation (26). This effect is related to the arylesterase and paraoxonase activities. Polymorphism
ability of PON to hydrolyze the lipoprotein-mediated has an effect on its ability to prevent the LDL oxida-
peroxides. It was suggested that a low PON1 serum tion. Polymorphism does not show an effect on the
activity despite the normal HDL levels would lead to arylesterase activity, which is considered as the main
a decrease in the protective effect of HDL against indicator of protein concentration independently of
LDL oxidation and thereby, to an increase in the inci- the changes of PON 1 activity. In a study performed,
dence of atherosclerosis. it was shown that arylesterase activity of PON 1 was
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decreased by approximately 50% during LDL oxida- oxidative stress compared to control group (p<0.01).
tion. In our study, serum arylesterase activity was In addition, oxidative stress index was significantly
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(p=0.03). In the study conducted by Coria et al. (33), While total antioxidant capacity provides infor-
arylesterase activity did not show a difference among mation about all antioxidants existing in the organism,
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