Matrix Board Exam - Medtech
Matrix Board Exam - Medtech
Matrix Board Exam - Medtech
Histopathology ( 65 %)
1 Histology and Pathology 10%
1. Terminologies 4%
1 2 . Etiology of disease 2%
1.3 . Signs , symptoms and course of disease 2%
1.4 . Cellular and tissue changes 2%
2 Histopathologic techniques and procedures 35%
2.1. Preservation and handling of specimen 10%
2.2. Tissue Processing and Procedures
2.2.1. Routine - Manual 7%
2.2.2. Routine Automation 5%
2.2. 3. Special 3%
2.3, Staining
2, 3.1. Routine 5%
2.3.2. Special ( Immunohistochemistry ) 5%
3 Cytologic Techniques and Procedures 8%
3.1. Preservation and handling of specimen 2%
3.2. Processing
3.2.1. Manual 2%
3.2.2 . Automation 2%
3, 3. Staining 2%
4 Autopsy 2%
4.1. Terminologies 1%
4.2. Handling Processing and Documentation 1%
5 Quality Assurance 10%
MT Laws Related Laws and Code of Ethics
6 MT Laws 10%
7 Laboratory Management 10%
8 Related Laws 10%
9 Code of Ethics Including Bioethics 5%
TOTAL 100%
Blood Banking ( 50% )
1 ABO and Rh Blood Group System 5%
2 Other Major Blood Group System: KELL, Duffy, Kidd, Lewis 3%
MNSs, Lutheran, P, L
3 Minor BioodGroup Systems: Diego. Cartwright , Chido , XG 1%
Scianna, Gerbich, Milton, Knops, Bg , Indian, etc.
4 Basic Genetics 2%
5 Blood Donor Selection and Processing 5%
6 Blood Preservation and banking 5%
7 Component preparation 5%
8 Transfusion therapy 2%
9 Transfusion reactions 3%
10 Transfusion transmitted diseases 3%
11 Techniques and procedures: typing , compatibility 8%
testing , antibody detection and identification
12 Hemolytic Disease of the Newborn ( HDN) and Autoimmune 4%
Hemolytic Anemia
13 Quality management (structure, set up / Equipment LIS ) 4%