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Crystengcomm: Paper
Crystengcomm: Paper
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Iron oxide nanoparticles are of great scientific interest due to their huge versatility of applications. The oxi-
dation process of magnetite to maghemite is difficult to monitor as both iron oxide polymorphs possess
connatural chemical properties. Especially the surface composition and reactivity of these nanosystems,
which are most relevant for interactions with their environment, are not completely understood. Here, the
oxidation of magnetite is investigated under mild and harsh conditions in order to understand the oxidation
behaviour and the chemical stability of transition forms. Therefore, the oxidation process, is investigated
with Raman, Mössbauer and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy as well as X-ray diffraction and magnetom-
etry. The multi-analytical approach allows new insights into surface composition and rearrangement
according to respective different depth profiles. For both conditions investigated, the ferrous iron compo-
Received 21st November 2016, nents are oxidised prior to structural changes in the Fe–O vibrations and crystal structure. The process
Accepted 2nd December 2016
starts from the outer layers and is acid catalysed. Oxidation leads to a decrease of magnetisation which still
remains higher than 54 emu g−1. The charge and surface reactivity can be affected by the different oxida-
DOI: 10.1039/c6ce02421a
tion methods and the irreversible adsorption of acid molecules. Biocompatibility and catalytic properties of iron oxide nanoparticles open doors to future applications.
Introduction imaging5,18–20 are possible for MNP as they have been ap-
proved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA).21 On
Magnetic nanoparticles (MNP) have been intensively studied the other hand, for catalytic applications, such as Fenton
and optimised for many different scopes of application over chemistry, a high reactivity of MNP is desired.22 While most
the past decade. Most MNPs applied industrially consist of investigations focus on the modification and
the superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles magnetite functionalisation of MNP,23–27 in depth fundamental under-
(Fe3O4) and maghemite (γ-Fe2O3). The versatility of possible standing of the formation, phase transition and factors
applications reaches from adsorbents in separation pro- influencing the surface chemistry is still required. Many inter-
cesses,1,2 enzyme immobilisation,3 biomedicine4,5 and cataly- esting studies focusing on the formation pathways of iron ox-
sis6 to energy storage.7–9 In mineral processing and wastewa- ide nanoparticles exist for different routes such as polyol,28,29
ter treatment10 MNP are used as low-cost adsorbents which hydrothermal,30 electrochemical,31 pyrolytic32 and co-
can be magnetically separated and aid in removing toxic11 or precipitative synthesis.33,34 The influence of different synthe-
radioactive ions.12 For biological separation processes such as sis parameters, such as temperature, pH and iron ion concen-
protein or DNA/RNA purification, cell sorting, algae tration, on the size, morphology and composition of the iron
harvesting and virus removal MNP should be chemically and oxide nanoparticles are widely discussed in literature.35–39
mechanically inert toward the target products.13 Additionally, However, as numerous applications require the interaction
great separation capabilities and affinities to biomolecules with different ions, biomolecules or polymers, the control of
are requested for bioseparation engineering.14,15 However, the surface reactivity is an important topic.27 Especially fer-
even biomedical in vivo applications such as hypothermia,16 rous ions occurring in magnetite are known to have an im-
drug delivery17 and as contrast agents for magnetic resonance pact on cytotoxicity40,41 for microorganisms and on catalytic
activity towards organic substrates.22 Aruoja et al. investigated
the cytotoxicity of different metal oxide nanoparticles on
Bioseparation Engineering Group, Technical University of Munich, bacteriae, algae and protozoa and observed a cell growth inhi-
Boltzmannstraße 15, Garching, 85748, Germany. E-mail: [email protected]
bition for magnetite nanoparticles.42 While magnetite seems
Physik-Department E15, Technical University of Munich, James-Franck-Straße 1,
Garching, 85748, Germany
to demonstrate toxic behaviour towards biological organisms,
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/ no cell damaging effect could be evidenced for
c6ce02421a maghemite.40,41 This cell-damaging effect is often ascribed to
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the generation of reactive oxygen species. Such radicals can with approximately same size. The structure is examined by
be formed under acidic conditions, especially if H2O2 is pres- Mössbauer and Raman spectroscopy as well as X-ray diffrac-
ent and the Fe2+ ions of the magnetite particles can be used tion. While distinguishing between magnetite and
as Fenton catalysts (Scheme 1).22,43 maghemite from XRD is quite difficult,46 in Mössbauer
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Iron ions are known to crystallise in more than 20 oxide/ spectroscopy, divalent and trivalent iron ions can easily be
(oxy)hydroxide forms. Different reaction conditions such as distinguished due to different isomer shifts.47 Bulk materials
pH, temperature, precursor and atmosphere can influence are often measured at room temperature where the electron
the entire crystal structure beside particle size and hopping between octahedral positions leads to an effective
magnetisation. Moreover, the different materials are also Fe2.5+ component, which is characteristic for magnetite48 and
does not appear in maghemite.47 Since thermal effects such
Open Access Article. Published on 02 December 2016. Downloaded on 7/24/2019 12:21:42 PM.
Magnetite was synthesised as described by Roth et al.39 The
synthesis was carried out by the co-precipitation of Fe2+ and
Fe3+ aqueous salt solutions in an alkaline environment as pre-
viously reported. Ferric chloride (FeCl3·6H2O) and sodium hy-
droxide (NaOH) were purchased from AppliChem GmbH, Ger-
many. Ferrous chloride (FeCl2·4H2O) was purchased from
Bernd Kraft GmbH, Germany. 200 mL of ferrous chloride (100
mmol), ferric chloride (200 mmol) and 500 mL sodium hy-
droxide (1 mol) were prepared with degassed and deionised
water. The co-precipitation of magnetite nanoparticles was
performed in a stirred tank reactor under nitrogen atmo-
Scheme 1 Schematic illustration of different applications, structural
sphere to prevent oxidation of the precursors and the product.
transformations and surface interactions of nanoscale iron oxide The suspension was washed several times with degassed and
nanoparticles. deionised water in order to remove extraneous ions.
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The mild oxidation of magnetite was performed in a ser was used and the laser power was reduced by optical filters
double-walled glass reactor. Here, 1 L of a suspension of to 0.1 mW for each measurement. In order to quantify the
freshly prepared magnetite nanoparticles with a concentra- progress of oxidation, the A1g band between 600 and 750 cm−1
tion of 7 g L−1 was stirred at 400 rpm and heated to 60 °C. Af- was fitted with Voigt functions in Origin 2015 Pro.
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ter having maintained the temperature constant for 10 min, X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy was accomplished with a
compressed air was bubbled through the reaction mixture. Leybold–Heraeus LHS 10 XPS system in ultrahigh vacuum
Aliquots of the reaction mixture were taken after 0, 15, 45 (UHV) hosting a nonmonochromatised Al Kα source (1486.7
min and 2, 4 and 24 h and were frozen at −80 °C prior to eV). The powder samples were fixed on a vacuum compatible
Mössbauer spectroscopy or stored at −20 °C under nitrogen copper foil adhesive tape. The spectra were recorded at a con-
stant pass energy mode set to 100 eV and a FWHM of ∼1.1
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Fig. 6 XP spectra of synthesised magnetite nanoparticles (a) and oxidised particles after 24 at 60 °C under air atmosphere (b) and in nitric acid (c).
acid than in air and the ions are able to precipitate on the for discussion on the possibility of an oxyhydroxide surface.
particle surface leading to slightly larger particles as observed However, from our Mössbauer data we were able to exclude
in the TEM and XRD size analysis. The surface of magnetite loosely bound iron ions adsorbed on the surface. From X-ray
nanoparticles seems to be disordered even before oxidation photoelectron spectroscopy we evidence that the magnetite
as the saturation magnetization is lower than bulk material nanoparticle surface contains hydroxyl groups. These groups
and the remanence magnetisation as well as the coercivity play a key role for the interactions with molecules.15
are inverse to the magnetisation in the respective magnetic In order to further analyse the surface of the magnetic
field prior to the shutdown of the magnetic field. The surface nanoparticles for application scopes, besides zeta potential
layer of magnetic nanoparticles is widely discussed in litera- measurements, the cytotoxicology and the capability of acting
ture.60,68,70 Most groups assume that the nanoparticle surface as a Fenton catalyst were investigated. The isoelectric point
contains an non-stoichiometric oxyhydroxide but were not (IEP) for magnetite is determined at a pH value of 7.0, for the
able to prove this with Raman or Mössbauer spectroscopy as particles oxidised by air at 8.4 and for the ones treated with
the vibrations of different iron oxides and (oxy)hydroxides nitric acid at 6.3. For magnetite a value of 6.5 was reported
are quite similar. Our Raman results still leave some space by Plaza et al. and others; they also reported a change to 5.5
252 | CrystEngComm, 2017, 19, 246–255 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2017
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In summary, our investigations on the oxidation of magnetite
nanoparticles reflect the behaviour complexity of nanoscale
iron oxides. We monitored the oxidation process of magne-
tite nanoparticles with an average diameter, obtained from
TEM values, of 9 nm in harsh and mild oxidative conditions.
The harsh oxidation conditions, where magnetite particles
were incubated with 0.07 mol L−1 HNO3, lead to a complete
phase transformation to maghemite after 24 h. This transfor-
mation could be evidenced by the amount of ferrous iron
ions, obtained by Mössbauer spectroscopic measurements
and by the change of the lattice constant as well as by the
appearing of a maghemite-specific phonon species. Further-
more, a decrease of the saturation magnetisation was ob-
served for the oxidation with nitric acid. The nitric acid catal-
Fig. 7 Change of magnetite content calculated from Raman,
Mössbauer and XRD data of nanoparticles oxidised for different times yses the oxidation of magnetite to maghemite and is
at 60 °C in air atmosphere (a) and in nitric acid (b). adsorbed to the surface of the particles. The mild oxidation,
where the particles were heated to 60 °C and stirred vigor-
ously in air atmosphere, lead to different particles. Here, a
higher saturation magnetisation was conserved over 24 h of
after 7 days.66,71 They suggested this shift of the IEP for oxidation and the crystal phase was not completely trans-
maghemite due to oxidation of the particles in the suspen- formed to maghemite as observed with XRD and Raman
sion and verified this assumption by measuring a commer- spectroscopy. On the other hand, a complete oxidation of fer-
cial maghemite sample.71 In our case, we observed this be- rous iron ions was also observed for mild oxidation condi-
haviour only for the particles resulting from the oxidation in tions. The different development of the surface charge, indi-
nitric acid solution. For the maghemite oxidised in air the cated by the zeta potentials, upon both synthesis routes is
IEP shifts, contrary to the findings of Plaza et al., to a higher noteworthy. While the incubation with nitric acid lead to a
value (S23†).71 Even after several months the zeta potentials lower IEP of nanoparticles, the mild oxidation lead to a
of both oxidised iron oxide nanoparticle species stored in higher IEP. This enables easy tuning of the surface charge by
deionised water showed no changes. We assume the integra- change of oxidation parameters for particles still possessing
tion or adsorption of negatively charged nitrate into the sur- a high saturation magnetisation (>54 emu g−1) and super-
face layer of the particles oxidised in nitric acid which is also paramagnetic relaxation. Furthermore, the surface spin cant-
confirmed with XP spectra in the N 1s region (S22†). Similar ing was observed in all particles as the coercivity and rema-
behaviour was observed by Daou et al., where phosphate was nence saturation are negative for all samples. This means the
strongly adsorbed on magnetic nanoparticles.72 As we as- surface layer is similar for wet chemically synthesised
sume a transport of ferrous iron ions to the surface in our maghemite and magnetite nanoparticles. We were able to
magnetite nanoparticles, the Fenton reaction which is depen- verify the Fenton activity of our magnetite particles due to
dent on the existence of these ions was investigated. Thus, their ferrous iron ion content while no cytotoxicity towards E.
we were able to determine a catalytic activity of the as coli was detected.
synthesised magnetite nanoparticles towards the degradation
of rhodamine 6G in the presence of H2O2. The activity is sig- Acknowledgements
nificantly higher than of commercially available magnetite
and represents a promising catalyst for dye removal.73 How- The authors would like to thank Dr. Marianne Hanzlik and
ever, the oxidised nanoparticles demonstrate a lower degra- Dr. Carsten Peters for support with TEM imaging, Prof.
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catalytic activity tests, respectively. Furthermore, we are partic- 21 E. Duguet, M.-H. Delville and S. Mornet, in Magnetic
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