Administering Global Payroll Interface

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Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources
Administering Global Payroll Interface



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Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources
Administering Global Payroll Interface


Get Help ................................................................................................................................ i

1 Overview 1
Manage Payroll Interface ............................................................................................................................................................... 1

2 Personal Payroll Information 3

Personal Payroll Entries ................................................................................................................................................................ 3
Manage Element Entries .............................................................................................................................................................. 4
Manage Calculation Cards .......................................................................................................................................................... 10
Manage Personal Payment Methods ....................................................................................................................................... 14
Manage Payroll Relationships .................................................................................................................................................... 17

3 Submit Payroll Flows 25

Submit Flows ................................................................................................................................................................................. 25
Checklist and Flow Tasks ............................................................................................................................................................ 25
Schedule Flows ............................................................................................................................................................................. 27
Complete, Skip, or Correct Flows ............................................................................................................................................. 29
Status of Flow Tasks ................................................................................................................................................................... 30
Create a Daily Schedule for a Flow that Skips Weekends ................................................................................................... 32
Creating Multiple Instances of a Flow ..................................................................................................................................... 34
FAQs for Submit Payroll Flows .................................................................................................................................................. 41

4 Run Payroll Interface Reports 45

How Payroll Interface Reports are Processed ........................................................................................................................ 45
How Retroactive Changes for Payroll Interface Are Extracted ........................................................................................... 46
FAQs for Run Payroll Interface Reports .................................................................................................................................. 46

5 Payroll Interface Inbound Records 49

Overview of Payroll Interface Inbound Records .................................................................................................................... 49
Manage Inbound Records ........................................................................................................................................................... 51
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources
Administering Global Payroll Interface

Import Payroll Data From Third-Party Payroll Providers ..................................................................................................... 52

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Get Help
Administering Global Payroll Interface

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Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Get Help
Administering Global Payroll Interface

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 1
Administering Global Payroll Interface Overview

1 Overview

Manage Payroll Interface

Oracle Global Payroll Interface sends personal payroll information to third-party payroll providers and imports
processed payroll data into Global HR.

In a legislative data group that uses the Payroll Interface, you can do these actions:

• Extract employment, salary, and compensation details from HCM to send to a third-party payroll provider.
• Import payroll processed data, pre-generated payslips, and messages to flexfields. This processed payroll data
is available within the application for further reporting and analysis.
This figure shows the inbound and outbound interfaces that enable applications to interact with third-party payroll
service providers.

Extract Data from HCM

Use these predefined extract definitions.

Extract Description For more information, refer to

Global Payroll Interface Extracts information that any global payroll Section Global Payroll Interface Extract.
provider requires, such as the name, address,
salary, and deductions details of your

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 1
Administering Global Payroll Interface Overview

Extract Description For more information, refer to

Payroll Interface for ADP Global Payroll Extracts information, such as the salary and Section Payroll Interface for ADP Global
earnings details of employees in the format that Payroll.
ADP Global Payroll requires.

Payroll Interface for ADP Workforce Now Extracts payroll data for ADP Workforce Now. Section Payroll Interface for ADP Workforce

Import Third-Party Payroll Processed Data and Payslips

Use HCM Data Loader to import these categories of data from third-party payroll providers on a periodic basis:

• Processed payroll data, such as net pay, general ledger account codes, cost center codes, depending on the
practices of your payroll provider.
• Notification messages, such as confirmation of number of transactions received or processed, or warning
• Pay slips, for example in PDF format.

The application associates each imported record with a master record that specifies a payroll name and payroll period. It
stores the imported data in inbound tables and pay slips as document of records.

Related Topics
• Overview of Payroll Interface Inbound Records
• Overview of HCM Data Loader
• Implement Global Payroll Interface

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 2
Administering Global Payroll Interface Personal Payroll Information

2 Personal Payroll Information

Personal Payroll Entries

You can update payroll information for your employees and employees can update their own payment method and
bank account details on their home page.

You can find examples of the tasks to maintain personal payroll information in this table. The Payroll Only column
indicates the task is applicable only for Global Payroll.

Task Instructions Payroll Only

Elements • Review the earnings and deduction entries No

to be processed in the payroll run.
• You can update some entries, such as
voluntary deductions.
• You can manage other entries, such as
salary, through other pages or in a source
application. The entries are view-only on
this page.

Legal Reporting Unit Calculation Cards • Review rates and values for statutory No
deductions, involuntary deductions, and
other entries held on calculation cards.
• Depending on the type of entry, you can
update values on the card, or in a source
application, such as a time card.

Personal Payment Methods • Create personal payment methods, and No

specify the percentage or fixed amount
that each method has to pay.
• Enter bank account details for electronic
funds transfers.

Third Parties • Create third-party payees to process Yes

payments to organizations and people
who aren't on the payroll.

Payroll Relationships • Transfer a person to another payroll. No

• Enter final processing dates for

Manage Batch Uploads Use a spreadsheet to batch load these person- No

level information:

• Element entries
• Bank details for personal payment

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 2
Administering Global Payroll Interface Personal Payroll Information

Task Instructions Payroll Only

• Assigned payrolls

Manage Element Entries

Element Entry Methods
Create element entries for compensation or basic benefits for an employee assignment. For example, you can create
element entries for an employee's overtime hours or medical premium deduction amount.

Create an element entry using these methods:

• Manual entry on the Element Entries page
• Automatic entry for all eligible workers
• Automatic entry by other processes
In addition, web services are available to manage element entries.

Manual Entry
On the Element Entries page, you can do these actions:

• Create manual entries for some elements, such as voluntary deductions.

• View element entries for a person on the summary page, including entries created automatically by other
• If the element is costed at the element entry level, specify costing overrides.
• Sort the list of entries by element name.

Automatic Entry for All Eligible Workers

When you create an eligibility record with automatic entry option, the application submits a process that creates
element entries for all eligible workers. This option also ensures that hiring eligible workers in the future automatically
creates an element entry for them.

Automatic Entry by Other Processes

Certain processes and actions within salary administration, compensation, benefits, and payroll can generate new
element entries. Maintain these entries through the original processes that generated them. Don't maintain them on the
Element Entries page.

Consider these examples.

• If you associate a salary element with a salary basis, assigning workers to that salary basis automatically creates
element entries.
• Allocating other compensation and benefits, or adding a payroll component to a personal calculation card,
automatically creates element entries.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 2
Administering Global Payroll Interface Personal Payroll Information

Related Topics
• How Element Setup Affects Entries and Their Values
• Cost Hierarchy

How Element Setup Affects Entries and Their Values

An element's input values define the entry values available on each entry of this element.

For each input value that's marked for display, an associated element entry value is available on the Element Entries

• Some entry values provide inputs to element calculations, such as hours worked.
• Others results from payroll calculations. For example, elements processed earlier in the payroll run.

Element Setup that Affects Element Entries

This table summarizes element setup options that affect element entries.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 2
Administering Global Payroll Interface Personal Payroll Information

Setup Option How It Affects Element Entries

Calculation rule The calculation rule determines which input values you must provide on the element entry. For
example, for a flat amount earnings element, you typically specify an amount, periodicity, and whether
the amount is a full-time equivalent value. For an earnings element with a factor calculation rule, you
simply enter a factor, such as 0.5 for 50 percent.

Duration for entries You can specify an element as recurring or nonrecurring.

Entries of recurring elements, such as salary, remain until the element end date and are normally
processed at least once in each pay period. Nonrecurring element entries, such as overtime pay, are
only processed once. You must create a new element entry each time that you want the element to be
included in the payroll calculation for an employee.

Payroll that's assigned to a person controls how the application generates the entry dates for
nonrecurring element entries. The application derives the end date of a nonrecurring element entry
from the end date of the payroll period.

Let's consider this example. Effective on 3-Dec-2020, you assign a nonrecurring element entry to
a monthly paid employee. In this case, the application automatically derives the end date as 31-
Dec-2020. Alternatively, let's assume that you assign a nonrecurring element entry to a person before
assigning them a payroll, which has an effective date of 3-Dec-2020. In this scenario, the application
derives the start and the end date as 3-Dec-2020.

Automatic entry When you create an eligibility record with automatic entry option, the application submits a process
that creates element entries for all eligible workers. For example, you select the Automatic Entry option
for element eligibility records for the predefined US Taxation element.

This setup ensures that all eligible workers have an entry to initiate the tax calculation process.

This check box is selected if you answer Yes to the question on the template: Should every person
eligible for the element automatically receive it?

This option isn't frequently selected and you should not select it after you create the element. Taxes
are the only elements that this rule applies to on a consistent basis.

Allowing multiple entries For example, you might allow multiple entries for regular and overtime hour entries. With this setup,
you can report an hourly employee's time separately to distinguish between projects or cost centers for
which the employee worked.

You can use this option for hourly workers that you pay biweekly but whose overtime you enter on a
weekly basis.

You might limit other elements, such as benefits and bonuses, to one entry per pay period.

Additional entry This option enables you to add an occasional one-time entry for recurring elements. This additional
entry can override or add to the normal entry amount.

Validation, calculation, or defaulting You can use formulas to do these actions:

• Provide a default value for one or more entry values when you create an element entry.
• Calculate the appropriate values for one or more entry values and apply the new values when you
save an element entry. The formula can use the entries in this or other entry values to calculate
the values.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 2
Administering Global Payroll Interface Personal Payroll Information

Setup Option How It Affects Element Entries

• Validate one or more entry values when you save an element entry.

Input Value Setup That Affects Entry Values

This table summarizes how the setup of element input values affects entry values on element entries.

Note: You can't add an input value to the element if any payroll process were run after the element was created. This
behavior holds good irrespective of whether the payroll run included this element or not. To add input values, rollback
all processes that were ran after the element creation date.

What You Want To Set Example and Effect on Element Entries

Default value For example, you could enter a default tool allowance of 5.00 USD per week, but you could increase or
decrease the value on individual element entries, as required.

A regular default value provides an initial value when you create the element entry. Changing the
default value on the element or eligibility record has no effect on existing entries.

Alternatively, you can apply the default value when you run the payroll process, rather than when you
create the element entry. This selection ensures that you use the latest value on the date of the payroll
run. You can manually override the default value on the element entry.

Lookup type For an employee stock purchase plan, you can specify that your organization only allows employees to
purchase stock based on 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 percent of their earnings. Or for an automobile allowance, you
can specify rate codes of A, B, C, or D. For this setup, you can define a lookup with these values and
associate it to input value at element definition level.

When entering the entry values, you can only select values from the list provided.

Minimum and maximum values In the same example as above, you can set a minimum or maximum value, or both. Specify values for
the percentage of earnings an employee can contribute to the employee stock purchase plan.

You receive a warning or error message if your entry value exceeds these limits, depending on the
input value setup.

Required You could make the entry of hours required for an overtime element, or units for piecework, or type for
a car allowance element.

Special Purpose The element entries summary on the Person Details page displays one input value. It displays the input
value with the Primary Input Value special purpose, if there is one.

Validation through a formula For an annual bonus, you can specify a formula to validate the maximum entry value based on the
employee's length of service and current salary.

You receive a warning or error message if your entry value fails the validation, depending on the input
value setup.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 2
Administering Global Payroll Interface Personal Payroll Information

Related Topics
• Element Duration Dates
• Options to Determine an Element's Latest Entry Date
• Enable Automatic, Multiple, or Additional Element Entries Options

Default Values for Element Entries

Specify default values for element entries using the Elements task. Your element setup controls when the default value
affects element entries.

You can apply the default value in any of these scenarios

• When you create an element entry

• At run time
• When you use a formula to define default values on one or more entry values
You can do these actions:

• Set a default value for an input value, or select a defaulting formula for the element.
• Override the default value or formula for a specific group of employees that an element eligibility record
• Override the default value for specific employees on their element entries.

Define Default Values at Element Entry Creation

When you create or edit input values, you can specify a default value. If you don't select the Apply default at runtime
option, subsequent updates to the default value have no effect on existing element entries. Users can override or
change the default value at any time.

Define Default Values at Runtime

To use this method, enter the default value and select the Apply default at runtime option for the input value. If
the element entry value is left blank, the payroll process uses the current default value from the element or element
eligibility record. If you enter a value, the manual entry overrides the default value and updates to the default value don't
affect that entry. If you want to restore the default value, clear the entry.

Use a Formula to Provide Default Values

You can create a formula of type element input validation to provide default values for one or more entry values. Select
this formula in the Defaulting Formula field for an element or element eligibility record.

Here's the order of precedence:

1. A formula at the element eligibility level overrides a formula at the element level.
2. If you enter a default value for the input value and select a defaulting formula, the formula overrides the default

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 2
Administering Global Payroll Interface Personal Payroll Information

Related Topics
• How Element Setup Affects Entries and Their Values
• Element Input Validation Formula Type
• Options to Determine an Element's Latest Entry Date

FAQs for Manage Element Entries

What happens if I manually enter a value in an element entry value that has a runtime
default value?
Any subsequent changes to the default value on the element or element eligibility record won't affect the element entry.
To clear your entry, you can to restore the default value.

Related Topics
• Default Values for Element Entries

How can I override an element entry for a limited period?

Follow these steps if the element is set up to support additional entries.

1. Create the additional entry on the Element Entries page, selecting Override as the entry type.
2. Complete the element entry and then click Submit.
3. Set your effective date to the day the entry should end.
4. Click Edit and then select End Date.
5. Click Continue in the warning message dialog box.
Let's consider this scenario. Create these two elements with Process separately and pay with other earnings.

• Vacation Retro 5th Jan

• Vacation Retro 6th Jan
Give element entries with amounts -100 on 5th Jan and + 100 on 6th Jan. The payroll run fails on the first entry with a
negative net error.

As a workaround, on the element entry page, create an Override element entry Vacation Retro 6th Jan 0, and run the

Related Topics
• How Element Setup Affects Entries and Their Values

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 2
Administering Global Payroll Interface Personal Payroll Information

Manage Calculation Cards

How Entries of Personal Calculation Cards Fit Together
Personal payroll calculation cards capture information specific to a particular payroll relationship. Payroll runs use this
information to calculate earnings and deductions. Actions such as hiring a person or loading data may create some
cards automatically.

Otherwise, you can create the card manually. You can also add components to cards and enter calculation values, which
may override default values. Additionally, you can associate the card with a tax reporting unit.

To view and manage calculation cards, use the Calculation Cards task from the Payroll section.

Card Types
The types of calculation cards you can create and the type of information captured on a card vary by country or
territory. Examples include cards for:

• Statutory deductions
• Involuntary deductions
• Time card entries
• Absences
• Benefits and pensions

Additional cards may be available to capture information for reporting purposes.

Card Creation
In countries where all employees are subject to the same set of statutory deductions, the application automatically
creates one or more statutory deduction calculation cards. These cards are created when you hire a new employee. In
other countries, you must create calculation cards manually.

For other card types, you create calculation cards as needed for each employee. If you load absence, time card, or
pension data from another application, the application automatically creates the calculation cards.

Calculation Components and Component Groups

The Calculation Card Overview pane shows a hierarchy of calculation components within component groups. For
example, child support, education loan, and alimony are calculation components in the US involuntary deduction
component group.

Each component relates to an element, such as an income tax deduction. Adding a calculation component to the card
creates an entry for the related element.

A calculation component may have one or more references that define its context, such as the employee's place of
residence or tax filing status.

Click a row in the Calculation Components table to see component details. Use the Component Details section to enter
additional values used to calculate the component.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 2
Administering Global Payroll Interface Personal Payroll Information

Note: For some countries, the Calculation Cards page doesn't include the Calculation Components and Component
Details sections. Instead, the layout of the page is specific to the data items required for the country.

Enterable Calculation Values

When you select a calculation component, you may see the Enterable Calculation Values on the Calculation Card tab.
Here you can enter specific rates or other values for the person, which may override default values held on a calculation
value definition. For example, if an employee qualifies for a special reduced tax rate, you enter the rate as an enterable
value on their personal calculation card.

You can't override values loaded from another application, but you may be able to add values, such as adding additional
contributions to a pension deduction.

Tax Reporting Unit Associations

Click the Associations node in the Calculation Card Overview pane to associate a tax reporting unit with the card.
Associations determine:

• Which rates and rules held at tax reporting unit level apply to the calculation of the components
• How the calculations are aggregated for tax reporting

Rules about what you can enter here vary by country:

• Typically, all components on a calculation card are associated with the same tax reporting unit by default.
• You may be able to associate individual components with different tax reporting units.
• If a person has multiple assignments, you may be able to associate specific assignments with calculation

Related Topics
• How do I associate calculation components with tax reporting units and assignments on a personal calculation
• Enterable Values on Calculation Cards

How to Configure a Personal Calculation Card

This example demonstrates how to configure a calculation card at the payroll relationship level. The calculation card
captures information for an income tax deduction that varies depending on a person's tax filing status.

1. Ensure that your legislation supports an income tax deduction.
If it does, the necessary calculation card definition and calculation components are predefined.

Configure the Calculation Card

1. In the Payroll section, select Calculation Cards.
2. Enter and search for the person's name and legislative data group in the Search section.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 2
Administering Global Payroll Interface Personal Payroll Information

3. Click the person's name in the Search Results to open the Person Details page. Any available calculation cards
appear in the Search Results.
4. Click Create to open the Create Calculation Card window.
5. In the Name field, select Statutory Deductions as the calculation card type.
6. Click Continue to display the Calculation Cards page.

Note: Use the Calculation Card Overview pane to view the component groups associated with this
calculation card. In this example, you should see a Taxes component group. A calculation card may contain
multiple component groups.

Configure Calculation Components

1. In the Calculation Card Overview pane, click the Taxes node.
2. In the Calculation Component section, click Add Row to open the Create Calculation Component window.

Note: You may see a country-specific template instead of the Calculation Component and Component
Details sections.

3. In the Calculation Component field, select Income Tax.

4. Click OK.

Configure Calculation Component Details

1. In the Calculation Component Details section, click Create.
2. In the Calculation Component Details field, select Income Tax Details.
3. Click OK.
4. Complete the fields displayed in the Component Details section. For this example, select the person's tax filing
status in the Tax Code field.

Note: Component details vary for each calculation component. For some components, you can also enter
amounts, rates, or other values. If you can enter values, the Enterable Values on Calculation Cards tab
appears. For this example, no values can be entered.

Define an Association
Associations link a calculation card or component with a tax reporting unit.

1. In the Calculation Card Overview pane, click the Associations node.

2. Click Create.
3. Select your legislative data group and click OK.

Since you didn't select a calculation component, the tax reporting unit is associated with all components on the
4. Select the new association in the Associations section, click Create in the Association Details section.
5. Select the calculation component you just configured, click OK.
6. Click Save and Close.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 2
Administering Global Payroll Interface Personal Payroll Information

FAQs for Manage Calculation Cards

How do I associate calculation components with tax reporting units and assignments
on a personal calculation card?
Use the Manage Calculation Cards page found in the Payroll Administration or Payroll Calculation work area.

On the Manage Calculation Cards page, click Associations in the Calculation Card Overview pane. Click Create in the
Associations section, and then select a tax reporting unit. To associate all calculation components on the card with this
tax reporting unit, leave the Calculation Component field blank. Otherwise, select the calculation component you want
to associate. You must add the calculation components before you can create associations for those components.

For persons with multiple assignments, you can identify the assignments that pertain to each calculation component (if
supported by your localization and card type). To do this select an association in the Associations section, and then click
Create in the Association Details section. Select the assignment and the associated calculation component. You must
create and save an association before you can create association details.

Note: Not all localizations or card types use associations. Some use associations but don't support association

Why can't I create calculation components or component details for a personal

calculation card?
The calculation card determines which components and component details you can create. For some card types, you
can only create one calculation component of any particular type.

If you're trying to create a calculation component that varies based on one or more references (such as a tax that varies
based on a person's place of residence), you must select the reference in the Calculation Card Overview pane before you
can add the component. You can't create component details until you create a calculation component.

Why can't I delete a calculation card, component, or component details?

You can't delete a calculation card or component until you have deleted all its child components and details.

Starting from the bottom of the hierarchy, delete the child components in the following order: association details,
associations, component details, components, and calculation card. Additional rules and restrictions, specific to your
localization, may apply.

How do I set the end date for a calculation component?

Select the date in the Effective As-of Date field on the Calculation Cards page before you select the End Date action for a
calculation component or component detail.

Make sure that the end date you enter for any parent component isn't earlier than the end date of any child component.

How do I suspend a calculation component?

First, you must end all component details. Then set the end date for the calculation component on the personal
calculation card. To suspend all calculation components on a calculation card, end all the calculation components.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 2
Administering Global Payroll Interface Personal Payroll Information

Then set the end date for the calculation card. If you want to resume payments at a later date, adjust the end dates
accordingly. This is useful, if you need to temporarily suspend a contribution to a charitable organization or retirement

Related Topics
• What happens when I end date an object?

Manage Personal Payment Methods

Split Up Payroll Payments
You can allocate payroll payments to different personal payment methods using percentages, fixed amounts, or a
combination. You can create personal payment methods the Manage Personal Payment Methods page. These scenarios
illustrate how you can split up payments.

Use Fixed Amount Payments

Barbara wants 100 USD deposited in her savings account each payroll period and the remainder paid through check/
cheque. Barbara first creates a check/cheque payment method so it's processed last. Then she creates an electronic
funds transfer (EFT) payment method for her savings account and sets the amount to 100. When Barbara decides to
stop the transfers to her savings account, she deletes that payment method.

Use Percentage Payments

Oscar wants to contribute to the college fund he set up for his children. Oscar frequently receives bonuses and sales
commissions and his net payment amount always changes. So he adds a payment method that allocates four percent of
his pay to the fund. By using a percentage rather than a fixed amount, Oscar can contribute to the fund at the same rate
he earns.

Use a Combination of Payments

Jim works in Arizona, but his wife and children reside in Texas. Each payroll period, Jim wants the following

• 900 USD transferred to his checking account for his wife's household expenses in Texas
• A percentage transferred to his children's college fund
• The remainder paid to him by check/cheque for his expenses in Arizona

Jim creates three payment methods: a check/cheque payment method for remaining pay, an EFT payment method with
his checking account bank details, and an EFT payment method with the college fund bank account details.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 2
Administering Global Payroll Interface Personal Payroll Information

Bank Info for Personal Payment Methods

You can create bank, branch, and bank account info as part of implementation, or you can let employees add their own
bank info. Once created, you can use bank accounts in other applications, such as expenses.

Enter Bank Info for PPMs

This table summarizes approaches to create bank info for employees.

Approach Purpose

Manage Banks and Manage Bank Create, edit, and view your bank account information.
Branches pages

In order to manage banks and branches, you must have the Manage Bank and Manage Bank Branch

Payment Methods page Create, edit and view employee bank account details to receive payments.

HCM Data Loader Use an integrated Excel workbook to load personal payment methods and employee bank account

You can use CE_USE_EXISTING_BANK_BRANCH profile option to control to whether or not your employee can create
their own bank and branch data. On the Manage Cash Management Profile Options page, set the Use Existing Banks
and Branches profile option to either Yes or No.

• If you set the option to Yes, you need to load bank and branch data. Administrators and employees select bank
and branch details from a list of values in the bank region on the Payment Method page.
• If you set the option to No (default setting), you don't need to load any bank details. Administrators and
employees enter their bank and branch details as free text.

Access to PPMs and Bank Info

The table shows the privileges you need to access PPMs and bank info:

User Privileges Access Description

Employee Self-service Manage Personal Payment Method Allows users to manage their own personal
payment methods

Employee Self-service View Personal Payment Method Allows users to view their own personal
payment methods

Employee Self-service, Implementors, Payee Bank Account Management Duty Allows users to create bank accounts
Administrators, or Managers

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 2
Administering Global Payroll Interface Personal Payroll Information

User Privileges Access Description

Implementors, Administrators, or Managers Manage Worker Personal Payment Method Allows access to manage employee personal
payment methods

Implementors, Administrators, or Managers View Worker Personal Payment Method Allows access to view employee personal
payment methods.

Related Topics
• How Bank, Branch, and Account Components Work Together
• Configure Payment Method Preferences
• Examples of Loading Banks
• Examples of Loading Bank Branches
• Example of Loading Personal Payment Methods

FAQs Manage Personal Payment Methods

Why can't I delete, end date, or change the processing order of a personal payment
You can't make date-effective changes that cause effective records for the default payment method to overlap. Make
sure you change results in a valid default payment method with dates that don't overlap with other records.

Payment methods defined for a person contain date-effective records that allow changes to occur at different points in
time. For example, you can define a payment method in advance to start on the date that you specify.

A person's payroll relationship must have only one default payment method in effect at any point in time. If a person
has multiple payroll relationships, you must specify a default payment method for each payroll relationship.

Why can't I add or edit banks and branches for personal payment methods?
You can't edit bank and branch information on the Manage Personal Payment Methods page. Contact your help desk
for assistance. You may be able to create banks and branches, depending on your security privileges.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 2
Administering Global Payroll Interface Personal Payroll Information

Manage Payroll Relationships

Overview of Administering Payroll Relationships
Oracle HCM Cloud automatically creates a payroll relationship when you hire an employee or create other types of
person records, such as candidates and pending workers. A payroll relationship is an association between a person and
a payroll statutory unit (PSU).

A payroll relationship is the highest level of the payroll employment model. If a person has multiple employments that
belong to the same PSU, the application groups the assignments within a payroll relationship for statutory reporting
purposes. Payroll relationships enable you to enter payroll related information for a person in Oracle HCM Cloud, such
as compensation, time cards, payment methods, and salary offers to candidates.

Use the Payroll Relationships task to view details, such as the payroll relationship number and the associated PSU. You
can also perform actions for the assignments associated to the payroll relationship, such as adding a payroll or setting
the time card required status.

The Payroll Association region displays the payroll currently associated with the assignment and any prior payrolls up to
the final close date.

Process a Payroll Relationship in Payroll

For employees with multiple assignments, payroll relationships support social insurance calculations that you perform
on earnings from all assignments grouped within the relationship. The results of payroll processes are accordingly held
against the payroll relationship of a person.

Use the Process Result Summary task to view a payroll process. Select a process such as calculate payroll, and drill-
down to view a list of the payroll relationships included in the process.

Add Assignment to Employee

Use the Add Assignment task to create an assignment which belongs to the same PSU. The application adds new
assignment to existing payroll relationship of the employee in countries with Lifetime or Last Record payroll relationship
rules, such as the US and UK.

Manage Payroll Relationships

Use the Assignment Switcher to choose an assignment for employees with multiple assignments. You can choose one
of the active assignments and navigate to the Payroll Relationship page.

Note: You can't switch between assignments if the selected assignment is in an Inactive status.

To search for an inactive assignment you can use the Advanced Person Search. For assignments that are already final
closed, the information shown on the Payroll Relationships page is view-only for both the assignment and the payroll

The Payroll Relationship page displays view-only information entered for the work assignment in the Human Resources
flows such as Hire and Promote. Use the Payroll Assignment Details section to view and manage the assignment-level
information for payroll.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 2
Administering Global Payroll Interface Personal Payroll Information

Related Topics
• Payroll Employment Hierarchy Profile Options
• Payroll Relationship Type Mappings
• Overview of Payroll Employment Model
• What's a payroll statutory unit?

Payroll Relationship Rules

Define a payroll relationship rule for each HCM Cloud legislation. The rule controls when and how payroll relationships
are created for a person. Oracle HCM Cloud delivers predefined payroll relationship rules for all country extensions.

If you're configuring a legislation that isn't predefined by Oracle, define mapping rules for all person types including
candidates that the legislation uses. The Configure Legislation for Human Resources task would create mapping rules
for person types such as employee. You can use this task to create any person type mapping rules that aren't predefined
by Oracle.

This table describes the application behavior based on the available payroll relationship rules for a legislation.

Create Employment Records Based on Application Behavior


Last Record When you create an assignment, the application searches for an active payroll relationship of the same
person type and for the same PSU.

• If an active payroll relationship exists, the application groups the assignment under the existing
payroll relationship.
• If an active payroll relationship doesn't exist, the application creates a new payroll relationship for
the assignment.
The Last Record rule is used in localizations such as the UK.

Lifetime Record When you create an assignment, the application searches for a payroll relationship of the same person
type and for the same PSU.

• If a payroll relationship exists, the application groups the assignment under the existing payroll
relationship. If the payroll relationship is terminated, the application removes the end date.
• If a payroll relationship doesn't exist, the application creates a new payroll relationship for the

New Record When you create an assignment, the application creates a new payroll relationship. Each payroll
relationship is associated with one work assignment.

Note: These rules apply to all new assignments, including the assignment that the application creates when a person
is rehired.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 2
Administering Global Payroll Interface Personal Payroll Information

Related Topics
• Overview of Administering Payroll Relationships
• Configure Legislations

Example of How to Transfer Payrolls

This example shows you the most common scenario to transfer a person's payroll.

Transfer a Person's Payroll from Weekly to Semimonthly

You manage Carrie Smith, a part-time temporary employee, assigned to a weekly payroll. Carrie accepted an offer
to become a full-time permanent employee in the same position, starting one month from now. Here's how you can
update Carrie's assignment record:

• On the Manage Payroll Relationship's page, you transfer her to a payroll appropriate for a full-time permanent
• Set the effective date to the start date of the transfer.

Related Topics
• How can I add or transfer a person's payroll?

Element Duration Dates

Element duration dates control when element entries for an employee start or end. View and manage these dates on
the Manage Payroll Relationships page when you hire, terminate, add, or transfer an employee's payroll.

In addition to the predefined element duration dates, you may have additional dates that were created as time
definitions. Here are the predefined element duration dates:

• First standard earnings date

• Last standard earnings date
• Last standard process date
• Final close date
Element entries end on either the last standard dates or the final close date, depending on the element setup.

Element Duration Dates on the Manage Payroll Relationships Page

You may see multiple sections displaying element duration dates on the Manage Payroll Relationships page. Each
section is for a different level of the employment hierarchy: payroll relationship and assignment. In the Assignment
section, the first Element Duration Dates section shows the dates associated with the assigned payroll. The second
section shows dates associated with the assignment itself. Information in this section overrides information in the
section for the assigned payroll.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 2
Administering Global Payroll Interface Personal Payroll Information

Date Values
This table provides information about what actions set the date values and which dates they're based on.

Date Description Actions Setting Dates Date Used

First Standard Earnings Date Date when standard earnings start Hire, add payroll, or transfer payroll Hire date or the effective date of
accumulating the change

Last Standard Earnings Date Date when standard earnings stop End employee assignment or Termination date. For transfer, last
accumulating transfer payroll day of the payroll period or one day
before transfer date

Last Standard Process Date Regular payroll process can include End employee assignment or Last day of the payroll period
elements for normal processing on transfer payroll
the last date Must be later than or same as LSED
or FCD

If you edit this date after

termination, then the application
doesn't update it with the
assignment date

Final Close Date Last date a supplemental payroll None, but you can manually set End of time, unless manually set
process can include element to limit the length of time that
entries element entries are open for If date is End of time, date doesn't
processing, such as the date on show in the field
which processes skip terminated
assignments Must be later than or same as LSED

The End Payroll action doesn't set

a final close date

You must set the final close date to

end a payroll record

Change Date Values

This table shows the dates you can change.

Date Field Set Automatically Editable

First Standard Earnings Date Yes

Last Standard Earnings Date Yes

Last Standard Process Date Yes Yes

Final Close Date Yes Yes

User-defined Time Definition Yes

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 2
Administering Global Payroll Interface Personal Payroll Information

Date Field Set Automatically Editable

Related Topics
• How to Set End Dates for Terminations
• How Terminations Affect Payroll Processing
• Options to Determine an Element's Latest Entry Date
• Use Time Definitions for Severance Pay

How to Set End Dates for Terminations

These scenarios illustrate how to set the last standard process date and final close date for element entries at the
assignment level.

You can't change the last standard earnings date. Set element duration dates in the Payroll Details section of the Payroll
Relationships page.

Exclude Terminated Employees from Process Consideration

You terminated Heidi's assignment on 03, June 2014. The termination process automatically sets the last standard
earnings date to the termination date (03, June 2014). The process also sets the last standard process date to the end
date of her weekly payroll (06, June 2014). The termination process doesn't set a final close date.

To ensure payroll processes stop considering Heidi for processing after one full year after termination, you set the final
close date to 03, June 2015.

Note: The latest entry date defined for any severance payment elements determines the last date you can enter
element entry details for the terminated employee's severance payment. You can view the latest entry date setting on
the Element Summary section of the Elements page.

Modify the Last Standard Process Date for Compensation

Anthony has two assignment records, one on a weekly payroll and one on a monthly payroll. On 10 June 2014, an HR
manager terminated Anthony's assignment record on the weekly payroll. The termination process automatically set the
last standard process date to the end date of the payroll period. Anthony's termination package specifies that he should
receive compensation payments through the month of June. To ensure he's paid on both the weekly and monthly
payroll through June, you must change the last standard process date on the weekly payroll to 30 June 2014.

Note: Change the assignment status to process when earnings if you want to allow recurring entries to be
processed after the last standard process date.

Frequency of Recurring Elements for Terminated Employees

Use frequency rules to process a recurring element at a frequency other than the one you defined for the payroll. For
example, to process a monthly deduction in the third payroll period of the month for employees that are paid on a
weekly basis.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 2
Administering Global Payroll Interface Personal Payroll Information

When you terminate an employee, the application normally ends payment of recurring elements such as salary, and
therefore frequency rules can't be applied. Frequency rules are processed in the payroll period in which the employee
terminates but these rules aren't processed in subsequent payroll periods. You can use element entry start and end
dates to control the frequency of recurring elements for terminated employees.

Related Topics
• Options to Determine an Element's Latest Entry Date
• Use Time Definitions for Severance Pay

How Terminations Affect Payroll Processing

Initiating a termination automatically sets dates that control when the person's element entries end.

The effect date of a termination on payroll relationships and assignments depends on the type of termination and
country or territory payroll relationship rules.

Entry Dates That Affect Processing

Element setup determines which element duration date is significant for a specific element. The termination process
sets the end dates automatically.

Note: If a person has multiple assigned payrolls, the termination process sets the last standard process date for all
active payroll records for each assignment to the latest date.

How Terminations Are Processed

When you terminate an assignment or entire work relationship, the application terminates the appropriate payroll
records. The type of termination and the payroll relationship rule for the country or territory determines which payroll
objects the process terminates.

Update Personal Payroll Information for a Termination

When you receive notification of a termination, perform these tasks either manually or as part of a payroll termination

• Update element entries, for example, enter severance payment details on the Element Entries page.
• Verify termination dates and element duration dates on the Payroll Relationships page.
• Update personal calculation cards to provide information required for tax reporting on the Calculation Cards

If you use Oracle Fusion Global Payroll for payroll processing, your termination flow might include one or more
automatic or manual tasks such as the ones listed above. You can use these sections to manage these flows:

• Payroll Dashboard to view the details of payroll termination flow tasks and navigate to any items requiring
• Payroll Checklist to view the status and results of tasks in an active flow

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 2
Administering Global Payroll Interface Personal Payroll Information

Related Topics
• How to Set End Dates for Terminations
• Payroll Relationship Rules
• Element Duration Dates
• Terminations
• Options to Determine an Element's Latest Entry Date

FAQs for Manage Payroll Relationships

How can I add or transfer a person's payroll?
You assign a worker to a payroll or transfer a worker to another payroll in the Payroll Details section on the person's
Manage Payroll Relationships page. You must select an assignment record in the Payroll Employment Tree to display the
appropriate Payroll Details region.

The option to automatically transfer a payroll record, to include the frequency, to a new assignment record within the
same Legislative Data Group is available during a global transfer. Global transfers allow one or more workers to be
transferred during the process.

How can I set the final close date or last standard process date for a terminated
Set element duration dates in the Payroll Details section of the Manage Payroll Relationship page from the Payroll
Calculation work area.

You select the assignment record in the Payroll Employment Tree to display the appropriate Payroll Details section and
element duration dates. Change element duration dates at the assignment or assigned payroll levels, not at the payroll
relationship level. Last Standard Process Date must be later than the Last Standard Earning Date and earlier than or
same as Final Close Date.

Why do I define payroll relationship rules for an international HR legislation?

Payroll relationships capture all types of payroll information for a person in Oracle HCM Cloud, such as salary,
compensation, personal payment methods, and time cards.

When do I change the payroll relationship rules for an international legislation?

Configure payroll relationship mapping rules for all person types when you implement an international legislation.

The Configure Legislation for Human Resources task would create mapping rules for person types such as employee.
You can use this task to create any person type mapping rules that aren't predefined by Oracle.

If employment records already exist, the best approach is to not change the payroll relationship rules. This approach
ensures that new and existing employment records have the same rules. However, if you want to update the payroll
relationship rules after employment records exist, your updates will affect only the newly created employment records
for the person type.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 2
Administering Global Payroll Interface Personal Payroll Information

Related Topics
• Configure Legislations

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Global Payroll Interface Submit Payroll Flows

3 Submit Payroll Flows

Submit Flows
A flow enables you submit and monitor all payroll tasks such as process and reports. You can submit flows from the
Submit a Flow page. You can schedule flows to run at a specified time or at regular intervals.

Monitor the status of submitted flows from the View Flows or Checklists page.

Navigate to these pages by accessing the respective tasks from Quick Actions or under My Client Group > Payroll.

Use the View Flows page to view the high-level status of submitted flows that are in progress and require your attention.
Use the filter options on the page to view flows as per your choice and monitor the tasks within the flow or any issues
with the flow.

For every flow you submit, the application generates a checklist. Use the Checklists page to manage and track all tasks
within the flow.

Checklist and Flow Tasks

When you submit a flow pattern it creates an instance of the flow. For every submitted flow, the application generates a
checklist by default.

When you submit a flow, you're taken to the Checklist page so that you can manage and monitor the tasks and other
parameters within the flow.

You can also use the View Flows page, and click on a flow to go to the Checklist page of the selected flow.

Here's what the checklist might include, depending on the flow pattern.

• Automatic tasks, such as extracts, reports, and processes

• Manual tasks, such as the Verify Payroll Process verification task, required to complete a flow
Here's what you can do with checklists.

• Monitor the status of the flow tasks

• Manage the flow tasks, such as reassigning tasks, marking tasks as completed, and performing corrective
• View task details, such as a list of records processed by the flow
While working on a task in the flow, you can remain on the Checklist page or go to a related page that includes tasks in
the flow. For example, while reviewing the results for the Calculate Payroll task, you can go to the related pages to review
the person's calculation card or element entries.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Global Payroll Interface Submit Payroll Flows

What You Can Do on the Checklist Page

Perform these tasks to manage and monitor flows from the Checklist page.

• Manage and track all tasks within the task flow.

For Task Flows with multiple tasks, the Checklist page provides the status summary of the tasks:

◦ Completed Tasks
◦ Completed With Alerts
◦ Critical Alerts
◦ Pending

Expand the Tasks section and drill down to each individual task and view the task status and take an action
specific to the individual task.

The actions available to you when working with a task depends on its status and the status of the tasks that
precede or follow it. For example, if a task has completed with alerts, it indicates that the process has completed
with one or more records in error status, the process has been rolled back, or marked for retry.

Click on the task to view the process results and drill down to the records that have errors and need correction.
After making the corrections, you can come back to the Checklist page and resubmit the task to process the
records that were in error.
• Validate a manual task within the flow and mark as complete, so that downstream tasks within the flow can

For example, a payroll manager may review and validate the details of the generated payments register and
make corrections if any, before enabling the payments processing task to proceed. The payroll manager must
manually set the status of the Run Payments Register task to complete, so that other downstream tasks can be
• View task status and drill down to the task parameter details.
• Reassign a task to a different owner. Drill down to a task and select the Change Owner task action to change the
owner of the task.
• Drill down to the Parameters section to view the flow parameter details.
• Drill down to the Linked Flows section to view flows and tasks linked to the current flow. Click on the flow to
view the details of the flow linked to the current flow. Use the Back arrow to return to the current flow page.
• Drill down to the Process Results page to view all messages and errors for a task. Once you have identified the
records that have errors, click on the person name to see what the error is, and take corrective action on them.
You may have to return to the person's record to correct the errors.
• Drill down to the Process Results page to access output information for a task such as reports and log files.
• Use the Roll Back All option from the Actions menu on the checklist page to roll back multiple tasks within a
flow. You don't have to manually select each task to roll back the tasks within the flow.
• Use the Submit Related Flow task action on the Checklist page to submit additional tasks within an existing
flow. For more details refer to the 'Submit a Related Flow' topic on the Help Center.

After you have taken appropriate corrective action, you can go back and use the Actions menu and mark the record for

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Global Payroll Interface Submit Payroll Flows

Schedule Flows
Schedule a flow to automatically submit the flow at a date, frequency, and time span that suits your business practices.

Here's what you can do with flow schedules:

• Create a schedule
• Submit the next occurrence of the flow
• Connect active flows
• Monitor the status of scheduled flows
• Troubleshoot issues with flow schedules or individual tasks
• Cancel scheduled flows
Use predefined frequencies or formulas to schedule a flow to run once or on a recurring basis.

For example, schedule a process to run on weekdays but not on weekends. Or, schedule a flow to submit an extract that
reports extract update details on a daily basis.

Create Schedules for Flows

Here are some examples of scheduling options and parameters you can set while creating schedules for flows.

Scheduling Options Parameters to Set Examples

Submit the current flow only • Date Schedule a process that transfers time card
entries for a weekly payroll.
• Optionally, time

Submit the current flow and future occurrences • Frequency details or formula To optimize processing, schedule an archive
process to start after normal working hours.
• Start date and time However, the processing must end before the
start of the nightly process to back up the
enterprise's servers.

Restrict the period during which the flow recurs End Date Specify an end date for a scheduled statutory
report that the government no longer requires
you to submit.

Submit the Next Flow Occurrence

When the application submits the next occurrence of a flow at the scheduled time, it performs these tasks:

• Uses the parameters specified in the original flow

• Resets the dates appropriately, using the system date for the submission date
• Increments parameters derived from the date parameter for predefined flows

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Global Payroll Interface Submit Payroll Flows

For example, if you schedule a gross-to-net report to run monthly for a monthly payroll, the application uses these
parameters and increments the process end date.

• Payroll Name
• Payroll Statutory Unit
• Consolidation Group

The submitted report covers the payroll period that corresponds to the incremented end date.

For user-defined flows, to automatically increment the date, specify these parameters for the effective date parameter
in the flow pattern.

Parameter Value

Basis Context Binding

Basis Value System Date

The flow pattern can be for the process, extract, or report.

For example, define a flow pattern to extract weekly payroll data that requires you to enter a process date parameter.
Use the Refine Extracts task and edit these task parameters on the task's Basic Information page:

1. Select the Process Date parameter.

2. Select Context Binding for the parameter basis.
3. Select System Date for the basis value.
These settings ensure that the dates increment appropriately.

Connect Active Flows

When you submit a scheduled flow, you can connect it to other active flows. The scheduled flow interacts with the
active flow, but only for the first occurrence, not future occurrences.

Monitor the Status of Scheduled Flows

Use the View Flows and Checklist pages to monitor the status of scheduled flows. For example, if you schedule a report
to verify payroll calculations, the scheduled flow displays in the Checklist and View Flows page with a status of Pending.

Troubleshoot Scheduled Flows

When there is an application server failure, the flow instance ends. You must resubmit the flow once the server resumes.
You don't have to reschedule the recurring flows scheduled to run at a later date.

Cancel Scheduled Flows

You can cancel a scheduled flow depending on the frequency and status of the flow, as given here.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Global Payroll Interface Submit Payroll Flows

Frequency Status Available Actions

Once Started Skip

Once Not Started Cancel flow

Recurring Not Started Cancel the current flow, cancel the recurring
flow, or cancel the current and recurring flows

Complete, Skip, or Correct Flows

When you submit an extract report or process or a flow, a checklist is generated. The checklist lists tasks sequentially;
the sequence in which you perform to complete the flow.

This topic covers these aspects of working with flows:

• Complete flows
• Delete and skip flows
• Correct tasks in a flow

Complete Flows
The Tasks Details tab of the checklist lists the manual and automatic tasks required to complete the flow. Review status
icons to monitor the progress of tasks.

An automatic task is complete when the application finishes it successfully and marks it complete. A manual task is
complete when you mark it complete or update its progress to 100 percent. With the exception of skipped tasks, you
must complete a task before you can update the status as complete.

Delete and Skip Flows

Use the Payroll Flow Patterns task to delete a flow you copied or created, if you haven't yet submitted it. You can skip an
entire flow or a task in a flow if you have submitted it.

Skip tasks, if you don't require the results when processing later tasks. If you submit a flow in error, skip the entire flow.

The details of when and who can control a flow or a flow task is given here.

Object Who Can Skip It Condition

Task in a flow Flow or task owner The task isn't in progress.

An entire flow Flow owner None of the tasks are in progress.

Skip the flow from the Checklist page

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Global Payroll Interface Submit Payroll Flows

Correct Tasks in a Flow

To correct records for a task, such as records in error or missing information, the actions you take in the checklist
depend on whether the correction involves the current task in the checklist or a previous one.

For a current task:

1. Mark the records for retry.

2. Correct the records.
3. Resubmit the task.

Tip: If records require more investigation, avoid delaying the start of the next task by rolling back the records and
processing them separately. Resubmit the task to change its status to Complete.

If you discover you must correct an earlier task, you can undo the intervening tasks, correct the data and then resubmit
the tasks.

For a previous task:

1. Start with the last manual task in progress, even if it occurs in the next activity or task group.
2. Set the status of the manual task to incomplete.
◦ Roll back all the records processed by the task.
◦ Retry to change the status to Paused to correct and retry records processed by the task.
3. Repeat this process for each intervening task.
4. Correct the records for the task in error.
5. Resubmit the task.
If you submit separate flows, roll back or mark for retry the flows that lock the records in the current flow before you can
process the correction.

For example, you have a user-defined flow that has the Calculate Payroll task after which you run the payroll and audit
reports tasks. You have submitted the flow and all the tasks in the flow have completed successfully. You then discover
that you have to correct some employee records for the Calculate Payroll task and resubmit the flow. Follow these steps
to correct the records from the earlier run and resubmit the flow:

1. Open the Calculate Payroll task from the checklist, use the Actions menu to set some records as 'Mark for
Retry'. The status of the task changes to 'In Progress with Error'.
2. Set the status of each sequential task in the flow as 'Mark for Retry'.
3. Edit the records and then set the status of the Calculate Payroll task to 'Mark as Complete'.
4. Resubmit the flow. The subsequent tasks run automatically.

Note: If you don't complete Step 2 above, you may not see the 'Mark as Complete' status for the Calculate Payroll

Status of Flow Tasks

Submit a flow and monitor the status of an entire flow and the tasks within it from the generated checklist. Review the
status of a flow by checking the status icons and notifications.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Global Payroll Interface Submit Payroll Flows

The task status determines what actions you can perform, such rolling back the task.

This topic covers:

• Task status and available actions

• Notifications

Task Status and Available Actions

Flow or task owners update the status of manual tasks, and the application automatically updates the status of
automatic tasks. Monitor the progress of a task by reviewing the percentage completion of the task.

The Action menu displays the actions available for a task based on its status, as shown here..

Status on Status on Skip Roll Back Mark for Retry Retry Submit Resubmit and
Payroll Payroll Flow Force Resubmit
Checklist Task Process and
Details Tab Reports Tab

Not Started Not Started x N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Not Started with Not Started x N/A N/A N/A N/A x

Potential Errors

Not Stared with Not Started x N/A N/A N/A N/A x


In Progress In Progress N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

(automatic task)

In Progress N/A x x x N/A N/A N/A

(manual task)

In Progress with In Progress N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Potential Errors

In Progress with Error x x N/A x N/A N/A


Completed Completed x x x N/A N/A

On Hold Mark for Retry x N/A N/A x x N/A

Rolled Back Rolled Back x N/A N/A N/A x N/A

The actions available to you when working with a task depend on its status and the status of the tasks that precede or
follow it, as given here.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Global Payroll Interface Submit Payroll Flows

Action to Perform on Current Task Status of Current Task Status of Previous or Subsequent Tasks

Roll back or retry Completed All subsequent task must have a status of
Rolled Back or Completed

Submit One of the following: All previous tasks must have a status of
• Roll Back
• On Hold
• Mark for Retry

Update the flow pattern to have notifications sent to you to remind you of upcoming tasks or to warn you of tasks that
are overdue. Completing a task removes its notifications.

The setup of notifications include:

• Specifying the type of notifications and when to send them on the flow pattern
• Specifying the number of days before the application automatically deletes a notification for the Notification
Expiration Offset parameter on the Payroll Process Configurations page. To open this page, use the Payroll
Process Configuration task from Quick Links on the Home page.

Note: You receive notifications when you resubmit a task but not when you select Force Resubmit from the Actions

Create a Daily Schedule for a Flow that Skips Weekends

In this example you create a formula that returns the next schedule date for a flow that's submitted daily on weekdays
but not at the weekend.

The formula you create has the following attributes:

• The formula isn't restricted to a specific legislative data group. It's a global formula for use by any legislative
data group.
• The formula uses the Flow Schedule formula type.
• The formula doesn't use a context.
• The formula uses the default SUBMISSION DATE and SCHEDULED DATE as input values.
• The formula doesn't use any default values for database items.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Global Payroll Interface Submit Payroll Flows

Create a Fast Formula to Submit a Flow Only on Weekdays

1. Use the Fast Formulas task to create the formula. Enter these values.

Field Value

Formula Name Daily Weekday Schedule

Formula Type Flow Schedule

Description Submits Flow Daily Except Weekends

Effective Start Date 1-Jan-2010

2. Click Continue.
3. Enter these formula details in the Formula Text section:

FORMULA NAME: Daily Weekday Schedule
FORMULA TYPE: Flow Schedule
DESCRIPTION: Formula to return a date time.
NEXT_SCHEDULED_DATE This is a date time value with yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss format.
/* Inputs */

/* Calculations */
add = 1
day = to_char(SCHEDULED_DATE, 'DAY')
if (day = 'FRIDAY') then add = 3

/* Returns */

/* End Formula Text */

4. Click Compile.
5. Click Save.

Submit the Flow Using the Skip Weekends Formula

The formula is available for use when you submit a flow. For example, if you close your company on weekends, you
might schedule the process that loads time entries for your hourly workers so that it runs daily during the week.

1. Submit the Load Time Card Batches flow from the Payroll Checklist work area.
2. Enter the parameters for the flow.
3. Skip the Flow Interaction page.
4. On the Scheduling page, select the formula from the Frequency field, and enter the dates the schedule starts
and ends.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Global Payroll Interface Submit Payroll Flows

5. Review and submit the flow.

Related Topics
• Formula Operators
• Overview of Using Fast Formula Components

Creating Multiple Instances of a Flow

Multiple Task Iterations in a Flow
Use the 'Submit Another Task' task to automatically repeat a task multiple times with a single submission of the flow.

You can define rules to control the task iteration. For example, define a rule to automatically submit a report task for
each TRU within your organization.

The rule-based nature of the 'Submit Another Task' task enables you to support submission rules based on fluid
parameter details. For example, before calculating your regular payroll run, you can automatically roll back all QuickPay
runs you have created for payroll validation purpose. In this instance, the rollback task is automatically resubmitted for
all the QuickPay runs in the payroll period.

Note: You can't iterate a manual task. For example, you can't use the Submit Another Task option to iterate a
QuickPay task and submit multiple QuickPay runs.

If you need to correct a task, such as rerun a report task, this action will be applied to all task iterations submitted using
the 'Submit Another Task' task.

After you initiate and submit the 'Submit Another Task' task, the task iterator dynamically identifies the multiple
transaction IDs of the task already processed and automates the task iteration for each subsequent transaction ID. The
number of iterations you specify, determines the number of times the task repeats itself.

Note: There are no predefined flows that you can use directly for task iterations. To iterate a task, you must create a
flow and include the 'Submit Another Task' task in the flow.

Note: Consider using a standard flow pattern when your task submission rules are based on a static parameter such
as TRU and you have a requirement to manage each task individually.

Consider these points before you create a flow and include Submit Another Task, to initiate task iterations.

Task Name
Submit Another Task takes the task name as the input parameter and uses the repeat formula to execute multiple
iterations of a task.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Global Payroll Interface Submit Payroll Flows

Task Repeat Formula

The Task Repeat Formula is a prerequisite for the flow and it decides the repetition logic and drives the iteration. When
you create the repeat formula, use the 'Task Repeat' formula type. The input parameters are predefined for an input
task. You can add them as flow parameters during flow creation. The formula return values are used to validate the task

Task parameters submit the information required for the task submissions to complete successfully. The flow has these
two sets of parameters:

• Parameters for Submit Another Task

• Parameters for the repeat submission task that's submitted multiple times

Use any of these options as input values for the repeat submission task:

• Task parameters from the flow parameters defined while creating the flow
• Return parameters from the repeat formula

Use any of these options as flow parameter values:

• If the task parameter name, exposed in the UI at the flow-level, matches the Base Flow Parameter Name, then
the values are used directly.
• If the task parameter names don't match the Base Flow Parameter Name, the application uses a fast formula
function to pass the flow parameter values as the task parameters. This formula function is built into the repeat
For example, assume that you have defined the flow parameter as 'Effective Date', and the corresponding Base
Flow Parameter Name is 'EFFECTIVE DATE'. The application uses formula function GET_FLOW_PARAM_VALUE () and
stores the return value of this formula function in the task parameter 'EFFECTIVE DATE'. The formula function

Provide the correct parameter basis when you define the task parameters. Some of the static parameters like the
Effective Date or the Start Date can have a parameter basis value of 'Bind to Flow'. The dynamic parameters like the
Payroll Statutory Unit ID are derived from the database tables. Hence you can have a parameter basis value of 'Bind to
Flow Task' or 'Context Binding'. If you have defined specific names for the flow task parameters, you must ensure that
the same names are used in the repeat formula.

Alternately, use the return parameters from the repeat formula as the task parameters. In this case the input parameters
for the repeat formula are only the Base Task Name and the Repeat Counter. While calling the formula, the application
uses these two parameters to get the context of the job submission. You create the Repeat formula to return input
values for the submission task.

The formula output Repeat Flow decides if another job submission has to be done.

These parameters can be static or dynamic parameters. For example, for the Archive End-of-Year Payroll Results
process the following parameters are defined as static parameters:

• Effective Date
• Start Date

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Global Payroll Interface Submit Payroll Flows

• Tax Year Date

• Repeat Counter

The Repeat Counter is a static variable and is maintained by the application. During the iteration process this
parameter increments by '1' after every submission.

In this example, these are the dynamic parameters for each submission:

• Payroll Statutory Unit ID

• Repeat Flow

However, you can also define the Tax Year as a dynamic parameter, so that you can generate the report for various

Maximum Repeat Counter

Specify a threshold limit for the maximum number of instances that can be executed for a single submission of the task.
If the iteration runs into an error, this parameter prevents the process from getting into an infinite loop. A repeat counter
N indicates one parent and N-1 child submissions.

Repeat Flow Parameter

The repeat flow parameter indicates when the task iteration should stop. A repeat flow instance is submitted only if the
repeat flow parameter is set to 'Y'.

Execute in Parallel
Execute the submissions in parallel or serial. For parallel submissions, the number of threads is taken into consideration.
A number of submissions equivalent to the number of threads is submitted in parallel. For serial submissions, number
of submissions equivalent to the Repeat Counter is executed one after the other.

If you have set the Execute in Parallel parameter to 'Yes', you must specify a value for the Maximum Parallel Threads.
This parameter is taken into consideration for a parallel submission.

For example, if you specify a value of X, during a submission, the application processes X instances of the task initially.
The parent task waits for X child submissions to complete, evaluates the fast formula and executes another set of X
child submissions to complete. This cycle continues till the Maximum Repeat Counter submissions are completed or the
Repeat Flow value is 'N'.

Note: It is recommended to execute the flow with parallel threads, especially for large volumes of data.

Parent Log File

After completion of the flow, use the Task Iterations page from the Process Results Summary and view the ESS Log file
to view the details of the input parameters for each job submission. The Output and Log Files section displays one set of
flow instance details and parameter values for the parent submission and similar set of values for each subsequent child

1. Click on the Process ID on the first row to view the log output details of the flow.
2. Click on the Process ID on the second row or any other row below to view the log output of a task iteration or
child submission.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Global Payroll Interface Submit Payroll Flows

Generate Archive End-of-Year Payroll Results Process for Multiple

In this example you create a flow pattern and use the Submit Another Task task to automatically generate the Archive
End-of-Year (EOY) report for multiple payroll statutory units (PSUs) within your organization.

The task iteration process uses the task repeat formula to dynamically identify the PSU IDs and generate the report for
the multiple PSUs with a single submission of the flow. The Archive EOY Payroll Results task retrieves employee and
employer information and employee balances in a given year for year-end reporting.

Before You Start

Review and validate the year-end data and complete balance adjustments and balance feeds for year-end reporting.

Here are the key decisions for this example.

• The static flow parameters used in this example include Effective Date, Start Date, Tax Year Date, Repeat
• The dynamic flow parameters used in this example include Payroll Statutory Unit ID and the Repeat Flow.

The input parameters for the repeat submissions are obtained from the values returned by the task repeat formula.
Perform these tasks to use Submit Another Task and generate the Archive End-of-Year (EOY) report for multiple PSUs.

1. Create a task repeat formula

2. Create a flow pattern
3. Submit the flow
4. View the results and log file

How to Create a Task Repeat Formula

Use the text editor to create a fast formula and return the values required to run the Archive EOY Results for a PSU. This
formula isn't specific to any legislative data group (LDG) and the formula type you use for this formula is Task Repeat.

Complete these steps to create a task repeat formula.

1. Use the Fast Formulas task.

2. On the Fast Formulas page, click Create to create a formula.
3. On the Create Fast Formula, complete these fields.

Field Value

Formula Name Sample Formula

Formula Type Task Repeat

Description Archive EOY Results for each PSU

Effective Start Date Enter a date, for example, January 01, 2011

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Global Payroll Interface Submit Payroll Flows

Field Value

4. Click Continue.
5. Enter this formula text details in the Formula Text Section.
FORMULA NAME: Sample Formula
DESCRIPTION: Formula to iterate the EOY Archiver
Formula Results: Iterates the EOY and generates the report
/* Inputs */
START_DATE = '2011-01-01'
EFFECTIVE_DATE = '2012-01-01'
TAX_YEAR_DATE = '2011-01-01'


/* End Formula Text */

6. Click Compile.
7. Click Save.

How to Create a Flow Pattern

Complete these steps to create a flow pattern.

1. Select the Payroll Flow Patterns task and click Create to create a flow pattern. You can also search for and select
an existing flow pattern to copy.
2. Leave the Legislative Data Group field blank and click Continue.
3. On the Basic Information page, complete these basic flow information fields.

Field Value

Flow Pattern Name EOY Results Flow

Description Enter a description for the flow.

LDG Required No

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Global Payroll Interface Submit Payroll Flows

Field Value

Activities to Include Select two options, Statutory and Calculate.

4. Select Submit Another Task to include it in the flow pattern.

5. On the Task Sequence page, reorder, add, or delete tasks as required.
6. Specify the order in which the tasks display in the checklist. You can specify a value for the sequence on the Edit
Task Details Owners and Checklist page.
7. On the Parameters page, select Create.
8. On the Select and Add: Parameters page, add these parameters to complete the flow pattern.

Name Description Task Display

Task Name Name of the task Submit Another Task Required

Task Repeat Formula Name of the formula Submit Another Task Required

Maximum Repeat Counter Maximum number of Submit Another Task Required


Execute in Parallel Decides if the submissions are in Submit Another Task Yes
parallel or sequential

Maximum Parallel Threads Maximum number of Submit Another Task Yes

submissions executed in parallel

The flow parameters are used to submit and complete the tasks in the flow pattern, or as a basis for deriving
values to submit the remaining tasks in the flow pattern.
9. After you have completed the requisite parameters, click OK.
10. On the Task Parameters page, review the parameters, and if necessary update the parameters.
11. Review the resulting checklist for the flow pattern before submitting the flow pattern.
12. Click Submit.

How to Submit the Flow

Complete these steps to submit the newly created flow pattern.

1. Select the Submit a Flow task from Quick Actions or under Payroll in My Client Groups.
2. Search for EOY Results Flow and click Next.
3. Enter these parameters.

Field Value

Payroll Flow Enter a payroll flow name.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Global Payroll Interface Submit Payroll Flows

Field Value

Task Name Archive End-of-Year Payroll Results

Task Repeat Formula Archive EOY Results Repeat Formula

Maximum Repeat Counter Maximum number of iterations by the flow. In this example, it's the number of PSUs.

A repeat counter N indicates one parent and N-1 child submissions to iterate the task.

Execute in Parallel Decides if the submissions are in parallel or sequential. Select Yes, if you want to run the flow
instances in parallel.

For large volumes of data, it's recommended to run the threads in parallel.

Maximum Parallel Threads Enter the number of threads executed in parallel.

Note: The Maximum Repeat Counter is maximum number of iterations that can be executed for a single
submission of the task. It's the number of PSUs in the organization that you want to run the EOY Archiver. If
the iteration runs into an error, this parameter prevents the process from getting into an infinite loop.

4. Click Next. Check the flow interaction.

5. Click Next and select the schedule. You can select 'As Soon As Possible' to execute the task immediately.
6. Click Review to review the parameters.
7. Click Submit.
8. Click Done.

How to View and Monitor the Task Iterations

When you submit a flow, you're taken to the Checklist page so that you can manage and monitor the tasks and other
parameters within the flow.
1. On the Checklist page, search for and click on the Submit Another Task flow you just submitted. You're taken to
the Task Iterations page.
2. To view further information for a specific task iteration, click on the task iteration name.
3. Click Refresh to refresh the page and view the latest number of task iterations.
4. Click Actions > Roll Back to roll back all the task iterations.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Global Payroll Interface Submit Payroll Flows

How to View the Results and Log File

To access the archive results after the process is submitted:

1. Navigate to the Process Results Summary page from Payroll in My Client Groups and search for the
submitted Submit Another Task flow. Click on the flow name to open the Task Iterations page..
2. Use the filter options to view the flow you have just submitted.
3. To view further information for a specific task, click on the task iteration name and view the process results
details of the task iterations. Highlight a process row to view the results of a specific process.
4. Use the Person Process Results section to view the person process results..
5. Click the Output and Log Files section to view the output of the process.

FAQs for Submit Payroll Flows

What's the difference between the process date and submission
date for a flow?
The process date is the date the flow uses to retrieve records to process. As an example, the Calculate Payroll flow uses
the payroll run date as the default process date to retrieve employee details and taxation information.

The submission date is the date when the process, report, or flow starts. For automatic tasks in a checklist, the task
starts when the previous task completes. The application uses the system date for the submission date. If you schedule
a flow, the submission date is the scheduled start date for the flow and applies to the first task in the flow.

Related Topics
• How Payroll Run Results Are Calculated

What's the difference between submitting a flow and a process or

The Submit a Payroll Flow task starts a flow that consists of more than one task. The flow can include manual tasks such
as verification tasks, and automatic tasks such as reports and processes.

Examples of predefined flows include QuickPay and the payroll cycle flow.

The Submit a Process or Report task starts a flow that consists of a single automatic task, such as a report or extract

How can I fix system errors for flow tasks?

For potential system errors or system errors, perform one or more of the following tasks.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Global Payroll Interface Submit Payroll Flows

Refresh the checklist page to display the current status. If the status doesn't display In Progress, resubmit the task.

Determine if the flow task includes a record that a previous process locked. Wait for the process to complete or roll back
the record that produced the lock.

Consult the help desk and review the log files. After resolving the issue, if the task status doesn't display In Progress,
select the Resubmit task from the Actions menu, and if that doesn't work, the Force Resubmit task.

Skip this task if other tasks don't depend on its results.

How can I access a log file for a payroll flow, extract, or report?
Locate and open the flow you submitted that includes the process, report, or extract. On the flow's Process and Reports
tab, click the Process link, which is listed below the task.

On the Oracle Enterprise Scheduler Output page, click the ViewLog button for the process. In the log window, select an
option to view or save the log.

Related Topics
• Status of Flow Tasks

Why can't I find the flow I want to submit?

Confirm that your role grants you security access to the flow pattern, for example to an extract report or process.

For payroll, confirm your role grants you security access to the payroll definition. Finally, determine whether the task or
flow owner specified in the flow pattern is for your role or user name.

Why can't I act on a task on a checklist?

Confirm whether your data role is based on a job role or abstract role that includes the functional privileges required
to perform the task. Before reassigning this task to another person, ensure the data role for the new task owner also
includes these privileges.

How can I delete a flow?

You can delete a flow that you copied or created if you haven't submitted it. Use the Payroll Flow Patterns task to delete
the flow. If you submitted a flow, you can skip the entire flow or tasks in the flow.

Payroll flow owners can also mark an entire flow as skipped from the Payroll Flow Checklist page. Marking the entire
flow as skipped marks any remaining uncompleted tasks as complete.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Global Payroll Interface Submit Payroll Flows

How can I cancel a scheduled flow?

Cancel current and recurring scheduled flows that you own from the flow's checklist. Select the appropriate menu
command from the Actions menu to cancel the current flow and the recurring schedule, or the recurring schedule only.

If you can't cancel the scheduled flow from the checklist, your help desk can stop the job. If you based the schedule on
a formula, review the formula to ensure that it contains no negative numbers. Negative numbers produce a continuous
recurring schedule.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Administering Global Payroll Interface Submit Payroll Flows

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 4
Administering Global Payroll Interface Run Payroll Interface Reports

4 Run Payroll Interface Reports

How Payroll Interface Reports are Processed

Use the Submit a Flow or Submit Extracts task to submit the extract process for your payroll interface report after you
create an extract definition.

Settings That Affect Report Output

When you submit a payroll interface report, the extract process captures values for all employees that match the
specified criteria. This table describes the flow submission parameters that you complete.

Parameter Purpose

Legislative Data Group Name of partition that's used for payroll information.

Payroll Flow Name that you assign when you run the process. After you submit the process, use this name to search
and monitor for its status.

Effective Date First date on which to retrieve effective records.

Payroll Name Name of the payroll definition from which to extract data.

Payroll Period Name of the payroll time period for the payroll you're calculating, which determines other dates for

Changes Only This parameter is optional. Indicator that determines whether to extract only changed records. If you
don't select this parameter, the process extracts all records matching the criteria.

Process Configuration Group This parameter is optional. Name of a configuration group that determines performance parameters,
such as logging, chunk size, and number of threads. Overrides the default process configuration group.

How Initial and Subsequent Reports Are Processed

Your payroll provider might require that you provide all the records defined in the extract each period, or only new or
changed data. The flow submission parameter, Changes Only, controls the scope of the extract. When this parameter
is set to Yes, the application compares the extracted employee data with the values from the previous payroll period. If
changes are found, the data output file contains only the updated records for each employee. If no changes are found,
the data output file contains no data.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 4
Administering Global Payroll Interface Run Payroll Interface Reports

How Retroactive Changes for Payroll Interface Are

If your extract is based on the Global Payroll Interface extract definition, all HR- and payroll-related data in the output
file is effective-dated. The third-party payroll provider uses the effective date value present in the EffectiveDate tag in
the XML file header.

A past-dated change would be reflected within the range between the Effective Start Date and the Effective End Data
attribute values. Third-party payroll providers can pick up the dates if any date in the past exists that triggers any
retroactive processing.

For example, you have already sent the following details for John Franklin's salary to your payroll provider in the extract
for July 2015.

Employee Name Element Pay Value Effective Start Date Effective End Date Entry ID

John Franklin Basic Salary 1000 01-Jul-2015 31-Dec-4712 1

On 1 August, 2015, John receives a salary raise of 500 that's retroactive back to 1 January, 2015. In this scenario, the new
data is extracted when you run the extract in August in changes-only mode.

Employee Name Element Pay Value Effective Start Date Effective End Date Entry ID

John Franklin Basic Salary 1500 01-Jan-2015 31-Dec-4712 1

The third-party payroll provider processes this data from 1 January, 2015 and computes arrears.

Note: The entry ID value is significant only if multiple entries of the same element are allowed and if the retroactive
change is for one element entry only.

FAQs for Run Payroll Interface Reports

How can I identify the payroll flow that includes a specific element
for an employee?
Submit the Element Results Register report, which displays the name of the payroll flow. The report shows details for
the element and the value paid to the employee.

If you don't know the person's assigned payroll, query the person's payroll details on the Payroll Relationships page.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 4
Administering Global Payroll Interface Run Payroll Interface Reports

Why don't I see the new delivery option when I redeliver the
When you submit the Redeliver Output process from the Payroll Checklist work area, you can only select delivery
options that were available when you originally submitted the report.

If you add a delivery option to the report's extract definition, you must submit a new report to view and select the
additional delivery option.

Are future-dated changes ever included in Payroll Interface

If your extract is based on the Global Payroll Interface extract definition, no future-dated changes are included.

All data in the output file is valid as of the effective date value in the file. If your extract is based on other Payroll
Interface extracts, the output might include future-dated data.

Can changes-only extracts for Payroll Interface compare data with

previous runs?
Payroll Interface extract comparisons are based on snapshots of the current data and the data in latest extract
processed for that person. Changes-only extracts don't compare data with extracts prior to the latest change for an

What happens to my Payroll Interface extracts when multiple

updates occur on the same day?
When multiple updates occur in a single day, the Payroll Interface extracts retrieve the data that's valid during the
extract process submission.

Why can't I view the Payroll Interface output file in the process
If the output file is beyond the size limit, you can't view it, but you can still download it. When this scenario occurs, the
View Results link navigates to Oracle Business Intelligence, but this doesn't impact functionality in any way.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 4
Administering Global Payroll Interface Run Payroll Interface Reports

Why do I see duplicated assignment data in my Payroll Interface

output file?
Because the payroll employment model supports three tiers of employment: payroll relationship, employment terms,
and assignments. If you have a two-tier implementation, the application hides any data at the employment terms level.

However, the extract process includes this data, which can appear as if it's duplicate data.

How do I identify new hires and terminations in the Global Payroll

Interface XML file?
You can identify new hires when the ActionReason tag in the XML file for the person record has the NEWHIRE value. Use
the Termination Action and Termination Reason tags for details about terminated person records.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 5
Administering Global Payroll Interface Payroll Interface Inbound Records

5 Payroll Interface Inbound Records

Overview of Payroll Interface Inbound Records

Use the HCM Data Loader to import processed payroll data and payslips from third-party payroll providers.

Each import record is associated with a master record that specifies a payroll name and payroll period. The Inbound
table stores the imported payroll information, while the document of record stores payslips.

You can create your own reports using Oracle Fusion Transactional Business Intelligence (OTBI). Use the mentioned
Subject area and Fact data Data to create reports:
• Subject area: Payroll Interface Inbound Record - Real Time
• Fact Data: Payroll Interface Inbound Records and Payroll Interface Inbound Record Information
You can obtain these details from a typical data import:
• Absence entries of employees
• Employee specific messages
• Details of earnings and elements processed for employees
• Final payments made to employees
• Details of bank accounts to which payments are made

Extensible Flexfields
Oracle provides an extensible flexfield called Payroll Interface Inbound Record EFF
(ORA_HRY_PI_INBD_RECORDS_INFO_EFF) to capture inbound payroll data from your third-party payroll processor.

These are the delivered contexts:

• Absence Information
• Message Information
• Payment Information
• Payroll Information

Predefined segments are associated with these contexts. In addition to this extensible flexfield, you can also use
extensible and user-defined lookups to configure your inbound payroll interface with the third-party payroll provider.

Use the Manage Payroll Interface Extensible Flexfields task in Setup and Maintenance area to edit the Payroll
Interface Inbound Record EFF flexfield. Contexts with predefined segments capture specific processed payroll values.

Payroll Interface Inbound Record

After your third-party payroll provider processes a payroll, the application extracts the results and configures them into
a data file. Convert this data file to the HCM Data Loader required format.

This table shows the list of files to import your payroll data:

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 5
Administering Global Payroll Interface Payroll Interface Inbound Records

File Name Content

PayrollInterfaceInboundRecord.dat Includes processed payroll information for employees included in the payroll run

You must use this file name as the HCM

Data Loader recognizes only this file name. Compressed file that contains the data file

After you create the data file, compress

the file with the .zip file extension. In this
scenario, you can create your own file

On the Home page, click the Payroll Interface Inbound Records quick action under the My Client Groups tab to
perform these actions:

• Use one or more of these criteria to filter imported data:

◦ Payroll Name
◦ Batch Name
◦ Name
◦ Record Type
◦ Person Number
◦ Record Owner Type

• Select Payroll Data in the Record Type field to view, add, edit, and delete these details:

◦ Payroll
◦ Payment
◦ Leave
◦ Messages received from third-party payroll providers

Payslip Files
Use the HCM Data Loader to import payslips as PDF files into your Oracle Fusion HCM application.

This table shows the list of files to import payslips:

File Name Content

DocumentsOfRecord.dat Data file listing employees for whom payslips are being provided.

You must use this file name. The HCM PDF file names
Data Loader utility recognizes only this file

BlobFiles Folder that contains all the PDF payslip files.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 5
Administering Global Payroll Interface Payroll Interface Inbound Records

File Name Content

You must use this folder name. The HCM

Data Loader utility recognizes only this file
name. Compressed file that contains both the data file and PDF payslip files.

In this scenario, you can create your own

file name.

The import process looks for the PDF files based on the information contained in the data file. After you complete
the import process, employees can view their payslips. Use the Payroll Interface Inbound Records task in My Client
Groups, and select Payslip Data in the Record Type field to view payslip data.

Related Topics
• Import Payroll Data From Third-Party Payroll Providers
• Configure Extensible Flexfields for Inbound Payroll Interface
• Overview of HCM Data Loader
• How Data Is Imported and Loaded

Manage Inbound Records

Use the Payroll Interface Inbound Records task to view, edit, and delete imported data. Imported data includes
information about payroll, payment, leave, and messages from third-party payroll providers.

You can also view the net payment and payslip dates. To view the payslips that you imported, select the Pay work area
and click View Payslips.

View Inbound Records

1. On the Home page, navigate to My Client Groups > Payroll >Administration > Payroll Interface Inbound
2. In the Batch Name field, select the required batch.
3. In the Record Type field, select the required Record Type. For example, Payroll Data.
4. In the Record Owner Type field, select the require Record Owner Type. For example, Payroll Relationship.
5. In the Search Results section, select Update from Edit menu.
6. On the Payroll Interface Inbound Records page, you can view, edit, and delete Payroll, Payment, Absence, and
Messages information.
7. Click Submit.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 5
Administering Global Payroll Interface Payroll Interface Inbound Records

Import Payroll Data From Third-Party Payroll Providers

Use the HCM Data Loader utility to import your payroll data that was processed by your third-party payroll provider.
Typically, this data includes information such as earnings, deductions, and messages but can include additional
information that you receive from your provider.

You can also import payslips as PDF files that you can make available for viewing by employees.

Upload Payroll Interface Inbound Records

After the payroll is processed, you can import the payroll data that your third-party payroll provider processes for the
employees in the payroll run. Before the data is uploaded, your Payroll Interface Inbound Record file must be in the
format that the HCM Data Loader requires.

Import Employee Payslip Information

After the payroll is processed, you can import payslips for the employees in the payroll run. Before the data is uploaded,
your DocumentsOfRecord file must be in the format that the HCM Data Loader requires.

Note: For full instructions on data loading, see the HCM Data Loader User's Guide (Document: 1664133.1) on My
Oracle Support at

Related Topics
• Overview of Payroll Interface Inbound Records


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