Soul Reaver HD Remaster Manual

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SETTING UP…......…..…....…..…..…..…....…..…..………...3 In order to play Soul Reaver HD Remaster, you need to use
the Flycast emulator (included) and the high resolution
MAIN FEATURES........…....…......…......…....…...……….....5 textures (included). The game itself is not included.
RUNNING SOUL REAVER HD REMASTER…......……..…6 After you unzip the Flycast+SR1HDRE folder, launch
CONTROLS......…......…......…......…....…......…......………..7 Flycast and go to the Settings. In the General tab, go to the
content location section and click add. Navigate into .. Up to
STARTING GAME........…....…......…......…....…......……….8 Parent Directory until you find your folder with the game
and click on Select Current Directory. Tick Box Art Game
LORD KAIN AND STORY OF NOSGOTH........…......…....10
List if you want to have box art in the menu instead. On the
THE SPECTRAL AND MATERIAL REALMS......………...14 Video tab, make sure the Load Custom Textures box is
ticked on the bottom and you can also increase the internal
HEALTH........…....…......…......…....…......…......…....…..…16 resolution or switch between different rendering modes
WARP GATES......…......…......…....…......…......…......….…17 (DX9/11, Vulkan, OpenGL). In the Advanced section, enable
HLE BIOS. On the sound tab, turn on the DSP setting.
THE SOUL REAVER......…......…....…....…......…………....19
ESSENTIAL ITEMS......…......…....…....…......…....…..…...23
Almost all of the textures in Soul Reaver HD Remaster have REMASTER
been completely remade since the previous version of the
HD texture pack. Playing this fan Dreamcast HD Remaster After everything is setup, you are ready to start the game.
version of Soul Reaver has many advantages over the other Select it from the main Flycast menu. Click the left stick in
versions: to access the emulator settings or load / save states. You can
have up to 10 save states total but make sure to save the
• high resolution textures for all of the characters and game through the in-game menu as well.
Customisation Options
• improved character models,
In the DATA folder you will also find a SKINS folder which
• native support for XInput and DInput controllers and contains RAZIEL, BUTTON LAYOUT and ENV folders.
rumble support, The game comes with the new style cowl pre-installed but
• three different on screen button prompts to choose you can switch to the classic style cowl (with the shoulder
from, piece intact) if desired. Just copy the appropriate PNG files
into the T36802N folder. You can also customise the on-
• runs on modern systems, screen prompts depending on the controller you are using.
• dynamic music, In the SKINS folder, go to BUTTON LAYOUT and copy the
desired PNG file into the T36802N folder. ENV folder lets
• 60fps.
you choose between the retail and alpha version of the
Note: This game was originally made with low-res graphics Sarafan Tomb.
for CRT TV screens in mind, so certain problems such as
Widescreen Options
wrongly rotated or placed textures were not as apparent.
Unfortunately, these errors cannot be fixed with a texture You can play the game in its original 4:3 ratio as intended or
pack. Seams between textures are also more visible as a use the Widescreen cheats option (PAL version only) which
consequence of using higher resolution textures. Please be slightly stretches the image but does not introduce edge
aware of this when playing this remaster. culling. The biggest drawback of this mode is that the
wraithblade is almost always rendered slightly off centre
from Raziel’s hand. This issue cannot be fixed at present.
Regular Widescreen option only removes the black bars on prompts if needed (included in the BUTTON LAYOUT
either side but produces culling and both the screen effects folder). There are several presets in the MAPPINGS folder
and the Ring Menu appear only in the centre of the screen. ready for use. Note that the mappings are made specifically
However, the wraithblade is rendered correctly in this mode.
for Soul Reaver so avoid using these for other games. To
turn on the rumble support, go to Settings, Controls and
under Dreamcast Devices choose the Purupuru plugin from
the drop-down box. There is also an adjustable slider which
regulates rumble intensity on the same screen.

Widescreen cheats option enabled

The Dreamcast version runs at mostly stable 60fps but there
may be drops in certain areas and ledge grab is not as
precise while gliding as in the PlayStation version. The coil
speed of the wraithblade has been sped up as a consequence
of the higher framerate. The console versions also feature
what pc version always lacked – dynamic music system
which adapts according to what is happening on the screen. Note: The Dreamcast version by default uses d-pad left and
right for rotating the camera and d-pad up/down for the
CONTROLS Glyph Menu. Unlike in the PlayStation version, you have to
press Autoface and Crouch buttons together for a look
The default on-screen prompts are set for a PlayStation around mode.
controller, but you can change them to Xbox or Dreamcast
Select START GAME from the main menu to start a game OF NOSGOTH
of Legacy Of Kain: Soul Reaver. You will be given the option
of starting a NEW game or LOADING a previously saved
game. You can have up to four saved game slots. Dark Gods
Note: If you resume a saved game, you will begin at a central A millennium has passed since Lord Kain set his capital in
position in the game, but all of Raziel's earned powers and the the ruins of the Pillars of Nosgoth and began his conquest of
state of the world of Nosgoth (including activated Warp Gates) the world. His first act was to recruit a cadre. Dipping into
will be as you left them. the underworld, Kain snared six souls and thus birthed his
lieutenants, of which I, Raziel, was one. We, in turn prowled
the twilight of purgatory building six legions of vampires to
OPTIONS pillage Nosgoth.
Select OPTIONS from the main menu to adjust the sound
and music volumes. The destruction of the major human Kingdoms was
inevitable. Within a hundred years, humanity had been
thoroughly domesticated. To be sure, there remained some
PAUSE MENU feral humans scattered across the hinterlands, clinging to
their hopeless holy war to rid Nosgoth of ‘the vampire
Press Pause at any time during play to pause the game. The scourge’. They were tolerated. They made existence for the
game will pause and the in-game pause menu will be fledglings more challenging.
After the taming of the humans, our real work began;
• Select RESUME to continue play. shaping Nosgoth to our will. Around the Pillars, slaves
• Select OPTIONS to adjust sound, music and speech constructed a shrine worthy of our new age, worthy of our
settings. new renaissance. Huge furnaces were built to belch smoke
into the sky, shielding the land from the poisonous effects of
• Select SAVE GAME to save the current game. the sun. Never had the world known a time of such beauty.
Note: You can save at any time. However, we grew bored.
We allowed the remains of the legions, the lesser vampires, Raziel
to have their intrigues. They provided amusement and spice
to an increasingly uninspired court. As faction fell against The humans think it is a poison of the blood that makes us
faction we bet upon the outcome. We helped and foiled plots what we are. Fools, the blood only feeds the bodies we live
at our whim. We were the Council and Lord Kain, our only in. To create a vampire, one must steal a soul from the abyss
master. to reanimate the corpse. It is the body that demands the
blood sacrifice; our souls gain their advantage from the
powers of the underworld. As we matured, our earthly
bodies evolved into a higher form. We assumed the powers
and nobility of the Dark Gods. With each change, the trivial
affairs of vampire and man held less interest. Always, it was
Kain that would change first. After the master had
experienced a new gift, one of us would follow in a decade or
so. That is, until I had the audacity to evolve before my
master. I was gifted with wings. And for my impertinence I
was damned.

The Elder
To us the touch of water is agony; it burns our flesh like
acid. My punishment was to be cast into The Lake of the
Dead, our execution ground for traitors and weaklings. As
my brethren heaved me into the air I could see the bemused
expressions on their faces. The transitory thrill of something
new. Then the pain. Melting, twisting, burning, falling. A
new experience indeed. Time. I have no concept of how long
I fell. Only that there was an end to the fall and through the
pain I heard the voice. At first I thought it merely the echoes
of my own tortured mind, but I grew to understand that it
was more. Something primal. Something angry. Something
righteous. Something ancient. MATERIAL REALMS
The Elder explained much to me. It told me of creation, of Raziel dwells on two planes of existence. The Material
death, of souls and of hunger. For eons the Elder fed upon
Realm: the world of the living and the Spectral Realm: the
the souls of Nosgoth. Then Kain’s vampire dynasty deprived
the Elder of sustenance. For centuries his hunger grew and world of the dead. After being executed by Kain, Raziel was
festered in this place. The Elder offered me a solution to my transformed into a creature of the Spectral Realm.
sorry existence - if I would stalk the Material Realm slaying The Spectral Realm is a darker, more twisted version of the
my former brethren then I would have the chance to avenge
myself against Kain. How could one refuse such an offer? Material Realm. As Raziel passes from one Realm to the
other, the World around him twists and re-shapes itself.
Places and items which are unattainable to Raziel in one
Realm may be attainable in the other. Raziel must face a
different set of enemies in each Realm. Some of the Clan
Leaders even have the limited ability to shift between
Realms. In the Spectral Realm, time in the Material Realm
stands still. Raziel’s ability to exist in either Realm can be
used to his advantage. For example, shifting into the
Spectral Realm can be used to ambush enemies and
manipulate objects in unusual ways.
While in the Material Realm, Raziel’s life energy is
constantly drained and he must feed on the souls of his
enemies to maintain his health and remain in the Material
Realm. If he is damaged, or does not feed, Raziel will be
pulled back into the Spectral Realm. In the Spectral Realm,
Raziel’s energy recovers slowly and he can speed his
recovery by feeding on souls to regain his strength and once
more brave the perils of the Material Realm to continue his
mission of vengeance. Raziel can gain energy in the Spectral The health meter in the lower right-hand corner of the
Realm from the Lost Souls and the souls of the various screen shows Raziel’s strength. The capacity of this meter in
creatures that live off them. the Material realm can be increased by finding Health
Raziel is unable to affect material objects such as blocks in power-ups which are scattered throughout Nosgoth.
the Spectral Realm. To return to the Material Realm Raziel • Raziel must be at full strength before he can shift to the
must be at full health and find a portal. Stand on the portal Material Realm.
and press Glyph Menu, choose the Realm shift icon then
• If Raziel has obtained the Soul Reaver, it will only appear
press Action to shift between realms. To shift from the
once he is at full Material strength.
Material to Spectral Realms at any time, press Glyph Menu,
choose the Realm shift icon and then press Action. • In the Spectral Realm the strength of Raziel’s enemies is
shown by their aura.
• If Raziel’s Material strength runs out, he is cast back to
the Spectral realm. If his Spectral strength expires, then he
is forced back to the Elder God room to recover.
Warp gates allow Raziel to travel quickly through the world
of Nosgoth. Raziel can only travel between activated warp • Press Action while standing on the glowing circle symbol.
gates. When Raziel first encounters a particular warp gate it • Press the left or right directional buttons to select the
is off and needs to be activated. To activate the warp gate, location you want to travel to.
step onto the circle symbol on one of the platforms on either
• To cancel your selection, press Action again.
side of the warp gate. The symbols will begin to glow, and
the warp gate will now be activated permanently. Raziel can • To confirm the location, walk Raziel through the gate to
now step through the warp gate to be transported to the arrive at your chosen destination.
location on the other side.
This location is indicated by the symbol on the wall in front Note: When you locate a new gate make a note of the symbol
of Raziel, (inactive warp areas are displayed in grey). Raziel for that region, to make it easier to return there later.
will not be able to warp to these locations until he has
activated their warp gates.
ABILITIES Raziel cannot swim, glide, grab onto edges or manipulate
objects if he is holding a two-handed blunt object.
Gliding Note: Weapons and other carried objects cannot be carried
• To glide press Jump and then press and hold jump between Realms. Raziel will drop anything he is carrying
when Raziel is in mid-air. when he shifts Realms. Raziel cannot pick up objects in the
• Release Jump to drop to the ground. Spectral Realm.
• Hold Auto-Face while gliding to glide straight down.
Raziel can gain additional lift by gliding over updrafts or
thermals of warm air where they occur. Manipulating objects
Raziel can manipulate a large number of objects including
doors, switches and blocks.
Picking up & carrying objects
Raziel can pick up a variety of objects. Objects can be used
• To manipulate an object, stand near to it, face it and press
as weapons or for other purposes. Objects generally fall into
the following classes: two-handed staff weapons, two-
• To shove a block, stand near to it, face it and press Action.
handed blunt objects and torches.
• To embed Raziel’s claws into a block, stand near to it, face
it and press and hold Action.
• To pick an object up stand next to the object and press • Release Action to release the block.
Action to grab it.
Keep your eyes open for hidden objects, like fence-posts and While Raziel’s claws are embedded in a block press the
window bars which can be pulled apart and directional buttons to move the block. As long as Action is
used as weapons. held, Raziel will keep his claws in the block.
• To put down an object hold Crouch and then press Action.

• To flip a block, stand next to it, hold Crouch and press

• Adjacent blocks can be stacked by flipping one block on
top of another.
• Not all blocks can be flipped. A vampire must be stunned before a fatal blow can be
administered. To stun a vampire Raziel must connect with
several consecutive hits. A fatal attack can be performed in
Note: Non-block objects can be manipulated using the same many different ways.
commands. Raziel cannot manipulate objects in the Spectral
Throwing Enemies
• Press Aim/Grapple to pick up a stunned vampire.
Soul Devouring • To carry an enemy hold Aim/Grapple. Enemies will
Raziel can devour the souls of his victims to gain strength. eventually struggle free if Raziel tries to carry them too far.
Lost Souls are also a valuable source of energy. Raziel can • Release Aim/Grapple to throw a vampire into an
also devour discorporated Spectral enemies. Non-combative environmental hazard like fire, water, a spiked wall or
human victims (i.e. Villagers and worshipful vampire sunlight to destroy them.
hunters) can have their souls devoured without being
damaged or killed first.
Throwing staves and other objects
• Press and hold Aim/Grapple while carrying an object to
• Press and hold Devour to devour souls. prepare to throw it.
• Press and hold Devour when close to a non-combative • Release the Aim/Grapple to throw the object.
human to suck some or all of their soul.

Note: Raziel will attempt to auto-aim the object for you.

Hold Auto-Face while moving to sneak. This makes it easy to Aiming Objects and Projectiles
move over precarious terrain and to sneak up on enemies.
Raziel can throw any object that he is carrying.
• Press and hold Aim/Grapple to auto-aim the object at the Autoface
nearest enemy. If you hold Auto-Face Raziel will automatically face his
• Release Aim/Grapple to throw the object. nearest opponent. Press and hold AutoFace again to shift
Raziel to the next closest opponent.
• Press and hold Aim/Grapple and then press and hold both Note: You should use auto-face to make combat as efficient as
camera buttons to manually aim the object. possible.
• Release Aim/Grapple to throw the object.

Combination attacks
Impaling • Press Action to execute Raziel’s basic attack.
Raziel can also discover weapons that he can use to impale • Press Action again before the attack ends to make Raziel
enemies. perform a more powerful attack.
• Press Action a third time to perform a final powerful
• To pick up a weapon, stand near to it and press Action strike.
• Press Action to attack with the weapon.
• Press Aim/Grapple to impale stunned vampires. Note: Raziel has different attacks depending on the weapon
he is using.
Torches Raziel can set fire to stunned enemies with a carried Lunge attacks
torch. Lunge attacks cover a greater distance than any single
• Press Action to attack with the torch. combination attack and do more damage.
• Press Aim/Grapple to ignite a stunned vampire. • Press Action while moving forward to execute a lunge
Note: Raziel can only use a lunge attack when in autoface
mode. The Soul Reaver is the only weapon in the game that Raziel
can carry between Realms. In addition, the Soul Reaver
evolves throughout the game, acquiring new, powerful
Evasive Manoeuvres
Raziel must acquire the Soul Reaver during the course of
Raziel can dodge enemy attacks, and move into position to
the game. Even after acquiring the Soul Reaver Raziel must
deliver his own counter attack with this skill. be at full health in the Material Realm for the Soul Reaver
• Press Jump whilst moving left, right or backwards, and to appear. As long as Raziel stays at full health in the
Raziel will quickly move in that direction. Material Realm, the blade remains. While Raziel holds the
Soul Reaver, his energy no longer drains away. However, if
Raziel is damaged the Soul Reaver will disappear.
Note: Raziel can only evade enemy attacks when in autoface
mode. In the Spectral Realm, the Soul Reaver is always active and
maintains its spectral form. The Soul Reaver also has the
power to fire projectiles.
• Press Action to perform slashing attacks with the Soul
• Hold Aim/Grapple to charge the Soul Reaver.
• Release Aim/Grapple to fire the projectile.
When Raziel finds the Fire Forge, he can baptise the Soul
Reaver in it and the blade will become imbued with Fire.
Once baptised, the blade can be re-imbued at any time by
passing it through a fire source. If Raziel is damaged and
the Soul Reaver disappears it must be re-imbued with Fire
when Raziel returns to full health and the Soul Reaver
reappears. When the Soul Reaver is charged with Fire,
vampires are burned by its slashes and its projectiles will set Shift Glyph
them alight.
Allows Raziel to shift from the Material to the
Spectral Realm at any time. To shift from
Note: In the Spectral Realm, the Soul Reaver cannot be Spectral to Material, Raziel must be at full
elementally imbued. health and use the Shift Glyph while standing
on a portal.

There are six Glyph Altars hidden throughout Nosgoth. Force Glyph
Each ancient altar is associated with an elemental ‘glyph’ Waves of telekinetic force rush out from
(or spell). Once Raziel has solved the puzzle of a Glyph Raziel, throwing enemies. Telekinetically flung
Altar, he is awarded with an elemental glyph. Glyphs go enemies may end up damaged or destroyed,
permanently into his Glyph Spell Menu. depending on what they hit.
Glyphs invoke powerful elemental energies that damage
multiple enemies. Glyphs have varying ranges. To cast the
different glyphs, Raziel must find and expend glyph energy. Stone Glyph
Glyph energy is scattered throughout Nosgoth. Glyphs cost
differing amounts of glyph energy to cast. Raziel slams his fist into the floor, causing a
localized earthquake. All enemies in the
affected area are stunned by the violence of
TO USE A GLYPH: the spell's effect.
• Press Glyph Menu to access the menu.
• Press left or right to choose a glyph. Sound Glyph
• Press Action to activate the glyph Deadly waves of sound emanate from this
glyph's epicenter. Vampires that are struck by
the expanding waves of sound are badly
Water Glyph
This glyph's magic explodes into a room, creating
a watery downpour that burns vampires within
its range. The water glyph does not kill. It
reduces all water-vulnerable vampires within the spell's Souls provide the energy that Raziel needs to survive and
radius to a damaged state. As with any other damaged state, progress through the game. Human and vampire souls can
the enemies will recover to full health after a prescribed be acquired by destroying the creatures’ physical bodies. In
amount of time - until then, they are vulnerable to fatal
addition, Raziel can suck soul energy out of non-combative
humans without killing them. Lost souls can be found
wandering the Spectral Realm, and are easy pickings for
Raziel. Spectral enemies can be reduced to a vulnerable
Fire Glyph
state through combat and then devoured.
This glyph's power expands outward in rings of
fire, igniting all enemies in its wake, instantly
killing both vampires and humans. Glyph Energy
These glowing balls of energy can be found throughout
Nosgoth, in both the Material and Spectral Realms. This is
Sunlight Glyph the energy that Raziel must expend when a glyph is cast.
When Raziel casts this glyph, the room is filled
with a flash of blinding sunlight. All enemies in Vampires
the area are reduced to cinders. The Vampires who inhabit Nosgoth evolved over the
centuries before the Elder God rescued Raziel:
All vampires evolve by retreating into quiescent states from Even vampires that have been killed are not released from
which they emerge transformed. Each of Nosgoth’s vampire their immortal prison. Relegated to the spirit world, they
clans pupates in a different fashion - some burrow are forced to haunt their bodies eternally, waiting for an
underground, others cocoon themselves. Raziel must keep opportunity to re-enter and reanimate the flesh. In their
his eyes open and tread carefully in the vampires’ pupating long years in the Spectral Realm, they accrete form,
grounds, to avoid being ambushed. becoming Vampire Wraiths - dangerous spectres who have
brought their vampiric nature into the spirit world,
becoming soul vampires. If the fatal element that destroyed
FLEDGLINGS it is removed from a Vampire Wraith’s corpse, it reinhabits
and reanimates its body - but in a new and more powerful
Over the course of time, vampires evolved further and
form. It brings back to the Material Realm its ability to
further from their human origins. Younger vampires are
draw off Raziel’s spirit energy, reviving its strength while
referred to as ‘fledglings’ - not as developed as their adult
draining Raziel’s.
counterparts, they are easier opponents. They can’t bear as
many blows before being reduced to a stunned/impaired
state, they cause less damage with their attacks and they are
less crafty in their offensive and defensive manoeuvres. All The Clans
fledglings are vulnerable to the harmful rays of sunlight,
whereas their older counterparts have largely evolved DUMAHIM
beyond this vulnerability. Dumahim are the most common vampires
in Nosgoth. These creatures wander the
land in search of humans to feed on.
ADULTS Dumah is rumoured to have been slain by
The older the vampire, the more evolved it becomes. ‘Adult’ the vampire hunters.
vampires - distinguishable from fledglings by their larger
size, and red glowing eyes - are faster, cagier, more resilient,
and inflict deadlier blows.
Melchahim are the lowest form of The most powerful vampires in Nosgoth are
vampire, the clan of the vampire the Turelim. These huge beasts are
lieutenant Melchiah. They barely skirt the extremely fast and strong, with highly
boundary between the living and the dead. sensitive hearing. Turel has replaced Raziel
These foul creatures must not only steal as Kain’s second in command.
the blood of their victims, but must also
steal their skin to constantly replace their
rotting flesh.

ZEPHONIM Spectral Enemies

The Zephonim vampires descend upon their SLUAGH
victims from the dark recesses of the walls.
These spider-like monsters use their stealth to Scuttling, cowardly scavengers - the hyenas/jackals of the
ensnare their prey to satiate the hunger. Spectral Realm. They prey on the lost souls of the spirit
Zephon is said to rule his empire from the world. Brazen when in packs, they will try to flee to a safe
spire of an incredible cathedral. distance if encountered alone.

RAHABIM Vampire Wraiths are souls of long-dead vampires,
consigned to the Spectral Realm until they can re-enter
The Rahabim rule the waters of Nosgoth. their corpses. Their long vigil in the spirit world makes
These vampires have adapted to become them manifest as Vampire Wraiths and they have adapted
immune to the destructive effects of water. their vampire natures to the Spectral Realm, feeding on the
These beasts are equally as dangerous on land soul energies of the other creatures that inhabit the Spectral
or sea. Rahab is the undisputed King of the Realm. If a Vampire Wraith (or a Revived Vampire) lands a
blow on Raziel, it’s like opening a vein - they are then able to VAMPIRE HUNTERS
continually draw out and drain Raziel’s spirit energy, even
at a distance. Raziel must either close the distance and strike The warrior class of Nosgoth’s remaining humans have
the Wraith to break contact, or must flee, putting a large become Vampire Hunters. There are two types: hunters
enough distance between Raziel and the Wraith, that it can armed with crossbows (equipped with heavy, impaling
no longer maintain the connection. bolts), and hunters armed with primitive flame-throwers.
The hunters protect the city, and will venture outside its
walls to engage in skirmishes against their vampire enemies.
There is another sub-class of humans, who have adapted to
The few humans that still exist have taken refuge in the the vampire menace by serving their tormentors, and
fortified city to the north. They will occasionally venture out worshipping them as gods. The worshippers fall into two
of the city, but only rarely. They are unarmed, and easy prey classes - Novitiates, who wield decorative but deadly staves;
for either the vampires or Raziel. They will modify their and Adepts, who use their sacrificial knives as weapons. The
behaviour toward Raziel depending on how he behaves - if worshippers, in their blind allegiance to their vampire
Raziel preys on them, they will see him as a demon, and flee masters, will always view Raziel as an enemy, and cannot be
in terror. If he spares them, attacking the vampires that swayed (like their fellow humans) by Raziel’s behaviour.
plague them instead, they will see him as a saviour, an The worshippers are an insidious threat to the human
avenging angel, and worship him. Humans’ souls are not as population, since they kidnap victims for blood sacrifices -
deeply rooted as the vampires’ - the humans do not have to considering no sacrifice too great, they will also gladly give
be killed before Raziel can draw energy from their souls. If their own blood (and lives, if necessary) to sustain their
Raziel gets close enough, he can grasp a human and draw its vampire masters.
soul energy directly from its body. If he chooses only to ‘sip’
at a human’s soul - recovering his health slightly, but not
draining the victim completely – the human will faint, but
recover. As long as Raziel does not drain his victim
completely, this will not count against his notoriety.
CREDITS Additional Mesh: Caroline Trujillo
Cinematics: Jeff Morgan, Seth Carus, Jeremy Bredow

Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver Conceptuals: Arnold Ayala, Daniel Cabuco, Dave Reyes, James Guilford

Director: Amy Hennig Artists: Stephan Trusty, Dave Reyes, Brett Hartshorn, Arnold Ayala,
Leon Cannon, Gary Ellington
Initial Story Concept: Amy Hennig, Seth Carus
Additional Art: Jeff Morgan, Damon Redmond
Initial Art Concept: Arnold Ayala
Art Interns: Jon Guilford, Adi Taylor
Producers: Amy Hennig, Rosaura Sandoval, Andrew Bennett
Audio & Visual Manger: Steve Papoutisis
Executive Producers: Jon Miller, Rob Dyer
Music & SFX: Greg Shaw, Kurt Harland, Jim Hedges
Lead Designers: Amy Hennig, Richard Lemarchand
Script: Amy Hennig, Richard Lemarchand
Lead Programmer: Carl Stika
Full Motion Animation: GlyphX, Inc.
Lead Animator: James Guilford
Voice-Over Directing & Casting: Gordon Hunt, Kris Zimmerman
Lead Enemy Artist: Daniel Cabuco
Voice Talent (English):
Lead Background Art: Tim Linn
Michael Bell - Raziel, Melchiah
Lead Mesh Artist: Cory Stockton
Tony Jay - Elder God, Zephon
Programmers: Jason Bell, Marc David, Scott Krotz, Hong Park, Tom
Desmarais, Jonah Stich, Doug Banks Simon Templeman - Kain, Dumah

PC Programmers: Jurjen Katsman, Michael Heyek Anna Gunn - Ariel

Audio Engineer: Fred Mack Neil Ross - Rahab

Interface Programmer: Charles Martin Recording Studio: Screen Music

Animators: Paul Vernon, John Hood, Eric Elliott, Troi Depts VP Marketing: Scott Steinberg

Design & Mesh: Riley Cooper, John Dumala, Mark Meier, Aaron Keller, Marketing Manager: Jim Curry
Freddie Lee, Casto Vocal, Mike Gonzales, Seth Carus
PR Manager: Steve Groll • Stonework, Interior Surfaces, Rooftops and Metals by Marlin
Marketing Artist: Collin O'Connor
• Pattern in Islamic Art by David Wade,
Test Manager: Alex Ness
• Benkyou Textures,
Lead Tester: Billy Mitchell
• Dogma5150’s Blog (Arnold Ayala).
Testers: James Cabot, Rich Krinock, Mark Mederios
For a full list, please see the SR1HDRE-ReadMe.txt file.
Special Thanks: Ted Ardell, Gex team, Akuji team, Glen Schofield, Sam
Player, Adrian Longland, Danny Chan, Lita Unruh, Malachi Boyle,
Patrick Bradley, Rita Fovenyessy, Chris Stefanetti, Dave Dao, Karl
Thank you for downloading!
Hagaman, Patrick Cowan
All of our friends & family who missed us during the crunch

Soul Reaver HD Remaster

Texture artist and manual redesign: Raina Audron
Additional textures by: Terry, Daniel Cabuco
Special thanks: Aevum, Allard, AesirHod, Bazielim, Ben Lincoln,
Biodynamic, Cain, CataCat, Convalise, Daniel Cabuco, David Wade,
Dr. Diane Davies, EagleEye 559, FlyingHead, Francesco Abbonizio,
Gh0stblade, Japanese Cake, KainReaver, Kevin Chatmajo, Ko-Fi
supporters, Laura Panico, Lucinvampire, Patrick Johnson, Saad,
Tenaya, Terry, TRFan94
Texture sources:
• Surfaces, Natural Surfaces, Soft Surfaces and Architectural
Surfaces by Judy A. Juráček,

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