DLP Earth and Life Science Week 1
DLP Earth and Life Science Week 1
DLP Earth and Life Science Week 1
_____1. Hydrogen and Helium are the most abundant elements in the universe. There are only two
things in the universe: energy and matter.
The composite model of the universe through the past 13.8 billion years corrected using the
_____2. newest CMB data to be 13.7 billion years. At the present time, the universe is still contracting
and cooling.
_____3. The big bang theory states that the universe began with a tremendous explosion. All contents of
the universe were gathered together under extreme pressure, temperature and density in a very
tiny spot then for some reason, it rapidly contracted inward.
_____4. Pulsating Theory maintains that new matter is created as the universe expands thereby
maintaining its density. This theory proposes that the overall structure of the universe is always
the same at any point in time and space.
James Jeans and Emanuel Swedenborg discovered the cosmic background radiation. The two
_____5. scientists used the strange-looking horn antenna to discover the cosmic background radiation
giving a big boost to the big bang theory.
The very first claim made in the bible is that there was a beginning. Genesis 1:1 describes how
_____6. God created the universe and in a certain sequence, there is no doubt that he did that exactly
“God created the universe.
As more dust particles began to stick together and grow in size, they formed the tiny blocks of
_____7. the planets, called Planetesimal. Within a few hundred thousand years, the planetesimal grew
from macroscopic sizes to smaller sized, eventually measuring a kilometre across.
_____8. Planetesimal theory is the most accepted theory in the formation of the solar system. If a
nebula’s density were great enough, then the contraction between the particles might be strong
enough to pull everything together into the center of the cloud
_____9. The dust and gas clump together in huge interstellar clouds called nebulas. These clouds are the
first ingredients of a new planetary system.
_____10. Tidal theory is a spinning cloud of gases with the sun at the center. Accretion is the gradual
increase in the size of an object by the build-up of matter due to gravity.