2. Biologic complications
• Inflammation and Proliferation
• Dehiscence and Recession
• Periimplantitis and Bone Loss
• Implant Loss or Failure
3- Technical or Mechanical Complications:-
• Screw Loosening and Fracture.
• Implant fracture.
• Fracture of restorative Materials.
5. Esthetic and phonetic complications
• Esthetic Complications
• Phonetic Problems
Hemorrhage and Hematoma
Bleeding during surgery is common and easily
If large vessel is incised or injured during surgical
procedure, the hemorrhage can be difficult to control
Smaller vessels will naturally constrict or retract to slow
the hemorrhage
Most difficult situation when the point of bleeding is
inaccessible and internal (within the connective tissues
and soft tissue spaces).
Implant Malposition
• Dental implant being placed in an undesired or
unintended position
• Malpositioning of dental implants is usually the
result of poor treatment planning before the implant
surgery, lack of surgical skill by the implant
surgeon, and/or poor communication between
implant surgeon and restorative dentist
• Apicocoronally, the implant should be placed
so the dental implant platform is 2 to 3 mm
apical to the gingival margin of the anticipated
• If the platform is placed at or above the level of
the gingival margin, a metal collar or implant
exposure can occur yielding an unaesthetic
• Mesiodistal implants should be placed at a
distance of 1.5 to 2 mm from a natural tooth
and 2 to 3 mm from an adjacent implant to
maintain an adequate biologic dimension.
2-3 mm
1.5 – 2 mm
• During surgical procedures and placement of
implants adjacent to teeth can injure the teeth
either by directly cutting into the tooth
structure or by damaging nearby supporting
tissues and nerves
• During drilling, directed at or near the
adjacent tooth may cause injury to the
periodontal ligament, tooth structure, and
nerve of the tooth
The 2-mm guide pin is used to determine After angle correction, the osteotomy sites
direction of the osteotomy site and its are completed to length with the final
proximity to the adjacent root Drill, usin 3 mm guide pin
Neurosensory Disturbances
• Implant Fracture