Jashu 015
Jashu 015
Jashu 015
M.F. Malek5
University of Wollongong in Dubai
Faculty of Engineering and Information Sciences
Knowledge Village Dubai
United Arab Emirates
[email protected]
Abstract— Wireless sensor network (WSN) is commonly used for sometimes it is not feasible. Therefore, nodes should estimate
localization analysis. Through sniffing receive signal strength their own locations through several methods. WSN is
indication (RSSI) in WSN system, localization of higher RSSI is composed of spatially distributed nodes equipped with sensing
connected automatically. This paper proposes the Raspberry-Pi devices to monitor and to measure characteristics of the
(RasPi) based sensor node to sniffing RSSI and automatically physical environment at different locations. WSNs are
connect the device to strongest RSSI. The RasPi brings the designed and deployed for different purposes by various
advantages of a personal computer (PC) to the domain of sensor organizations. WSN based monitoring applications range from
network which makes it as the perfect platform for interfacing with a
simple data gathering, to complex Internet-based information
wide variety of external peripherals. Comparative analysis of its key
elements and performances with some of current existing wireless systems. In other words, the observations obtained from
sensor nodes has shown that despite the few disadvantages, the RasPi sensor networks may be helpful in many software applications
remains an inexpensive single board computer (SBC) with its very like environmental, industrial and meteorological monitoring,
successfull use in sensor network domain and diverse range of building and home automation, medicine, urban sensor
research applications. networks, intelligent transportation, security, military defense,
etc [1]. Sensor nodes are the small, low power single board
Keywords— Wireless sensor network (WSN), Raspberry-Pi (RasPi), computers with a radio for wireless communication. Number
Received Signal Strength Indication (RSSI) and types of sensors depend on the applications. Sensor nodes
I. INTRODUCTION collect and transfer data using four stages: collecting the data,
processing the data, packaging the data and communicating
the data [5]. In this work, the main objective is to observe
A WSN is a network of devices that have sensing, abilities of SBC especially Ras-Pi to perform as RSSI sensor
actuation, processing, and wireless communication capability. based of centre processing unit (CPU) and memory
Wireless sensor networks have several potential applications, performance.
especially in the area of transportation operations[1]–[4].
Sensor scans are used to detect physical phenomena, such as The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. In
motion and acceleration. The collected and processed sensor section II, the overview of overall system architecture.
data can be transmitted through wireless links. Position Followed in section III, the experiment methodology are
monitoring or also known as location estimation is the process described. In section IV, significant result are review and
of obtaining location of a sensor node. The effective use of the discussed. Finally, conclusion this paper in section V.
data from the sensors, position of the sensors must be known.
Finding the location of the nodes manually is costly and
2015 IEEE Student Conference on Research and Development (SCOReD)
II. SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE Numerous method of RasPi usage with sensors, displays
and motors is given in [10]. In the workshop [11], a RasPi is
A unique design and implementation of a secure sensor used to read sensors (inputs), store their values in a database
node has been carried out based on three major components: a for historical trending and turn relays (outputs) on and off
single board computer, wi-fi adapter module and various when a sensor value goes outside of a certain range. The
routers as an access point (AP). In this section, overview of specification of RasPi is shown in Table I.
the hardware architecture and software involves in this
TABLE I. Comparison Experimental Platform
proposed experimental.
B. Communication Devices
2015 IEEE Student Conference on Research and Development (SCOReD)
C. Software Structure
2015 IEEE Student Conference on Research and Development (SCOReD)
In this work, we have designed a secure sensor node
prototype at a low cost. The RasPi is the best choice because
Fig. 7. CPU Performances during Sniffing RSSI Value of its high performance, affordable with the cost, good
memory capacity and being the cheapest single board
CPU performance (%) = 100 % – CPU idle % (1) computer available in the market as discussed in section II.
Furthermore, the Linux operating system usage provides
CPU utilization analysis is shown in Figure 7. As can be additional advantages of using RasPi as a SensorWeb node.
observed in Figure 7, all types of platforms finished scanning Programming in high-level language, the implemented
and capturing RSSI below than 30 seconds. However, solution is quite simple and it is enabled for a large number of
platform Dell and RasPi-2 show a lowers CPU usage users, as opposed to micro controller programming which
compared than other platform. Meanwhile, RasPi-B+ used the usually depends of development kit. Overall, the
highest CPU usage because it's internal hardware developedplatform successful in capturing and sorting
specification, formerly lower compared than other platforms. incoming RSSI in 30 Seconds. The performance evaluated in
However, RasPi-B+ still compatible with running a sensor terms of CPU and Memory usage shows the credit card size
node to capturing incoming RSSI. The unstable graph computer is competent to act as WSN because ease to hack-
occurred due to the background process which runs able and mobility. However, background process of all
simultaneously. platforms during capturing RSSI, sometimes affect the
performance of platforms, but this problem can be
encountered by terminating unwanted background process.
B. Memory result (between Board)
2015 IEEE Student Conference on Research and Development (SCOReD)