Assignment 03 CL7

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External questions

Q1. What did the narrator do, right after entering his room? Why did he do that?
Ans. The narrator shut the door and stood near the door without, moving a single step, holding the
candle in his hand.
The narrator stood near the door without moving because he was spying on his
friends and was trying to justify his suspicion towards them.

Q2. How did the bed appear to the narrator? What did he do to the bed later?
Ans. The bed appeared particularly suspicious looking to the narrator.
The narrator pulled the mattress off the bed into the middle of the room, facing the

Reference to the context

Q1. “ I found, lying on my improvised bed, a dismayed valet ”

a) Who said these words?

Ans. The narrator said these words.
b) Why was the valet dismayed?
Ans. The valet was dismayed because he had tripped over the unexpected bed in the middle of the
floor and had fallen on his stomach.
c) How did the friends of the speaker react?
Ans. The friends of the speaker laughed all day.


Q1. Classify the following as countable and uncountable nouns.


Q2. Classify the following as abstract and concrete nouns.

Truth, Dog, Danger, Building, Happiness, Tree

Q3. Identify the subject and the predicate in each of the following sentences

1. A rolling stone gathers no moss.

2. She has been to all the continents.
3. A barking dog seldom bites.
4. On the top of the hill lives a hermit.
5. You never cease to amaze me.
6. We should profit from our experience.
7. Suddenly one of the wheels came off.
8. A dark figure appeared in the hallway.
9. Someone rose to speak.
10. Who told you this?

Q4. Fill in the blanks with the noun form of the words given in the brackets

1. The government had to make a_______________ about rainwater

2. Our teacher gives us a lot of _________________ to do well in everything.
3. The __________ of this pond is more than three metres. (deep)
4. Notable scientists were rewarded for their ____________. (invent)
5. The children were excited at the musician’s ___________. (arrive)

Q5. Fill in the blanks with suitable collective nouns.

1. A____________ of trees.
2. A____________ of arrows.
3. A ____________of sheep.
4. A____________ of bees.
5. A____________ of geese.



Write a letter to your cousin expressing your embarrassment when your friends played
a practical joke on you.


TOPIC – पर्यार्वयची शब्द
पर्यार्वयची शब्द – एक ही शब्द के एक से ज़्र्यदय समयन अर्ा बतयने वयले शब्दों को पर्यार्वयची शब्द कहते हैं। जैसे :
अंधकयर – तम , तततमर , अँधेरय।

क) नीचे ददए गए वगा पहेली से दो-दो पर्यार्वयची शब्द ढँढ़कर तलतिए-

ग ण प तत मो ह क प
जय दी लो पय तन स मी र
न भ च नी र के क ग
न र् न तय स अ त ग
कु ज मय आ द पं तन न
सु म न दद न क र ल
म आ ग त आ ज ल ज
अ न ल र् म नो ह र

शब्द शब्द

सर्ा - ........................ ........................ कमल - ........................ ........................

फल - ........................ ........................ आँि - ........................ ........................

घर - ........................ ........................ गणेश - ........................ ........................

आकयश - ........................ ........................ जल - ........................ ........................

अति - ........................ ........................ हवय - ........................ ........................


क ा- VII
पाठ – सं ा
कसी भी ि , व तु, जाित, भाव या थान के नाम को ही सं ा कहते ह। जैसे – मनु य (जाित), अमे रका,

भारत ( थान), बचपन, िमठास(भाव), कताब, टेबल(व तु) आ द।

सं ा के भेद- सं ा के मु य तीन भेद होते ह-
1. ि वाचक सं ा
2.जाितवाचक सं ा
3. भाववाचक सं ा

अ यास काय
1. उिचत सं ा से खाली थान भ रए।
आसमान, िततली, शेर, मछली, पतंग

क) ...............जंगल का राजा है।

ख) फू ल पर ............... बैठी है।

ग) रमेश ............. उड़ा रहा है।
घ) तालाब म ................ तैर रही है।
ङ) ................ नीला है।

2. खाली थान पर सं ा श द छाँटकर िलिखए।

क) मेरी गाय सफे द है। ...................
ख) हम कानपुर म रहते ह। ....................
ग) मेरा भारत महान है। .....................
घ) हाथी भागता आ जा रहा था। ........................
ङ) उसक िलखाई सुंदर है। ...........................

3. सही कथन पर (√) और गलत कथन पर (×) का िच न लगाइए।

क) नाम श द सं ा होते ह। ( )
ख) हर व तु का नाम नह होता। ( )
ग) मे ो भाववाचक सं ा है। ( )
घ) नदी जाितवाचक सं ा है। ( )
ङ) सं ा के तीन भेद होते ह। ( )
CLASS – 7 (3rd Lang)
3rd -Assignment

hÉ¡LlZ - hZÑj¡m¡ J i¡o¡ (ülhZÑ, hÉ”ehZÑ, üldÆ¢e, hÉ”edÆ¢e)

1z dÆ¢e L¡­L h­m ?
E:- h¡NÚk­¿»l p¡q¡­kÉ j¡e¤o ­k AbÑf§ZÑ BJu¡S h¡ ül pª¢ø L­l, a¡­L dÆ¢e h­mz
Ec¡qlZ:- A, B, L, Mz
2z hZÑ L¡­L h­m ?
E:- dÆ¢el ¢m¢Ma l©f­L hZÑ h­mz Ec¡qlZ:- A, B, L, Mz

3z dÆ¢e Lu fËL¡l J L£ L£ ?
E:- dÆ¢e c¤C fËL¡l üldÆ¢e J hÉ”edÆ¢ez

4z üldÆ¢e L¡­L h­m ?

E:- ­k dÆ¢e üuwpÇf¨ZÑ, AeÉ ­L¡­e¡ dÆ¢el p¡q¡kÉ R¡s¡C EµQ¡¢la q­a f¡­l, a¡­L üldÆ¢e h­mz A, B, C, D

5z hÉ”edÆ¢e L¡­L h­m ?

E:- ­k dÆ¢e üldÆ¢el p¡q¡kÉ R¡s¡ EµQ¡¢la q­a f¡­l e¡, a¡­L hÉ”edÆ¢e h­mz L M N O CaÉ¡¢cz

6z hZÑ Lu fËL¡l J L£ L£ ?
E:- hZÑ c¤C fËL¡lz ülhZÑ Hhw hÉ”e hZÑz

7z ülhZÑ L¡­L h­m ?

E:- ­k hZÑ L¡­l¡l p¡q¡kÉ R¡s¡C EµQ¡¢la qu a¡­L ülhZÑ h­mz A, B, C, D CaÉ¡¢cz

8z hÉ”e hZÑ L¡­L h­m ?

E:- ­k hZÑ ülh­ZÑl p¡q¡­kÉ EµQ¡¢la qu a¡­L hÉ¡”e hZÑ h­mz L M N O CaÉ¡¢cz

9z h¡wm¡ i¡o¡u ­j¡V Lu¢V ülhZÑ B­R ?

E:- h¡wm¡ i¡o¡u ­j¡V 11¢V ülhZÑ B­Rz A, B C D E F G H I J Kz

10z h¡wm¡ i¡o¡u ­j¡V Lu¢V hÉ”ehZÑ B­R ?

E:- h¡wm¡ i¡o¡u ­j¡V 39¢V hÉ”ehZÑ B­Rz L M N O P ­b­L w x y fkÑ¿¹z

11z i¡o¡ L¡­L h­m ?

E:- h¡NÚk¿» ­b­L ­h¢l­u Bp¡ ­k AbÑk¤š² dÆ¢e pj¢øl p¡q¡­kÉ j¡e¤o j­el i¡h fËL¡n L­l, a¡­L i¡o¡ h­mz
12z i¡o¡l Lu¢V l©f J L£ L£ ?
E:- i¡o¡l c¤¢V l©fz ­mMÉ i¡o¡ J LbÉ i¡o¡z


13z ­mMÉ i¡o¡l Lu¢V l©f J L£ L£ ?
E:- ­mMÉ i¡o¡l c¤¢V l©fz p¡d¤ i¡o¡ J Q¢ma i¡o¡z

14z ØfnÑ hZÑ L¡­L h­m ?

E:- L ­b­L j fkÑ¿¹ fy¢Qn¢V hÉ”ehZÑ EµQ¡l­Zl pju L˜, a¡m¤, j§dÑ, c¿¹ h¡ Jù CaÉ¡¢c h¡NÚk­¿»l ­L¡­e¡ e¡
­L¡­e¡ ÙÛ¡e­L ¢SqÄ¡ ØfnÑ L­l, a¡C H…¢m­L ØfnÑhZÑ h­mz

15z AÒffË¡Z hZÑ L¡­L h­m ?

E:- h­NÑl fËbj J a«a£u hZÑ EµQ¡l­Zl pju Lj pju m¡­N h­m H…¢m­L AÒffË¡Z hZÑ h­mz ­kje:- L, N,
Q, S CaÉ¡¢cz

16z jq¡fË¡Z hZÑ L¡­L h­m ?

E:- h­NÑl ¢àa£u J Qa¥bÑ hZÑ EµQ¡l­Zl pju ­h¢n pju m¡­N h­m H­cl jq¡fË¡Z hZÑ h­mz ­kje;- M,O, R, T

17z A­O¡o hZÑ L¡­L h­m ?

E:- h­NÑl fËbj J ¢àa£u hZÑ EµQ¡l­Zl pju N¡ñ£kÑ b¡­L e¡ h­m ­p…¢m­L A­O¡o hZÑ h­mz ­kje:- L, M, Q,
R CaÉ¡¢cz
18z ­O¡o hZÑ L¡­L h­m ?
E:- h­NÑl a«a£u, Qa¥bÑ J f’j hZÑ EµQ¡l­Z N¡ñ£kÑ b¡­L h­m ­p…¢m­L ­O¡o hZÑ h­mz ­kje:- N, O, P, S,
T, U CaÉ¡¢cz

19z Ae¤e¡¢pL hZÑ L¡­L h­m ?

E:- h­NÑl f’j hZÑ¢Vl EµQ¡l­Zl pju nÄ¡p h¡u§l ¢LR¥V¡ e¡­Ll ¢ial ¢c­u fËh¡¢qa qu HC hZÑ…¢m­L
Ae¤e¡¢pL hZÑ hm¡ quz P, U, e, Z, j CaÉ¡¢cz

20z A­k¡Nh¡q hZÑ L¡­L h­m ?

E:- Ae¤ü¡l (w) Hhw ¢hpNÑ (x) ­L A­k¡Nh¡q hZÑ h­mz AeÉ h­ZÑl p¡q¡­kÉ H­cl hhq¡l qu h­m H­cl
A­k¡Nh¡q hZÑ h­mz



p¢å (1-6 ew p§œ)

f¡n¡f¡¢n c¤¢V h­ZÑl ¢jme­L p¢å h­mz
p¢å ¢ae fËL¡­ll quz ülp¢å, hÉ”ep¢å J ¢hpNÑp¢åz
ülp¢å :-
ülh­ZÑl p¡­b ülh­ZÑl ¢jme­L h­m ülp¢åz (ülhZÑ + ülhZÑ = ülp¢å)

p§œ : 1 :- A/B + A/B = B

(A-L¡l ¢Lwh¡ B-L¡­ll fl A-L¡l ¢Lwh¡ B-L¡l b¡L­m Ei­u ¢j­m B-L¡l quz B-L¡l f§hÑ h­ZÑ k¤š² quz)
A + A = B
phÑü + A¿¹ = phÑü¡¿¹ ¢Qœ + A¢fÑa = ¢Qœ¡¢fÑa e¡j + A¢ˆa = e¡j¡¢ˆa
ÙÛ¡e + A¿¹l = ÙÛ¡e¡¿¹l f¡l + Bh¡l = f¡l¡h¡l j¡eh + A¢dL¡l = j¡eh¡¢dL¡l
Ešl + A¢dL¡l = Ešl¡¢dL¡l nlZ + AbÑ£ = nlZ¡bÑ£ Afl + Aq² = Afl¡q²

A + B =B
phÑ + Bd¤¢eL = phÑ¡d¤¢eL a¥o¡l + Bhªa = a¥o¡l¡hªa ¢eaÉ + Be¾c = ¢eaÉ¡e¾c
­L¡o + BN¡l = ­L¡o¡N¡l œ²j + BNa = œ²j¡Na pj + BNj = pj¡Nj

B + A =B
Lb¡ + Ajªa = Lb¡jªa Ll¦Z¡ + AnË¥ = Ll¦Z¡nË¥ f§S¡ + AQÑe¡ = f§S¡QÑe¡
nËÜ¡ + A”¢m = nËÜ¡”¢m ¢hcÉ¡ + ASÑe = ¢hcÉ¡SÑe ab¡ + A¢f = ab¡¢f

B + B= B
L¡l¡ + BN¡l L¡l¡N¡l ¢ch¡ + B­m¡L = ¢ch¡­m¡L ¢hcÉ¡ + Buae = ¢hcÉ¡uae
R¡u¡ + B¢nËa = R¡u¡¢nËa hÉ¡b¡ + Bqa = hÉ¡b¡qa hÉ¡b¡ + Ba¥l = hÉ¡b¡a¥l
LÒfe¡ + B­m¡L = LÒfe¡­m¡L i¡o¡ + BQ¡kÑ = i¡o¡Q¡kÑ jq¡ + BaÈ¡ = jq¡aÈ¡

p§œ : 2 :- C/D + C/D = D

(C-L¡l ¢Lwh¡ D-L¡­ll fl C-L¡l ¢Lwh¡ D-L¡l b¡L­m Ei­u ¢j­m D-L¡l quz D-L¡l f§hÑ h­ZÑ k¤š² quz)
C +C = D
A¢a + Ca = Aa£a l¢h + C¾cÊ = lh£¾cÊ fË¢a + C¢a = fËa£¢a A¢a + C¢¾cÊu = Aa£¢¾cÊu

C + D= D
¢N¢l + Dn = ¢Nl£n A¢d + DnÄl = Ad£nÄl L¢h + Dn = Lh£n A¢i + DÃp¡ = Ai£Ãp¡

Class – VII–SANDHI (1- 6 SUTRO) 3 rd Assignment--Page 1 of 3

D+ C= D
lb£ + C¾cÊ = lb£¾cÊ p¤¤d£ + C¾cÊ = p¤¤d£¾cÊ jq£ + C¾cÊ = jq£¾cÊ pa£ + C¾cÊ = pa£¾Cê

D+ D= D
nË£ + Dn = nË£n lSe£ + Dn = lSe£n e¡l£ + DnÄl = e¡l£nÄl gZ£ + DnÄl = gZ£nÄl

p§œ : 3 :- E/F + E/F = F

(E-L¡l ¢Lwh¡ F-L¡­ll fl E-L¡l ¢Lwh¡ F-L¡l b¡L­m Ei­u ¢j­m F-L¡l quz F-L¡l f§hÑ h­ZÑ k¤š² quz)
E + E= F
LV¥ + E¢š² = LV¨¢š² jl¦ + EcÉ¡e = jl©cÉ¡e

E + F = F
Ae¤ + FdÆÑ = Ae§dÆÑ mO¤ + F¢jÑ = mO§¢jÑ

F + E = F
hd§ + E¢š² = hd§¢š² hd§ + Evph = hd§vph

F + F = F
i¨ + FdÆÑ = i¨dÆÑ plk§ + F¢jÑ = plk§¢jÑ

p§œ : 4 :- A/B + C/D = H

(A-L¡l ¢Lwh¡ B-L¡­ll fl C-L¡l ¢Lwh¡ D-L¡l b¡L­m Ei­u ¢j­m H-L¡l quz H-L¡l f§hÑ h­ZÑ k¤š² quz)
A +C = H
­ch + C¾cÊ = ­c­h¾cÊ öi + CµR¡ = ö­iµR¡ j¡eh + Cal = j¡e­hal
l¡j + C¾cÊ = l¡­j¾cÊ OË¡Z + C¢¾cÊu = OË¡­Z¢¾cÊu

A + D= H
NZ + Dn = N­Znz c£e + Dn = c£­en ¢ce + Dn = ¢c­en
A¢Mm + DnÄl = A¢M­mnÄl l¡SÉ + DnÄl = l¡­SÉnÄl

B + C =H
l¡S¡ + C¾cÊ = l¡­S¾cÊ jq¡ + C¾cÊ = j­q¾cÊ
­n¡i¡ + C¾cÊ = ­n¡­i¾cÊ lj¡ + C¾cÊ = l­j¾cÊ

B + D= H
jq¡ + Dn = j­qn lj¡ + Dn =l­jn à¡lL¡ + DnÄl = à¡l­LnÄl
mˆ¡ + DnÄl = m­ˆnÄl

p§œ : 5 :- A/B + E/F = J

(A-L¡l ¢Lwh¡ B-L¡­ll fl E-L¡l ¢Lwh¡ F-L¡l b¡L­m Ei­u ¢j­m J-L¡l quz J-L¡l f§hÑ h­ZÑ k¤š² quz)

Class – VII–SANDHI (1- 6 SUTRO) 3 rd Assignment--Page 2 of 3

A + E = J
­h¡d + Ecu = ­h¡­d¡cu fl + EfL¡l = f­l¡fL¡l pq + Ecl = p­q¡cl
öï + E‹Æm = ö­ï¡‹Æm Efl + Eš² = Ef­l¡š²

A + F = J
eh + Fs¡ = e­h¡s¡ Qm + F¢jÑ = Q­m¡¢jÑ
fhÑa + FdÆÑ = fhÑ­a¡dÆÑ L¡m + FdÆÑ = L¡­m¡dÆÑ

B + E=J
jq¡ + Eõ¡p = j­q¡õ¡p jq¡ + Evph = j­q¡vph
Lb¡ +EfLbe = L­b¡fLbe N‰¡ + EcL = N­‰¡cL

B + F = J
N‰¡ + F¢jÑ = N­‰¡¢jÑz jq¡ + F¢jÑ = j­q¡¢jÑz

p§œ : 6 :- A/B + H/I = I

(A-L¡l ¢Lwh¡ B-L¡­ll fl H-L¡l ¢Lwh¡ I-L¡l b¡L­m Ei­u ¢j­m I-L¡l quz I-L¡l f§hÑ h­ZÑ k¤š² quz)
A + H = I
Se + HL =S°eL phÑ + Hh = p°hÑh
A + I = I
ja + ILÉ = j°aLÉ l¡S + InÄkÑ = l¡°SnÄkÑ
B + H= I
ab¡ +Hh = a°bh ab¡ + HhQ = a°bhQz
B + I =I
jq¡ + ILÉ = j°qLÉ jq¡ + Il¡ha =j°ql¡haz

p¢å¢h­µRc Ll :-
¢jø¡æ, je¡¿¹l, f¤×f¡OÑÉ, flj¡aÈ¡, Sm¡nu, ¢hcÉ¡ZÑh,
¢ra£n, nQ£¾cÊ, Ae§dÆÑ, …l©f­cn, Ca­lal, ­üµR¡,
j°qLÉ, hL¡p¤¤l, f¡W¡N¡l, à£f¡¿¹l, ­N±l£n, hm£¾cÊ,
m­ˆn, ­N¡­fn, N¡­œ¡›¡e, S¡e§dÆÑ, Ai£ø, d°enkÑÉ,

p¢åk¤š² Ll :-
Sm + EµRÅ¡p, ¢hnÄ + DnÄl, Y¡L¡ + DnÄl£, iâ + Cal, fhÑa + FdÆÑ,
Aam + InÄkÑ, ¢qa + Ho£, ¢qa + HoZ¡, ab¡ + HhQ, i¨ + E¢›a,
¢h­hL + Be¾c, ¢nr¡ + Buae, n¡L + Aæ, ü + Ad£e, A¢i + DÃp¡,
f§hÑ + Aq²

Class – VII–SANDHI (1- 6 SUTRO) 3 rd Assignment--Page 3 of 3


Multiplication of Fractions

As per rule number 2, we have discussed in the previous section, when two fractions are multiplied, then

the top part (numerators) and the bottom part (denominators) are multiplied together.

If a/b and c/d are two different fractions, then the multiplication of a/b and c/d will be:

(a/b) x (c/d) = (axc)/(bxd) = (ac/bd)

Example: Multiply ⅔ and 3/7.

(⅔) x (3/7) = (2×3)/(3×7) = 2/7

Division of Fractions

If we have to divide any two fractions, then we will use here rule 3 from the above section, where we

need to multiply the first fraction to the reciprocal of the second fraction.

If a/b and c/d are two different fractions, then the division a/b by c/d can be expressed as:

(a/b)÷(c/d) = (a/b)x(d/c) = (ad/bc)

Example: Divide ⅔ by 3/7.

(⅔) ÷ (3/7) = (⅔) x (7/3) = (2×7)/(3×3) = 14/9

1 (i) Provide the number in box [ ]and also give its simplest form in each of the following:

(i) (2/3) × [ ] = (10/30)

(ii) (3/5) × [ ] = (24/75)

2. Multiply:

(i) (7/11) by (3/5)

(ii) (3/5) by 25

(iii) 3 4/15 by 24

CL---VII—FRACTIONS: Page 1 of 3
(iv) 3 1/8 by 4 10/11

3. Find the product:

(i) (4/7) × (14/25)

(ii) 7 1/2 × 2 4/15

(iii) 3 6/7 × 4 2/3

(iv) 6 11/14 × 3 1/2

4. Simplify:

(i) (12/25) × (15/28) × (35/36)

(ii) (10/27) × (39/56) × (28/65)

(iii) 2 2/17 × 7 2/9 × 1 33/52

5. Find:

(i) (1/2) of 4 2/9

(ii) (5/8) of 9 2/3

(iii) (2/3) of (9/16)

6. Which is greater? (1/2) of (6/7) or (2/3) of (3/7)

7. Find:

(i) (7/11) of Rs 330

(ii) (5/9) of 108 meters

(iii) (3/7) of 42 liters

(iv) (1/12) of an hour

(v) (5/6) of an year

(vi) (3/20) of a kg

(vii) (7/20) of a liter

(viii) (5/6) of a day

(ix) (2/7) of a week

8. Shikha plants 5 saplings in a row in her garden. The distance between two adjacent saplings is

¾ m. Find the distance between the first and the last sapling.
CL---VII—FRACTIONS: Page 2 of 3
9. Ravish reads (1/3) part of a book in 1 hour. How much part of the book will he read in 2 1/5


10. Lipika reads a book for 1 3/4 hours every day. She reads the entire book in 6 days. How many

hours in all were required by her to read the book?

11. Find the area of a rectangular park which is 41 2/3 m along and 18 3/5 m broad. 10. Find the

area of a rectangular park which is 41 2/3 m along and 18 3/5 m broad.

12. If milk is available at Rs 17 3/4 per liter, find the cost of 7 2/5 liters of milk.

13. Sharada can walk 8 1/3 km in one hour. How much distance will she cover in 2 2/5 hours?

14. A sugar bag contains 30kg of sugar. After consuming (2/3) of it, how much sugar is left in the


15. Each side of a square is 6 2/3 m long. Find its area.

CL---VII—FRACTIONS: Page 3 of 3
SESSION: 2022-23

SUB-TOPIC: Effects of heat

❖ Effects of heat: The important effects of heat on an object are listed below:
Raises the temperature.
I. Increases volume.
II. Changes state.
❖ Rise in temperature: When heat is given to a substance, its temperature increases and it becomes hotter.
When heat is removed from a substance then its temperature decreases and it becomes cold
❖ Change in volume: On heating, substances either expand or contract, i.e., their volume (either change in
length or change in area) changes and hence density changes
Change in state: On heating, change of state may occur, i.e. a solid may change into a liquid and a liquid
may change into a gas. For example, if ice (solid) is heated it changes its state to water (liquid) and if this
water is further heated it becomes water vapour (gas). Conversely, when a gas loses heat energy it changes
into a liquid and on further cooling, it freezes into a solid.
❖ Bimetallic strip: A bimetallic strip consists of two metal strips, one of iron and the other of brass, bolted
together firmly. The two metals expand at different rate on heating. Brass expands more
than iron on heating, thereby bending the bimetallic strip towards the iron strip.
And, after returning to the room temperature, the strip straightens as before.

Very short Answer type questions:

Q1 What are the effects of heat?
Ans.ThThe effects of heat are: it i) Raises the temperature. Ii) Increases volume. Iii) Changes state
Q2 Why heat causes expansion?
Ans. On heating, the movement of molecules increases; this increases the average distance between the
molecules, thereby causing expansion.
Q3 For scientific work, which temperature scale is used?
Ans. For scientific work, the Kelvin temperature scale is used.
Q4 Do all solids expand by the same amount when heated through the same temperature increase?
Ans. Different solids have different arrangements of molecules; hence, their molecular bonding will also be
different. This brings a difference to the amount of expansion in different solids at the same
Q5 What is thermal expansion? Give its use in daily life?
The expansion of matter on heating is called thermal expansion. There are some applications of
thermal expansion in day-to-day life. Some of them are the following.
▪ Fixing of Iron Rim to a Wooden Wheel.
▪ The gap in Railway Tracks.
▪ Rollers in the construction of Iron Bridges.
Short Answer type questions:

Q6 Amongst gold, water, mercury and air which of these will expand the most on heating ?Why
Ans. Air will expand the most.
Molecules in the air are not bound to each other; hence, the average distance between the molecules
will increase considerably when heated. Therefore, air will expand more on heating.

Q7 What happens when you touch a cold object?

Ans. A cold object contains minimal heat energy as compared to our body, so when we touch a cold object,
heat from the higher energy region, i.e., our body, flows to the lower energy region, i.e., the cold
object. So we feel cold.

Q8 Explain why gases expand more than liquids and solids?

Ans. Gases comprise loosely packed molecules as compared to that of liquids and solids. Therefore, when
the gases are heated, there is a huge vibration in their molecules, thereby increasing the average
distance between them. In case of solids and liquids, there is a strong bonding between their molecules;
therefore on heating, these molecules vibrate but less comparatively to gases where the bonding
between molecules is almost nil. Hence, in solids and liquids, expansion will take place but less than

Home Assignment:
1. Explain why a substance expands on heating?
2. Explain with the help of a labelled diagram an experiment to show that liquids expand when heated.
3. Expansion on heating can be a nuisance. Explain giving two examples.
4. You are planning to go to a very cold place where the night temperature drops to -50 °C.
Which thermometer will you take with you mercury or alcohol? Why?
5. A bimetallic strip made of brass and iron welded together. Why the strips bend when it is heated?
6. Why railway tracks have gaps at specific distances?

SESSION: 2022-23



Q1. Rahul was a student of Class VII. His father purchased a new bicycle for him on his birthday.
After few months, he found that the cycle chain and even the handle gets rusted. His father
advised him to apply a coating of paint to the cycle and not to keep it in the open in future.
Now, answer the following questions:
(a)Why his cycle gets rusted?
Ans As the cycle was kept outside ,it has come in contact of air and water .Thus due to the combined
effect of air and water the cycle has got rusted
(b)What do you mean by rusting of iron?
Corrosion of iron is called Rusting .
Q2. When baking soda is mixed with vinegar, bubbles are formed with the evolution of a gas. Name
the gas evolved.
Ans The gas evolved during this process is carbondioxide (CO2)
What happens when this gas is passed through lime water?
When this gas is passed through lime water ,white precipitate forms due to the formation of
insoluble calcium carbonate

Q3. If you leave a piece of iron in the open for a few days, it acquires a film of brownish substance,
called rust.
Ans a)Do you think rust is different from iron?
Yes ,rust is different from iron as it is a compound of iron ---Fe2O3.xH2O
b)Can you change rust back into iron by some simple method?
No ,it is a permanent change
c)Do you think formation of rust on iron is a chemical change?
Yes ,it is a chemical change
Q1. Magnesium ribbon bums in air and changes to white substance, i.e. magnesium oxide. When
magnesium oxide dissolves in water, what type of change take place? Give reason in support of
your answer. Express the change in the form of equation.

Ans ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Q2. What is stainless steel? How is stainless steel made?
State an important property of stainless steel.

Q3 Plants prepare their food by a process called photosynthesis. Can we call photosynthesis is a
chemical change? Explain.

Q4. Which type of change takes place in the following, state whether the energy is evolved or
absorbed during the change?
i) Burning of a candle,------------------------------------------------------------

ii) lightning of a bulb-----------------------------------------------------------------

iii) Preparation of food by green plants----------------------------------------------
iv) volcanic eruption,--------------------------------------------------------------------------
Q5. Give two examples for each of the following cases:
(a)Physical changes which are reversible.
(b)Physical changes which are not reversible
SESSION: 2022-23


 Mouth
 Pharynx and oesophagus
 Stomach


Alimentarycanal- longtube starting from mouth and ending in the anus. Food is ingested through the
mouth and undigested matter in the form of faeces, is egested through the anus. The alimentary canal and
some associated organs,like the liver and pancreas,comprisethe digestive system.


TEETH- The teeth help in chew food. The process of chewing food is called mastication. An adult has
32 teeth embedded in the upper and lower jaw bones. Young children haveonly20 teeth which are called
Milk teethstartgettingreplacedbypermanentteethataroundtheageofseven.Wehavefour distinct types of teeth.
Each type has a particular appearance and performs a particular function-
 The eight incisors blade like structure, front teeth in each jaw and are meant for cutting.
 The four canines present either side of incisors, pointed to help in tearing food.
 The eight premolars, next to each canine, have broad grindings urface to chew and grind food.
 The twelve molars, next to premolars and larger than premolar, have larger grinding surface. Help in
grinding food.

Muscular organ attached to the floor of the mouth.
 It helps in the process of chewing by pushing the food towards the teeth.
 Italsohelpstomixthefoodwithsalivaandmakeaballoutofitandfinallytoswallowit.
 Other than helping in the process of digestion, tongue helps us speak.
 Tastebuds on it help us taste food.

The digestive juice inmouth is called saliva, secretedbysalivaryglands.
It contain an enzyme called amylase,acts on the starch present in food like roti, rice and bread,
andchangesitintosugar.Thisiswhyrotistartstastingsweetwhenchewitfora while.

The pharynx and oesophagus

Thetonguerollschewedfoodintoaballandpushes itintoashortmusculartubecalledpharynx.
Fromthepharynx,thefoodgoesintoa longtube calledoesophagus.
Thepharynxconnectsmouthtotheoesophagusaswellasthe nasalcavitytothewindpipe (trachea).
Foodispreventedfromgoingintothewindpipebyasmallflaplikestructurecalledtheepiglottis.Everytimewhen we
swallow, the epiglottis closes the windpipe. Otherwise food or water enters the windpipe and wechoke
Food is pushed down the oesophagus by a series of contractions. The part of the oesophagus just above
theballoffoodcontractsandpushes itdown. Thenitrelaxesandthenextpartoftheoesophaguscontracts. This
wavelike movement, controlled by the muscles, is called peristalsis. It occurs all the way down the

Food travels down the oesophagus to the stomach, which is a J shaped tube. The muscular walls of the
Glandsinthewallofthestomach(called gastricglands)secrete-
(i) Hydrochloricacid-
(ii) Digestivejuicecalledpepsin- helps inbreakingdownproteins
(iii) Mucus-protectstheinnerwallofthestomachfromtheactionofthe acidundernormalconditions.

B1. Whataresaprophytesandparasites?
Ans. Organismswhichfeedondeadanddecayingorganicmatterarecalledsaprophytes.
Parasitesaretheorganismwholiveinsideoronotherorganismsand draw nutrition fromit.
B2. Write about two special features related to the teeth of a herbivore.
Ans. Herbivores feed on green plants, which are difficult to chew and digest due to cellulose in them.
Most of the teeth of herbivores are on the side of their jaws to help them powerfully chew grass and
leaves. They have incisors in the front to help them cut the grass.
B3. Write briefly about the process of nutrition in the Amoeba.
Ans. Amoeba is a unicellular holozoic organism. It is an omnivore that feeds on smaller unicellular
organisms or their fragments. It forms two finger-like projections called pseudopodia around the
food particle. These projections fuse at the tip, thereby, completely engulfing the food. In the end,
they fuse with each other to form a food vacuole, where the food gets digested.
B4. Why do carnivorous plants trap insects? Explain how one such plant trap insects.
Ans. Carnivore plants are found at places where nitrogen is deficient in soil. They trap insects and digest
them to fulfil their protein and nitrogen requirements.
For example, sundews secrete sticky substance on their leaves. Insects confuse droplets of this fluid
with dew and get attracted by them and sit on the leaves. The hair on these leaves traps the insects
and suffocate them as soon as they approach the leaves.
B5. What are symbionts? Explain with an example.
Ans. Symbionts are organisms that live together for mutual benefits. An example of symbiont is
nitrogen-fixing bacteria. They live in the root nodules of plants and fix atmospheric nitrogen into
biologically absorbable form, which is useful for plants. They fix nitrogen for plants and plants in
turn protect them.
Solve the following.
Q11.Explain the different types of human permanent teeth with proper diagram.
Q12. What are the functions of tongue?
Q13. What is saliva?
Q14. Why does a piece of bread or boiled rice starts tasting sweet when you chew it for a while?
Q15. What is the function of epiglottis?

SESSION - 2022-23



Literary Sources
Literary Sources constitute the body of written records in the form of chronicles, royal orders,
farmous folklore, autobiographies, biographies etc.
The literary texts divided into various categories for instance the indigenous and foreign
accounts. Another category of the literary sources are the religious teachers, reforms and their
We have dramas and folklores also some of the indigenous sources are,
Medieval Manuscripts
Records of chronicles, writings of the Bards.
Some of these have been preserved and published by Colonel Todd in his famous book
Annals and Antiquities of Rajasthan

 Biographies:- Rajtarangini by Kalhana

Vikramankadeva Charita by Bilhana
Prithvirajrase of Chand Bardai

 Autobiographies:- Tujuk-i-Baburi
Babarnama by Babur

 Foreign Sources:- Most of the original sources of the Islamic period are found in
Persian, Arabic and Turkish languages

Alberuni Persian Traveller Tahqiq-i-Hind

11.C ( An Enquiry into India)

Ibn- Batuta Moroccon Traveller Rihla

14C Account of the reign of

Abul Fazal Persian writer court poet of Ain-i-Akbari

Akbar Akbarnama
Marco Polo Itilian ambassador Wrote an interesting
In the court of Chinese account of the social
emperor customs and culture of
Kublai Khan South India


Answer the following questions very briefly:-

1. Where are manuscripts preserved?

2. In which languages did the medieval Indian authors write?
3. Who were the writers of early medieval period?
4. How can literary sources of history be classified?
5. Name any two Indian literary sources of medieval period.
6. Name any three foreign travellers who came to India in the medieval period.


Computer Science Assignment-III (2022-23)
Working with Narration
Q 1. The Record button is present in the __________ toolbar at the top.
a) Edit
b) File
c) Transport
d) View

Q 2. Before recording a narration, ensure that the __________ are plugged in.
a) Internet
b) Microphone and headset
c) Printer
d) Scanner

Q 3. What is the step to export a recorded narration?

a) File Send
b) File Exit
c) File Export
d) File Save

4. In Audacity, in which menu is the Skip to Start option present?

a) File
b) Edit
c) View
d) Transport

Q 5. The recorded narration can be exported as a __________, AIFF or MP3 file.

a) WAV
b) JPG
c) PNG
d) AVI

6. Which option adds a new track in the track table?

a) Transport Record
b) Transport Play
c) Track Record
d) Track Play

(CL-VII/CS/Assignment-III/2022-23/Page 1 of 3)
Q 7. Johny has completed the mixing of narration and the background music. Now, he
wants to adjust the volume of the background music in such a way that users are able to
hear the narration clearly. Which tool will he use?
a) Envelope
b) Time Shift
c) Input Level
d) Play-at-Speed

Q 8. In Audacity, in which menu is the Remove Audio or Labels option present?

a) File
b) Edit
c) Transport
d) Tracks

Q 9. What is the step to open the background music file you've chosen for a project?
a) File Export Audio
b) Edit Insert Audio
c) Edit Insert Tracks
d) File Import Audio

Q 10. The first task in preparing the narration is to __________ the script.
a) Load
b) Record
c) Verify
d) Stop

Q 11. In Audacity, the Play option is present in the _________ menu.

a) File
b) Edit
c) Effect
d) Transport

Q 12. The Envelope tool is present in the __________ toolbar.

a) Transport
b) Tracks
c) Mixer
d) Tools

Q 13. While recording a narration, you want to take a break. So you want to stop
recording for a while. Which option will you use to take a break?
a) Pause
b) Stop
c) Record
d) Play

(CL-VII/CS/Assignment-III/2022-23/Page 2 of 3)
Q 14. Which tool can be used to control the volume level of tracks in Audacity?
a) Envelope
b) Zoom
c) Time shift
d) Selection

Q 15. In the Track table of the Audacity interface, a narration appears as __________
a) Red
b) Black
c) Blue
d) Green

Q 16. The first requirement in the process of mixing a narration with the background
music is __________.
a) Exporting the narration
b) Saving the narration
c) Deleting the narration
d) Recording the narration

Q 17. Click the __________ button to stop recording.

a) Record
b) Stop
c) Pause
d) Skip to end

Q 18. To record a narration, click the red __________ button to start recording.
a) Pause
b) Play
c) Skip to start
d) Record
Q 19. Once the recording completes, it is strongly recommended to __________ the
a) Remove
b) Export
c) Delete
d) Import

Q 20. In Audacity, in which menu is the Import option present?

a) File
b) Edit
c) Transport
d) Tracks

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