Quadrilateral HTML Guide - en
Quadrilateral HTML Guide - en
Quadrilateral HTML Guide - en
In Quadrilateral students explore the properties of and relationships between named four-sided shapes.
Customization Options
Query parameters allow for customization of the simulation, and can be added by appending a '?' to the
sim URL, and separating each query parameter with a ‘&’. The general URL pattern is:
For example, in Quadrilateral, if you want to mute audio (audio=muted) and disable pan and zoom
(supportsPanAndZoom=false) use:
Indicates this customization can be accessed from the Preferences menu within the simulation.
Query Parameter and Description Example Links
soundDesign - set the sound design at sim soundDesign=shapeUnique
load, rather than changing in the Preferences
Menu. Values are shapeLayers (default) or
reducedStepSize - reduce the step size by 4- reducedStepSize
fold, allowing more continuous movement of
corners and side. NOTE: Finding certain named
shapes becomes more dif cult with ner
inheritTrapezoidSound - changes the default inheritTrapezoidSound
shapeLayers sound design to include inclusive
inheritance of parallel sides (trapezoid to
parallelograms) and adjacent angle equivalence
(isosceles trapezoid to rectangle/square). Append
to add auditory emphasis that parallelograms are a
set of trapezoids.
locale - specify the language of the simulation locale=es (Spanish)
Auditory Features
Sound and Soni cation
• Shapes with similar properties play the same sound tracks. As you create shapes with more speci c
requirements, new sounds are layered on while retaining previous sounds to highlight their relationship
to other shapes.
• Change the sound design of the simulation to only map a track to each unique named shaped in the
Audio tab of the Preferences menu or use the query parameter list in the Customization Options
• A warning sounds plays when the next step of either a corner or side would create a complex/crossed
• See the Sound Features Video for more useful tips on how concepts and sound are integrated in this
sim. See the published Sound Design Documentation for more details on all sounds in this simulation.
• This simulation features browser-based spoken description through our Voicing feature. Enable Voicing
in the Audio tab of the Preferences menu. See the Introduction to Voicing video for more about this
• When the option "Voice object details and changes" is checked, learners have access to speci c
details about the corners and sides. Delivery of this information varies based on input method. With
keyboard use, learners will get information as they move a corner or side in discrete steps whereas
mouse and touch users will get information on click/tap, but not during active dragging.
• When the option "Voice surrounding context changes" is checked, the voicing of shape changes is the
same for all inputs, but differs depending on whether the “Shape Name Hidden” is toggled to display
the current shape name. When left on "Shape Name Hidden", the voicing describes key shape
properties of the latest most-speci c shape (e.g., "Opposite sides in parallel.", "All right angles."). When
the shape name is displayed, the Voicing provides the name of the latest most-speci c shape (e.g.,
"Found a Parallelogram.", "Found a Rectangle."). In both case, the Voicing will also voice consistent
property changes as a shape is maintained, (e.g., "Opposite sides in parallel as shape gets smaller.",
"All right angles as shape gets bigger.").
Prototype Features
Camera Input: Hands
If a camera (e.g, webcam) is available on your device, you can enable a feature to detect your own nger
positions to move the corners of the quadrilateral. This feature leverages the computer vision capabilities
of the open-source MediaPipe model. It does not collect any data/images.
• Add the query parameter ?cameraInput=hands to the end of the simulation URL.
• The feature requires two hands to be present in the detection window. This can be from two individuals
for cooperative exploration!
• The corner to nger mappings are as follow: Corner A: Left Index, Corner B: Right Index, Corner C:
Right Thumb, Corner D: Left Thumb (see image below).
• in Quadrilateral, this feature assumes the camera is facing you and may not map correctly if the
camera is placed elsewhere (e.g., above).
Corner A: Left Index, Corner B: Right Index, Corner C: Right Thumb, Corner D:
Left Thumb.