Meeting 12: I Don't Like Working On Weekends
Meeting 12: I Don't Like Working On Weekends
Meeting 12: I Don't Like Working On Weekends
• Nearly 50% of all workers in the united states have jobs they aren’t happy with. Don’t let
this happen to you! If you want to find the right job, don’t rush to look through the classified
ads in the newspapers. Instead, sit down and think about yourself. What kind of person are
you? What makes you happy?
• According to psychologist John Holland, there are 6 types of personalities. Nobody is just
one personality type, but most people are mainly one type. For each type, there are certain
jobs that might be right and others that are probably wrong. Considering your personality
type can help you make the right job decision.
1. The realistic type : Practical and likes working with machines and tools.
2. The investigative type : curious and likes to learn, analyze situations, and solve
3. The artistic : imaginative and likes to express him/herself by creating art.
4. The social : friendly and likes helping or training other people.
5. The enterprising : outgoing and likes to persuade or lead other people.
6. The conventional : careful and likes to follow routines and keep track of details.
1. Psychologist (noun): the scientific study of the human mind and its
functions, especially those affecting behavior in a given context.
2. Investigative (adjective): of or concerned with investigating something.
3. Enterprising (adjective): having or showing initiative and
4. Conventional (adjective): based on or in accordance with what is
generally done or believed.
Grammar Focus: Clause with
Because, Because of
Kata because maupun because of memiliki kesamaan diantaraya digunakan untuk menyatakan sebuah alasan.
Kata because ini harus diikuti dengan kalimat (sentences).
Because + Subject + be + Noun/Adjective/Adverb
Examples :
- Because the giant was fierce, people killed him.
- (Karena raksasa itu ganas, orang membunuhnya)
- Salsabila and Intan always get good marks because they are diligent and careful when doing assigments.
- (Salsabila dan Intan selalu mendapatkan nilai bagus karena mereka rajin dan berhati-hati saat melakukan
Grammar Focus: Clause with
Because, Because of (Cont...)
Penggunaan because of tidak perlu menjadi kalimat utuh, melainkan hanya
melanjutkannya dengan objek (noun (kata benda), pronoun (kata ganti), atau verb-ing).
Formula :
Because of + Noun/Noun Phrase
Example :
- Because of the thick fog, the school was forced to be closed.
(Karena kabut yang tebal, sekolah terpaksa di liburkan)