3.11 Changes To Visa Settlement Service Reporting For Load and Reload Transactions
3.11 Changes To Visa Settlement Service Reporting For Load and Reload Transactions
3.11 Changes To Visa Settlement Service Reporting For Load and Reload Transactions
Changes to Visa Settlement
Service Reporting for
Load and Reload
Richard Klepacz
1 Q&A
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2 Resources
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Key Details
Regional Impact About This Change
Acquirers: Issuers: Mandatory
✓ AP ✓ AP
✓ Canada ✓ Canada Testing not available
✓ CEMEA ✓ CEMEA Activation not available
✓ Europe ✓ Europe
✓ U.S. ✓ U.S.
October 14, 2023
Business Summary
The business reasons for this enhancement include, but are not limited to:
• Enhancement to Existing Product, Service, or Technology Offering
• Processing Integrity
Business Summary
The following statements summarize the impact of this enhancement by audience.
Acquirer Impact
Acquirers that subscribe to any of the VSS reports shown in this article and have merchants that perform load or reload
transactions must support the changes to business transaction type values.
Issuer Impact
Issuers that subscribe to any of the VSS reports shown in this article and issue products must support the changes to
business transaction type values.
Visa will implement new business transaction types used on VSS reports to identify load and reload dispute and adjustment
transactions. The existing business transaction type used to identify original load and reload transactions will be updated
with a new description.
The transactions reported using these business transaction types are where the original authorization contains the existing
value of 28 (Load) in V.I.P. Field 3— Processing Code, positions 1–2, Transaction Type. In the Canada and U.S. regions
load/reload programs are branded Visa ReadyLink.
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Article 3.11
Changes to Visa Settlement Service Reporting for Load and Reload Transactions
The following table shows the VSS reports that will include these business
transaction type codes: