DLP Sci3
DLP Sci3
DLP Sci3
III. Procedures
2) Prayers
Before we start let us Pray
Who wants to lead the prayer? (Students response)
Our Father……
Our Father…
3)Checking Attendance
Is Everyone's here? Yes ma’am
I call one by one (name) (Students say present)
4) Health Inspector
Before we start our lesson, let’s have first
our health inspection.
May I request to check or inspect your nails (Student will now inspect their nails)
before I start the lesson.
Why is it important for us to check our nails Its is important to check our nails or
or other parts of our body? other parts of our body because through
these we can avoid or prevent different
B. Motivation
So, before we go on to our lesson, let us sing
first a song.
In the song you hear can you give one of Roots, Stem, Leaves, Flowers, Fruits.
example parts of the plant?
C. Presentation
What is the work of the flower? It helps the plant to make seed.
The fruits hold the seed of the plant. Some
fruits are big while others are small. Fruits
have different shapes, taste. Some are sweet
while other are sour.
D. Generalization
Based on the lesson we have done, What did We have learned the parts of the plant.
you learned today?
What are the parts of the plant? Roots, Stem, Leaves, Flowers, Fruits
So what is the function of the roots? It holds the plant from the soil.
What is the function of the fruits? It holds the seed of the plant.
E. Application
I have here a short poem, Who wants to read
the short poem?
What happen if there are no plants on earth? There will no beautiful surrounding.
There will be no fragrant flowers.
There will be no fresh air to inhale.
What should you do with the plants around We should take good care about them and
us? We should love them.
Very good!
IV. Evaluation
V. Assignment
Draw a plant and label the parts of the plant. File it in your portfolio.
Prepared By:
Hapy Bryn Jan G. Rivales
BEED - 2