Why States Become Federal
Why States Become Federal
Why States Become Federal
Why states become federal? Is federalism compatible with democracy?
Federalism is a root term in political science and international relation. it directs the
attention of political science from the nature of the regimes and personality of the leaders to
the political relationship between national government and local. Federalism is the best tool
in shaping political behavior, defining political justice, and directing people toward
appropriate civic engagement rather just serving based on the principle of majority or
minority, it adequately serves based on the compound of both groups which always preserve
the minority right. Consequently, federalism is one of the best kind of government
liberty and implementing of the constitutional polity. Further, Federal states are consist of
diverse states, governments should run based on the principle of both democracy and
federalism because of the existence of a deep relationship between federalism and democracy
which made them depended on each other. Democracy is an independent factor it has existed
in both centralized and federal government but plays a curial role in the federal state. Federal
states are unstable as long as it exists out of democratic context because the state rationally
Further, democracy is a form of government where the source of powers comes from people,
federalism a form of administrative government which power is sharing between national and
sub-national government and each national unit act Independent of the central government.
society for leading democratic governance, equal distribution of power and strengthen the
A modern and complete political system is the combination of both federalism and
democracy. Federalism promotes democracy and democracy promotes liberal values based
on the constitutional norms and rule of law. Federalism led for democratic development in
large and diverse societies. Mostly Multi-ethnic diverse countries looking for federalism as a
power. The federal governments share power in two ways verticality and horizontally which
shows the separation of power and territories in the national and sub-national unit. According
to the theory of federalism, if the combination of high functionating democracy and stable
federalism reach in the maximum equilibrium, it is called desirable democratic system. Yet
the theory does not describe how to get to the equilibrium.2 Though, there is a possibility of
democracy. However, the problem with constitutional federalism is undermining the partial
Elazar, Daniel Judah. Exploring Federalism. Vol. [1991]. Tuscaloosa, AL: University Alabama Press, 1991.
democratic system and interfering with the democratic process. Thus, desirable democracy
does not exist, it is just conceptualized. As Riker argues that federalism is a non-equilibriums
political process and federal governments are encircled with the unstable division of power
sharing in the long-term it will turn to the advantage of some or the determent of others.3
Further, collation and bargaining of power between state versus center or subnational
government versus the federal government is a lot. Thus, the main problem is the power and
the control one over that another one. For example, if the subnational governments become
more powerful than the federal government “peripheralized federalism” or if the federal
government gain more power “ centralized federalism” comes to existence which both of
them are an unstable form of government administration.4 Hence, neither too centralize and
nor loos federalism is suitable for democratic government. They should observe the balance
of power and equal distribution of wealth and natural resources. Therefore, to centralize
government will lead to an authoritarian regime and oppress of ethnic minority and too
decentralized will led to the fragile of political institution and the empowerment of minority
groups. Thus, Federalism and democracy are always supported each other regarding the
distribution of power and authority in different levels and different political arena of gaining
achieve political order, understanding the reality of political power and its exercise and
creating of appropriate civil society and social community which is capable of integration,
cooperation, and assimilation. Federalism in the context means “self-rule and shared rule”
which is being used for resolving political integration problem in a country. In the case of
successfully solving the problem by establishing policies have become models for its kind
Elazar, Daniel Judah. Exploring Federalism. Vol. [1991]. Tuscaloosa, AL: University Alabama Press, 1991.
Shvetsova, Olga & Filippov, Mikhail. (2013). Federalism, democracy, and democratization
mobilizations such as “centralist, decentralist, and balance.”5 The Federalist ideology of
centralism exposes that to maintaining peace and preventing war there should be a
supranational structure over nation states. Secondly, the Federalist ideology of decentralism
is about the sharing of power between national and subnational which clearly expressing
individualism and democracy. The last one is a federalist balance which is more used as a
balance between “autonomy and independence; unity and diversity.”6 The United States and
Switzerland are representing the best model of both federalism and democratic government.
The US federal political system guarantees civil liberty and popular rule through separation
heterogenous society. Every federal government is responsible for providing the local
Federalism emphasis on the structure and process and its central interest is liberty.
According to federalism “ humans are born free and good government must be grounded in a
government structure based on the principle of liberty in order to maintain federal bargain
and openness. Successful federal system should not be only characterized by constitutional
arrangement, but also through sharing power, negotiation, and bringing unity to the whole
nation. Federal principle offers a possible resource for solving problems not only for federal
states system but also for the non-federal state system. Hence, federalism to be found in the
Shvetsova, Olga & Filippov, Mikhail. Federalism, democracy, and democratization. (2013).
Elazar, Daniel Judah. Exploring Federalism. Vol. [1991]. Tuscaloosa, AL: University Alabama Press, 1991.
shvetsova. olga, Filippova. Mikhail, Federalism, and democratization, Binghamton university, February 2015
relation means international relationships among central government and sovereign states.
Throughout history, federalism has been applied to a variety of relationship in the case of
supporting ethnic minority, pluralism, individual liberty, and local liberty. Such as in India
federalism has linguistic bases, in Switzerland sharing of equal power and decentralization of
power in Venezuela. 8
Nonetheless, federalism one of the best kind of government administrative system but
still there is some criticism existed about it. As Tocqueville claims that even though
durable form of government still exist. For one Tocqueville believed that federalism is a
complicated form of government, secondly, federalism choose equality over liberty due to of
having multi-dimensional social complexity and thirdly, federalism policy is not suited to win
wars because of having less power in the case of mobilizing its entire society and attracting
public attention. 9However, Federalism cause to unite separatist political units with creating a
federalism which is usually open and accessible, unlike centralized and hierarchical system.
Therefore, most of the features of federal tried to maintain the openness of bargaining in both
accessibility and bargaining itself. In this case, Multi-ethnic states tried to use federalism as a
way of managing ethnic conflict. All ethnicities hope is political recognition, cultural and
language right and equal access to national wealth.10 Consequently, Federalism reduces ethnic
tensions and conflict and instead establish and encourage inter-ethnic cooperation, and
coordination and reducing social disparities and separatism. Further, Federalism has been the
best mechanism for managing multi-national state not only in EU states, US but also in Asia.
For example, India federalism reveals that national integration in a diverse state possible
shvetsova. olga, Filippova. Mikhail, Federalism, and democratization, Binghamton university, February 2015
Kincaid, John. "Federal Democracy and Liberty." PS: Political Science and Politics.
Shvetsova, Olga & Filippov, Mikhail. (2013). Federalism, democracy, and democratization.
through territorial decentralization, grantee of personal security and freedom of individual in
US federal system was the first modern federal polity and clearly linked to
democracy. Not only all modern federal system claim democratic governance, but also some
non-federal states hold the general legacy of democracy like France. France does not have a
federal system, but it uses the federalism principle. Switzerland is politically well-known for
its three institutions “ neutrality, federalism and direct democracy” which currently attracts
the attention of many other states. Direct democracy means giving power to the citizens
referenda and many more. while in Switzerland direct democracy have been used in different
kind of referenda and popular initiatives. For example, it was a mandatory referendum for
Switzerland to join the European Economic Area, but people rejected by their voting power.
Swiss federalism is the result of civil war ( religions clash) between Catholics and
Protestants. 11While Catholics wanted a decentralized state and radical protestants wanted and
centralized state. Political federalism of national government should preserve the role of
local and electoral bodies of government. Hence, the federal government should implement
the federal policies by the process of Federal bargaining, distributive bargaining over making
policy making because if the federal government does not do so, in a long time it would
because the demand for balancing and unity could rise up separatism. Federalism Concern
with the question of political behavior, group, ethics, institutions and individuals and
Kincaid, John. "Federal Democracy and Liberty." PS: Political Science and Politics 32
The best example of how federalism roots democratic government in a developing
country like Nigeria in Africa and how democratic government establishes a federal state by
participation of mass in the election is a big task. Though, federalism does not have a positive
image in overall Africa still successful in some states such as Nigeria and South Africa.
Nevertheless, federalism has been the supporter of unity and harmony within a state, but In
Africa, the federal idea and democratic principle have been both used and abused by political
elites and politicians. In Africa power is concentrated in the hand of kinship groups or around
political units and political elites. Even though, the nature of politics has been changed from
traditional forms of governments which is function alongside the hierarchy of elders, clans,
and tribes to the modern secular political authority government, still being practiced.12
Further, most of the African states government administration changed to federalism during
the colonization period. The idea of federalism changed over time in Africa during the pre-
colonial and post-colonial stage. By post-colonial federalism in 1960 in Africa, two types of
federal constructions have emerged such as intra-state federation and inter-state federation.
Traditionally, federalism used to resolve ethnic, linguistic, tribal tensions within a single
political system. In Africa over all the idea of federalism has been referred to the recognition
of different diversity in the term of forms and driving force of federation. That’s why African
states experienced down and fall of federalism thought out the 19th century.13
The reasons for the for the fall-down or failure of federalism of Nigeria in the past
was varied economic imbalances between the rich and poor group, imbalances in the size of
the federal component, ideological contradiction, different socio-political structure, and the
absence of socio-economic conditions for liberal democracy. Not only different socio-
economic structures cause an obstacle to practical federal unity in Africa, but also rivalries
Burgess, Michel, Federalism in Africa, 2012
Burgess, Michel, Federalism in Africa, 2012
and animosities among elites and political leader are the crucial factors in the failure of
federalism. 14Nigeria is one of the African countries which experienced the most turbulent
liberal democracy in Africa. Nevertheless, Nigeria had the experience of being a federal state,
not the liberal democratic. It achieved government stability in 2007 through the presidential
election without any military intervention. The military is one the major political player in
Nigeria which is ruled until the 19th century. The more the military intervention decreased,
Apart from being a large African state, it is highly diverse. Around 250 sub-ethnic
tribal, religious, linguistic and minorities live in Nigeria. That’s why the government divide
the nation in three-part such as “large territories, concentrated and ethnic identities.”16 The
three largest ethnic groups, which are largely different from one another in the term of
culture, politics, and economics are Hausa-Fulani, Yoruba and Igbo which dominated the
Northern, Western and Eastern Regions. Historically each of these ethnicities seeks the
maximum share of national revenue and resources in the term of the geopolitical region and
ethnic groups. That’s why, still the Nigerian society suffer from oil dependency, corruption,
and presence of the military. Through the Nigeria history of independence, it had 28 years of
military government which was lastly ended in 1999. Establishing democratic stability was a
big challenge for the government because of the long-standing religious clash between
Muslims ( 48-50% )and Christians( 34-36%) and many other ethnic clashes which were
going on in Nigeria.17
Bolaji, Mohammed H. A. "Between Democracy and Federalism: Shari'ah in Northern Nigeria and the Paradox
Institutional Impetuses." Africa Today 59
Bolaji, Mohammed H. A. "Between Democracy and Federalism: Shari'ah in Northern Nigeria and the Paradox of
Institutional Impetuses." Africa Today 59
bobalola, Dele (2013), “The Origins of Nigerian Federalism: The Rikerian Theory and Beyond”, Federal
One of the most notable works in the area of federalism is the theory of William. H.
Riker. The central of Riker theory is federation which is forming by political bargaining
between two sets of rational Politician. The major motive for political bargaining is military
which is used for the purpose of aggregation of territories. The perception of Riker theory of
federalism is based on expansion and military condition. In the case of Nigeria Riker claimed
that the expansionist ambition of Ghana and its leader Kwame Nkrumah was the main
external threat of the formation. Most of the other scholars argue that the Rikerian theory of
federalism in Nigeria is the result of certain social, historical, cultural, economic and
geographical factors which can be explained by the theory of socio-economic and political
theory. Further, he added that “federal solution in Nigeria was necessitated by the desire to
achieve unity and diversity.”18 The reasons that Nigeria becomes federal is the size and the
population of the country. Nigeria is one of the most populated countries in the African
compares to the other countries. The estimated population of Nigeria is about 45,21 million.
Secondly, the regional leaders demanded federalism system of government before the
independent from British. By the time of getting independence regional leaders established
political parties which most of them involved in the forming of regional bases and searching
an amount internal policy independence. That’s why most of the weaker regional powers with
some major regional powers favored federalism. The third reason is the framework for the
development for advancing the system of good governance and equal distribution of
Beside all the problems of multinational, multi-religious and multi-culture and many
other complex issues with political economic and oil dependency, Nigeria succeeded in
establishing federalism and democracy. Regarding the oil which Nigeria is an oil-rich
country and still dealing with the issue of oil dependency which causes and raises serious
olaji, Mohammed H. A. "Between Democracy and Federalism: Shari'ah in Northern Nigeria and the Paradox of
questions about the human right violation. That’s why the current constitution of Nigeria
encourage integration along with the federal character of the county by including sex,
religion, origin, ethnic and linguistic. Before there was always a clash between Muslims and
Christians. Muslim states in the north of Nigeria tried to install sharia law as the
predominantly Muslim state law which violates others ethnicity right. Nevertheless, now the
federal government try to promote the principle of democratic governance, national unity,
integration, and sense of belonging which may be effectively responded to the complex
plurality of its society. In general, the convergence of democracy and federalism result from
participation through its federal bureaucracies, policies, and regulation. Further, federalism is
the promotor of pluralism, democratic government, and social justices for among diverse
cultural group. In addition, a federal system’s multiple layers of governments not only bring
democracy closer to the people but provide them with opportunities to influence the decisions
elites, military force, and politicians which causes crumpet corruption, extreme poverty, and
no accountability demand. All these reasons caused the political apathy in Nigeria. political
apathy is that the majority of the population do not show interest towards political parties,
election, politicians and the government system as a whole. The reasons behind political
apathy are the lake of information, a lake of interest and corruption. Hence, the citizens of
Nigeria does not believe and trust in their politician and political process because of huge
In conclusion, Nigeria has had challenges to its governmental regime, stability, and
legitimacy. The palatalization of religion and poor resources caused corruptions and human
right abuses. The most challenges to democratic culture in Nigeria are inadequate
Alongside all the challenges Nigeria is promoting liberal democracy with the help of
internationals union better than the rest of African countries. The federation in Nigeria
endures and has prevented and manage form of conflict. However, Nigeria federation cannot
be compared with USA or Switzerland, but at least in the term of African heritage Nigeria
bobalola, Dele (2013), “The Origins of Nigerian Federalism: The Rikerian Theory and
Shvetsova, Olga & Filippov, Mikhail. (2013). Federalism, democracy, and democratization.
Kincaid, John. "Federal Democracy and Liberty." PS: Political Science and Politics 32, no. 2