Sub 2 Weather Changes

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This morning, the weather is very bright. The

sun shines bright. Siti and friends lined up
following the flag ceremony.

At rest, cloudy weather. They also

play on the school grounds
comfortably. They play mountain
foot and jump rope.
When the weather is sunny, the sun
shines brightly in the air gets hot.
Cloudy weather occurs when clouds
gather to cover the sun.

Cloudy weather is a sign that rain will

soon come. Gray sky. Before the rain
sometimes the air feels rather hot.

The water point starts to fall

Rain makes farmers happy because the fields
will not dry out.

When rain continuously , we must be

vigilant. The waterways blocked, flooding
can hit our home environment.

Edo : ‘’What will we learn this afternoon? anyone have an idea?’’.

Siti : ‘’Wow, seeing the weather today, Do, I have an idea. How about learning
the diseases that arise due to extreme weather?’’.
Edo : ‘’Good idea Siti. I do not know the disease that arises from extreme
Lani : ‘’Agree, siti can you explained it for us?’’.
Edo : ‘’Yes, Siti please...’’.
Siti : ‘’Okay, let's start learning’’.

 Changes in the weather : perubahan cuaca

 Very bright : sangat terang
 Lined : berbaris
 Ceremony : upacara
 Comfortably : dengan nyaman
 Jump rope : lompat tali
 Brightly : cerah
 Air : udara
 Soon come : segera datang
 Gray sky : langit kelabu
 Rather hot : agak panas
 Spatter : berhamburan (rintik-rintik)
 Farmers : petani
 Dry : kering
 Continuous : terus-menerus
 Vigilant : waspada
 Drains : saluran air

The Finches

At the tip of cempaka tree

The finches sounded
Whistling in all day
With tirelessly
Nodding while exclaiming
Tri li li .. li li li li li.

Match sentences correctly!

1. Very bright ● ● Hangat

2. Snowy ● ● Sangat terang

3. Windy ● ● Bersalju

4. Warm ● ● Langit kelabu

5. Foggy ● ● Berkabut 

6. Hot ● ● Agak panas

7. Gray sky ● ● Panas
8. Brightly ● ● Cerah
9. Dry ● ● Kering
10. Rather hot ● ● Berangin

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