2nd Internal AIO - 230705 - 193550
2nd Internal AIO - 230705 - 193550
2nd Internal AIO - 230705 - 193550
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II nd Year IV Semester – 2nd Internal 2021 Batch
Mul ple Choice Ques ons
1. The right of innocent passage is available to Foreign Ships
2. Non Permanent members of UN Security Council are Elected for a period of 2 Years
3. The Charter of the UN was drawn up by San Francisco Conference 1945
4. Universal declara on on human rights was adopted in the year 1948
5. Advisory opinion from the ICJ can be Sought by UNOs, UN Agencies, Member States
6. Which was not joined in the League of Na ons United Sates
7. ICJ was established in the year 1945
8. The first case taken up by the ICJ was Corfu Channel (United Kingdom v. Albania)
9. Hague conven on of 1970 dealt in properly with the crimes rela ng to Aircra Hijacking
10. A state has right to Exploit in the con nental shelf both living and non-living resources
Short Answers
1. Objec ves of ICJ
The Court's role is to se le, in accordance with interna onal law, legal disputes submi ed to it by States and to give
advisory opinions on legal ques ons referred to it by authorized United Na ons organs and specialized agencies.
2. What are 3 main Organs of ILO
Interna onal Labour Conferences: - General Assembly of the ILO – Meets every year in the month of June.
Governing Body: - Execu ve Council of the ILO. Meets three mes in a year in the months of March, June and November.
Interna onal Labour Office: - A permanent secretariat.
3. Why the league of Na ons was Dissolved
The onset of the Second World War showed that the League had failed its primary purpose to prevent any future
world war. The League lasted for 26 years; the United Na ons (UN) replaced it a er the end of the Second World War in
April 1946 and inherited a number of agencies and organiza ons founded by the League.
4. Why the Moon agreement failed
The agreement has been described without frui on and possibly a failure if it remains ra fied by few countries,
par cularly those ac ve in space. Only one country (India) with independent spaceflight capabili es has signed (but not
ra fied) the treaty.
5. What is the relevancy of the Common Heritage of Mankind
The “common heritage of mankind” is an ethical concept and a general concept of interna onal law. It establishes
that some locali es belong to all humanity and that their resources are available for everyone's use and benefit, taking
into account future genera ons and the needs of developing countries.
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II nd Year IV Semester – 2nd Internal 2021 Batch
Mul ple Choice Ques ons
1. Internal aids are Preamble, Illustra on, Schedule
2. Enabling Provisions can be Mandatory
3. Rule of Ejusdem Generis (Same Kind & Nature) means Tenderness Rule
4. Noscitur–a–sociis is known by associa on
5. Legisla on made by autonomous bodies universi es/ railway known as Subordinate Legisla on
6. Judicial Review in Cons tu on of India in Ar cles 13, 32, 131 through 136, 143, 226 and 246.
7. Which is not Internal aid to construc on Historical facts
8. The concept of Judicial Review has been borrowed from the Cons tu on of the USA
9. Procedure for Amending the Cons tu on is provided in Ar cle 368
10. Sec on 7 of General Clauses Act, 1897 deals with Revival of Repealed enactments.
Short Answers
1. External Aids of Interpreta on
An Aid is considered as a tool or device which helps in interpre ng a statute, the court can take help from internal
aids to interpreta on (i.e., within statutes) or external aids to interpreta on (i.e., outside the statutes).
The external aids include dic onaries, Cons tuent debates/ speech, legisla ve debates/ speech, commi ee
reports, and Foreign Laws & decisions.
2. Preamble
The introductory part of a cons tu on or statute that usually states the reasons for and intent of the law. It states
the overall introductory along with its objec ve.
3. Noscitur a sociis
The principle of construc on (or interpreta on) of statutes and other documents that the meaning of words
should be iden fied by reference to other words in the context of which they appear.
4. Supreme Legisla on
Supreme legisla on is that which proceeds from the sovereign power in the State. It cannot be repealed, annulled
or controlled by any other legisla ve authority. On the other hand; subordinate legisla on is that which proceeds from
any authority other than the sovereign power.
5. Substan ve & Procedural Laws
The Substan ve Law is a Statutory law that defines and determines the rights and obliga ons of the ci zen to be
protected by law.
Procedural Law or Adjec ve Law deals with the enforcement of Law that is guided and regulated by the prac ce,
procedure and machinery.
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II nd Year IV Semester – 2nd Internal 2021 Batch
Objec ves
1. Urban land ceiling & regula on act 1976 provides for regula ng the transfer of urban land regula ng construc on of
future residen al buildings
2. State govt has launched to issue permanent pa as to land owners
3. Telangana right to record is an extract of revenue department
4. Assigned land prohibi on of transfer act 1977
5. Muta on is a person of transferring of tle ownership in the records of revenue dept of a property
6. Ap land reforms (ceiling on agricultural holding) act, 1973
7. AP Assigned lands prohibi on of transfer act is partly retrospec ve in opera on and prospec ve
8. Assigned lands prohibi on & transfer act provides for protec on to poor people on assigned land
9. Urban land (Ceiling and regula on) reappealed in 1999
10. Meaning of land acquisi on is acquiring of land for public purpose
11. Amount of compensa on awarded to the court should not be lower than the amount awarded by the Collector u/s 11
of Land acquisi on
12. Telangana state govt repealed ap govt land grabbing prohibi on act in 2016
13. Assigned land prohibi on to prohibit transfers of certain lands assigned to landless poor persons
14. Ap schedule area land transfer is to protect & safeguard of schedule areas, scheduled castes
15. Ap land reforms ceiling on Agricultural Holdings and taking off excess land
16. Land Assigned shall be heritable, but not alienable
17. Ar cle 244 of COI read with two Schedules – the Fi h and Sixth Schedules – to the Cons tu on of India provide special
arrangements for areas inhabited by Scheduled Tribes.
Short Answers
1. Land Acquisi on
Land acquisi on means the compulsory taking of or aliena on of land, buildings or other assets thereon for
purposes of the Project. The landowner may be le with the right to nego ate the amount of compensa on proposed.
This includes land or assets for which the owner enjoys uncontested customary rights.
Land acquisi on means the acquisi on of real property and interests in real property as part of a new community
development program.
The process of acquiring land community project under the legally mandated procedures of eminent domain.
2. Payment of Compensa on
Land Acquisi on Act, 1894, Sec on 31 – Payment of compensa on or deposit of same in Court:
(1) On making an award under sec on 11, the Collector shall tender payment of the compensa on awarded by
him to the persons interested en tled thereto according to the award and shall pay it to them unless prevented by
some one or more of the con ngencies men oned in the next sub-sec on.
3. Land Grabbing
Sec on 3 Land grabbing to be unlawful — Land grabbing in any form is hereby declared unlawful; and any ac vity
connected with or arising out of land grabbing shall be an offence punishable under this Act.
4. Assigned Land
A.P. Assigned Lands (Prohibi on of Transfers) Act, 1977
"Assigned land'' is defined in Sec on 2(1) of the Act as under: "Assigned land" means lands assigned by the
Government to landless poor persons under the rules for the me being in force, subject to the condi on of non-
aliena on and includes lands allo ed or transferred to landless poor persons under the relevant law for the me being
in force rela ng to land ceilings; and the word "assigned" shall be construed accordingly.
5. Ceiling on Land Holdings
Ceiling on land holdings is a concept that deals with the maximum limit of land holdings an individual can possibly
possess. It mainly refers to the process of fixing the quantum of land held by a family. It also includes es ma on in
terms of fixing the maximum limit of land holdings that an individual can own.
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II nd Year IV Semester – 2nd Internal 2021 Batch
Mul ple Choice Ques ons
1. Which Sec on of the Designs Act, 2000 deals with powers of Central Govt to make Rules Sec on 47
2. Trademark registry established under Trade Marks Act, 1999
3. Sec on 12 of Designs Act, 2000 deals with Restora on of Lapsed Designs
4. Sec on 10 of Designs Act, 2000 deals with Register of Designs
5. Which Sec on of Designs Act, 2000 deals with Power of Controller to Correct Clerical Errors Sec on 29
6. Applica on of certain provisions of the Act as to patents to designs is provided in Sec on 23 of Designs Act, 2000
7. Sec on 25 of Designs Act, 2000 deals with No ce of Trust not to be entered in registers
8. Sec on 14 of Designs Act, 2000 provides Rights of proprietor of lapsed design which have been restored
9. Which Sec on of Designs Act, 2000 deals with Cer fica on of Registra on Sec on 9
10. When did Designs Act, 2000 came into force 11th May, 2001
Short Answers
1. Registra on of Design
The registra on aspect of the design is detailed in Chapter II of the Designs Act, tled 'Registra on of Designs'.
Sec ons 3-7 of the Act deal with the registra on process.
Filing of an Applica on Communica ng the Objec ons, if any
Examina on of the Applica on Publica on of par culars of registered designs
2. Limita ons on Patent Rights
Exhaus on. When a product containing a protected inven on is placed on the market with the authorisa on of the
patent holder, the patent rights on that copy are exhausted. This means that the patent holder may no longer oppose new
acts of use or marke ng of the copy thus put into circula on.
3. Kinds of TM-I Conven onal & Non – Conven onal
Conven onal trademarks like words, symbols, logos, devices, and names have been commonly used globally.
Non-conven onal trademarks go beyond conven onal trademarks in terms of their nature, characteris cs, and
poten al. These include both visible marks (colour, shape, holograms, etc.).
4. Passing Off
Passing off is a common law tort, which can be used to enforce unregistered trademark rights.
Passing off arises when there are false claims and harm to the exis ng reputa on or goodwill of the owner.
5. Salient features of Patents Act, 1970
Both product and process patent provided Provision for protec on of bio-diversity and
Term of patent – 20 years tradi onal knowledge
Examina on on request Publica on of applica ons a er 18 months with
Both pre-grant and post-grant opposi on facility for early publica on
Fast track mechanism for disposal of appeals Substan ally reduced me-lines
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