Aureli Nomos City Bibliography EPFL

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The Nomos of the City:

A Political History of Urban Form

Pier Vittorio Aureli
The Nomos of the City:
A Political History of Urban Form

Pier Vittorio Aureli

‘The more a system is specifically defined in its forms, the more amenable it is to historical criticism.’

Roland Barthes, 1957

The course offers an overview of the history of the city and the urban territory from antiquity
to the contemporary age through the concept of urban form. The term urban and the neo-
logism urbanization were introduced in the 19th century in order to address the all-encom-
passing spatial process through which society reproduces itself. Yet the urban, whose political
nature is seldom questioned, casts a long shadow and includes millennia of city making.

The study of urban form focuses on the way both city and territory are physically construc-
ted. Central to the study of urban form is the question of form understood as the concrete
organization of physical entities. In this course we will maintain that form is always a pro-
duct of political forces: no matter how intangible or elusive these forces are, they always
leave concrete traces on the ground. City elements such as houses, roads, squares, parks,
gardens, bridges, monuments, and infrastructure can be considered as forensic clues in order
to understand and map power relationships at play in a specific historical moment. From the
perspective of urban form, those city elements can be assumed as what reveals the nomos of
the city. The word nomos comes from the Greek nemein which means ‘organization’ but also
‘orientation’. Every society implies a form of organization and orientation whose politics are
inevitably reflected in the way the physical environment is constructed.
To decipher the nomos of the city is to learn how the physicality of the city reveals the power
relationships that have produced it. The city is thus the most important historical index of
these relationships and its close reading raises the most fundamental questions about city and
its architecture: who builds a city? Who inhabits a city? And above all what is the ultimate
purpose of a city?
The seminar will thus introduce each case study by paralleling the close reading of specific ur-
ban artifacts with an introduction to historical conditions that had produced these artifacts.
Students will be trained to carefully look at and describe the city through the concreteness of
its architecture. They will look at plans, drawings, paintings, photographs, and texts.
From Ancient Mesopotamia to the Early Islamic city, from workers’ villages in Ancient Egypt
to the Poleis of Ancient Greece, from Classicist architecture in 17th century Paris to the sing-
le family cottage of the American suburbia, from the development of the medieval Bastides
to the Squatters of 1970s Europe, we will research the relationship between urban form,
architectural history and political thinking.
Course Sessions

Session 1

From Circle to Rectangle

Early Human Settlements and the Rise of Domestication

This session will look at early settlements by focusing on how domestic organization came
into being and what type of agglomerations early forms of domesticity produced. Of special
interest is how the spatial organization of domestic space influenced the organization of the
city by ritualizing the most quotidian dwelling habits.

Suggested Readings:

*Jerry D. Moore, The Prehistory of Home (Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California
Press, 2012), 1-31.

*Kent V. Flannery, “The Origins of the Village Revisited: From Nuclear to Extended
Households”, in American Antiquity Vol. 67, No. 3 (Jul., 2002): 417-433.

Richard Bradley, “A Life Less Ordinary: The Ritualization of the Domestic Sphere in Later
Prehistoric Europe,” Cambridge Archaeological Journal 13, no. 1 (2003): 5–23.

*David Wengrow, “‘The Changing Face of Clay’: Continuity and Change in the Transiti-
on from Village to Urban Life in the Near East,” Antiquity 72, no. 278 (December 1998):

Lewis Mumford, ‘Sanctuary, Village, and Stronghold’, in The City in History (New York:
Harcourt 1961), 12-43.

Session 2

How we Became Urban

Early Cities of Near East and Indus Valley

In this session we will look at early cities formations and the consequent development of the
urban world. We will pay attention especially to the rise of agriculture and trade and their
influence on processes of accumulation and inequality.

Suggested readings:

*V. Gordon Childe, “The Urban Revolution,” in The Town Planning Review, Vol. 21, No. 1
(Apr. 1950): 3-17.
*Mario Liverani, The Ancient Near East. History, Society and Economy (London and New
York: Routledge, 2014), 34-80.

Mario Liverani, Uruk, The First City (Sheffield UK: Equinox Publishing, 2006).

Rita P. Wright, The Ancient Indus: Urbanism, Economy and Society (Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 2009), 106-144.

Session 3

City of Work

Urbanism in Ancient Egypt

In this session we will look at the rise of the Egyptian Kingdom as a type of urbanization We
will look especially at the workers’ villages as a remarkable evidence of a developed logistic
urbanism in which the relationship between labor and domestic space becomes fully mani-

Suggested Readings:

Barry J. Kemp, “The Amarna Workmen Village in Retrospect” in The Journal of Egyptian
Archaeology Vol. 73 (1987): 21-50.

*Nadine Moeller, The Archeology of Urbanism in Ancient Egypt. From the Predynastic Period
to the End of Middle Kingdom (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2016), 249-328.

Micòl Di Teodoro, Labour Organization in Middle Kingdom Egypt (Golden House Publica-
tions: London, 2018).

Session 4

From Oikos to Polis

The Architecture of the Ancient Greek Polis: Zagora, Athens, Piraeus, Olynthus

In this session we will discuss the complex formation of the Ancient Greek Polis. We will
focus especially on the formation of the household and its influence on city subdivision.
Special attention will be dedicated to the relationship between the gridiron settlements and
colonial urbanism.

Suggested Readings:

*Alexandra Coucouzeli, “From Megaron to Oikos at Zagora,” in British School at Athens

Studies 15 (2007): 169–181.

*Bradley A. Ault, “Oikos Kalos: The Environmental Logic of the Greek Urban House
Forms,” in Housing and Habitat in the Ancient Mediterranean: Cultural and Environmental
Responses, ed. Andrea di Castro, Colin A. Hope and Bruce E. Parr (Leuven: Peeters, 2015),

*Nicholas Cahill, “Olynthus and Greek Town Planning”, in The Classical World 93, no. 5
(Summer 2000): 497–515.

Nicholas Cahill, Household and City Organization at Olynthus (New York: Yale University
Press, 2002).

Robert Garland, The Piraeus (Duckworth: London, 1987).

*Luigi Mazza, “Plan and Constitution: Aristotle’s Hippodamus: Towards an ‘Ostensive’ De-
finition of Spatial Planning”, in The Town Planning Review Vol. 80, No. 2 (2009): 113-141.

Session 5

Conquest and Domestication

The Making of an Urban Empire from Territory to the Domus

In this session we will focus on the way in which Roman systematically mobilized coloniza-
tion of territories as a form of urbanization. An important aspect of this process was the ma-
king of the centuriatio, the subdivision of rural land, through a rectilinear grid of roads and
paths. We will focus especially on the relationship between how land cultivation and warfare
were the complementary aspects of Rome’s urbanism. We will also look at another crucial
aspect of Roman urban culture: the Domus as both city and country residence.

Suggested readings:

*Kathrin Lomas, “The Idea of a City: Elite, Ideology and the Evolution of Urban Form in
Italy 200BC – 100AD”, in Helen Parkins (ed.) Roman Urbanism: Beyond the Consumer City
(Routledge: London, 2011), 21-41.

*Neville Morley, “Cities in Context: Urban Systems in Roman Italy”, in Helen Parkins (ed.)
Roman Urbanism: Beyond the Consumer City (Routledge: London, 2011), 42-58.

*Various Authors, Misurare la Terra: Centuriazione e Coloni nel Mondo Romano (Modena:
Franco Cosimo Panini, 1985), 79-114.

O. A. W. Dilke, “The Roman Surveyors”, in Greece & Rome Vol. 9, No. 2 (Oct., 1962):
Joseph Rykwert, The Idea of a Town: The Anthropology of Urban Form in Rome, Italy and the
Ancient World (London: Faber and Faber, 2011).

*Andrew Wallace-Hadrill, “The Social Structure of the Roman House,” in Papers of the Bri-
tish School in Rome 56 (1988): 43–97.

Shelley Hales, The Roman House and Social Identity (Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press, 2003), 1–8.

Session 6

Division and Multiplication

The Architecture of the Ancient Chinese City

This session looks at the model of the ancient Chinese City through a study of the relations-
hip between Confucianism and urban form.

Suggested Readings:

*Jing Qiao, “Power and the Sacred: The Confucian Origins of Chinese Urban Space”, in
Pier Vittorio Aureli, Maria Shéhérazade Giudici (eds.), Rituals and Walls: The Architecture of
Sacred Space (London: Architectural Association, 2016).

He Yeju, History of Ancient Chines City Planning (Beijing: China Architecture and Building
Press, 1996), 11-34.

*Nancy Shatzman Steinhardt, Chinese Imperial City Planning (Honolulu: University of

Hawaii Press, 1990), 54-71.

Session 7

Towns and Territories

From the French Bastides to Early Colonial Towns in Asia and the Americas

This session looks at the formation of the ‘town’ as a military settlement distinct from both
the village and the city. The French medieval towns known as Bastides were founded for the
sake of military control of the territory and became successful tools for instant ‘civilian’ occu-
pation. In this session I will argue that this type of settlements anticipates modern techniques
of colonization and planning and I’ll briefly discuss colonial planning in the Americas and
James Bentley, Fort Towns of France: The Bastides of the Dordogne and Aquitaine (London:
Tauris Parke, 1994), 12-46.

*Adrian Randolph,“The Bastides of Southwest France” in The Art Bulletin 77.2 (June 1995):

*John W. Reps, Town Planning in Frontier America (Princeton: Princeton: University Press,
1969), 3-106.

Sebastiano Serlio, Castrametation of the Romans, in Vaugan Hart, Peter Hicks (editors) Se-
bastiano Serlio on Architecture, Volume 2 (New York: Yale University Press, 2001), 387-458.

Michel Foucault, Security, Territory, Population. Lectures at the College de France, 1977-78
(New York: Palgrave, 2007), 1-29.

Session 8

From Garden to Medina

The Architecture of the Early Islamic City

This session looks at the development of the early Islamic city as distinct city form by clo-
se-reading one of its most powerful archetypes: the medina. This offers the opportunity to see
cultural transactions between civilizations that today we perceive as culturally and ideologi-
cally distant: Christianity and the classical world on one hand and Islam on the other.

K A C Creswell, Early Muslim Architecture, Vol. 1 (New York: Hacker Art Books, 1979),

*Hamed Khosravi, “Camp of Faith, On the Islamic Political Theology and Urban From” in
Pier Vittorio Aureli (ed.), The City as a Project (Berlin: Ruby Press, 2013), 70-100.

*Hamed Khosravi, “Inhabitable Walls: The Genealogy of Islamic Space” in Pier Vittorio
Aureli, Maria Shéhérazade Giudici (eds.), Rituals and Walls: The Architecture of Sacred Space
(London: AA Publications, 2016).

Kazim al-Janabi, An Outline of the Planning of the city of Kufa (Baghdad: Dar al-Jumhu-
riyah, 1967), 3-25.

Session 9

From State to Capital

Urban Development in 16th Century Rome, 17th Century Paris and 18th Century London
This session looks at the development of archetypical urban forms such the Palazzo, the Royal
Square, and the Terraced House going from Rome to Paris to London.

Suggested Readings:

Manfredo Tafuri, “Jugum Meum Soave Est: Architecture and Myth in the Era of Leon X”
in Interpreting the Renaissance: Princes, Cities, Architecture (London, New York: Yale Univer-
sity Press: London, 2006), 99-156.

*Hilary Ballon, The Paris of Henry IV (Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 1991), 57-113.

*Maria Shéhérazade Giudici, “Specific Spaces: Government and the Emergence of archi-
tecture d’accompagnement, 1584-1765” in Pier Vittorio Aureli (ed.), The City as a Project
(Berlin: Ruby Press, 2013), 140-169.

*John Summerson, Georgian London (Yale University Press: London, New York, 2003),

Rachel Stewart, The Town House in Georgian London (London: Paul Mellon Centre, 2009).

Karl Marx, “Section 1. The Two Factors of a Commodity: Use-Value and Value” in Idem,
Capital (London: Penguin, 1992), 125-130.

Session 10

Territory and Enclosure

Primitive Accumulation from the ‘English Enclosures’ to the Jeffersonian Grid

This session will look at what Marx towards the end of the first volume of Capital called
‘Primitive Accumulation’, that is to say the process through which possessors accumulated
the wealth that formed the backbone of their capital. Classical political economy represented
such a process as virtuous laboring activity of one part of society, while Marx emphasized
how primitive accumulation was essentially a theft effected through the enclosure of land
and the violent appropriation of resources that deprived large parts of the population of their
livelihood. We well trace the history of primitive accumulation from the English Enclosures
to the American Grid.

Suggested Readings:

*Karl Marx “Part Eight: The so-called Primitive Accumulation”. In Karl Marx, Capital Vo-
lume 1, (London: Penguin, 1992), 619-670.

Michael Perelman, The Invention of Capitalism: Classical Political Economy and the Secret
History of Primitive Accumulation (Durham: Duke University Press, 2000).
*Gary Fields, “Land into Property: Enclosure, Land Improvement and Making Property on
the English Landscape” in Enclosure: Palestinian Landscapes in a Historical Mirror (Los Ange-
les: University of California Press, 2017), 23-91.

William David Pattison, Beginning of the American Rectangular Land Survey System, 1784-
1800 (Chicago: The University of Chicago 1967).

*Michaela Friedberg, “The (False) Dissolution of Territory” in Arch+ ‘The Property Issue’,
2018: 200-207.

Session 11

Production and Reproduction

Housing and the Rise of Industrial Labor in Europe and England

Rather than being two opposing domains, housing and industrial labor were born simulta-
neously as elements of the same system: the industrial capitalist city. If the factory was the
place of waged production, the house was the place of unwaged reproduction.
This session will focus on the dialectical relationship between industrial labor, housing and
the city in the contest of Europe and US.

Suggested Readings:

*Michael McKeon, A Secret History of Domesticity (Baltimore: John Hopkins University

Press, 2006), 3-48.

*George Teyssot, “The Disease of Domicile” in Assemblage no.6 (June 1988): 73-97.

Gwendolyn Wright, Building the Dream: A Social History of Housing in America (Cambridge
MA: The MIT Press, 1983).

Lindy Biggs, The Rational Factory: Architecture, Technology and Work in America’s Age of Mass
Production (Baltimore and London: The John Hopkins University Press, 1996), 10-39.

Session 12

Society as a Factory

Struggles in the Post-Fordist City, from Squatting to Gentrification

This session will look as the urban transformations of the last fifty years in light of class strug-
gles that marked the passage from the industrial metropolis to the ‘Post-fordist’ City.
Suggested Readings:

Mario Tronti, “La Società e la Fabbrica” in Operai e Capitale (Turin: Einaudi 1966), 45-67.

*Alberto Battagia, Achille Marotta, “Mass Worker and Social Worker: Reflections on the
New Class Composition” in

*Archizoom Associates, “No-stop city. Residential Parkings, Climatics Universal System” in

Domus 496, March 1971: 49-55.

*Alexander Vasuvedan, The Autonomous City: A History of Urban Squatting (London: Verso
2017), 150-183.

*David Harvey, “The Art of Rent: Globalization, Monopoly and The Commodification of
Culture” in Socialist register Vol. 38, 2002: 93-110.

Nik Theodore, Jamie Peck, Neil Brenner, “Neoliberal Urbanism: Cities and the Rule of
Markets”, in Gary Bridge, Sophie Watson (eds.), The New Blackwell Companion to the City
(Blackwell: London, 2012), 15-25.
Architecture, Master semester, Epfl
sept.-dec.2018, 5-7 pm, AAC 231

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