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02-Basic Soil Physical Properties-PSD and Soil Texture

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Basic soil physical

What is PSD?

 Particle-size distribution (sebaran ukuran partikel), yaitu proporsi

partikel berukuran fraksi liat, debu dan pasir
 Masing-masing fraksi ini memiliki ukuran yang disepakati
 Perimbangan (proporsi) fraksi-fraksi ini berbeda pada setiap tanah,
tergantung dari batuan induk pembentuknya, dan berbeda antara
lapisan permukaan dan lapisan di bawahnya
 PSD merupakan sifat dasar yang banyak memengaruhi sifat-sifat
tanah lainnya
 PSD merupakan sifat yang bersifat permanen, tidak berubah oleh
manajemen, kecuali tercuci atau tererosi
What is PSD?
It is a measure of how much a soil contains the various sizes of
particles, i.e. sand (coarse, medium, fine & very fine sands), silt (of
different sizes) and clay particles. → See particle size classification.

Soil separate particle diameter (mm)

Sand . . . . . . . . . 2.0 - 0.05
Silt . . . . . . . . . . 0.05 - 0.002
Clay . . . . . . . . . . <0.002

▪ Padatan tanah: SAND

▪ Partikel-partikel tanah
▪ Bahan organik SILT CLAY
▪ Pori tanah (ruang di antara
partikel-partikel padatan)
Comparison between sand, silt, and clay
Ukuran partikel-partikel yang bisa kita temukan di
dalam tanah (klasifikasi internasional)

Tanah Fraksi kasar muka

Berbagai sistem klasifikasi ukuran pertikel
tanah di dunia
Characteristics of sand

 Gritty feel
 Can be seen with the naked eye
 Hand sampling:
 No residue left on hand
Characteristics of silt

 Dry: Powdery smooth feel, flour-like

 Wet: Creamy slick, slippery feel
 No sticky or plastic feel
 Can be seen with a hand lens or microscope
 Hand sampling:
 Coats hand, able to brush off
Characteristics of clay

 Dry: Hard feel

 Wet: Sticky, plastic feel
 Can be seen with an electron microscope
 Hand Sampling:
 Sticks to fingers
Fine Textured Soil

 Large amounts of silt and clay, making it "muddy"

when wet
 Pore spaces are small, but numerous and hold more
 As clay soils begin to dry, they may still hold large
quantities of water, but adhesive and cohesive
properties of water make it unavailable for root
Fine Textured Soil
Clay particles under electrone microscope
Coarse Textured Soil

Large pore spaces, allows water to

easily run through it beyond the reach of
surface area for the particle
volume, reducing fertility
Coarse Textured Soil

Sand does not

form a ball
Shapes of sand particles (taken from Brady, 1990)
Loamy Soil

 A mix of sand, silt, and

clay that optimizes
agricultural productivity
Importance General Influence of Soil Separates on
of PSD Properties and Behaviors of Soils
Property/Behavior Sand Silt Clay

Water holding Low Med-high high

Aeration Good Med Poor

OM decomposition Fast Med Slow

Water erosion potential Low High Low

Compact-ability Low Med High

Sealing (ponds) Poor Poor Good

Nutrient supplying Poor Med-high High

Pollutant leaching High Med Low

PSD menentukan luas permukaan tanah
per satuan berat atau volume tanah

 Luas permukaan
terbalik dengan
ukuran partikel
Soil particle size range: its influence on
the number of particles per gram of soil
and surface area in 1 gram of soil
Pentingnya luas permukaan partikel tanah

Luas permukaan
Daya adsorbsi
Pengembangan & pengerutan

Sifat-sifat ini banyak

menentukan sifat- Kolloid Liat Debu Pasir
sifat tanah lainnya liat
Particle Size and Surface Area

 As particle size decreases, surface area increases

 Clay has about 10,000 times as much surface area as sand
 Surface area has a big effect on:
 Water holding capacity
 Chemical reactions
 Soil cohesion
 Ability to support microorganisms
PSD menentukan ketersediaan air
bagi tanaman

 Pertumbuhan akar mengikuti

ketersediaan air dan udara (O2)
 Tanah dengan tekstur loam memiliki
ketersediaan air dan udara lebih besar
dari pada tanah dengan tekstur pasir
Soil Particles

 Soils vary in the size of the particles

they contain, the amount of
space between these particles,
and how rapidly water flows
through them.
Basic soil physical
What is soil texture?
 Texture is the relative proportions of particles of various sizes, the
three particle-size fractions, i.e. sand, silt and clay in the soil.
 Soil texture is a summation of proportions of sand, silt and clay
 Soil texture is a very stable characteristic that influences soil
biophysical properties.
 Soil texture is interrelated with the soil fertility and soil quality in the
long term. The soil texture is associated with soil porosity, which in
turn regulates the water holding capacity, gaseous diffusion and water
movement that determines the soil health.
 Texture influences the ease with which soil can be worked.
Ukuran partikel memengaruhi kecepatan
pergerakan air dan kapilaritas tanah

Sifat ini penting dalam

pengaturan air untuk
Perbedaan tekstur menyebabkan perbedaan
ketersediaan air bagi tanaman

qv (m3 m-3)
qv (m m)

Air tersedia
untuk tanaman
Soil texture is a key basic physical
soil properties
 However, soil texture is a permanent property, not
 Hence, for example to improve water holding capacity
of sandy soils, organic matter must be increased through
appropriate soil and land management
 Sand and silt are dominantly quartz (SiO2) and other
primary minerals resistant to weathering. Therefore,
sandy silty soils are infertile, have relatively low chemical
activity, their nutrient-supplying ability is insignificant.
Sand + Silt + Clay
20 % Sand = 100%
30 % Silt
50 % Clay Texture = Clay

Menentukan tekstur tanah (Lab.)

Segitiga Tekstur Jawablah:

Tentukan tekstur tanah anda bila:

 Kandungan liat = 35%

 Kandungan debu = 40%
 Kandungan pasir = 25 %
Tekstur sangat penting!
Bisakah ditentukan di lapangan? BISA!

Clay loam Clay

Loam soil
forms a ribbon forms a long
forms a good that breaks
cast when moist fexible ribbon
somewhat easily
Texture by
Metode estimasi tekstur berdasarkan suspensi tanah
dalam botol
Laboratory methods
Prosedur pengukuran partikel tanah meliputi beberapa tahapan
 Sampling tanah secara tepat di lapangan, mewakili areal dan
kedalaman tanah yang ingin diketahui PSD-nya
 Pengeringan tanah (kering udara) [analisis kadar air dapat
dilakukan kemudian]
 Pengayakan tanah untuk mendapatkan material <2 mm (fine
earth = tanah)
 Aplikasi dispersan (misalnya Calgon) untuk memudahkan
proses dispersi
 Proses dispersi (bisa melalui pengocokan atau melalui
getaran/vibrasi ultrasonik)
 Pengayakan fraksi pasir
 Sedimentasi partikel liat dan debu di dalam silinder ukur
 Sampling sedimen setelah waktu t (berdasarkan Hukum Stoke)
menggunakan pipet (Pipette technique) atau menggunakan
Further readings

 Brady, N.C. (1990). The Nature and Properties of Soils. 10th ed.
Macmillan Pub. Co., New York.
 Hillel, D. (1980). Introduction to Soil Physics. Academic Press, New
 Loveland, P.J. (1991). Particle size analysis. In: Smith, K.A. and Mullins,
C.E. Soil Analysis: Physical Methods. Marcel Dekker, New York, pp
 Weil, R.R. and Brady, N.C. (2017). The Nature and Properties of Soils.
15th ed. Pearson, Harlow
 https://www.agric.wa.gov.au/soil-constraints/soil-texture-estimating-hand
Discussion & Q-A

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